THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 23, Tha aoufa dark cottage, battered and decayed. Lata In new light through chlaka that tima haa mad; Stronger by waaknaaa, wlaar man bacema, Aa they draw aaar ta thalr atarnal home. Oh, deam not they are bint alona. Whose Uvea a peaceful tenor heap. The power who pl'in man hue ehown A blessing (or the ayea that weep. 975 , CLUBDOM Club notice will not be pub lished in The Sunday Bee if re ceived later than 5 p. m. Friday. MONDAY Mrs. E. H. Luikhart will entertain Chapter B. S. of the P. E. O. Sister hood at her home, 3401 Hawthorne avenue, at 2:30 o'clock. An election of officers will be held ' at the meeting; of the Dundee Wom an's Patriotic club, at the home of Mrs. Maynard Swartz. Corp. Wayne Moore of Fort Omaha will give a dramatic recital. TUESDAY American War Mothers will meet at 8 p. m., in the Lyric building. Regular meeting of the George A. Custer Relief Corps will be held at 2:30 o'clock at Memorial hall. Sermo Literary club will be enter tained at luncheon at the home of Mrs. T. J. Hess, 5416 North Twenty- fourth street. Mrs. J. E. Goodrich and Miss Lillian Gwinn will have charge of the program. Spanish club will meet at 8 p. m.. in room 50a McCague building. South Omaha Woman's club will meet at Library hall, at 7:30. Mr. Edward G. Fitch will speak on the tttpic, "Cities of France and Fields of Honor." WEDNESDAY The Story Tellers section of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae will meet at the home of Miss Ku'tli Thompson at 4 o'clock. The stories will be of Canada and will be tola by Miss Edna Cole, Miss Louise Essex and Miss Annie try. Mu Sigma will celebrate their 27th anniversary with a luncheon party at the home or Mrs. 11. M. McUana han. Assisting the hostess will be Mesdames George W. Platner, James M. Patton, Ralph Kiewit and W. T. -Negele. Gen. Henry W. Lawton auxiliary to United Spanish War Veterans will meet t 8 p. m. in Memorial ball in the court house. THURSDAY Mrs. M. F. Funkhouser, assisted bv Mrs. Harold Ihomas. will en tertain Chapter E. of the P. E. O. Sisterhood at luncheon at her home. FRIDAY Scottish Rite Woman's club will meet at 2 p. m. at the Scottish Rite cathedral. Following a musical pro gram a reception will be held for new members. Mrs. Adolph Swoboda and Mrs. C. V. Warheld will entertain the irain School Mother's club at the home of Mrs. Warfield, 4326 Miami street. West Omaha Mother's club Red Cross auxiliary will meet ' at the home of Mrs. C. T. Barber, 4152 Davenport street. The members made 24 aprons for a local charity at the last meetintr. Member of the B. T. club will meet at the home of Miss Roy Omar. 3129 North Sixtieth street. George Crook Woman's Relief Corps w.ill meet at 2:30 in Memorial hall. The monthly meetine of the Epis eonal Woman's auxiliary wilt be held at 2:30 p. m. in All Saints par ish house, ; SATURDAY Drams section of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae will meet at 11 o'clock at the home of Miss Bess Dumont, 3462 Lafayette avenue. The play, "A Colonial Dream," will be given by Miss Elizabeth Charlton and Miss Isabel McMullen. Omaha Social Settlement will hold their annual meeting at the Chamber of Commerce followed by luncheon at 1:30 o'clock. Omaha Woman's' Club Political and Social Science de partment of the Omaha Woman's club will meet Mondav at 2:30 p. m. at the Y. W. C. A. The program will be led by Mrs. C. W. Hayes and a debate will be held on the question, "Resolved that the so called modern recreational move ments are enervative rather than recreative." The affirmative will be taken by Mrs. D. G. Craighead and Mrs. E. E. Stanfield and the negative by Miss Lors Malby, Y. W. C A. secretary; Mrs. W. T. Moore, Camp Fire Girls director, and Mr. G. M'. Hoyt, director of Boy Scouts. Public Speaking Department Public Speaking department will meet Tuesday at 10 a. m. The les son, "Modern Writers," will be pre sented by Mesdames Grant Wil liams, Otho' Johnson, John Haar man, Josephine Neely, Frank H. Wray, H. H. Claiborne, Carl Stine and Paul Thicmensen. An informal afternoon will be giv en for the department, Thursday at the home of Mrs. L. M. Lord. Mrs. Grant Williams and Mrs. O. Y. Kring will be assisting hostesses. Music Department. Music department will meet Wednesday at 2 p. m. Membership has been closed for this year and nearly' 50 women are registered and will give a concert program for the club, March 31. At the meeting March 5 the chorus rehearsal will be followed by a pro gram of Colonial and Indian music arranged by Mrs. Ray Abbott. Current Topics