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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1919)
THE UMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 23, 1919, Unheard, bscausa aur asm ara dull; Unseen, bacaua our eyes ara dim. Ha walks tha earth, tha Wonderful And all good daada tra dona la Him. Anon, Thsra whara turbid watar fall apart From depth of tans led ooia and mirs, The tall whits Illy lifts ita foldan haart Soul ahalt not thou aspirs T -Blake. Washington Society Will Not Be -Entertained by the Wilsons During. Their Week-End Visit to America ' Washington Bureau of The Bee The return of the president and Mrs. Wilson to the White House from their history making trip to Paris, will make less difference to society than it was expected and fondly hoped for. They are merely coming home on a business trip and- will probably make no attempt to launch any official social func tions, as there would be little use . to have two or three and not give the remainder of the scries due, so the impression is, although no an nouncement has been made, that this will be another functionless sea son at the White House. The French auibassador'and Mrs. Jusserand are returning with the presidential party, but no announce ment has been made of the others of the party. Mrt. Sayre, who was formerly Miss Jessie Wilson, is spending several months with Mrs. Sayre's aunt. Miss Blanche Nevin at the Acorn club in Philadelphia this winter. Mr. Sayre has recently returned from a long service in France in the Y. W. C. A. work and is now busy reorganizing his classes in international law at Harvard uni versity. MibS Bones, who makes her home with the Wilsons wherever they are, has been absent in New York, Boston and the south since before the president and Mrs. Wil son went to France, but she is ex pected to return this spring. The cabinet circle is doing con siderable dining all the time, more or less officially. The vice president and Mrs. Marshall have almost gone the rounds of the cabinet circle as honor guests, which in a measure, fills the gap in dinner parties left by the absence of President and Mrs. Wilson, who dine once each season, formally, with each member of the cabinet and his family, as a part of the official entertaining in normal seasons. These dinners were t discontinued when the official affairs-i ivpt- Krnpl nff th ralrndpr of the White House. Many Catholic Functions. Archbishop Cerretti, under secre tary of the Vatican, who is in this country for an indefinite stay, is a Kuest of Monsignor Bonzano at the papal legation. He is being entcr . tained widely among the prominent Catholic residents of Washington. Cardinal Gibbons is having his cus tomary round of dinner parties in Washington, too, but is limiting his hosts to his old friends who have en tertained him at dinner each season for many years, and not making new dinner friends. The chief justice ?.nd Mrs. WJiite, who are devout Catholics, always have a distinguish ed company to meet him, but this year the chief justice has not been well and with Mrs. White he has KOne to Atlantic City to remain until he has recovered. The Misses Pat ten, whose sister is the widow of Gen. H. C. Corbin, gave their dinner for him last month, and ' Mrs. Stc-. f X It I v . V ' Pays -i L Me X Please XVX, You I am proving daily (and have been for many years) that no better dentistry is being done in this city than is turned put byjny staff of dental Spe cialists. It is very true that many people are attracted to this office because of my very reasonable prices and timid nervous people have told me it was my painless methods that attracted them BUT unless I saw to it that every man, woman and child who came to me for professional aid Secured ab olute satisfaction their first visit would prove extremely unprofitable for all concerned for it would be their last. In brief the secret of the continuous and steady growth of this practice is due to the high class material, splendid workmanship and special care which enter into every caseu. s- c It costs too much to induce the FIRST visit of a patient to risk losing the good will of that pa