Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1919, Page 14, Image 14
14 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 23. 1919. BRITISH INSIST UPON THIS PLAN DESPITEFRANCE English Want German Ships Be Destroyed; Proposition to Go Before Supreme - War Council. Paris, Keb. 22. (By Associated Press.) Out of the grat number of contradictory statements being pub lished concerning the disposition of German warships, which have been f-cizcd, this much may be accepted as a definite official statement: Great Britain insists that these ships be destroyed. This proposition will be put be fore the supreme war council as ,i INVESTMENT SECURITIES LIBERTY BONDS Bought and Sold Mack's Bond House 1421 First Nat. Bk. BIdg. Tyler 3644 A Only a Few Days More. Invest in a WINNER! GRAVITY on & Refining Co. A LIVE Company 1 Doing Things. One Refinery Operating at Eldorado, Kansas Now Refining Oil Capacity 2500 Bbls. Daily and intend to increase) it capac ity to 5,000 barrels every 24 hour. Thi p!ant ia now piling tip profits and dividends for GRAVITY'S Stockholder, and these will Brow much (aster as our refining capacity Increases. Besides increased equipment, extensive additions to pipe-line are to be added at once, a well as fleet of tank cars. WE ALSO Expect te have Our 1500 Barrel Refinery AT RANTOUL, KAN. Completed and ready to run by falls of this year, and plan to in crease it capacity shortly after ward to 3,000 Bble. DAILY. Closely adjoining our Rantoul Refinery location we have over 1,200 acre's of choice gas leases on which we now have our own producing gas wells, capable of sup- I plying much mora than sufficient gas . for fuel purposes for operating this 1 refinery, meaninr we will have no ex penditures for fuel for operating thia plant; also, closely adjoining, we have over 3,300 acres of choice oil leases, many of which are offaet with hand some producing oil wells. At Casper, Wyo., We Have Bought Refinery Site. t Have first building already up. Contract for equipment being made. "Hopping to it" a mile-a-mlnute. Building 10,000 Bbl. Refinery We expect to be REFINING OIL ia our Casper Refinery By August ef this year. You never heard of a refinery going broke. Too busy making BIG FAT PROFITS. NOW ONLY 53,000 BBLS. Refining Capacity. in whole state of Wyoming. Hun dreds of wells with over sixty thous and barrel' daily production capped in for lack of pipe-line and refineries. More gushers being brought in DAILY. GRAVITY own or control over 6,500 aero choice lease on which we now have 3 PRODUCING WELLS with more to follow fast. CASPER IS IN CENTER OF WYOMING'S GUSHER OIL POOLS Surrounded with BIG MUDDY. Eml jrrant Gap. Poison Spider, Ltisk, Salt Creek, Notches, Lost Soldier and many other Big Oil fields. The city said to be underlaid with oil. W are assured FAR MORE oil than we can refine. Refineriea pay for their cost every 30 to SO days, do not have any "dry holes" to gamble on, are safer investments than banks or mortaares and earn and pay TREMENDOUS Dividends. No promotion stock. Your I dollars go into our refineries. Share ! are fully paid and non-assessable. ' Don't delay a single Day. Not even ! a Single HOUR. You will have to ; buy IMMEDIATELY to get in on any of th remainder of this allotment at ' the very low price of $5.00 A SHARE j TERMS: $1.00 per share, cath, ! with order and balance in four equal monthly payments, or 5 per cent dis count for cash in full with order. Lib erty Bonds accepted at par in making full or partial payments. The num ber of snares for sale at this low price is VERY LIMITED. rWin miia r ftnrwtrf tinitv In In at.:. Dt tu ifM fcttr a