Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1919, Page 2, Image 2
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1919. PRESIDENT WILL FIGHT AT HOME FOR NEW LEAGUE Throws Down Gauntlet in Speech Less Than Three Hours After Landing on American Soil. (CoDllnnnl from Pa One.) members to convey to the state body his "warm regards and sympthaty. President Wilson was accom panied in the parade and later to Methanes' hall, where he spoke be fore 8,000 persons, by Mrs. Wilson. He appeared physically fit for what he described as the approaching strenuous attempt to transact busi ness for a little while, in America." Rested on Voyage. The sea voyage seemed to have ;;iven him a rest. He appeared to enjoy the day and in taking fare well of Mayor Andrew J. Peters, the main host, said that he had im mensely enjoyed the brief stay here So occupied was Mr. Wilson with the program prepared for him, that all official business brought to his attention was deferred until he was aboard the special train which drew out of the South station at 4.30 this afternoon, for Washington. The so,iiuu,uuw,uuii revenue bill was among the documents which he re ceived from Secretary Tumulty and upon which he had not acted when he left the city. Crowds Greet Train. Xew York, Feb. 24. President Wilson's special train arrived at the Pennsylvania station here at 10:05 o'clock tonight, 20 minutes behind its schedule, after an uneventful trip from Boston. Mr. Wilson retired soon after the train reached the out skirts of the Bronx and the only member of his party who appeared at the terminal here was Secretary Tumulty, who had no announce ments to make. At New Haven the president waved his hat to the cheering crowd and shouted "hello" t The special resumed its trip at 10:30 and is expected to reach Washington before 5 o'clock tomor row morning. Mr. Wilson will not leave his car until about 8 o'clock. Members of Taft's Party- 6 : i. I Hays Calls Conference of United Mine Workers Hazlcton, Pa., Feb. 24. Notice was received today at the district headquarters of the United Mine workers in this city, from Frank J. Hayes, international president, that he has called a meeting of the pol icy committee of tne union in In dianapolis on March 18 to take ac tion on wages, unemployment and other issues growing out of the re construction period. The commit tee will be composed of represen tatives of every district. Olympic Reaches New York With Officers and Men New York, Feb. 24. The trans port Olympic- arrived here today from Brest with 453 officers, 5,261 enlisted men and 232 sick and woundd, comprising 48'ofticers and 175 enlisted men, six nurses, two field clerks and a civilian. V DR. HENRY VAN DYKE, IOR GEN THAU U. S. Congress Defines Liquor Banned by War time Prohibition Act Washington', Feb. 24. Any bev' crage containing more than orre half of 1 per cent alcohol would be banned by the war-time prohibition act, effective next July 1, under a measure approved today by the house judiciary committee to make the act effective. The committee's definition of in toxicating liquor was written in the bill as follows: 'The words beer, wine or other in toxicating malt or vinous liquors in the war prohibition act shall be con strued as any liquor which contains in excess of one-half of 1 ner cent of alcohol." Enforcement of the war time oro- hibition law, which continues its ef fect until after demobilization, is placed with the internal revenue bu reau. Any place .where liquor is manufactured or sold would be de clared a public nuisance, and its op erators subject to fine and imprisonment. Property used for violating the law would be subject to a lien for fine and costs of cases resulting frqm tne prosecution. j Brother of William Moran of Omaha Dies in Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo. N. Y., Feb. 24. (Special Telegram.) James G. Moran, 73 years old, died after a brief illness at his home, 802 Fellows street, Scranton, Pa., Sunday. He is sur vived by his brother, William Mor an, of Omaha, and his sister, Mrs. Charles Bowman, of Atkinson, Neb. Agreement Reached in New York Strike; Men to Go Back Washington, Feb. 24. All work men on strike in the New York building trade dispute and all other sympathetic strikers were ordered back to work tonight under an agreement reached at a conference here between representatives of the building irades association, the union and the secretaries of war and labor. It was agreed that all matters in dispute would be placed before conference committee composed of tnree men selected by the employers ana tnree Dy tne workmen. All matters upon which the committee tailed