tient, by giving him less than a square, deal. In other words, it pays me to please you. Painless Withers Dental Co. 423-425 Securities BIdg. 16th and Farnara St. OMAHA, FEB. Office Hours, 8:30 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 9 to 1 phen B. Elkins. who has had a "Car dinal's dinner" every season since the late senator was. first in the sen ate, will entertain the cardinal on the 27th. This is always a won derfully beautiful dinner, with the most distinguished guests, although Mrs. Elkins is not a -Roman Catholic nor are any members of hers or the senator's families. The keynote of the decorations is always rich red, and the cardinal wears on these oc casions his long, flowing, rich, cardinal-red silk robes and a jacket of the rarest of -rose pointed lace. The wonderful red moire silk and the su perb lace which seem almost like a burden to the frail, spiritual looking little man. would make any woman almost envious were it not for the holiness of them. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Stapleton had a pretty dinner party on Tuesday evening in honor of Archbishop Cer retti and had among the guests to meet him, .Senator and Mrs. Hitch cock of Omaha; the Papal Delegate Mgr. Bonzano, Mr. and Mrs. Mont gomery, brother-in-law and sister-in-law of the chief justice of the U. S. supreme court, Mrs. Bowen, of Oma ha, sister of Mrs. Hitchcock and her house guest; Mr. and Mrs. George E. Hamilton, Mrs. Gordon.,! Miss Marian bands and Kev. father John J. Burke, head of the Catholic war council and a member of the National council. Mr. and Mrs. Stapleton are leav ing on February 28 for Phoenix, Arizona, en route to southern Cali fornia. They will make a consider able stay in Phoenix, visiting Mis. Stapleton's brother-in-law and sis ter. Captain and Mrs. Barber, and will then go on to Santa Barbara and select some suitable spot in which to remain throughout the summer. They do not expect to return to their Washington home until next October. During their absence their home will be occupied by the chief justice of the court -of appeals of the District of Columbia and Mrs. Constantine J. Smythe, formerly of Nebraska. Home Folks. Mrs. Constantine J. Smythe en tertained at a large luncheon on Monday with a number of Nebraska women among her guests. Some of them were Mrs. Frank Judson, Mrs. Burke, widow of General Burke, who made himself famous in the General Custer fight; Mrs. Mc Vann, formerly of Omaha; Mrs. Peet, formerly of Omaha; Mrs. Hughes, wife of Admiral Hughes; Mrs. Stapleton, of Omaha; Mrs. George E. Hamilton and her debu tante daughter, Miss Elizabeth Ham ilton; and Mrs. Mixter, wife of Lt. Col. Mixter, who was formerly Miss ! Kilpatnck, of Omaha. Mrs. Mixter had a pretty lunch eon earlier in the week for Mrs. Burke. Mrs .Straetten, wife of Dr. Robert L. Straetten, U. S. N., daughter of Mrs. Susie Root Rhodes, formerly of Crete, Neb., has. recovered from her ' long illness and is again to go A pleased patient is an Asset to any Den tist a dissatisfied patient, a liability. She Transcribes Stories for . Blind Soldiers to Read 1 S I :; r- & MISS CARA H CREA Mts. Cara H. McCrea of Wash ington, widow of Captain McCrea, U. S. N., at work transcribing stories from magazines so that they can be out. Dr; Straetten is now in Cuban waters with the fleet. , Grand Commander G. A. R. A3 ams and Capt. A. M. Trimble, of Lincoln adjutant of G. A. K., spent the week in Washington to attend the Grand Army banquet at the Ebbitt house on Wednesday even ing.' Miss Elsie Anderson of Lincoln, who has" been in Washington dur ing tho war, attached to the Navy department, has resigned-that po sition and is now in New York for a lengthy visit, after which she will return to her home in Lincoln. She resigned aircl gave up her work be cause she had so little to do in the position. Ttiere is an old saying in the departments of Washington that "few die and none resign," but Miss Anderson stands alone in "her class, and she created the class. Y. W. C. A. Notes 1 , Vesper services Sunday at 5 o'clock will be in charge of the Traveler's Aid committee. Mrs. Allen Koch, chairman of the