I b pt in is diu tt i :t crv on Tire i j GROUND FLOOR BUY TODAY I GRAVITY OIL & REFINING CO. 18 E. Second Street, CASPER, WYO. part of the British proposals for definite peace terms. The published assertion that these ships will be destroyed would seem premature, since there is consider able opposition to the plan, espe cially on the part of France, Great Britain does not propose to destroy the engines or other parts of thy ships which have industrial impor tance. She would remove these parts and then destroy the hulls and arm ament. , The basis of the British admiralty plan, which will be submitted to the supreme council, is that the Ger man ships should not be retained as warships and it is Insisted that be cause of their construction they have no commercial value. The admiralty decision is said to have been influenced largely by the belief that a satisfactory distribu tion of the ships among the allies was impossible. In fact, it is added, Great Britain would claim sa major portion of the ships. This would only serve to increase her preponder ance of sea power which, it is held, might be objectionable to other nations. Special Services by Ministers of Omaha on Subject of Health Sunday has been designated as "Health Sunday" by the govern ment and the churches have been asked to discuss the relationship of the church to public, health, with particular reference to the matter of social diseases. Some attention will be given to this theme in most of the churches. A few of the ministers announce special sermons. Among these are North Presbyterian, Twenty-fourth and Wirt; Third Presbyterian, Twentieth and Leavenworth; Ply mouth Congregational, Eighteenth and Emmet; Parkvale Presbyterian, Thirty-first and Gold, where Judge Sears will speak; Harford Memorial. 1825 Lothrop, with address by Dr. Marble and Dr. Johnston; Grace Methodist Episcopal, Twenty-fifth and E, at which Dr. Palmer Findley will speak. Kansas City Un Stock. Kansas City. Mo , Feb. 23 Cattle Re ceipts. "50; steady; steers, U.O01.OO; western, 312.00i,i)17.00; cows, I8.00&13.00; heifers. $S.604?il4.5i); sstockers, $8.00(81 16.00; calves. 17 0014.00. Sheep Receipts, 1.600 head; strong: lambs, 317.75Sj.18.O0; yearlings. 114.00 lfiftfl; wethers, 315.006 13.00; ewes, $1165 11.S5. LIVE STOCK Omaha. February 12. 111. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Ofriclal Monday..;... ,163 10.310 1.75S Official Tuesday ... 3.1M IS. 270 7.779 Official Wednesday . 3.7.1S 21,$!! 10. $7! Official Thursday. ....6S0 !M15 Official Friday 3.SM 17.62 3.S0 Estimate Saturday ... $50 11,300 400 Six day thia week 33,813 9.1B3 29.896 Sam day last week 37.09 13,367 40.476 Same daya 3 wka ago !i,633 33,235 39.271 Same days 1 wk ago 30,073 78.160 33,568 Receipt and disposition of live stock at th Union Stock yards, for 24 bours, end ing st 3 o'clock Yesterday: RECEIPTS CARS. ' Cattle Hogs Sheep H a. Wabash . .. 1 " .. Missouri Pacific 1 .. Union Taclfic 2 1 5 .. C. & N. W., east.... 1 10 C. & N. W.. west.... 70 .. 1 C, St. P., M. & O.,.. 2 JS .. .. C, B. Ac Q., east 2 .. .. "., P.. A Q., west . . I . ... C, R. I. & P., cast.. I I C. R. I. & P., wet.. .. 1 Illinois Central 1 ... Chicago Gt. Weatern .. $ .. Total Receipts ... 13 1$( 3. 1 DISPOSITION HEAD. " Hogs. Morris A Co 1.674 Swift A Co 2.321 Cudahy Packing Co. 2.104 Armour & Co '. 2,165 Schwarts Co 225 J. W. Murrhy 3.417 Total . .12,004 Cattle Receipt of cattl this morning were light, but 13 fresh loads around 350 head being reported. Trading wa nomi nally steady in all branches this morning. The market thia week on ateers la very little lower on the good to choice kinds having firmed up the last days from a 25 60c slump early in the week. Medium to plain steers are 25 50c lower and the yearlings are largely 60c lower than last week's close. OaaA to choice grades are acarce and quotable at $17.00 1 8. 