to agree after three days wouia dc submitted to Judge Henry P. Dugros of New York City, whose decision would be made within two weeks and would be final, German Long Range Gun to Be Exhibited at Paris Paris, Feb. 24. One of the Ger man long-range guns which shelled Paris at intervals during the last few months of the war, now is on its way to this city and will be placed on exhibition in the Place de la Concorde, according to La Victoire. Marshal Foch, the news paper says, demanded the surrender by the Germans of one of these guns which was found by French officers near Mayence, and it is this weapon which is being sent to Paris. Senate Makes Provision for Large Temporary Army Washington, Feb. 24. Provisions for a temporary army of 538,498 of ficers and men after next July 1, as recommended hv the? War rinart. uent were inserted in the $1,000,000,- UUU army appropriation measure to day by a senate military subcommit tee. These provisions were eliminat ed in the house which aproved of an army of only 175,000 men, the maxi mum tixed in the national defense act of 1916. IN FOUR SELECT SIZES Recognizing die discriminating smoker's right to eelect his cigars by shape and size as well as by its very choice smoking qualities, Van Dyck is offered as follows: ICC Victorias (a straight shape) - t i Staples (a full Perfecto) 2 for 2fC Bankers (a longer, full-bodied sise wrapped two in foil) 2 for 25c Exceptiomles (an extra afterdirmer aise each wrapped in foil) 15c straight Thta you make your choice from four select sizes. All sis have the same very choice smoking quality. General Cigar Co., Inc. Best & Rusiel Branch, Omaha, Neb., Distributors VERY CHOICE VAN DYCK. CIGAR FOUR SELECT SIZES rs i; TilFT AND HIS PARTY HERE FOR NATIONS LEAGUE (Continued from fate On.) the league of nations from England to the Lmted States, and here is history of that trip, if you wish it." The distinguished man of letters handed out a typewritten copy which he had dictated himself, and which is printed elsewhere in this paper. , ' Line Up for Photos. Dr. Van Flvlfff tr Mnron(lii President Lowell of Harvard and Mr. Kosewater visited in one com i partment of the car while Mr. Taft talked to the reporters in another. Then Mr. Taft out on his lone, fuf- collared overcoat and high silk hat ana tne rest ot the party arrayed ihemselves for the cold wind and went forth to face the photograph ers. Soon everybody was lined up but Mr. Taft, who had taken Mr. Rosewater one side for a confer "Hurry up, Mr. TaTt; it's cold' called Dr. Van Dyke. . The ex-president quickly got in line. - N Then Mrs. Luther Kountze ap peared and begged the distinguished party to come in to the canteen in the station. And thither they went. Mrs. Kountze and a corps i( other "canteeners" and a number of sol diers were there. "Can't I serve you with a eup of coffee?" Mrs. "Kountze asked Mr. Morgenthau. "Yes, indeed, you can," said the famous ambassador. And he sat down to the counter and drank it. Another Photo and Cone. The newspaper photographers were still "on the job," and now) they commanded Mr. Taft to sit at ine counter aiso. Air. J. alt, pre tending to be very "grouchy," sat down on one of the stools. "Take a cup of coffee in your hand," one of the Dhotoeraohers called. "How you just go ahead and snap me ordered "Bill." "You feows are' always too histrionic. The Taftonian lauch hurst out. The flashlight flashed and then Mr.' Taft ambled off with Mr. Rosewater back to where the two special cars had been attached to the Wabash St. Louis train. And scarcely were all the famed men back on board when the bell ransr. the whistle tooted and tbey were gone. Talks in Nebraska. The nartv scattered the seed, of league of nations along the way yes terday through Nebraska. The train stopped a few minutes at Kear ney, Grand Island, Central City, Co lumbus and Fremont and sneeches were made at each place from the rear platform. Altogether on this tour we have talked to about 170,000 people," Dr. Van Dyke said. What about Senator Sherman's statement that the tour is being financed by Andrew Carnecrie?" Dr. Van Dyke was asked. "Absolutely false!" he exclaimed. "It is being financed by the League to Enforce Peace itself. None of us gets any pay whatever, excepting, ot course, tne secretaries and sten ographers." "You don't get much time to do any literary work now, do you, Dr. Van Dyke?" "Not much," he said. "Still, I have a book coming out next month, 'The Valley of Vision.' It is not war stories though some of them have a war background." Morgenthau on Turkey. Henry Morgenthau, who made such a splendid record as ambassador-to Turkey, declared