Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1919, Image 3

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TIlEniL"' 1 0,7-1 A II A THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1919.
Charge Soldiers of
pour Nations With'
Theft of Supplies
Paris, March 5. The police of
Paris have arrested two sergeant
of the American army, three Armen
ians, two Belgians and three French
men in connection with the theft of
American army stores. They are ac
cused of stealing the gtiods and sell
ing them to the Armenians, who sold
them to the Belgians, who in turn,
employed the Frenchmen to retail
them. 1
The stores alleged to have been
stolen comprised a large stock of
tobacco and cigarets and 6.000
pounds of chocolate'and 50 cases of
"Flu" at North Platte '
North Platte, Neb. March 5.
(Special Telegram.) After an inter
val of sfveral weeks a dozen houses
are now
under quarantine for the
Are Veu A
Tobacco Goal?
If So, Write Dr.Elders For His New
DiscoveryThat Quickly Banishes
"OIIMaii Tobacco" Forever.
Dr. Eldors' Tob
ff acco Boon Bants ties
Mff'&Zr7 mi formsotfloliaceo
TT;-.Zwl2S wnlilt in i to 120
hours. A positive,
quick and ppxman-
nt relli'f. Easy o
I tiike. No cravtng
for Tobacvo after
' the ilrt dose. I
Buarantpn satisfact
ion ltt every case.
Hend no money.
Just your name and
address for free
Vtirnof and full In-
information, to it.
H. Will Elders, Mall Order Kept
Ht. jost'pn, Allh
Doat be a Tobacco Goat any longer.
Careless Use of Soap
Spoils the Hair
Soap -should be vued very care
fully, if you want to keep your hair
looking its beht. Most soaps and .pre
pared '.nJiampoos contain too much
alkali. This dries the scalp, makes
the hair brittle, and ruins it.
The best thin? for steady use is
just ordinary mulsified cocoanut oil
(which is pure and grea&lcss, and
is better than the most expensive
soap or anything else you can use.
One or two teaspoonfuls will
cleanse the hair and scalp thorough
ly. Simply moisten the hair with
water and rub it in. It makes all
abundance of rich, creamy lather;
which rinses out easily, removing
every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff
and excessive oil. The hair dries
quickly and evenly, and it leaves the
scalp soft, and the hair fine and
silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and
easy to manage. v
You can get mulsified cocoanut
oil at any pharmacy, it's very cheap,
and a few ounces wiU supply every
member of the family for months.
Don't suffer! Instant relief
follows a rubbing: with old
"St. Jacobs Liniment"
Stop "dosing" rheumatism.
It's pain only; not one case in
fifty requires internal treatment.
Rub soothing, penetrating "St. Ja
cobs Liniment'' right on the "tender
spot," and By ie time you say Jack
Robinson out comes the rheumatic
pain Ind distress "St. Jacobs Lin
iment" conquers pain! It is a harm
less rheumatism liniment which
never disappoints and doesn't burn
the skin. It takes pain, soreness
and stiffness from aching joints,
muscles and bones; stops sciatica,
lumbag, backache, neuralgia and
reduces swelling.
Limber up! Get a small trial bot
tle of old-time, honest "St. Jacobs
Liniment? from any drug store, and
in a moment you'll be free from
pains, aches and stiffness. Don't
suffer! Rub rheumatism away.
Adv. , .
Says we will both took and feel
clean, sweet and fresh
and avoid Illness.
sanitary science has of late made
rapid strides with results that are
of untold blessing to humanity. The
latest application of its untiring re
search is the recommendation that it
is as necessary tp attend to internal
sanitation of the drainage system of
the human body as it is to the drains
of the house. '
Those of us who are accustomed
to feel dull and heavy when we
arise, splitting headache stuffy
from a cold, foul tongue, nasty
breath, acid stomach, can, instead,
feel as fresh as- a daisy by opening
the sluices of the system each morn
ing and flushing out the whole of
the internal poisonous stagnant mat
ter. " v
Everyone, wliether ailing, sick or
well, should, each morning before
breakfast, drink a glass of real hot
water with a teaspoonful of lime
stone phsonhate in it to wash from
the stomarh, liver and bowels the
previous day's indigestible waste,
sour bile and poisonous toxins; thus
cleansinc. sweetenine and DUrifv-
ing the entire- alimentary canal be-'
fore putting more food into the.
