THE1 BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1919. 11 FARM AND RANCH LANDS. "Illinois Lands. FuR SALE All or prt of l.Soo , acre rlesred, Improved; 1.600 acre un- I cleared, unimproved land, Htoddard uunty, southeast Missouri, Trie rea sonable. A. K. D Mange, Bloomtngtoa, ", 5 fuR fcAI.h; 6 brrai In the famou Fui Kivr Valley .ranging front 1 to 155 cre, alt well Improved; possession March 1; essy terms; no trade. Jsmes Doraey, Owner, it Molting Blk.. Elgin, III. Iowa Lands. lOR BALE A. flu 240 a. r farm In Pottawattamie county, Iowa, about miles from Underwood, t miles from MrClelland, 20 miles from Omaha, 1C miles from Council bluffs, only one faour by automobl to the Omaha de partment stores. NEVi Sec. at and the WH of NW , Hoc. it, township ?, rang 42. No better farm 111 Pottawat tamie county. The Improvements are first class. Large H -room modern bouse, large hew barn with big hay capacity, double corn crib, two granaries, chicken house, hog house and catti'e -barn. Plenty of good water, with water In the ktlchn of the house and at hog house and barn. There la plenty of alfalfa, plenty of pasture, orchard and good corn ground. To a party wanting a farm uf the very beet, this one ought to suit. The farm belongs to an estate . and must be eold. Price J250.00 per acre. A smaller farm would be con etlderrd 4n part payment. Keaminable term made on the balance. Address leo. U. t'lark, IK Pearl .Street, Council Uluffn. la. Telephone 174. INIi aiO-acre valley farm, about 75 miles south of Council muffs, and all under cultivation; 2u0 acres in. fine winter wheat; 2 fair sets of Improvements; a real barraltk at 17s per acre; might consider' small farm or Omaha property as part exchange. 212 Keellne lildg., Omaha. ' S?OU should buy lots nuw, near new 25-million-dollar steel plant; four mora big atee plants buttt soon, all in middle west. Write for particulars. F. H. Greenswalt, Nevada, Iowa. Kansas Lands. 0U ACRES Improved farm and stock ranch In eastern Kansas part rough, best of grafts; two sets of Improvements; sell all or part at $0 per acre, on easy terma; Immediate possession. BACON ANT) BHITTAIN, WHITB CITY, KANSAS. Nebraska Lands. WHEAT LAND iK v KIMBALL CO., A real bargain for someone who want quick return on their money and want a farm to move right on. , f Possession March 1st. This fine farm of 491.64 acres 1 lo cated II miles due south of Bushnell; on telephone and mall route; In good neigh borhood and near school; all fenced and cross fenced; 160 acres in winter wheat and 1S5 acres In winter rye; all put In at the right time and looks fine and all the crop goes with the land. Improve ments consist uf good granary on ce ment foundation, good well and wind mill, house and barn, only fait. There la not over 20 acres that Is not A-l wheat land, all laya level to slightly rolling. Price f 43.00 per acre, 11,600.00 cash. 11.000.00 next fall, balanca 1, ftOO.OO yearly, 6 per cent Interest. Ir you want a farm you will buy this, act quick. A rara bargain In 820 acre unim proved; located 17 miles south of Bun nell, Neb; 260 acres fine wheat land, which lays level to rolling, balance roll ing to sightly rough. If you want un improved land you can't beat this. 'Price 132.00 per acre. $1,000.00 cash, bal anca 11.000.00 yearly, 6 per cent. Security Land & Loan Co.' KIMBALL, NEB. DODGE COUNTY, NEB. Ona of Dodge counties best valley 180 acre farms; 6 mllea from Fremont, Itt miles to market; fenced and cross fenced, with woven wire; til, 000, Im provements; 130 acres cultivation, bal ance pasture, yards and building site. Immediate possession. 124,000 cash, bal anca time, WASHINGTON COUNTY, NEBRASKA. $3,400.0 Cash, baTanc I to years, secure immediate possession of 80 acre well " improved - at $175.00 per-acre, t mile from Herman. 70 acre in culti vation, 6 acres alfalfa, fenced hog tight, balance pasture and building site. 80 acres, '1V1 mile from Hermsn, very good improvements. 65 acres cultivated, balance pasture, timber building site, . $12,000, cash 4.M0. balanca time. RICHARDS, KEENE & COMPANY, FREMONT, NEBRASKA. , FARM AND RANCH (6 acre. 4H mile from Ansley. 14 mllo from school; telephone and rural route; rolling land, all fenced' and crossed fenced: 76 acre farm land,' 20 acrea alfalfa, balance hay .land and pas-' ture; will run 160 head: 2 wells and windmills; 8 big cistern; new house. 26x26; barn, $0x4j; mow will stand 12 f3 head of horses and 60 r.wad of cattle; rattle and hog sheds; double granary with drtveway; price $66; can glva pos session any Urn up to April 1, 191$; GAINES AND THOMPSON, i I Security Stat Bank, , Ansley, Neb. " NEBRASKA ' -4,200 ACRES , All slightly rolling; best of black loam, with clay subsoil farm land, lo cated In Box Butt county, 16 mile .At B. of Hemlngford; will sell in quar ter or half section with mighty asy term. Price $25.00 n acre. The lint kind of land In Cheyenn and Kimball v counties la selling at from $60.00 to $60.00 an acre. S. S. & R. E. Montgomery, 113 City Natl. Bank Bliig. Omaha. Neb. DO YOU WANT LAND? I own 14,000 acres of land In Chey enne. Banner and Kimball countle., Ne braska, and Logan and Cheyenne coun ties, Colorado; both raw and improved; a selection that will meet your vry requirement. 1 fear no competition In price or term. Pleas write your wanta, let's gat acquainted. D. R. JONKS. REAL ESTATE, Sidney, fteb, , ONIi section In famous Flower field coun try, where, they have never had a ' short crop, has 225 acres in winter wheat on new ground; 75 acre more ready for spring crop; $42.60 an acre; $3.0(10 until .you get your crop, $6,000 then and balance in 12 annual pay ments; th crop will inaks your pay ment and leave you some money to build with. The best bargain In west ern Nebraska, today. Come at once, as it will soon ba sold. Guy Forsllng. Bush nell. Neb. Will NOT OWN A FARM? We offer a good section about seven miles northwest of Bushnell, whr they raise large crops, at $32.00 per acre, on term of $3,000 cash, balance 10 annual payments. Any good farmer should he able to pay for this Isnd with the crop. Address A. B. BEARD. KIMBALL, NEH. Snap! 1,120 A. Dairy Ranch with mechanical milking niachino, flowing well, good buildings; 400 A. hay land; S mi. from Cham ber 4 cash, bal. 40 years . Can . famish photograph! Geo. Whlaler, Atkinson, Neb. KOR SALE 12 acres, with new 7-room house, good new barn, chicken noons and garage; plenty of fruit of all kinds. The land t very rich and level; two good avenue lead to the place and it I con sidered the best place In tha county; only 1 mil south of Plattsmouth., This must be sold st once; $7,60 will buy It tn the next 10 day. C, B. Schleicher. ISIS Vinton St.. Omaha. Tyler !. ATA BAJuSaIN. 