com mittee will preside. The Travelers' Aid committee and young women from Kountze Memorial church will act as hostesses and provide the program for the social hour follow ing the services. At the Vesper services, M'fs Pick ering will speak on travelers' aid work. There will be special vocal and violin music by Miss Paustian and Miss Freda Paustian. A cordial invitation is extended to the public. If you are a stranger in the city you are specially invited. The following extension dabs will, meet for their regular monthly ban nuet Monday-evening at 6:15: Many Centers, Victory, V. 1). T, General Pershing, Lafayette. Each club decorates its own table and has spe cial club songs. Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock the gymnasium department will give their annual Colonial party in the gym. Only members of this depart ment arc invited. The West Sisters' orchestra will furnish the music. Business Women's club will meet Tuesday evening at 6:15 for "supper. The program for the evening will be in charge of Dr. Nora M. Fair child. Miss Katharine Davis will conduct the devotionals. A review of one of Barrie's W:s. "The Old Lady Shows Her Metals," will be given by Miss Kate McHugh. - Many Centers club will ,act as hostesses for the soldiers ?nd sail ors party Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. i All those who have registered for the course in domestic science are asked to meet Miss Lu:y Harte, the instructor, at the association build ing Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock for a preliminary meeting. Second division of the Extensior department will meet Thursday eve ning in their club rojm for-lir monthly banquet; this group in cludes the following clubs: Lohache, D. T. A., Foch, Fellowship and Pa triots. Lafayette club will act as hostess es for the soldiers party at the as sociation building Saturday evening. Miss Lora Molby will have charge of the recreation. Many Centers club w'th Miss Lela Ashe as president had a children's party in the club rooms Monday eve ning. The room was beautifully dec orated for the occasion and chil dren's games were flayed. Speaking pieces was a very enjoyable feature of the party. Lohache club met Tuesday eve ning for supper and later listened to a very interesting talk by Dr. J. T. Maxwell on tl-,e special senses. Miss Florence Dmilap, the new extension and industrial secretary, will arrive March 1 to take charge of this department. Miss Dunlap is from Baltomore, Md Yokel Candor. Agricultural Parishioner (wishing to ingratiate himself with the new curate who has given a lecture on the previous evening) Thank ye, sir, for your reading to us last night. New Curate Glad you liked it, John. I was afraid lest the lecture might have been just a little too scientific. Parishioner No, bless you, sir, not a bit of it. Why, we in these parts be just like ducks. We do gobble up anything. Birmingham (England) Herald i i read by American soldiers blinded in the great "war. The transcribing is accomplished by a system of raised points known as the "Braille Sys tem." The typewriter used has only six keys, the letters and numbers, which are read by the touch of the fingers, being rnade by special com binations. A EiOME MADE GRAY HAIR REMEDY You Can Make at Home a Better Gray Hair Remedy Than You Can Buy, Gray streaked or faded hair is not onlv unbecoming, but unneces sary. You can darken it without using a dye. "Anyone can prepare a simple mixture at home, at very little cost, that will darken gray hair, and make it soft and glossy. To a half pint of water add 1 ounce of bay rum, a small box of Barbo Compound and J4 ounce of glycerine. These in gredients can be bought at any drug store at very little cost, or the druggist will put it up for you. Apply to the hair twice a week until the desired shade is obtained. This will make a gray haired person look twenty years younger. It is not a dye, it does not color the most deli cate scalp; is not sticky or greasy and does not rub off." Adv, j HAVE YOU BEEN I OVERWORKED? j Do You Want Help Until Na I ture Catches Up? Are I Your Nerve. 