Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1919, Page 11, Image 11
THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 5. 1919, .FARMLAND RANCH LANDS. Nebraska Lands. FOR SALhi FOR U DAYS ONt.T. rosSKSSlON AT ONVB. The northwest quarter of Sec. 24, Tnwuthlp 14, Itangu s. Merrick county, Neb-, containing I'iO acres mora or leas according- to government survey. Lo rated 3 mile from Archer, Neb. Prlca. 195 par sere, will carry back 14.600 to be cured by a first mortgage, for a per iod of 6 years at 6 per cent Interest, bal ance on or before March 15. 1819 TfHS FARM IS WELL IMPROVED. EQUIPPED WITH ELECTRIC LIGHTS. 60 acres under plow, 15 acres alfalfa, balance the very best of pasture. Soil good black loum, land lies level snd ran all he profitably farmud. For full description of Improvements write or s'e owner, M A. Larson, Central City, Nb BARGAINS IN RANCHES. J. 400 acres KeyaPnha county. Neb. 3. 920 acres Arthur county. Neb. 1,136 acres Buffalo county. Neb. Srtft acres Loup county. Neb. 1,400 acres Lincoln county, Neb. 720 acrea Frontier county. Neb. S.SOO acres McPherson county. Neb. Well Improved and occupied. Easy terms. A. A. PATZMAN, .101 Karbach Block. FOR 8AI.K Nina acre fru.t farm. Im provements worth more than price ask ed. This Is your chance to get an Ideal home cheap Must be sold at once. Brownvllle Krult Co.. Hrownvll. Nn Good Omaha Income properly for clear western land or eastern Nebraska farm Mr Pease, ill Brandels Theater B!da MEKRICK COUNTY, Improved corn alfalfa farms at the right price M A LARSON. Central Cltv. Nell LMPHOVKl and unimproved wheat farms Kimball Co.. Nebraska R IS Holmes Bushnell. Neb N ew York Lan ds. ll6.Hit hUVS 43 acres 4 miles from town 3.700 population; 100 acrea level, :jh? rolling;. 175 acres valuable timber, good 4-rooui house, good ham 44x112, alio 16x32. horse barn 2450, running water In buildings, also gaa lights, abundance of fruit, 3 tenant houses, cheese fac tory, etc. Including hay. (train, straw. 117 head registered cows, bull, 10 year lings, ft calves, 6 horses, 4 hogs, 60 hens, sugar tools, farming equipment. To eet tlo estate. Eaxv terms. Fre lift. El li Wrn aprlngvllle, N, Y. Oregon Lands. JORDAN VALLEY, ur.gun, ofleis you a home In the land of sunshine, where conditions are right for raising alfalfa and cattle Address. Jordan Valley Farms. Boise. Idaho Texas Lands. BRAZOti VALLEY PLANTATION. 650 acres rich, productive land 2S5 acres ready for cultivation. No. 1 for cotton, sugar cane, corn and potatoes, good drainage, m miles from railway station, 6 miles from oil well flowing 10.000 barrels dally; oil Indications. Price $35 per acre or mineral right re served. $30 per acre, terms. Chas. Peter son, 319 First National Bank Bldg. Houston, Tex. Wyonvng Lands. VHEATI.ANI Wyoming (arms. $50 per a.. Including paid up water right, -lemy '.evl A C M Rylander. 654 Omaha a IMNi jULCFFS. Wyoming, farms, good crops and water, $40 per acre. C. V. Nelson. 616 Omaha Nat. Hank Bldg. FARM LANDS-WANTED. WE will sell your farm; timely sales quick returns. Held Land Co., 064 Brnndela Bldg. - AUTOMOBILES. ATTENTION! NEW CARS COMING. Wa have the following list of CARS WE MUST SELL This week to make room for now cars: LIGHT TLCAR, t-passenger, fully equipped, $460. GRANT LIGHT SIX, run less than 2,000 miles, practically new, $825. FORt SEDAN, late model, for sale or trade on good Maxwell or other small cars. -CTL. STUDEBAKER. repainted and overhauled, looks good, $500. -CTI OAKLAND, fine condition, $475 MOLINF1 KNIGHT, 6-passenger 60, mechanically perfect and priced right LATE MODEL FORD SEDAN, late model, priced right, KNUDSON AUTO CO., 2107 Farnam St., Douglas 6531. 1918 FORD SEDAN Electric starter, demountable rims, Kelly-Sprlngfteld tires. Excellent condl- NEBRASKA BUICK AUTO CO. Phone Tyler 1760. 19th and Howard. HEEKS AUTO CO. Used cara bought, sold and exchanged Wa buy for cash and sell on time. Full line to select from. Middle State Garage 1026-1 Farnam St. Douglaa 4101. MBKK3 AUTO CO NEW retreader; latest and beat out; coats less; makes seven different treads. Write, wire or call. Duplex Tire Co., 114 South 17th St. USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO, 2020 Farnnm St. Omaha. Neb. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO.. wll, store your auto. Rates for Ford cars. S3 a month; large cars, $5 month Douglas 433 VoR SALE Ucripps Booth Chummy roadster. Fine condition. Must sell at once. Telephone Hotel Flatlron, Boom 413. NEW and used Ford. Ames oodies. Im mediate delivery. O'Rourke Ooldatrom Auto Co., 37 0 1 So 24t h. So. 3D 9. BARGAINS IN USE CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co., 15th and Jackeon. Ford Agents. D. $500. AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; service station for Rayfleld carburetors snd Columbia storage batteries Edwards WANTED FOR iPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co 2o6 Farnam St. D 6H.15 OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 230 Farnam St QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO, 258$ FARNAM. PRIVATELY owned used cars for sale. OMAHA USED CAR MARKET. $517 Leavenworth. Tyler 8847. JlfiA for magneto we can't fix; patentee plW Affinity Spark Plug. O. Baya- dorfer. $10 N lath. ' WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 r"arnam. Harney 414 EXPERT Repairing Guaranteed service. SERVICE GARAGE. 