640-a. stock farm. 10 ir.l. V. E. of Broadwater. Neb.; 160 a- farm Isntl; good hour", well and windmill; S-ft. board .curra. rattle eheil. stable, ffranary, garstgs. Price $!0 acr. Term. i W. AkALnma. Elua4n$" FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Nebraska Lands. BUT of owner 4ls0-acr farm, 10 ml, n. a. of Broadwater, Neb. House, well and wind mill, granary, stable, cistern and cave, fenced etc. 160 acre under plow, 110 acre In fall wheat, goea with place; 320 acres pasture and hay land. Terms. Pries t'ii an acre. L. W. ilc Manls, Broadwater, Neb. NEBRASKA Good section Loup Co.; no timber, rocka or gravel; good grass and aweet clover; cattle do well; 25 broke; frame house and stable; good wall, 26 ft.; school and postofflca adjoining sec tion; possession March; $9 per acre; one-third time. S. Logan, Owner, Sar gent, Neb. $40 Acres, 4W miles from Hubbell, Thayer county, Nebraska; 200 acres under culti vation, balance pasture; fair improve ments; excellent combination stork and grain farm; prlc $85 per acre; will ac cept $3,500 down, balance to suit. F. M. Michael Co., 610 Electric Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 800-ACRES FARM AND RANCH. I All on can ask for the money, $20, 000; good term and can use dwelling tn Nebraska town west of Urand Island. Write for description or come and see owner on place; possession March 1. W, H. JENNINGS, Curtis. Neb. FOR SALE Five sections, fenced, living water; 1,000 acres tillable; long grass pasture. A real stock and grain propo sition. J. R. Carter, Bushnell, Neb FGK SaTk. our well improved ranch, Key Paha county, 2,660 acres, plenty of goMi hay, live water, timber, easy term. Look It over then make your offer. W. H. HARVEY, MILLS. NEB. 640 ACRES wall improved, 140 acres in cultivation; some alfalfa; one mile from town on main lino of V. P. R. R., Cheyenne county. D. W. Combs, 439 Brandeis Bldg. 640 ACRES. 200 acre! valley, 130 In., cultivation, fenced, five room house, well and mill, about 11 mllea north of Halg ler. Neb. Price $10 per acre. Easy term. Jj. E. Barger, Wray. Colo. WRITS me for picture and price of my farm and ranches In good old Daw county. Arab L Hungerford. Crawford. Neb. 400-scre improved stock and grain farm only $12,000. Suitable terms. . JAMES PEARSON MOOREFIELD, NEB. FOR SALE 160 fCres. 10 mile north of Potter, Cheyenne Co., Neo. 120 acre In wheat, all goes. Ernest Don, Scribner. GOOD Omaha Incoma property for clear western land or eaatarn Nebraska farm. Mr. Pease. 211 Branded Theater B!d MERRICK i'1 NTT, Improved corn aud alfalfa farm, at the right price. M. A. LARSON. Central City. Neb. i IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farm. Kimball Co., Nebraska. R. B. Holme Bushnell. Neb. 1,000 ACRE ranch for sale, cheap, good reason for selling. Inquire of B. P. 8mlth, Ewlng, Nebraska. KEITH CO. land bargains, Irrigated and non-lrrlgated. Anderson Sales Co., Brule, Neb, ' SOUTH EA8T ' NEBRASKA, twei farm bargains. $125 per acre. Stewart, own. er, 620 Bee Bldg., Omaha. New York Lands. , NEW YORK, . . CREDIT AND $1,200 CABH BUYS EACH Building worth $8,000. with 147 acre. $5,600. . 13 oowa, team, tools, good buildings, $6,500. 40 level acres,- 1 cow, fair building. $2,200, with $700 cash. $100 yearly. E. MUNSON. 2426 S. Sallna St., Syracuse, N. T. WIDOW must aell 10$ acres. 2 mile from town; practically levil, loam soli, well watered; 16 acre -aluable timber, nice 10-room house; 3 large barns, pig gery, hennery,, large orchard; includ ing 20 head cattle, team, ,4 hogs, 40 hens, bay, straw, grain and farm equip, ment. Price $7,000. Easy term. Fre list. Ellis Bros., Sprlngvllle, N. Y. Oregon Lands. JORDAN VALLEY, Oregon, offers you a homa in the land of aunshlne, where condition ar right for raising alfalfa and cattle. Address, Jordan Valley Farm. Boise, Idaho. ' South Dakota Lands. land For sale. 160 a.. 200 a., 440 a , 6t a., 1,120 a., 2,000 a., 3,000 a., worth $10 per acre, more than asked. . Address John J. Balttery, Room 4, Flrat Natl. Bank Bldg., Rapid City, South Dak. BUY a home for your aoldler boy In the county that produced over 4,000,000 bushels of small grain and plenty of corn In 1918. Unimproved, $35; Im proved, $50 and up. John Fusey, Miller, South Dakota. . Washington Lands. 320 acres, unimproved timber land, In Pend-Orellle county, Washington. Land lie well, easy to clear; couniy road at corner of tiacki 7 .Tille to R. R. ta tlon: fine for stock ranch. Price $3,000. Might sell best section for $1,800. Timber on thl will twice pay for It, J. N. Oreen, 418 First avenue, Spokane. Wash., owner.-' 1 Wyoming Lands. WYOMINO LANDS WILL MAKE TOU ,RICH. Farm lands $1S to $40 per acre. Irrigated lands, $3S to JSS, per acre. , Cattle ranche. Homesteads, 640 acre. TAYLOR & CO.. 1617 Capitol Av.,- Cheyenne, Wyoming. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms. $50 per a., including paid tip water right .lenry '.evl ft C M. Rylander. 854 Omaha at 640. acre homestead. Duff, Casper, Wyo. Miscellaneous. SPECIAL If you want a 640-acr homestead, good grass and grain land, near settlers, timber and calls; send me $5 for full Information; references Nebraska State Bank. G. W. D'MENT, Gering. Neb. MAKE your wants for Wyoming, Ne braska and Colorado farm known to C. V. NELSON 616 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. FARM LANDS FOR RENT. 160-ACRB farm for rent In Section 17 and 18, Boomer' township, Pottawat taml county, la.; well Improved; known a "Officer Farm.'' Chas T. Officer, 128 S. Main St., Council Bluffs, la. Phone 460. FARM LANDS WANTED. WE will sell your farm; timely galea quick returns. Held Land Co., 664 Brandel Bldg. MAKE your wants for farma known to C. V. Nelson. 61 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Phone Doug. 6204. AUTOMOBILES. MEEKS AUTO CO. ' Used car bought, sold and exchanged W buy for cash and ell on time. Full line to (elect from. Middle Stat Oarag 2026-1 Farnam St. Douglas 410L - MEEKS AUTO CO. FOR SALE Cheap, on Maxwell touring car, late 1917 model, almost new; going to Cullfornla. Call or phon 2787 Cap itol Ave. Harney 1201 or Tyler 2463. H. D. Walker. NEW retreader; latest and best out; costs less; makes seven different treads. Write, wire or call. Duplex J$r Co., 114 South 17h St. 1 USED CARS AND TRUCKS I AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO, 3010 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. GLOBES VAN AND STORAGE CO.. wlk store your auto. Rate for Ford car. $1 month; large car, $( a month. Douglsa 4S3S.. r FORD TOURING car for ale, by owner. New tires. 