Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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    Howt'tr it b, it Mmi Is m
Til only nobl to b good;
Kind hurts arc more than coronet.,
And limpla faith than Norman blood.
Whcra trua lova bctow ita awcrtnaat,
Whftt trua irirndship Inya ita lind,
Dwell all gicotii, all completeneat,
All tha wealth ol every land. Anon.
Mr. and Mrs. E. liurke
Meet Many Omahans
in Sunny California
Mr. and Mrs. Everett . Huikc,
who returned Friday from a de
liglitful honeyinoun spent in Cali
fornia, met many Omaha people
during their stay in 4lie land of sun
shine which has become a veritable
Mecca for Omahans duriug the win
ter months. The young couple were
entertained at the home of C aptain
and Mrs. Theodore Maenner and
a number of delightful trips were
enjoyed by these young people
whose weddings occured in the
same week.
Mr. and Mrs. Burke also met the
Misses Marjoric and Mildred Foote
who were staying in Los Angeles
as there was a serious influenza epi
demic at Pasadena where they make
their home. These two rfiartniiit;
Rirls expect to visit Omaha friends
during the early summer months
Miss Marjorie Foote enlisted for
overseas service but was forced to
abandon the project.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen stop
ped at the same hotel with the
Burkes and thev met Mr. and Mr. I
Will Coad during their stay in Los
Mr. and Mrs. ISurke will be with
Mr. Rurke's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C harles Burke until they secure an
apartment. Mrs. Burke's fathei,
Mr. J. F-. Fitzgerald and sister, Mrs.
Zora Hamilton, who are now on the
coast will remain for anothct
For Mrs. MacDowell.
A delightful tea was held Sunday
afternoon at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. A. M. Borglum, when the
MacDowell club entertained in
honor of Mrs. Edward MacDowell.
widow of America's greatest com
poser. Mrs. Mac Dowell gave an in
teresting talk about the progress
made at the Peterborough colony
for creative artists and a brief out
line of the plans which would be fol
lowed in the future. Mrs. Mac
Dowell made a special point of the
fact that the MacDowell Memorial
which has taken this form is in no
way a charity any more than a uni
versity is a chanty. It is only for crea
tive artists of recognized merit, wiio
go there for a period, with definite
work to be done, and who there find
both inspiration and the necessary
solitude for uninterrupted accom
plishment. After her informal talk
Mrs, MacDowell very graciously
played a few of the compositions of
Mr. MacDowell to the surprise an;'
delight of the guests. Tea was then
served, among those assisting being
Mrs. Myron Learned, Airs. C. W.
Axtell, Mrs. W. C. Ure. Mrs. F. II.
Cole, Mrs. L. F. Crofoot, Mrs.. Edith
L. Wagoner, Mrs. R. Beecher
Howell, Mrs. S. S. Caldwell, Mrs.
Harvey Milliken, Mrs. Douglas
Welpton, Miss Evelyn Dudley. Miss
Corinne Paulson and Miss Adelyn
Our Nancy isn't one to waste
Her time and then to buy in haste,
For it's best, she's always said,
When buying clothes to look ahead,
She rivals now the busy bee,
In stocking up, and industry.
Among the things she'd got together
To be prepared for warmer weather,
One finds this frock in dainty plaid,
The finest voile that's to be had
Combined in style that must delight
With overskirt and vest of white.
K'upyrtfrht Applied For.)
Dinner PartieY
Many small dinner parties fol
lowed by the theater are being given
in these last few weeks before Lent.
Mrs. F. A. Nash will entertain eight
guests at dinner at her home Tues
day evening, followed by a box
party at the Orpheum.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. C. Johnson
are planning an affair of this kind
for Thursday evening and Mr. and
Mrs. John L Kennedy will enter
tain at their beautiful suburban
heme Wednesday evening.
Brownell Hall Dance.
A delightful dancing party is be
ing planned by the faculty of
Brownell hall for the older students,
to be given Wednesday evening at
the school. The school colors, red
and white, will be used in the decor
ations, and Mr. and Mrs. Luther
Drake are included in the list of pat
rons and patronesses. This is the
first social affair gien at the school
this year.
Special Meeting of Woman's Club.
A special meeting of the Omaha
Woman's club will be held Tuesday
at 1:30 p. m. at the Y. W. C. A. Mat
ters pertaining to legislative affairs
will be discussed and this meeting
will be preceded by a meeting of the
directors at 1 p. ni.