16th and Leavenworth. Dong. 7000. jflS USED CAR MART" SERVICE GARAGE 16th anM Leavenworth. Douglaa 7000. FORD MARKET New Ford to out of town customers FOR SALE Ford touring car, and sedan. with starter. Phone Doug. 6243, UOOD USED CARS . C I'Y L SMITH. WHEN you think of used cars think of Trawver Auto Co.. 1910 Farnam. Tires and Supplies- TIRES ONE-HAIF PRICE. GUARANTEED i nns MILES. $0x1 $ 1 601301 t I II 12x3 I.jr,,31l4 II 76 13x4 11.60114x4 1100 Wa furnish the old Urea, Agents wanted. I IN 1 VULCANIZING COMPANT, 16H Davenport Street ' 5VE do casing and tube repairing. We guarantee, our work. New and second tires. URBAN TIRE A VULCANIZING CO.. .. 1?2! Harney 8t Phone Douglas 141$ NEW TIRES ON SALE. Firestone Congress. Lee Pullmsn. Flak Write for prlcea Mention sixes. KAIMAN TIRE JOBB ER8, 20 16 FARNAM. REDUCED RATE. II CENTS PER MILE. Rent a Ford Drive yourself. Ford Livery Co.. 1314 Howard St. Douglas 3622. BARGAINS, new No. 1 tires and tubes. Tires 45 per cent off. List tubes 15 per rent, write or phone Webster 1034 Day 1 Si's No. 24t h. SAIN more relies; have your tires ra treadea by G 4 G. "Ire Co. 2415 Leavenworth. Tyler 1E61-W. BRINGING UP FATHER YOU DftEVj ENT,EUT- TOO HI f DO YOU MINO ' THE H nornin". I THT H MAIE "CCME 00WN CL-D I'VE ORDERED tOME. If ' P'CK me "J toV50- -fSSP ClANCV X0U' K1 HERE AN'OT ME OUT- I I CLOTHED r0R YOU ACCORDS OVJN teeth? OON'T SEE ME:J lillrr r 3r 1 CLANCX.JJ JlCCb? frfC WEYVE COT ME N V ' ' I AUTOMOBILES. Repairing and Painting. WE NOT ONLY UKPAIH YOUR RADIATOR, BUT CAN BUILD YOU A NEW ONE. 1 RADIATOR REPAIR SHOPS and DEALERS: Write ua for prices on new cores. No weeks of waiting for that new radiator or fender. Built to your order, any style, for automobile, truck or tractor, in 24 hours. Patronize your honifl industry. Tho only Radiator and fender manu facturing company in the west. OMAHA IIADIATOR AND TIRE. COMPANY, 1319 Cuming. 2064 Farnam. Omaha, Nrb. EXPERT radiators, fenders and auto bodies, repairing at reasonable prlcea Prompt attention slven to garage work ship vour radiator direct to us. NEBRASKA SERVICE OARAGE. Doug 7390 218 8, 19th St F I Barnum Co.. 2lll Curmmr. D 8044. High grade Automobile Painting CENTRAL garage repair dept., night and day service. If In trouble call us. Tyler 714 All work guaranteed. Motorcycles and Bicycles. H A RLEY -DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains in used machines Victor H Roos. the Motorcycle Man t7tb and Leavenworth PERSONAL THE SALVATION Amy industrial Home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magii ..'.nes. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call Call nnd Inspect our new home 1110-111 2-1 114 Dodge St POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WlllvAT screenings $2.25 p.-r hundred. A. W Wagner. H01 N. Hith St.. Doug. 1143 WHITE ROCK HATCHING EGGS from Omaha show winners. Benson 2S8. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Just think of this offer 60 sets of well made plain farm and concord har ness of all kinds at a saving of $25 on each and every But. Also burnt) used brewery nd dray harness at a sacrifice. We have no high downtown rent to pay have n on foie reason foi low price. Call at our resl- dence. 2124 Lake St $20.00 HOLSTE1NS $20.00 Practically pure bred Holsteln heifer calves from 60-lb. cows. Sire carries 26 per cent same blood as Segis Fayne Johanna, world's champion cow; these calves are sure to make heavy producers. Harris Holsteln & Duroc Farm, Sexton ville. Wis.. HARNESS. SADDLES and TRAVELING GOODS We mane them ourselves and aell them direct to consumer. Why pay two profits for Infertor goods when you can got high grade goods at first cost? ALFRED CORNISH ft CO.. Phone Doug 2314 1210 Farnam DON'T FORGET the big horaa am" mule auctions at stock yards stables next Wednesday. Expect a good run of choice ' farm mares, matched teams of faim chunks and one carload of farm mulea. Sale starts at 10 o'clock. 1. C. Gallup. Auctioneer. MONEY TO LOAN. Organized by the Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, pianos and notes aa secui ity. $40 6 mo, H goods, total. $3.50 PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 432 Security Bldg.. 16th 4 Farnam Ty 666 LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY AND 11 (7 LIBERTY BONDS. OCT J- 2 10 W C. FLATAU.JIST 1892 - 10 6TH FLR. SECURITY BLDG.. TY. ISO Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Maleahock. 1514 Todge, D. 561 Est 1811 DIAMOND ANT) JEWELRY LOANS LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the Stockholders of the South Platte Land Company will be held at the office of said Company, Room 701. First National Bank Building. Lincoln, Ne braska, at 11 o'clock A. M., on the Fifth day of March. A. D., 1919. C. H. Morrill. President: W. W. Turner, Secretary and Treasurer. F-4 31t-m. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS, Fred D. Wead and wf. to Melville S. Sturgeon, R. R. ave., 80 ft. n.i of Harrison ave., w. a., 50x125 and other property 285 ChTlstlne Dagmar Jensen and hbd. to Charles KIrkland. s. w. cor. 30th anJ Cuming sts., 121x140.. ,000 Esther A. Brazee to Catherine O. Campbell, n. w. cor. 2Sth ave. and Charles sts. 32xS7H 1,600 Charles W. Bunce and wf. to Louie Chrlstensen, Emmet St., 200 ft. nn ' "Jm pi P"IJ,llv There's a reason why you can obtain only 54 per cent on a choice farm mortgage security. It's simply because that is the rate and no more at which the farmer can borrow if he has the right kind of security. You can obtain a higher rate, but at the expense of security cither in actual worth or in marketability. Choice eastern Ne braska farm mortgages can always be turned into money. We offer for sale the 5 per cent kind of eastern Nebraska farm loans in the form of one note, mortgage, assignment, ab stract with attorney's opinion, etc., or loans divided up into bonds of 100, $500 and $1,000 each. All are free from state, county and city taxes and that's what counts, for governmental income taxes are nothing compared to local taxes as far as they concern the average investor. We collect interest and principal and pay over same to the investor without cost to him. , $3,000 on 80 acres m Butler County, valued at $10,000; 5 years, 5 per cent; tax free. $4,000 on 80 acres near Diller, Jefferson Co., valued at $12,00Qi 5 years; 5Va per cent; tax-tree. $5,000 on 80 acres near Western, Saline Co., valued at $11,000; 5 years; 5 per cent; tax-free. $6,500 on 160 acres near Cedar Rapids, Boone Co., valued at $15,600; 5 years, 5 per cent Many other loans for $3,000, $3,500, $4,000, $4,500, $5,000, $5,500, $6,000, etc., up td $10,000 each." In the form of notes or bonds of $500 and $1,000 each, we have a $30,000 loan on 400 acres in Lancaster and Otoe Counties which we value at $75,008. These run 5 years, at 5 per cent semi-annually. Also one for $10,000 on land in Cedar County valued at $38,000; another of $20,000 on land near Fremont val ued at $65,000 and one of $30,000 in $100 bonds on land in Lan caster County valued at $90,000 all tax free. r If you are looking for safety first with fair income, whether you have $100 or more to invest write or call upon IV. E. BAREILEY, Pres. Lincoln Safa Deposit Co. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. e. of IV lit at. s. a., 50x5. Genevieve Hurley to Margaret M Burke, 3rt have., 168. j ft. a. of Martha St.. w. s., 40x141 John J. Mershon and wf. to Samuel 3,200 2,600 C. Wolfe, n. w. cor. Ellison ave. and Florence blvd., 110x120 10,376 Frits Muller and wf to Anna Wala- sek, Phelps St., 180 ft. w. of nth St.. n. s., 45x112 C. George Carlberg and wf. to Jo seph' Novak, 33d St., 82 ft. a. of Frederick, w. s 41x130 George & Co. to Henry Doorly, H'imy Hollow blvd. 1H3 ft. n. of Dodge St., e. s., 70x130 Clui it s A. Fleck and wf to Maude M, Christie, 3Cd st., 220 ft. a. of Frances St., e. s., 40x100 William W. Griffith and wf. to John B. Phlppen, 10th st., 48 ft. a. of 1 St.. e. s.. 60x130 Joseph G. Gardner and wf. to Emma K. Warfield, Seward at.. 281 ft. w. of 45th at., s. s., 60x140 L. J. Spy bold and wf. to Erlck Lar son. Hamilton St., 128.6 ft. e. of 51st st., n. s., 40x136 700 1,780 2,300 8,200 1 2,500 250 1,000 Albert B. Hlnterlong and wf. to Erlck Larson, 36th at., 125 ft, s. of Jones St., w. s., 42x155 4,000 Mary Ann Christie and hbd to Emma Fisher, Und. H Interest in n. w. cor. 25th and I sts., 60x150. Stjephan Gerjevio and wf. to Paul 1,600 Vukelich', et al, R at., 60 ft. e. 29th St., s. s., 60x150 2,800 Marie Grleh and hbd. to Fertrude Harris, Bancroft St., 158 ft. w. of 20th St., s. s., 43.43x180 1,600 Hermon Sommer and wf. to Linn P. Campbell, n. e. cor. First and Wil liams st., 60x100 and other prop erty 2,700 Laura B. J.nyder and wf. to Fran cis Pelecky, n. w. cor. 17th and Deer Park Blvd., 4SX127 Frank H. Parsons and wf. to James 1,300 M. Talcott, ot al, 26th ave., 288 ft s. of Dewey ave., e.. a., 64x128. 11,000 Hastings & Heyden to Addle S. Worckman, n. w. cor. 3tth and Olendale ave., 82x130 Bess L. Holioway and hbd. to George A. Qulstgard, 20th St., 147 ft. s. of Boyd St., w. s, 4ixl24 676 3.150 Local Stocks and Ilomls. Quotations furnished by Burns, Brlnker Co.. 449 Omaha, Nafl. Bk. Bldg. STOCKS Bid Asktd Burgess-Nash 7 pet. Tfd 100 Berg Potash Co Cent'I. Os. Elec. pfd. 6 pet. Cudahy Pkg. pfd 100 Deere & Co., pfd 9414 Gooch Food Prod. Co., pfd. b.. 991, Goodyear Tr. 2d pfd 102 Harding Cream 7 pet. pfd 104 li Huffman Auto Stock Lincoln T. & T. Com. 7 pet.. 95 Om. & C. B. St. Ry. pfd Om. & C. B. Ry. & Bridge pfd. . . Orchard & Wll helm 7 pet. pfd. 9 M. E. Smith 7 pet. Pfd 100 Union Stk. Yds. Om 891, BONDS. Booth-St. Louis 6s, (1931 Chi. Rock. I. & Pac. 6s, (1922) 98 Canada 5s, (1937) 95 Iowa Portland Cement es 98 Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Es, (1946) 92 Nebr. City 6s. (1919) 99 Om. Ath. Club 6s, (1921-32) .. Omaha C. B. St. Ry. (1928).. 78 Omaha Sewers 5, (1939) Swift & Co., 6s, Aug. (1921).. 