00, and the medium to plain grades selling at a spread of $14.501.76. Cows closd weak to a quarter lower on the best kinds sell ing from $12.00 to $13.50. and the medi,tm to good gradea at 38.0010.0 are 25 60c lower for the week. Stockers sr mostly 50a lower for th week. Quotations on cattle: Oood to choice beeves, 317,0018.SO; fair to good beeves, $15.0010.7S; common to fair beeves, $13.60014.75; good to choice yearlings, $14.60016.00; fair to good yearlings, $l2.60i&14.25; common to fair yearlings, $8.50913.26; good to choice heifer, $12.60 014.00; prim cows, $1100914.00; good to choice cows, $10.50 12.00; fair to good cows, $ft.6010.25; common to fair cows. $6 268.26; choice to prime feeders. $14.00 0 15.76; good to eholc feeders, $11,103 13.75; medium to good feeders, $10,600 11.50; good to choice stockers, 310.00 $12.60; fair to good stockers. $9.00010.00; common to fair stockers, $7.0008.60; stock heifer', $7,503.00; stock cows, $7.00 08.00; stock calves, $8.00011.75; veal calves. $7.00013.75; bulls, stag, etc. $9.25010.5' Hogs Receipt Saturday amounted to ifit) loadaesttmated at 11.300 head. - The market waa fairly active from the start and supplies changed hands readily at Liberty Bonds DON'T SELL the bonds of any Liberty Loan if you can pos sibly avoid doing so. To sell Liberty Bonds now is to sacri fice them with a loss of several per cent, as general economic conditions cause the current market prices of practically all securities to be less than theirjntrinsic investment value. IF YOU MUST SELL, deliver or transmit them by registered mail to our Bond Department and we will purchase them at current New York market prices, less a nominal handling charge. N First Trost Company of Omaha Fourth Floor, First National Bank Building FAIilBURY, NEBRASKA Water Works Bonds , $10,000 ..... . 5 Due August 1, 1930, interest semi-annually. These bonds are a direct obligation of the entire city. Fairbury is one of the prosperous cities of Southeastern Nebraska, with an estimated population of six thousand, and a real value of taxable property conservatively placed at $4,665,000. Price 100 and accrued interest. We recommend these bonds for your account j UNITED STATES TRUST COUPAfli 1612 Fs.rns.rn Street Ownership by stockholder of United States National Bank Omaha, Nebraska prices fully steady with th best time Friday Bulk of sales wus $17.1017.40 and top st $17.65. Trad for th week has been rather uneven with a weaker tendency s large share of th tlm with Wednesday and Thursday at the lowest of th week, hots these day Ding down .below even mon"y. The top for the wtvk was $17.76, paid on Monday and Tuesday. The trado hue firmed up a little towards the week's cloie although not quit aa good as s week ago, probably luj 15c lower than last Satur day. Sheep There was a light run of lambs received her Saturday, none of which were placed " on sale. Receipts for ho week totaled 29.800 head. The market has been fairly active and although many days have aeen .fleeces carrying considerable water, supplies hav changed hands very freely and the market has shown strength throughout the week, the only dsy on which sales hsve been reported below $17.00 for fat lambs was on Monday, tlia week end finding the fat lamb market probably ffn-frfl.OO higher than a, wuek ago with most of the fat lambs selling at a rnnitc of $17.35(6 17.60 with tops quot able up to $17.75. Supplies