Department. Current Topics department will meet Tuesday at 2 p. m. The bible lesson will be .eighth chapter of Mark from the 27th verse to the end of. the chapter. New .books will be discussed. Art Department. Miss Mary Sturgeon will have charge of the program fsiven by the Art department, Thursday at 10 a. m. at the Y. W. C. A. Psychology Department. Psychology department will meet Thursday at 2:30 at the Y. W. C. A. Dr. Jenkins will conduct the lesson on the psychology of sight. Real Estate Transactions: 'Increase Over Last Year Real estate transactions, both in number of deeds recorded, and in total amounts, were almost double for last week, compared to the cor responding week a year ago. There were 149 deeds recorded in the office of Hearry Pearce, regis Irar of deeds, compared to 88 a year ago. The total amount last week was $341,070 compared to 178,511 for the same week last ,ear. . - ' - ' Cover gilt frames when new with a coat of white varnish. This will be invisible and you can wash the frames without injuring them. Listen to This! Annette Jealous of Omaha Women And Too, World-Famed Diver Knew Her Claim to Be ing "A Perfect Woman" Would Be Smashed in a "Close-up" By the Camera By BEATRICE FAIRFAX. A woman's reason is "because," but if you take pains to. go back of the "because" there is invaria bly a good and sufficient reason for her many leaps or back-steps. When the women of Omaha gathered at the Athletic club Thursday in their Kellerman suits, twiddled their' toes in the pool waters and sighed as the hours flitted by whih waiting for the fair Annette, the-y grew peev ish. But the "perfect woman" did not appear and she sent her re grets with the insufficient reason "because." This did not satisfy, and some of the fair matrons took it as an insult. It wasn't that. Not the Old Annette. Back of her "because" wc find a most imperfect form the real reason. Annette is no longer the modern Venus, neither is she good-looking. The nymph-like pictures shown in advertisements are culled ' from the morgue of many years' standing. Her mo tion pictures are wonderful, but Annette (if you will observe) never permits the camera man to take a close-up. She is too keen to flatter herself that such pic tures would be attractive. In her spectacular work in pictures An nette wears a wig of false hair which covers a rnuttitude 0 irreg ular liner and awkward angles. She is a wise woman. When the Sxpert swimmer comes on the stage she laughing ly announces that the public is be ing buncoed, or some such thing, by the posters which proclaim her the perfect woman. "What you really see," she admits, . "is a mouth like the Mammoth cave, six hairs on my head and a made up complexion. But who wants to be a 'perfect lady?'" And She Admits It. This froth the woman herself puts the audience in a much better frame of mind it dulls the sharp edges of disappointment and brings forth a laugh where there would be a groan. And we all know that a laugh is worth a Advice to the Lovelorn Bring Your Troubles to the Daily Melting Pot That They May Be Dissected, Straightened and All Matters Put to Rights. By BEATRICE FAIRFAX : A Refreshing Letter. Bear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Be: I don't suppose you begin to know Just how popular your column In The Bee is, do you? Well, you would If you were around this house about 11 a. m. every day, when the "Bee boy" drops the paper here, for there is one mad rush to see who Is the lucky one and mostly my hus band Is: but then he reads "Jlggs" and I read your advice and, really. I think they are good and some are a knockout, but It takes all sorts of people to make up this world. So hence this letter for a little advice, too. Now, Miss Fairfax, no one is try ing to lure my husband from the fireside nor am I the most "beauti ful girl" in town and the fellows all crazy over me; no, nor yet am I go ing to butt in and giv poor C. O. G. (or whatever his name be) any lec ture on painted dolls. No, mine is worser than that. " , Well, the other day I dropped a little mirror out of my pocketbook and it fell face down and broke and mother said, "God bless you, child; seven years' bad luck," but then she is Scotch and they are superstitious. you know, but anyhow I keep think ing about it lots, now, Miss ainax, do you think there is any such a thing aa seven years' bad luck Just because I broke that mirror; If so. what shall I do, pull down the shades and hang up a piece of crepe till the seven years are over, or shall I meet old fate with a smlleT Now. Miss Fairfax, you know most everything in every line, what do you