The milion3 of people who are j
bothered with constipation, bilious
spells, stomach trouble, rheumatit
!Mffnr; o'htrs -who have sallow
shins, blood disorders and sickly com
plexions are firged to get a quarter
nound of limestone phosphate from
the drug store.x This will cost very
little, but is suffis-ent to make any
one a pronounced crank on th sub
ject of internal sanitation. Adv. 1
Governor Sayi Activities of
State Agents Within Law;
Attorney Says Raid Re
sult of Factional Fight.
By a Sflaff Correspondent.
Lincoln, March 5.r-After, listening
to a presentation of the case of the
lommerci;j club of Millard in its
protest aiAinst raids made in that
town by jfctate prohibition enforce
ment ofTiers Thursday and Friday
of last ieek. Governor McKelvie
this aftnoon told J. R. Lones, at
torney or the club, that he would
not o-jer a legislative investigation.
vv vh newspaper men present, and
with State Agent Hyers and Attor
ney Ajeneral Davis assisting, the
go pnor asked numerous questions
rei ifrding conditions at Millard. He
at I looked over the papers present
er land nis attitude was that what
r.vfr action the officers took was
within the law.
A denial was made by Attorney
General Davis that men were ar
rested at Millard without warrants or
that homes had ben invaded with
out proper process, and State Agent
riyers indicated that sentiment on
the part of many members of the
Commercial club, as well as citizens
of the town, was in favor of the
agents who were enforcing the law.
Right to Shoot
Lones was questioned in regard
to a speech that he had made at
the Commercral clb last Monday
night, in which he had stated'that
when a man's home had been. invad
ed by officers without proper war
rant he would have a right to resist
even to the death.
vvnue, under certain circum
stances your advice, technically
might be correct. I ask vou as a
member of the bar, if it was right, if
it was not in the nature of agita
tion?" asked the attorney ceneral.
Lones explained that he had sim
ply given a legal opinion in answer
to a question .and that it was not his
purose to arouse any agitation.
"This matter has been tried too
freely iryhe press already" said the
governor, "with its pictures of the
'minute men' in the Sunday supple
ments. I believe that the people of
Millard will be satisfied with the trial
in the courts and that it will be
without prejudice."
1 Result of Factional Fight.
Lones was asked if Millard was
not a wet town previous to the state
coine drv and if linuors had not
been served in the Commercial 'club
rooms. He replied that he was not
aware of conditions there then as he
was not a resident of the state.
He indicated that the raid was in
spired by certain persons in Millard
and was the result of a fight be
tween one faction of the people and
some of, the local dairy interests.
During the conference Attorney
Lones asked Governor McKelvie if
the latter had stated that three of
the men who had been arrested were
bootleggers, and the governor re
plied that he remembered he had
made some such' statement to news
paper men as he had been so in
formed. .
"You should not have made that
statement, governor," said Lpnes;
"you have beeti misinformed. You
should make a retraction."
"Do you know if the men have not
been convicted?" asked the govern
or. Lones gave no direct reply and
the governor did not make a re
traction. Hensley to Have Hearing
Before Board of t Control
Lincoln, March 5; (Special.) A
hearing will be held before the State
Board of Control Thursday after
noon upon the case of Commandant
Hensley of the Milford soldiers'
home. A recent senate investigat
ing committee refcpmmended the dis
charge of Hensley because of old
age. The board will hear from the
committee and frotfiv Commandant
Hensley's friends..
