Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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Fully Realize All Difficulties,
But Plan to Organize More
Thoroughly Than in
Previous Campaigns.
Women are to be the optimists
J for the fifth Liberty loan drive. By
combatting criticism of Uncle Sam
P I V - - l . . I U .
mnu me wave 01 uimoi iniuugnuui
the country, women of the nation
will pave the way for the victory
, loan.
"We fully realize the difficulties
; we shall encounter in the next
' drive, but we are going to organize
rnore thoroughly than ever to over
ride these obstacles, said Mrs
George W. Fuller of Kansas City
Xenth federal reserve district chair
man' in Omaha for the Nebraska
" women's committee meeting in the
Fontenelle. .
Bonds for Construction.
, "We are going to make our
slogan "Bonds for Construction, not
Destruction.' We feel that directing
the public's attention to the things
we have to be grateful and thank
ful for will insure the success of the
new bond drive," said Mrs. Fuller,
t A house-to-house canvas and a
thorough combing of rural districts
j will be work emphasized by the
women's committee. All educa-
; tional propaganda and bond-selling
in schools, churches and organiza
tion will be handled by the women.
; ! Major Henry Speaks.
Maj. E. C. Henry, recently re-
' turned from overseas service, spoke
at the conferense dinner last
riigtit in the Fontenelle, in place of
Mrs. Antoinette Funk of Chicago,
vice chairman of the national wo
men's committee, who was unable
to come. Mrs. Fuller and Mrs. A. G.
' i'eterson; of Aurora, state chairman,
also spoke.
More than 100 women, district and
Jcounty chairmen, are in attendance
Jt the conference, which closes
(Thursday afternoon. District chair
nien registered Wednesday morn
ing are Mrs. E. G. Shamp of. Chad
Mrs. R. F. Cottereli of North
JFlatte, Mrs. H. R. Stanley of Hold
r'oge, Mrs. J. H. Corrick of Culbert
Json, Mrs. A. J. Bauman of Grand
Jlsland. Mrs. W. H. Williams of
Ainsworth, Mrs. T. L. Matthews of
iFremont, Miss Julia Fuller of Beat
rice and Mrs. H. M. Bushnell of
"president Orders New Trial
j( for 19 Convicted Soldiers
'-Washington, March 5. In an
nouncing today that President Wil
fcdn had set aside court-martial sen
tences and ordered new trials in the of 19 negro soldiers tried at
Camp Grant. 111., in connection with
tin attack upon a woman, Secretary
iiaker said the judge advocate gen
eral had found undue haste in try
ing the men on the eve of their di
vision's departure for France had
jl'eprived the accused of fundamental
J 'Eight of the men were sentenced
id death, five sentenced to life im
prisonment, one found insane and
jive acquitted.
Fifty. Cases of Smallpox
P " Now Under Quarantine
'The first case of influenza within
"six days was reported Wednesday
;morning to the health office.
' Fifty cases of smallpox are now
under quarantine.
-"There would be no smallpox at
all if people would vjecinate them
selves," said Health Co missioner
PIIM Ound In ( to 14 Dayi
'piKKUU refund money U PAZO OIXTMKNT falle
M can Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Frotrudlnf
pilot. Btope IrriUUon; Soothe end Bui. You
tun et restful 'p ifter toe flrct application.
"tie 60c. AdT.
Don't Change Your Husband. Adv.
Is there any luxury which
quite equals that of hav
I - ing perfectly comfortable
' shoes?
- There is a Han an Shoe
j , which will give you that
! .luxury and we have it.
1 Hanan Shoes
I For Women
Finest Black Kid $12.50
Ri..i Calf Cloth Top $12.50
Brown Kid Cloth Top $14.00
Size 2 to 9. Width AAA to D.
I -
I No no ik HANAN'S for Fit,
Quality, Stylo nd Comfort.
Drexel Shoe Co.