think 7 .on. well, ine Diuer goee with the sweet, so here's hoping. So. before closing; I have a rew good books I would like to give to some shut-in; also a few "tiny baby clothes" to some poor woman that needs them or will, and I have a doll and Teddy Bear I would send to some little child that can not have such things otherwise." Thanking you, A KiAUii.rt. Thanks for the nice complements. We are all glad to see our friends fight for The Bee. My dear lady: 'There, ain't no such animal' as seven years of bad luck. Of course. if you find seven nalrs in tne comD after dressing your hair, or keep track of every suggestion of pain, count every cloudy day and record all trivial disappointments, then you may be able to figure out how you are living through seven years of bad luck. Otherwise, you will con tinue to be happy, healthy and nor mal. Beware of permitting the mind to be sidetracked, for the mind is a powerful magnet for bringing to pass whatever you think should come to pass. Remember this: Bad luck can not survive a smile and the devil runs from a cheerful soul. I am sure there are many shut-ins who would enjoy your books: also mothers who would appreciate the baby clothes. Please give me your address so that I may send you the names of worthy ones. Your letter is refreshing and I am delighted that nobody is trying to vamp your husband and that you are not rushed to death by the boys because of your irresistible beauty. The Tragedies of Tonth. . Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: Three weeks ago I met a girl friend j of my sister's and immed'ately pro- i ceeded to fall in love with her. I was successful and feel pretty cheap. ! I had known her one week when she permitted me to kiss her. Quite sudden, no doubt, but the fact re- : mains. ' ! in anotner wees we agreed tnai we would marry when 1 was 21, ! (three years hence). I said that In 1 that length of time I could save enough to make us fairly comfort able. Then she made the rather overwhelming declaration that ehe would marry me if I was absolutely penniless. Two or three days later I heard of a supposed mistep she had made some time ago. I did not believe It and asked her to deny It. This she would not do, but I told her that nothing could lessen my love for Man. . thousand groans In any market. But Miss Kellerman does not mention her figure and it was her perfect lines that attracted audi ences all over the world since her great debut at White City many years ago. Had she men tioned her lines at all we feel sure she would have said something like this: "I am advertised as the modern Venus with divine form and per fect lines so, naturally, that is what you expected to see when you came to this show tonight. This is what you really get: Heavy muscles, irregular arms, large joints with hands like huge fins and knees that do not belong to a perfect woman. There is some divergence be tween the posters we see of the Diving Dian and the real woman. With the X-ray turned on, who can blame Annette for appearing, or not appearing, or doing any other thing she chooses to da. She is a wonderful swimmer she is a clever woman; her motion pictures are worth anybody's time and money; she is an artist in her line, but it is an imposition, on the "dear public" to call her the per fect figure. When there is so much good truth to tell about this unusual woman; when she has so many extra-ordinary achievements to her credit, we fail to under stand why her press agent should disappoint her audiences by over playing physical beauty when she has none. v Annette Still a Woman. Be kind, dear ladies and friends, for Annette's "because" was backed by good -and suf ficient reasons for her non-appearance at the Athletic club pool. The feats she performs nave robbed her of beauty but, isn't the feat what we wish to see after all. And then too, she knew there would be far more perfect women in that pool than Annette Kel lerman. Annette is still a woman and cameras are the same the world over. her and that, if possible, I loved her more than ever. Since then she has been very cold and distant, refusing to see me. And now I receive a letter from her say ing that she does not love me. That she would never marry me nor any one else. She furthermore stated that I was "utterly Impossible." That letter was a staggering blow to me. Miss Fairfax, I love this girl and would do anything to regain her love, but should I? Please tell me. Did I do wrong by asking her about the mistake she had made? I would like also to hear your frank opinion of a girl who so deliberately "takes all the joy out of life." Thanking you, I am A FATALIST. I can not blame her for treating you with indifference. You' made a dreadful faux pas and have, evi dently, deeply wounded her feelings. Why should you have mentioned the subject at all if you intended to love her Just the same? If you are a fatalistat 18 you are safe, let fate ia,K8 care or. me mailer. Difference In Age. Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I am a constant reader of your love lorn and am seeking advice. I am 24 years old. I am keeping com pany with two gentlemen friends, one 30 and the other 53. They are both very nice to me. I think as much ppf one as I do of the other. Which one should I marry? Do you think the one of 68 Is too old for me? I married a young man when I was 19 and got stung. How is my writing? Hoping to see my answer in Saturday or Sunday Bee. F. A. D. Do as you please, but remember that when you are 44, the older man will be 73. ( Muchly Married. Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: Again I find myself in trouble and reading your advice In the paper daily, I thought; that perhaps you could help me. I am considered at tractive and am well to do and have been married two times, however, not successfully, as my first wife and I are separated and the death of the next one occurred very shortly after our marriage, three months ago, although I loved her dearly. Now, Miss Fairfax, I have no chil dren and I find that I am In love with a very sensible lady who is already married, but is soon to be divorced and also has no children. Now she says she loves me dearly and can not live without me. I also love her dearly. I am only 26 years old; feel it would be a very lonely Real Estate Bargains 1. Quarter Section (NE 34-1-66 Adams Co1., Colo.) $25- 2. Three quarters near Valentine at $15. Trade. 3. Eight hundred acres west of Peetz, Colo. $9.00. 4. Splendid 9-room house at 2511 E on South Side. 5. Good garage site on 24th street. South Side. 6. Fifty residence lots in Hoctor Terrace (21 & C). 7. Twenty residence lots in Bellevue at $150.00. 8. Six residence lots in Mid City (12 & H) at $65(7.00. These properties must be sold immediately. Some trade might be considered on 1, 2, 6, 7 only. H. C. NICHOLSON Tel. Dg. 759 24th & O, South Side, Omahr. Tub Frock of Grey and White Striped Silk By GERTRUDE BERESFORD. Silk shirtwaist frocks and those of gingham woven in stripes will be very smart this summer. An inter esting model is developed in gray and white striped silk. A yoke and collar give the opportunity to vary the running of the stripes on the waist, while a tunic overskirt uses this method of tritriming in a very stylish and unusual way. White pearl buttons trim the skirt and fasten the waist and sleeves. A tie of black frosgrain ribbon finishes the neck, i.c sports hat worn with this gown presents an effective spot of color. It is cerise straw wreathed in roses hand made, from purple taffeta. life to live without a wife, so please advise me in regard to a third mar riage. Is it right?- We also would like to keep our marriage a secret. How could we manage it? Please print advice In , next issue of The Bee as soon as possible. Thanking you very much. A BALJD HEADED MAN. Since you seem to have so little trouble in falling In love, why cen ter on a married woman? Tell the lady in question to do her best to live without you. One never knows what can be accomplished until put to the test I do not know now you can keeD vour marriage a secret these unimportant matters have such an uncanny way of becoming jiuduc talk. All Wrong. Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: am a Hallv rAArlAr tit Vdllf "&d- vice" and come to you for a little help, also. I am zo years oia ana nm now eoine with a girl who is about two years my senior. She Is , very nice young woman ana j. iove r W have been going together e Vin 1 1 f f mi r Trinntria week she was out with another fellow, but found it out and therefore i want tn Vnnw whether or not 1 snouia keep company with her. I hate to give ner up, dui i -woum imo w Disfiguring Growths of Hair Entirely Removed (Nw Method Removes Roots and All) If yon are afflicted with a growth of superfluous hair, go to your druggist at once, get a etiek of phelactine, follow the simple Instructions end have the pleas antest surprise of your lifel With, your own eyes you will see the heir come out, roots end ell Instantly, easily, leaving your skin smooth and hairless as a babe s. Fhelactine is not to be eompared with the usual depilatory or electrical methods. It is new and different. It is odorless, non