Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1919, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 19

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    i B
Rt. and kee lif. la thla eur i9 dwiia
Our Onl? (rMtaMi J ih.t wa upire. Infelow.
Tit atrant the nliir ehould hU uru employ
To tain thoae richu ha can na'er enjoy Pope.
. The Osoht group met at trie home
c i ruard,an. 'Mis Margaret
Stirling. 1 he following offtrers were
elected: Henrietta Clark, president;
- Ann Pearsall, vice president; Elinor
Kyner, secretary; Helen King, treas
urer. The business meeting was
combined with a handcraft hour.
Miss Merle Hughes is a new
guardian, having taken Mildred Tilt
xel'i group. The group met Mon
day at the home of Madeline Guess,
The meeting was a council fire,
lone Gudner and Gladys Young re
ceived their wood-gatherers rings.
The Abanakee group and their
guardian, Margaret Woodward, met
at the home of Agnes Bexton Tues
day afternoon.
Mrs, H. P. Gates' - group, the
Raosu, met at Helen Coles' on Fri
day. The group of which Mabel Harris
is guardian met on Tuesday after
noon at the home of Maud Monroe.
Mrs. N. A. Niswongepfs group
postponed their regular meeting for
the week in order to attend the
Campfire sing. This meeting will
take place next Saturday and will
be one of the group dinners.
Saturday evening Gretchen Childs
will entertain the group of which
Ann Erickson is guardian. A cere
monial meeting is planned.
Another group which postppned
its regular meeting in order to' at
tend ihe Campfire sing is the one of
which Mabel Workman is guardian.
The group of which Bertha
Vaughan is guardian have not yel
completed the material alloted to
t!-sm by the visiting nurses. They
are still working on this sewing Fri
day afternoons at the Y. W. C. A.
Alice Chambers' group met Wed
nesday at the home of Dorothy Gil
bert. The girls are still working on
their wood blocking. The afternoon
was a very interesting one, for the
hostess entertained the girls by
showing them souvenirs sent her by
her father, who has been in service
In France.
All Campfire guvdians please
take 4his as official notice of the
regular meeting of the guardians to
be held at the Y. W. C. A. on Thurs
day evening.- March 6, at 7:30.
Another group meeting on Fri
day afternoon at the Y. W. C. A. is
the one of which Esther Elling
husen is the guardian.
Miss Alice Chambers reports that
the has turned in 2'2 pounds of tin
foil to the Red Cross since the cam
paign closed. Campfire, headquar
ters would be glad to know what
other groups are doing along this
Marjorie Fancoast leaves this
week for a two months' stay in Cali
fornia. She is to accompany ber
mother. They expect to spend their
time in Los. Angeles and San Fran
isco. .Nbusiness meeting was held on
Wednesday afternoon at the home
of Louise Mathews. Margaret Bliss,
the guardian, could not attend, on
account of illness. The assistant
guardian, Mildred Shields, took
charge of the meeting.
A new Campfire group has been
formed in Valley, Neb. - The guard
ian visited Campfire headquarters
recently to get the material for or
ganizing the group and other sup
plies. She promises some interest
ing news of their work.
Campfire headquarters have had a
number of calls from girls just mov
ing to Omaha from other cities who
wish to get located in some local
Campfire group in order that they
may continue heir work.
The Akita group, with Mrs.
Charles Hubbard, guardian, had a
luncheon at the Flatiron before at
tending the sing on Saturday.
Campfire girls should visit the
Campfire store frequently. New
a aaoo one JfA
mmmmm mm mm "i I I lTpw'i".i
Appendices to primarily due to th poi
ons formed by decaying food in the bow
sis. It is a disease caused by improper
nd insufficient bowtl elimination. Many
eeopla have only a small passage In the,
tenter of th bowels while the sides ar
eiogged with old, stale, fermenting matter.
They may have a bowel movement every
day but it is not a complete movement and
s old stale matter stays in the system to
ttrment and cause trouble. Besides ap
pendicitis such unclean bowels eaus neaa
ches. stomach trouble and 90 per cent of
ll other sickness. The old foul matter
sticking to the sidcs-rf the bowels often
stays in for months, poisoning the body
and 5using that listless, ttired feeling
snown as "auto intoxication."
