Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1919, Image 1

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Generally fair .Wedne.
day and Thursday, with m
a Daily
k-w'u it rr a trt'f a n v a i ir r n
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Hourly Temper nireot - j
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Washington, March 4. Jeanctte
Rankin of Montana, the only wo
man who ever served in congress,
made her farewell speech in the
house today just before adjourn
ment. She paid a tribute to the
membership for courtesy shown her
and expressed regret at leaving con
gress without woman suffrage by
constitutional amendment an accom
plished fact.
Westerville, O., March 4. Prohi
bition workers from nearly every
civilized nation in the world will
hold a convention in .Paris some
time in April to discuss worldwide
prohibition issues, according to an
announcement today from the na
tional headquarters of the Anti
Sa'oon league.
The Paris meeting will precede
by a month an international conven
tion of prohibition workers to be
held in this country. The Amer
ican convention will be opened in
New York City, May 20, and will
close in Washington June 7.
j'hiladelphia, March 4. President
Wilson arrived in this city at 5:15
o'clock this afternoon for a brief
visit to his daughter, Mrs. Francis
B. Sayre, and his new grandson,
.Woodrow Wilson Sayre.
The president, accompanied by
Mrs. Wilson, was driven from the
.station in an automobile, a distance
of six blocks, to Jefferson hospital,
where his daughter is a patient. The
streets through which he passed
were lined by cheering crowds.
Every precaution had been taken
to safeguard the president and ropes
were stretched to prevent the
crowds from overflowing into the
streets and impeding the passage of
the automobiles carrying him and
his attendants.
People Must Be Assured of
'Employment and Fair
Wages, Asserts Brit
ish Premier.
London, March 4. Premier Lloyd
George, in addressing the first meet
ing today of the joint committee of
employers and employes, which was
constituted by the industrial parlia
ment last week, said: ,
"Civilization, unless we try to
save it, may be precipitated and
shattered to atoms. It can only be
saved by the triumph of justice and
fair play to all classes alike."
The premier warned the commit
tee that it was the trustee of the
welfa-e and safety of the whole na
tion. Unemployment must be ban
ished, he said, and the workers must
never again be put in dread of the
horrors of distress and hunger.
"Let the workers understand,"
the premier declared, "that where
there is an increase of products they
will get a fair share of it."
Mr. Lloyd George sa'.d that what
. I CJ.....
was wamcu was mvi, vvimvtww
and understanding between employ
ers and employes. The employers
must never again say, "you are earn
ing too .much; your wages must
come down."
The task of supplying the world
with material had fallen to the
United States and England, and pos
Mbly Japan, the premier continued.
It was a mistake, he said, to keep
men vorking longer hours than
were absolutely necessary, but at
the same time foreign competition
and the need of productivity must
i be borne 'in mind.
He pointed out to the workers
that what was happening in Russia
might happen in Germany and else
where. He said that anarchy was
least suited to the working class be
cause when they appeared to be
triumphing most they were in real
ty, except for a favored few, suf
fering the most dreadful horrors.
President Approves
Sending Women Labor
Delegates to Paris
New York, March 4. President
' Wilson approved the sending of wo
men labor delegates to the peace
conference in a letter received here
today by Miss Mary Ar.drson, who.
with Miss Rose Schneiderman, will
sail next Monday for Paris as rep
resentatives of the national women's
trade union league.
Mathewson IV! ay Became "
Manager McGraw's "Assistant
tfew York, March 4. Christy
Mathewson, former manager of the
Cincinnati Nationals, held a con
ference here today "with John J. Mc
Graw, vice president of the New
Vork Nationals. It is believed that
Mathewson, who' received his dis
:harge from the army last week,
nay return to the Giants as an as
sistant to Manager McGraw.
Mathewson understands that he
is still under reservation to the
Cincinnati lub and cannot sign with
ny other club until granted his re
lease. Fail 39th Senator to Sign
Resolution Opposing League
Washington", March 4. Senator
Lodge of Massachusetts received a
telegram late today from Senator
Fall of New . Mexico, republican,
authorizing the signing of his name
to the resolution opposing accep
tance of the league of nations con
stitution as now drawn. Signatures
to the resolution now number j39.