North Platte Women Vote
North Platte, .Neb.) March 6.
(Special Telegram.) The . women
of this city will have an opportunity
to vote a? the city election April 8.
With a
All Its
When you say
to the dealer,
he knows
that you
know the
better kind- of
cigar. -
Mild Havana Cigar
Why not smoka
today ? You'll
order again.
j For the Present
and Until Fur
ther . Notice
10c, ISc
2 for 25c
20c ,
KcCord-Braily C.
2w2P 6 Bell-ans
'E-$FtsL Hot water .
- tZZY ti:lj Sure Relief
raSTI I'm A M C
Metropolitan Water
Board Bill Approved
With One Amendment
By Staff Correspondent.
Lincoln, Neb., March 5. Of a
dozen or more amendments offered
to the R. B. Howell Metropolitan
Water board bill in the senate Wed
nesttay afternoon, only one succeed
ed in mustering sufficient support to
With this one exception the How
ell bill was approved in the senate
committee of the whole and advanc
ed to third reading.
The amendment accepted provides
that the appointment of appraisors
in condemnation proceedings shall
not be made by the boards Sears
succeeded in having this amendment
tacked on.
The bill gives the board the right
to fill any vacancy which may occur
for an unexpired term instead of
only until the next election, removes
the salary restriction limit of $5,000
for the manager, and forbids de
crease of the terms of office of any
appointee. It also authorizes the
board to secure insurance for em
ployes, requires the city to pay the
costs of relocation of fire hydrants
and provides for tax for fire protec
tion for precincts outside the cor
porate limits of the city.
Foster and Jenison Have
Verbal Duel in House
Lincoln. Neb.. March 5. Facing
each other with almost tlfc widtn
of the house "chamber separating
them. Dr. Harry Foster of Omaha,
and Dr. Jenison of Uay county
passed some rather unpretty re
marks at each other during a meet
ing of the committee of the whole
House Roll 107, the law licensing
chiropractic, was up for considera
tion, and when roster remarked tnat
the medical societies' committee had
recommended the bill for passage,
Jem'son retorted lhat it was a mis
statement of fact, that the committee
had reported the measure out with
out recommendation.
Shaking his finger at Jenison, who
was some distance away, Foster ex
claimed: "No man can call me a liar,
here or elsewhere!"
Friends calmed the irate Douglas
county member and both of the men
were a safe distance apart so there
was no personal collision or blood
Former Jefferson County
Man in California
Beatrice. Neb.. March S.-(Spe-
cial.) Announcement was received
yesterday of the death of John Jan
sen, son of Peter Jansen, in St.
Luke's hospital at Sarf Francisco,
Cal. His father was with him when
he died. Death was due to diabetes.
He was 40 vears of age. He remov-
to Winnipeg, Canada, where he was
engaged in the grain business for
years. He is survived by his widow,
father and four sisters. '
Daniel Dell, a civil war veteran
of this city, died at the soldiers'
home at Leavenworth, Kan., ihurs
day. "
Mrs. I. N. Hickman, a pioneer of
Beatrice, died suddenly Wednesday
morning at her home of heart dis
ease, aged 76 years. She is sur
vived by two sons, Walter and
Charles Hickman.
Bills Passed
1 (House.i
H. E. No. Ill Raiss ealory of supreme
court bailiff from S1.200 to $1,600.
H. R. No. 191 increases interest rates
on Omaha school warrant a from & to, 7
per cent.
H. K. NO. zo KHisee maximum roaa
overseers pay from $3 to $4 per day.
H. R. No. 26 Raises salaries or county
school superintendents in some cases Si
per cent.
a. K. No. 261 Authorizes state auuuor
to examine books of county officials. '
H. R. No. 317 Puts city election of
ficials on 30 cents per hour basis.
H. R. Nor 318 In counties without
bonded Indebtedness county board may
levy tax of Hi mills for building county
Jail, without vote of the people.