The way to avoid slekness and to keep
feeling full of ambition is to watch your
bowels. Just as yoo keep th outside of
yonr body clean, you should also h-ttf
THE INSIDE CLEAN. It is even more
Important to keep the Jwwels clean han
it is to keep your body washed, becsuse
the millions of pores in the thirty feet of
bt.we's qti'ckly absorb poisons generated by
decaying food left carelessly in the bowels.
lA.n't allow the old. ferment ing. filthy
i ttuff to stay in your bowels for weeks, but
GfiT IT OUT and keep it out. Eemmoer.
filthy bowels are the cause of mo:it sick-
no stomnch, liver or any other organ
can do its work with a fml r-W send
ing out gases and poisons. Evea if roar
Charming Member of Younger Set
Will Spend Spring at Washington
A charming addition to the young
er married set is Mrs. A. W. Paul
sen. This attractive young matron
articles are being added to the stock
all the time and among the attrac
tive things which can now be pur
chased there are Campfire hat pins
with the Wohelo triangle on them;
also middy ties.
Mrs. C. Southwell's srrouo. Minne
haha, met with Edith Elliott on Fri
day. The members of this group
have completed their head bands and
are now busy with their ceremonial
The group of which Miss Helen
Anderson is guardian held a busi
ness meeting Monday nigjit.
Miss Alois Berka's group met Sat
urday. They are working on their
The Skensawane group with their
guardian, Mrs. Charles Helsey, are
completing their head hands and
planning a council fire in the near
future. '
The Alahi group and their guard
ran, Mrs. R. B. MacDougall, had a
ceremonial meeting Friday at the
bowels move slightly each day, that loot'
enough. Ther must be an occasions!
THOROUGH, complete cleansing to rid
your system of all accumulated, decaying
Th MOST COMPLETE bowel cleanser
known is a mixture of buckthorn bsrk,
glycerine and ten other ingredients, put up
in'resdy prepared form under th trad
name of Adler-i-ka. This mixture is so
powerful a bowel cleanser thnt it ALWAYS
does its work properly and thoroughly. It
removes foul and poisonous matter which
other cathartic or laxativ mixtures ar
unable to dislodge. It does a COMPLETE
job and it works QUICKLY and without
the least discomfort oLtrouble. It is so
gentle thst one forgets he has taken it on
til the THOROUGH evacuation starts. It
is astonishing th great amount of foul,
poisonous matter a SINGLE SPOONFUL
of Adler-1-ka draws from the alimentary
canal matter yon would never hav
thought wss in your system. Try it right
after natural bowel movement and notice
how much MORE foul mattex, will be
brought out which was poisoning your sys
tem. In slight disorders such as occasional
constipation, sour stomach, "gas on the
stomach" or sick headache, one spoonful
brings relief alnoit INSTANTLY. Adler-i-ka
is th MOST THOROUGH bowel
cleanser and antiseptic'ier, ver offered in
ready prepared form. It is a constant sur
prise to peopl who hav used only ordi-
expects to leave within a few weeks
for Washington, where she will
spend the early spring months.
home of the guardian. This group
has been learning the new Campfire
songs. i ' -
The Assandawi group, with
Gladvs Shamo as guardian, will meet
Monday afternoon at the home of
Helen Williams. Uons Kanatcher
has been elected to membership In
this group.
Sue Morearty's group will give a
Lprogram this afternoon at the social
settlement house.
For St. James Orphanage.
It's the little orphans at home
the 157 little children at St. James
orphanage that Omahans may help
through the ball and card party
given by Miss Rbbinna Kammerer
on April 23 at the Auditorium.
This is the --Second ball for the
benefit of St. Jantes orphanage that
Miss Kammerer . has directed and
last year $1,000 was given to the
children just before Christmas, y
Novel Entertainment.
One of the most enjoyable enter
tainments for the young people at
the Hotel Del Goronado at Coron
ado beach, Cal., are the bridge and
suoner parties onthe camouflage
fship, "Minneapolis," with the attrac
tive ensigns and those in training
Among the Omaha girls who have
recently enjoyed these treats are
Miss Grace Allison, Miss Mariq
Kuhn and Miss Elizabeth Smith of
Kansas City.
Illustrated Lecture. "
Dr. F. J. Despescher will give an ,
illustrated lecture Monday evening,
tt Holy Name church building. Oth
er features have also been planned,
comprising an interesting program.
