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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1919)
IS "A" What heads the list of sound, sure investments? REAL ESTATE. It is or should be the ambition of every man to "own a home." Study the offerings carefully NOW. TITE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE; FEBRUARY 23. f 7 iHomeif 1 v v FARM AND RANCH LANDS. South Dakota Lands. FOR SALE. 16ft acres, good iHtid. clear of Incumbrance. Nrar Aberdeen, S. P, 3Vs mile, to good town. Would exchange for desirable Omaha residence property, bungalow pr-f.;rril. Adres 0-", Omaha TW. Texas Lands. Ths new hattuck branch of the Santa Fe railroad will open for settlement and development a wheat and stock. farming aecllon In Northweat Texas near Okla homa state Iln. Thirty rollea of rall roid now completed. Land of a proiria character, ready for the plow, no atone, stumps, nor bruah to be cleared, at attractive prices on easy terms. Climate healthful, rain fulls during growing season. Write, for tree. Illustrated fold er giving experience and results set tlere have secured in short tlms on small capital, 'f. i Spearman, 950 Hallway Kxchaiifie, ChleiiKO, III. HO ft. hom.'Mu.s In Kaneer, $ 1 25 ; J12.60 cash. 19X7 pop. 200, todnv J7.000, 1920, 60.000. Oil royaltlis included. Sales man wnt-d. t'hus. Wilson, Wilson's Hotel, HanKer, Tex. Washington Lands. J20 acres, unimproved Umbor land, In Pend-GrelUe county, Washington. Land Ilea well, easy to clear; couiitj road at corner of track, 7 .nilos to R. R. sta- Inn; fine for stock r.inch. 1'ilce $.1,000. Might sell best "4 section for 11,800. Timber on thin will twice pay for It. J. N. Green ..418 First avenue, Spokane. Wnsh., owner. V A S i-lIK(iT(iN niKda dairy, poultry, slock farmers. Washington, the state of op portunity, invites you; conditions Ideal for dairying, poultry and stock. Cheap lands, expanding citlea, good markets. For free hook write I. M. Howell, sec'y. of state, Pent. H-6, olympla. Wash. HOMESEEKKRS-Washington wants you. Writs for official bulletin giving detailed description of the state of Washington statistics, general resources, etc. Ad dress, I. M. Howell, secretary of state. Dept. H . Olympla, Wash. Wyoming Lands. SOUTHEASTERN WYOMING We have 4si sections of the most desirable land, 6 miles north of the main line of the Union Pacific R. R. east of Cheyenne about 23 miles that that we can sell for $18.00 an acre, that can be resold at a wonderful profit of $30 to $60 an acre. Can he bought on terms of $5.50 an acre down, and 5 years or more on the balance, with 6 per cent interest. Mortgages can be taken back on sep arate sections. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., REALTORS, 1016 Omaha National Bank Building DouRlas 2715 610 ACUKS north of Pins Bluff, Wyo.; new Improvements; house, 18x24; barn, 32x40; other outbuildings; good well and mill; fenced; 200 acres under plow, 60 acrea rye; all level tractor land, good grass sod; price, 140 per acre, $7,100 cash, balance 8 to & years, 4 per cent; poneesRlun this spring. 160 acres 11 miles north of Pine Bluff, Wyo.; black soil; fenced; all In culttva. tlon; H mile to school, dally mall route; price, $45 per acre, half rash, terms on balance. Will be pleased to show thess and other equally good farms. It will be worth your while to get particulars. S:e, write or phone. C. V. NELSON, 8H Om, Nat. Bk. Bldg. Omaha, Neb. Phone, Douglas 5204. WYOMING LANDS WILL MAKE YOU ' RICH. Farm lands $15 to $40 per acre. Irrigated lands, $35 to 85, per acre. Cattle ranches. Homesteads, 640 acres. TAYLOR & CO., 1617 Capitol Ave.. Cheyenne, Wyoming. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms. $60 per a.. Including paid up water right. Jeiiry t.evl ACM. Rylander. 154 Omaha a 640-ACRK homesteads. Duff. Casper, Wyo. Miscellaneous. 2b--ACltl corn farm; ytar's Income over $5,000; ISO acrfs smooth tillage, clay subsoil; 40-cow pasture; valuable wood, timber, fruit, 2-story 8-room house, grand shade; 40-cow basement, barn, new stablo, $ poultry houses, wagon barns, corn houses, etc.; t mile town. Circumstances force sale; low t price, U',.'iUC; only $3,000 down; easy terms. Details to see this money-maker, page 9, Bargain Catalog; copy free. Dept. 3072, Strout Farm Agency, Bee Bldg., Omaha. SPECIAL If you want a MO-acrs homestead, good grass and grain land, near settlers, timber and calls; send me $5 for full information; references Nebraska State Bank. G. W. D'MENT, Oerlng, Neb. VOB SALE 200 acrea Wayne County, Pennsylvania. 