Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1919, Page 12, Image 12

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Archbishop Harty to Preach
at St." Mary Magdalsne
Church; Vesper Services
Throughout City.
"Today is Ash Wednesday, the
first day of Lent.
It will be observed in all Omaha
Catholic churches and in some of
the Protestant churches with special
Archbishop Harty will preach at
I lie Lenten service in St. Mary Mag
dalene church, Nineteenth and
Dodge streets, beginning at 12:10
p. m. A noon service will be held
in this church every week day dur
ing Lent.
Catholic churches throughout the
city will hold vesper services. All
through Lent these vespers will be
held every Sunday. Wednesday and
Friday evening in Catholic churches.
Services in Catholic churches to
day will be marked by the cere
mony of "strewing ashes on the
heads of the penitents." The ashes
are made by burning the palms con
secrated on Palm Sunday of last
Actual strewing of real ashes on
the head is no longer practiced as
it was in the early days when this
was the universally recognized sign
of sorrow for sin. The priest today
dips his finger in a bowl of ashes
and makes the sign of the cross on
the forehead of the penitent.
' Protestant churches observe Ash
Wednesday with less of ceremony
In many churches, particularly Epis
copalian and Lutheran, it will be ob
served with special services tomor
row. Special Lenten service will
be held in Kountze Memorial Luth
eran church every Wednesday eve
ning, beginning Ash Wednesday
Today will start "fasts" of
various kinds among those who seek
to observe devoutly the Lenten sea
son. In strict observance of Lent,
every day is a "fast day" except Sun
days. Thes'e are not counted in the
40 days of fasting comprised be
tween Ash Wednesday and Easier
Many people refrain from attend
ing the theaters during this season.
Others give up candy or other luxur
ies and still others have other means
of self-denial to bring them to a full
realization of the penitential season.
Jobbers of 2 States to Hear
T. P. A. National President
Nebraska-Iowa Membership Drive Contest, Which Will
Close This Week, Expected to See Omaha Post A as
the Winner.
Our "What Is Love?" Contest
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Alex Lawrence, jr.
Jobbers' representatives from two9t'
states will gather in Omaha today
to meet Alex Lawrence, jr., of Phil
adelphia, national president of the
Travelers' Protective association
Mr. Lawrence comes from Cedar
Rapids, la., where, in company with
National Director Page Morrison of
Council Bluffs, a membership drive
this week brought in over 100 appli
cations. This week closes the Nebraska
Iowa contest in the T, P. A. mem
bership drive, and Post A (Omaha)
members will today and tomorrow
mass the 100 lead of Iowa during
the two months drive.
President Lawrence will be the
honor guest at a reception for mem-
So many good answers have been submitted in this contest that
we will continue to print them from day to day as space permits and
announce awards at the conclusion. In the interval we want to thank
all the hundreds of readers who responded for their help in making
the contest such a wonderful success.
there is love there is harmony and I
peace. I
Sweethearts love because (hey sec
in each other beauty and traits of
perfection, while in each other's
company happiness is theirs.
Mothers and fathers love their
children because they are flesh and
blood of theirs, pure, innocent and
good. At times sorrow knocks at
love's door, but love . wins out
stronger in the end.
Page Morrison.
at the Chamber
bers and friends
of Commerce.
Post A is the largest post in the
Nebraska division, and Chairman
Bert Hoel of the special member
ship committee has issued a call
for all live members to gather at
the Paxton hotel Wednesday morn
ing, when the wholesale district will
be covered by a corps of team work
ers with the two national officers
on the job.
After the two days' campaign in
Omaha, President Lawrence and Di
rector Morrison will go to St. Louis
for board meetingf
Page Diogenes and His Lamp;
Woman Returns $2.21 to R.R.
Agent I. D. Miller of the consol
idated ticket office has it in his
power to relieve a conscience
stricken Omaha Ionian who has
suffered for nine years. The
woman, who has withheld her iden
tity, obtained a ticket for $2.21 less
Uhan the regular fare, made her trip
and returned to Umaha, but tin
When constipated try
a dose of Chamberlain's
Tablets. They are excel
lent. Easy to take, plea
sant in effect.
thought that she -had cheated the
railroad company haunted her, un
til several days ago she mailed the
amount to Mr. Miller. She experi
enced some relief by this act, but
declared her happiness will not be
complete until she is convinced the
money was duly received.
She has asked Mr. Miller to ac
knowledge her belated remittance
through the columns cf The Bee.
A divorce-was prranted -to Lawrence F.
Bupkirk from Marie Busklrk; to Maliel
Ingram from William J. Ingram; to Jo
sephine Janak from John Janak; to Vi
vian A. Walker from William H. Walker
and to Florence Vette from Fred Vette,
Louise Wolverton has been granted a
decree of divorce from R. P., and also
custody of a minor child, Robert. Wol
verton flkd the original petition and hie
wife won her case on an answer and
cross-petition. They formerly lived In
Dow City, la.
JAMES ROSS, 60 years old, died
Saturday at a local hospital. The
body is at Heafey & Ileafey under
taking parlors.
No. 189.