his belief that it is Turkey's fate to be dis membered. "It will be cut up and there v, 11 be no more Turkey in Eu rope, in my opinion, he said. "You were always the good friend of the Turks, were you not?" "I was," said Mr. Morgenthau, "until they murdered 1,000,000 Ar menians. I do not want to be the friend of murderers." Besides the members already mentioned these were in the party: Prof. George Grafton Wilson, Ed ward A. Filene, Dr. Charles R. Brown, dean of the School of Re ligion at Yale university; Mrs. Philip North Moore, Capt. Thomas Chamberlain. Also a number of of-1 ficials of the League to Enforce Peace. The St. Louis congress for a league of nations, to which the party is en route, will be held today and tomorrow. Then the final con gress at Atlanta will be held Feb ruary 28 and March 1. Two Persons Killed, 30 Injured in Train Near Latham, Illinois Rockford. III.. Feb. 24. Two per sons were killed and about JO others seriously injured tonight when the southbound passenger train on the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad was wrecked one mile north of Latham. The dead are: Harry B. Smith, shoe salesman of Janesville, Wis., and C. i.. Corcor an. division trainmaster of the road. road. I Mrs. Glenn Brown of Sabula, la.. is in the Rockford hospital with 20 Other injured passengers. She is not expected to live. Mrs. Jose phine Gridley of Rockford, who was seriously injured was rescued from the wreckage by Mrs. Dalle of Janesville, Wis., who although bad ly burned about the face, also brought a child to safety. Others injured include: tred Brown, Sabula, la., cut about the head. S. Ames, Stoughton, Wis., back in jured and badly bruised. I. O. Williams, Hornick, la., head cut and body bruised. Robert F. Fullerman, soldier, Savanna proving grounds, shoulder wrenched, right hand injured. W. J. Smith, soldisr. Millsford. O., slightly hurt. Chaplain H. B. Snyder of Camp Grant, Madison, Wis., face cut and body bruised. Mrs. Rosie Melquist and son, Carl, Watertown, S. D., badly cut. W. M. Springer, Janesville, Wis., head badly cut and right arm hurt David Binbeneer. Janesville. Wis.. head and face cut. The wreck was said to have been caused by spreading rails. Four coaches left the track. ASSASSINS ARE FOILED IN PLOT TO KILL WILSON Hint by I. W. W. Radicals Causes Arrest of Twenty Four Spaniards in Two Cities. Bill Signed by Governor Didn't Pass Legislature Lincoln. Feb. 24. (Special.) H. R. No. 40, by Wildman, relating to property of decedents, reported as having passed the legislature and as having been signed by the governor as a matter ot tact will not be one of the laws enacted by the present session of the legislature. The bill was postponed in the senate but through a mistake in the chief clerk's office, was sent to tne eov ernor, signed and duly turned over to the secretary of state. The mistake was discovered to day. Philadelphia, Feb. 24. Ten men were arrested here today suspected of being implicated in the New York plot to assassinate President Wilson. The prisoners taken here were rounded up shortly after the raid by the police in New York. The men arrested here inch ded tdurdo Parades, a Cuban, said to be the leader of the Spanish Indus trial Workers of the Wo Id. All are Spaniards and nine of them are aliens. Secret service men here attach more importance to the arrest in New York of two Philadelphians, Florien Medina Veitia and Elario Orestissa, than to the roundup of the 10 Spaniards in this city. In their rooms liere were found about 200 pounds of anarchist and social ist literature and a number of let ters. Bundles of copies of a Span ish anarchist newspaper also were seized. Foiled By Agents. An agent of the Department of Justice learned by chance about two weeks ago of a meeting of those arrested here and in New York, at which some of the radi cals, it is said, dropped a hint of the assassination - plot. The agent learned that two men were to be sent from this city to New York as the assassins. All the government agencies in both cities immediately turned to the task of foiling the Spanish terrorists. Report Favorably on Bill to Maintain Price of Wheat Washington, Feb. 24. The house bill appropriating $1,000,000 to maintain the government1 guaran teed price of $2.26 for the 1919 wheat crop was ordered favorably reported today by the senate agri cultural committee. May Prosecute Ex-Governor. Boise, Feb. 24. Immediate steps by the attorney general of the state and by the prosecuting attorney of Ada county to bring to trial ex Governor Moses Alexander and C. S. Moody, former adjutant general of the Alexander administration were recommended