H. R. No. 131. by Larsen Empowers
employe or employer in strikes Jr lockouts
to initiate proceedings by- the state board
of mediation for settlement.
H. R. No. 25. by Thompson Repeals law
requiring certain official publications to
be printed In foreign language newspapers.
H. R. No. 150, by Pureed Where no
supreme lodge exists for benevolent and
protective societies, the filing of the con
stitution of such organization with Hhe
secretary of state' shall fill all require
ments. Forms legal, status for fraternal
organizations. .
H. R. No. 105, by McLellan Admits
veterans of world war to soldiers' and
sailors' homes; 24 to 0.
H. R.' No. 114, by Baker Requires ped
dlers to paint license number on wagons;
24 to 0.
H. R. No. 145, by Douglas County Dele
gatlcn Increases salary of chief deputy
clerk of Douglas county district court
from 12,500 to $3,000 per "year; 22 to 5.
- H. R. No. 162. by Williams Heavily in
creases penalty for Indecent eyposure ' of
person; 24 to 0. "
H. R. No. 291, by Berka Prohibit the
display of red or black flag except tor
signal purposes by weather bureau of rail
roads. Makes possession of same prima
facia evidence of Intent to violate law end
fixes maximum penalty at five yiurs
in -prison or a fine of $1,000; 25 to 0.
S. F. No. 154, by Chappell Requires up.,
plfcants for marriage Ucenses to make
sffldavlt as to qualification to contract
marriage and makes person making false
statements guilty of perjury; 26 to 0.
S, F. No. 156, by Saunders Non-resident
aliens or corporation holding ti'.ie
to real estate may take title thereto and
ram to be dolf within 10 years af'er
title Is acquired . and In default shall
escheat to the state. Exempts real estaie
necessary for public utilities and propetty
in the corporate limits of a city; 29 to 2.
S. F. No. 204, by Saunders Increases
salary of deputy county controller in
Douglas county to $200 per month and
fixes salary of his deputies at $136; 24
to 2. ,
S. F. No. 11B, by Peterson and Wariicr
Makes all bills of lading uniform; H
to 0.
S. F. No. 20, by Good Requires rail
roads to furnish shippers of live stock with
return transportation. Requires train, to
stop at watering or feeding stations so
that caboose -4s at the station platform;
24 to 0.
H. R. No. 210, by Jenison Establishes
county boards of health composed of
sheriff, county superintendent and a
physician: 28 to 0.
8. F. No. 81, by Chappell Provides that
towns under township organization may
retain one-half of all of the money col
lected for road purposes for use on roads
within corporate limits of the town.
(Advanced to Third Reading.)
S. F. No. 44, by Cordeal Provides for
the nomination of associate judges of the
supreme court by . congressional dts
trlcts. A chief justice to be elected In
1920, an associate justice in the First
Third and Fifth districts In 1922, an ea
soclate Justice from the Second, Fourth
and Sixth districts in 1924.
8. F. No. 200 by Judiciary Committee
Abolishes the I. W. W. and similar or
ganizatlons. from the state. Defines
crime -of advocating physical violence,
arson, destruction of property or sabot
age. Makes it unlawful for any landlord
to rent buildings to such organizations.
(Indefinitely Postponed.)
N S. F. No. 20, by Reed Prohibits ralK
way commission from issuing any onlor
which will prevent competition among
public service corporations.
Don't Change Vour Husband. Adv.
Applies to' Nomination of
Supreme Courf Judges; Will ,
Not Affect Present
Members of Bench.
Ffom a Staff Correspondent
Lincoln, March - S. Senator Cor
deal's plan of nominating judges of
the supreme court by congressional
districts was approved by ,the sen
ate in committee of the whole Wed
nesday morning and advanced to
third reading,
Hie bill is designed to give each
part of the' state representation on
the supreme court ''bench. The
theory of the senator is that a j'udge
from the eastern part of the state is
not competent to sit in cases involv
ine; irrigation nuestions. Likewise
a judge from the western part of
the state could not intelligently sit
in a case involving, a question of in
terest only in, the metropolitan city.
