Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1919, Page 5, Image 5
THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1919. r :Uh S f.f. 1 ai-4 - t GRAND PACIFIC HOTEL Jackson Blvd. at Clark St., Chicago V Ideally located for merchants. buyers and tourists. Near the wholesale and retail district Rooms wtth Private Bath $1.50 and Up Per Day k FEELING OF SECURITY Yoa naturally feel secure when you know that the medicine you are about to take is absolutely pure and contains no harmful or habit pro ducing drugs. Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy. The same standard of purity, strength and , excellence is main tained in every- bottle of Swamp- Root v It is scientifically compounded from vegetable herbs. It is not a stimulant and is taken In teaspoonful doses. It is not recommended for every thing. ' It is nature's great helper in re lieving and overcoming kidney, liver ind bladder troubles. A sworn statement of purity is with every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. If you need a medicine, you should have the best. On sale at all ,- drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, If you wish first to try this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention the Dmaha Daily Bee. Adv. ORE THROAT or Tonsilitis, gargle with warm salt water, then apply VlCffS VAPOIt Y0UR BODYGUARD" - 30 V6Q'. KEEP IT SWEET Keep your stomach sweet today and ward off the indigestion of tomorrow try IU-H0I0 the new aid to diges tionas pleasant and as safe to take as candy. MADE IT SCOTT BOWNE MAKERS OP SCOTT'S EMULSION I'M FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A New Home Cur That Anyone Can Uae Without DUcomlort or Loaa of Time. We have New Method that cure Asth ma, and we want you, to try it at our ex rente. No matter whether your ease is of long-standing or recent development, wheth- . er it is present aa occasional or chronic Asthma, you should aend for a free trial of our method. No matter in what climate you live, no matter what your age or occu pation, if you are troubled with asthma, our method should 'relieve you promptly. We especially want to send it to those apparently hopelesa cases, where all forms 'of inhalers, douches, opium preparations, funva. "patent smokes," etc., -have failed. We want to show everyone at our own expense, that this new, method is designed to end all difficult breathing, all wheezing. and all those terrible paroxysm at once and for all time. This .free offer la too important to neg. lect a single day. Write now and then begin the method at once. Send no money. Simply mail coupon Delow. Do It .today. FREE ASTHMA COUPON FRONTIER ASTHMA CO., Room 11SRT Niagara and Hudson Sts., Buffalo, N. Y. Send free trial of your methia. to: Begin To Purify Your Winter-Blood Grandmother's Old Fashioned Sulphur and Molasses Did Tt. But Not So Well Aa This Sulp feerb Tablet Sugar Coated. , Through the winter the blood ao cumulates poisons because you do not perspire enough, because you do not live in the open air, and because you eat more meat, mush and other rich foods. Every spring we feel sluggish, constipated, liver and kid ney ills beset us, colds and chronic coughs, pimples, boils and carbun cles, all evidence oi impure, tnicK, slue-frish blood. Sulpherb Tablets (not sulphur tablets) are composed of extracts of roots and herbs, combined with sul phur and cream of tartar and no better physic, blood-tonic and blood cleanser has ever been developed, Every spring thousands who already know their value take tnem to pur ify the system of Winter , Poisons. Now is the time to begin, so you won't be attacked by serious au ments when Spring and Summer come. Sold by all drueeists 60c per sealed t"fca witb full directions. Adv M.20 EXPECT 100 FOR ARRANGEMENTS FOR LOAN DRIVE Conference for Preliminaries to Be Held Wednesday; Quota for Nebraska Is $60,000,000. Wheels began to move in Omaha Tuesday setting into action the Fifth or Victory Liberty loan cam-paign.-which opens Monday, April 21. T. C. Byrne, chairman of the state men's committee, held a conference with Mrs. A. G. Peterson of Aurora, head of the women's committee at luncheon at the Omaha club. Oma ha members of the two executive committees were present, y ' A two-day conference of county and district women's - chairmen opens today at the Hotel Fon tenelle. Mrs. Antoinette Funk of Chicago, member of the national committee, and Mrs. George W. Fuller of Kansas City, Tenth federal district head, are expected to attend. County chairmen for the men's committee meet in Omaha Tuesday and Wednesday, March 11-12, at a place to be designated later. 