of aged stuff has been rather light but the TTfltrkct good. Yearlings made a top of $15 00, wethers at $12.75 and ewes at. $11.65. Sheep being quotable 50u higher th'aiia week ago. Quotations on sheep: Lambs, good to choice, $17.36 17.75; lambs, fair to good, $16.75017.40; lamb feedera. $13.00015.60; yearlings, good to choice, $13.SO&16.00; yearlings, fair to good, $9.0009.50; year ling feeders, $9.5010.00; wethers,, $13.00013.00: wether feeders, $8.50010.60 ewes, good to choice, $11.00011.75: ewes, fair to good, $9.00011.00; ewe feeders, $6.0008.60. Chicago Live Slock. Chicago, Feb. 2. (U. S. Bureau of Markets.) Cattle Receipts, 1,00. head, compared with a week ago, medium sod good beefstcers, 50 Aa 75 cents lower; others off less; canners, cutters and plain butcher she-stock, 25 to SO cents higher; other butcher cattle and feeders, steady; calves, $1 to $1.25 higher. Hogs Receipts, 28.000 head; mark it uneven, but mostly steady at yesterdsy's average; bulk of sales, $17.60 17.90; butchers. 317.65W18 00; light, $17.20 17.80; packing, $16.86 17. 60; tlirowouta. 31.35ff16.76; pigs, good to choice, $14.50 016.85. Shoep Receipts, 1.000 head; compared with a week ago, all classes. 75c to $1 higher, excepting low grade and medium ewes, latter mostly 25 cents up. Omaha Bay Market. Receipt on prairie hay light and the demand la good. Receipts on alfalfa are heavy, and the demand Is draggy. Mar ket I steady, with no change In prices. Choice upland prairie hay, $25.00; No. 1, $23.00 to $24.00; No. 3, $19.00 to $21.00 No. 3, $14.00 to $17.00; No. 1 Midland. $23.00 to $24.00; No. 3 Midland. $10.00 to $20.00; No. 1 Lowland, $17.00 to $19.00; No. 3 Lowland, 14 0 to $16.00; No. 1 Low land, $10.00 to $12.00. Choice Alfalfa, $30.00; No. 1, $27.50 to $28.60; Standard, $25.00 to $27.00; No. 3. $21.00 to $24.00; Ne. 3, $19.00 to $20.00. Oat Straw, $1200 to 13.00; wheat straw, $11.00 to $12.T)0. Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux 'City. Ia., Feb. 22. Cattle Re ceipts, 800 head; market steady; beef steers, $11.00016.0; fat cows and heif ers, $7.2514.0t cannnrs, $5.6006.75; stockers and feeders, $8.50013.50; feed ing cows and hellers, $6.0009 .25. Hogs Receipts ,8,000 bead; market steady to strong; light, $16.90017.20; mixed, $17.00017.25; heavy, $17.15017.35; bulk of sales, $17.00017.30. Mo sheep. s Chicago Produce. Chicago, Feb. 3. Butter Firm; cream ery. 38 053c. Eggs Receipts. 3,623 cases; market ntgner; nrsu, sadydsc; ordinary nrsis, 37 037 c; at mark, cases included, $7 0380. Potatoes Receipts, 50 cars; market lower; Wisconsin, Michigan and Minne sota, sacked and bulk. $1.5501.65. Poultry Alive, market lower; springs, 30c; fowls, 30c. St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph, Mo., Feb. 22. Cattle Re ceipts, 3,500 bead; market, slow; steers, $12.50018.00; cows and heifers, $5,500 15.00; calves, $7.0015.50. Hogs Receipts, 3.600 head; market, steady: top, $17.60; bulk of sales, $16.35 17.40. Sheep Receipts, 600 head; market, firm; lamba, 316.00018.00; ewes, $9,000 12.0. No 'Grain Market. There was no grain or financial market Saturday because of it being a holiday. r:i:.iai!iiiicanii!iiiii!Mira ' HENRY B. ALLEN 1 I Formerly Deputy Collector, Income Tax Inspector and Internal ' Revenue Agent, U. S. Treasury Dept. - Analysis and Compilation of Income Tax Returns 526-530 Bee Building-. Phone Tyler 4060. OMAHA. .uiiasii Z7 COMMERCIAL GUIDE. Undertakers. lir'-LSB RISPfcN, 701 & 16th, D. 12!. Undertakers and embalmers. Personal attention given to all calls and funerals li'riAFEir & HEAFEI. 