Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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Visitors and Wives Spend
Busy Evening, Ending With '
Dance; Prizes to Be Dis
tributed Tonight.
More than 1,000 visiting mer
chants and their wives were en
tertained last night by Omaha mer
chants and jobbers. The big eve
ning started with a buffet luncheon
at the Rome hotel, continued with
entertainmentat the Orpheum and
ended with a" dance,. Nearly the
whole house at the Orpheum1 was
reserved for the Omaha Wholesale
aaid Manufacturers' association tor
their "party."
This is already marked as the bis
pest "visiting merchants' week"
Omaha ever has had. Merchants
are here from a dozen states and
arc kept busy every minute seeing
the wonders Omaha has to show.
Many Exhibits.
Ttade exhibits at the large whole
sa'e houses held the attention of
visitors all day yesterday and the
feminine contingent viewed style
shows and spent hours in the retail
shopping districts.
Some of the merchants had never
been here before to the annual
spring entertainment but most of
them have been enthusiastic boost-
33rd and
24th and
JwAst Times Today
Bill Parsons Comedy
Gladys vOrockvveii
"The Fcrfciiden Rccn."'
How a Clever Woman Trap
ped the Trappers.
A Woman's Wit Against
the Devil's Devices.
1 r.
"Vou Iteve
San Such
Turns ploughboy, dressed in
her brother's clothes.
A delightful, whimsical
, story of the Quixotic search of
i young girl for her relations.
" And although she never
finds them, she does discover
love and romance.
" ir ii 1 1 if Wharr1iry,i fi iii "
1 A.HVBlaWk, nSS
"At Fresh and Fragrant as It Name.'
Messrs. Lea and J. J. Shubert Present Quaint. Brilliant, Beautiful
2 Years
irr N. Y
I Months
In Chicago
With the Gnat New York Cast, Including JOHN CHARLES THOMAS, CAROLYN
THOMSON, JOHN T. MURRAY, and Exquisite N. Y. Production In Its Entirety.
ers of the idea and of Omaha goods
tor years.
Today will be a busy one in all
tl.e jobbing centers and this evening
an entertainment at the I-ontenellc
hotel includes a buffet luncheon,
distribution of prizes and dancing.
The prizes to be awarded include
a Victrola, one of the largest sizes
made, and a four-piece bedioom set
County Sunday School
Convention Opened at
O .1 O 1 "M 1
ooutn oide uiurcn
The Douglas County Sunday
school convention opened yesterday
atternoon at the south bide united
Presbyterian church, Twenty-third
and II streets, with J. L. Duff, coun
ty superintendent, acting as chair
man. The afternoon was given over
to informal discussions of a varietv
of Sunday school topics, the discus
sions being led by Miss Margaret
Ellen Brown, state secretary, and
V. II. Kimberly, business manager
of the state association.
After a supper served by the wo
men of the church a night session
was held at which addresses were
made by Miss Brown and Mr. Kim
berly. Miss Brown gave an inter
esting account of "Some Boys and
Girls I Have Known," bringing out
certain characteristics which she
said must be taken into account in
Sunday school work with the
young iolks. '
The 'sessions of the convention
will be held this afternoon and to
night at the Florence Presbyterian
church, and on Friday morning,
afternoon and night at the West
minster Presbyterian church.
Britain Lifts Censorship.
Paris, March 5. As a result of
representations of American offi
cials, the British government has
consented to the removal of all cen
sorship on business, conjmercial and
all other messages.
Ethel Clayton
"The Mystery Girl"
Last Times Today
Mats. Friday and Sat.
Uncle Sammy's
Composed Entirely of
Returned U. S. Soldiers.
Nights 25c. 50c. 75c,
$1. Matinees 25c and
bouAMH i 1 kOUf E
Corporal Joe Nathsn: Cooley A Javon:
Lonan, Dunn 4 Hazl. Photoplay Attraction:
Earls WHIIami In "A Gentleman ol Quality."
Kevttora Comedy. Pathe Weekly.
Dally Matinee. 2:15. Night, 8:15 This Week.
Verdi; Amei t Wlnthrop: Margaret Young:
Stanley 4 Blrnei; Klnogramt: Orpheum Travel
Price Matlneei: lOe, 250 and 80c.
Boxes and Stall, : SOc and 75e.