irritating, and so harmless a child could safely eat it Adv. Pneumonia may get you with thr' cold break it quickly With. KtBg'a Catarrh Creeaa, " free at Sherman McConnell Drug Co. Diamonds Watches Jewelry E. L. Kennan ' Watchmaking, Engraving, Jewelry Repairing Phone Tyler 3299W BOl Security Bldg. Omaha. v know whether or not she loves me or not Still I believe this being out with the other fellow was not to be found out, but as it was storming believe that was the reason. Should I ask her if she loves me or not? would like to have an early answer, for I always take her to the train, and as she leaves this Friday I would cancel my date with her for that night. Flease omit the name of city and my name. Sincerely, ALBERT. It might be a good plan to ask her if she loves, if you care to know. Surely there is nothing wrong in be ing out with another man. There may have been a good and sufllcient reason why he walked with her. I advise you not to mention the mat ter. If you irtiscuss it at all act as though you trusted her and that it was perfectly all right and Just the proper thing to do. . j? Service Flags. Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: Have read your advice and am com ing to you for some. Have heard of stripes around the edge of service flags and would like to know what color is used for overseas service and what color is used when they return. Thanking you in advance, I remain, A READER. Write to the War Camp Commun ity Service, Securities building. Omaha. They will give you accur ate Information. Kisses, Etc. Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: We have come to you for a little ad vice. We are two high school girls, 15 and 16 years old. We are deeply in love with two high school boys. They don't seem to care for us ex cept as friends. How should we go about it to win their affection? Since It is not considered proper to Be Better Looking Take Olive Tablets If your skin is yellow complexion pallia tongue coated appetite poor-w you have a bad taste in your mouth a lazy, no-good feeling you should take Olive Tablets. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets a sub stitute for calomel were prepared bf Dr. Edwards after 17 years of study with his patients. . Dr.Edwards'OliveTabletsare a purely vegetablecompoundmixedwitholiveoiL You will know them by their olive color. To have a clear, pink skin, bright eyes, no pimples, a feeling of buoyancy like childhood daysyoumustget at the cause. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act on tha liver and bowels like calomel yet hava no dangerous after effects, i They start the bile and overcome con stipation. That's why millions of boxes, are sold annually at 10c and 25c per box,' All druggists. Take one or two nightly and note the pleasing results, Threo ways to retluco youn weinht Particulars mailed hee to any address, Mall Ihem. Co. Uept. B-W 31. Lonii. Mo. j "Do more than you i recommend them to I do" Says a Grateful User of ,Sulpherb Tablets. Fine To Regulate Kidneys, Liver and Other Bodily Functions and Overcome Pimples, Bad Blood, Etc. . Probably this little message will help some woman, man, girl or boy, for if the blood is impure, if consti pation exists, if the kidneys and the liver are not working to eliminate the body waste, then it is a certainty 21 that poisons will accumulate and1 cause nervousness with indigestion and many allied ills. A simple, effective treatment con sisting of Sulpherb Tablets (not sul phur tablets) made of sulphur, cream of tartar and the finest ex tracts of roots and herbs, is advised for your good. Mr. Walter J. Foulds, 1234 Santee St, Los Angeles, Cal., writes: "I can't express how grateful I am for Sulpherb Tablets. I have taken four tubes and can say they are the best I have ever taken and can . also say they do more than you recommend them to do, as I have passed a tape worm and am getting better fast. May your good work go on, etc." If you need a tonic laxative, puri fier and regulator, ask any good druggist for Sulpherb Tablets; 60c per tube. Adv. . Humphreys' 'Seventy-seven" breaks up Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Cold in the Head, Catarrh, Sore Throat, Quinsy, Tonsilitls and Grip At ill Druggist RUB RHEUMATIC PMI RIGHT OUT Don't suffer! Relief comes the moment you rub with "St Jacobs Liniment" What's rheumatism? , Pain only! Stop drugging! Not one case in fifty requires internal treatment Rub the misery right away! Apply soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Liniment" directly upon the "tender spot" and relief comes instantly. "St Jacobs Liniment" is