Government May ' Return
Roads to Private Manage
ment Unless Crisis Can Be
Met With Loans.
Washington, March 4. Adjourn
ment of congress without appropri
ating $750,000,000 for railways left
the railroad administration with
practically empty 'coffers, about
$381,000,000 back debts, and no funds
with which to finance the extensive
program of improvements planned
for this year as a measure to take
up slack in the materials and labor
Immediate relinquishment of the
roads to private management loom
ed as a possibility, but otficinis said
this would be done only if it finally
appeared not feasible for the rail
roads to borrow privately the mil
lions needed, or to have the war
finance corporation extend large
loans to the companies..
Situation Complicated.
Director General Hines, after con.
ferences tonight with Secretary
Glass and Eugene Meyer, jr., man
aging director of the war finance
corporation, made this statement:'
"The railroad situation is so'com
plicated by this recent development,
and there are so many possibilities
that I cannot say at this time what
may be done with the railroads. It
will take a good deal of considera
tion before a conclusion is reached."
Several treasury officials in close
touch with financial conditions ex
pressed belief that the railroads could
obtain loans privately to tide them
over the next few months, although
perhaps at high interest rate. In this
connection a conference of leading
bankers with treasury and railroad
administration was proposed.
' Little Money on Hand.
The war finane'e corporation, it
was announced todav, already has
lent $71,505,000 to railroads. It has
authorization to. advance several"!
hundred million dollars under war
powers, on adequate collateral, and
at rates of at least 1 per cent higher
than current rates for 90 days paper.
Offic'als. questioned, however,
whether the terms of the act could
be interpreted liberally enough to
permit the cornoration to go into
this wholesale financing.
Only a few million dollars remain
in the railroad administration's or
iginal sinking fund barely enough
to run the administration's machin
ery itself. In addition to paying
$381,000,000 to railroads for settle
ments in 1918 accounts, the railroad
administrat'on had planned to use
this year $491,000,000 for improving
and extending tracks, erectirg new
buildings,- installing bridsres. and
other capital enterprises; $226,000,
000 for cars and locomotives al
ready ordered; $20 000.000 for financ
ing the Boston and Maine, and $12,
840,000 for inland waterways. Un
less funds can be provided soon, the
railroads will remain unpaid, and in
turn they may be slow in paying
their bills for supplies and mater
ials, it was pointed out.
Treasury Would Avoid Loans.
The treasury is anxious to avoid
throwing railroad securities on the
market before the Victory Liberty
loan campaign and for this reason
will try to arrange a means of supply
ing credit through the war finance
corporation if this is possible.
Loans already made by the war
finance corporation to railroads as
announced todav are as follows:
Baltimore and Ohio, $5,450:000;
Southern. $6,562,000; Rock Is'and,
S10.430 000; Illinois Central $12 000,
000; Chesapeake and Ohio. $2,370.
000; Central of Georgia. $900,000;
Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul,
Sll. 500.000 and New York Central
Havner to Address State
Committee on Rathbun Case
Des Moines, la., March 4. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Attorney General
Havner will address a letter to the
house legislative committee Wednes
day on the Rathbun pardon case and
will turn over a list of names of
witnesses, who appeared before the
Ida County grand jury, and all ex
hibits in the case. The legislative
invecticraf irtn ic fine trt cfort 1af
! Wednesday.
Anrr's Son Takes Throne.
London, March 4. Sardar Ama
nulla Khan, third son of the late
amir of Afghanistan, who was assas
sinated Fcbrpary 20, has declared
h'mself amir and assumed 'the reins
of government at Kabul
VOL. 48 NO. 223.
i u i u j j
MCMd-tlan matter May SS. 1906.
P. 0.- vadar act et March 3. 1079
-i i r n
&! limit- Vim.
J Uu
Wilson Leaves Capital in
Decided 111 Humor When
Senate Blocks His Plans
" j " "
Machinery Set In Motion to Select Committees of the
Next Congress Today; Places Nebraska Members
Will Get In the Reorganization Still Quite Proble
matical. N
Washington Bureau Omaha Bee.