1419 Fernara St.
Ezclutivo Agency I
Ukcls, who open a
the Drandeis tonight, are an aggre
gation of soldier minstrels, one of
the most unique groups of enter
tainers ever seen, and the "pep,"
spirit and dash that was character
istic of the A. E. F. will be present
tnroughout the snappy minstrel
show that will be given. "Every
Star a Service Stat" is right, for
tney are a galaxy of stars that put
their stuff across just like the shells
into Hunland, only the explosions
will be of laughter and mirth, no
heartaches or sighs.
An attractive bill of variety greets
Empress patrons today. A feature
will be the laughing novelty offered
by the Joe Boganny troupe, six
male athletes ot assorted sizes and
weights who have one of the fun
niest comedy acrobatic novelties in
vaudeville. Logan, Oonn and Ha
zel have an offering on the sketch
order. Corp. Joe Nathan is an en
tertainer and has a way of telling
stories about army life that creates
no end of merriment. Coley and
Jaxon have a comedy offering re
plete with entertaining patter.
In grace and charm and ability
the Barr Twins, who appear at the
Orpheum this week, are much like
the Dolly Sisters. They are es
pecially pleasing in such dance num
bers as "The Old-Fashioned Walt"
a.d Ihe Uriental fan Jango.
Another headline attraction is "The
Vocal Verdict, presented in two
scenes, by Maud Earl, a singer of
distinction. Her repertory covers a
wide range, from opera to simple
ballads. Bessie Remple in "A Child
of Childs," a mystery farce by Tom
Harry, is a conspicuous feature of
the bill. The sale of seats for Gus
Edwards' 1919 song revue, which
comes next week, is brisk.
"Mavtimp " the nhfnnnipna1 mn-
sical success, is to be seen at the I
Bovd next Sunday night for the
week. The story is romance at its
most improbable, and there is an
adroit stage fallacy, if you will, in
the ending. The cast includes John
Charles Thomas, John T. Murray
and Carolyn Thomson as the featur
ed artists, and Russell Lannon,
Howard Marsh, Esberg Wheeler,
Ezra Walck, Alfred Hemming, Jen-
ette Methven, Grace Studiford, Isa-
belle Vernon, Tillle Salinger, Clar
ice Snyder, Betty Kirkbride and
Ofelia Calvo (the Gypsy dancer) in
other important roles. Matinees
Wednesday and Saturday.
Much fun is injected into the joy
ous proceedings at the Gayety this
week by Beulah La Von, a chorus
girl with a truly leather-lunged
voice. When she chirps her sub
cellar notes can be heard over the
other 25 or 30 combined voices, and
in the ''pick-out" number, during
which the various choristers have
their individual chance at singing
Oh, So Pretty, the audience is
never satisfied until Miss La Von
has her try at it. It is said that
during the summer months she has
a government position at a rocky
point on the 'Atlantic coast where
she substitutes or a fog-horn while
the said horn takes its vacation.
Ladies' matinee daily at 2:15.
It is 17 years since Mr. Warfield
first appeared in "Th- Auctioneer,"
which he will present at the Bran
deis on Tuesday and Wednesday of
next week. Despite changing tastes
in things theatrical, his performance
in the role of the old peddler, Si
mon Levi, continues to amuse play
goers as much as ever.
Mme. Frances Alda to Sing ,
French and English Songs
Mme. Frances Alda, who will ap
pear in recital at the Auditorium
Friday evening March 7, will sing
as a number in one of her groups
the famous "Un bel di vendremo"
(some day he'll come) from Mme.
Butterfuly. Other groups will in
clude French, Norwegian, Finnish
and English as well as songs of
the more popular vein.
Another feature will be the beau
tiful decorations and. lighting effects
that have been installed for the
automobile show and which will lend
an artistic background and sur
rounding to the occasion.
In an effort to meet the demand
for popular priced seats several hun
dred chairs on the arena floor will
be p
at $1
be placed on sale Friday morning
Delegation from Denmark
Reaches Peace Meeting
Paris, March S. The Danish dele
gation to the peace conference ar
rived here today and issued a state
ment declaring that the delegation
represents all four political parties
in Denmark, opposition as well as
Anderson Courts Trouble.