111? JCadomene Tablets Help Nerv ous Men and Weak, Impor k erished Women Back to I Strength, Health and Vinor. In these strenuous, exacting times, many men and women over work their nerves. They do not take enough rest. They are not careful when and what they eat. Soon they get nervous, irritable, suffer from aches and pains, are tired all the time, have no ambition, lose strength, aad vigor and then become sleepless, worn out, and sick. Never take to drink and false stimulants they are temporary makeshifts. But do act wisely, and tegin the. use of Cadomene Tablets, which act as a powerful tonic for digestion, nutri tion, and elimination. They help natura to perform the functions of the organs of the body and nature will in turn restore strength, red blood and vigor. Sold by druggists everywhere and guaranteed to be satisfactory in every sense by the manufacturers. Adv. 1 urTTrnniriiiiimiiinrmiiimmiiinmimnniiiTinMnTriiiiiirnriminiiiiiiimiHiminn:!::":;"-1 Great Medicine Made From Corn Silk Ex cites Favorable Comment. Kidney and Bladder Ailments Banished By Few Doses. Corn Silk! The same "silk" you see protruding from the husk of corn, produces a fine medicine for kidney and bladder irregularities, when compounded with other simple drugs as in Balmwort Tablets. Balmwort Tablets contain a pow erful extract of corn silk, which quickly relieves the inflammation and congestion that causes such dis tress as pains in back and hips, rheumatic twinges, nervousness, se vere headaches, accompanied by fre quent desire to eliminate, followed by scalding, burning sensation. The patient i3 compelled to arise fre quently to relieve painful pressure, even though a scanty flow follows. The eyes appear "bloodshot," the sleep is restless, and sometimes fe ver, followed by chills, cause great unrest. It is unwise to neglect such symptoms, when a few doses of Balmwort Tablets can be taken for relief. Alice Trobough, 5627 South Twenty-fourth street, Omaha, Neb., writes: "I have used one tube of your Balmwort Tablets and find that they are the best I have ever used for kidney and bladder trou ble." Ask any leading druggist for a tube of Balmwort Tablets. Price, ?1.00. Ad . - : Home Economics Association to Meet 25-26 The Nebraska Home Economics association will hold its 14th annual meeting at the University Farms, February 25-26, Lincoln, Neb. The association is composed of . about )00 members. All women of Nebras ka are eligible to membership and all women of the state are urged to attend these meetings. , Places of Meeting. All sessions will be held in room 306, Agricultural hall, including food lectures and demonstrations. Time will be given for questions and discussions alter each lecture, lt is hoped that all who are in terested will attend this very im portant part of the program. Tuesday Morning, February 25. 9:30 Greetings, President Mabel D. Gramlich: v 9:45 Demonstration, "Canning of Meat," Nebraska Girl's Canning Team. Miss Mary Ellen Brown, coach. 11:15 "Planning the Family Bud get," Miss Esther Warner. Tuesday Afternoon. 2:00 "Science and the War," Dr. S. Avery, chancellor, University of Nebraska. 2:45 "Our Responsibility in Fi nance," Mrs. A. .. Peterson. 3:05 "Extension Work of Yester day and Today," Mrs. Emma R. Davisson. 3:35 "Rugs and Rug Values,'' Mr. L. M. Morriss. ' Getting Acquainted Tea, Hume Economics hall. Assisting hos- WOMEN SHAVE inn When 7nt only remove hair from the aarfnee of the akin the result la the ahavtns. The only common-sense war to remove hair la to attack It under the akin. DrBflracle, the original sanitary liquid, does this hy absorption. Only genuine lie Miracle has a money-back a-urantee la each package. At toilet counters In 60c, SI and SI alaes, or by mall from as In plain wlapper on receipt of price. FREES book nailed In plain sealed envelope on request. De Miracle. 