I Through rain, through snow
Through tempest, go!
'Mongst streaming caves
O'er misty waves,
On, on, still on! '
Peace, rest have flown.
Sooner through the sadness
I'd wish to be slain,
Than all the gladness
Of life to sustain.
All the fond yearnmg
That heart feels for heart
Only seems burning
To make them both smart.
How shall I fly?
Forestward hie?
Vain were all strife!
Bright crown of life!
Turbulent bliss
Love I thou art this!
No. 248.
Love demonstrates itself in kisses
and caresses; wrong again, yiiere
the greatest show is made we often
find the least love. Kisses and ca
resses are only the emotions of the
inner self, more or less se'.tish. How
often do we squeeze and smother a
poor little helpless babe with kisses
for our own gratification, and the
child's discomfort, often detrimen
tal. We hear neople profess to
love one another, bui wait until
they are called upon .o make some
great sacrifice, without one grain
of honor or praise, even lowering
themselves in the sight of man.
Here is the test of real love. Many
things are branded cowardice in this
world which take more love and
courage than facing the fiercest
battle, -
Love suffereth longand is kind;
love envieth not; love vaunteth not
itself, is not puffed up. doth not be
have itself unseemly, seeketh not
her own, is not easily provoked,
thinketh no evil, rejoices no in in
iquity, but rejoices in the truth.
Love beareth all things; love never
faileth;' love that hides self to exalt
another forgets its own comforts i
for the comfort of another; in fact,
dies daily to the things of self to
win our enemies. This is love in
all its fullness. Sot.
No. 257.
Love is a disease that most peo
ple catch during their lifetime. It
overpowers the lovers and all they
think of is love. It gives some peo
ple sorrow and others happiness. It
makes some jealous and jealousy
soon grows into hatred. Then be
ing overpowered bj .hatred they try
to do harm to the ones who turned
down their love for that of another.
That is my idea of love.
No. 254.
Love is the depth of the soul; it
is pure, unselfish, sacrificing, kind,
gentle, patient, obedient and perse
vering. Love is that which neither
one of our five senses can reach; yet
we know it is present.
Love is the gift of God; where
Get Victory Garden Book
New Edition fully illustrated for every reader of
We have arranged with the National War Garden
Commission, Maryland Building, Washington, D.-C, for
you to get this free Garden Book of instructions. Send
this coupon and a two-cent stamp for postage NOW to
Maryland Building , Washington, D. C.
Herewith two-cent stamp for postage for which please
send me your Victory Garden Book free.
(Please Write Plainly)
Street .
No. 245.
Love is the greatest thing in the
world, here I am lost, who can give
me a definition to this word When
the school boy was asked to give a
definition of light, he answered
"Light is light." When you ask me
to define the word love, I give you
the boy's definition, "Love is love."
Ask not qf me love, what is love.
Ask what is giftnl of God above,
Ask not the great sun, what is light,
Ask what is darrkness of the night.
Ask not sin what may be forgiven,
Ask what is happiness of heaven,
Ask not what is folly of the crowd.
Ask what is fashion of the shroud,
Ask not what is sweetness of
Ask thyself what beauty is.
The best definition ever given to
this word was given by the humble
fisherman along the banks of Gal
lilee, who said God is love.
In peace love tunes the shepherd's
In war he mounts the warrior's
In hall of gray attire i,s seen
In hamlet dancing on the green.
Love rules the court, the camp, the
1 grove.
And men below and saints above,
For love is' heaven and heaven is
. love.
No. 305.
Love is nothing but an abcess to
a man's pocketbook.
No. 296.
Love, which occurs in everyone's
life, is the most heavenly feeling of i
one individual toward another.
Casualty List
The following- limit and South Dakota
men are namril la the rufualty lint M-nt
out hy the government for M eduestla
morning, March 5:
William It. Itrown, I-arrrrk, S. P.
AddlNon K. II ebb, PNituh, In.
Baker and March to Visit
Western Military Camps
Washington, March 4. Secretary
Baker plans to leave Washington
Sunday, accompanied by General
March, chief of staff, for an inspec
tion trip that will take him to the
I'.-uiifie coast and the Mexican
The object of the trip, which will
occupy about three weeks, is to per
mit the secretary and General March
to visit camps, which during the
war they were unable to inspect.
" The tentative itincarv will take
the them to Camps Custer, Mich.;
Dodge. Ia.; Funston, Kan.; Lewis,
Wash.; Kearney, Cal.; Fort Bliss,
Fort Worth and Canno Rowie, Tex.;
Camp Pike, Ark., and Camp Zach
ary Taylor, Kentucky.
Chicago Professor to 'Read '
"Silver Box" to Drama League
The Drama league will bring Prof.
S. H. Clark of the University of Chi
cago to Omaha, probably March 28,
for a dramatic reading of Galswor
thy's "The Silver Box." Arrange
ments were made at a board meeting
of the Drama league held Monday
in the Fontenelle.
No. 290.
Love is so magnificent that it
magnifies everything else around it
Love is the fountain from which
mercy springs.
It steals down into the recesses
of animal life, pulls the helpless up
out of the mire and appeals to tne
lofty to have mercy.
