Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1919, Page 16, Image 16

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    IB A
0 if r mi mm
Real Estate Man Favor Pro
posed Law to Help Im
prove Districts of
the City.
The final draft of the city's pul)-
ic improvement bill, now before the
state legislature, was formally ap
proved by the Omaha Real Estate
board last week.
This is the bill prepared by Com
missioner Tow I and City Engineer
liruce, giving the city council pow
er to initiate any kind of public im
provement projects.
The bill as it now stands, pro-
- ' .iii- -
7' . .
Craekevjack bargains in
used machines most of
tiK'iu good as new.
These machines we claim
to fco perlcct. If you need
a machine don't miss this
Singer . . S3
flew Hsrae S5
A $58.00 Machine for
824.50 '
SI 5.00
Agents would ask $50.00.
Said Price, v$15.
6-DraWer, Worth $60.00.
It goes for
Another dandy for
The Store of Pleasant
vides for 40 instead of 10 days in
which property owners have a right
to make protest.
The board believes this proposed
law will enable the city commission
to improve older sections of the
city so they will correspond to up-to-date
residence additions that
have been developed recently by
real estate men.
'This bill leaves the majority in
power over all public improvement
matters," Chairman Morton of the
board's legislation committee said.
"But it will prevent ont-of-town
owners of Omaha property from
holding up public improvements
wanted by those here.
"Inside sections of the city shouhi
be as good as those on the out
side. This will enable the city to
bring about that condition."
New Structure Going
Up to House the Simon
Bros. Grocery Firm
A deal was closed last week
whereby Edgar L. Means of Orleans,
Neb., will build a new six-story
building, to cost $175,000, for the
Simon Bros. Grocery company.
The new building will be at the
northeast corner of Eleventh and
Dodge streets, site of the. present
Roma hotel.
The old hotel building will be
razed at once and work on the new
structure wll be started within a
The Simon structure will be
99x120 feet, and will contain a full
basement in addition to the six
stones ffbove the ground. J
There will be 83,160 square feet ol
floor space m the new building, all
of which will be occupied by Simon.
Present plans call for the cotnple
tion of the building by September
15, this year.
The Simon concern is only five
years old. It started in Omaha, with
maha capital.
1 ne iirm oi uiuvcr at opaui iicru-
tiated the deal whereby the building
will be erected.
Hastings Says Raise
in Rent on Houses by
Landlord Is Justified
' . . , ; . ...
' i
t ,
- ' -
. - j
I . ; 3
1 I
Y ' V
r - -1
Rvrnn R Hastincs savs he be
lieves tenants will agree that 6 per
cent net, alter deducting ueprecia-tion-charge
is not an unreasonably
high rate of return on residence
nrnwrti'. and that owners are fullv
r. - j .-V, - - , . ,
i,ictW,Ar1 m rpvKintr tnpir rental
Uchedule sufficiently to produce
sucn results. s
"Rents oir--flats and detached
house's have not advanced in like
proportion to everything else," he
said. "Since repairs are so much
higher, the owner must receive
more rent."
"In a rprpnt hiillptin nnhlished and
sent out over the United States by
the Alexander Hamilton institute,
a list of some 30 to 40 different
items that enter into living ex
penses, were mentioned. In this
bulletin it was shown that rent has
advanced only 10 per cent, while,
the next lowest advance was 30 per
cent, and from that on up to 100 per
Ernest A. Cottmire, well-known
locally, has been discharged and has
returned to his former position-as
doorman at Burgess-Nash company.
Mr. Cottmire enlisted and was sta
tioned at Fort Crockett, Galveston
Tex., for a number of months, when
he was sent overseas and was with
expeditionary forces seven months,
being in the St. Mihiel, Argonne
and Meuse sectors.
Realtors on Record
Favoring Bonds for
Paving County Roads
The Real Estate board last week
endorsed the proposed $3,000,000
bond issue for paved roads in Doug
hs county with the provision that
the amount to be paved not be specified.
The board recommended that all
roads paved in Douglas county be
of vitrified brick on a concrete base
of from five to six inches, thick.
