THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 2, 1919. To tho ha know the mot, wards tu paint. And thM. who know thM know all word art int. Mora. Four thing com not back tho spokoa word, tho (pad arrow, tho put IK and th neglected opportunity. Anon. Busy Days in Music World By HENRIETTA M. REES. FOR many months the musical colony of Omaha has heard nothing but the most glowing encomiums about Jascha Heifetz, me i-year-old violinist, who last season took all New York and the east by storm. Blase critics and public alike acclaimed him after his first recital," and everywhere he has awakened unbounded enthusiasm. Now that the Tuesday Musical club will present this brilliant young artist before an Omaha audience on March 10, everyone with musical tendencies is on the qui vive to hear him, and interest has been rife as to what sort of a program he will play, and as to nis extraordinary gifts as a musician. William J. Henderson, of the New York Sun, in a recent two-col-inw article devoted entirely to Jas cha Heifetz, declares that this young man, hardly more than a boy in years, is at present at the top of his profession, the first of living violin ists, Mr. Henderson speaks of Heifetz' gifts as manifold. First of all, a '"violin grnis," which "means a special facility in learning, that ex quisite delicacy of muscular sense which enables the left hand always to direct its fingers to the exact po sition demanded, and the right hand to move and to press the bow so as to get the perfect tone." "Bowing," continues Mr. Hender son, "is to the violinist what touch is to the pianist. It is the life of his technic. It is the means with which he makes the tonal lights and shadows play through the instru mental song. It is the force behind every dynamic gradation, the secret of those infinite varieties of -sound figuratively called "tone colon" But it is more than this. It is the deter mining factor in what is called style. Here it is akin to the brush work of the painter, sweeping and Mrs. Jack Conners Teacher of Dancing Guarantee to teach you to dance in two lessons. Conner Hall, 23th and Farnam Inflammation Rob Omega Oil gently oyer the place that harts. Then soak a piece of flannel with the Oil, lav it on the painful part nd coyer with dry flannel. This simple treatment usually give quick relief. Unsightly Hair DeMiraelc the original sanitary liquid, la truly a revelation la modern acience. It l Jnat aa FlTlracloD for removing coarse, brlxtly arowuko it 1 (or ordi nary ones. Only Brnnlna DeMlracle has Boner-back Kvarante Is each package. At toilet counter In Aflc. 1 and 3 alae. or by mail from ja la plala wrapper oa re ceipt nt print. FRFF nook "lth trntlmonlala of a fcjgaest authorities ex plain what eanaeo hair on face, nrek and arm a, why It Increase and how DeMlracle devitalise it. aaalled la plain aealed envelope oa reqnest. DeMlracle, Park Ave. and lSta St Mew lark. HOISTING E. J. DA VIS 1212 FARNAM ST. TeLD.353 (S)ffiSii for HI Swellings & Plant Your Entire Garden With $100 Worth of the Highest Grade Seeds (DUES ISEG BMIGMM, We have the best Seeds that science, experience and skill can produce ' In order to get our Seeds in the hands of as many planters as possible and thus prove their superiority, we make this extraordinary offer For $100 We Will Send You $180 Wqrth of Seeds to Your Home BUSH BA.VB CABBAOl Bountiful BtrlBfl Bur Caad Oraes Pod CARROT Admiral WsH Chaateaa feMBT Daows Krllt atodal CCOCMBin 4 volt vara w ' : - m - - - AH the Seeds are the requirements It VOU neeu . World's Most Talented Violinist Plays in Omaha is ' bold, or delicate and fine. His only limitation, according to r. Hender son, is his age, and he predicts that he will mature fast in the next five years, and that "growth in wisdom purely musical will bring with it deeper and deeper emotion in the study of great works." This will be the fifth and closing program of the season's series under the auspices of the Tuesday Musical club. Mr. Heifetz will be heard on Monday evening, March 10, at the Brandeis theater, in the following program, which we suspect was ar ranged by his manager to tickle the ears of the benighted audiences of the middle west. (l) Sonata No. 4 In P major Handel. Largo maestro Allegro. Larghetto