2713 No. 36th avenue. Phone Col. 2467. BARGAINS IN USE" CAR McCaffrey Motor Co., ltth and Jackson. Ford Agnts, P. 8600. EXPERT Repairing Guaranteed service, SERVICE GARAGE. IK'h and Le.iven worth. Doug. TO0O. AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs: service station for Rayf leld carburetors and Columbia arnraga- batteries Edwards. WANTED FOR fcPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co. !.6 Farnam St. D IMS. NEW and used Ford. Ames oodies, im mediate delivery. O'Rourk Ooldstrom OAKLAND. Sensible Six. , MARSH OAKLAND CO ftnn Knrrrr.rn St FORD MARKET Kav. Ford to out el Iowa cuslomer. AUTOMOBILES. QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO, 2662 FARNAM. PRIVATELY owned used ears for sale. OMAHA USED CAR MARKET. 2517 Lesvnworth. Tyler 1547. Get a Bulck. used car. Neb. Buick Auto Co. tM AA for magneto we can't, fix; patentee V Affinity spark nug. O. Baya- VVE ARE THE USED CAR MEN. TRAWVEB AUTO CO.. 1910 Farnam. Harney 414. "THE USED CAR MART" SERVICE GARAGE 16th and Leavenworth. Douglaa T00O. GOOD 6-passenger touring car for sale or trade for cheap chassis. 315 South 24th street. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH. WHEN you think of used cars, think ot Trawver Auto company, 1910 Farnam. Tires and Supplies. TIRES ONE-HAIF PRICE. GUARANTEED $.000 MILE8. 20c! $ 7 60:80x3 f l it. 32xH ........ 10.26!32x4 11.16 32x4 11.60134x4 12 00 W furnish tha old tire. Agents wsnted. I IN 1 VULCANIZING COMPANY. 1616 Davenport Street. WE do caalng and tube repairing. We guarantee our work. New and second tire. URBAN TIRE ft VULCANIZING CO.. 2223 Harney St. Phone Douglaa 3413. NEW TIRES ON SALE. Firestone. Congress. Le Pullman, Flsk. Write for prices. Mention slses. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 2019 FARNAM. REDUCED RATE. 12 CENTS PER MILE. Rent a Ford. Drive yourself, Ford Livery Co.. 1314 Howard St. Dougls 3622. BA RGAINS, new No. 1 Ire and tubes. Tlrea 45 per cent off, List tube 85 per cent, wtlte or phon Webster 1034. Day 1808 No. 24th. GAIN mof mile; hiv your tire r treaded by O & G. Tiro Co. 2415 Leavenworth Tyler 12151-W FOR SALE Ford Sedan anil 6-pHsnenger ' Ford. Dreshnf Bros.. 2217 Farnam St. Repairing and Painting. RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiator repaired nd rebuilt; large atock uaed radiator New Ford honeycomb radiators OMAHA RADIATOR TIRE WORKS. 1819 Cuming 2064 Farnsm. EXPERT radiators, fender and aulo bodies: repairing at reaaonable price Prompt attention given to garag work' hip your radiator direct lo us. NEBRASKA SERVICE GARAGE, Doug 7390. 218 8. 19th St CENTRAL garage repair dept., night and day service. If in trouble call us. Tyler ,714. All work guaranteed. F. P. Barnum CoT. 2122 Cum'.ng. D 8044. High grade Automobile Painting. Motorcycles and Bicycles. HAR LEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains in used machine,, Victor H. Rooa, the Motorcycle Man. 27th and Leavenworth HARLE Y-DAVf DSON side car for sale. Phone Douglas 8351. PERSONAL. - THE SALVATION Army industrial Homa solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. We collect. Wa distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new bom 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. FOR SALE Plymouth rocks or rsds, pul lets and roosters. Douglaa 2740 Whitney; Tyler 1031-J. CANARIES for sale. Guaranteed singers. 4112 North Twenty-fifth avenue, Colfax 3363. WHEAT screenings $2.25 per hundred. A. W Wagner. 801 N. 16th St., Doug. 1142 WHITE ROCK HATCHING EGGS from Omaha show winners-- Benson 288. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. $20.00 HOLSTE1NS $J0.0O ' Practically pure bred Holsteln heifer calves from 60-lb. cown. Sire carries 25 per cent same blood as Segls Fayne Johanna, world's champion cow; thes calves are sure to make heavy producer. Harris Holsteln & Duroc Farm, Sexton ville. Wis. HARNESS, SADDLES and TRAVELING GOODS. We make them ourselves and sell them direct to consumer. Why pay two profit for Inferior good when you can get high grade goods at flrat costf ALFRED CORNISH & CO., Phone Doug 2314. ' 1210 Farnam. DON'T FORGET the big horse RnC mule auctlona at stock yards stable next Wednesday, Expect a good run of choice farm mares, matched teams of farm chunks and one carload of farm mules. Sale starts aV1 10 o'clock. L C. Gallup, Auctioneer. Extra! Extra! Extra! Harress, collars and harness accessories. No war prices, selling at a secrltlce a owner Is In France. Call at residence 1124 Lake. FOR SALE Six horses and mares, have bean used for farm work My sons are in service and I am tqo old to care for them. 817 So. 23d St,, one block south of Leavenworth St. FOR SALE Three nice, big, young mares. Nat'l City Brokerage. Apply resldance, 1037 So. 24th St., two blocks south of Leavenworth. MCNKY TO LOAN. Organized by the Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, piano and notes aecut Ity, $40. mo., H. goods, total, $3.60 PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, 432 Security Bldg., 16th A Farpam. Ty. 660 LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY AND 11 LIBERTY BONDS. Q C 2 1 W. C. FLATAU. EST. 1893. 10 6TH FLR. SECURITY BLDG.. TY. 150. Loweat rate. Private loan booths. Harry Maleshock. 1514) Todge, D. 5619. Est. 1891 DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notice la hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the Stockholders of the South Platte Land Company will be held at the office of said Company. Room 701, First National Bank Building, Lincoln, Ne braska, at 11 o.'clock A. M., on the Fifth day of March, A. D., 1919. C. H. Morrill, President; W. W. Turner, Secretary and Treasurer. F-4 31t-m. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. John 8. Little et al to Fietro Gig llott, 22d at., 160 ft. south of Poppleton ave., c. s 30x129 $ 2,400 Jane Porter to Virgil Price, Ida St.. 211.6 ft. east of 30th St., n. a., 42x100 4,700 Joseph Rocheford and wife to Marie D. Carley, Ontario St., 43 ft. southeast ot A St., n. s , 60x120.. Frensworth L. Hurd to W. I. Town send. Wirt St., 150 ft. west of 41st St., n. ., 60x101.6 August C. Harte to John H. Drexel, Davenport sV, 250 ft. west of 50th t., . ., 60x130 David B. Gross and wife to Sarah Sldman et al, n. e. cor.' 31st and Chicago St., 42x100 Reserve Realty Co. to Mary Sclry, Miami st.,- 50 ft. west of 36th t., n. ., '50x120 American State Bank to Jacob 3,000 $00 4,500 6,000 I 160 Slosburg, jr., Amss ave., 198 ft. west of 30th St., n. s., 60x125 John F. . Flack and wife to Clyde Pilley, ,e. w. cor. 42d and Rug gles St.. 27.6x130 E. J. Corkln and wife to Mr. Mc- 4,500 300 . Donald; s. e, cor. 30th and Paci fic. 102x76.65 15,000 Charles W. Martin and wife to Au gust Herman Johnson, Newport ave, 169.6 ft. east of 30th St., . ' n. .. 42x120 '. . . . 850 Charles W. Martin and wife to Carl Oscar Johnson, Mary St., 211. 5 ft. east of 30th St., . s., ' 42x120 ,850 South Omaha Savings Bank to M. Llpofsky, Polk st., 280 ft. east of 27th st.. n. 0 . 50x128 1 Francis J. McGovern and wife to Christine Kllxabeth Lyman, Flor ence blvd., 60 ft. north of Ogden St., w. a. 60x90 Haset Howell to Edgar A. Land er. 22d st, 171 ft. south of Salt ier St., . ., 43x124 John Howe and wife to Clifford N. Forbes et al. Newport ave., 208 ' ft west of 24th St., n. ., 44x120.. 6,500 4,500 6,800 Pessoa's Election Assured. ' Rio Janeiro,' Feb. 25. The na tional convention today hy a vote of 139 to 47 nominated Senhor Pessoa as a emdidate for the presi dency. . This insures t!:o election of i'essoa, who is now jii Taris, Market LIVE STOCK Omaha, February 25, 1919. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs, Shsep. Official Monday .... (.797 25,234 14.195 Estlmat Tuesday .. 8,600 18,000 11,600 Tw days this wk.18,197 43.234 26.695 Sam day last wk..l4.323 28.580 9,637 Name two weeks ago. 23, 205 28,940 33,630 Same three wlos. as'O.10,585 40.779 10,663 Sams days year ago. 17,567 41,957 15,121 Receipt and disposition of llv atock at tho Union Block Yards, Omasa. Neb., for twenty-four hour ending at $ o'clock p. m., cKbruary 25, 1919; RECEIPTS CARS. Hr. A Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. . Hogs. Sheep. 1 . 1 1 .. .8 1 ; (8 $1 i6 , 60 '47 , . 63 7 33 25 17 9 54 48 15 14 16 71 '6 17 7 12 1 S -3 306 283 56 Wabash Missouri Pacific ... Union Pacific C. & N. W east... C. & N. W.. west... C, St. r., M. & O.. C, H. & Q., east... C, B. & y,. west. . . t'., 11. I. & P., east. '.. R. I. ft P.. west. Illinois Central .... 7 12 1 1 Chi. (it. West S - 3 .. a. Toiul ..v-ipts DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris & Co. . 74S 31 U Swift & Co. ....... f'uduhy Pack. Co. .. Armour & Co Schwartz & Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Pnek. Co. .. So. Om. Pack, Co. . . Hlgglns Pack. Co. .. Hoffman Bros. John Roth & Sons. Mayerowlch & Vail. dlassberg P. O'Doa Midwest Pack. Co... W. B. V. S. Co.. F. P. Lewis Huntzlnger & Oliver J. B. Root & Co J. H. Bulla R. M. Burrus ft Co. F. i. Kellogg Wertheliner & Degen Ellis 4 Co Sullvan Broa Mo Kan. C. A C Co. B. O. Chrlstl ' Banner Bros John Harvey Jensen & Lundgren... Dennis & Francis..,! Cheek & Kreb .... Wilson Total 1.629 1,390 1,103 3,452 3,951 4.290 1.348 2.70J 2,910 2.681 2,860 62 ' 26 7 . 19 11 30 Ifi 92 320 63 38 IS 2 142 64 27 61 86 31 51 968 43 66 1.818 420 1.928 1,424 1,29$ 2,787 11,296 Cattle There wa a moderate run of 8.600 head of cattle, or 386 cars. On a light supply of fair quality steer trad ing was about steady and ther. wa a little better feeling with return of sharp ly cold weather. A string of choice Here fords sod up to $17.65. a late top yester day fai $18.00 for 1,400-pound grade. Butcher stock opened a little stronger, although soma of the packer were hold ing baclt on their orders. The supply of stockers and , feeder wa very light and trading ateady with yesterday. Quotations on Cattle Good to choice beeves, $17.0018.20; fair to good, beeves, $15.0016.76; common to fair beeves, $13. 50i 14.75; good to choice yearlings, tl4.6016.00; fair to good yearlings, $12.25 14.25 ; common to fair yearlings, $8.60 12.00; good to' choice heifers. $12.60$ 14.00; prima cows. $11.75013.76; good to choice oows, $lo.2511.76; fair , to good cows, $8.0010.00; common to fair cow. $6.268.00; choice to prime feeders, $14.00 15,75; good to choice feeders, $11,609 13.75; medium to good feeders, $10 50 11.60; good to choice stockers, $10,000 12.00; fair to good stockers. $9.00(j10.00; common to fair stockers, $7.008.60; stock heifers, $7.509.00; stock cows, $7.00 $.00; stock cslves, $8 00jJ11.7S; vesl calves, $7.00013.75; bull, stags, etc., $9.26 10.60. Hose There wer 25$ load of hogs acbednled to arrive at thl market today estimated at 18,000 head. Trade opened with both shipper and packer purchas ing liberally at price that looked 510o higher than yesterday, but soon strength ened to 10 15o higher, where the bulk of the hogs sold although occasional sales showed even more advance In price than this. Bulk ot today sale waa $17,000 17.40, with the long string from $17.00 17.30, tops reaching $17.60,' Sheep Sheep and lambs today amount ed to 50 loads estimated at 11,600 head. Salesmen were a little bullish In their views this morning and with buyer in sisting that they should not pay any more than steady prices: compared with yesterday, trade was slow in getting un der way. The market wa uneven, show ing both weak and strong spots, but on the whole was quotably steady with yes terday, lamb selling at a range of $16,750) 17.60. Hot many sheep were bar and they were quotably steady. Quotations on sheep: Lambs, good' to choice, $17,25 Sf 17.60 ; lambs, fair to good, I16.7517.25; lamb feeders, $13.0016.60; yearlings, good to choice, $18.6015.00; yearlings, fair to good, $9.00 9 80; year ling feeders, $9.6010.00; - wethrs, fat, $12.0013.00; wether feeders. $8.6010.60; ewes, good to choice, $11.0011.65; ewes, fair to good, $9.00$11.00; ewe feeder, $6.0008.60. . Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Feb. 26. (U. 8. ' Bureau of Markets.) Cattle Receipts, 18,000 head; beef steers mostly 26c higher; other classes strong; estimated , tomorrow 8,000 head; beef cattle, good, choice and prime, $15.8520.00; common and me dium'. $10. 