Judson Squires has been enjoying
his service leave, which is the two
weeks' leave that every soldier is en
titled to after each 'four months'
service abroad, and has spent some
time at Nice and Monte Carlo.
nary bowel and stomach" medicine and th
various oils and waters.
Dr. James Weaver, Los, Utah: "I har
found nothing in my 60 years' praetic to
excel Adler-i-ka,"
Dr. W. A. Lin. West Baden. Ind,: "1
ass Adler-l-ka in my praetic and hav
found nothing to excel it."
Dr. F. M. Prettyman, Mallard, Minn.t "I
use Adler-i-ka in. all bowel cases and have
been very succesful with it. Some eases
require only one dose."
Druggist D. Hawks, Goshen, Ind.: "One
of our leading doctors has nsed Adler-i-ka
in cases of stomach trouble with wonderful
success. He hss not lost a patient and
saved many operations." .
J. E. Puckett, Gillhsm. Ark.: "I had
bad stomach trouble. After taking Adler-i-ka
feel better than for 2(r years. Haven't
language to express the awful impurities
wtreh were eliminated from my system."
Cora E. Noblett, Sageeyah, Okla.:
"Thanks to Adler-i-ka I can sleep all night
now, something I could not do for years."
Mrs. L.-A. Austin. Ausland, Minn.: '1
could not est a thing, my stomach was so
w eak. Ad'er-i-ks made me feel better and
am now able to work and gaining."
Adler-i-ka I sold only by th leading
druggist in each city. Sold in Omaha by
Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. and lead
ing druggists. Adr
mi ,
Central Division Red
Cross Is Making Plans
to Keep MotoK.
Corps atJVork
The vatue of the -Red Cross mo
tor service has been thoroughly
demonstrated as a peace activity as
well as in times of military and civil
ian emergencies, according to the
Central division, in a letter just re
ceived by the Omaha chapter. The
letter states:
"In some localities the activities
are even greater at present than be-,
fore the armistice, due to returning
wounded, debarkation and the prox
imity of any hospitals, but in all
localities the peace possibilities of
service are with us, as they will con
tinue to be.
"There are large opportunities in
connection with civilian organiza
tions. There hospitals full of pa
tients who would derive quite as
much benefit by and be grateful for
airings as our convalescent soldiers.
Visiting Nurses are always with us
and their work is more than doubled
in efficiency if they can go from
place to place in an automobile. The
same is true of all charity workers.
Many other opportunities will sug
gest themselves to the local corps.
"In the meantime the war is not
yet over and we can help to alleviate
its effects for sometime to come."
Out of Town Couples Wed.
Tho tnarriacre of Miss Phyllis
Gayle of Montgomery, Ala., to Mr.
F. S. P,enny of Fullcrton, Neb., was
solemnized Wednesdays at the
Church of the Ascension in Mont
gomery. Rev. Francis . Coffin read
the marriage lines.
After an eastern wedding trip the
young couple will be at home in
Fullerton. The bride is a member
of an old southern family and a
very charming young wjjman. Mr.
Penny was stationed in Montgomery
for" several months and made many
friends in the southern city.
The marriage of Miss Edna Du
Bois, daughter of George Du Bois.
of Colon, Neb., an& Cuya Eyar of
Meads, Neb., took place in the study
of Rev. Charles W. Savidgtf, on
Thursday, February 28.
After the ceremony" dinner was
served at the home of Mrs. Eliza
beth McDermott. There were 12
guests and the rooms were decorated
with roses and ferns. ,,
Daughters of Israel Aid society
will give their annual dancing party
Sunday evening at the City Audi
torium. Desdune's band will furnish
! mucir- -ntd tli( nroceeds will be"
used for the Jewish Old People's
" A benefit entertainment will be
given at the Trinity M. E. church,
Thursday afternoon. The proceeds
wiirbe given to the French war
Mr. and Mrs. J. Radman an
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Isabel, to. Mr. Abe S. Rits
of yTulsa. Okla. No date has been
set for the wedding.
Mrs. W. H. Wilbur has gone to
Miami, Fla.. to visit her son, Mr.
William Wilbur and family. Enroute
Mrs. Wilbur will visit at Palm Beach
and St. Augustine. '
Ja De club .will' give' a dancing
party Wednesday evening at Kel
Pine's academy. Miss Agnes Brit
ton and Florence Ellsworth Luther
will sing.