The board's good roads committee
said the proposed $3,000,000 bond Is
sue will not pave the 101 3-4 miles
that the county'commissioners have
laid out, if the-pavement is of brick.
For this reason, the board doesn't
want any designation of the amount
to be paved until it is determined
how many' miles the bond issue will
pave with brick .
The road committee, of which L.
C. Sholes is chairman, believes in
ferior roads will result if an effort
s made to paVe 101 miles with
Byron Reed Company Has
" Many Sales in Two Months
Sales of houses, acre tracts and
vacant lots, totaling $210,190 were
made by the Byron Reed company's
real estate department during the
months of January and February
this year.
This is considerably more than
for the first two months of a year
In this list, were SI houses, sold
for $130,200. This averaged two
more than one house a day for the
49 working days during the two
The list included 51 houses, 34
acres and 26 vacant lots.
Residences Sell at an
Advance of $1,000 in Year
Business property in the down
town and other sections of Omaha,
is not, the only kind of real estate
that is increasing rapidly in value.
Several members of the Real
Estate board, canvassed last week,
had numerous instances on record
of moderate priced residences that
have sold at an increas-of $1,000 in
a year.
Among those who made these re
ports are: Harrison & Morton, P.
J. Tebbens, William Colfax, C. W.
Martin, E. A. Creieh and others.
Store Sold ta Be Used
as Laundry for Laces
A grocery store building at Forty
eighth and Cuming streets, owned
by P. H. Steyer, lias been sold by P.
J. Tebbens to George F. Mors.
who is now remodeling it for use
as a lace laundry. This laundry will
be for cleaning curtains and other
lace goods that require delicate
Mrs. F. S. Owen Suffers
Broken Shoulder by Fall
Dr. F. S. Oite;i and Mrs. Amos
Thomas left last night for Santa
Barbara. Cat., in response to a tele
gram inforirTing them of an accident
to Mrs. Owen, who fell and broke
her shoulder. Mrs. Owen has been
Charles Hall Remembered as
Path, Now Wields
Artist's Brush.
Charles R. Hall, Omaha "boy,"
who gained fame as a bicyclist many
years ago, and who since has gained
fame and fortune ' as an animal
painter, visited his Omha friends
He has been painting prize stock
in Iowa during the last fgw weeks.
Hi painted "Mabel Jumbo," a prize
boar, owned by Hassler and Hal
ford at Manning, la. This is said
to be the largest animal of the swine
family in the world. He has also
painted prize stock for S. J. Sher
man of Ruthland, la.
Exhibited in London.
Some of Mr. Hall's animal paint
ings have been sent to London,
England, for exhibition. He states
that if he could feel that he had
gained a sufficient competence
painting commercial pictures, he
would spend the rest of his days
painting wild animals, for that is
where his heart is. He made a trip
to the Andes in South America and
while steaming across the highest
lake in the world he had an op
portunity to sketch a group of wild
deer in the most picturesque back
ground imaginable. s
On another outing he was on a
steamer plying between Alaska and
Siberia, and while on that trip had
the good fortune to observe two
polar bears in deadly combat over
a dead seal which the weaker of the
bears had slain.
Uses Field Glass.
Through a field-glass he was able
to draw a realistic sketch, which he
completed at his convenience.
"The larger bear watched the
smaller animal kill the seal and then
pounced upon its rival to gain pos
session of the coveted food," re
lated Mr. Hall. . "It was a terrific
struggle, but of Course the larger
bear was the victor." v
- v-
Great Increase Shawn in .
Sales oM)maha Property
Real estate business in the first
two months of this year was half a
million greater than for the first
two months a year ago.
Deeds recorded in the office of
Register of Deeds Pearce for Feb
ruary and January this year
amounted to $2,577,744, compared to
$2,081,885 for the first two months
of 1918.
The total number of deeds filed
for the first two months this year
was 818. For the same period a year
ago it was 783.
February this year gained ovar
January. February's business
amounted to $1,347,797, January's,
$1,230,947. -
Firm Averages Sale of
One House Each Day
The Amos Grant company during
January and February sold more
than ?iu,uuu worth ot nouses, mostly
small buildings. The concern aver
aged nearly one house a day in
This firm deals only in small
houses, rarely selling for as much
as $5,000. Most of them" sell for
from $2,500 to $3,500.