in a formal re port submitted to the legislature by a joint committee which has been in vestigating the militia fund for the last two weeks. Taft Praises Object of League of Nations Fremont, Neb., Feb. 24. (Special Telegram.) Former President Taft and party stopped in Fremont this afternoon on their way across the country from the Pacific coast to St. Louis and Atlanta. During a short stop at the Union station, Mr. Taft spoke briefly on the object of the league of nations. "We have won the war, and what we want now is to make it impossible for arty bantam rooster nation to kick up its heels and start a war on its neighbor whenever it feels so in clined," Mr. Taft said. "We want to fix it so that our boys will not have to do the work again. We are making this trip for the purpose of urging upon the people the necessity of supporting the league of nations idea. "Write to your congressmen and urge them to support the measure when they ire given the opportun ity," he told the crowd. Charles L. Brown, dean of divin ity of Yale university, was intro duced by Mr. Taft and was speaking when the train pulled out. schools were dismissed and a number of business houses closed so that the employes could hear the distinguished American. A crowd ot 2,000 persons was at the station. Admiral Von Tirpitz Guest of Swiss General Geneva. Switzerland, Feb. 23. Admiral Von Tirpitz, who is credi ted with having been the instigator of ruthless submarine warfare, has been the guest of General Will of the Swiss army since the' revolution , in Germany, according to swis ! newspapers. The former German naval chief has lost his entire for- j Williams Succeeds Self. Washington, Feb. 24. By a strict partisan vote of 9 to 4, the senate banking committee decided today to recommend confirmation of the nomination of John Skelton Wil liams to succeed himself as comp troller of the currency. Push Potash Bill. Washington, Feb. 24. (Special Telegram.) The Henderson potash bill will be brought up in the sen ate tomorrow. Congressman Kin kard says he hopes to see the sen ate bill passed in the house before adjournment. Postal Department Orders. Washington, D. C, Feb. 24. (Special Telesrani. ) Iowa postmasters appointed: Dedham, Carroll county, Hobart E. Mo unds, vtca Wlllard W. Harvey, resinned; Ionallue, Scott county, Louts A. Keppy, vice Frank Keppy, resigned; Lynvllle, Jasper county, Cynthia Schoek. vice Cecile Millcle, resigned; Mount " Union, Henry county, Charles B. Comic, vice Lena Cor nlc, deceased; Promise City, Wayne coun ty, Nellie F. Ross, vice Joseph P. Gates, resigned; Scarvllle, Winnebago county, Edna J. Folken, vlca Theodore T. Folken, resigned; Yorkshire, Harrison county; Isaac Kilmer, John E. Fulner, resigned. Objectors Now Object to Accepting Army Pay Washington, Feb. 24. Nearly all the conscientious objectors re cently released by the army at Fort Leavenworth have returned the money paid them on discharge, holding that the scruples which prevented them from fighting also forbade the acceptance of pay for noncombatant service which re lieved a fighter for the front Examine Effects. New York, Feb. 24. Tederal at torneys and secret service men to day were examining the personal effects and papers of 14 Spaniards, members of the Industrial Workers of the World, who were arrested here yesterday on suspicion that two of their number were concern ed in a plot to attempt to take the life of President Wilson on his landing at Boston. House Will Consider Wire 'Control Bill; Probably This Week Washington, Feb. 24. Right of way for action on the resolution to end government control of telephone and telegraph systems on December 31, next, will be proposed this week by the house rules committee, Chair man Pou announced today. Special rules also were approved to permit consideration of two other measures, Secretary Lane's bill for reclaiming land for settlement bv discharged soldiers and sailors and the bill creating a civil service re tirement fund. No action was taken in regard to other measures, including the public buildings bill and the prohibitory im migration legislation. Debate on the "wire control bill will be limited to an hour and a half. Three hours will be given to the Lane plan and one hour to the re-j tirement fund bill. "I House leaders said today that ac tion might be taken on all measures this week. The general deficiency bill is the only one of the annual appropriation measures yet to pass the house. It will not be ready for consideration until near the end of the week. To Cur Cold In On Day Take LAXATIVE BHOMO QUININE (Tab lets.) It stops the Cough and Headache and works oft the