Miss Elizabeth Dunnigan is
spending the week-end , with her
brother, Frank Dunnigan, at Camp
Y. V. C. A. Work in New York.
During the past year the Young
Women's Christian association
centers in New York City obtained
positions for 7,000 girls and women.
The, membership of the allied
branches is 21,000. In the educa
tional classes 11,572 girls were reg
istered last year. Rooms -were
found for 20,500 and the gymnas
iums and pools afforded" recreation
for thousands of girls.
' I
"Mason" writes: "For years I hav
been taking medicine to cure constipation,
liver trouble and the usual disease that
comes from that source. Headaches, sal
low skin, kidney trouble, dark spots before
my eyes, dirty spells and twinges of rheu
matism arc getting worse."
Answer: Tsk thre grain Sulpherb
Tablet (not sulphur). They are packed
in sealed tubes with directions and ar con
venient, effective and highly euratlv for
such ailments as arise from chronic con
stipation. If you are dyspeptic, also take
I tablets, triopeptine.
"Ed" writes: "Being past middle age
and observing that my nervous system is
in bad shape, I write for a prescription. I
do not ga.n strength from my food, am
weak, listless, forgetful, sleepless at times,
tired, and unable to act the part of a
strong man of health, such as I was at one
Answer: Get from a well-stocked pharm
acy a sealed tube of Three-Grain Cadomene
Tablets, which are especially for
thos needing a strong, harmless, rejuven
ating tonic Astonishing and pleasing re
sults follow and life and hope are renewed.
"Reader" writes : What should I do to
relieve a severe case of kidney and bladder
disease? Urine is dark foul of odor, and
passage is irregulsr, painful, etc. Have
depression, fever, chills, pains like rheu
matism, and soreness in region of blad
der." Answer: For such -symptoms as yon
describe I prescribe my favorite formula
tinder thwnsme r.r bslmwort Tablets. 1 his
is a splendid stlicacioua remedy for such
f V: 1
Mrs. A. S. Ruth of Minden, Neb.,
is here visiting and will meet her
son, Gorton, here, who is returning
irom overseas service.
Mr. Otto Liljenstolpe, son of Mrs.
K. Liljenstolpe, has filed a petition
in court to have his name changed
to Swanson, which is his 'wile's
maiden name.
The newly organized seniors of
the high school elected Harlo Wil
cox, Louise Lienemann, Dorothy
Melotz and Madeline Gross as offi
cers for the year.
Mrs. R. A. Sherbundy will be
hostess for the Methodist Ladies'
Aid society next Wednesday after
noonv Mrs. A. Watson was called to
Omaha last week by the death of
her brother.
Mr. A. Van Cleave of the wesfern
part of the state was 'a visitor last
week at the J. S. Marshall home.
, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wehrl spent last
week-end visiting relatives in Iowa.
Mrs. J. A. Harte was called to
Council Bluffs last week by the
death of her father.
The community center will hereaft
er have its meetings on Friday in
stead of lhursday evenings.
The Royal Neighbors lodge enter
tained at a card party and danccat
their hall last Thursday evening.
ing in the rest room of the city hall
last Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Ben Morton was hostess for
a joint meeting of the Presbyterian
Ladies Aid society and Missionary
Lt and Mrs. Tom Domiolly are
now located in Chicago, where Mr.
Donnolly will resume his practicein
Messrs. Leonard Schafer and
Louis Isely have received their dis-
You Look Twice
At That Face
Such a Lovely Complexion Compel
a Second Look. Stuart Calcium
Wafers Have Made Hundred
of Beautiful Faces by
Driving Away Pimples.
' erd fnr a Free Trial Tickaf.
Stuart's Calcium Wafers, a Winning Com
plexion, Success in L.fe. These go together.
Everyone should have a clear, spotless
complexion both for the sense of health and
to be admired. Unsightly complexions
spotted with pimpleB, discotorations, black
heads, etc., are nothing but unhealthy faces
due to impurities in the skin. Just use
Stuart's Calcium Wafers for a short time
and see how quickly you will clear U! your
skin. There is more to it than your per
sonal ambition, it is the greatest single
factor in life's success. Get a 60-cent box
of Stuart's Calcium Wafers at any drug
store or send coupon below for a sample
.package free by mail.