Nights: 10c 25c. 50c. 75c and 11.00.
2d Big
Twice Daily, 2:15 and 8:15.
Greatest Photo Play od Earth.
Mats., 25c, SOc. Boxes. $1.00.
Nites, 25c, SOc, 75c, SI- Boxes, $140.
For Recital by
MARCH 7. 8:15
Ticket $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00
Daily Mats., 15-25-SOc
fcvngs., 25c-50c-75c-l
From Chicago's Star 4 Gtrtsr Theatet Coins
SL . Cta. & Garter Show
la Two Burlertai
.i.l Bevies of Blondes and Brunettes i.l. I
Dozcnt et Dresden Doll Ditlnltlee
Sat Mat 4 WV: 1!9 Ed. of "The Auto Olrln'
Seats Now
On Sale
:f .
IDusiin Farnun
Man in
The Open"
CALIFORNIA has brought
Madgre Kennedy pleasure in a
renewal of friendship with her
bear cub, Brutus. A year ago, when,
she left him on the coast, Brutus
was a playful young thing with
strength approximating that of a
house cat. Since then he has at
tained such proportions, thanks to a
diet of eucalyptus leaves, that he is
able to lick any bear of his weight
in captivity.
Tom Moore has refused a tempt
ing offer for the services of his
small daughter, Alice Mary Moore,
as a motion oicture actress. He i
says he's one of the millions of
fathers who believes his own pro
fession should be made unattractive
for his children. He vows he never
knew a hod carrier or a banker
who thought his son could do well
at his business.
Gareth Hughes has been engaged
to support . Florence Reed in her
features now in course of picturiza
tion under direction of John M
Stahl, Mr. Hughes scored successes
with the Welsh players and in
Joseph and his brethern on the
speaking stage, while his screen
record includes leading roles with
Marguerite Clarke, LIsie Ferguson
and other stars.
B. A. Rolfe, has made a IS epi-
s:de, serial starring Hotidini, the
handcuff king, supported by Mar
garet Marsh, Ruth Stonehouse and
other favorites. The story, written
by Arthur a. Reeve and Charles
Logue, is a real thriller which gives
Houdini a logical chance to perform
many of his new, bewildering feats
of self-liberation. Burton King
directed the product:on, which is
now being exhibited throughout the
Mabel Normand, who has just fin
ished doing "Sis Hopkins" for Gold
wyn, rises to remark that the next
man who requires her to wear a
gingham dress in a picture will have
to provide a place in which to tuck
a powder puff.
Motion.picture fans have a rare
treat in the way of educational and
scenic motion pictures produced
through the agency of Burton
Holmes, the noted traveler and lec
turer, in store for them. The Paramount-Burton
Holmes Travel Pic-
AH the blood in tie body goes thru the
kidneys within a few minutes. Therefore
the kidneys are very important in health
or disease because the L aeys filter out
of the blood most of the waste (poisonous)
substances and the blood then Sows on
toward the heart thru the kidney vein.
What the kidney takes out of the blood
forms urine. So it is very important to
have the water tested by a chemist, at
least once a year. I would suggest that
everybody send a sample to Dr. Pierce's
Laboratory in Buffalo, N. Y., and receive
report of a thorough chemical and micro
scopical test, free of charge.
The kidneys and bladder suffer from
the wear and tear, and we get chronic
inflammations sometimes indicated by
jjj m
The good old Irish Wit said when asked what time it was
when two Fords went down the street.
Be that as it may, the "Tin" with white wheels and absolutely
puncture proof tires does business every day.
, You can rent a car for every purpose from us and know that
you will get service.
Touring and Delivery Cars, per half mile $0.03
SundayB and Holidays, minimum charge per hour.., 1-00
Other days, minimum charge per hour BO
Sedan, Ton Truck, Bus, per half mile .07 Vj
Sundays and Holidays, minimum charge per hour 1.50
Other days, minimum charge per hour 75
Sundays and Holidays, no cars rented for less thnn. 150 f
Other days, no cars rented for less than 1.00
Temporary Location Sample-Hart Motor Company.
Douglas 505
You Cant Cure Rheumatism
With Liniments and Lotions
Torturing Pain Promptly
Return in All Their Intensity
Yon may as well throw yonr lini
ments to the winds, if you expect
them to rid you of the pangs of
rheumatism. In fact, the sooner you
discard forever the use of all forms
of local treatment, the sooner you
will get od the right track which
leads to rational means of relief.