9914 Southern' Ry. 6s, (1922) 98 75 64 '9514 100 101 iiiii 98 53 53 100 101 100 9S'4 i 100 93 100 100 81 103:, 99 99Vi New York Bonds. P. S. 2s. reg... 97 'Gt. N. 1st 41is 8514 U. S. 2s, coup. 97 '4 1. C. ref. 4s.... 81 U. S. 3s, reg... 89 Int. M. M. 6s.. 984 U. 8. 3s, coup. 89 K. C. 6. ref. 6s 83 U. S. Lib. 34s 98.90L. & N. un. 4s 8514 U. S. 4d, reg.,104?iM K & T 1st 4a 654 U. S. 4s, coup. 104iM. P. gen. 4s.. 6114 Am F Sec 5s 99 ll-16Mont. Power 6s 91 4 Am T & T c 6s 91 N. Y. C. deb 6s 98 '4 Anglo-Fr'ch 97 3-16N. Pacific 4s. ... 83i Arm & Co 414s 88 N. Pacific 3s.... 5914 Atchison gen 4s 82T4aO. 8. L. ref. 4s 8514 B & O cv 4V4-. 77 Pac. T. & T. 6s 9314 Beth Steel r 5s 89 "Penn. con, 414s 95 Cen Leather 6s 9614Penn. gen. 416s 87 Cen Pacific 1st 7914 Reading gen. 4s 84 C ft O cv 5s 8614S L ft S F a 6s 66 C B ft Q joint 4s 954S. Pac. cv. 5s 102 C M ft S P c 414 78 HS. Railway 6s.. 94 C R I ft P r 4s 7314 "T. & P. 1st.. 90 C ft S ref 414s 78Union Pacific 4s 85T4 D ft R G ref 5s 5014 U. S. Rubber 5s 86 D of C 6s (1931) 7U. S. Steel 6s 10014 Erie gen. 4s... 64 Wabash 1st.... 9614 Gen. Elec. Bs.. 98French 61js 105 3-10 BldOffered. Evaporated Apple and Dried Fruits. New York, March 4. Evaporated Ap plesQuiet; state, 1714 19c. Prunes Offers light; Califprnlas, 1114 20c; Oregons. 1019c. Apricots Scarce; choice, 25c; extra choice, S51426c; fancy, 261427c. Peaches Firm; , choice, 181814c; fancy, 20 21c. Raisins Scarce; loose muscatels, 11 (fH llljc; choice to fancy, seeded, 1114 1214c; seedless, 1112C ""IS WlldUlJsls3 126 No. 11 lb St. Copyright. 1917. Tntyrrtntional Mw Scrv.c. Market LIVE STOCK Omaha, March 4, Receipts were: Official Monday Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 5.977 16,822 8.373 Estimate Tuesday . . . 6,600 Two days this week. 11, 577 Same days last wk. 11.830 Same days 2 wk. ago 14,826 Same days 8 wk. ago 23,205 Same days year ago. 20,852 12,600 28.323 45,768 28,580 38.946 23.914 12,000 20,373 25.770 9.837 23,630 32.536 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, Omaha, Neb., for 24 hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m. RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs, Sheep, C, M. St St. P 1 Wabash 1 1 Missouri Pacific .... 4 Union Paclflo 95 21 13 31 28 6 49 17 4 4 I 174 C. & N. W., east. . . . C. & N. W , west.. . C, St. P. M. & O. . . C. B. & Q... east. . . C, B. & Q., west. . . . C R. I. & P., east. . C, R. I. & P., west. . Illinois Central Chi. Gt. West 16 60 26 10 26 .19 " 1 Total receipts 259 65 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Morris & Co .. 639 3,460 2,563 Swift & Co Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour & Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co... So. Om. Packing Co.. Hlgalns racking Co.. Hoffman Bros John Roth & Sons Mayerowlch & Vail.. .. 698 3.330 2,491 .1,041 2,804 699 . 938 2,948 4,424 1,493 ., ,. 116 . 28 . 38 . 38 . 65 . 61 1 ,. 18 . 45 6 . 385 . 36 .... .... . 95 . 30 . 216 . 106 .... .... . 50 . 43 1 . 95 '.' 60 .... .... ,. 151 . 61 . 82s . 139 3 . 20 . 18 . 45 .1,307 .... 9,421 .7,39$ 14,035 12,598 Glussberg -. r. O'Dea Wilson Benton Vnn Sant... F. P. Lewis Huntzinger ft Oliver.. J. B. Root & Co J. H. Bulla Rosenstock Bros F. O. Kellogg Werthelmer & Degen.i Sullivan Bros A. Rothschild Mo.-Kan. C. ft C. Co.. E. G. Chirstie Baker Banner Bros John Harvey Jensen & Lundgren... Cheek & Krebs Morrelt Midwest Pkg. Co Om. Pkg. Co Other Buyers..-. Total ..... Cattle A few cattle sold ateady to strong early on the fair run of 223 cars or 5,600 head and later in the morning trade slacked up, bulk of the business was 10c lower than yesterday. Best beef steers were ouotable from I17.001S.00, medium lots anywhere from I16.5017.00. Early this morning butcher stock was 16 25c higher to traders and outsiders but packer business was weak' to 1015o lower. Stockers and feeders held steady. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beeves, 17.0018.20; fair to good beeves, 815.2517.00; common to fair beeves, J13.7515.00; good to choice yearlings, 814.5016.00; fair to good yearlings, 812.0014.25; common to fair yearlings, I8.5012.00; good to choice heifers, $12.7515.00 prime cows, 12.5014.50; good to choirs cows, $10.5012.O0; fair to good cows, I9.2510.25; common to fair cows, S6.508.76; choice to prime feeders, $14.0015.76; good to choice feeders, 111.(0 13.78; medium to good feeders, 810.5011.50; good to choice stockers, 10.00(rj12.00; fair to good stock ers, $9.00 10.00 ; common to fair stock ers. S7.008.50; stock heifers, I7.503 9.00; stock cows, $6.757.60 stock calves, 88.0011.75; veal calves, 87.0013.76; bulls, stags, etc., 89.2511.50. Hogs There was a fairly moderate run of hogs again today, 167 loads, estimated at 12,500 head. Trade was uneven, there was an eagerness that carried tho mar ket all the way from 10 and 25 cents higher than yesterday's prices, with the supply moving readily at the advance. Sales were pretty well scattered out over the entire range, most of the hogs selling at from $17.15 to $17.50, with tops at $17 75. Sheep There was a fair run of sheep and lambs In the barn this morning, ,1 