Washington, March 4. The old-time Washington correspondent who
lias looked down from the press gallery upon the last movements of many
expiring congresses saw little to thrill him in the new setting given to
the closing of the house of representatives today, but the newcomer to
4he press section aiid for that matter to the crowded gallery and the floor
saw in the presence of the far-famed marine band in their smart uniforms
and with a song leader to direct the vocal effect of the popular and inspir
ing finale to a remarkable congress, the mast remarkable in all respects
since the foundation of the government.
There was a noticeable lack of
spontaneity in the songs sung by
the members in which the gallarics
joined enthusiastically in contrast
to those far-off days When the close
of a session was celebrated with
vocal efforts that had heart in their
delivery if they did perchance lack
But we are living in a world at
mosphere instead of happily content
in our friendly isolation, the innova
tion of the marine band and its
leader, Lieutenant Sautellman, and
a songlcader who is a veteran in
the War Camp Community service,
to aid the demise of congress, must
be taken at their face value. The
crowd seemed to enjoy the new de
parture and that compensated those
who had arranged the unusual stage
The prospect indicated that many
of the great money bills were des
tined to fail was fully realized when
the clocks in the senate and house
marked high noon today. The demo
cratic party demonstrated its in
capacity to' meet either in matter
or in time the demands of the gov
ernment. In this we see a remark
able condition. Up to the begin
ning of the session which closed to
day, republicans and republican
leaders in this congress whole
heartedly aided and really directed
the course of legislation although
in the minority and without political
Wilson Too Silent.
On December 1. the armistice
having been signed, the president
departed for Europe without taking
congress into his confidence as to
national legislation bases on war
settlements, with the result that the
'Babe Booze Hound' Stages ,
Crude Game; Still on Job
Is "Fired" by "Snow White
Bird's" to Foil Report
ers, Then Talks
; Too Much.
v "Babe, the booze hound," the
mysterious veiled woman, who has
been operating with the Omaha
squad of Gus Hyers' state agents,
and who was alleged to have beer,
dismissed yesterday by S. M. Mel
ick, chief ofThe "snow white crew,"
has not been fired at all.
Babe still had her star. She still
is on the pay roll and she will con
tinue, her efforts against the "de
mon rum" under the authority of
the state of Nebraska.
All of which the woman freely
admits. In fact she boasts that she
has not been dismissed, and declares
that she is not going to be let out.
"ThaU was all stage stuff pulled
at the police station. Mr. Melick
tnA T arrancprt that deal to fool the
reporters and bootleggers, who must
not know 1 am working it 1 get any
The female sleuth did not know a
reporter stood at her elbow while
she told of her exploits in terms of
glowing praise and unfolded her
Berlin Strike Puts,
City Without Water,
Gas or Electricity
London, March 4. A general
strike began in Berlin Monday even
ing, a German wireles message re
ceived tonight announces. All traf
fic has been stopped on 'the street
cars and the elevated 'and under
ground railways.
Berlin is without water, electric
ity or gas, the Exchange Telegraph
correspondent at ' Copenhagen re
ports. . . . '
Ford Eagle Approved.
Washington, March 4. The Ford
Eagle is the best type of submarine
chaser in existence and isrequired
as part of a complete navy, even in
peace times, the senate naval affairs
subcommittee, which inquired into
the construction of the craft, report
ed today to the senate.
vuLbUU'U u Aiwlw to Liu Li u 0
Rn infirm" CTftnn uwvjw
--J a .-J t i L MJ( M m.miS J I-. ..-J Lj M J Imm 1i i4 Law ml Li Wi -m
(.) n : 0
republicans did not see fit to enter
into any guessing contest and to
how many billions the country
would be called upon to expend dur
ing the fiscal year of 1920.
So the republicans let these demo
crats drift and their guess as to
Wilson's program was anything but
Republicans Serve Notice.
The most important fact connect
ed with the closing session of to
day is the determined attitude of the'
senate when 39 leading republicans
served record notice on the presi
dent that they, constituting more
than one-third of the senate, can and
will defeat the present proposed
league of nations compact.