For yon can rub and rub from
-now until doomsday, and yon will
never make any progress toward
ridding yourself of rheumatism, be-
cause saeh treatment does not ap-
roach the source of the disease.
Bemember from the outset that
- the pangs of rheumatism come from
a deepseated cause, and that sim
ply rubbing the painful parts of
the body has no effect on the dis
ease itself. But when you locate
"ie cause of the disease, the real
source of all these intense pains,
tou can then treat "the disease in
telligently. ,
And until yon do treat your
rheumatism intelligently, yon will
On the Screen Today.
LOTIIROF 24th and Lothrop ALICE
BOIT.KVARD 33d and Leavenworth
81 Bt'KBAV 24th and Ames SESSUE
OF KL'LTUR." No. 14.
CRAM) 16th and Blnney ALICE
ORrHEl M South Sldf. 24th and M
HAMILTON 40th and Hamilton
tures scheduled for February, 1919,
contained some of the pictures tak
en by Mr. Holmes or. his recent
visit to the war zone, and are said
to be the most vivid and colorful pic
tures of war activities ever seen
upon the screen. Little known views
of wartime England are contained
in the series, such as "With the
American Y. M. CvA. in London,"
"St. Dunstan's Happy Blind," "The
War Women of England" and
"London Plays Ball."
Gaston Glass, a French aviator,
has been engaged to appear in Miss
Marguerite Clark's next picture.
Travelers at Dinner
for National President
More than 100 members of the
Travelers' Protective association at
tended a dinner in honor of Alex
ander Lawrence, national president,
last night at the Omaha Chamber
of Commerce. Mr. Lawrence is
passing two days in Omaha.
Page Morrison, national director;
George- Bergeraw, ex-national di
rector, and William Widener, staic
president, were among the speakers
James Stine, post A president, and
Charles L. Haffer, state and post
secretary, were present.
A successful campaign for mem
berships has been carried on since
the national president's arrival.
backache, painful voiding of water
dull, heavy feelings. Perhaps the uric
acid is stored up in the system in excess
ive amount, and consequently when the
urate salts are deposited in muscles and
joints one suffers from lumbago (pain in
back), rheumatic pains, gout, etc.
Nothing will act so nicely as "Anuric"
(anti-uric-acid) a recent discovery of
Dr. Pierce's which can be had at alldrug
stores. "Anuric" washesaway the poi
sons, cleanses the bladder and kidneys
rendering them antiseptic, consequently
one is soon cured of lumbago, rheuma
tism, gout and the body is fcut into a
clean, healthy state. 1
Kidney Disease is the most frequent
cause of rejection of seekers for life In
surance. The first test of an examiner
is to determine if the kidneys are healthy,
because life is short when these organs
are diseased. Get rid of these uric acid
crystals (urate salts) by taking six or
eight glasses of water daily and take
Dr. Pierce's Anuric three times a day.
"Anuric" dissolves uric acid as hot coffee
dissolves sugar.
never be free from its disabling
So many people have found real,
genuine and lasting relief from
rheumatism by purifying the blood
with S. 8. S. that we are justified
in recommending this splendid rem
edy to all who are afflicted. Per
haps your case is like thousands of
others which are caused by mil
lions of tiny disease germs in the
blood. S. S. S. so thoroughly
cleanses the blood, that it routs outi
completely and eliminates all dis-
ease germs that infest it.
In this way the source of the dis
ease is reached, and its cause re
moved. Give your system a thor
ough cleansing with this reliable
vegetable blood remedy, and you
will be delighted to be free of the
pangs of rheumatism. It has been
used for more than fifty years and
is sold at all drug stores. Begin
its use today and you will have
the same satisfactory experience as
thousands of other sufferers.
Should you wish special advice
about your own case, it can be hail
without cost by writing to Chief
Medical Adviser, 101 Swift Labora
tory, Atlanta, Ga.
Kansas University Nearly
Blasts Hopes of Husker
Five for Valley Honors
by Show of Strength.