2611 Farnam. Har ney 25. Undertakers and embalmers. CUOSBT. WILLIS C. 3611-13 N. 24th 8t rtione Webster 47. Council Bluffs Directory. Coal and Ice. rhone 2Srt0. Caterer to beat and cold. rr:OGS ELEVATOR CO 110 Tear! St. HlljiiliikuJiiimiii.ihiiiii.iiiiiii;! JOHN GRAHAME Chartered Accountant Efficiency Engineer A. K. FOTHERINGHAM, W. M. MANNING, Certified Public Accountant Certified Public Accountant R. C. BOOKWALTER, G. W. WOOD, I Certified Public Accountant Certified Publie Accountant Costs System Finance Audits Efficiency Bee Building, Rooms 526 to 530 Omaha, Neb. Phone Tyler 4060. wtt .1 iu; ' i iiii 1 1 itil i i n i 1 1 i nitfiiMUi-1 ' i i U ' :U 1 ""W if'-nfgnrrtpi'T"! iiff 'iftt(JiT tnsipiaisii ! iritsfls) - j q$r;f)$t HBtKltl ""J fj&u Texas Oil Hap All the old and New oil and gas fields, pipe lines, refineries, etc. Shows Burkburnett, Ranger, Elec tro, Petrolia, etc. Map in colors on large scale. tSend 3c in stamps for sample copy. CURRIER & COMPANY 865 Republic Idg., Kansas City, 'Mo. Money to Loan Improved City Property at 6 Frank H. Binder 823 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Omaha Cudahy Packing Cesnpany Conirnca Stock The investment position and future of this security outlined in special circular sent on re quest. E. l mm & co.; Members of New York Stock Exchange, 737 Grain Exchange, Omaha, Neb. UPDIKE W Specialise in th Careful Handling of Orders ef Grains and Provisions Future Delivery All Important Markets We Are Members eft Chicago Board of Trad Milwaukee Chamber of Commere Minneapolis Chamber of Commere St. Louis Merchants Exchange Kansas City Board of Trad Sioux City Board of Trad Omaha Grain Exchange W Operate Offices stt Omaha, Neb. ' Sioux City, Ia. Lincoln, Neb. Atlantic, Ia. Hastings, Neb. Hamburg, Is. Holdrege, Neb. ' Del Moines, la. Geneva, Neb. Milwaukee, Wis. Chicago, HI. aad all ef the office r con nected wtih each other by private wire. W Solicit Your Patronage. The Updike Grain. Company Grain Exchange Building, . Omaha, Nab. P. S. Cash Consignments Solicited. POLITICS ISSUE IN RATSIBUN CASE THAT STIRS IOWA Accused Man in Iowa Assault Scandal Will Put Up Fight for His Freedom. 1 (Continued from Page One.) him away to the penitentiary before the governor had an opportunity to testify before the grand jury. At torney George Clark, representing Rathbun, anticipated ihis action, and obtained from Judge E. G. Alberts an order for a hearing on application for a writ of habeas corpus. The hearing was set for Wednesday, which, it is expected Governor Harding will attend. He's Still Governor. When the news of the attorney general's action reached the gov ernors sick chamber in Carroll Jus only comment was "Tell Havner I am still governor of this state. Havner is not governor now and he never will be. ' Governor Harding's physician de dared the patient had showed a marked improvement in the last 24 hours, and the indications are that he will be able to be .in Ida Grove Wednesday. The state has assembled a fornii dable array of counsel to assist Mr. Havner in his ellort to send Kath bun to the penitentiary in spite of the stand the governor has taken. friends of the governor have de clared thai he was prompted by re ports of the methods resorted to by the attorney general and his state agents in preparing the case against young Rathbun to make the investigation which resulted in Rathbun's pardon. However, Gov ernor Harding has refused to com ment on this feature of the case, de claring he would make his state ment to the grand jury when the proper time presented itself. Havner's state agents have spent a great deal of time here during the last six months and have hundreds of affidavits, with which the