Jiffy-Jell desserts carry
real fruit "Savors in es
sence form, in vials.
A wealth of fruit juice
is condensed for each des
sert. So you get a fresh
fruit dainty, healthful ani
This is' the new-type
quick gelatine dessert
five times as good as the
old kinds.
Loganberry and Pine
apple are two of the best
flavors. Try them.
They're found only in
10 Flavor, at Yoar Grocer's
2 Package! for 25 Cent m
are ready, splendidly
ready, with immense new
stocks of all the best in new
Spring merchandise the mar
kets of the world afford, and at
surprisingly low Cash Prices.
See These Special Offerings
. The Cash Store .
ROADER assortments,
better values in garment
style or fabric weave is what
you will find awaiting you
here and never has the su
perior value-giving' power of
Cash Buying and Selling been
better demonstrated.
1 Ltlteirty Bmd Accepted at Full MaAt m Payment ,tor Merofandfe
Remarkable Values in Wool Dress Materials for Spring
$1.25 French Serges, 88c
42-inch wide fine Twill French
S3rges, plenty of navy, military
blue, taupe, plum, gray and black;
a fine weight for your Spring
Dress ; has been
selling regular for
$1.25; Our March
Cash Price
s w
New Spring Plaids, $1.98
50 and 56-inch all-wool Tlaids for
Spring and Summer wear, in a host
of designs and latest color combina
tions; you can save from $1.00
to $1.50 a yard;
Our March
lnce Yard
$1 98
$5.00 Men's Wear Serges,
56-ineh all pure wool Priestley's
imported Men's Wear Serges, for
Ladies' Suits, in navy blue and
black only; yes, these have been
selling for $5.00
Our March
$6.00 Broadclotn, $3.93
56-inch all pure wool Chiffon Broad
cloth, made of finest Australian
piece dyed, Lamb's wool yarns,
sponged and shrunk; come in all the
new shades; plenty of navy and
black: nothing finer . in Omaha;
have been selling
mi iiu.w; solemn
V tl Til J
lric Yard
New Spring
At Attractive Low
Cash Prices
It only requires comparison to
determine the v very superior
quality of these splendid early
$3.50 Pussy WUow Taffetas 40 in.
wide; big assortment Yd..S2.SS
$2.50 Silk Foulards All shades, 36
inches wide. Yard S1,S5
Fancy Stripe Satins and Taffi'tas
36 inches wide- w
$2.50 Quality, yard S3. 10
$2.00 Quality, yard 81.79
Taffetas and Messalines
In all the wanted colors
$2.50 Quality, yard SS.lft
$2.00 Quality, yard $1.79
$1.75 Quality, yard SI. 69
Black Silk Specials
$3.00 Black Taffetas 40 in. wide.
Special Cash Price, yd S2.49
$3.00 Black Satins 40 In. wide.
Special Cash Price, yd....2.49
$2.50 Black Taffeta 3G-in. wide.
Special Cash Price, yd $2.10
$2.00 Black Taffeta 36 in. wide.
Special Cash Price, yd S1.79
New Silk Shirtings
A splendidly Complete Assortment
of the new patterns and colorings.
At yard
S2.45 S1.98 and $1.39
Distinctive Styles in Spring Apparel
A wonderfully broad assortment of
the Spring season s most attractive
nodels in a range of low Cash
Mces that insures you a pleasur
ible selection. Every day new ar
rivals are added to our already im
mense stock.
Come this season in ten distinctive am
very pleasing models; all are.values that
will surprise you. All sizes 16 to 46; in
navy, walnut, beige, tans and black. See
them. Other splendid models priced at
$35 $45 $55 $65
$75 $85 and $95
MaW HrPQCPQ In almost hmited variety
livW 11 CooCo of charminsr new designs for
street, afternoon and dinner wear,
values in this Special March-Sale.
You'll find many attractive
Ask to see the
New Dolmans
Classy, practical and inmost
popular; each one has a
touch of individuality.
Prices range from
$35, $45, $59 to $89
All most wanted shades
and materials.