A dinner wilt be served by the
Ladies auxiliary of the Park Vale
Presbyterian church at the church,
Thursday evening from 5:30 to 7.
Mr. Howard Baldrige has returned
from a trip to New York.
Mr. F. L. Crofoot will return
Thursday from the east.
Mrs. W. A. Rcdick has returned
from Excelsior Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. William Holzman
are at French Lick Springs.
Mrs. Helen Cook Dumas spent
the week-end at Schuyler, Neb.
Mr. T. F. Mulligan is seriously ill
at his home, 2615 Davenport street.
Dundee Community Center Red
Cross axiliary will meet at the Dun
dee Fresbyirian church. Wednes
day from 1 to 5 o'clock.
Mr. Milton Shaw Kimball who is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Ingwer-
sen and his fiancee, Miss Helen Ing
wcrsen, will remain for another
Mr. William Sherman Ruxton ot
Chicago, who has been the guest of
ilr. and Mrs. Osgood Eastman, and
his fiancee, Miss Helen Eastman, for
several days, returned to his home,
Sunday evening.
Ensign Paul S. Griswold, who has
been stationed at Camp Lawrence.
Great Lakes, has been released, but
is a member of the United States
naval reserve. Ensign Griswold
has returned to Omaha and occu
pies his former position.
For the Future.
Mrs. Robert Rcasoner will enter
tain at an afternoon bridge on Fri
day, -when the younger matrons and
several of the brides-to-be will be
among the guests.
Mrs. Howard Farrell will enter
taine at a benefit luncheon for the
Dundee Woman's Patriotic club at
her home, Tuesday."
For a Bride-To-Be.
Many affairs will be given for Miss
Marjorie Howland. who will be a
springtime bride. Mrs. A. R. Busch
will entertain at tea at the Black
stone, Thursday, in her honor.
Where she gets her good looks, her healthy skin, her
pink cheeks, is known to every one, because it is apparent
that it is not due to cosmetics, paint and powder. But
the true womanly beauty comes from good health, and this
good health is a woman's secret. Ask your neighbor and
she will tell you that it is due to the fact that she took
that wonderful temperance tonic "a prescription" for
women, first put up over fifty years ago by Dr. Pierce. It
can he obtained in any drug store in liquid or tablet form.
Health comes with good physical machinery and good
spirits, an active digestion. A body free from pains and
aches comes with a tonic known for over fifty years as the
best "temperance" tonic and nervine for woman namely,
l Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
Cleansing of the intestinal tract is important.' Take
castor oil or select a vegetable pill.' Such a one is com
posed of May-apple, leaves of aloe, root of jalap, and made
into tiny sugar-coated pellets, to be had atevery drug
fitore as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.,
Beatrice Fairfax's Lovelorn Advice
A Question Settli'd.
Pear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee:
There lias heen a discussion be
tween another party and myself
about the letters In your column ot
The liee, the other party saying he
does not think all the letters that
are printed are letters that have
been pent in for you to answer, but
ure letters you. yourself, have wrlt-Q
len ann answer jusi io nn up space.
He thinks some of them are too
crazy to have been sent In to be : than found
answered. J. ot course, ininK tney
are all letters that have ben sent in 1
to be onswered. Would thank you
for settling our dispute.
I. W. T. K.
V. S. When writing to your col
umn should it be addressed to Bea
trice Fairfax in eare of Omaha
Daily liee, or simply to the. Omaha
Daily Bee? !
You win. All the letters you sec I
are honest-to-goodness letters. Not I
only that, but I have five times as;
many as I can answer or find space j
in the paper to use. You flatter me j
that I could think up so many !
unusual letters. Address mail to
Beatrice Fairfax, Omaha Bee.
Daily We Discuss Our Af
fairs and Bring the Sad and
Gay Together for Sifting,
Assorting and Untangling
Because of this t
annoyed by the fair
lilic to ask your ;ul-
priee for their hasty actions. .SoftO
snaps are more easily thought about I how to become Ifss attractive.
Too soft snaps usually I
vrry attracts p.
am very much
sex, and would
1 have recently returned from the
service und my sergeant stripes seem
to make me all the more attractive,
.so 1 donned my civilan clothes, hop
ing to briiiK about a chanse, but it
only made matters worse.