Lawrence, Kan., March 5. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Kansas nearly
blasted Nebraska's chances for win
ning the Missouri Valley basket
ball championship here tonight by
smothering the Cornhusker five
under a 31 to 17 score. Coach Stew
art used his second team in the first
half and the substitutes held the
K. U. players to a 11 to 9 score on
the seven free throws that Patty
tossed. The Nebraska players
counted only four free throws dur
ing the game and Patty was the
only Nebraska player to make more
than two points, counting nine
Bunn ayd Bennett starred for the
Tavhawkers, Bennett scoring: 17
points for1 his team. Nebraska
H iVi 11 AtM
. ... T
MR. WOODY, the international traveling man, is again visiting his
western trade with a full line of presidential samples. He found
his eastern territory rather overstocked with points, but managed
to place a nice order for 14 in Versailles.
Mr. Woody sold a neat bunch of Jieavy woolen winter diplomacy
whilo abroad and is returning to the home factory to look over some
light spring statesmanship.
He is one of the most progressive salesmen we ever had, in spite of
the heavy expense account he turns in after each trip. Many a traveling
salesman has been fired for less than hiring a special train, but Woody
manages to gel away with it. He also rented a whole fjeet to ride him
over to Europe. , -
However, he never pads his expenses with meals. His customers are
always slipping him free eats.
After a short stav in the home office Mr. Woody will again hit the
road witli a neat Dut not gaudy line ot Devei-eagea democratic gooas in
all the popular shades of red, white and blue.
His work has been so good in the eastern territory that we are think
ing of pulling in the rest of the 3,000,000 salesmen who were canvassing
that district and go back to the old
With the armistice signed for
looks like a tall year for the boys with the thick ears. With the late
lamented -Willie Ritchie playing hookey from the second-hand depart
ment lone enough to bang Leonard for a row of Chinese joss houses;
with Nevada moving the state boundary line back to slip Jack Dempsey
enough room to swing his right, and with Johnny Kilbane having dumb
bells and a punching bag put in his Tuesday limousine, it looks as if box
inc will soon be working three eight-hBur shifts.
The world had to scuffle four
starting "in thl year of our kaiser,
it is all over, like last summer's freckles, and this ain't the kaiser's year.
His army is scattered like saloons in Georgia, and all his gray gorillas are
back home beating their wives and children in peace. The royal imperial
navy is going to be cut up into tomato cans and other forms of backyard
jewelry. This is anybody's year but Billhelm's. and it looks as if athletics
were going to grab their share of the calendar.
This year will be the thickest, oiliest sporting year of all. One day of
sunshine and a few minutes of picking bleacher splinters out of his trous
ers js going to make the base ball bug forget all the horrors of warfare.
The old gravy is just going to be oozing off of base ball receipts, boxing
is going to be smothered in syrup and there will be four layers of the old
sugar on racing and college athletics. In the old-fQrgive-others-their-trespasses-spirit,
the fans are liable to feel unusually genial, and even go
to see a wrestling match. You never can tell. No man is responsible
for what he does in later years if a careless nurse drops him out of his
cradle on his head when he's about 3 months old.
Omaha, boxing bugs are all set to go, but that old law is rattling
around Lincoln like, a grasshopper in a prairie fire. You can't tell what
will happen to a law up in Lincoln. By the time that the law jobbers get
through sticking amendments, porous plasters and codicils onto the box
ing bill it may turn out to be a bill enforcing the wearing of two-pound
shoelaces in the four rear seats- on a Missouri river swan boat. By the
time that the Lincoln birds get through with a bill it looks like va canary
that's been battling with a flock of blackbirds. Bears about as much re
semblance to itself as a rubber heel does to a barrel of empty clam shells.
In the meantime, Omaha boxing fans are as puzzled as a roach trying
to crawl downstairs on an escalator.
With a week of hard work already
past, Vernon Breedlove, feather
weight champion wrestler, an
nounces that he will continue the
hard grind to be certain that he will
be in first-class condition when the
referee calls him to the center of
the mat for his title match with
Claude Swindell, the Lincoln chal
lenger at the Council Bluffs audi
torium on March 12.
Reports from Illinois lead us to
believe that the Camp Grant basket
ball team will be out for blood when
they tangle with Tommy Mills'
Creighton aggregation tomorrow
and Saturday. Every soldier on the
team is training as . though for a
fight to insure their being in good
shape when they play the Omaha
cracks for the Western title. Coach
Tommy reports his men in fine shape
and a corking good game should be
on tap when the two teams collide.