Winter Coats
100 of them that sold up
to $35; good assortment
of popular winter styles,
in good colors and ma
terials, special cash price
to closer
In many smart new
styles; splendid values;
now shown at
$15, $19, $29 to $49
The New Skirts
are unusually becoming
and attractive; priced at
$7.50, $10, $12.50
March Sal
If you want floor cover
ings you'll find now and
here a most opportune
time and place to buy.
Medina Milton Kiirs Size 9x12;
worth $92. Cash Price... .$10.00
Medina Milton Bugs Size 8-3.
10-0; worth $80. Price ...S65.00
Smith's Axmlnster Bugs 9x12 size;
worth $50. Cash Price. .. .$38.00
Wllverton Velvet Bugs 9x12 size;
worth $54. Cash Price.... $40.00
Wllverton Velvet Bugs 8-3x10-6
size; worth $48. Price.... $36.00
Jfepperliam Brussel Bugs 9x12
size; worth $38, Price. . .$26.00
Tapestry Brussel Bugs 11-3x12
size; worth $42. Price. . .$30.00
Best Axniinsler Bugs Size 36x72;
worth $10. Cash Price.... $7.50
Best Axminster Bugs Size 27x54;
worth $6. Cash Price $4.25
Inlaid Linoleums The best quality,
worth $2.25. Sq. yd., at.... $1.50
Inlaid Linoleums Second quality,
worth $2. Sq. yd., at $1.35
NEFO'SET Beautiful new pat
terns; worth 90c sq. yd. Special
Cash Price, sq. yd 69?
Splendid wearing qualities, easily
cleaned, absolutely water proof.
March Furniture Offerings of Unusual Economical Interest
Nice Furniture Always Lends Charm to the Home. You Can Furnish Neatly, Substantially, Most Economi
cally Here in These March Sales.
White l.::sHiiiet Rubber tiled wheels.
Our Cash Price only $3.95
Unsslnot AVith woven sides, $6.50 val
ue. Our Cash price only $5.00
Children's! L'nnvn Swing; Only. . . .75
Folding Card Tables .Leatherette. Our
Cash Price only $l.t5
Chillis' Rocker Fumed Oak, upholstered.
Our Cash Price only 81.50
Folding Ar.ny Coin Only $3.50
Folding Aurnery Seats White enameled.
Our Cash Price only $1.00
Chili!' White Wood Bed With springs.
Our Cash Price only $6.95
Combination Hed and Spring Heavy 2
inch posts, Vernis-Martin, finish. Our
Cash price, complete, only $13.95
2-IneIi Continuous Pant VernU-Mnrtin
Ileds With heavy rods: only. .. .$0.95
I.nrpe Heavy Post Vcrnls-Mnrtin Beclx
Our Cash Price only $12.50
Same style in white enamelled, also
in three-quarter sizes.
Golden Oak op Mahogany Wood Bed
$22.50 values. On sale.. 816.50-815 OO
Simmons' Famou Slat Fabric Springs
Our Cash Price only $8.00
Good Link Fabric Springs Guaranteed.
Our Cash Price only $-1.95
The Famous Double Deck Coll Spring
Luxury Sold all over for $15 to $20.
Our Cash Price only $12.00
Guaranteed Coll Spring The best qaul-
Ity :a regular $10 value; at $6.95
Good Sanitary Couch Only. $5.50
Guurnnteed Sanitary Couch Our Special
Cash Price only $6.50
Genuine Layer Felt Mattresses Full
size. Prices $10.00 and $12. 50
ft!0.00 Layel Felt Mattress At. .$14. 50
I'omhlnatlon Mattress Only $8.00
VII Goose Feather Pillows.. Our Special
'ash Price, per pair, only $5.50
Chicken Feather Pillows Our Special
:ash Prices pair $1.50 and Q2.50
Golden Oak Slip Seat Dining Chairs
S5.00 value. Cash Price $3.95
olden Onk Leather Seat Dining Chirr
)ur Cash Price only $3.50
Golden Oalt Tack Seat Diners Our Spe-
:ial Cash Price only ,. ....S2.95
H.50 Fumed Onk Diners Only. ..$4.50
Bow Back High Chair With table. Our
Cash Pi-ice only $2.95
White Enamel Folding Kursery Sent
Our Cash Price onlv $1,00
920.00 Golden Onk Library I'nltle
Colonial style. Cash Price $17.50
15 Per Cent Discount on All Odd
China Closets In the Walnut,
Mahogany or Fumed Onk.