60'n 15.85; butcher stook, cows and heifers, $7,60 a 16.60; canners and cut ters. $6.607.60; stockers and feeder, good, choice and fancy, $11.0016.00; Inferior, common and medium, $8,260 11.00; veal calves, good and choice, $16.25(S17.00. Hogs Recalptsr $4,000 head; market fairly active, mostly o lower than yester duy's average; bulk of sales, I17.40ffl7.70; butchers. $17.5017.8O; llglvt, $17.00 17.66; packing, $18.7517.45; throwouta, $16.2516.76;,plgs, good to choice, $14.25 16.50. . Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 14,000 head; market steady to higher; lambs, choice and prime, $18.3518.60; medium and good, $16.7518.35; culls, $14.0015.50; ewes, choice and prime, $12.t5Q)12.65; medium and good, $10.00012.25; culls, $6.50$8.60. . " . Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 25. Cattle Re ceipts, 12,000 head; no southerns; market steady to 10c lower; prime fed steers, $18.00(19.00; dressed beef steers, $12.00 18.00; western steers, $12.00$ 17.00; southern steers, nominally, $7.00(913.00; cows, I8.00gl3.00; heifers, $8.6014.60; stockers and feeders, $8.0016.00; bull, $7.5010.60; calves, $7.0014,00. Hogs Receipts. 18,000 head; market steady: bulk, $17.1017.60; heavy, $17.60 17.80; packers and butchers, $17.40iS 17.70; light, $17.00917.40; pigs, $12.00 16.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 6,600 hesd; market strong; lambs, $17.7618.25; yearlings, $14.00t6.00; wethers, $12.00 13.00; ewes, 811.76(912.00; stockers and feeders, $10.00017.00. St. Joseph Live Stock. I St. Joseph, Mo.. Feb. 26. Cattle Re ceipts, 2,000 head; market atrong and hlKher; steers, $12,500-18.00: cows and heifers, $5.50615.50; calves, $8.00 16.00. Hogs Receipts. 11,000 head;, market higher; top, $17.60; bulk, $16.8617.40. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2,500 head; market weak; lambs, $15.00 17.90; ewes, J9, 0011,75. , St Lout Live Stock. St. Txiuls, Feb. 25. Cattle Receipt. 6,200 head; market steady; native beef steers, $11,506 IS. 60: yearling steer and heifers, $9.60816.00;' cows, $7.6012.60; stockers and feeders, $10.0018.60; fair to prime southern beef steers, $10.00J18.00; beef cows and heifers, i$7.60 16.00; can ners and cutters, $6.607.25; native calves, $7.75&16.50. Hogs Receipts, 21,300 head; market steady; light, $17.3017.65; plg,, $12.60 STEAMSHIP -TH VHdyAVT.all part. of th) world. L Tour in Europ and U. S. Winter Trip lo SF 'y Cuba, Honolulu JhO. f- Contra! America f and Industrial News of Sftorf Term Notes Quotation through The National City company. First National Bank building, Omaha: ' Bid. Asked. Am. T. T. Co. 6 (1924).. 99 4 99 103 im 1034s 103 100S 100 101 101 10v4 10 t, 1014, 100 98 91 95 9fi', 100 102 994 100 103 101 93 100 ii 101 104 U Am. T. T. Co. 6 (1925).. 102 Am. Tobacco 7s (1921) 102 Am. Tob. 7s (1922) 102 Am. Tobacco 7s (1923) 102 4 Armour 4s Co. 6s (1919).. ..100 Armour & Co. 6s (1920).... 100 Armour & Co. 6s (1923) 100 Aromur & Co. 6s (1924) 100 Beth. Steel Co. 7s (1919)....1004 Beth. Steel Co. 7s (1922). ...101 Beth. Steel Co. 7s (1923). ...101 British 6s (1919) British 6 (1921) Central. Arg. C. 6s (1927).. C. B. & Q., joint 4s (1921) Chi. West. Ind. 6s (1919) City of Paris U (1921) .100 . 98 . 89 . 85 99 Cudahy Pack. Co. 7 (123). 102S Dela. A Hudson 5s (1920).. 98 Fed. Farm Loan ia (1937). loo Fed. Farm Loan 5s (1938). . 103 Oen. Electric 6s (1919) 10i)!i lnterboro R. T. 7s (1923) 92 Liggett A Myers 6s (1921). .100 Tim. Det. Axle 7s (1920) 100 Union Facirio s (19Z9) I03t U. 8. Liberty Ss U. S. Liberty 1st 4 U. a. Liberty 2d 4s U. 8. Liberty 1st 4s... V. B. Liberty 2d 44... 98.70 98.80 .93.70 9S.80 .93.36 93.42 .95.13 96.24 94.16 94.24 U. S. Liberty 3d 4s 95.63 U. 8. Liberty 4th 4s 94.22 95.60 94. SO 16.25; mixed and butchers. 1 17.25 (& 1 8.00 : good, heavy, $17.8518.00; bulk, $17.35 17.90. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,200 head: market steady; Iambs, $17.90018.10; ewes, $10.60611.25; canners and choppers, $5.00 9.00. Sioux City Live Stork Sioux City, la.. Feb. 26. Cattle Re ceipts, 3,200 head: market weak; beef steers. $10.00 16.50; fat cows and helfurs, $7.0012.00; canners, $5.50fi6.75; stock ers and feeders, $7.7513.75! feeding tows and heifers, $6.00& 8.75. Sheep and Lamb Receipts, none, Local Stock and Bond. Quotation furnished by Burn. Brlnker ft Co., 449 Omaha National Bank Build ing: STOCKS Bid. Asked. Beatrice creamery com 178 186 Beatrice creamery pfd. . , . , .100 Cudrfhy Packing Co., eom....!02H "102 102 95 86 100 104 116 220 iooii 101 100 98 ' 95 92 100 85 86 100 77 100 81 99 99 Cudahy Packing Co., pfd.... 100 Deer ft Co., pfd 94 : Douglaa Htl. Co. Om. C'b'd 6 76 Gooch Food Prod, pfd Goodyear Tire 2d pfd... 102 Grt Wstn, Sugar pfd.. 110 Ort. Wstn. Sugar com ,..300 Harding Cream 7 pet pfd.. ..100 Orchard ft Wllhelm T pet. pfd Tnlon Stk. Yds 89 Un. P. ft Lt. pet. pfd...... S BONDS C. R. I. ft P. 6, 1922 8 fanada 6s, 1937 95 Cudahy Pkg. 6s, 1946 91H Iowa Portland Cement 6s.... 98 Lincoln G. ft Elec. 5. 1941.. 80 Morris ft Co. 4 Vis. 1939.; 844 Nebraska City 5s, 1919 99 New Stat Tel 6s, 1925, Sioux City 7 Omaha Athletic 6s, 1921-82 Omaha C B 8t Ry 6s, 1928., 78 Swift ft Co.. 6ss, Aug. 1921... i Standard Gas ft Eleo 6s, 1921 97 Swift ft Co. 6s. Aug., 1921.... 99 99 '99 96 98 Southern Ry 6. 1922.. 98 Sea Board Air Line, 1919.. Wilson ft Co., 1st 6a, 1941.. 9 98 New York General. w -Tnrk. Feb. 55. Wheat Spot, steady; No. I red, $"2.24. track, NevW Corn Spot, firm; Jlo. t yellow and No. 2 white, $1.63, cost and freight. New York. . Oata Spot, steady; standard, 9e. Hay Firm; No. 1, $1.601.60; No. 1 $1.361.46; No. 2, $1. 201.30. Lard Firm; middlewest, $28.70C!2.$0. Other article unchanged. New York, Feb. 26. Butter Higher; creamery, higher than extras, 5666c; creamery extra, 64vdbc; nrsts, 64c. " -Km, Market, firm: unchanged. Cheese Market, firmer; stati current make, specials, 3031c; do, average run, )030c. Dressed Poultry Market firm, un changed; live, market, wek; fowls, 35c old. roosters, 24c; other unchanged. Chicago Produce. Chicago, Feb. 26. Butter Higher; creamery, 4054c. ' Eggs Higher; receipt, 20.062 cases; firsts, 8939c; ordinary firsts, 38 38 lAe: at mark, case included, 38 39c. Potatoes Receipts, 68 cars; market unchanged. Poultry All. higher; pring, $0cj fowl, 31e. ' Kansas City Produce. Kansa City. Mo., Feb. 25. Butter and Poultry Market unchanged. Eggs On cent higher; first, 36e. Now York Coffee. New York, Feb. 25. There wa Mat tered realising or liquidation In the mar ket for eoffe future during today' early trading and the opening waa 10 to 16 points lower. Trade Interests wer buyers at the decline to 146 for July and 13.66c for December, however, and price turned firmer during the afternoon on a con tinuation of this demand and covering. July rallied to 14.20c and December to 13.70c, with th market closing to 23 higher. May, 14.76c; July. 14.20c; September, 13.92c; October, 13.86c; December, 13.70c; January, 13.65c. Spot Coffee Quiet ;-Rio ,78, 15c; San to 4., 21 c. Mew York Metals. New York, Feb. 25. Copper and Iron Unchanged. Lead Firm; spot and February, 5.20 bid. Spelter Easy; East St. Loui delivery, spot and February, $5.305.60. London Spot; Tin, L210 15s; other un changed. OMAHA PRODUCE Wholesale Beef Price. Wholesale prlc of beef cut effective Fet .ry 24 ar a follow: No, $ loins, 32c; No. loin, 25c; No. 2 rib, 36c; No. 8 rib, 20c; No. 2 rounds, 27c; No. $ rounds, 22; No. 2 cliuck, 23c; No. 3 chucks, 17 c; No. 2 plate. 