Allegro con brio. (U.) Concerto In D minor Wlenlawski. Allegro moderate Domanza Andante non troppo. Finale A la xingara. IH) a. Av Maria Shubart. b. Menuetto Moiart. e. Nocturne In 13 minor Chopin-Auer. d. Choru of Dervishes (Etude) Beethoven-Auer. a. March Oriental (Scherzo) from th Ruins ot Athens Bcethoven-Auer. (IV.) a. On Wing of Song.. .. ..Mendelssohn. b. La Ronde ties I.utins. . . . . Bazinnl. Andre Benolst At the Piano. Miss Ruth Flynn will present Mr. Barney Reilly, baritone, in song re cital Sunday afternoon, March 2, at the Brandeis theater. Mr. Reilly comes well recommended from re citals in Chicago and various other 'PAT' TKICIST ilKvVMACAHONlVir'll t.7 y00 mi vrui aw , V GET RID OF YOUR FAT Thousands of others have gotten rid of theirs WITHOUT DIETING OR EXERCISING often at the rate of over a pound a day and WITHOUT PAYMENT until reduction has taken place. 0k . I am a licensed practicing physician and personally select the treatment for each individual ase, thus en abling me to choose remedies that will produce not only a loss of weight harmlessly, but which will also relieve yon of all the troublesome symptoms of verstoutness . , . k. 1.1. wniHuH:AM LjiiMi -S. 1 X SuCa 8S snortness fVVjf rheumatism, gout, iiess. My treatment will relieva that depressed, tired, sleepy feeling, giving you renewed energy and vigor, a. result of the loss of voux Bucerfluous fat. V I You are not required to change in the slightest y) I 1 'rora your reKn,ar mode living. There is no dieting J J LJ or exercising. It is simple, easy and pleasant to take. If you are overstont do not postpone but sit down right now and send for my FREE TRIAL TREATMENT and my plan whereby I am to be PAID ONLY AFTER REDUCTION HAS TAKEN PLACE if you so desire. I DR. R. NEWMAN, Licensed Physician State of New York 2S6 Fifth Aveaue. New York. N. Y. Desk S-2S1. at rouowi: KOHLRABI ONlOlf Cnryatal Wblt Whlu. Via LBTTCOa Barly Blmpaon Bobemlan Haad PARSNIP Hollow 1 PBAS . UlU Marvel afUHKMBbON Bum variety of the highest quality and vitality, of the soil and weather conditions of this vicinity, guaranteed to grow or money Dae. yena me money and the Seed will be promptly delivered to arrival guaranteed. Do not send away for your- seeds. more oeeas scna posuu lor our uig . A,. ' trated or see us in person, wur warenouse is Take Lake Manawa or Main Street car, get off two diocks easi ana one of our building. rlOFgl cities, and Miss Flynn, who will also play his accompaniments, is enthu siastic about his singing. The follow ing program will be given: Prologue (Pagllaccl).' Laoncavallo II. (a) Dh vlenl alia flneatra Mozart (b) O cessat di plargarml. . ..Scarlatti (c) Caro mlo ben Qlordant III. (a) Ballynur Ballad . ...Arr. by Hughe (b) Th Fanald Grove.. Arr. by Hughes (c) Next Market Day.... Arr. by Hughe (d) You'd Better Ask Me.... by Hughes (e) Oh! I'm Not Myself at All.. Lover IV. Vision Fugitive Massenet V. (a) Drink to Me Only With Thin Eye Old English (b) I Gathered a Rose Lee (c) Griefs Prelude MacFayden (d) The Americans Foster The Music department of the Omaha Woman's club announces that the concert which was post poned on account of the epidemic in December will be given March 6 at the Y. W. C. A. auditorium, presentinj Mrs. Jensen of Council Bluffs, violinist; Cecil lierryman. pianist, and J. E. Carnal, bass. The last concert date will be announced later. The following program will be presented March 6: Boure Bach Oevotte Cluck-Brahms. Czardas MacDowell. Mr. Berryman. Ring Out Wild Hells Gounod Meet Me by Moonlight Alone Wada Thou Art Like Unto a Lovely Flower.... Smith. Qod Smiled Upon the Desert Cadman. (A California Poppy Song.) Mr. Carnal. Romans F Major Beethoven Minuet Mozart. Schorzo Tarantella Wlenlawski. Mrs. Jensen. staccato Caprice . . Fantastic Nocturne ..Cecil Berryman. . .Cecil Berryman. nnapsoay wo. 10 y.. Mr. Berrvmati. ...Liszt. Invlctu i Huhn. noon ana wight Hawley. My Love Is Like a Red Rose VrliermM Creation' Hymn :.. Beethoven. Mr. Carnal. Slavonic Dane O major. . D vorok-Krelsler. Berceuse p.i t. Tambourin Chinols Krelsler' Mrs. Jensen. mis Marguerite Morehouse.