A. L. Anderson. 921 North Twen
ty-Seventh avenue, was booked at
the police station last night on
charges of drunkenness and carry
ing concealed weapons when he ap
peared and asked in a boisterous
manner for his brother, Linn Ander
son, 105 South Twelfth street, who
had been held for investigation
by federal authorities under the
name of Lyman Andrews. Andewn
protested he meant no harm. He is
in the employ of the Milwaukee
The Modern
Scientific Treatment
. uj. pt. err.
For Constipation
Get a bottle from your
drucgist today and write
for free booklet-"Thirty
Feet of Danger."
Nnjol Laboratories
SO Bradwa?, Htm It
Western Representatives En
ter Good-Natured Protest
Over Cut and Dried
. Methods.
Washington Bureau, Omaha Bee.
Washington, March 5. With a
desire to get majority committee
places settled as expeditiously as
possible, the committee on commit
tees in the republican caucus met
this morning and elected Repre
sentative Mann temporary chair
man, although it had been the in
tention' to elect Rep. J. Hampton
Moore of Pennsylvania chairman of
the committee.
A good-natured protest was
entered by a number of western
representatives to the cut and dried
plan of the Mann followers and as a
result Mann himself consented to
One of the first things the com
mittee did was to decide that the re
publican membership of the ten
leading committees of the house
should be continued as at present
constituted, although Representative
Longworth asked that the ways and
means committee matter be passed
Congressman Mondell of Wyom
ing, who will be a candidate for
floor leader, called Longworth's
hand by saying that he had two
motives in his opposition to present
considerations. First, he wanted to
beat Fordney of Michigan for the
chairmanship, and second he wanted
the chairmanship of the ways and
means committee to carry with it
majority leadership.
Accepting Mondell s version as
representing" the true situation, the
committee on committees at once
decided that seniority should gov
ern as to committee chairmanships
which made Fordney the new chair
man of the ways and means. Han
sen of Iowa will preside over agri
culture, Kennedy of Iowa over
rivers and harbors, while Good of
Iowa will get the important chair
manship of appropriations.
What Nebraska Wants.
The afternoon session of the com
mittee was given over largely to
hearing nominations of representa
tives state delegations for com
mittee places for their colleagues.
Judge Kinkaid nominated Jefferis
for military affairs, which nomina
tion was seconded by Green of
Iowa on political grounds, although
there are only three vacancies on
the military affairs commktee and
a number of the older members
want one of the vacancies. Kinkaid
further placed in nomination An
drews for ways and means; Evans
for rivers and harbors; and Mc
Laughlin for agriculture, y
As all the other delegations made
their nominations it easily will be
seen that the committee on com
mittees has no small job in front
of it to prepare a list of commit
tees which it must submit to the
full conference before its final adop
tion. Among other things the commit
tee on committees did was to select
chairmanships for other important
committees. Judge Kinkaid of the
Sixth Nebraska district was given
the chairmanship of the committee
on irrigation of arid lands. Although
he was also the ranking member
on invalid pensions he chose irri
gation, a subject upon which he is
regarded as an authority.
Canvass Situation.
Towner of Iowa was given the
chairmanship on insular affairs,
subject, oi course, to the caucus
While no effort was made today
to select , a majority leader, Mr.
Mann declaring himself wholly out
of consideration, the supporters of
Mondell ot Wyoming, Moore ot
Pennsylvania and Longworth of
Ohio were busy canvassing the sit
uation. Mr. Mondell said that as long as
Mr. Mann had decided not to allow
the use of his name, he was
prompted to make the race because
the west had a right to be consid
ered in this matter and for the
further fact that Massachusetts
and Pennsylvania might in a way be
looked upon as reactionary, es
pecially as to the votes of their rep
resentatives on woman- suffrage,
prohibition, good roads, etc.
Mondell said he was opposed to
dumping everything in the way of
political preferment in the east and
would ask his friends west, east and
north to support his candidacy for
floor leader.