16c; No. 3 plates, 12c. Fruits Oranges: 126. 150, 288, 324, $6.25; 176, 200, 216, 260, $5.60. Lemona: 200. 360 Golden Bowl, $.00; 800, 860 Silver Cord, $5.60. Grape Fruit: 36, 46, $5.25; 54, 126, $5.60; 64, 80, 96, $6.00. Bananas, 7c. 8trawberrle, 90c bos. Apples: Extra fancy Arkansas black, all ises, $4.00; extra fancy Rom Beauty. 113, 125, $3.50; 80, 88 100, $3.75; fancy Win Sap, all Bize. $3.85; combination Win Raps. 1385! Orchard Run Ganos. $2.75; No. 1 HOano or Ben Davis, per bbl., $9.00. Vegetables Red Onions. 3c. Potatoes: Whit table stock, 2c; Ohio table stock, 2c; R. R. Ohio seed; Branded Stock Michigan Del., 2c; R. R. Ohio, plain. 2c. Sweet Potatoes: California crate (about 85 lbs), $6.00; Calif, baskets, $3.60. Ice berg Head Lettuc. $1.60 do.; Iceberg Head Lettuce. 16 Oj crate; Leaf Lettuoe, $1.00 dosen; Cauliflower. $2.76 crate, Shal lots, Carrots, Turnip, 75c doxen; Beets, Radishes, Parsley.. 75o dozen; Artichokes, $2.00 dozen; Brussels Sprouts, 20o pound; Spinach, 10O pound: Hot House Cukes, $2.00 to $5.00 dozen; Peppers, 25c pound; Cal. Jumbo Celery. $1.60 dozen; Celery (4 to 8 dosen). $10.00 crate; Cabbage, crate lots, 3o pound; Bests, Turnips, Carrot 2e pound; Parsnip, 3o pound; Ruta bagas, 2o pound. Onion Sets Red and Yellow, $2.60 bu. ; White, $4.26 bu. Nuts English Walnuts, sack lots, 23c less 35c; Jumbo Raw Peanuts, 15c; Jumbo Roasted Pesnuts, 17c; No. 1 Hand-Plcked Peanuts, rsw, 12c; No. 1 Hand-Picked Peanuts, roasted, 16o. Miscellaneous Cracker Jacks, Checkers and Chums, case, $5.60; case, $2.85: Shelled Fop Corn, 12 c lb. Airline Honey. 2 do!., 6 6s., per case, $4.30; 2-dox. 14 ox., per case, $9.70; Strained Honey, 2 60-lb. cans, per lb, 30c. . Evaporated Apple and Dried Fruits. New York, Feb. 25. Evaporated ' Ap ples Dull ;tat, 17 19c. Prunes Scarce; California, 10'18c; Oregons, 1218c. Apricots Strong; choice, 26c: extra choice, 2626c; fancy, 26)27c. Peache Few; choice, 1818c; fancy, 20i1r, Raisin Firm: loose muscatels. , lli" 11 c; choice to fancy seeded, 11Vi4i12c; aeedleu, UQ12fcc , GRAIN MARKET Omaha. Feb. 25. Receipts of grsln today showed a some what heavier run of wheat and continued light arrivals of corn and oats. Receipts were 62 cars of wheat, 40 cars of corn, 39 cars of oats, 6 cars of rye and 7 cars or barley. Corn demand wa slow and the limited number ot offering were not cleaned up until late in the session. Prices ranged from 1 cent up to 1 cent off, but generally unchanged. Oats were to H cents higher on yie bulk. Rye waa 1 to 2 cents hlKher und barley unchanged to 1 cent off. Wkeat was easier with th demand fairly good. ' OMAHA FUTURE MARKET. Open. I High. Low. Close. Yes'y. Corn Feb. Mar. May Oats Feb. Mar. May 1.20 1.30 131 1.29, 1.26 1 24 59 .68 60 .69 Si 60 .69 GRAIN MOVEMENT. Today. Wk. Ago. Yr. Ago. 62 26 4 ., 40 68 170 ....... 39 ' 26 9 6 1 0 7 12 .3 .' 1 24 34 2f. 43 143 ....... 13 20 ' 22 3 0 1 18 2 " 1 IN OTHER MARKETS. , Wheat Corn. Oats. 89 18$ 1B7 20 11 27 10 ' 83 25 ..' 232 U 23S Wheat Corn . , Oats .. Rye .. Barley Shlprr Wheat . Corn . Oats , . Rye . .. Barley Chicago Kansas City St. Louis .. Minneapolis Duluth Winnipeg . . Corn No. 6 white, 1 car, $1.19; No. 3 yellow, 3 cars, $1.31; No. 4 yellow, 1 car, $1.!7 (shippers weights): 1 csr, $1.27; 1 car, $1.26; No. 5 yellow, 1 car, $1.24 (ship pers weights); No. 6 yellow, 1 car, $1.22 (shippers weights); 1 car, $1.22; 1 car, $1.20; No. ,3 mixed, 1 car, $1.29; No. 4 mixed, 3 cara, $1.26; 1 car, $1.24; No. 6 mixed. 2 cara. $1.20. Oata No. 3 white, 5 cars 69c; No. 4 white. 2 car 68 He. Rye No. 2, 1 car $1.33; No. $, 2.6 car $1.30. Barley No. 3, 1 car 88c, 2-8 car 87c; sample, 1 car 84c, , Wheat No. 2 hard, 1 ear $2.22, 2 cars $2.20 (smutty); No. 3 hard, 1 car $2.21, 1 car $2.18 (smutty), 1 car $2.16; No. 4 hard, 1 car $2.15 (smutty); No. 5 hard, 1 car $2.05 (durum rye); sample hard, 1 car $2.08; No. 2 northern spring, I car 92.18, 1 car $2.16 (smuttyj; No. 3 northern spring, 2 car $2.14 (smutty), 1 car $213 (smutty), 1 car $2.12: No. 1 mixed, 1 car $3.14; No. 6 mixed, 1 car $2.00. Chicago Grain and Provision. Chicago. Feb. 25. Corn advanced sharp ly today, helped by reports that much land usually devoted to corn would be planted with spring wheat. The market closed nsettled, to 2c net higher. May, $1.26 to $1.26 and- July, $1.21 to $1.21. Oat finished unchanged to c higher, and provisions varying from 30c decline to a riae of 7c. It waa said advices from all parts of the corn bolt lndtcated that the acreage of spring wheat would be largely in creased by displacing feed grain. In some section, farmer were said to be prepar ing to put the bulk of their land Into wheat and to bold stocks of corn and oats in order to have feed next season. A big supply of hogs was reported aa still back on the farms, and there were signs of Increased confidence that the existing hog price mlmimum would remain in force during March. Additional impetus to the upward movement of prices was given by gossip that the shipping tie-up at Buenos Aire continued. On the other hand unverified reports later that the strike had been ended did a good deal to bring about a reaction. Oat borrowed strength from corn. Fre selling by packers, together with weakness In the hog market made pro visions average lower. Cash Quotations: Corn No. 3 yellow, $1.33: No. 4 yellow. $1.291. 31; No. 6 yellow. $1.271.28. Oats No. 3 white, 6960c; standard, $960c. Rye No. 2. $1,431.44. 'Barley 8998c. Timothy $7.00 10.00. Clover Nominal. - Pork Nominal, Lard $26.26. . ; Ribs $24. 