When the base ball season opens,
the Armours base ball club will be
playing semi-pro ball, independently
if there is no local semi-pro league
organized. The Armours' manage
ment has made arrangements to play
at Kourke-park when the Western
League club is traveling. If they
continue to play the brand of ball
they have been offering for the last
two or three years, Omaha ball fans
will be able to see some pretty good
games even when the Rourkes are
away from home. Harry Williams
will run the team on the field and
Frank Delaware will look after the
business interests of the club. An
order has been placed for the new
uniforms for this season and some
of the players are out looking for
some new bats and gloves.
When the weather warms up a
little, the Omaha Gun club is going
to hold an old-timer's shoot. Some
of the oldest trap gunshots in the
state are expected to enter" this
shoot. Some time in June, the scat
tergun club will have a ladies' shoot.
Priz-es for these events have already
been secured. B. W. Barnes has
also offered a prize for a handicap
shoot and put it up to Secretary
McDonald to arrange an equitable
handicap. When McDonald gets
his handicap arranged, providing
there is nothing of more' importance
on at the t;me, the handicap will be
run off and O. G. C. officers think
scored only nine free throws from
the Ziouls the K. U. players made
"Cut Out the Rough Stuff"
Slogan Adopted by Umpires
Chicago, March 5. An uplift
slogan of "Cut out the rough stuff
be gentlemen," was adopted tonight
by the Umpires' Mutual Benefit as
sociation, composed 6f minor league
umpires, upon suggestion of Hank
O'Day, veteran National league
arbiter. O'Day also advised sar
torial sekness.
It was said at the meeting that
inducements had been offered to
Con Daly and Steve Cusack to join
the staff of the Western league by
its newly elected president, Al B.
Foot Ball Star of 1913 Dies
of Pneumonia in France
Boston, March 5. Lieut. David
Henry, captain of the 1913 Brown
University football eleven, died ot
pneumonia in a hospital at St.
Xazaire, Prance, February 14.
Mitchell Outboxes Noye.
Mihvaukce, Wis., March 5.
"Pinkie" Mitchell, lightweight broth
er of Ritchie, easily outboxed Johnny
Noye of St. Paul "in a 10-round, no
decision wind up tonight, sporting
I writers agreed.
r - ass
mail-order business.
everything but eight-ounce mittens, it
years to prevent all legal documents
1919," and the rest of , that oil. But
it will be at a very early date.
The lightweight champion wrest
ler of Fort Crook wants to trade
grips with some of the local light
weight wrestlers at some of the
Omaha or Bluffs shows. The soldier
champion is Prank Ebe oSthe quar
termaster corps. He is a pretty good
little man and will make some of the
Omaha lightweights step some to
beat him.
When Hen Pcarce, the Game
Chicken retired, John Gully" was pro
claimed the title holder, although he
had been beaten by Pearce in 1805.
The latter declared that Gully gave
him the hard;st battle he had ever
had, so with no one else in sight as
a possible champion, the title passed
to Gully. He. fought hut three bat
tic during his pugilistic career, the
one above mentioned and two win
ning battles with Bob Gregson.
Gully's fame did not die with his re
tirement from boxing. He purchased
a tavern and became an owner of
famous race horses and was for a
time a member of Parliament for
Pontrefact. This was the glorious
age for boxing in England; ncveri
before or since has there been such
a succession of real first-class fight
ers. Tom Cribb, Tom Spring and
Jem Ward all belonged to this era,
which was the best and brightest of
any in British ring history.
Should call at our big dis
play room and see the lat
est in signs, electric, raised
gold letters, chipped glass,
enamel, metal, road, fhow
cards, window cut out?.
We will design and make
any kind of sign.
We have the latest l'ne
of novelties, calendar? and
latest business getters.
1218 Harney St.,
2nd Floor
1 fff A
mm mm m v
South Side
Shortage of Hogs on South
Side Market Responsible for
Action, by Local Stabili
zation Committee.
Because of shortage of hogs on
the South Side market the local
stabilization committee has decided
to increase both the Burlington and
Northwestern car allotments. The
Burlington has been apportioned SO
cars daily west ot the Missouri
while the Northwestern quota has
been increased to 25 cars daily in
the same section.