loads, estimated at 12,000 head. The de mand continued strong and the market active, prices advancing fully 2Sft 35c again this morning. Most of the lambs here sold from $18.80(919.25 with a top of $19.33. The aged sheep market showed fully as much of an advance as fat lambs and possibly more. Fat ewes sold up to $13.00 and yearlings topped at $17.75. Quotations on sheep Lambs, good to choice, $19.0019.35; lambs, fair to good, $18.7519.10; lamb, feeders, $13.00(016.00; yearlings, good to choice, $16.0017.75; yearlings, fair to good, $9.009.60; Tear llng feeders, $9.5010.00; wethers, fat, $14.003il5.00; wether feeders, $8.50ig)10.50; ewes, good to choice. J12.0013.00; ewes, fair to good, $9.00$tl.50; ewe feeders, J6.00-S.50. Chicago Live Stork, Chicago, March 4. (U. S. Bureau of Markets.) Cattle Receipts, J4.000 head; beef steers, 25c to 50c lower; she-stock mostly 25c lower; bulls, steady; calves, 25c higher; feeders about steady; estimated tomorrow 6,000 head: beef oattle, good, choice and prime, $16. 35 20.00; common and medium, $10.50 16.35; butcher stock, cows and heifers, $7.50(S16.60; canners and cutters, $6.25g7.50; stockers and feeders, good, choice and prime, $U.40iji15.00; inferior, common and medium, $8.25 11.40; veal calves, good and choice, $17.26 18.00. Hogs Receipts. 25.000 head; market ac tive, Irregularly 15c to 30c higher than yes terday's general trade; bulk of sales, $17.75 18.15: butchers, $17.85(3)18.20: light, $17.5018.10; packing, $17.00(917.85; thrnwouts. $16.60(517.00; pigs, good to choice, $15.00(817.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 9,000 head; market strong to 25c higher; six loads, Colorado fed Iambs sold at $19 50; lambs, choice and prime, $19.3619.60; medium and good. $18.005119.36; culls, $15.00(9) 16.60; ewes, choice and prime, $13.251' 13.60; medium and good, $110013.25; culls, $3. SOii 9.00. Kansas City Live Stoek. Kansas City, March 4. Cattle Receipts, 8,600 head; no southerns, 10c to 15c high, er; prima fed steers, $18.00ll.00: dress ed beef steers, $12.0018.OO; western steers, $1!.0017.00; southern steers nom inally, $7.00(H)13.00; cows, $10.00(8(14.60; heifers, J8.50g-14.50; stockers and feeders, $12.00916.60; bulls, $9.5012.50; calves, $10.0014.00. Hogs Receipts, 7,000 hsadi market 15c to 25c higher: bulk, $17.15 17.65; heavy, 17.90: packers and butchers, $17.60 $17.80; lights, $15.00817.45; pigs, $12.00 16.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 6,600 heed; market 25c to 60c higher; lambs, $19.00 19.35; yearlings, $ls.6017.60; wsthsrs, $14.00015.00; ewes. $18.00913.60; stock ers and feeders, $15.50 17.60. Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City, la., March 4. Cattle Re ceipts, 2,000 head; market steady to strong; beef steers. $U.5016.50; fat rows and heifers, $7.00 12.60; canners, $5 50 7.00; stockers and feeders. $7.6012.26; feeding cows and heifers. ,$6.008.25. HogsRecelpts, 8.000 hesd; market 10c to 16c higher: light, $17.00S17.20; mixed, and Industrial News of Short Term Note Quotations Omaha, Neb. through National City, Bid Asked. 9914 10314 102 VL 103'i 103 100 1, 1001, 101 101 100 1011, 10114 10014 8 90 95 9614 10014 102 9914 100 104 10014 9014 10014 101 li 103 99.00 94.20 93.60 95.10 94.04 95.36 94.06 Am. Tel. Sk Tel. Co., 6s, (1924) 994 Am. Tel. & Tel. Co., 6s 1925).103 Amsr. Tftb. Co., 7s, (1921). ...103 Amer. Tob., 7s, (1922) 102 Amer. Tob. Co.. 7s, (1923) . , . .103'j Arm. & Co., 6s, (1919) 100 Arm. Co.. 6s, (1920) loo Arm. Co., 6s, (1923) 100 Arm. A Co., 6s, (1924) 100 Beth. Steel Co., 7s, (1919) lOOij Beth. Steel Co., 7s, (1922) 101 Beth. Steel Co., 7f, (1923). ...101 British 614s, (1919) 10014 British (14s, (1921) 984, Cent. Arg. C, 6s, (1927) 8814 C. B. ft Q. Joint, 4s, (1921).. 96 Chi. Western Ind., 6s. (1919) City of Paris, 6s. (1921).... 99 '4 Cudahy Pkg. Co., Ts, (1923). .101 Del. A Hudson (s, (1930) 98 Fed .Farm Loan, 414. (I937).1004 Fed Farm Loan, 5s, (1938). ..10314 Gen. Electric 6s, (1919) 10014 Interboro, R. T., 7s. (1921).... 8114 Liggett & Myers, 6s, (1921).. 99T4 Ttmken Det Axle 7s, (1920). .10014 Union Pacific 6s, (1928) 10314 U. S. ILberty 314s... 98.90 U. 8. Liberty 1st 4 94.00 tl. S. Liberty 2d 4s 93.66 V. a. Liberty 1st 4 lis 94.90 U. S. Liberty 2d 414 s 93.96 (J. S. Liberty 3d 414s 95.32 U. a Liberty 4th 44s 94.00 $17.1017.40; heavy, $17.2517.0; bulk of sales, $17.10g17.50. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 600 head; market, (0c higher. 84, Louis Live Stork. Louis. March 4. Cattle Receipts. St. $,600 head; market strong; native beef steers, $lt.5018.50; yearling steers and heifers, $9.5016.00; cows, $12.00(13.50; stockers nnd feeders. J10.00M13.50; fair to prime southern beef steers, $10.00i 18.00; beef cows and heifers, $7. 60 $15.00; canners and cutters, $5.507.25; native calves, $7.7516.60. Hogs Receipts, 8,400 head; market steady -with' today's advance; lights, $17. 65318. 00; pigs, $12.5016.40; mixed and butchers, $17.7518.20; good heavy, $18.10g)18.30; bulk, $17.7518.15. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 1.200 head; market steady; lambs, $18.5018.75; ewes, $10.60(311.25; canners and choppers, $5.00 jTt.OO. St. Joseph Live Stock. 