60S 25.00. Chicago closing price, furnished Th Bee by Logan ft Bryan. tock and grain broker. SIS South Sixteenth treet, Om- ha: Art. T Open. High. Low. Close. Yes'y, Corn Mar. 1.32 1.33 1.31 1.32 1.81 May 1.25 1.27 1.24 1.26 1.24 July 1.20 1.23 1.19 1.21 1119 Oat Mar. .59 .69 .59 .59 .59 May .60 .603, .69 .69 .59 July .68 ,59 ,58 .68 .68 Pork May 142.00 142.20 141.65 41.TO 42.00 July 138.75 39.10 38.75 38.7$ 39.00 Lard I I May 23.75 26.00 25.70 26.75 26.72 July 24. 3 25.05 24.T6 24.82 24.75 Ribs ! May 23.35 23.35 23.20 23.26 23.25 July 122.32 22.33 22.17 22.23 22.25 Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 25, 8094c. Rye No. 2, fl.3701.38. Bran $37.00. Corn $1.2781.29. ' Oats 66 57c. Flax $3.563.58. .Barley .St. Louie Grain. St. Louis, Feb. 26. Corn March, $1.34; May. $1.29. Oats March, 60c; May, 60c. Kansa (ity Graia. Kansas City, Feb. 35. Corn February, $1.33; March, $1.31; May, $1.2861.29, July, $1.26, ' New York Money, j New York, Feb.' 25. Mercantile Paper 6 5 per cent. Sterling Sixty-day bills, $4.73; other day bills unchanged; demand, $4.76; cables, $4.76 7-16. Francs Demand, $5.45; cables, $5.44. Guilders Demand. 41c; cables, 41c Lire Demand, $6.36; cables, $6.86. Mexican Dollars Unchanged. Time Loans Unchanged. Call Money Strong; high, 6: low, 5: ruling rate, 6; closing bid, 6; offered at 6; last loan, 6. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga., Feb. 25. Turpentine, Inactive, 65c: sales, none; receipts, 162 bbls.; shipments, 5 bbls.; stock, 30,722 bbls. Rosin Nominal; salsa, none; receipts, 465 bbls.; shipments, 450 bbls.; stock, 71,460 bbls. Quote: B. $13.10; DE, $13.16; F $13.20; G, $13.25; H, $13.30; I, $13.65; K.- $16.75; M, $16.75; N, $16.30; WO, $16.30; WW, $16.76. Liberty Bond Price. New York, Feb. 25. Prices on Liberty bonds at 11:30. a. m. were; 3, 98.(4; first 4s, 93.64; second 4s, 93.42: first 4 , 95.16: second 4s, 94.22; third 4, 95.46; fourth 4, 94.24. Liberty Bond. New York, Feb. 25. Final prices on Liberty bonds were: 8a, 98.68; first 4s, 93.70; seconds 4s, 93.38; first 4, 95.18; second 4s, 94.18; third 4s, 95.60; fourth 4s, 94.20. Linseed. Duluth. Minn.. Feb. 25. Linseed $3.68. SKINNER PACKING 1116 IIIQ - Douglas St Tel-Dou$asl52l the Day FINANCIAL New York, Feb. 25. Trading In stocks today was distinctly affected by yester day's unexpected advance in call loans to maximum quotations of the psst two years. Pools curtailed their activitlea In th var ious speculative ixsurs and th trend most often waa uncertain. s The audden flurry In money also served to restrain outside Interest or buying, a a factor of considerable Importance In the broader and more confident movement of the previous session. Call money ruled at 6 per rent, the rate fulling a fraction towards tho close, when moNt demands had been satisfied. Firm er tendencies also prevailed for time mon ey.' particularly the longer maturities. The one section, of the stock list which seemed to defy monetary considerations was that comprising the motors and, allied shsres. Oaln of 2 to almost ( points were scored by General Motors. Kelly-Sprlng-fleld Tire and Studebaker, the lant domin ating the entire market towards the close. Oila, promtmmt equipments, including United States Steel and Baldwin Locomo tive, reacted 1 to 2 pointx. also leathers and utilities, while tobaccos yieldod slight ly on realizing, ami sugars were favor ably influenced by fresi.' buying. Ralls and shipping lagged throughout marines making an abrupt decline in the final hour on confirmed reports that the British admiralty had made further objec tions to the company's sale of its tonnage lo private interests. , , Dullnus ruled In he bond market. Lib erty Issues manifesting slight Irregular ity. Virginia 6 per cent certificates for feited more of their recent advnneo and foreign bonds lacked feature. Total sale., par value, aggregated $10,200,000. Old United States coupon 4s gained per cent and reacted half per cent, register ed 2s declining per cent. Other issues were unchanged on call. Number of sales nnd quotations on lead ing stocks: Sale. High. Low. Close. Am. Beet Sugar Am. Can Am. Car ft Fdry, Am. Locomotive Am. Smlt. & Ref. Am. Sugar Ref. . Am. T. ft T. ... Anaconda Cop. , Atlcr.son 11.000 74 70 73 .2.1110 46 46 45 2,100 90 90 90 2,300 64 63 63 6,400 67 66 66 3,500 121 120 121 1,300 106 105 105 .4,600 59 69 69 1.100. 92 90 91 A O ft W.I.S.L. 1,600 ISH 94l 97 D. ft 0 4,000 48 46 48 Butt ft Sup. Cop. 200 13 18 18 cal. Petroleum ... 3,700 27 26 26 Can. Pa 700 168 162 162 162 Cen. Leather 1,700 62 61 61 Ches. ft O C. M. ft St. P. .. Chi. ft North. ... C. R. I ft P. e . . Chlno' Cop Colo. F. ft I Corn Pro. Ref. . Cruc. Steel Cuba Cane Sugar Dls. Securities .. Erie , 800 67 67. 67 1,900 36 35 85 95 2,600 26 24 24 , . 600 33 38 88 , 200 38 . 88 28 4,100 48 47 47 6.600 60 58 , 59 4.700 23 22 22 1,700 55 55 55 . 1,100 17 16 16 152 .18,600 144 141 143 93 200 38 39 38 Oen. Elec Oen. Motors . a. North, pfd. G. Nortli. ore. Illinois e'en. . In. Cop 1,600 44 44 96 26 45 19 29 44 97 26 46 19 29 112 34 178 2 24 16 74 2 106 Int. M. Mar. pfd 33.500 101 Inter. Nickel 600 26 inter, paper . K. C. Southern Ken. Cop Louis, ft Nash. 1,600 46 19 30 . 200 1,500 Maxwell Motor Mex. Petroleum .. 4,800 35 ..23.400 181 178 22 24 18 74 28 Miami Cop, .. 300 Mis. Pa 1,800 . 500 . 700 600 25 16 74 28 Nevada Cop N. Y. Cen N. Y., N. H. ft H. N. ft W North. Pa Pennsylvania .... Pitt. Coal . . 400 . 1.800 . 600 . 1.200 . 6,000 1,000 .. 300 98 , 44 46 19 81 76 92 44 45 19 80 75 10 92 44 45 19 80 76 10 Ray Con. Cop. , , . Heading Rep. Iron & Steel Shat. Ariz. Cop. South Pa South. Rail .... Stude. Cor Tex. Co. U. P. 10 .12,200 . 2.100 .68,700 102 101 102 28 28 28 59 54 59 1,900 193 192 192 2,500 130 129 129 IT. 8. Ind. AL Z.900 111 109 110 U. S. Steel 92.500 94 93 93 IT. S. Steel pfd. 400 IMS. 114 114 68 20 87 43 62 Utals Cop. ., Wabash pfd. West. Union West. Elec. . Bethlehem .. 1,300 68 67 , 800 1,800 3,100 87 43 62 87 .43 62 New V. 8. 2s. reg... York Bond. 97Gt. N. 1st 4 85 U. S. 2s. cbun. 97V4I. C. ref 4s. 81 97 V. 8. 3s. reg.. 89 Int. M. M 6s. U. S. Ss, coup.7 89 K. C. S. ref. 6 84 T. 6. Lib. 3 98.70L. ft N. nn. 4.. 86 V. S. 4s, reg. . ,104'M K & T 1st 4 64 U. S. 4a, coup.. 106 Mo. Pac. gen. 4 61 Am For See 6s 99 Mont. Porter 5 91 Am T ft T 0 6s 91 N. Y. C: deb. 6 98 Anglo-French 6s 97N. Pacific 4s.. 84 Arm. ft Co. 4s 88 N. Pacific 3s.... 69 Atchison gen. 4a 820. S. L. ref. 4 86 B. ft O. cv. 4s 77'Pac. T. ft T. 6 92 Beth Steel r 6 88Penn. con. 4 94 Cen. Leather 6s 96 Penn. gen. 4s 88 Cen. Pacific 1st 79Readlng gen. 4s 84 C. ft O. cv. 6.. 