Out of this situation a battle roy
al is expected between the presi
dent and the senate. The president
came to Washington in decided ill
humor. 'He leaves jn a mental state
not greatly improved. To his de
mands for legislation the senate
yielded only oil the bond question.
To Elect Leader Today.
A meeting of the republican mem
bers of the committee on commit
tees is called for tomorrow morn
ing when the machinery will be set
in motion to organize the commit
tees of the Sixty-sixth congress to
select a steering committee and
elect a majority leader. It is ex
pected that the work of tomorrow
will be largely given over to the de
termination as to the ratio republi
cans shall bear to democrats on the
several committees, select the ma
jority members of the ways and
means, rules, interstate and foreign
commerce and a steering commit
tee of five.
deep-laid plans to trap the leggers
of the boot.
She was talking to an audience
at the Rex hotel, Sixteenth and Cal
ifornia streets, where she registered
Monday afternoon with a man wear
ing a soldier's uniform as G. C. Cook
and wife, Iowa City, la. The couple
left last night for Lincoln, where
"Babe" volunteered the information
she and her soldier, who is also a
state agent, she said, were following
two automobiles loaded with booze.
She said she would stay in Lin
coln until she had driven every drop
of red whisky out of that city.
"You got to be clever in this busi
ness," she told her hearers. I've
in it for eightyears. I know what
I'm talking about. I know the ways
of -the bootlegger, and when I go
after him I get him. Just leave it
to me. .
"Babe" jumped into a waiting taxi
with her soldier and waved good
bye. Before leaving the hotel she ex
plained her reason for wearing the
heavy veil. "You see," she said,
throwing th"mask back and show
ing an ordinary face of a woman
about 24 years old, blue eyes and
faded blond hair, "my teeth are far
apart. I laugh a good deal and my
teeth act as a giveaway. If I do
not wear a veil, I can't conceal my
Birdsall Blamed
for Brest Criticism,
by General Pershing
Washington, March 4. A cable
gram from General Pershing made
public today at the War department
that a campaign of criticism against
this handling of the embarkation
camp at Brest, France, grew out of
the trial by court-martial of Maj
Alfred W. Birdsall, formerly of the
New York Evening Telegram.
The message said the "violert
newspaper attacks" upon the Brest
camp began about the time Major
Birdsall returned to the United
States after having been reprimand
ed, reduced in grade and fined for
striking an enlisted man.
It added that Major - Birdsall
threatened before he left that he
"would get someone at Brest"
R 1 1 0 n F T R ! Overwhelming Majority Mf 1 1 0 fl M IJ
EJ M E M Lm I U!
Wilson Persists in Refusal to
Call Extra Session to Pass
- Supply Bills Killed by
Washington, March 4. A bitter
controversy between President Wil
son and the senate over the league
of nations and a filibuster by a few
republican senators seeking to force
an immediate extra session, marked
the passing at noon today of .the
Sixty-fifth or great war congress.
Called in April, 1917, to throw
America, s weight into the conflict
overseas, the congress held three
momentous and historic sessions.
Partisanship lay dormant during the
war. but it broke forth in the last
session to culminate in a final fili
buster which successfully blocked
passage of half of the 14 regular
appropriation bills, including the
$750,000,000 railroad administration
revolving fund, and the huge army,
navySnd merchant marine budgets.
Disapproval in Record.
Although unsuccessful in their
efforts to record the senate in favor
of amendment of the constitution
of the league of nations as now
drawn, the republican senators left
in the record a resolution approved
by 39 of thent opposing acceptance
of the charter in its present form.
Republican Leader Lodge and other
spokesmen said this was notice to
the president and the peace confer
ence that the necessary two-thirds
majority in the new senate for rati
fication of the present plan could
not be obtained.
.Democratic leaders privately ex
pressed belief that amendments
would be made soon after the presi
dent reached Paris.
President Wilson spent an hour
at the capitol before adjournment.
Later he formally announced that
despite the death in the filibuster of
the railroad and other bills he would
adhere to his refusal to call the new
.congress before his return from
France and criticised "a group of
men" for their obstruction.