Trial of Alleged Ex-Convict
: for Murder of Nebraskan
Los Angeles, Ca!., March 5.
(Special Telegram.) Charged with
murder, Earl Klyunshire, alleged ex
convict and frequently arrested for
carrying concealed weapons, ac
cording to the poh'ce, went on trial
at a preliminary hearing today for
slaying M. E. Brink, wealthy
Homer, Neb., rancher on the night
of February 9, in a Los Angeles
Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Rustad, who
conducted the hotel, were the states
main witnesses.
According to Deputy District
Attorney j. j. mil ana Leiecnve j.
F. Williams, Brink was shot by the
defendant durinsr an attempted hold
up. Klynushire is alleged to have
entered- armies room ana im
mediately two shots were heard.
Rustad, who was passing the room,
up. Klyunushire is alleged to have
a revolver was lying on the floor.
The ownership of the gun has not
been established. ;
The defendant denies the shoot
ing. He is said to be a former Deer
Lodge, Mont., convict.
Housing Question Discussed.
The status of proposed legisla
tion affecting the Omaha Real Es
tate board, especially the license
question, was reported by George
T. Morton" tnd Paul W. Kuhns at
a realtors' meeting in the Chamber
of Commerce Wednesday noon.
Morton and Kuhns went to Lincoln
Tuesday to investigate. .
The negro housing problem came
up for discussion. Suggestions for
meeting it in a way to benefit all
concerned were made. ,
(Continued from Fs On)
ly to the United Kingdom, France,
Italy, Belgium, Japan or Greece or
their colonies . possessions or pro
tectorates under the special export
license issued rcbruary it.
Officials of the food administra
tion had expected to reach an
agreement before the first of the
month on continuance of minimum
prices for hogs, but after confer
ences with the war trade board and
President Wilson it was announced
no decision would be possible until
the president could consider the
whole matter of export embargoes.
Two statements were issued to
night by the food administration.
One dealt entirely with the effort of
the war trade board's order. This
order said former Governor Stuart
of Virginia, chairman of the na
tional agricultural advisory com
mittee; has sent to "his committee
and to the swine producers commit
tee a statement endorsing and warm
ly commending the earnest, but un
availing efforts of the food adminis
tration to maintain the minimum
price for hogs.
Statement of Food Administration.
The statement regarding the
board's action said in part:
lhe practical effect of this ac
tion of the war trade board is to
destroy the ability of the United
States food administration to fur
ther stabilize the price of live hogs.
It was the desire and has been the
endeavor of the food administration
to continue this stabilization as here
tofore and until March 31, when the
normal marketing period of hogs
farrowed in the spring of 1918 would
have terminated.
"The whole program of stabiliza
tion of prices was the outgrowth of
the imperative necessity for stimu
lated hog production for war needs
at a time when a dangerous short
age of fats threatened the entire
allied world.
"The obligation with respect to
the pigs farrowed in the spring of
lyio began with the marketing ot
September and would have been
terminated March 31. From 85 to
90 per cent of these hogs have been
sold, lhe huropean demand tor
hog products Will increase rather
than diminish. v '
"The supply of live hogs coming
to market in March and April will
be greatly reduced in numbers. The
European markets are opening
rapidly to free trading in hog prod
ucts and the area to be supplied is
being made increasingly accessible.
The enemy countries are to be giv
en opportunity to secure hog prod
ucts and other foods.
"Li is oossible that as a conse
quence of the general situation the j
price of hogs and pork may go high
er than the stabilized prices- which
have been maintained and which tiie I
food administration desired to be
continued to March 31, next."
Russian Jew Fires
Two Shots From Home
of French President
Paris, March 5. A man who later
admitted his name was Kneller and
that he was a Russian Jew, fired two
shots from a revolver from the Pa
lais de 1'Elysee, the residence of
President Toincare today. Kneller
declared that he desired to protest
against allied intervention in
The shooting occurred in the pres
ence of the guards and sentinels.
The bullets tell harmlessly on the
veranda of the court of honor.