85S L ft 8 F a 6 64 C B ft Q Joint 4 95 8. Pac. cv. 6a 103 CMftSPc4 78 Southern Ry 5s 94 C R I & P r 4 73T. ft P. 1st 90 C ft 8 ref 4 78. V, Pacific 4s 86 D ft R O ref 6s 60U. S. Rubber 5s 86 D of C 6 (1931) 97 U. 8. Steel 6s.. 100 Erie gen. 4s.,.. 63W"abash 1st.... 96 Gen. Electric 6 97 French 5 10$ 3-1$ Bid ;1 New York Sugar. New York. Feb. 26. Sugsr Unchanged. Quigley in Police Court "on "Jamaica Ginger" Charge Dr. Willard Quigley. arrested on a charge of selling Jamaica ginger at his drug store, 302 North Sixteenth street, appeared in police court and was granted a trial continuance of two days. Dr. Quigley was arrested on a bench-warrant issued by Police Judge Foster upon complaint that nc had been guilty of selling the ginger for use as a beverage. Jamaica ginger contains 90 peri' cent alcohol, and, according to po 1,Y. "i,;,v ,r ....a - ) Army Orders. Washington, Feb. 15. (Special Tele gram.) Cspt. Roderick D. Kennedy, medical corps, 1 relieved from duty st Camp Iiix. N. J., and will proceed to Fort Dee Moines. First. Lt. John M. Haynes, lnfntry. Is relieved from further treatment a bass hospital, Camp Dodge ond will proceed to Fort Riley, Kan., and hospital for further observation treatment. Capt. William Stephen Priscoll, medi cal corps, 1 relieved from duty at Camp Devens, Ayer, Mas., .and will proceed -to Des Moines. I.t. Col. John Anson Burket. medical corps, 1 relieved from duty at Camp Lo gan, Houston, Tex., and will proceed to Fort D, A.' Bussell. Wyo. First Lt. Samuel Franklin Wennerman, medical corps, I relieved from duty at Camp Dig, N. J., and will proceed to Fort Des Mntne. . - Lt. Col. Gustav H. Franke, field artil lery. 1 relieved from duty at Camp Oodge and will proceed to Louisville, Ky. Don't Sacrifice Your Liberty Bonds s If you must sell them deliver or mail them by registered mail and we, : will pay the full market value and accrued interest, less commission. Burns, Brinker & Co. Peters Trust Co. 449-452 Omaha Nut. Bank Bldg. Omaha, Neb. EIGHTEEN SHIPS with 30,000 m STEAFslIHGTO U.S. All Division Except Regular Army to Leave France as S$on as Shipping ; Is Available. Wa liti ortim Kl, .?5 The1 laroe homeward movement of troops sine, the breaking up of the American overseas army started last Novem ber was announced today by the War department in reporting the de parture from French ports of '8 troopships with nearly. .W.IKX) ofVi cers and men aboard. e announcement of the move ment was made coiitcidcntaHy witti the issuance of a statement that all divisions in France except those of the regular army would be returned as shipping becomes available.- Among the transports listed as having sailed were the Aquitania and Great Northern, each with more than 5,1)00 soldiers aboard. The or ganizations which have sailed in clude most of the units of the Ninety-second (negro) national army di vision, important units of the Nine ty-sevenjh (Arkansas, Louisiana Mississippi and Alabama) national army division and a score of aero squadrons. Return In Order of Arrival. General Pershing notified the War department today that "divisions now in the American expeditionary forces, excepting those with regular army designations," would ; be re turned to the United States in the order of the arrival of their respec tive divisional headquarters n France. This was interpreted a meaning that all divisions except the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh would be retur -ed as shipping was available. The general said that based n:i these estimates divisions would l:-c returned in the following order: March, 27th. 30th. 85th. 37th ai.d 91st; April, 26th. 83d, 82d,.35th and 42d; May, 32d. 28th, 33d, 80th ami 78th; June, 89th, 90th, 29th .. an 1 79th. Estimate of Movements. General Pershing said he esti mated the " movement of troops based on tonnage known to I available and on the German ship ping soon to become available, ss follows: March, 212,000; April. 221, 000; May, 248,000; June, 207.000, Announcement by General Pek ing's chief of staff that 18 national guard and national army division, were scheduled to sail from Franc: before J.ily 1, confirms reports cur rent here that the expeditionary forces were to be reduced to a strength of 300,000 by the end of the c i ..... Calculations !n the various V;:r department bureaus, it is said, haw; , been based upon the 300,000 strength in figuring on the main tenance of the armv abroad after July 1. The announcement from Franc c indicates that in addition to tit? seven regular divisions now ) France and into which presumnb' men desiring to remain temporarily are being transferred, the American forces after July will include tiie 29th and the 78th and 81st national army divisions. This would give a nine-division strength for the com batant forces and allow one divisio:- for employment as a depot unit.. Russian Soviet Gives Swiss Legation Passage Berne. Feb. 25. The Swiss leea- tlon at Petrograd has been given free passage through Russia by the soviet government and will leave for Berne on Thursday, traveling on two special trains. Relations betwen the soviet gov ernment of Russia and Switzerland have been strained for some time. In January it was announced t. Moscow tha't Swiss subjects in Rus sia would be held in jail until Swit zerland had agreed to receive a Rus sian envoy. The granting of free passage to the Swiss legation itaff probably marks the final step in the controversy. Cheyenne Indians Oppose Opening of Reservation Pierre, S. D.. Feb. 25. The Che'v- enne river reservation Indians, at a general council, have 'voted to op pose a movement to open their res ervation to settlers. The movement was inaugurated by Indians wIti r.sve been granted full citizenship. ,'!. inajorinty of the general coun cil decided that the opening of the reservation would affect the tribal customs of the Indians. Fighting in Prague.' Amsterdam, Feb. 25. Severe fighting took place all day Saturday in Prague, the capital of Bohemia, in which the national guard and students drove the anti-government communists from public buildings which they had occupied, according to the Lokal Anzeiger of Berlin. , INVESTMENT SECURITIES LIBERTY BONDS Bought and Sold Marie' Rnnrl Hmi 1431 riri Nat. Bfc. Bldg. Tyler 3Ma f 1622 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. i !t t I il li