As a result of the filibuster which
held the senate in continuous ses
sion for 36 hours the president had
little to do at the capitol except sign
the $1,000,000,000 wheat guarantee
bill and exchange leave takings with
members and friends.
Midsummer Call Expected.
Because of the president's decision
on the extra session, members who
crowded outgoing trains tonight felt
assured that congress would not
again assemble much before June I.
Leaders predicted that then it would
remain in continuous session until
the 1920 political convention.
During the recess business will be
virtually suspended, except for re
sumption tomorrow of the Overman
committee's propaganda investiga
tion and the meeting at the same
time of the house republican com
mittee bn committees.
With the ending of congress
scores of statements on the results
of legislation and the league of na
(Contlnusd on Page Eight, Column Two)
1,700 Nominations
Unconfirmed When
Congress Adjourns
Washington, March 4. Seventeen
hundred nominations, including
those of A. Mitchell Palmer to be at
torney general and John Skelton
Williams to succeed himself as comp
troller of the currency, remained un
confirmed today when congress ad
journed. On the list were approxi
mately 1,000 postmasters, 500 army
officers and 200 navy officers.
The senate in failing to act upon
Mr. Palmer's nomination establish
ed a precedent according to oldest
attaches who said it was the cus
tom to pass without delay upon ap
pointments of members of the cab
inet. Other important nominations un
confirmed were those of Major
Generals Robert E. Noble and Wal
ter D. McGraw to be brigadier
generals in the regular army estab
lishment. Mr. Palmer and Mr. Williams will
be given recess appointments by the
president under which they will
hold office until the new congress
assembles. Postmasters hold over
until their successors qualify. Army
and navy officers may be given the
temporary rank to which they were
nominated and then renominated
when congress meets again. Upon
confirmation their new rank would
date from the day of the original
nominations, , ,
Bv Mall (I war). Daily. I4.? Sunday. IJ.S"; TWO PENTS
Dally anil Sua.. M.SO: autitcU Nak. toiuw antra 1,ru V"J"
I Overwhelming
Of Americans in Favor
Of League, Says Wilson
"This Is Not a Party Issue and No Party Will In the
Long Run Dare Oppose. It," President Assertss In
Farewell Speech on Eve of Departure For France.
Opponents of League Criticised in Caustic
Phrases by Wilson.
"No party has the right to appropriate this issue and no party
will in the long run dare oppose it."
"I am amazed that there should be in some quarters such a com
prehensive ignorance of the state of the world."
"The great jtides of the world do not give notice that they are
going to rise and run; they rise in their majesty and those who stand
in the way are overwhelmed. Now the heart of the world is awake,
and the heart of 'the world must be served."
"Critics of the league not only have not observed the temper of
the world, but they have not even observed the temper of those splen
did boys in khaki that they sent across the seas."
"The th,ing that Washington longed for was what are now
about to supply: An arrangement which will disentangle all the
alliances in the world." 4 v
"Criticism? of the league do not make any impression on me, be
cause the sentiment of the country is proof against such narrowness
and such selfishness as that."
"The day will come when men in America will look back with
swelling hearts and rising pride that they should have been privileged
to make the sacrifice which it was necessary to make in order to
combine their might and their moral power with the cause of justice
for, men of every kind everywhere." ,
New York, March 4. The text of President Wilson's speech at the
Metropolitan Opera house tonight follows: , .
"My fellow citizens, I- accept the intimation of the air just played. I
will not come back 'till it's over, over there,' And yet I pray God, in the
interests of peace and of the world, that that may be soon..
"The first tiling that .1 am going to tell the people on' the other side
of the water is that an overwhelming majority of the American people
is In favor of the league of nations. I know that that is true; I have
unmistakable intimations of it from all parts of the country and the voice
rings true in every case.
"I count -myself fortunate to
speak here tinder the unusual cir
cumstances -of this evening. - 1 am
happy to associate myself with Mr.
Taft in this great cause. He has
displayed an elevation of view and
a devotion to public duty, which is
beyond praise. , -
Not a Party Issue.