Free Trial Coupon
F. A. Stuart Co., 860 Stuart BIdf.,
Marsbn, Mich. Send me at once, by
return mail, a free trial package of
Stuart's Calcium Wafers. ,
City Stat
s V
i " ,
Wr.Leiris fMer
The questions answered below are gen
eral in character; the symptoms or diseases
are given and the answers shsuld apply to
any case of similar nature.
Thna wqbintr further advice, free, may
address Dr. Lewis Baker, College Building,
College-EIiwood streets, Dayton, u. en
closing self-addrcs3ed, stsmped envelope
for rep!. Full name and address must be
given, but only initials or fictitious nsme
will be used in any answers. The reme
dies can be obtained at any well-stocked
drug store. Any druggist can order of
wholesaler. v
abnormal conditions. Begin their us as
per directions on each scaled tub.
"dlorta" writes: "I would Ilk yon to
prescribe a good- hair and scalp treatment.
I am bothered with itching scalp and dan
druff. My hair is fsded and falling and
non of th remedies I have tried have
done any permanent good."
Answer: Go to your druggist and obtain
a 4 os. jar of plain yellow Minyol. Apply
as per directions. The dsndruff and itch
ing are conquered with two or three ap
plications, while it makes th hair glossy.
wavy and full or intense natural color.
"Myrtle" write: "Owing ta my ex
treme thinness I am frequently embar
rassed by slighting remarks of young peo
ple. Can you prescribe a safe remedy to
increase my weight?"
Answer: I hav so many gratifying re
ports from the users of thre grain Hypo
Nuclane Tablets, that I have become to
regard these valuable little tablets as a
1 specific and prescribe them to all who are
anaemic, thin, wasting, nervous and de
bilitated. ,
"Sick M. G." writes: "I have been af
fected for some months with rheumatism
and have taken much medicine in vain.
Please give prescription that will cure."
Answer: Th most efficient prescription
I hsv ever given for rheumatism is:
Iodide of potassium, 2 drama; sodium sal
icylate, 4 drams; wine of eolchicum one
half ounce; eomp. essence Cardiol, 1 ox.;
eomp. fluid Balmwort, 1 oz.; and syrup
sarsaparilla eomp. 6 oss. , Mix and tsk a
teaspoonful at meal time and at bedtime.
John R. Me asks: "Don't you think It
is wise to tske medicine to reduce my
weight? I weigh about 55 pounds too
Answer; I-do think so; and a very con
venient and effective flesh-reducer medicine
is ci!d in sealed tubes with full directions
Tablets and any well-stocked pharmscy '
can supply them. They ar essentially
good. Ad
charge from the service and are at
home. '
Mrs. J. Calvert hat returned home
from a few days' stay with her
daughter in Humboldt, Neb.
Mr. Ed Wulff of Pine Bluffs, Colo.,
spent the past two weeks here visit
ing relatives.
- Mrs. JohnS. Marshall entertained
at a family dinner party last Sunday,
Covers were, laid for about 20
A patriotic service was held last
Sunday evening at the Methodist
ciiurcti. loday, at the morning
service, it is expected the first steps
of demobilizing, the service flag will
take place.
U. R. Shelly returned to Gothen
burg, Neb., afterspending a few
days here with his family.
Mr. and" Mrs. John Killian will
celebrate their 45th wedding anni
versary at their home today, their
son, Guy, who is in France, will not
be able to be present.
Mr. J P. Ryan left last Wednes
day to join his family in Long
Reach, where they will reside in the
Mr. E. J. Whistler was called to
the home of his sister in Omaha last
week by the death of his mother.
Mrs. Deziah Whistler, who was 83
years of age.
Daughters were born to Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Beuach and Mr. and Mrs.
Ig osmily G
Holiday and Tuesday
At the Sherman & r.'.cConneH Stores
'Gocrds of all sorts from manufacturers, importers and distributors continue to
arrive freely and promptly at our warehouse. For the first two months of 1919
January and February there were 495 distinct shipments, consisting of 2,191 cases,
cans and barrels of drug store merchandise which comprises about as wide a range
of commodities as can be found. Includ ed in these shipments were : Surgical ap
pliances and rubber goods from various eastern manufacturers, oils from the olive
trees of California, Italy and France, and!of the Eucalyptus tree of Australia; toilet
goods from Madames and manufacturers, both east and west, to restore Milady not
only to a state as good, but better than new; pills, powders and proprietaries for
human beings and so-called dumb brutes; mineral waters fromnear and distant
springs for all the ills and some of the imaginary ailments of mankind. Save time and
money by coming first to the "Rexall Drug Stores."