- Alice Davis- .Derryman, accompanists. Mme. Frances Alda, the brilliant soprano of the Metropolitan Opera company, who is now under the same concert management asvGalli Curci and John McCormack and wno will oe heard here in recital at tne Auditorium next Fndav evening March .7, as the third number of the All-Star concert course, is said to be one of the most versatile sopranos now appearing before the public. The program for the recital Friday evening lonows: t (a) Polonaise MacDowell Mis Ballard. 2. (a) Amarllll Cacolnl (O) jo no aula qulun Beratre... Phllldor (c) My Lovely Cell Munro (0) ine Lass with th Delicate Air, Dr. Arne Madams Alda. 3. (a) Jag Letver (Swedish) ... .Merlkan to (b) Kehtolaulau (Finnish) .. .Jarneveldt (c) Somewhere In Franc (written for and dedicated to Mme. Alda).. Hartmann (d) Chanson Norvegienn. . ..Foundraln (e) Gavotte from "Manon" ... .Massenet Mme. Alda. INTERMISSION. 4. Cracovtenn Fantastlque. .Paderswskl Miss Ballard. S. Aria: "Un Bel DI." from "Madam Butterfly" Puccini Mme. Alda. t Group of popular songs: (a) Th Birth ot Morn Leonl (b) Th Star Roger . (c) The Llttl Gray House In the West : Lohr (d) A Khaki Lad. Allward , () An Open 8crct Woodman Mm. Aids, Approgeiaturas. ' The following is sent by Miss Evelyn B. Hopper, manager for Miss Nash, tells of the recent sue cess of this Omaha artist in her appearance with the Chicago Sym phony orchestra in that city. Karl- OI oream, puiyiuiwuu, iuuijrauvu asthma, kidney trouble and various KADIS R fi"ilet O)lob White lolel) BPlNAca Fill Bak TOMATO Boob? Sam tuatnp , BmrwlAU ABTBSia CASTOR PA.NST POFPT 8c!ec!e"wih special regard eiiner in caeci or money oracr your home free of charse,'safe Buy at home and save money. iu page catalog uuuv uiu i . i .t Ann ti c. v located at iw-jrq sneer. at Rock Island Depot,,: walk norm ana you wui pe in ironi ton Hackett writes in the Chicago Evening Post: "Miss Nash was the soloist for the MacDowell concerto and she made an immediate impres sion. Her tone was vibrant and of surprising volume, her technical equipment excellent throughout. The bravura passages were delight fully clear and done with a certainty which was comforting. She had the spirit of the music and brought it out with a broad sweep that had the true interpretative force in it. The music meant something to her, which she expressed with an inde pendence of thought which stamped her as a personality. She will be heard of in the world of music." Henri Fevrier, famous French op eratic composer, in a recent inter view in Musical America, said that Wagner would perhaps not be per formed as opera for some time in France, probably not until after this music has been performed for some time in concert form. "In concert .these wondrous themes and progressions this glorious orches trion stimulates our imagination, which is only marred by the con auistadorial business on the stage. Eh, alors, Schumann, Schubert, Bee thoven and others are ont to be con sidered German composers. Today the yare our composers is much as they are those of Germany or any other country." Musical Notes. Mrs. Louise 'jansen Wylle will give a musical tea on Sunday after noon March 2, at 4 o'clock at her residence, 3821 Farnam steet. The following pupils will take part: Mrs. Grace Mauer, Mrs. Verne Miller, Mrs. I B. Moran, Misses Irma Podolak, Ethel Parsons, Lottie Freeman, Gladys Behrens and Mildred Stovel; Miss Flora Slmkert. violinist, pupil of Mrs. Louise Shadduck Zabriskie, will contribute a violin solo. Mr. Harry Murrison will sing a group of "negro spirituals" which have proved so popular, at the Wed nesday afternoon meeting of the music section of the Woman's club. Mrs. Murrison will act as his ac companist. Mrs. Harry Murrison, assistant in tho Community Singing department of the War Camp Community service, has been asked by the Music club, which is Just being organized by the girls from the Patriotic League cfubs, to be their leader and assist them to organize and promote music al activities for the benefit of the men in uniform. More definite plans will be announced later. The third meeting of the Song Leaders school will be held in the Y. M. C. A. an Wednesday night at 8 o'clock under the direction of Harry Murrison In charge of Com munity singing of the War Camp Community service. A short resume of the work done at the previous meetings Is given each time and then the new points taken up. The meeting will not take more than an hour and a quarter to an hour and a half. The need for these leaders is becoming more Insistent from day to day and practical conducting will be available at these meetings. Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 at the Y. W. C. A. auditorium the Music department of, the Omaha Woman's club will give a program of char acter music. The department ex tends an invitation to all lovers of music. Mrs. Kay J. Abbott in charge of program. Colonial dances in cos tume will be given by Virginia Up ham, Virginia Holiday and Alda Bea con. Plantation music will be sung by a ladies quartet, and Mrs. C. 1. Brinkman and Mrs. Harry Murrison will sing a group of songs. An In dian dance under the direction or Mrs. G. W. Shields will be given by members of the department. An Interesting program of piano, harp and violin numbers was given in the DeLone Harp sturtio yesterday afternoon by pupils of Miss DeLone and Mr. Cuscaden. Those taking part were: Misses Irma Clow, Thelma and Larlnda Skeen, Dolores O'Berg, Masters Robert Kiley and Allan Skeen. A number of the other pupils took part in a musical game and a taffy pull. On Tuesday evening, March 4, at 8 o'clock at the studio's 612-513, McCague building, the following pu pils of J. Edward Carnal will appear In recital: Gladys Nickel, Madeline Stranglen, Fred Cary, Jeanette War ren, Katharine Reynolds, Marie Jen sen, S. O. Danlelson, Aletha Fletcher and Louise Bratton Moor. A musical program under the di rection of Miss Helen Mackin will be erlven in the T. M. C. A. at Fort Omaha on Wednesday evening, March B. Students of Luella Allen, iuv 7ahrlVI Helen Mnkir.. and Walter B. Graham, assisted by- Miss Kate Swarzlander of the Story Tell ers' league and Sergeant Moore of Fort omana win turnisn ine pro gram. A program of special music will v crivon st thn North Side Christian church on Sunday evening, March 2, at 7:30 p. m. Tnose taking pan win be Miss Jessie Cady, organ. Miss Eleanor Alexander, soprano. Miss rlnmr hnrniat! Jean Higcins. baritone and the choir under the di rection of Grace Pool Steinberg. A program of Hawaiian music was given Thursday evening at the Brandeis theater by pupils of Luella Allen. The roiiowmg toon part: Misses Goldie Vater Ann Martin, Eva Bobbitt, Clara Huth, Leta Huth, Grace Relit, Hazel Weaver, Mc- Candless, and Lillian Shellberg and Mrs. Robert Eby. TJiis Vapor Treatment Surely Is Fine for Catarrh Breaks Up Cold in Head or Chest Over Night If you want to get relief from stuffed up head in five minutes; if you want to feel refreshed and invigorated, try the following just before re tiring' and wake up with .a clear head and bright eye in the morning. Into a bowl, three-quarters full of boiling water, pour a teaspoonful of HYOMEI (pro nounce it High-o-me) cover head and bowl with a towel and breathe for five minutes the healing, soothing vapor that arises. This vapor will penetrate into every nook ani crevice where germs congregate and where soreness and inflamma tinn cannot be reached by any i T7 1 I: - isT -- I TTT $9 Own Johnson' Sparkling Virtuous Wives sas .re -s CHAPTER XLI. That wild unleashed kiss burned her lips and cut across her soul like the sting of a lash. Something primevally rebellious rose up. Her brain cleared. She flung back her head. Her arm struck violently against his lips. "Let me go!" No longer helpless, but strong with the strength of anger, she wrenched herself free and stood from him, trembling in every limb. "How could you, oh how could vou!" She tried to speak she tried to voice the scorn that rose unreason ingly against him. Words choked in her throat. This had 'been no kiss such as Tody Dawson had stolen. During the one instant of giddiness she had lam in his arms, seeing and hearing nothing, she had been under the absolute mastery of his will, dominated and crushed. "Why, Amy!" he began in wonder, and in the darkness she felt his hands coming" toward her. "Don't touch me!" she cried fur iously, striking his hands away. "Don't you dare!" "Amy!" "O what a brute you've been!" she cried hysterically. "You, whom I trusted you! And this is the way you protect me the way you re spect me!" "Good God!" he crijd in amazed protest. "But I love you!" "Love? No! That's