Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1919, GRAVURE SECTION, Image 36
.. sit 4 Omaha, Cantaen -Company P TjjL j ;:.-JJ w - , - - ' '.!,'' i ' - '' "". . , . : '1 r -i. r i ' - 's ' - - . .. ' ' V. - .,- r 'x - v . .. -f: vm v- Crele;Mon Unjveraity Military Bund if r; u 1 1 1 0 1 V V yy it w 9 ; I 1 t H- ' " V V -ft, B S 7 ft 7 f x ' ; lib r ' finn intpr "Titnt Sen in Omh- S)iovIing Snow, OWKN 'JOHNSON ulHor of Virtuou Wivei, l.tti n runn- j t rial in that h X .- '"W -1 AT py nDu:n-Tc:HciiT L4 1 A Con of FI! 171th Your ' r:c3WaoWs!:o Voxy Thli machine PlaturM; kelltr I. of KUl MUI, bl.k Iht-whrt B.hiUm 3.'!t ,ictne Imht. Broduclnii I0S Bdiepowr on tb eren nd out vry d'toU ef th pwtji o with pronounce Oiimctn. a cmia can ivnrn . Huchms, o6f it milifcaic Qvary Dayih thzYccr , It la not tor; It ! a moiiiiijr eoncttrurivd otl durs' Moviftg pjetora tiaehin. Tea meciwnlem la aMdinslr Ibpi and la rawuily o para tad by tu mot lrexprianead. 1 ha picture a Down by thia marvalou Morlnir Picturt Machina ara not tit aomaioa, erula and lifaiata Marie Lantern variaty, but ara lifalika pkotocrapbia rcproduettoaa of aa tua acanaa, piaeaa and paople which navar Urt ita audiMfta. Thia Movlna pictura Karhlna ha aauaad a roaainir anthumaam wbaravar. it la naad. for rr.frtfT ' l, JJla J p;dtu Thia Movi Pletum Ma.hina, wh!ck t want to .and you RRB, Jlvw alaar ad lif.i'kr MovliHi P.atu.a aa ara .Wb .ny raaalar tvta nwrj how. it flah movln ploUrei on tha ahaet bafura u Thia M una nd Bo of Him ara rtffcf-ah.oluta fraa-U avery boy in tnla la ,d who wanta to write tor an Outftt, fraa to Biria and fraa to old p- la. Road MV QYYM balow whtch aboara you how to gat tbta Marvaloua Wa- hm. Wan4arful I raaaivad my Wonderful Wovin Platura Maehlna In irood aondition. I loarnad haw to ?ai It In tan minute. 1 re I a dandy. It ahowa lifelike plotnraa. Thanklna you It. I remain foura vmiy, waia ci Tramaiay. at. a i"!! The Film are taken on after another, about MOO of eeoond apart, aa the object la paiiinir, and thu Ita every action I broutrnt out alaariy In tha piature, Ikey are exact reproduction of tha filma uad by tha stan dard maihinea Iq ail the lanra Kov:n Picture Thetteri. I will ah p you a fine Machine all eomplet and ratiy to a va Movlne Pieture Show tha minute you receive it,, TKLfri WILL BE KO li&VKX. LI Qtn tk fjy i-Fctji I raaelved the Movinir Picture liacbln all la Rood aondition. I triad It the day I rot it and toon! it worked exoelleniiy. I aot tbo machine on Juit the day 1 had aet for it to arrive. I think It ia at dandy for the little I had to do for it. Irvine: Mill, So, Lee, Km. I find your Hachtn to be what It la Tea ommendad. I believe If thousand of other boya had one they wouia.anjoy use wiw, I don't th'nk thy could get any other th na I i..m iika s ifil. I wou d not take X d.00 for It I have been ottered aimoai that much, I thank you hound tima. Harry Cri.p, A km, in. Uqvj You 'Coo Got Iib Great Hovlnn PIcturo ;PccMno--ncnd;ny-lJond ip You HERS 15 what you are to do In order to pet thia a matin Moving Picture Machine and the real Hovin Picture. gnd yu.r name and a.tdre. tkat I a!!. Write name and addre. very plain'y. Mall today. A aoon aa I receive It I will mall you it of the mot beautiful premium picUrea you ever aaw all brilliant and bimmrng color. Irra ara fourteen a fferent color in tke picture, all wrouaht toaether in the artot pissdid manner. I want you to Hi, tribute the premium picture on a loeoial 80-cent oifr imom tha people you know. Tby eaanot pet tneee picture at the art vtore at any price. When you have dltrluted the 80 premium pietm. on my liberal offer you will have eolleetcd IS.ttU. Send the It.OO to me nd I wiil Immediately aend you FBS the Movlns Picture Machine with ow plitte Outfit and the Boa of f ilm, ' S0.009 of tha merino mJ 80,000 fetppf Aawr t pnao. B t firat in your tow (9 fi n, c:;?tc;, oio m m ct, 222, m a FREE COUPOf Co4 for Moy'mf Picture) Offer U.Cr.fltJ.aie'MKSflt Pleaic en4 m the 20 picture ae that I may earn the fireat alovimt Picture Mach'R and Out lit. Your truly, Write Name, Street, City and State on lin Printed by The Pictura Pre, Jno., ti. T. Trade Mark Berutared.