17, Try Absorene No matter what other cleaners have failed, don't five up your wall paper till you've tried cleaning; it with ABSORENE. ABSORENE Will Clean It ABSORENE bu ataylcanl w.It paper pcrfmlla whenever it waa uied according to (he aimpl. eiy direction: on tb cut. It lift the dirt right out. Doean't hum even the daintiest paper. A 15c can "ill clean the paper on ao ordinary room H lll twin litter to ABSO II UIl RENE a the treat Water Softener. Sold t Abnrenc dealer, Dealer! everywhere. FEEL MISERABLE FROM THAT COLD? Colds and coughs are quickly relieved by Dr. King's New Discovery Nobody should, feel "perfectly miserable" from a cold, cough or bronchial attack for very long. For it takes only a little while to relieve it and get back on the road to recov ery when Dr. King's New Discovery is faithfully used. H soon loosens the phlegm, relieves irritation, soothes the parched, sore throat, brings comfort. ' Half a century old and more pop ular today than ever. At all drug gists. 60c and $1.20. Make Your Bowels Behave Make them function with gratify ing precision. If regulation of the diet doea not relieve their torpidity Dr. King's New Life Pills will. They are perfect bowel trainers, cleanse the system surely, comfortably. 25c. Adv. Teach Chilslren to Use Ccticura fcr Hair and Skia That they may have good hair and clear skin through life. Try this treatment for the hair. At night rub Cuticura Ointment into part ings all over the scalp. Next morn ing shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Nothing better than Cuticura for all toilet purposes. Bast ektMnatillaa wk OetSraraTalen. a !! eauly parraaMt akia sewte. At alt druggist's 23. For Constipation Carter's littb Liver Pilb vill est you right over night ' Purely Vegetable Saaaft PiS, Small Dom, Small Prk Carter's Iron Pills Will restore color to the faces of tbto who lack Iron la the blood, as moet pale-faced people da j IVER 1 PRISCILLA DEAN made a strange request the other day. She asked her director, oat at Universal City, if it would be pos sible for him to skirmish about and get her a part .wherein she could be an old lady and die. "I have never been an old lady and I have never had to die in any picture," says Friscilla. "Think of living on indefinitely in productions and never growing old! I would like to try it growing old and dying. If I were playing the part of an old woman I might be able to visualize the way I will look and feel 50 or 60 years hence. I am ever so sure my friends who have -seen me escape death so many times would feel relieved to see me die just once.' ' "Out of the Shadows" is a screen version of the novel "The Shadow of the Rope,' by E. W. Hornung. The story is admirably suited to Mss Pauline Frederick's ability as an emotional actress. The part is that ofNa young woman accused of her husband's murder who believed that the man she loved committed the crime. "The Fire Flingers,'; William J. Niedig's well known novel that ran serially in the Saturday Evening Post, is to be made into a starring medium for Rupert Julian. It will mark the Universal star-director's first appearance on the screen since "The Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin." Ever since making the production Julian has been confining his ef forts to directorial activities. - Pro duction begins early in January. Waldemar Young is preparing the screen script. From a high school girl in a small New Jersey town to leading woman was the meteoric trip along the high road to fame taken by Gloria Hope, who is now playing opposite Harry Carey in "The Out cast of Poker Flat," a Bret Harte story. Gloria Hope left Jersey for California to visit her aunt in Los Angeles. She had no thought of the screen and intended to return east. A Universal director caught sight of her as she watched the filming of a play. He asked her to take part BEAUTIFUL HAIR THICK, WAVY, FREE FROM DANDRUFF Draw a moist cloth through hair and double its beauty at" once. Save your hair! Dandruff dis