The shortage of hogs on the lo
cal market has been caused by lack
of transportation facilities and by
adverse weather conditions. Many
of the sections comprising this dis
trict have been exhausted of their
hog supplies while other sections
are unable to obtain cars in which
to ship the hogs. It is thought
that with the increase in the car al
lotment and better system of dis
tribution the shortage will be over
come. Pioneer South Side Woman
Dies at Home of Daughter
Mrs. Frances Stanek, 62 years old,
an old resident of the South Side,
died Tuesday evening at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. J. M, Cha
lupsky, 3916 L street. She is sur
vived by her husband, John, her
son, Henry, of Pawnee City, Okl
and four daughters, Mrs. John
Franek and Mrs. J. M. Chalupsky,
of the South Side; Mrs. Lena Hlav
acek of Pawnee City, Okl., and Mrs.
Fanny Sedlacek of Arkansas. Fu
neral services will be held Friday
morning at Assumption church at
10 o'clock. Interment in the St.
Marys cemetery.
Lefler Memorial Church
to Present Playlet Friday
Members of the Lefler Memorial
church of Ralston. Neb., will present
the playlet, "Fifteen Miles to Happy
town,," Friday evening. Only mem
bers will take part. Those who will
play are:
Mrs. Delia DeLong Alltha Alton
Van Tassel Arlene Helm
Mrs. J. Bean
Myrtle Carlson
Sarah Hutchinson
tiludys Schmidt
Mrs. P. Bowder
Mildred Means
Roy Alton
C. C. Buttons
Venus Sltigle
Adelina Harble
Aurora Sprankle
Dewberry Green
Prof. Luke Travers Raymond Peterson
Horace Hampton M. T. Habgood
Pearl Schmidt
Pianist Marie Mullen.
Eagles of South Omaha
to Welcome Service Men
An extensive literary and mu
sical program is being planned by
the South Omaha Aerie No. 154 of
Quick! Eat just one tablet df
Pape's Diapepsin for in
stant relief
When meals don't fit and you
belch gas, acids and undigested
food. When you feel lumps of dis
tress in stomach, pain, flatulence,
heartburn or headache. Here is in
stant relief No waiting!
Just as soonlas you eat a tablet of
Fape's Diapepsin all the dyspepsia,
indigestion and stomach distress
ends. These pleasant, harmless tab
lets of Pape's Diapepsin never fail
to make sick, upset stomachs feel
fine at once, and they cost so little
at drug stores. Adv.
Typewriters and
Adding Machines
All Makes For Rent
Special rates to students.
Central Typewriter
D. 4121
1905 Farnam St.
Edney and bMJer troubles don't
disappear of themselves. They grow
upon yon, slowly but steadily, .under
mining your health with deadly cer
tainty, until you fall a victim to in
curable disease.
Eton your troubles vhlle there is
time. Don't trait until little pains be
come big aches. Don t trifle with dis
ease. To avoid future suffering' begin
treatment with GOLD WEDAIj Haar
lem Oil Capsules now. Take three or
four every day until you feel that you
are entirely free from pain.
This well-known preparation ias been
one of the national remedies of Ilol-
.and for centuries. In luUQ the govern
u u
E. R. T4RRYf
baubhsned 1894 I have
ture and have perfected the best treatment in existence today I do n.t Inject paraf.
'ine or wax. as it is dsngerous. The advantages of my treatment are. No loss of time.
No detention from business No danger from chloroform, shock and blood poisoa, ttvl
no laying up ia hospital. Call or writ Pr. Wray. 80S Bee BIdg., Omaha.
the Fraternal Order of Eagles, for
April 22, to welcome members re
turning from the service.
The grand worthy president, A
B. Duncan of St. Joseph, and the
state president, George P. Freeman
of Beatrice, will be present, and will
address the local order.
All members who have been in
the service are especially requested
to don their uniforms and be pres
ent. Those of the members who
have seen active service in Prance
will be expected to address the
gathering on their exprieences.
South Side Brevities
Wanted Boy 16 or 17 years old to work
In moat market. C. O. Ilartman, 8.
:4th. . -
Girl wanted for IlKht office work, must
h over 17 year old. Answer by letter.