Mediator Makes Progress
Toward Ending Harbor Strike
New York, March 5. Traffic tn
New York harbor remained virtually
tied ud at the end of the second day
of the marine workers' strike, but
James L. Hughes, mediator of the
Department of Labor, reported to
night that progress had been made
toward settlement between the rail
road administration and its em
ployes, who man 40 per cent of the
craft here. Private boat owners and
their men apparently were as far as
ever from an agreement.
Telephone Strike Called
in Four western states
?an Kranrirn. March S. A strike
of 9,000 telephone operators and
3,000 linemen in California, wasn
ington, Oregon and Nevada has
been ordered by the executive com
mittee of the International Brother
hood of Electrical Workers in the
fiipnt that Postmaster General Bur
leson does not speedily grant- wage
Hmanrf nf hm. brotherhood, it was
announced here today by T. C. Rob-
bins, representative ot l,. c. urasser,
vice president ot tne organization.
Find Meyers Guilty.
West Point, Neb., March 5.
(Special Telegram.) The jury in
the case of the state against Ben
Meyers, charged with the burglary
of. the Gardels earage at iseemer
and the theft of a large quantity of
tires and automobile supplies re
turned a verdict of guilty this after
noon. Charles Wheeler, charged with
complicity in the same offense, and
who pleaded 'guilty, has not yet
been sentenced.
Omaha Pioneer Dead.
of Omaha for 88 years, died at his
home, 6108 Florence Boulevard,
Wednesday evenlnpr, aged 82 years,
after four weeks' Illness. He la sur
vived by a daughter. Miss C. M. Mor
ison and two sons. Dr. C. C. Moriaon
and R. A. Morison. Funeral ar
rangements have not been made,
Friends are requested not to send
ust the
drink for
nomical folk.
a delicious
cereal Beverage
(Continued from Par Onr)
grams had been addressed to Presi
dent Wilson, who sent them to the
"They came from the traction in
terests," shouted Mayor Hoan.
"Don't get excited," the Portland
executive replied. "I've pulled that
corporation stuff as you are doing
and it goes well with your constitu
ents, but I advocate this section be
cause we ought to have some gov
ernment agency to help us in diffi
culties which cannot be settled lo
cally." Motion to strike out the clause
was defeated 34 to 21.
Wants Extra Session.
The controversy between Gover
nor Cox and Mayor Rolph arose out
of a resolution which the mayor in
troduced early in the day, demand
ing that President Wilson reconvene
congress to pass appropriation
measures, condemning the building
of American shins in Chinese and
Japanese yards while contracts in
this country were being canceled
and favoring the principle of collect
ive bargaining. In reporting the
committee's decision to accept the
resolution Governor Cox said he
will be glad to give reasons if de
Mayor Rolph failed to obtain
postponement of consideration of
the report until a night session and
then promptly demanded that the
governor give the reasons for elimi
nating the mayor's resolution. Gov.
Cox did not reply and the fight over
the adoption of the report began.
Later Gov. Cox rose to a Question
of personal privilege.
.Nothing in word or spirit was in
tened to convev asperity to the
mayor of San Francisco," he said.
"The committee desired to avoid
subjects which are matters of polit
ical controversy."
Mayor Kolph heatedly replied that
there was no intention to bring poli
tics into the gathering, that he had
criticised the republican filibuster
which defeated the appropriation
measures, but that the only way to
get congress "back on the job" was
to have the president call an extra
An attempt to have the conference
endorse government ownership of
railroads was defeated by acclama
tion. At the morning session, dissatis
faction of western delegates at what
they regarded as the failure of the
conference to achieve concrete re
sults broke forth in a storm of de
bate, during which Secretary Hous
ton, who was to have spoken, left
the room in the Department of In
terior, where today's sessions were
Director General Hines, who with
Secretaries Glass, Redfield, and Lane,
addressed the conference today,
said the railroad administration was
considering the reduction of freight
rates on road building material.