It stretches its broad protecting
wings over land and sea, crying out
to the mighty with the shrillness
of the eagle, to have mercy.
It wends its way down the alleys
and through the slums of the metrop
olis seeking oarentless and neglect
ed waifs, murmuring in its flight
around the gables of mansions o
have mercy.
It goes along the streets, and
thoroughfares comforting the blind
and crippled beggars by whispering
in through the open door of shop
and tavern, to have mercy.
It enters jails, prisons and asyl
urns, imploring the attendants to
have mercy.
It creeps into judicial chambers
of the land when criminals are be
fore the bar of justice, appealing to
judge and jury to have mercy. N
It will sacrifice everything on
the battlefield to comfort the wound
ed and administer to the dying, pray
ing to God to have mercy.
jFurness Liner Driven
Ashore by the Ice Pack
j St. Johns, K. F., March 4. Th
Furness line - steamer. Appcnino
bound from Liverpool for this port
was unveil asiuirc ai iiiiws jjuhh
by the ice pack early today. The
entire east coast is blocked by an
ice jam and nothing can be done to
relieve the Appenine untr a change
in wind opens the floes.
Hoston, March 4. Agents in this
city for the Funics. line said today
that the steamer Appenine proba
bly carried no passengers.
Start Aerial Mail
London, March 4.(Via Mon
treal.) An aerial postal service has
been instituted by England and the
continent to carry mails to the
army of occupation. I he mails will
reach Cologne in 10 hours, instead
of five days , as heretofore. The
mails arrive at Folkestone by train
and are taken by lorries to the air
drome, where the machines are in
readiness to load up. Twenty-three
bags were taken on the first jour
ney by four machines.
To Fortify Th Syitem Aoalnit Orl
il,-iro.v iifrms. trt ait a Tonic anfl laativ(. and
lima prevent t'oldi. Irli aurl Intlueniu There
only one -HHOMO QIININK." E. W. ClKOVE't!
signature on th ho. 3(k. Adv.
Don't Change Your Husband. Adv.
Go Over the Top With
There Is nothing like a QUrNEOO
SHAMPOO, not only forgiving new life,
luntre and beauty to the httlr but for put
ting new vim Into your thinking ma
chine No hair dresser or barber can
wash your hair and scalp m clean as you
fan yourself with QUINEGG SHAM POO
Use It for economy and to stimulate the
growth of new hair
Tit QU1NEOO at onr risk. If yon ara
not perfectly pleased your dinner 1st will
obnerfully refund your money. Ct
teittla today.
Largo 8 ox. bottle, 50 cento
Vosburgh Chicago
If your dniKirist does not have Quinegg
Shampoo you will find it on sale and rec
ommended by Sherman & McConnell Drug
Stores, Beaton Drug Co., Merritt Drug Co.
47 Rue Blanche, Paris
FRENCH women
nervous and high
strung than your
American women.
On both sides of the
Atlantic, women use
for nervous headache, and
indeed for muscular pain,
backache, rheumatism,
neuralgia, and sciatica.
Your physician will tell
you that the original
French product is quick
and remark- 0
able in its . wrtO
it T" Classi
Thos. Leeming & Co.
American A tent), Ntw York
T7 FyF WT) y
An Appea
1 to the
ouglas County and AH
WE respectfully and urgently, appeal to all of the
patriotic men and, women, who have in former
campaigns been so successful in putting Nebraska
"over the .top," to answer the call of their chairman
to help in, organizing the state for the coming sale of
about Sixty Million Dollars in Treasury Notes.
The campaign will be an energetic and vigorous one
of short duration and will commence officially on Mon
day, April 21.
The Secretary of the Treasury announces that this will
be the last and. final offering of government securities to
thepublic. '
It wculd te misfeec7frg to ilirk fret tie petiictic
citizens of Nebraska cannot or will not take their state's
Workers of Omaha.
Counties in the State
The success of the campaign in Nebraska depends, as
all other campaigns have depended, upon complete and
perfect organization.
Nebraska has taken in four former campaigns $180,000,000.00 in Lib
erty Bonds, but this has been an investment, not a gift.
Nebraska has gained indefinitely more in a selfish and commercial
sense by the war than it has invested or given to our country.
If our state fails to do its part in taking its quota of this last offering
of government securities, what will our answer be to those 47,000 Nebras
ka men who gave up their occupations, their investments and their in
' comes, in fact, their homes, to offer their lives in defense of our country,
when they are now returning after having left hundreds of their compan
ions dead in France, and while thousands who are now reluming have
been wounded, crippled, blinded, paralyzed and some of whom are hope
less invalids?
It is up to the Liberty Loan Workers, who know the game, to join
hands as they have in former campaigns and pay the final bill just as our
boys have made'the great sacrifice.'
Liberty Loan workers of Nebraska, men and women, do not fail to
answer the call of your chairmen a'nd of your organizing committees in
this final chapter of the greatest financial undertaking of all time.
Nebraska, Liberty Loam
Thos. C. Byrne, Chairman.
E. F. Folda, Secretary.