appears and hair stops coming out. , Immediate Yes! Certain? that's the joy of it Your hair be comes light, wavy, fluffy, abundant and appears as soft, lustrous, and beautiful as a young girl's after an aoolication of Danderine. Also try this moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one . small strand at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or excessive oil, and in just a few moments you have doubled the beauty of your hair. A delightful surprise awaits those whose hair has been eglected or is scraggy, faded, dry, brittle or thin. Besides -beautifying the hair, Dan derine dissolves every particle of dandruff; cleanses, purifies and in vigorates the scalp,, forever stopping itching and falling hair, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks' Use, when you see new hair fine and downy at first yes but really new hair growing all over the scalp. Danderine is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, invigorates and strength ens them. Its exhilarating, stimu lating and life-producing properties cause the hair to grow long, strong and beautiful. You can surely have pretty, charming, lustrous hair, and lots of it, if you will spend a few cents for a bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store or toilet coun ter and try it as directed. Adv. ' The New Home Treatment for Ugly, Hairy Growths (Boudoir Secrets) Here is a simple, yet very effec tive method for removing hair and fuzz from the face, neck and arms: Cover the objectionable hairs with a paste made by mixing some water with a little powdered delatone. Leave this on for 2 or 3 minutes, then rub off, wash the skin and the hairs have vanished. No pain or 'in convenience attends this treatment, but results will be certain if you are sure to get real delatone. Adv. OPEN N0STR1LS1 END A rni n no nuTHBtsiJ jj n vuuu un inmnnn I Jflow To Get Relief When Head C and Noee are Stuffed Up. Count fifty! Your cold in head or catarrh disappears. Your clogged nostrils will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more snuffling, hawking, mucous discharge, dryness or headache; no struggling for breath at night. . Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist and apply a little of this fragrant antiseptic cream in your nostrils. It penetrates through every air passage of thi head, soothing and healing the swol len or inflamed mucous membrane, giving you instant relief. . Head colds and catarrh yield like magic. Don't stay stuffed-up and miserable. Relief is sure. Adv. - When Writing to Our Advertisers Mention See ing It inTHE BEE. On the Screen Today. Ml SB DUSTIX FABNUM In "A MAX IX THE OI'KN." SIS GLADYS BKOCKWEt.1 In "THE KOR BIDDEN BOOM." CLAYTON In 'TUB MYSTERY CURL." KIALTO CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG -in "CHEATING CHEATERS." HOYD "THB MIRTH OF A RACE." EMPRESS ETHEL BARRYMORB In "THE DIVORCEE." BOITEVARD 33d and Leavenworth. EDNA GOODRICH In "TREASON." LOTI1ROP 24th and Lothrop. ALICE BRADY In "THE HOLLOW OF HER HAND." Taraon Comfdy. 81BIKBAN 2th and Amea, Vaude ville and Picture Program. GRAND 16th and Blnney. CORRINB GRIFFITH In "THE GIRL QUES TION." PEARL WHITE In "THE LIOHTNINO RAIDER," No. . OH I'D KIM South 8ld. !4th and M. GAIL KANE In "THE DARE DEVIL." HAMILTON 4 nth , and Hamilton. BESSIE BARISCALE In "ALL OF A SUDDEN NORMA." She did. Through natural beauty of features, a mass of flaming, gold-red hair and an artistic adaptability, Gloria Hope soon became recogniz ed as a gifted girl and was cast for important roles. Gladys Brockwell in "The For bidden Room" will be the cinema attraction at the Sun today and for the remainder of this week. The play is a strong mystery drama, with dramatic possibilities that are well developed by Miss Brockwell, and hold the interest of an audi ence. The star has an unusually able cast in support of her and, as in many of her stories, there have been special efforts made to carry the costuming of the players and the scenic effects out in detail to fit with the story, the whole blend ing into a harmonious play. In ad dition to the feature there is offered a comedy and a news reel. Dustin Farnum's second photo play, made under the banner of the UnitedY will be shown at the Muse today and the remainder of the week. In "A 'Man in the Open" Farnum has a strong