54-Inch Waxed Oak Buffet Our
Cash Price only $55.00
Fumed Oak Buffet Our Special
Cash Price only $40.00
3 Only, Odd Golden Oak Serving
Tables Cash Price $10.00
1 Only, Odd Mahogany Serving
Table Cash Price $15.00
Kitchen CabinetComplete, alu
minum top, floor samples. On sale
at $25.00 and $32.50
Bedroom Chairs and Bockers All
Woods. Cash Price $6.00
$C50 and $7.00 Values Your
choice for $4.50
10 Per Cent On All Pieces of Bed
room Furniture In Mahogany
and Walnut Also Dress
Ing Tables Where We
Have One of a
Golden Oak Dresser Well made.
Our Cash Price $15.95
Golden Oak Princess Dresser
Our Cash Price $17.50
Fumed Oak Dresser Our Special
Cash, Price only $19.50
rians or
We Carry the Largest Line of
ITIi-iSiw V nmna In lint u li a
$20.00 Lamps Mahogany finish, HOOT LsmpS
extra heavy. Cash Price. $12.50
UoM Value Mahogany finish
Lamps Cash Price $9.50 '
And ji Beal Good Lamp Stick
As low as $7.00
$25.00 Silk Lamp Shades In this
sale at $19.50
$18.00 Silk Lamp Shades In this
sale at $13.00
11.50 Silk Lamp Shades In this
sale at $10.00 "
Other Silk Lamp Shades Our
Cash prices. .$6 OO and $9.00
$20.00 Tea Wagons Swivel
wheels. Cash Price $15.00
10 Per Cent Discount on Odd
Desks Any Finish. 1
Three-Quarter Size Walnnt Four
Poster Beds Only ....$22.50
Walnut Buffets 60-inch; $75.00
values. Cash Price $55.00
Walnut Buffets 54-inch; $65.00
values. Cash Price $45.00
In this sale the opportunity
will be given to select mate
'rial for window curtains at a
reduction from our regular
Low Cash Prices that will af
ford splendid savings on
standard quality, best grades
and select patterns.
Filet Set 40 to 46 Inches
wide, ecru, white and Ivory;
patterns and quality of the
highest merit; standard $1.25
grade;. For this sale.- Our
Cash Price, yard 95d
Hemstitched Voile and Mar
quisette Plain cloths with 2
inch hemstitched edge. In
ivoiv and ecru; 43c and 60c
quality. In this sale. Cash
price, per yard 35C
Blue Bird Marquisette Mer
cerized bright finish, bird and
cherry patterns; printed In all
over design; 45c quality. In
this sale, Cash Price, yd. 35
Plain Xet In white and ecru,
wide material, standard qual
ity; our regular low cash
prices CDc and 95c. In this
Bale. Cash Price, yd....50r
Curtain Swiss All the best
35c grades. In this sale, CaBh
Price, per yard 25c
Better Values in Housefurnishings
I'nlversnl Six-Hole Combination Coal and Gas
Stove Our Cash Price $90.00
Six-Hole Bange With Warming closet. Our
Cash Price only $27.50
Four-Hole Cabinet Gas Range With oven and
broiler. Our Cash Price only $49.00
Two Hole Gas Plate CasfiTrice $3.25
Two-Hole Gas Oven Plain Door. Price. .$2.98
One-Hole Gas Oven Plain door. At $1.90
Small Triangle Oil Mops Cash Price 69
' Large Triangle Oil Mops Cagh Price 98
Any 25c OH or Polish Cash Price 19
Any 5,)c-0II or Polish Cash Price 39
I niversal Lunch Kils Cash Price $3.65
Ballbearing Boiler Skates Cash Price.. $2.00
White Enamel Bird Cages Cash Price.. $1.75
Brass Square Bird Cages Cash Price... $3.25
$10.00 Gold Line Dinner Set Service for
six persons $8.50
$9.50 White Ransom Pattern Semi-Porcelain
Dinner Set Service for six persons
for $7.98
$15.00 Rose Pattern Dinner Set Service
for six persons; Cash Price $10.98
Plain White Tea Cups and Saucers
Per pair 18
tligheKt Ouuliiv. Freshest I.iuiIh.