8t. Joseph, Mo., March 4. Cattle Re ceipts, 4,000 head; smarket steady; steers, $12.5018.25; cows and heifers, $6.00 16.50; calves, $6.00(14.50. Hogs Receipts, 6,000 head; market higher; top, $17.90; bulk of sales, $17.26 17.76. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. (.000 head market 15 to 20 cents higher; lambs, $17.0019.35; ewes, $10.00 13.00. New York Coffee. N'ew York, March 4. The market for coffee futures was more active today and showed considerable strength during the early trading on buying of the near months by local operators who are sup posed to be looking for an Improved spot demand before the maturity of May con tracts. The opening was 10 points higher to 6 points lower, and May sold up to 15.00c during the morning, or 25 points net higher, and into high ground for the movement. Later deliveries stiffened up with May and December selling at 13.75c, or 7 points net higher, but the market turned easier In the late trading under realizing, with the close net ( points lower to 13 points higher. May, 4.85c; July, 14.20c; September, 13.88c; October, 13.80c; December, 13.63c; January, 13.68c; March, 13.48c. Spot coffee, dull; Rio 7s, 16 He; Santos 4a, 21 He. American Woolen Cuts Melon. Springfield, Mass., March 4. An extra dividend of approximately $2,000,000 to the common stockholders of the American Woolen company, was voted today at the annual meeting here. Payment will be made In Liberty bonds on the basis of $10 par value on each of the 200,000 shares of common stock. The directors votea tnis bonus In addition to declaring the regular dividend of 1 per cent on preferred stock and 114 per cent on the common stock. New York General. New Tork, ' March 4. Flour Firm; spring patents, 110. 65)11. 15; Kansas straights. $10.75 11.15. Wheat Spot, steady; No. 2 red, $2.3414. track New York. Corn Spot, firm; No. 2 yellow and No. 2 white, $1.6514, cost and freight New York. Oats Spot, firmer. Tork Firm; mess, $50.00. Lard Easy; mlddlewest, $26.20326.30. Other articles unchanged. New York Produce. New York, March 4. Butter Firmer; creamery higher than extras, 68(85814c; creamery extras, 675714c; firsts, 5314 6614 c Eggs Market lower; fresh gathered ex tras. 46414c; fresh gathered, regular packed, extra firsts, 3SS45'4c; do, firsts, 43814414c. Cheese Firmer; state current specials, 31ft81ttc; do, average run, 30311jc. Poultry Firm: unchanged. Chicago Produce. Chicago, March! 4. Butter Higher; creamery, 452 5614c. Eggs Receipts, 17,286 cases; market higher; firsts, 40c: ordinary firsts, 39 3914c; at mark, cases Included, 8940c. Potatoes Receipts, 34 cars; market un changed. Poultry Alive, higher; springs, J2c; fowls. 32c. Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, March 4. Flour Un changed. Barley $0 89c. Rye No. 3. $1.4214. Bran $37.00. Corn $1.29(81.30. Oats 57 57 14c. Flax $3.75 3.77. Kansas City Produce. Kansas City, Mo., March 4. Butter and Poultry Unchanged. Eggs Ope cent higher; firsts, I7e. St. Louis Grain. St. Louis, March 4. Corn May, $1.3214; July, 11.27. Oats May, 0c; July, 6914o. , Kansas City Grain. Kansas City. March 4. Corn March, J1.35; May, $1.3214; July. $1.2814. Mew York Sugar. New Tork, March 4. Sugar Un changed. INVESTMENT SECURITIES LIBERTY BONDS Bought and Sold Mack's Bond House 1421 First Nat. Bk. Bids. Trier 3644 Drawn for The Bee by GRAIN MARKET Omaha, March 4. Receipts of grains were lighter than week ago with 30 cars of wheat, 32 cars of corn, 29 cars of oals, 8 cars of rye and 9 cars ot barley. Last Tuesday wheat ar. rivals were 62 cars, corn, 40 cars and oats, o cars. Corn prices ranged from 1 to ( esnts higher, the bulk about 1 to $ cents ad vance. Taken generally, the off grades commanded somewhat stronger premium; than the better offerings. Considerable advance in future prices was the main fac tor in making higher prices, while the de mand continued only fair. Oats were gen erally to 14 cent up. Two cars of choice No. 3 white sold at 60c, or 1 cent over yes terday's top. Rye was nominally some higher and barley unchanged to 2 cents up. Wheat was 1 to 2 cents up. OMAHA FUTURE MARKET Art. I Open. High. Low. Close. Test'y Corn I I I Mar. 1.32 1.33 1.32 1.33 LS1 14 May 1.26 1.27 1.26 1.83 1.26 July 1.23 Oats Mar. .5814 5814 -68 May .60 60 July .59 .M .5914 OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Receipts Today Wk. Wheat 30 62 4 Corn it 40 181 Oats 29 :w 18 Rye 8 6 3 Barley . . .' 9 7 8 Shipments Wheat , 1 1 Corn 17 26 179 Oats 16 13 26 Rye 0 3 1 Barley 2 . 18 0 RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago ..! 36 151 91 Kansas City 21 17 34 St. Louis 23 63 44 Minneapolis 272 Duluth 8 . . .. Winnipeg 250 .. ., Corn No. S white, 1 car $1.33, 1 car $1.32; No. 4 white, I ear $1.30 (dry). 1 car $1.28; No. 6 white, 1 oar $1.29 (old): No. 3 yellow, 2 cars $1.31; No. 4 yellow, 1 car $1.35 (dry), 1 car $1.32 (old), 2 cars $1.31, 5 cars $1.30, 12 cars $1.29; No. 5 yellow, 1 car $1.28, 1 car $1.27; No. 6 yellow, 1 car 51.25, 1 car $1.24; sample yellow, 1 car $1.25, 1 car $1.20; No. 3 mixed, 3 cars $1.31; No. 4 mixed, 6 cars $1.28, t cars $1.27; No. 5 mixed, 2 cars $1.26, 4 cars $1.25; sample mixed, 1 car $1.20. Oats No. 2 white, 1 car 6014c; No. 3 white, 2 cars 60c; 2 cara 5914c: 1 car 6914c, 3 cars 69c; No. 3 mixed. 