attor ney general has led the public to believe he will substantiate his charges. Governor is Quiet. Governor Harding has refrained from talking about the case. He has insisted that his course nt-the mat ter has beea entirely proper and regular. He promises to explain to the satisfaction of the people of this section of the state when he arrives here to testify before the grand jury. Mr. ,Havner is expected to file Monday his answer to Attorney Clark's petition for a writ of habeas corpus. Probably a demurrer to the attorney general's answer will je presented by Mr. Clark, it was said. In this event, the court will hear first the arguments on the demurrer. If the. court sustains the demurrer, Rathbun will be given his freedom, and Governor Harding will be up held in his action. If the demurrer is not sustained, the hearing will proceed and argumenti heard. It the court should refuse to grant a writ of habeas corpus, Rathbun will be sent immediately to the peniten tiary to serve his sentence. In the meantime Rathbun is in the Ida county jail. No bond is al lowed in his case. Ray O'Meara, young Rathbun's companion, who is alleged to have assaulted the Hargens girl with Rathbun, also was. convicteji and sentenced to a life term in the pen itentiary. His case was taken to the supreme court. O'Meara was re leased on bonds pending the action of the higher tribunal. , Goes to Kansas School. West Point.'Neb., Feb. 22. (Spe cial). Harvey Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Smith, has been ap pointed to take a position on the High school faculty at Fredonia, Kan. Local Stock and Bonds. STOCKS Bid. Beatrice Creamery pfd....7..100 Cudahy Pack, common. 101 Deere & Co., pfd 34 ft Goodyear Tire, 3 pfd Gooch Food Producta pfd... Goouh Food Pro., common... Harding Cream T p. c. pfd. Hydraulic Press Brick pfd... Hydraulic Press Brick com. I.ln. Tel, &. Tel. com. 7 p. Hit 894 30 lOOtf 34 4 C. 35 Xat'I Refining com. Neb. Live Stock Ins. Co O. & C. B. St. Ry pfd O. & C. B. St. Ry. common Om. & C. B. St. Ry. bridge pfd 65 Orchard & Wilhelm 7 p.c. pfd 90 Vk M. K. Smith 7 P. C. pfd. ...100 Union Ktk. Yds. Om 39 ,4 Union Pow. & ufi p. -0. pfd. 98 BANK STOCKS City Nat'l Bank, Lincoln. .. .300 First Nan Bank. Omaha Omaha Nat'l Bank, Omaha.. 250 vrv 251) 93 95 91 '4 84 V4 State Rank, Omaha Stk. Tds. Nat'l, Omaha... BONDS . C, R. I. & P. 6s, 1922 Canadians 5s, 1937 Cudahy .Packing 5s, 1946. Morris & Co. 4lis, 1938. New State Te. Es, 1925, sc. Ct. 75 Om. Athletic Club 6s, 1921-32.... Om. A C. B. St. Ry. 5s, 1928. 78 Omaha Schools 5s. 1948 Swift & Co. 6s, 1944 96 Swift Co. 6s. Aug. 1921.... 99 "4 Southern Ry. (a, 1922 , Sea Board Air Line, 1919.... 96 Wilson & Co. 1st 6s, 1941.... 98 Asked. 102 102i 95K 103 100 77H 35 6 98 190 200 63 35 100 ',4 101 100 325 200 150 300 98 95Vi 92 5ij 77H 100 81 104i 96 ft 100 99 98 98 Kansas City Grain. " Kansas City. Feb. 22. Butter, Eggs and Poultry Unchanged. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the Stockholders of the South Piatt Land Company will be held at the office of aald Company, Room 701, First National Bank Building, Lincoln, Ne braska, at 11 o'clock A. M.. on the Fifth day of March, A. D.. 1919. C. H. Morrill, President: W. W. Turner, Secretary and Treasurer. F-4 31 t-m. LOANS on RESIDENCES Low Semi-Annual Interest HOME-OWNER LOANS Up to 60 on rest dences less than five years old. Monthly Payments. !&'., Jim Former Premier Buried With Honors at Ottawa Ottawa, Feb. 22. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, former premier of Canada, was buried here today with official honors. The duke of Devonshire, gover nor general of Canada, ai)d other high government officials 'joined with thousands of citizens from all walks of life and all parts of the dominion in paying a final tribute to Canada's great statesman. The funeral party, in horse-drawn sleighs, moved from the parliament buildings to the Roman Catholic church on Sussex street, where the services were held. The body was then taken to its final resting place in Notre Dame cemetery. Secretary Daniels Talks With Wilson by Naval Radio' Washington, Feb. 22. Secretary Daniels transmitted a telephonic greeting to Prcsidont Wilson today by naval route. From his desk at the Navy department the secretary's voice was carried to the transport George Washington nearly 800 miles off the Atlantic coast. Cash Buying, a Most Satisfactory Means of Cash Saving LIBERTY ' BOXDS taken at full market value la ex change for , merchandise. THE CASH STORE LIBERTY B0XDS taken at full market value in ex change (or r 1 Apparel StylesThat WillElicit Your Hearty Approval Distinctively new lines developed in the season's most popular materials and color ings by the best known makers in the land all at low cash prices, which will unquestion- 1 ably please 5 A Wonderful Showing of Most Charming Spring Dress Styles Awaits Your Inspection and Selection Saturday. All Attractively Priced As a Month-End Special 200 Beautiful Dresses In Taffetas, Georgettes, Serges, Jerseys and batins, wide range of choice Spring models, orings: most Special Cash Price. atins, wide range of choice x f? ntf s, in all most popular col- 1 fe pleasing value at Our Headquarters for Extra . Sizes Dresses, Suits, Coats, Skirts, Waists and all kinds of Stylish Apparel. Very" attractive Low Cash Prices. New Spring Suits Suits of Velour, Duvet de Laine, line Silver"-' tones, Duvetynes and other popular materials; big range-of prices, and every price you'll find assort ments and values superior. As a Month-End Special One choice lot of new Suits, handsome new models; most popular materials and colorings; greatly underpriced. . . $3 New Spring Coats and Capes All the Spring season's new styles, including the popular new Dolman Coats now so popular. See the new beauties. Get our prices. ' m "1 ii I r""" "TCPi if .i i si ii w I jy -yy j. 20 Dozen Georgette Waists- All shades, beaded and em broidered. Very Special for Monday. Cash Price $3.95 50 Dozen Silk Flounce Pet ticoats All shades ; regu lar $3.00 values. Monday. .. $1.98 10 Dozen Dix Make House Dresses The best made house dress in the world. Very Special, Q Monday . pjU9 sD Sale Soring Wall Paper Select your Wall Paper in our "Day light" Department from one of the largest stocks in the city, and see exactly what you are buying no artificial light to spoil the ef fecj. Our new stock consists of Wall Papers made by the best known manufacturers, such as Strand, Birge & Sons, Eobert Graves & Co. and Zuber of France. SPECIALS FOR THIS SALE. Our New Tapestries Grass cloths and 30-in. blends; values to $1.00 per An roll. Cash Pride, roll JrrU Varnished Tiles For kitchens and bath rooms. Our Cash Price for -t O this sale, per roll 'New Bedroom Papers Very pretty de signs, with artistic cut-out H borders. Cash Price, roll jL L Very Special A large line of new papers; values from 12J2C to 25c per roll. Going in two lots. Cash price, roll These are not old or shoddy papers, but are selected from our 1919 stock for this sale only.7" We Can Furnish First-Class Paperhangers. Scand 10c Decorated China Bargains Fourth Floor China Department.' End of the Month Cash Price Sale of China Plates in Gold Band ; and Decorated. Consisting of Dinner 1 Plates, Cups, Soup, Tea, Pie