not love! You've made me despise you de spise myself!" "Wait!" he said, hurriedly, "You don't know what you're saying you can't, it's impossible!" , "Impossible? I've never been so humiliated so hurt and by you! Oh, to think that this could happen to me!" All at once she gave way and fell back against the wall, shak en bv sobs. He stood stern and si lent without attempt to justify him self, waitinsr. Are you yourself now?" he said, when at length she had grown quiet, "Are vou calm enough to listen?" "I am," she said coldly. Of course, now he would seek to lustily him self, to entreat her pardon. "You said," he began slowly you said you dispised me." He UL'-iitpd , "Do you mean what you have just said?" he-asked in a tone that should have warned her. "I do exactly as I have said it! she cried. At the moment her only thought was to humble him as he had humbled her before his sudden strength. . , "By heavens 1" he said with afiash of anger. "I beg your pardon I guess I see well, there's only one thing to do. I'll rid you of my pres enceand at once." "I am glad you can at least per ceive that!" "My dear Mrs. Forrester,' he said, wheeling around as if he had received a blow. "I think you don't quite understand my reasons." "There's no use trying to justi fy" she started precipitately to ""justify? Hardly," he cut in. "You seem to quite misunderstand the situation. I have not the slightest intention now or at any time of ex cusing myself for having, in a mo ment beyond the control of any man who loves, lost my head in a per fectly human way." "It is useless!" she cried loudly, to still the felling of uneasiness which was creeping over her. 'There is no excuse, none!" "I'm sorry," he said in a low voice "I had another ideal of you. I didn't think you were, like the other crowd. I thought there was some thing genuine in you something that would mean something to some man." "You have no right to" . "Oh, yes I have. I have the right Be Oencrous Uith Stomach Give It Nouriihing Food and Give It Generous Assistance With Stu art's Dyspepsia Tablets. For Gas, Heartburn or Distress After Eating. You may read library on what to eat and whBt to avoid. You may follow th rule laid down for dieting and still have indigestion, sour stomach and the heavy, drowsy feeling of over-eating. With most people the stomach simply needs the plain, common-kens Jielp afforded by Stuart- Dyspepsia Tablets. Not only do they aid digestion, but you may eat sausage for breakfast, pie for lunch, lobster salad for dinner. No gas, no sour risings, no lump in your throat, no biliousness, no head ache, no dark brown taste in the morning. This is the result after learning that Stu art' Dyspepsia Tablets assist digestion, tone the atomach, bring It back to robust appetite. Eat anything you like. These tablets are sold in every drug store in the United States and Canada, which shows how they are esteemed by those who real ize how necessary it is now and then to give the atomach a much needed assistance. The properties in Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, combined with that already in the stomach, act upon food and enable the stomach to move on to the intestine the food contents. Try these tablets and get relief almost at once. You can obtain Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets at any drug store at SO cents a box. Adv. other remedy. A botle of HYOMEI costs only 60 cents, but to relieve catarrh or stuborn coughs and colds the HYOMEI inhaler should also be used at least four times a day. Sherman & McConnell Drug to. and druggists everywhere sell for $1.15 what is called ;he HYOMEI outfit which con sists of a hard rubber pocket inhaler, a bottle of HYOMEI and simple instructions for use; but if you already possess a HYOMEI inhaler you can purchase a bottle of HYOMEI only 60 cents. For catarrh, coughs, colds, sore throat, asthma and croup HYOMEI is guaranteed, or money back. It kills the germs and soothes and heals the sore and inflamed membrane. Adv. to say this, for I have protected you in trying moments. In the moment of your trouble I offered you every thing myself, my name, only after you gave me clearly to understand that you and your husband were on the verge of separation. That is something