Last Chance on Grape
Juice at Old Prices.
' Monday and Tuesday we
will sell Liggett's Pure Grape
Juice at the following prices:
4 oz. bottle 10
8 oz. bottle J 8
Pints 21
Quarts 50d "
$1.25 Ayer's Luxuria Cream
for 89
100 Aspirin Tablets, 5 gr. each,
for ,...59
Arnica and Oil Liniment. .25J
Allcock's Porous Plaster. . .12
$1.25 Barkeeper's Friend Silver
, Polish for 14tf
75c Baume Analgesique Bengue
for ... 59
$1.00 Bliss Native Herb Tablets
for 59f
60c Bromo Seltzer for 39
25c Bingo Corn Remedy at 14
50c Bourjois French Java Rice
Powder, 4 shades, at. . . .34
Eagle Brand Condensed Milk,
per can 2
35c Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy for 2 Id
25c Cascarete for..' lfr
25c Carter's Liver Pills. ..126
50c Charles Flesh Food. . .29
75c Crerae Elcaya for 49d
85c Creme Tokalon Roseated,
for 59c
Cradock's Blue Soap, cake..9
60e Doan's"Kidney Pills 49rf
To make chickens lay eggs,
A 50 and S1.00
$1.00 Enos English Fruit Salt
for 89
S5c Fletcher's Original Castoria
for .....24
$1.50 Gouraud's Oriental Cream
for S1.19
35c Hollister's l&ocky Mountain
. Tea for 19
85c Jads Salts cut to 69
25c Lusterite Cuticle Ice. .19$
GOc Morse's Glycerols Celery
Comp. for . .34$
50c McLaren's Mustard Cerate
for 29
25c Mistletoe Cream at... 14$
50c Melba Skin Cleanser. .39$
Get What
In our stores you do not hear
the hackneyed expression "some
thing just as good," for it is a
rare instance, indeed, when you
cannot find the article for which
you asked, and this you get with
out any argument. Anothef
thing, we believe the firm who
makes a demand for a given arti
cle is entitled to the profit to be
derived from the sale of this par.
Corner lfcth and Dodge.
Red Cross Notes
Commencing Monday, working
hours of Masonic temple will be
from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m., as the work
on hand must bejinished by April
1. All outside auxiliaries are urged
to continue their work, evj though
they have completed .heir present
quotos, in order that the completion
of this work may be accomplished.
The cutting department, Mrs. A. B.
Zachary, chairman, closed Friday
night. All packages and all deliver
ies will now be received through the
Douglas street entrance. The tele
phone has been removed from the
cutting department and all calls will
be anfewered at Tyler 1376. All
women who have helped in this de
partment are urged to assist irt the
Charles Burke and a son to Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Rasmussen during the
past week. '
The Emmanuel Lutheran church
held a "home coming" service last
Sunday evening with a 6 o'clock
luncheon followed by aiwelcoming
service in honor of the returned sol
diers and sailors. v
The Gen. Henry W. Lawton aux
iliary kensington will meet at the
home of Mrs. Frank Kohlert, 5844
Blondo street, Benson, at 2 p. m. on
Thursday, March 6.
dt Price
Luxor Toilet Specialties
We have an unusually com
plete line of the most excellent
toilet articles manufactured
by Armour & Co., and which
are receiving such marked
preference at the present time
from discriminating trade.
Tablets, - Castor Oil
75c Mary Garden Talc. . . .49$
50c Make-Man Tonic Tablets
for- ....34$
Madame Yale's 60c Articles
for 29$
50c Mason's Shampoo for. .29$
50c Nonspi for .29$
$1.00 Peruna for 89$
Per cake 7$
$1.25 Pierce's Fav. Prescription
or Golden Medical Discovery
for 98$
60c Pyramid Pile Remedy. 49$
50c Pape's Diapepsin 39$
25c Phospho Pepsin Tablets
i for -..19$
V e I v etina Vanishing
Cream, 50c Size, Free.