1 car 59c. Barley No. 3, 1 car 91o; No. 4, 1 car 89c; sample, 1 car 89c. Wheat No. 3 hard, 1 car $2.25, 1 car $2.22. 1 car $2.20; No. 4 hard, 1 car $2.17; sample hard, 1 car $1.95; No. 3 northern spring, 1 car $2.10 (smutty); No. 5 spring, 1 car $2.00 (frosted, smutty); sample northern snrlng, 1 car $1.96; No. 4 mixed, 1 car $2.17. Chicago Grain and Provisions. Chicago, March 4. With the visible sup ply reduced to an amount nearly without parallel at this time of the year, and with rough weather threatening a further cut in receipts, the corn market today gave evidence of decided strength. The close was unsettled, but 2 to 3 cents net higher, with May $1.29 to $1.29 14, and July $1.24 to $1.24. Onts gained lie to c. In provisions, the outcome was un changed to 22 cents down. Attention of corn fnders centered large ly on the fact that there was virtually no contract stock on hand here, and but little prospect of any accumulation be tween now and the end of May, as condl tlona were far from favorable for a free movement from the country. In addition, a sharp bulge In the hog market tended to emphasize bullish sentiment, and to make traders appear indifferent to the harbor workers' strike as a depressing fac tor. Toward the last, however, profit tak ing sales led to something of a setback. Assertions that 800 cars of packing house products were strike-bound In and around New York more than wiped out advances In provisions. The temporary gains were due to strength of corn and hogs. ' . Chicago closing prices, furnished Th Bee by Logan & Bryan, stock and grain brokers. 315 South Sixteenth street. Oma ha: Art. Open. High. Low. I Close, Yes'y. Corn Mar. May Jly Oats. 1.83 1.271, 1.22 1.36 1.3014 1.26 14 1.33 1.27 1.22 1.35 1.2914 1.25 1.S3 1.2614 1.2214 Mar. I .57 .58 .67141 .69 '4 i .58141 6714 .69 .6814 May Jly Pork. May Jly Lard. May J'ly Ribs. May Jly .60 .6014 .0Hi .69 .58 .59 41.80 3S.S0 25.60 24.90 .68 41.60 41.15 38.05 41.15 38.05 141.37 J38.25 128.45 24.75 22.97 21.70 38.80 25.55 24.76 25.25 24.60 25.25 .24.60 23.15 21.93 23.20 22.85 21.62 23.85 21.63 21.95 STEAMSHIP tea RICKETS To all parts of the world. Tours in Europe and U. S. Winter Trips to Cuba, Honolulu and Central America 102 2 FARNAM ST. 526 - 527 George McManus the Day FINANCIAL New York. March 4 The session on the 8t"rk exchange today was Influenced to an extraordinary extent by the progress of events at Washington and widespread interest in the address which President Wilson Is to deliver here tonight. Passing tho 65th congress without ac tion on financial legislation of paramount Importance, including the railroad revolv ing fund, uns-.-ttlod transportation during the intermediate period, thst group re acting 1 to almost 4 points. For a time the reaction comprehended tho general list, Including steels and equip ments, but much of the reversal was re covered later. Foremost In the latter class was Kelly Springfield, which registered the new maximum of 120 after a temporary set back of 6 points and American Woolen, which rose 8 points, half of Its gain be ing made prior to the announcement of the 10 per cent "extra" dividend. Oils and motors rebounded vigorously, the former deriving substantial support trom the more liberal attitude of the Mev. Ican authorities, and leathers contributed w i.,. i.. .mprove-neni at tne end, but shippings and metals lagged oaies amountea to 836,000 shares. Numerous railroad statements of earn ings wero issued by the Interstate Com merce commission, those for the most part showing substantial net returns. Foreign bonSs wero firm, hut domestic issues. Including the Liberty division, yielded fractionally to a point. Total sales (par value) aggregated 13,125,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and quotations on lead ing stocks: Closing Sales. High. Low. Bid. Am. Beet Sugar 1,100 7314 72 73 American Can .. 5,600 47'i 451, 4614 Am. car it r dry e.s Am. Locomotive 5.60 Am. Smelt & Ref 3,800 67 665i 66; Am. Sugar Ref 11814 Tm. T. & T 1,200 10614 105 10514 Am. Sc., L. & S.. 400 13'4 1314 1.114 Anaconda Copper Atchison AO&WISSL Bait. St Ohio... B. 4 S. Copper.. Cal. Petroleum Canadian Pacific Central Leather Chcs. & Ohio . . C, M. & S. P C. N. W C, R. St P. ctfs.. Chlno Copper . . Colo. Fuel & Iron 3.400 60 14 5914 60 400 914 8114 81 1,300 10314 103 10314 2.400 48 4714 4714 4,100 1914 18 19 1,100 27 264 264 600 163 180 163 12.000 654 6314 64 4,000 5,600 600 1,100 300 5714 3614 95-4 2414 3314 6714 3614 9514 2414 S3 14 38 48 61H 21 69 Vt 16 36 '4 9614 25 33 Corn Prod. Ref.. 10,500 Crucible Steel .. 9.000 Cuba Cane Sugar 2,200 Distiller's Sec... 29,000 Erie 1,800 General Electric 4814 6214 21 6014 1714 47 6014 2114 59 16 15314 General Motors . 19,300 157 15214 155 9314 0314 3914 39 97 97H 45 45 Ot. Northern pfd 1,600 93'4 ot. N. ore ctts.. 2,200 Illinois Central . 200 Inbp. Copper .... 