125 acres hardwood tim ber. $20 acre. Timber will pay for place. J. K. Coldwell, 811-8 Ave., Rock' ford, III. FARM LANDS FOR RENT. IfO-ACRB farm for rent In Sections IT and 18, Boomer township, Pottawat tamie county, la.; well Improved; known as "Officer Farm." Chas. T. Officer, 128 8. Main St., Council Bluffs, la. Phone 440. FARM LANDS WANTED. WE will sell your farm; timely sales' quick returns. Held Land Co., $64 Brandels Bldg, - MAKE your wants tor farms known to C. V. Nelson, SIS Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Phone Poug. 8204. AUTOMOBILES. BUY ONE OF OUR USED CARS. AND KNOW THAT YOU ARE GETTING A VALUE FAR BE YOND WHAT YOU HAVE PAID FOR HUDSON SUPER. SIX TOURING SEDAN, 7-PASSENGER. ENCLOSED CABRIOLET, 3-PASSENGER. ENCLOSED. TOURING CAR, 7-PASS. ROADSTER, An Investigation will prove all that we claim for any of the above cars. GUY L, SMITH, "Service First." 2563 Farnam St. Douglas 1970. MEEKS AUTO CO. TJsed cars bought, sold and exchanged We buy for cash and sell on time. Full tins to select from Middle State Oarage. IvSi-t Farnam St Douglas 4101. WEEKS AUTO CO. AUTOMOBILES. AUTO EXCHANGE CO. The exceptionally good used ear stock which we have at the present time makes It possible for practically evsry purchaser to find just what he needs. Our year of experience and care ful buying enables us to give you greater value for your money than you can get elsewhere. Don't forget we are In the used ear business exclusively, pay cash for all our cars and handle no cars on commis sion. Maxwell touring, 1916 model, newly painted $300 Maxwell touring, 1917, like new .... $50 Maxwell touring. IMS, electrlo starter 150 Overland roadster, model "5 B S00 Overland roadster. Ilka new 37$ Overland Country Club, like new.. 850 Sludebaker touring,' 1917 model..,. 400 Studebaker 4, 7-passenger, nearly new 650 Uulvk model 37 B, thoroughly over- hauled and repainted 450 Bulck light 6" $00 Bulck light "(," special paint Job (76 Saxon six, 191$ model....... $76 Saxon six, ilk new 460 Mitchell touring. 1911.. 450 Veil touring, 1911 319 Wlllye-Knlght roadster, like new... 650 Jlollne Knight, T-passenger, winter top 600 Oakland sensible six roadster, new tires 550 Dodge touring, 1917 model T60 Packard I sedan, a bargain. . Paige sedan, nearly new, reasonable. FORD SPESCIALS. , 101917 roadsters, overhauled snd In good shape throughout, each,.. 300 3 good Ford touring, your choice for 259 On 1917 Ford touring, like new. 278 Two 1917 Ford coupes, equipped with lota of extras, Including starters, demountable rims 47S LIBERTY BONDS TAKEN AT FACE VALUE. If yon are dissatisfied with your eld car trade It to us for one you can use. OPEN SUNDAYS 10 TILL I. AUTO EXCHANGE CO. 2059 Farnam St. DON'T FORGET That w carry the largest stock of used cars In the state, and we will save you money on any kind of a car you want 76 Overland Roadster $300 34 Allen Touring 400 1917 Liberty Blx 750 17 Chalmers touring 600 15 Moon Dem 1,000 16 Chalmers Six 600 18 Lexington Dem 800 17 Stuts roadster 1,400 76 Overland touring $00 35 Bulck touring 600 16 Ford coupe 460 1916 Chalmera Dem..., 800 16 Chevrolet touring 600 New Lexington Sedan 1,500 17 Bodge touring , 700 New Lexington chummy 1,400 17 Chevrolet touring 350 16 Dodge touring 625 16 Chevrolet touring 226 '16 Maxwell touring 200 16 Chandler 650 16 Chalmers 6 650 1919 K-45 Bulck, I over-sized cord tires 1,450 Wlllts-Kntght 400 63 Overland 350 16 Mitchell 600 C-37 Bulck touring 300 63 Overland touring 225 97 Oakland 6 450 191$ Oldsmoblle 1,100 191$ Franklan 1.500 1917 Dort touring 830 5 Fords. $9 other good cars. All cars sold on a S-day money-back guarantee It you are not satisfied. REMEMBER We carry the stock and make the price. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE, Douglas $$!$. 1912-14-1$ Farnam. USED CARS. 191$ Hupmoblle touring, like new.. ..$951) 1918 Paige, 7 pass., A-l condition.... 650 191$ King roadster, slightly used.... 75 191 h Studebsker roadster, run 300 mis 60 1916 Ovsrland country club, new 750 1918 Chevrolet, run 900 miles 676 1916 Maxwell touring, A-l condition, winter top B50 1919 Ford touring, four to select from, ss low as 400 1917 Dodge touring, fine shape 650 1917 Bulck, D 45 776 1917 Haynes 7 pass., a real buy. 1917 Chevrolet touring 31$ 1917 Chalmers, overhauled and rs- flnlshed 75 1917 Ford touring, thoroughly over hauled 139 1917 Ford one-ton truck, will ex change for touring car. 1917 Maxwell touring, a real buy.... 325 1917 Studebaker, four, seven pass 425 1917 Bulck, fir pass., run less than 6,009 miles 776 Hudson, model 6-40, A-l condition... 