120th St. and Park Ave, Near York. fe THE- Ground Gripper Walking Shoe This is tho time of year that bunions, corns and callouses be gin to talk to you. Why suffer when a pair of Ground Gripper Shoes will give you instant relief and eventually cure them? If you are lucky enough to not have any foot trouble, you will find "our shoe the most comfortable shoe you have ever worn. Let us prove ft. Men's shoes carried in seven a different widths, and women's in 9 nine. J. J. FORTIUS & SONS 1114 Farnam Street In Snn Theater BIdg. DON'T HAVE GRAY HAIR It's Easy to look Young and Fascinating by Use cf "La Creole" fcr''(i"a 'La Creole has made me look is years younger W O woman should t handi capped socially by fray or faded hair. Every woman owes it to herself to look her best and svoid tha appearance of coming- age. Gray, streak ed with gray, or faded hair nakes many a woman look old before her time, and gray hair Is so very ifflnecessary. LA CREOLE Hair Dressing Is the most popular Hair Color Restorer in use among society Hen and Women of America today. It is s safe, delightful toilet prepsration which uniformly restores gray, streaked with gray, or faded hair to its youthful beauty and lustre, ; - LA CREOLE Hair Dressing will not stain the scalp, wash or rub off, or leave the hair with that greasy or dyed appear and!. You apply it yourself by simply combing or brushing it through the hsir before retiring, and the results will do tight you surprisingly. L CREOLE is sold by Sherman & McConnell, and all good druz stores and toilet counteii svtrj where. Frjce. ..J100 ITS'""! Kfcrl pm pi I APSH.19 JUIY10 j ' torn :i I fj wemungFi i i etrna If GROUUnf ' IK 4 U GB1PPEB?.' 1 ' iMONTffifl Ml. ':. . ) tesses: Mrs. S. R. McKelvie, Mrs. S. Avery, Mrs. E. A. Burnett, Miss Alice Loomis, Mrs. -Emma R. Davis son. Wednesday Morning, February 26. 9:30-"The Red Cross Teace Pro gram for Help," Mrs. Max Wester man, x ,10:00 Demonstration, "Use of Local Foods," Mrs. Cora F. War ntr, Miss Estelle Warner. 11:30 Adjournment ior combine J meeting of all organizations, Gov. S. R. McKelvie. Wednesday Afternoon. 2:00 Chorus singing, led by Mrs. Carrie B. Raymond. 2:20 "The Next Step in , Home Economics," Miss Alice Loomis. 2:50 "The Federated Woman'? Club and Reconstruction," Mrs. A E. Sheldon. 3:15 "Stories and Books for Children," Mrs. C. O. ?ruce. Election of - officers. Tea at Practice cottage, 2985 Holdrege street. President, Mrs. Mabel Daniels Gramlich, Lincoln; vice president, Mrs. Alice Towne DeWees, Daw son; vice president ex-officio, Miss Alice Loomis, head economics de partment; secretary, Miss Florence Dunn, Lincoln; treasurer, Mrs. Jennie Thompson, W'sner. Frozen fish is just as nutritious cs i'rf ?li (ish r.nd considerably cheap er. To thaw it out lay it in cold wa ter. Cook as soon as it is thawed out. Cornmeal breads are .lighter when made with buttermilk. Will Hot Be One Day Without TO Ai This Lady TELLS Her' FRIENDS Mrs. Mary Fricke, 507 Bornman St., Belleville, III., is just one of the many thousands of ladies throughout the country who, after an agony of vears, have at last found health, strength and vigor in PE-RU-NA. Her own words tell of her suffering and recovery better than we can do it : "I suffered with my stom ach, had awful cramps and headaches so I often could not lay on a pillow. Saw your book, tried PE-RU-NA and got good, results from the first bottle. To be sure of a cure I took twelve bottles. I have recommended PE-RU-NA to my friends and all are well pleased with results. I will not be one day without PE-RU-NA. Have not had a doctor since I started with PE-RU-NA, which was about fifteen years ago. I am now sixty three years old, hale, hearty and well. Can do as much work as my daughters. I feel strong and healthy and weigh near two hundred pounds. Before, I weighed as little as one hundred. I hope lots of people use PE-RU-NA and get the results I did." An ex perience like that of Mrs. Fricke is an inspiration to Mrt- Mar. Fck. every sick and suffering woman. If you have catarrh, whether it be of the nose, throat, stomach, bowels, or other organs, PE-RU-NA is the remedy. It is not new; it is not an ex periment. PE-RU-NA has been tried. PE-RU-NA has been used by thousands who once were sick and. are now well. To prevent coughs, colds, grip and Influenza and to hasten recovery there is nothing better. PE-RU-NA will improve the appetite and digestion, purify the blood, soothe the irritated mucous linings, eradicate the waste material and cor ruption from the system. It will tone up the nerves, give you health, strength, vigor and the joy of living. Do what Mrs. Mary Fricke and thousands more have done try PE-RU-NA. You will be glad, happy, thankful. Tablet or Liquid. Sold Everywhere. You Are Invited We most cordially invite you to be come one of us. " t ' 'It is impossible to give every man a personal invitation so wo take this means to ask you to join the Great. Family of the Woodmen of the World. 