Stanton County Farmer
Injured in Auto Wreck
Norfolk, Neb., March 5. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Gottfried Mellman,
prominent Stanton county farmer,
sustained a broken hip and arm
Wednesday in" a motor accident.
' tpmmwmwmw
Jr. ''
"!lf -4
Piic:xiii;; ; mmmmmK it nil si"
V, W:::::M::xv::. '
X-XX-XWXvXXv : ::...:.
r? you haven't rung-in on the joys of a jimmy pipe with Prince Albert for pack
ing you certainly want to get introduced inside the next hour! Talk about a
pal-party! Why, it's like having a pass on a park merry-go-round!
For, Prince Albert has brought pipes into their own led three men to the
utmost tobacco happiness where one man smoked a pipe before! P. A. has
blazed the trail for thousands who figured they would have to do "Kitchen
Police" on pipe smokes the rest of their lives!
- 1
So, climb into the P. A. pipe pasture and have a session! You'll soon get wise,
all right, that Prince Albert never did bite the touchiest tongue in your township
and, it's a brace of aces against a two-spot that it never will fuss yours! Read
on the reverse side of every Prince Albert package that P. A. is made by oux
exclusive process that curs ouf bite and parch!
Give Prince Albert the speed-o taste-test and tongue-test if you want to
sing-smoke-songs-at-sunrisc! .
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C.
Surplus of Reserve Banks
Doubled by New Amendment
Washington, March 5. Amend
ment of the federal reserve act by
Thompsoii-Belcieix &Co.
. J siublishedl886
TTt el&sJu'oii Geizer for dromon
Dainty Embroideries
New flouncings in beauti
ful St. Gall patterns on
fine organdie and voile.
Bandings of lace and or
gandie combined, medal
lions and motifs. Semi
made Camisoles. Band
ings and Seam Beadings.
With embroideries so fav
ored for Spring and Sum
mer it's interesting to
know that at Thompson
Belden's you can find a
display of extraordinary
beauty and distinction.
Prices Are Really Reasonable.
Kid Gloves, $1.29
A broken line of Kid Gloves
in dark colors, mostly small
Thursday, $1.29 a pair.
Lisle Hosiery
dependable qualities
Black Lisle Hose with garter
tops and double soles, 85c.
Colored Lisle in navy, brown,
white and gray (new fashion
ed), 65c a pair.
Very fine Lisle Hose (full fash
ioned), in black, white, gray
and brown; garter tops and
double soles, $1.
Walking Oxfords
Sorosis Designs
A shapely Oxford that is
shown in black and brown
kid of fine quality. Made
with welt soles and mili
tary heels.
Priced $9 and $10.
i ' i ' '
hi! M i !M fl , ;
4 V.;
. ::wwmmv .....
"W .;&x "xVx
7. v.
the congress just adjourned has re
sult :d in increasing, from $22,7.19,900
to $49,463,340 the combined surplus
of the 12 Federal Reserve banks,
said a reserve board statement today.
A Visit to the Silk Shop
In no other way is it possible to become so
well acquainted with the Fashionable Spring
time Fabrics. Everything that is new and
good will be discovered here. For afternoon
frocks nothing is more appropriate and
favored than foulard silks, and the best of
this sort, Cheney's Showerproof Foulards,
are ready in splendid variety. They are not
more costly than ordinary silks. Fan-ta-si is
a new material for sport wear the most joy
ful fabric of the season. Printed Georgettes
in lovely patterns that will appeal to every
discriminating woman. Besides taffetas,
meteors, satins, Moon Glo crepes, and other
beautiful weaves.
South Aile Main Floor.
P s H ' te hi
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, Ord Wants Court House
Ord, Neb., March 5. (Specials
Valley county is in line for a. new
court house and an election will b
held soon to decide the matter.
r lis I
I win J
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1 f , ii i"
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Topff red hat. My ri
tint, handtam poanj
and half-pound tin hami
dort and'hat clatty.
practical pound cryttat
glatt humidor with
tpong moiitmnor top thai
Imtpt tht tobacco in tmch
nrftct condition.
11 ;;:
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li; i Mill'
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