1 would like to ask your advice.
that I do not use neither powder or
nitri aa mum' .f fVir. .......
lit.l. . . ... . jumift 1IJCI1 CI
.,.,.. ...wc .umiiuai inuin. r or your I this towrn do. Do you think it would
wedding I suggest a nose ring and make me less attractive if I would
get your license at the dog license i ,,art my hair tllp ""'''die instead
K'imlnw .r tho ..i. v,,n ., ! " 't (Ml t hp l ft sill e, and d.vsis t i ii kiss
indow of the city hall. These ins thp yollllfr iailies sod-njSMt
licenses are not expensive. A good! whom I escort home?
remedy for curing tho cigaret habit I1l 'ou think it i proper for me
is to take a large sooonful of r. ! w "ul .mJ Hlm8 aro!,nd anfl Klss
many uuiereni gins ;
1 would like to retain this close
friendship with two of the girls, but
cannot see my way clear without in
juring the feeling of the many
others. I am a constant reader of
Lovelorn" and would
Flease confine your letters to
not more than 200 words if you
wish to see them in print. This
becomes necessary because of the
great number of letters arriving
on every mail.
a large spoonful of car
bolic acid Saturday morning before !
breakfast. If this does not cure you !
take another Sunday morning. This j
will positively kill the cigaret habit, i
An Illhred Man.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I
am a constant reader to your "Ad
vice to the Lovelorn" and enjoy
it very much. I have como to
you for advice and hope you can
help me out. I am 15, have light
hair and blue eyes and am not bad
looking. Hill you please tell me
how I can be popular among my girl
and boy friends and make every
body love me? Do you know of any
new games that' they play at class
parties or social parties? How much
should a girl of 15 weigh?
I am keping company with a
youncr gentleman, who appears to
be very nice. He calls in the eve
nings and stays till almost 3 o'clock.
Is this right for a girl of my age?
Hoping to see my letter in print,
X. Y. Z.
Get a book of games at the library
or book store. Your weight depends
upon' your height. The young man
who calls and stays until 3 o'clock
is illbred and lacks common sense.
Where Is your mother? Your father
should take such an Ignoramus by
the coat collar and assist him
through the door. You are too
young to be keping company with
men and should be conserving your
strength for later life.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee:
We are a young couple, 18 yeara
old, and are contemplating eloping.
We have been going together two
years and love each other desperate
ly. Our folks object to our going
together and we would like for you
to suggest some means by which we
could elope. Do you think it ad
visable? We have flinished high
school and think we could get a soft
snap so that we could make a liv
ing. What kind of a wedding ring
should be used and where do you
secure the license? Are they ex
pensive? Do you know a remedy to
make anyone quit cigarets?
Please answer right away, as we
are serious and am waiting to hear
Thanking you for this favor, we re
main, READERS.
-Elopers usually pay the biggest
Heart Beats
By A. K.
A lot of women
Write to our friend
Beatrice Fairfax
And ask her how
To make some extra
With which to buy
Shoestrings or something
They often say
Their husbands are
Greek gods 'n things
And that they
Worship theni
And all of that
But still
One little fault
They do not give
Them any money
Although they cook
And wash and scrub
To make the home
A perfect delight
But of course
Dear ladies
This work is supposed
To be a labor
Of love
But sometimes
Even love becomes
A poor paymaster
And hard taskmaster
And the soul of
These devoted wives
Yea, it even screams
For a nickel or two
To spend foolishly ,
Without having to
Check it on
The "statement"
For 0. K. at the
F.nd of each month.
iliss Fairfax
Gives good advice
But I like to
Chip in my word
Or two
For I just happened
On to a tip
And it may be welcomed
By many women
Who want a nickel
Once in a while
It is mending corsets
For the department
And small shops
Or any place where
Corsets are sold
Or made or repaired
It's easily done
And there is plenty
Of this work in Omaha
And other towns.
If I've beaten
To this bit of
Advice i
I am glad of it
Tickled to death.
Club Activities.
Mrs. G. W. Longnecker will en
tertain the U. S. Grant woman's re
lief corps at a kensington Tuesday"
at ner home, Capitol avenue."
An important meeting of the
Fftnces Willard W. C. T. U. will
be held Wednesday at 2 d. m.. at
the Y. W. C. A
The Young Women's Hebrew as
sociation will meet Tuesday at 8 p.
m. in the Lyric bnilding.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee:
We are two girls, If. years old. We
have dark hair and eyes and con
sidered beautiful and are popular.
We are jive feet four inches tall.
How should wo wear our hair and
how Ions should we wear our
We are engaged to two young men
two years our seniors, when we go
with other boys they get peeved. Is
this right?
When a girl moves is it right for
her to write to her boy friends first
to give them our address?
If a girl should lose her engage
ment ring, what should she do?