for a man to offer to put at your feet, without demanding an answer. If I have made a mis take, you have led me to it; you have tried me beyond what a wo man has the right to try a man. But understand this: When I offered you what I did I did it in the be lief that your feeling was not one simply of calculation, but that your heart was in it and that you had a heart." "Monte, don't!" she cried, recoil ing and covering her face. She had never been able to see herself, nor understand her own motives, and when someone laid them before her without mercy, she was always shocked. . . "I beg your pardon, I didn't mean I should have gone without saying such things but it's been well, rather a shock!" He laughed, and said with forced gentleness. "The trouble is, Amy, you really are like the others Irma and Gladys, and the rest. You want to play with something you don't understand, something you don't need in your life. You're willing to take every thing from a man and give nothing. You can't understand what you do, because you can't feel yourself. Well, to me that's more immoral than the woman who sacrifices ev erything because she does love. Possibly I'm wrong in that opinion, but I hold it." He drew a long breath, and when he continued, his V y5:;TI.E BEST SKINNER ? BAKING COMPANY DOUGLAS -1662 TRADE MM CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tells How To Get Quick Relief from Head-Colds. It s Splendid! In one minute your clogged nos trils will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, blowing, headache, dry ness. No struggling for breath at night, your cold or catarrh will be gone. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Ap ply a litis of this fragrant, antisep tic, healing cream in your nostrils. It penetrates through every air pas sage of the head, soothes the in flamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes instantly. It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed up with a cold or nasty catarrh Re lief comes so quickly. Adv. People Notice It Drive Them Off with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets A pimply face will not embarrass you much longer if you get a package of Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets. The skin should begin to clear after you have taken the tablets a few nights. Cleanse the blood, bowels and liver with Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets, the 8uccessf ul substitute for calomel; there's no sickness or pain after taking them. Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets do that which calomel does, and just as effec tively, but their action is gentle and safe instead of severe and irritating. No one who takes Olive Tablets is ever cursed with "a dark brown taste," a bad breath, a dull, listless, "no good feeling, constipation, torpid liver, bad disposition or pimply face. Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oil; you will know them by their Olive color. Dr. Edwards spent years among pa tients afflicted with liver and bowel complaints, and Olive Tablets are the immensely effective result Take one or two nightly for a week. See how much better you feel and look. 1.0c and ?5e per box. All druggists. A Woman's Verdict Tells of Suffering Greatly With Kidney and Bladder Trouble and How Balm wort Brought Relief. Her Letter Well Worth Reading Mrs. Nellie McGinn, 609 East 138th street, New York City, writes: "For the last year I had suffered greatly from Kidney and Bladder trouble, distressing pain in the back and hips, with rheumatic twinges and frequent severe headache, ac companied by nervousness, chills, and fever; also a frequent desire to eliminate, a smarting, burning sen sation with nain in the recion of the bladder. I would frequently have to arise at night, by sleep being dis turbed by the pressure and inflam mation in bladder. Beginning the use of Balmwort Tablets I noticed almost instant relief, and continuing to use them I am now totally well and relieved of all pain and distress from which I suffered. I am glad to recommend Balmwort Tablets as a reliable beneficial medicine and trust others may find relief and freedom from pain and distress as I did, etc." 1 The above letter is a true state ment and is on file in our offices. Balmwort