"And I am the more happy be
cause this means that this is not
a party issue. No party has the
right to appropriate this issue, and
no party will in the long run dare
oppose it.
"We have listened to so clear and
admirable an exposition of many
of the main features of the pro
posed covenant of the league of na
tions, that it is perhaps not neces
sary for me to discuss in any par
ticular way the contents of the
document. I will try rather to
give you its setting.
"I do not know when I have
been more impressed than by the
conferences of the commission set
up by the conference of peace to
draw up a covenant for the league
of nations. The representatives of
14 nations sat around, that board
not young men, not "men inexper
ienced in the affairs of their own
countries, not men inexperienced in
the politics of the world; and the
inspiring influence of every meeting
was the concurrence of purpose on
the part of all those men to come
to an agreement and an effective
working agreement, with regard to
this league of the civilized world.
Conviction In Impulse.
"There was a conviction in the
whole impulse; there was convic
tion of more than one sort; there
was the conviction that this thing
ought to be done, and there was
also the conviction that not a man
there would venture to go home
and say that he had not tried to do
"Mr. Taft has set the picture for
you of what a failure of this great
purpose would mean. We have
been hearing for all these weary
months that this agony of war has
lasted because of the sinister pur
poses of the central empires, and
we have made mans of the course
that they meant their conquests to
take. Where did the lines of that
map lie, of that central line that
we used to call from Bremen to
"They lay through these very re
gions to which Mr. Taft has called
your attention, but they lay then
through a united empire, the Austro
Hungarian empire whose integrity
Germany was bound to respect as
her ally lay in the path of that line
of conquest; the Turkish empire
whose interests she professed to
make her own lay in the direct
path that she intended to tread. j
Responsible as Trustees.
"And now what has happened?
The Austro-Hungarian empire has
gone to pieces and the Turkish em
pire has disappeared, and the na-1
tions that effected that great result
for it was a result of liberation
are now responsible as the trustees
of the assets of those great nations, i
You not only would have weak na-
tions lying in this path, but you
would have nations in which that
old poisonous seed of intrigue could '
be planted with the certainty that
the crop would be abundant; and
one of the things that the league of
nations is intended to watch is the
course of intrigue. Intrigue can
not stand publicity, and if the league
of nations were nothing but a great
debating society it ; would kill in
trigue. "It is one of the aims of this cov
enant that it is the friendly right of
every nation a member of the league,
to call attention to anything that
it thinks will disturb the peace of
the world, no matter where that
thing is occurring.
Safety in Discussion.
''There js no subject that may
touch the peace of the world which
is exempt from discussiop. and I
think everybody here present will
agree with me that Germany would
never have gone to war if she had
permitted the-world to discuss the
aggression upon Serbia for a single
"The British foreign office sug
gested, it plead that there might be
a day or two delay so that the rep
resentatives of the nations of Eu
rope could get together and discuss
the possibilities of a settlement. Ger
many did not dare permit a day's
discussion. You know what hap
pened. So soon as the world real
ized that an outlaw was at large, the
nations began one by one to draw
together against her.
"We- know for a certainty that if
Germany had thought for a moment
that Great Britain would go in with
France and with Russia, she never
would have undertaken the enter
prise and the league of nations is
meant as a notice to all outlaw
nations that not only Great Britain,
but the United States and the rest
of the world wilLgo in to stop en
terprises of that sort. And so the
league of nations is nothing more
nor less than the covenant that the
world will always ' maintain the
standards which it has now vindi
cated by some of the most pre
cious blood ever spilt.
Demanded by People.
"The liberated . peoples of the
Austro-Hungarian empire and of
the Turkish empire call out to us
for this thing. It has not arisen in
the council of statesmen. Europe
is a bit sick at heart at this very
moment, because it is seen that
statesmen have had no vision, and
that the only vision has been the
vision of the people. Those who suf
fer see. Those against whom wrong
is wrought know how desirable is
the right and the righteous.
"The nations that have long been
under the heel of the Austrian, that
have long cowered before the Ger
man, that have long suffered the
indescribable agonies of being gov
erned by the Turk, have called out
to the world, generation after gen
eration, for justice, for liberation,
for succor, and no cabinet in the
world has heard them.