How is our writing?
Girls of 15 should wear their halt
down and their dresses rather short.
The 17-year-old suitors should not
be peevish when you go out with
other boys. You are all too young
to marry and will change your minds
a dozen times before you are old
enough to consider matrimony se
riously. Why bother about writing
to the boys in another town? It's
foolish. If you lose your engagement
ring look for it.
Popular Soldier.
Dear Miss Fairfax. Omaha Bee: I
am a tall, good looking young man,
with blue eyes, light hair and am
"Advice to the
tie pleased to see this in print in
Tuesday's Omaha Daily Bee.
Thanking you sincerely in advance
for your advice. W. H.
I am sorry. Indeed, that the fair
sex worry you so, but what you must
watch more carefully than the girls
is that you do not allow your ex
aggerated ego to drive yon insane.
1 am sure you are much more fond of
yourself and your appearance than
the girls are. However, 1 am in
clined to believe that somebody is
trying to play a practical joke on a
returned soldier. For this reason 1
shall not use the full name signed.
This letter came Epecial delivery,
and if some of the Ord (Neb.) boys
wrote this letter, it is absolutely ill
bred and shows laAk of breeding.
Mother is Right.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee:
As other people are asking for n
little advice 1 would thank you very
much if you would tell me some
thing. 1 am 17 years old and still
take a mother's advice, and who 1
slill love very much. Now where I
work there is a fellow who pays a
lot of attention to me and ho is u
married man, but does not live with
his wife, as she treats him very
(old. I don't want to be in this
gentleman's company, as he still is
a married man. It will leak out that
T am going out with him and get to
my mother and It will break her
heart, and sure don't want this ter
rible tiling to happen.
So please tell me how 1 can tell
this gentleman that 1 don't want h
join his company in a nice and
pleasant, respectable way. 1 don't
want hiin to get angry at me, as I
want all the people friends; I don't
want them as enemies. Thankim;
you for our advice. Please have my
answer in the paper. MAI U.K.
Tell the man that it would com
promise you greatly to accept his
imitations. If he becomes Hiigry at
this he isn't worth your friendship.
The Bee Want Ads
Business Boosters.
are the Best
ti-,v """
. 7
Desserts 2c
The bottle in
each package
of Pineapple
Jiffy-Jell con
tains all the
rich essence
from half a ripe
'2.pil pineapple. The
dessert has a
wealth of this exquisite
flavor, and a package serves
six people for 12 cents.
You owe to yourself a
trial of this new-type gel
atine dainty.
10 Flavon, ot Your Croctr't
2 Package for 25 Cent
rs 3 y f" T H 5 "p" ST! f T " r1
: ihM-'vv -til M'n'
a v."
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jMj ff
LA, : ili
vUI cPy
Ir4 Kit i ii l" ? j! '
long-last- . Wt:
m& bare VjV; -
if m1
in eacfi
package The
biggest value in
refreshment you
i possibly buy.
A BENEFIT to teeth,
appetite and diges
tion. And the price
is 5 cents.
Whynot Drink
the Best?
" . ' ' 1 '" 1
r- ' I
'IisSSifJ Whynot?
1 k ,r TAu,v-.;:j b
1608-10-12 Harney St. Douglai 1790
Special for Tuesday's Selling
Tall cans Fancy Red Alaska Salmon, can 25c
Pig Pork Chops, per lb 27V2c
Extra Fancy New Cabbage, per lb 3c
Strictly Fresh Eggs in Cartons, per dozen . . .42c
Lll ttlMHl EMS!
Tuesday, February 25th, at all our Omaha and
Council Bluffs Stores, we will sell
Sac City Corn, per can 12c
Dozen cans $1.40
Case "24 cans" $2.75
This is Standard Corn Packed in Sac City, Iowa.
Swift's Premium Ham, lb. 35c
This price for whole or half hams.
The above items are for Tuesday only and each
store has a limited supply.
U. S. License No. G-28403, Headquarters, Omaha, Neb.
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Buy a '
(Weight But 6 Pounds I
The Personal Writing Machine
The same service at half the price and
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Prompt deliveries can now be made
Complete with case
Central Typewriter Exchange
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18 Treofii
Golds, Grin mi
aad to Fortify the System Against
Golds, Grip end Influenza
which destroy germs, act as a Tonic and Laxative and
SMS' on t0 throw
So6n Rellave Feverish and Painful llezdac&sa
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Call for full name ana look for thl, signature on bsx
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If 30 Cents
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