Tablets bring relief when other medicine has failed. Sold by leaamg druggists, ?1.U0 per tube. Adv, BREAD voice was even again. "You see, I'm not a manikin. I'm not a Tody Daw sou. No, I can't make any excuses. If I lost my head tonight, honestly, blindly, like a human being, I had every right to do so. A woman who really loves doesn't act as you do and if you don't love me and were only playing with my life like that, then, Amy " He stopped, checked the hot words on his tongue, shud dered, and said, "I musn't say any more, it's dangerous. Well, I think I understand now. Goodby." What! He was going he was leaving her, when every word he had said had convinced her? Her head turned, she felt herself reeling. She stretched out her hand. "Monte!" He was already up the path, TURN HAIR DARK WITH SAGE TEA Grandma kept her lock dark, glossy and youthful with simple mix ture of Sage Tea and Sulphur. The old-time mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked and faded hair is, grand mother's recipe, and folks are again using it to keep their hair a good, even color, which is quite sensible, as we are living in an age when a youthful appearance is of the great est advantage. Nowadays, though, we don't have the troublesome task of gathering the sage and the mussy mixing at home. All drug stores sell the ready-to-use product, improved by the ad dition of other ingredients, called "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound." It is very popular because nobody can discover it has been ap plied. Simply moisten your comb or a soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears, but what delights the ladies with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, is that, besides beautifully darkening the hair after a few applications, it also produces that soft lustre and appearance of abundance which is so attractive. Adv. Tells Impoverished Men and Women How To Become Healthy, Strong, Energetic, Magnetic and Vigorous. Three-Grain Cadomene Tab. lets Advised for Their Won derful Tonic Properties. Don't envy the man or woman with abundant energy, vitality, and the ever-present smile of cordial magnetic personality. Resolve to banish your languor, your tired, worn-out feeling, your aches and pains, your mental worry and dis tress, by supplying your system with plenty of iron, phosphorus, and veg etable tonics so that every organ of your body can perform its normal functions from the vigorous blood supply that courses through your ar teries. Tone up the liver, stomach, kidneys, and bowels, digest your food better and supply your nerves with the vital elements in Cadomene Tablets and you won't need to envy anyone. Just get your body and nerves working right and nature will help you do the rest. Cadomene Tablets are sold in sealed tubes by all good druggists, and are guaran teed to please you or money back. Adv. A FEELING OF SECURITY You naturally feel secure when you know tha't the medicine you are about to take is absolutely pure and contains no harmful or habit pro ducing drugs. Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, kidney, liver and blad der remedy. The same standard of purity, strength and excellence is main tained in every bottle of Swamp Root. It is scientifically compounded from vegetable herbs. It is not a stimulant and is taken in teaspoonful doses. It is not recommended for every thing. It is nature's great helper in re lieving and overcoming kidney, liver and bladder troubles. A sworn statement of purity is with every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. If you need a medicine, you should have the best. On sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to try this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention the Omaha Sunday Bee. Adv. STOPS BACKACHE Ifj FEW fiilNUTES Rub lumbago, pain, soreness, stiffness right out with "St. Jacobs Liniment" When your back is sore and lame or lumbago, sciatica or neuritis has you stiffened up, don't suffer! Get a small trial bottle of old, honest "St. Jacobs Liniment" at any drug store, pour a little in your hand and rub it right into the pain or ache, and by the time you count fifty, the soreness and lameness is gone. Dont' stay crippled! This sooth ing, penetrating