900,000 Members $45,000,000 Assets., " For all particular phont or call on COL C.L. MATHER, City Manager a wis. - Home, ofruon, Destroy the Germs and Catarrh will Quickly Go If you want to relieve stuffed up head in five minutes and Bet rid of crusts in the! nose, tnscnarge ot mucus, watery eyes, hawking and spitting, start to breathe HYOMEI today. Catarrh with all its disgusting symptoms is caused by germs or microbeB. Go today and get a HYOMEI (pronounce ff Htgh-o-me) outfit, pour a few drops of HYOMEI into the little hard rubber pocket inhaler, breathe it and begin at once to kill the microbes that cause catarrh. Foe aggravated cases of catarrh or a cough or a cold or sore throat be sure and use the HYOMEI vapor treatment in con junction with the inhaler. Here it is: Your Boy Can Be One of Twenty Next Summer on A Real Western Ranch WITH A COW PONY ALL FOR HIMSELF your boy can bs one of this happy company of 20 boys between the ages ot 12 and IS, who, under the direction of a scoutmaster with seven years training in the U. S. Forest service, will spend the sum mer out of doors, making Pack Train Trips in the mountaini over trails of the Forest Rnngera, visiting the prehistoric ruins of the cliff dwellers, horseback riding, hiking, camping, fishing, studying nature at first hand on a real ranch with four hun dred acres under cultivation and a vast forest range. LOS ALAMOS RANCH is located in the Rocky Mountains thirty miles from Santa Fe, New Mexico. Delightful summer climate, dry air, cool nights, no mosquitoes, elevation T.fiOO feet. The charge, including horse and all expense, is $125.00 a month for the three or four months. Application must be made early, as only twenty, boys can be accommodated in the newly built, com fortable Ranch House. When the list ia filled no mora will bs taken. JlsK Mr. Foster At Burtesa-Nash Store on Balcony. NOTE I have visited Los Alamos. I sent there last sum mer a boy who had been placed in my charge: he gained so much in health and valuable knowledge at outdoor life and he was withal so thoroughly happy that itf gives me pleasure to t recommend Los Alamos and I shall be glad to answer any in quiries concerning the life there. My boy is spending the win ter in the Los Alamos School. WARD G. FOSTER. In No Strange Land By Frances Thompson. Oh, world invisible, we view thee; Oh, world, intangible, we touch thee. , Oh, world unknowable, we know thee, Inapprehensible, we clutch thee. Does the fish soar to find the ocean, The eage plunge to find the air, That we ask of the stars in motion, If they have rumor of thee there? Not where the wheeling systems darken, And our benumbed conceiving soars: The drift of pinions, would we hearken. Beats at Our own clay-shuttered doors. The angels lceep their ancient places, Turn but a stone and start a wing! 'Tis ye, 'tis your estranged faces That miss the many splendored thing. But (when so sad thou canst not sadder) Cry: and upon thy so sore loss Shall shine the traffic of Jacob's lad der, Pitched between Heaven and Charing Cross. Yea, in the night, my soul, my daughter, Cry, clinging heaven by the hems, And lo, Christ walking on the water, Not of Gennesareth, but Thames! f" 1 m h m 4 l'lhtlliHiiil'iiii''Mi3 Every night before going to bed pour a teaspoonful of HYOMEI into a bowl three (fuarters full of boiling water; cover head and bowl with towel and breathe for five minutes, the pleasant, soothing and heal ing vapor, that arises. It doesn't take long for a cold to run into catarrh: use HYOMEI at once and get immediate relief. HYOMEI is an antiseptic that soothes and heals the inflamed con dition of the membrane besides killing the germs. For catarrh, acute or chronic, for sore throat, asthma, coughs, colds, and croup, HYOMEI is sold on money back plan. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Adv. I 'ST lJ mUM mUM sasfr MsV w usa J 1 For Sprains and Bruises The first thing to do for sprain or bruise is to cover the hurt with a piece t flannel soaked with OmegaOit. Quick r s lief usually follows tail simple treatment. Takes Adler-i-ka "I had serious bowel and live trouble. Lost 60 pounds and could eat only liquid food. Commenced taking Adler-i-ka and now weigh more than ever and eat and sleep splendidly." (Signed) George La Fond, Little Falls, Minn. Adler-i-ka expels ALL gas and sourness, stopping stomach distress INSTANTLY. Empties BOTH up per and lower bowel, flushing EN TIRE alimentary canal. Removes ALL foul matter which poisons sys tem. Often CURES constipation. Prevents appendicitis. We hav sold Adler-i-ka many years. It is a mixture of buckthorn, cascara, glycerine and nine other simple drugs. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Adv. S STOP CATARRH! OPEN f 1 NOSTRILS AND HEAD I Ap Relieves Head-Colds at Once. If your nostrils are clogged and your head is stuffed and you can't breathe freely because of a cold or catarrh, just get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm at any drug store. Apply a little of this fragrant, anti septic cream into your nostrils and let it penetrate through every air passage of your head, soothing and healing the inflamed, swollen mu cousjnembrane aiyl you get instant relief. Ah ! how good it feels. Your nos trils are open, your head is clear, no more hawking, snuffling, blowing; no more headache, dryness or strug gling for breath. Ely's Cream Balm is just what sufferers from head colds and catarrh need. It's a de light. Adv. ACnllEYS We eat too much meat, which cloga Kidneys, then Back hurts and Bladder bothers you. Most folks forget that the kid neys, like the bowels, get sluggish and clogged and need a flushing oc casionally, else we have backache and dull misery in the kidney re gion, severe headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder disorders. ; You simply must keep your kid neys active and clean, andthe mo- " ment you feel an ache or nam in the kidney region, gelf about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good drug store here, xtake 'a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grape and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and is harmless tor flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity. It also neutral izes the acids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending blad der disorders. Jad Salts is harmless, inexpensive makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink which everybody should take now and then to keep their kidneys clean, thus avoiding serious complications. A well-known local druggist sayi he sells lots of Jad Salts to folks who believe in overcoming kidney trouble while it is only trouble. Adv. An Inside Bath MakesYou Look and Feel Fresh Says a glass of het water with phosphate before breakfast keeps Illness away. Physicians the world over recom mend the inside bath, claiming thii is of vastly more importance than outside cleanliness, because the skin pores do not absorb impurities into the blood, causing ill health, while the pores in the ten yards of bowels do. Men and women are urged ti drink each morning, before break fast a glass of hot water with a tea spoonful of limestone phosphate in it, as a harmless means of helping , to wash from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the previous day's indigestible material, poisons, sour bile and toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary canal before putting morefood into the stomach. Those who wake up with bad breath, coated tongue, nast y .taste or have a dull, aching head, sallow com plexion, acid stomach; others who are subject to bilious attacks or con stipation, should obtain a quarter pound of limestone phosphate at lh drug store. This will cost very littla but is sufficient to demonstrate tha value of inside bathing. Adr,