a harmless rheumatism and sciatica relief which never disappoints and can not burn or discolor the skin. Limber up ! Get a small trial bot tle from your druggist, and in just a moment you'll be free from rheu matic and sciatica pain, soreness, stiffness and swelling. Don't suffer! "St. Jacobs Liniment" has relieved millions of rheumatism sufferers in the last half century, and is just as good for sciatica, neuralgia, lum bago backache, sprains and swell ings, Adv, ' , ' ' - ; ' - - L r " - kiss boys, why do they say "sweet 15 and never been kissed?" How should we conduct ourselves in order to become popular with the boys? Why is it that the boys al ways pick out girls that act silly and never have a real serious thought? How can we tell If we really are In love with these two boys? Is it right to allow the boys to put their arms around us? We don't. We would like the answer In the Sat urday Bee. Thanking you In ad vance for your advice, we are, TWO HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS. The boys have sense. Why should you be anything more than friends. Certainly you are too young to be serious. "Sweet 16 and never been kissed" Is, I Imagine, combed from ancient authors, but It has never meant anything so far as I can learn. Be nice little girls and don't run after the boys. Then you will be more popular. Tou can not tell, at your age, whether you love boys. If you "donf allow the boys to kiss you. why, continue to don t and you will get along all right I want men to introduce from; house to house a high grade line of perfumes, cosmetics, flavoring ex- tracts,spices,toilet soap etc. Steady work. Big profits. No experience neccessary. Cake of soap and full particu lars mailed free to any address. Lacassian Co. Dept. 161, St. Louis, Mo. h Attack of Influenza Often Leaves Kidneys in Weakened Condition Doctors in all parts of the country have been kept busy with the epi demic of influenza which has visited so many homes. The symptoms of this disease are very distressing and leave the sys tem in a run down condition. Al most every victim complains of lame back and urinary troubles which should not be neglected, as these danger signals often lead to dan gerous kidney troubles. Druggists report a large sale on Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root which so many people say soon heals and strengthens the kidneys after an attack of grip. Swamp-Root, being an herbal com pound, has a gentle healing effect on the kidneys, which is almost im mediately noticed in most cases by those who try it Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., offer to send a sample size bottle of Swamp-Root, on receipt of ten cents, to every sufferer who requests it A trial will convince any one who may be in need of it Regular medium and large size bottles, for sale at all druggists. Be sure to mention this paper. Adv. . Your Blood Modern Methods of Cooking and Living Have Made an Alarming In crease in Iron Deficiency in Blood of American Men and Women - WHY NUXATED IRON SO QUICKLY BUILDS UP WEAK, NERVOUS, RUN-DOWN FOLKS Over 3,000,000 Peoplo Annually Taking It In This Country Alone To Increase Their Strength, Pow er, Energy and Endurance. "Is your Mood starring for want of Iront Iron is red blood food. If you were to o without eating until yon became weak, thin and emaciated, you could not do a more serious harm to -yourself than when you let your blood literally starve for want of iron iron that gives it strength and power to change food into living tissue," says Dr. Jamls Francis Sullivan, formerly phy sician of Bellevue Hospital (Outdoor Dept) New York and the Westchester County Hospital. "Modern methods of Booking and the rapid pace at which people of this eountry live has made such an alarming increase in iron deficiency, in the blood of American men and women that I have often marveled at the large number of people who lack iron in the blood and who never suspect the cause of their weak, nervous, run-down state. Lack of Iron in the blood not only makes a man a physical and mental week ling, nervous, irritable, easily fatirued, but it utterly robs him of that virile force, that stamina and strength of will which are so necessary to success and power in every walk of life. It may also transform a beautiful, sweet-tempered woman into one who is cross, nervous and irritable. I have strongly emphasized the great neces sity of physieianB making blood examina tions of their weak, anaemic, run down patients. Thousands of persons go on year after year suffering from physical weak ness and a highly nervous condition