1.100 30 97 45ii Int. M. M. pfd.. Inter. Nickel . . Inter. Paper .... K. C. Southern . . Kennecott Cop.. Louisville St Nash Maxwell Motors.. Mex. Petroleum. Miami Copper .. 9,900 102 101 1014 3,100 2614 , 25 26 6.400 4fi4 4514 4!1i 20 19 19 1,000 30 30 30 200 11514 115 115 1.000 3514 8414 85 48,900 177 171 176 1,300 22 2214 22 Missouri Pacific. 6,300 2514 76 1614 75 24 75 1614 74 24 75 1614 74 2814 Mont. Power .... 600 Nevada Copper . 3,100 New York Cen. 1,900 N. T., N. H. & H. 2,700 191, 28 Norfolk A West 104 Northern Pacific 92 Pacific T. & T. . 400 2714 Pennsylvania ... 800 44 Pittsburgh Coal Ray Con. Copper 600 1914 Reading 37.300 84 Rep. Iron & Steel 700 7714 Shat. Arlr. Cop. 600 1014 Southern Pacific 34,100 102 li Southern Railway 2714 44 is" 80 77 2714 '44 4614 1914 82 77 1014 10 99 10014 .... 28 6914 5914 Studebaker Cor.. 11.200 60 Texas Co Union Pacific .. V. S. Ind Alochol r. 8. Steel pfd . . Utah Copper .... Western Union . Westln'ouse Elec Bethlehem B 3,200 19314 193 19214 8.700 132 129 130 8,600 11414 112 112 600 1141. 11414 11414 3,900 6914 68 6914 400 88 88 88 6.600 46 45 4514 4,900 64 6314 6414 Total sales tor the day 835,000 shares. Liberty Bond Prices. New Tork, March 4. Prices of Liberty bonds at 11:30 a. m, today were : S14s. 98.80 first 4s, 94.04; second 4s, 93.50; first 414s, 94.90; second this, 93.90; third 414s, 95.20; fourth 4 '4s, 93.90. Liberty Bonds Bought and Sold. We Deal in Local Securities ROBT. C. DRUESEDOW & CO. 860 Omaha National Bank Bldg. mm, 1 WE LEND MONEY ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE 1 I ! ft Call or phone Omaha Loan and Building Association 15th and Dodge Sts., Omaha. M I?: - 528 ?529 -530 &co ffimldina 111)11 REPUBLIC ENDANGERED BY SPARTACATJ MOVE Socialists Urge Overthrow of Government, General Strikes and Trial of "Chief War Culprits." Paris, March 4. B a v r t troops opposed to- the radical government in Munich are marching on that city, according to a dispatch from Zurich to the Petit Parisien. This announcement was made at th soldiers' and workmen's congress in Munich by Minister Jaffe and Un terleitner. It was confirmed by several other delegates. , Details of the movement are lack ing, but the dispatch adds thai strong detachments of troops al ready have left Nuremberg. News of the reported advance on Munich caused commotion among -the delegates and the congress ad journed at once. Appeal for Strike. Berlin, March 4. (By Associateu Press.) The national 1 Sparatciu league and the Greater Berlin com munist organizations have issued an appeal for an immediate genera! strike and the overthrow of the na tional assembly and the present re public. The organizations instruct theii followers to assemble at factories to prevent work and direct them tc avoid street demonstration! in or- der that the government may hav ' no opportunity to crush the move ment by force. Meetings were being held today at various factories for the purpose of deciding whether to respond to the appeal. The workmen of the Schwartze 1 plant, who are among the most radi- cal in Berlin, have VOted for t gen- , ! .trjkrv iznm m-n hMno- at.. fected. According to the Vorwaerts, the majority of the workingmen in the metal trades and the railway work ers favor a general stoppage ' of work. ' New York Boatmen Resume Strike Halted in January New "York, March 4. The strike of 16.000 boatmen in New York har bor, halted last January at the ca- oo 92i4 9114 9mbled raquest of President Wilson, 1H it ecl? ".5 was resumed at 6 a. m. today, and at that hour shipping virtually was . at a standstill, according to state ments made by union officials. The strikers demand " wage increases averaging 3p per cent and the eight hour day. Net Tork Money. New Tork. March, 4. Mercantile Papet Unchanged. Sterling Day bills, unchanged; demand, 14.75: cahles, 14.16 7-16. Francs Demand, i 15.46; cables, 3.45. Guilders Demand, 41c; cables, 41 lie. Lire Unchanged. Mexican Dollars Unchanged. Time Loans Firm; all dates, 6 HQS per cent. Call Money Steady: high, I per cent; low, 4 per cent; ruling rate, ( per cent; closing bid. 414 Pr cent; offered at 4 per cent; last loan, 4 per cent. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga., March 4. Turpentine Firm; 6414c; sales, 25 bbls.; receipts, none; shipments, none; stock, 25,698. Rosin Nominal; aales, none; receipts, none; shipments, none; stock, 65,3 bbls. Quote: B, 813.10; D, E, I1J.15; F, 3 20; O, $13.25; H, $13.30; I, $13.65: K, $l.3t M, $16.25; N, WO, $16.30; WW. $16.76, . - Dry Goods. New Tork, March 4. Percale wer of fered for future delivery at the new prices named for spots a short tlma ago. Yarns ruled Quiet. Wool goods were sold more freely. Raw silk was steady and burlaps quiet and weak. Xew York Metals. New York, March 4. Copper Dulls electrolytic, 1414 15c Iron, Lead and Spelter Unchanged, Linseed. Minn., March Duluth, $3.77. 4. Linseed- London Money. ; London, March 4. Money and Discount -Market unchanged. SKBNNER PACKING, fc BUTTER vg EGOS 1116-llTa-DQudlas sr. Tel-Douglas 1521 mem. No Commission No Delay Liberal Rate of Interest Easy Terms Monthly Payments