Olve reference. C. Z !. South Slds Bea
Bt. Mary'i Court No. S77 of the Wo.
men's Catholic order of Foresters will
meet Thursday evening at S o'clock, at
the St. Marys school. liUBlness of tho
court will be considered.
Ringer in Favor of Jail
Sentences for Speeders
Superintendent Ringer of the
police department declares that
much of the responsibility for the
suppression of the automobile
speeding mania lies within the ppw
er of the police judges.
He has addressed a'letter to these
judicial officers, advocating jail,
sentences as a cure for speed addic
tion. He maintains that the police
can not obtain results when speed
ers are let off in the police courts
with nominal fines.
Order Troops Home
Washington, March S. The fol-
lowing army organizations were an
nounced today as assigned to early
convoy home from France: 157th,
370th and 639th aero squadrons;
14th engineers. Companies A and E, '
,18th engineers, base hospital No. 83;
signal corps casual company .o. o.
You say you have tried every
thing have you tried
Trfis method finds the cause
of your trouble and adjusts
' dr. burhorn
Adjustments $1, or 12 for $10.
(Palmer School Chiropractor)
Suite 414-19 Securities Building
Corner 16th and Famam. Doug. $347
Lady Attendant
Residence Phone. Blackstone .Hotel
Get Dr.Edwards' Olive Tablets
That is the Joyful cry of thousands
since Dr. Edwards produced Olive
Tablets, the substitute for calomel. -
Dr. Edwards, a practicing physician
for 17 yeare and calomel's old-time
enemy, discovered the formula for Olive
Tablets while treating patients for
chronic constipation and torpid livers.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do not
contain calcmel, but a healing, soothing
vegetable laxative.
No griping is the "keynote" of these
little sugar-coated, olive-colored tab
lets. They cause the bowels and liver to
act normally. They never force them
to unnatural action.
If you have a "dark brown mouth" a
bad breatbr a dull, tired feeling sick
headache torpid liver and are consti
pated, youTI find quick, sure and only
pleasant results, from one or two little
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets at bedtime.
Thousands take one or two every
night just to keep right. Try them.
10c and 25c per box. All druggists.
may get you with thai
cold break it quickly
Wftfc King's Catarrh Crsam ' .
Free at Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.
Paint Without Oil
Remarkable Discovery That Cute
Down the Cost of Paint Seventy
Five Per Cent.
A Frea Trial Package Is Mailed to Every
one Who Write.
A. L. Rice, a prominent manufacturer of
Adams. N. Y., has discovered a process ot
making a new kind of paint without the
use of oil. He calls it Powdrpaint. .It
comes in the form of a dry powder and all
that ia required is cold water to make a
paint weather proof, fire proof, sanitary
and durable for outside or inside painting:.
It is the cement principle applied to painl.
It adheres to any surface, wood, stone or
brick, spreads and looks like oil paint and
costs about one-fourth as much.
Write to Mr. A. L. Rice, Manufacturer,
669 North Street, Adams, N. Y., and he
will send you a free trial package, mho
color card and full information showing
you how you can save a eood .many dol
lars. -Write today. Adv.
ment of the Netherlands granted a epe-
cial charter authorizing its sale.
The good housewife of Holland woul J
almost as soon be without food as with
out her "Iteal Dutch Drops," as sh
quaintly calls GOLD MEDAL Haarlem.
Oil Capsules. Their use restore
strength and is responsible In a gresfc
measure for the sturdy, robust healti
of the Hollanders.
Do not delay. Go to your drngeisB
and Insist on his supplying yon with a
box of GOLD MEDAL ITaarlcra Oil
Capsules. Take them as directed, an'
If you are not satisfied with results youn
druggist will gladly refund your monevj
Look for the name GOLD ME DAI, on
the box and accent na other. Tn uaii
boxes, three siaes.
Rectal Diseases Cured without a severe surateal
operation No Chlomfoim or Kther used Cura
guaranteed. F'AY WHEN CURED Write for Illus
trated book on Rectal Diseases, with name sn4
testimonials of more than 1.000 prominent people
who have been permanently cured
240 Bee BIdg., Omaha, Neb.
a suco-satul treatment for Rupture with.
oat resorting to a painful and uncertain surgi
cal operation I am the only reputable psrsl.
eian who will take such cases upon a guarantee
to give satis factory results I have devotej mora
than 20 rears to the exclusive treatment of Rup