I.urgmt Stock to select from, and
Lowest fash Prices.
9 His. i'uro Cane Granu
lated Sugar 89c
4S-1K snck. beat Hli?h Grade
Diamond H Flour $3.70
24-lh. sack best High Grade
Diamond H Flour (1.35
10 bars Swift's Pride or Dia
mond C Soap 38o
i lbs. best Rolled White Break
fast Oatmeal gJc
6 lbs. best White or Yellow
Cornmeal .. S5c
No. 1 hand-picked Beans, lb.. 10c
Fancy Japan Head Rice. lb. ..lie
16-oz. can Condensed Milk. ...14c
6-oz. can Condensed Mllk....(i'ie
Large pkgr. Corn Flakes 714c
Lare jar Pure Fruit Pre-'
serves , 33d
Large Jar pure Apple Buttor.aic
16-oz. can High Grade Baking
Powder tie
The beat Domestic Mnccaronl,
Vsrmlcllli, Spaghetti or EgR
Koodles pkg 7i'rC
Large bottle Assorted Pickles. 2:c
No. 2 can Early Jun Peas 14c
No. 2 can Fancy Sweet Sugar
Corn lie
Vo. 3 can Pork and Beans 1 !e
No. 2 cans Ripe Tomatoes. .ltVtV
Yeast Koum, pkg
2Vj-lb. can Golden Pumpkin or
Kraut He
ili -lb. can Lye Hominy 8e
l.mge bottle Pure Tomato
Catsup ...tie
For Vonr Puddings, Pies, Cakes.
Choke California Prunes, lb.. 10c
Fancy California Prunes,
per lb l!Ve-15e
Fancy Seeded Muscatel Kasins-lflo
Fancy Seedless Kaislns. lb,...irc
Fancy Pitted Prunes, lb....l7':e
Fancy Pitted Prunes.
Fancy Muir Peaches, per lb...20o
Fumy California Apricots, lb. IHc
Fresh Roosted Peanuts, lb....l.rM:
No. 1 Soft Shell Walnuts, lb. .3V
Fancy Soft Shell Almonds, lh..3fic
TKY IT Per lb 3l!e
Ankola Blend Coffee, lb 33'sc
Diamond H Special Coffee, lh.38"
li. I). C the highest standard
of quality, lb 40c
The best Tea Sittings, lb 2fio
Choice basket fired or sun dried
Japan Tea, ib 48c
nreakfast Oocoh. lb 25c
The Host No. 1 Cooking rotatoes
peck 'JC
Fany Holland Seed Cabbage,
per Ib 3e
Fresh Heets. Carrots. Turnips,
Hhalots or Radishes, hunch. 7c
Old Heots Cnrrnts. Turnips,
Rutabagas, Parsnips, lb..3 1-3c
Wall Paper
Select your Wall Paper in
our "Daylight" Department
from one o the largest stocks
in the city and see exactly
what you are buying no ar
tificial light to spoil the ef
fect. Our new stock consists of
Wall Papers made by the best
known manufacturers, such
as Strand, Eerg & Sons, Rob
ert Graves & Co. and Zuber
nf France.
Our Slew Tapestries, .riis
Cloths mid .HI-Inch Itlendn
Values to Jl .1)0 per roll. Our
Cash Price, roll "If
Vnrn'slird Tiles For kitchens
and bath rooms. Casli Price
for this sale, roll ISO
Sew Bedroom Papers Very
pretty designs with artistic
cut-out borders, roll. . ,12V4t
Very Spcclnl A laree line of
now papers, valjics from lii'ic
to 25c per rolli K'ung in two
lots, at, roll 5r and lr
Tlies3 are not old or shoddy
papers, but are selected from
our 1919 stock for this sale
We Cnn lurnish First-dnss
St Pays-Try HAYBBTS First-It.
California home. '