The bill, if passed, will in no
way Iffect the members of the
present supreme court. It provides
that a chief justice shall be nomi
nated and elected by the state at
large in 1920. Two associate jus
tices shall be nominatedvfroifi each
congressional district, one of whom
shall be elected by the state at large,
No Opposition.
An associate justice shall be elect
ed in such a manner from the First
Third and Fifth congressional, dis
tricts in 1922 and in the second,
Fourth and Sixth congressional dis
tricts in 1924.
Senator Cordeal was the only
senator who spoke on the bill. There
was no opposition.
The Berka red flag bill passed in
the senate on third reading by a
vote of -25 tr 0. The bill has had
exceptional smooth sailing in the
senate, the senators believing 'that
the bill is one designed to check
bolshevism in the state. '
Bills of Interest to Omaha .
Recommended for Passage
From a Staff Correspondent.
Lincoln, March S. (Special.)
Among tfie bills of interest to Oma
ha recommended for passage by the
standing committees of the house
Wednesday were the following:
i H. R. No. 303, by Druesedow Requires
all electric light and power companies to
file copies of all rate schedules and con
tracts. Also reouirea all service of given
class to be urtiform.
H. R. No. 418 Empowers the city com
mission of Omaha to limit the height and
bulk of buildings and establish zones in
which certain types of industries or builif
lngs are prohibited. V
H. R. Noj 337 Requires the public to
pay full public benefit for any street Im
provement, the owners of abutting prop
erty to pay only for the excess. At pres
ent the owners pay for the full benefit ef
their property, the public paying the ex-
Two Douglas County Bills
Killed by Committee Report
Lincoln, March 5. (Special.)
Two Douglas county bills were kill
ed upon the report of the commit
tees in the senate today.
One H. R. 56, by Allan, provided
civil service for the city employes
of Omaha. The other. H. R. 208, by
Allan, forbid the discharge of jani
tors, whoHad been in the city's ser
vice for more than a year, without
a public, hearing. 1 ,
Wjfmore Soldier Dies of
Pneumonia While in France
Beatrice, Neb., March 5. (Spe
cial.) Charles Fink of WymorH
died m France, February i of pneu
monia, occording' to word received
by relatives at Wymore yesterday.
War Mothers Entertain
North Platte, Neb., March .5.
(Special Telegram.) Returning sol-
at a supper andentertainment given
at a supper and entertainment given
by the War Mothers society March
Legislative Notes
From a Staff Correspondent.
Lincoln, Neb.,' March 5. The annual
banquet of the Legislative league will taite
place at the Lincoln auditorium, March 30.
Governor McKelvie will preside.
William Kiuffman of Brownllle, Neb.,
former representative, promrnent demo
crat and one of the pioneers of the state,
Is dangerously All at St Agnes hospital
In this city. Chairman Ellis E. Good of
the finance, ways and means committee.
and who represents Nerrmha countyMn the
house, is quite ick : at qis home here. He
Is a prominent banker of Peru. Repre
sentative Henry Behrena of Cuming
county, who has been sick for several
weeks, has returned to his legislative
Cold Cause Headaches and Pains
Feverish Headaches and body pains caused from a
cold are soon -relieTeed by taking . LAXATIVE
B110M0 QUININE Tablets. There'a only one
"Bromo Quinine." E. W. GROVE'8 signature on
the hoi. S0c. Adr.
Look years younger! Us Grand
mother recipe of Sage Tea and
Sulphur and nobody will know
The' use of Sage and-Sulphur for
restoring faded, gray hair to its nat
ural color dates back to grandmoth
er's time. - She used it to keep her
hair beautifully dark glossy and at
tractive. -Whenever her hair took
on that dull faded or streaked ap
pearance, . this simple mixture was
apnlied with wonderful effect,
But brewing at home is mussy
and out-f-date. Nowa'days, by ask
ing1 at any drug store for a bottle of
"Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com
pound." "you wiU get this famous
old preparation,, improveby the ad
dition of other ingredients, which
can be depended upon to restore
natural color and beauty to the hair.