and Bread and But ter Plates, Oatmeals and OC0 Fruits. Cash Price, each. .... p C I Lot of 12-Inch Vaces Beautiful decorations; values to(-f ffA $3.50. Special each M1 OX) $1.50 Decorated Platters. Cash Price, each 35c Blue Willow Dinner "i Cn Plates Cash Price, each XuL Blue Willow Pie and Bread and Butter Plates "Cash IA. Price, each XUU Decorated China and Saucers Pair 50c LCnps 25c 1 Read the Big Special Cash Grocery Sale for Monday i Highest Quality, Freshest Goods I lbs. best Fur Cana Granulated Sugar tor 8lic 51.1b. sacks best hlgh-grada Diamond "H" Flour for $IM 2Mb. sacks Pura Ry Flour.... $1.40 Purs New York Buckwheat Flour, per pound (l-3o It bars Swift's Pride Laundry Soap. for 38 ( 1ra Beat-'Em-AU or Diamond "C" Soap for SSe t bars Electrla Spark or Paarl While Soap for 3.1c 3 lbs. best bulk Laundry Starch for t5o 8. lbs best White or Yellow Carnmeal for Z5o The best Rolled White Breakfast Oatmeal, per pound 5o Fancy Japan Rice, per pound. ...llo Corn Flakes, package T-jc Grape Nuta. package 12VzO Kamo assorted Soups, can Htfl Gallon cans Golden Table Syrup. ,71io Tall cana fancy Pink Salmon. ...31a Tall cane fancy Red Salmon 2 so No. 3 cana fancy Bweet Sugar Corn. per can 14o No. 3 Early June Pears, can ...,11c No. 3 cans Pork and Beans...... 14c No. 3 can fancy ripe Tomatoes, per can KWc No. 3H cane Golden Pumpkin it Kraut per can lie No. 3H ran Lye Hominy 9c 3-os. battle fancy Ciueeu OUres, pr bottle lOe Large bottles assorted pickles.... S.lo No. 1 hand picked Navy Bsan..lue Yeast Foam, package 4o PRrED FRITT AJiD XVT SPECIALS Choice Cat Prune, lb 1U and Largest Stock to Select From. Fancy CaL Pruea, lb ...... .lSHolSa Fancy Muscatel Seeded Raisins.. llio Fancy Muscatel Seedless Rats.'n. .15 Fancy Mulr Peach oa, lb 30 Choirs Moor Park Apricots, lb...!.l8 tholes Moor Park Apricots, lb-.Ko Fancy Pitted Prunes, lb .......l'Vi Fancy Pitted Prunes, pkir 15o Fancy Seeded Raisins, pkg llio New Black vValnuts. lb "'o No. 1 soft shell English Walnuts, per pound ZH9 Fancy I. X. L. Almonds, lb 35o Fresh Roasted peanuts, ib 15 OMAHA'S f.RKATEST TEA AND COFFKK MARKET. Our famous Golden Santo Toffee, the talk of Omaha; try It; lb..2ito Ankola Blend Coffee, a file drink, per Ib 30o U. B. O. Special, excellent value, equal to coffee sold at 40c and r'0 per pound, our price 3fc Three pound for tl.OA The best Tea Sift Inns, Ib 25o Choice Basket Fired or Sun Pried Japan Tea, Ib 4x Breakfast, Cocoa, lb Z5e IS LBS. fiOOT NO. 1 COOKINU POTATOKi FOR 3!o Freeh Nouthern Shalot. Beets, t'ar rot. Turnips or Radishes, bunch. ? New Cabbage, lb ..30 Fresh Parsley, hunch 4a Fresh Spinach, per peck 30o Old Reels, t'arrots. Turnips, Ruta baga or Red Globe unions, per pound 3 l-3o HIGHLAND NAVAL ORANGE SPECLVL 8 ALE. per doses 3oc 35c, 40c 50 Large Grape Frutt....1Kc, lOe, lSV-c BETTER YALIES US Housefurnishings Universal Six-Hole Combina tion Coal and Gas Stove Our Cash Price S90.00 Six Hole Eange With warm ing closet, for S27.50 Four-Hole Cabinet las Range "With oven and broiler. Our Cash price only .... S49.00 Two-Hole Gas l'lnto Our Cash Price only 3.25 Two-Hole Gas Oven Plain door. Cash Price ....$2.98 One-Hole Gas Oven Plain floor. Cash Price . . , .1.90 iruall Triangle Oil Mops Our Jash Price only 696 Large Triangle Oil Mop Out Cash Price oniy 98 Any 25c Oil or Folish Our Cash Price only 19J Any 5flc Oil or Tollsh Our Cash Price oniy 39 Universal Lnnch Kits Our Cash Price only $3.65 llallbearing Koller Skates Cash Price only S2.C0 White Lnnmel Uird Cnirea Cash Price only Sl.75 lirass Sfinare Iiird C!;ci Cash Price only S3.25 .si u f ft it . M Psys-Try HAYDEIN'S First-It Poy I