"Private organizations, pityhg
hearts, philanthropic men and wo
men have poured out their treasure
in order to relieve these sufferings;
but no nation has said to the na
tions responsible "You must stop;
this thing is intolerable, and we
(Continued oa Pose Two, Column One.)
t a. in ll ft p. m m
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It . n III! p. n.. IT
President and His Predecessor
Unite in Advocacy of
League to Prevent
Wars in Future.
New York, March 5. President
Wilson went aboard the U. S. S.
George' Washington at 12:05 this
morning with Mrs. Wilson and
other members of his party. The
steamship is scheduled to sail for
France at 8:15 a. m. today.
New York, March 4. On'the ev
of his return to the peace confer
ence President Wilson delivered an
address here tonight at the Metro
politan opera house, urging estab
lishment of a league of nations.
Former president Taft, speaking
from the same platform, also out
lined his reasons for believing that
a league should be formed to pre
vent future wars.
Governor Smith of New York pre
sided at the meeting and introduced
both President Wilson and Mr. Taft.
Long before the president, com
ing here tonight from Washington
to sail from Hoboken tomorrow on
the stearper George Washington,
reached the opera house, great
crowds had .collected along Broad
way and Seventh avenue, while hun
dreds of policemen, the strongest
guard ever provided in this city, was
stationed at every tew paces around
the building.
Opera House Searched.
One hour before the doors were
thrown open to the few thousands
who had been able to obtain tickets
20 inspectors ..from police ' head
quarters searched the opera house
from cellar to uppermost gallery,
showing evidence of precautions
taken to protect America's chief ex
ecutive. Roofs of buildings nearby
Were also searched.
Police lines were drawn v two
blocks from all sides of the opera
house. Seat holders, arriving . in
automobiles were forced to descend
one block from the building and
walk to the main entrance. At least
15 uniformed policemen vised each
ticket before a seat holder could
reach the main entrance of the build
ing and almost as many more men
scanned the tickets before a person
reached his seat.
The doors were opened shortly
after 7 o'clock and as fashionably
dressed men and women, with many
representatives of army, navy and
marines; filed down the aisles to
their seats, the port of embarkation
band played patriotic airs.
Enter Arm-in-Arm.
The president and Mr. Taft walk
ed on the stage arm-in-arm. They
were applauded for several minutes.
The audience remained standing un
til the president took his seat .
As president and ex-President
Taft emerged from the room in
which they conferred and walked
through the thronged wings onto
the stage, Mr. Taft. said:
"I don't know on which side, of
you I should walk, Mr. President."
He was on the left and" the presi
dent smiled and nodded.
A wave of cheers swept over, the
house as the president and Mr. Taft
(Continued on Fite Two, Colnma ' Six.)
Chamber of Commerce,
Enterfains Merchants
Visiting in Omaha
A jazz band, vaudeville, and re
freshments at the Omaha Chamber
fif rdinmrc. lacfr n . rr t, f .,.. ..,M
ed" as entertainment for over, 500
visiting merchants. Merhants, men
and women, from Idaho, Missouri,
Kansas, New Mexico, Colorado,
Minnesota, and California have reg-i
istercd for the Merchants' Sprinf
Market week, and men from as faf
as Honolulu, and Alaska are expect
ed. Registrations at the Chamber
of fnmmMrc ar vnrtl cu,1
to over 1,000 by tonight. .
tomorrow night the reception
rommittp. which rir:,i rv,..
ha's merchants and jobbers, ha
planned a buffet dinner at the Rome
hotel, followed hv 3 tht- nrti
at the Orpheum. After the theater
a minnignt aance at the Rome if
Thursday, the last day of tht
meeting, a buffet lunch and dancing
party will be given at Hotel Fon.
tcnelle. A Histrihnlin nf nr!. ....r
be made at 9 o'clock. A grand prize
01 a viciroia ior ootn men anc
women will he uvl-htAp-A TV. ...
man's "chief prize" will be a bet
room set ot tour pieces. J he men j
b'tr orize is a ftOO.muinH cifol .
There are 13 prizes in all,