A well-known downtown druggist
says it darkens the hair so naturally
and evenly that nobody can tell it
has been applied. You simply damp
en a' sponge or soft brush with it
and draw this through your hair,
taking one strand at a time. By
morning the gray hair disappears,
and after another anplieation or
two, it become! beautifully dark and
glossy. Adv,
Union Pacific Right
of Way Bill Sent Back
to judiciary.Committee
By a Staff Correspondent.
Lincoln, March 5. (Special.)
The senate wrangled an hour Wed
nesday over H. K. No. 35, known
as the Union Pacific right-of-way
bill, before the upper branch finally
decided to send it back to the judi
ciary committee.
Those who sponsored sending the
bill to the judiciary committee said
it was not with the intention of
killing it, but merely to place the
Bill in better form.
The measure provides that "all
railroads shall have a uniform
right-of-way the entire length across
a county, fit affects only the Union
Pacific. 9
Queen of Roumania
- and. Two Daughters
Seek Haven in Paris
Paris, March S. Queen Marie of
Roumania, accompanied by her
daughters, the Princesses Eliza
beth, Marie and lleana, arrived in
Paris this morning. They received a
warm welcome. ,
A dispatch from Geneva February
21 said the queen of Roumania and
her daughter, Princess Elizabeth,
had fled from Bucharest for
England, i fearing a revolution in
Conferees Named.
Lincoln, March 5. (Special.)
H. R. No. 178, which permits the
tounty attorneys of Lancaster and
JJouglas counties to employ detec
tives, as amended in' the senate,
failed to meet the approval of the
house and a conference committee
has beeij named.
i 1 .
American 1
Casualty List
The following Nebraska man is
named in the casualty list of. the
marine corps sent out by the gov
ernment fqr Wednesday afternoon.
H T 1 t .
Clesant W. Ferguson, Napanei,
Neb. , v
The following Iowa and South Dakota
men are named In the casualty list sent
out by the government for VVednesda
morning, March 5:
William D. Brown,. I.acreek, 8. D.
Addison R. Ilebb, Plsgah, la.
Don't Change Your Husband. Adv.
Here's a chance to rid yourself of
this excruciating pahi.
Fermenting food-waste in ' the
stomach and bowels causes most
headaches. Empty the digestive sys
tem and the cause is gone.
Your druggist has a product
called SALINOS, which will com
pletely empty the stomach and
bowels, including the lower bowel,
where the trouble usually starts. It
is a wonderfully pleasant acting
and pleasant tasting product and is
fully.ffective in cold water.
Qet a bottle. It is a fine thing to
take every few days, makes yed feel
much better, guards against serious
sickness, too. Be safe, get it. Take
it first thing tomorrow morning.
Remarkabla Home Curs) Given by One Who
Had It He Waste Every Sufferer
I to Benefit.
Send No Money Juet Your Address. ,
Years of uwful Buffering and misery bave
taught this man, Mark H. Jackson, ff
Syracuse, New York, hon terrible an enemy
to human happiness rheumatism is, and
iave given him sympathy with all unfor
tunates " who are within its grasp. He
wants every rheumatic victim to know
how he was cured. Read what he says:
"I Had Sharp Pains Like Lightning Flashes
. Shooting Through My Joints."
In the spring of 1393 I was attacked by
Muscular and Inflammatory Rheumatism.
I suffered as only those who have it know,
for over three years. I tried remedy after
remedy, and doctor after doctor, but such
relief as I received wh only temporary.