During this sale, with each
50c purchase of Velvetina
Toilet article, one 50c size
Vanishing Cream absolutely
Good Toilet Soaps at
Specially Reduced Prices
Every soap named below is a
standard article from the very
best manufacturers:
Kirk's Juvenile Soip cake. 12$
Armour's Buttermilk
Stuart's Peroxide Toilet Soap,
cake 9fc
Olive and Palm Soap, cake. . .9$
Waltke's Wash-Rag Castile Soap,
cake 9
Waltke's Cream of Almond Cocoa
Castile Soap, cake. . . . . . .9$
Jergen's Quaker Oatmeal Soap,
cake )
Armour's Auditorium Bath Soap,
cake 9
Cuticura Soap, cake 19
Woodbury's Facial Soap, cake, ,
Packer's Tar Soap 19
You Ask For
ticular thing. Therefore, "Lis
terine" in our stores Is always
Lambert's Listerine, not some
thing similar. Syrup of Figs is
always the California Syrup of
Figs as originally marketed by
the California Syrup of Figs Co.
Jicky Extract means Guerlain's
Jicky. Java Rice Powder is Bour
jois' Java Rice Powder, not some
one of the dozens of imitations
of same. '
& rJacCotffceli.Brug Go.
Drug Stores in Prominent Locations
Corner 19th and Famam. Corner 16th and Harney.
Corner 24th and Farnam. Corner 49th and Dodge.
General Office, 2nd Floor, 19th and Famam Telephone Dooela 7855.
finishing up of the entire work at
Masonic temple.
v Notice The knitting department
requests the immediate return of all
the socks and remnants of yam
that are still in field to Omaha chap
ter, Red Cross headquarters, in the
court house.
Don't Worry.
Rise above small things. Th
woman who lets small things worry
her will be completely undone th.
first time she meets with a really big
problem. It is disintegrating to your
mental and nervous condition, not to
mention your physical condition, to
You need not be resigned to fate
nor slip your troubles as the old
friend duck's back throws water. But
you can meet troubles with a will to
. , j : . . u . ... . . .1
after that "they should worry," but
not you.
Mineral Water and
Bath Resort
NQT Saalttrisa
Unltua Hstst
119 sens sf btsutind sreiuKla Run on th )
( s lr Counlri Maule. Smua, Tiwr, lio
trte inJ r-sok BMlis. Kn Trsstmant 1st
katiuaiUM sad munscll Trvub'M.
HuroiwnTiiia. kiss 11 50 pw day aa.
Biiltla crteKl ( Mrrto,
VMsr Fsrsoaal Muiismtol BuUOj sa ow
So 4 far tlimtl. ,
Htl Clfaa anj Minsral Spruif,
Caltaa, 1
B rug Sale
Straw Hat Dyes.
The season is here when
Hat Dyes are much. In de
mand. We carry the" follow
ing kinds in all the various
, Coloritt
" All of these in dull and
gloss black and all the new
COc Payne's or Gossom's Kidney
Pills for 34$
$1.25 Pinkham's Comp.... 98$
25c Requa's Charcoal Tablets
for 19$
60c Sal Hepatica for 49$
60c Syrup of Figs (genuine)
for 44$
$1.00 Squibb's Heavy White Pet-
rolatum Oil 69$
25c Senna Laxative Liver Pills
for : 14$
50c Tetlow's Pussy Willow Face
Powder for 34$
$1.00 Vaucaire Galega Tablets
for 89$ I
fa. tit : n : , TV-1- ti ; n n n. . n
uuc Williams I inn r 1113. . ,i;((-
$1.00 Wine Cardui for.... 69$
10e Roll Crepe Toilet Paper
for 6$
Thermos ,
At 25 Per Cent Off.
Monday we shall put
on sale all our stock of
Universal and Thermos
Bottles at 25 per cent
off regular price. Nice,
clean goods fresh from
One Accounting Office
Charges made at any one or
all of our five stores are trans
ferred each morning to the
general office, where all the
bookkeeping is done. One
statement only rendered. Pay
ments by check or cash should
be sent preferably to 19th and
Famam General Office, but
may be made at the pleasure
of our customers to the cash
ier at any one of our stores.
Buy at any one or all of our
Drug Stores Pay at anj one
of them. -
The original
and, universally
used antiseptic
and prophylactic,
4 sizes, 15c to $1.
The $1 size cut
to 74$ Monday
arid Tuesday.
For Pretenr.
in 8 Eg(
Water Olui or
Solution of Sill
cat of Soda ;
gallon, 8Se; bot
tle. tOe, Sta
and 25
"'Mi) I