virile western drama, with plenty of action and with' a greatsr range of dramatic work in it than is shown io the ma jority of "western" plays. aFarnum, who is an ideal cowboy and western tharacter, carries a heavy role, and in the drama there are pictured a great many really outdoor scenes, many of them of great beauty. Mrs. Wilder, Wife of Omaha Business Man Dies in Kansas GtJ Word was received yesterday afternoon of the death of Mrs. Ralph Wilder in Kansas City. Mrs. Wilder, who was the wife of Ralph Wilder, local manager of the Loose-Wjles Biscuit company, suffered an attack of influenza and several weeks ago left Omaha to visit relatives in Kan sas City in the hope of recovering her health. Mr. Wilder was at her bedside when she died. v The funeral services will be con ducted at 2 o'clock Thursday after noon by George A. Magney at the undertaking establishment of Stack & Falconer, 3224 Farnam street. Burial will be in Forest Lawn ceme tery. , Government Labor Dept. Will Continue Three Years The Department of Labor is as surecT of continuance in its work of supplying employment for returned soldiers and others out of work, ac cording to a telegram received by State Federal Director George Kleffner from J. B. Dinsmore, na tional director of labor. The telegram reads: "While ur gent deficiency bilf with labor ser vice appropriation failed to pass in congress today, it is evident that funds are available to carry ser vice to end of fiscal year and pos sibly through next year." Colored Army Officer to Lecture at Zion Church Lieutenant Edward Turner, color ed army officer who returned recent ly from overseas, will lecture Thurs day night, March 6, at the Zion Bap tist church, 2215 Grant street. He will be introduced by Mayor Smith. A delegation from the Omaha Red Cross chapter and a number of over seas soldiers will attend the lecture. Dan Desdunes' band will furnish music forvthe occasion. The public is invited to attend. Don't Change Your Husband. Adv. One Finger Emergency Brake pONSIDER its moderate price for a quality car, possible only because ten large factories, special izing in automobile parts, are affil iated with and contribute to the Lexington. Let us demonstrate. Noyes-Killy Motor Co. Dutributors 2066-68 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. Luungtoa Motor Co., Cdnn.ravllle, Ind. imple 8 often quickly disappear with a few applications of Kbit Catarrh Cnam' Fret at Sh.rmaa McConnell Druj Co, Dr. Callfas to Inspect Chicago Girls' Homes Dr. Jennie Callfas, president of the Omaha Society for the Betterment of Girls and Boys, which promises to build a working girls hotel at Twenty-second and Jones streets in the near future, leaves Wednesday night for Chicago to gather ideas for Ail n N the building and management of the new home. Dr. Callfas will be accompanied on her inspection tour bv Miss Mary Turnbull, former Chicago social worker, who has had much experi ence with girlshomcs. She will re turn the end of the week. A meeting of the society was held Monday night in the juvenile court room: Auto Show A &Ca jT m I lie vi Co iMAHA'S Fourteenth An . nual Show and the whole middle west that Omaha is the center of the greatest automobile territory in the country. Will YOl) Be there? More cars, more trucks, more beautiful decorationsentrancing musie every day a featUre day. AU 'Next Week if Starting Monday To Nebraskans and Iowans: All Omaha is ready to greet you and pal with you frbm Monday till Saturday, The year's big gest theater and movie offerings will please you. The hotels will make you at home. The wholevcity will extend its hand to YOU. In the Auditorium and Annex March 10-15 CLARKEv G. POWELL, Manager. 2051 Farnam Street City to Prepare Plans for $50,000 "Muny" Bath House City Commissioner Falconer of the park department obtained adop tion of a resolution by the city coun cil, directing the city planning hoard to prepare plans for a proposed $50, 000 bath house at Municipal beach, Carter lake. ass of will tell you Development a Success. The oil field being developed in eastern Wyoming gives promise ol yielding enormous returns, but it it not a poor man's proposition, dm to the expense of putting dowr wells, said Superintendent Bradcn of the Northwestern, who is bacli from a trip into the country arounc Lusk, Wyo. - -