Finally, I foun a remedy that cured me
completely, and it has never returned. I
have ftiven it to a number who were terri
bly (Tlicted and even bedridden with
Rheumatism, and it effected a cure in every
I w.ant every sufferer from any form of
rheumatic trouble to try . this marvelous
healing power. Don't sent a cent: simply
fill out. the coupon below and I will send it
free toS try. After you have used it and
it has proveit itself to be that long-looked
for means of curing your Rheumatism, you
mny send the price of it, one dollar, but
understand, I do not want your money nn-
less you are perfectly saiisned to send it.
Isn't that fair? Why sufTer any longer
when positive relief is thus offered you
free? 1 Don't delay. Write today. Mr.
JaoksuTi is responsible. Above statement
is .true..
Mark H. Jackson. 568G Burney Bldg.,
Syracuse, N. Y. : v
I acept your offer. Send to.:
! a 1
j:wm stn
Final Clearance of Winter
Values Formerly 22.50
to $35, Thursday
. Li)
Main floor
MTOST extraordinary Rallies that have been
& offered during the season clearance.
Splendid garments.
Fur and plush trimmed, many lined
throughout wide range of colors.
Reindeer, copen, burgundy,' brown,
snruce. trreen. taurje. navy and black. Ma
terials, velours, ' burrella,
broadcloth and plushes. Values ior
merly sold from 22.50 to 35.00, Thurs
day, on the main floor, choice - 10.00
No C. O. D.'s. No
The New 1919 Smocks' Here
j four of the new models illustrated
S.. M VII LI 4 r : 1 1 U I aL'. 3 l-A-H 1 ll llt VV frrm-rrTd m VI II fl 1 ' HSi XjS'
ORE fascinating than ever, the
smocks have become an absolute ne
cessity in your wardrobe the most prac
ticaLand dressiest garment to wear with
a -separate skirt worn by young misses
and women.
Garden Smocks Porch Smocks for Veranda Golf Tennis
, and Outdoor Exercise. Made of the washable Jap-Cfepe -
Cloths, fine Basketweave Ducking and other new wash fabrics. x
- t F
In the bright shades of greert, Belgium blue rose, pink, white, tan, bisque,
brown, gray, salmon, turquoise and others. New necks, new. collars, new fleevesj
belts, pockets, plain and embroidered ri rich colorings. Priced j
' 2.95, 3.95, 4.95 and upwards' to 9.45
N"Pin-on Millinery" Section
-and our. designers ready for your spring hat
We assist in
he selection
o) the shape
, and trim-
rmi'do the
TT N availing yourself of the advantage of our "Pin-on
feel sure of individuality for this service provides'
signers in the selectionif
1 i. - -L- -1 LI. I
nat most uesjirauie ior your personality. ,
The showing this week includes new Tam effects and
Mitzie or Chaplin sailors in dozens of new ideas.
Our designers are in consta'nt contact with the vTorld's style centers and j
to us the latest ideas a few days after which the style is copied here for yc
our "Pin-on Millinery Section."
. Second Floor. 1
l i :. JHl K.C; (; ill m " .fa ' "-.. " I
S T.icoS' HIS
pom-pom, kersey,
approvals. Sale oh Main Floor.
flf HERE is a
style and
Second Floor.
a shape, tlcte correct trimmings
... .
: y 111
In Our Special Section
Stylish Stout;
Separate Ski
all decidedly 'new models cut per
proportions over hips, sides, back ;
specially designed styles to be bee
larger size women, splendidly tailci
best material serges, gabardin
tines, satin; wool and silk poplins
5.95, 7.95, 9.95, 11.50,
and upwards to $35.
nnnirmlMim-itii.nlr WlirrWl II
I ' ' If 11
charm connected with the
'get . up of these dainty
smocks so becoming to every one, so
full of gaiety, life and color, ideal for
semi-dress, just right now in your home
and later for outdoor wear.
The sam
who desi''
our exclu'
sign the'
Models, I
Millinery Section," yc
for the assistance of
and the assembling d
Second Floor