Cold. E. W. GROVE S signature on each box. 30c. SHALL OMAHA WOMEN ASK FOR SUFFRAGE? NO! (Continued from Tag On.) tal punishment never deterred any one else from crime," she said. "One wrong never righted an other," said Mrs. C'W. Hayes. Mrs. Baker argued against it on the score of judges and wardens who never got over the experience of participating in a legalized crime Mrs. E. B. Towl said society shared in tne criminal s delinquency. Mrs. J. H. Dumont upheld the negative, "We need a drastic pun ishment and lifetime sentence in the penitentiary is worse than capital punishment," she said. The department voted to support the bill for the abolishment. The club women wired Senator Hitchcock requesting him to vote in favor of the amendment to the army appropriation bill conferring military rank on army nurses. A spirited debate on forms of so called "modern recreation" occupied the program hour following the busi ness meeting. Mrs. D. G. Craighead made the stellar speech, declaring modern recreational movements more ener vative than recreation. "The community is takinor awav all responsibility of the home in education, character-building, in everything. l'retty soon the only responsibility parents will hold will be that of bringing children into the world and paying the taxes. The state will do the rest," she said "Home now is only a place to eai and sleep. "We are running riot in our de sire for recreation overdoing and over-stimulating, amusement, creat ing a restless, dissatisfied race with no conception of the value of rest or quiet." "Supervised playgrounds are bet ter than the streets but not better than the backyard under mothrr'f watchful,' eve, she said. Mrs. E) E. Staufield was an able second. "Children have been taught to play so long and have been kept amused so much they don't know how to play naturally themselves any more. Their idea' of having a good time is to go to the movies or ask mother for money to buv ice cream cones or to do a few danc ing steps taught bv fancy dancinu teachers," she said. Children Like Play. Miss Lora Molhy and Mrs. W. T. More of the Y. W. C. A. and Canrn Fire girl's group defended the play instinct. "We all have a gregarious in stinct. That s why vou attend meet ings of the Woman's chilis. It's as much an emotional spree to go to a political barbacue as is cock fight ins: amonsr the Filipinos. VVronar forms of amusement can be replaced by healthful sports," said Miss Molby. Read the Bee Want Ads day to day for best results. from ThompsoivBeldeix &Ch J ,tablished 7$ 8 6 TA e Tksliion Genter Jor Wzmeri The New Suit Models Featuring Mandarin Vestees A new detail added to Suits for Spring an 'origination that gives a touch of pleas ing distinction. . Mandarin vestees are, as you can easily imagine, gayly oriental in color, besides being effectively embroidered in self or contrasting shades. Navy Is the Favorite " Suit Color for Spring i Thompson-Belden Fashions are hand tailored by men and are delightfully charming in an exclusive way. White Mercerized Chiffon Batiste A sheer imported fabric with a delight ful soft silk lisle finish. Favored for blouses, dresses and dainty under muslins (45-inch). Three Qualities $1, $1.25 and $1.50 a Yard Linen Section THE ' Hartmann Pan am? Wardrobe Trunk at $70 mm is the biggest value in a ward robe trunk that you can buy. Has lift top, padded inside, lock ing device for drawers, shoe box easy to get at, laundry bag and hat box. Freling & Steinle Bscfar Buiidera. 1 803 Farnam St. ecia i Announcement Ever ready to better our service to meet the de mand and necessity of the printing trades and users of engravings, we have decided to establish a NIGHT SERVICE ALL COPIES READY FOR ENGRAVING BY 4 P. M. CAN BE DELIVERED NEXT MORNING AT 10 O'CLOCK. (CALL US ABOUT IT). Copper Half Tones Special attention, is given the producing of clean printing plates for fine illustrating, cata logues, folders or any advertising where per fect workmanship is re quired to produce a pulling advertisement that produces results. Art Work An expert force of artists is always ready to serve you with first class, up-to-the-minute drawings, or retouch your copies in such a manner to assure per fect illustrating in your advertising campaign. Photographs With one of the most c o m p 1 e te commercial photograph studios in the city, we are able to photograph your goods in such a manner that engraved plates of qual ity can be made from them. We can handle your sample or copy work very successfully. Prices Right-Service Right-Quality Right Bee Engraving Dept. PHONE TYLER 1000 Wight and Day Engravers OMAHA, NEBRASKA 105 BEE BLDG. 1 tune.