due to lack of sufficient iron in their red blood corpuscles without ever realizing the real and true cause of their trouble. Without iron in your blood your food merely pauses through the body, something like corn through an old mill with roller so wide anart that the mill can't grind. "For want of Iron you may be an old man at thirty, dull of intellect, poor in memory, nervous, irritable and ail 'run-down.' while at 80 or 60 with plenty of iron in your blood you may still be young in feeling, full of life, your whole being brimming over with vim and energy. As proof of this take the ease of Former United States Senator and Vice Presiden tial nominee Charles A. Towne, who at past 68 is still a veritable mountain of tireless enerrry. Senator Towne says: 'I have found Nuxated Iron of the greatest benefit as a tonic and regulative. Hence forth I shall not be without it. I am in a position to testify for the benefit of others to the remarkable and immediate helpful ness of this remedy, and I unhesitatingly recommend Nuxated Iron to those who feel the need of renewed energy and the regularity of bodily functions.' But In my opinion you can't make strong. keen, forceful men and healthy rosy cheeked women by feeding them on me tallic iron. The old forms of metallic iron must ro through a digestive proce-i to transform them into organic iron Nux atcd Iron before they are ready to be takn up and assimilated by the human vT-.ii...n.i;n ii I.. K..n said and written on thia subject by well- JBinil. iiUvWHUBMiiiuiiii mean aiea uwu known physicians, thousands of people still in doiiin themselves with metallie &i dimply! ! Iuppo bu.t it To.U Omaha Lawyers Will Hear U.S. Judge M.J. , Wade Next Friday Judge Martin J. Wade of. the United States district court, south ern division of Iowa, will address Eviy Bleinisii Hemoueil IN TEW DAYS Got the Doauty asrastsai awnBai aaaasaaaaHBBWua Methods of This Beautiful Woman I WIH Tell Every rlTrsara Paper How Li UuL-iaLka I only ask that you write me first Send no money. All confidential. l'o one else will know. Then to you, and any reader of this paper, 111 give full detailsof my wonderful and astonishina- treatment No obligations. No risk. You be the sole Judge. I offer this fairly and truthfully -FREE to you. , My great complexion beauty marvel has instantly produced a sensation. You can try it without risk and prove all I say all that thousands of others say who know the results. Stubborn cases have been cured that baf fled physicians and beauty specialists for years. You have never in your lift used or heard of anything like it. Will make muddy complexions, red spots, pimples, blackheads, eruptions vanish almost like magic. No cream, lotion, enamel, salve, plaster, bandage, mask, All Methods massage, diet or apparatus, nothing to swallow. It doesn't matter (,., r whether or not Tour comrjlexinn is k ' friirht." n,hh ... i. f lOW lUIOWII lira full of muddy spots; peppery blackheads, embarraaing pimples and t . . eruptions, or whether your akin is rough and "porey. and you've V3St ASlu6 DV tried elmost everything under the lun to get rid of the blemishes. . . This wonderful treatment, in just ten days, positively removes every Pearl La S2B blemish and beautifies your skin in a marvelous way. You look years younger. It gives the bloom and tint of purity of a freshly blown fomwr actress who now offirs rose. In ten days you can be the subiect nf th wild rfmi,.! .t to tell women of tha moit ra- all your friends, no matter what youi age or condition of health. 51a,rrkk h' 'J'!!?leVhon trJlen So, this minute, send me your name free coupon, or postal or letter, and b return f ull details in plain sealed envelope free. Decide yuur uwu areaier uappuitiBs. I It i rrcmise ica j m ail m a swsaswei rn Your face, even arms, hands. shoulders are beautiful beyond our fondest dreams. All this will absolutely Drove to yon before your own eyes in your mirror in ten days. This treat ment is absolutely harmless to the most delicate skin and very pleasant to use. No change in your mode of living necessary. ttn minutes every aa; aoeni. -VOU, Too, Can now I navo a iii-ul. en, Comploxlon at One T3 Like Martha of old, many Omaha house wives are "cumbered with much serving." Why waste time and energy in preparation of a Sunday home dinner, when Hotel Rome Cafeteria has all ready for your inspec ' tion and choice a tempting va riety of meats, vegetables, sal ads and pastries, with delicious coffee all at "most moderate prices,' with pleasing service and attractive environment. This Cafeteria is open 24 hours every day. ROME