liniment takes the ache and pain right out and ends the misery. It is magical, yet absolutely Harmless and doesn t burn or dis color the skin. Nothing else stops lumbago, sci atica and lame back misery so promptly and surely. It never dis appoints! Adv, swinging rapidly, with great strides. "Monte, don't go like this Monte listen to mcl Monte!" She ran after him a few steps faltered, and suddenly her knees bent beneath her. Then she was alone, huddled against the side of the veranda, helpless and weak. In the distance the sound of his re treating steps ceased on the gravel path. (To Be Continued Tomorrow.) THE WEATHER FOR COUGHS AND CtiLDS . At ttia first snMia or cough. eMll. fever, or a discharge of mucous from the nose and throat, watch out. You have caught cold. For such emergen cies there Is one remedy which the prudent family always keeps in toe house PE-RU-NA Ilerty-to-tnke fop Catarrh and Catarrhal Conditions Do not nrtrtat rold. It Is a ca tarrhal condition which may become chranie and give rise to other and more serious disorder. PE-KtT-NA also wards off th Grip or Spanish In fluenna and is excellent to build up the aystem after an attack. PE-RU-NA ia the standhv In thou sands of home for aour atomach. bclrhino. indiu-pfttinn. constipation. pains in th stomach, nsusc. rheumatism, or any disorder due to a catarrhal inflammation of th mucous mem branes In any of tha organs or in noay, . rE-RU-NA In house will often pre vent serious and ling ering sickness. A Bottle of PE RU-NA la Fourteen Ounces ul Prevention. IF KIDNEYS ACT BAD TAKE SALTS Says Backache is a sign you have been eating too much meat, which forms uric acid. .When you wake up with backache I and dull misery in the kidney region it generally means you have beert eating too much meat, says a well known authority. Meat forms uric acid which overworks the kidneys in their effort to filter it from the blood and they become Bort of par alyzed and loggy. When your kid- , nevs get slugg'sh and clog you must relieve them, like you relieve your bowels; removing all the body's urinous waste, else you have back ache, sick headache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue is coat ed, and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment, channels often o-ft snre, water scalds and you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. Either consult a good, reliable physician at once or get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize acids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending blad der weakness. Jad Salts is a lie saver for regu lar meat eaters. It is inexpensive, cannot injure and makes a delight ful, effervescent lithia-water drink. Adv. Jump from Bed in Morning and Drink Hot Water Tells why everyone should drink hot water each morning before breakfast Why is man and woman, half the time, feeling nervous, despondent, worried; some days headachy, dull and unstrung; some days really in capacitated by illness. If we all would practice inside bathing, what a gratifying change would take place. Instead of thou sands of half-sick, anaemie-looking souls with pasty, muddy complexions we should see crowds of happy, healthy, -rosy-cheeked people every where. The reason is that the hu man system does not rid itself each day of all the waste which it accum ulates under our present mode of living. For every ounce of food and drink taken into the system nearly an ounce of waste material must b carried out, else it ferments and forms ptomaine-like poisons-which are absorbed into the blood. Men and women, whether sick or well, are advised to drink each morning before breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it, as a harm less means of washing out of the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the indigestible material, waste, sour bile and toxins. Millions of people who had their turn at constipation, bilious attacks, acid stomach, nervous days and sleepless nights have become real cranks about the morning inside bath. A quarter pound of limestone phosphate will not cost much at the drug store, but is sufficient to dem onstrate to anyone, its cleansing, sweetening and freshening eflc upon the System, Adv, and buweis. I 1 V Y Tablet3 (ffl 5 f Everywhere - iwiiiMMirrffisi'i