MILLER. Starving for few eenta lest. I strongly advise readers in all eases to get a physician's prescription for organic iron Nuxated Iron or if you don't want to go to this trouble, ther purchase only Nuxated Iron in its original packages and see that this particular name (Nuxated Iron) appears on the package. If you have taken preparations such as Nux and Iron and other sim ilar iron' products an-1 fi: c' to get results, remember thnt such products are an entirely different thing from Nuxated Iro n." I n commen ting upon the val THE TIRED NERVOUS HOUSE WIFE ue of Nuxat ed Iron aa a means for creating red blood, strength and endur ance. Dr. Ferdinsnd King, a New York Physician and Medical Author says! "Scarcely a dey goes by but that I see women whose careworn faces, dragging steps and gen erally weak, tired appearance show unmistakable signs of thst anaemic, run-down condition us ually brought on by lack of iron in the blood. "There can be no strong, healthy beautiful women without iron and Inasmuch as refining processes and modern cook ing methods re move the iron of Mother Earth from so many of our most com mon foods this iron defi ciency should be supplied by using some orm of organ ic iron just as w use salt when our food has not e n o u g h sail. "Iron Is absolutely necessary to enable your blood to change f.iod into living tis- THE EXHAUSTED BUSINESS MAN - ue lin" out it no matter how much or hat you eat your food merely passes through you without doing you good, and aa a eoti- nn hrnma wik. Dale and ickty- - , , looking Just like a plant trying 10 grow m a soil deficient in iron. Pallor means anae- mia. The skin of an anaemic woman is Jala, th. flesh flabby. Tha memory fails. t 1 " - ' ' !- . -'1 Omaha lawyers next Friday evening, in court room No. 1, court house,' on the fundamentals of reconstruct tion. The meeting will be under the auspices of the Omaha Bar as sociation. All citizens are invited to attend what the promoters proni-j-ise will be a message worth hear-1 ing, as Judge Wade is one of the j imost prominent speakers and citi zens of our neighbor state. , and address on the ?ylhj"if to Take intn-runiy- mail I will writ. , iu.l'1i,"?.pl'- now and do It for cn Look Uk Hr if Yti Will Sand Me Vaur Name. I-. -A FREE COUPON MaWawM Ml Pearl La Sax, Suite " 4325 Dr.xel Blvd., Chicago, III. I am a reader of this paper and am entitled to know full details of the sensational, harmless, scientific method for giving marvelous beauty to the complexion and removing every blemish in ten days. There is no obligation what ever on my part for this information. san, suit ' I I ex. J TODAY'S BEAUTY HELP We find you can bring out tha beauty of your hair to its very best advantage by washing it with can throx. It makes a very simple, inex pensive shampoo, which cleanses the hair and scalp thoroughly of all the dandruff, dirt and excess oil, leav ing a wonderfully clean, wholesome feeling. After its use, you will find that the hair dries quickly and evenr ly, is never streaked in appearance and is always bright, soft and flufi. fy; so fluffy, in fact, that it looks more abundant than it is, and so soft that arranging it becomes s pleasure. Just use a teaspoonful of canthrox, which you can get from any good druggist, dissolve it in a cup of hot water; this makes a full cup of shampoo liquid, enough so it is easy to apply it to all the hair in stead of just the top of the head. Adv. Want of Iron ' Who Should Take Nuxated Iron r. lit and often they becoma wen. nervous, irritable, despondent and melancholy. Give such, at woman a short course of Nuxnt ed Iron and she often quickly becomes an entirely different in dividualstrong, healthy and, rosy-cheeked. I have used N un it ted Iron widely in my own prac tice in most severe, aggravated conditions with unfailing results. I have induced many other phy sicians to give it a trial, all of whom have given me most sur prising reports in regard to itl great power an a health and strength builder. Mnufifturri Note: NutM Iron wbMh tt WA by Or. .SitlliTftit am) otheri with iuh eurprlsuig r tvtiits. snd which is pTMirrtbed aad recmmuu Iw'Trt liy phTi'"!nji, Is nt a ivvrft reim-dy but cue which Is well knuwn to dniegnta erfrywhere, fo liko the older trior a mo iron producti, it In tan'y itft), does not Injur tb twtb, make tlirra black, nor wet the stomach. Tli msnutWuret OianK. 1 rwlf nrvWuI mt entirely MtWf.trr remit to ,rrr p,ircJiMr or Uir will wfund your ninn n li fttBinM in this cur by fiiiFrmia WeCea U Dn atom at aU otter dr.ttW iW . THE ELDERLY VfC 4 yV INACTIVE MAN El Cw 1 AY-. ;W - i (Mri U