676 Overland, model 81 touring 2S6 Hupp, model K, perfect condition.... 650 Chevrolet. 4-90, price 190 Use your Judgment on appearance and I guarantee the rest Liberty bonds taken at full value. Open Sunday, MEEKS AUTO CO., Middle-Slat Garage. $056-$ Farnam. Doug. 410t NEW retreader; latest and best out; costs leas; makes seven different treads. Write, wire or call. Duplex Tire Co.. 114 South i;tk c AUTOMOBILES. CENTRAL GARAGE, Tyler 714. Tyler 714. New National Chum roadster. 6-cyl. National touring, 1916 iihkI..1!, 6-cyl. 1917 Chevrolet touring. 1916 Ford roadster. 1917 Ford roadster. 1917 Ford touring. IP 7 Dodge touring. 1914 Cadillac roadster. New Maxwell touring. CENTRAL GARAGE, Tyler 714. Tyler 714. NOW'S THE TIME to get a good buy In near new used cars. After the country roads get good, they'll be scarce and higher. We have some wonderful bargains to choose from. Look them over and let us demonstrate. Open Sunday. s 18 Studebaker 6, 7-pass., enclosed.,,! 760 18 Chevrolet touring, like new 576 19 Bulck, E-44. roadster 1,150 18 Briscoe touring 376 17 Maxwell touring 300 17 Chevrolet, 490, touring 300 17 Bulck, D-45, like new 900 17 Bulck, D-45, enclosed 800 16 Bulck, D-45, renewed 675 16 Dodge roadster, dandy 500 17 Ford coupe, dandy 4S5 3-17 Ford touring, choice at Sfii 17 Ford roadster 336 16 Overland, 75-B, roadster 825 17 Overland roadster, like new 750 TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam. Douglas 9070. attention: used car buyers. We have the following list of CARS WE MUST SELL This week to make room for new cars: LIGHT ELCAR, 6-passenger, fully equipped, $450. GRANT LIGHT SIX, run less than 2,000 miles, practically new, $25. KRIT CAR, good shape, with starter, $200. i FORD SEDAN, late models, for sale, or trade on Fords. 8-CYL. STUDEBAKER, repainted and overhauled, looks good, $500. ft-CYL. OAKLAND, fine condition, $175. MOLINE KNIGHT, 6-passenKcr to, me chanically perfect, priced right. KNUDSON AUTO CO., 2107 Farnam St. Douglas 6531. $100 FORD $100 Balanoe In monthly payments, will buy a uaed Ford car of real value. New car also sold on time payment plan. Ford repairing and Ford parts. M'CAFFREY MOTOR COMPANY, Randy Ford Service Station, 15th and Jackson Eta., Douglas 3500. ONE nice 2-ton, slightly used truck, can hardly be told from new truck, , com plete with cab and chains, $1,600. STANDARD MOTOR COMPANY, 2020 Farnam. BRAND new Jordan Six Sport Marine model, run only 200 miles; lists at $2,625. Will sacrifice for cash. Phone Harney 130, or Douglas 6486. i MR. SCRIFPS. WEEK-END SPECIALS Hupmobtle, 6 pass., $750. Hupmobile, t pasi., $500. HiKlnon, 7 pass.. $500. Cadillac, 6 pass., $450. Briscoe, b pass., $450. Marion, 6 pass.. $250. Victor Motor Co. 2523 Farnam St. 1918 FORD SEDAN, starter, demountable rims. Kolly Springfield tires, excellent condition. A bivgain. NEBRASKA BUICK AUTOMOBILE CO., 19th and Howard Sts. HEADQUARTERS for gasoline and oil pumps of all kinds, tanks, air stands, etc. Phono Douglas 1386. Laubach. ;S8 Brandels Bldg., Omaha. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO.. wll, store your auto. Rates for Ford ears. $3 a month; large cars, $5 a month. Douglas 4338. USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO, S020 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. WILL exchange nice lot in north part of city (clear) for 1917 or 1918 Ford tour ing car. Must be In good order. Ad dress Box C-,2. Omaha Bee. LEAVING TOWN My 1917 Maxwell touring for sale: Just overhauled. A bargain. Call Mr. Wiles; Tyler S43 or Webster 1817. x FOKD TOURING car for sale, by owner. New tires. 3713 No. 36th avenue. Phone Col. 8467. ... BARGAINS IN USE- CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co., 15th and Jackson, Ford Agents. D. 8500. EXPERT Repairing Guaranteed service. SEKVICB OARAGB, . Kith snd Leavenworth. Doug. T000. AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; service station for Rayfleld oarburetors and Columbia storage batteries Edwsrds WANTED FOR IPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS: quick action; no delay. Autu Exchange Co. 8.E9 Farnam 8t, D QS5 NEW and used Ford. Ames oodles, Im mediate delivery. O'Rourks Goldstrom Auto Co., 8701 So J4th, So. $99. OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. JHoo Fsrnam St. QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO, 966J FARNAM PRIVATELY owned used cars for sals. OMAHA MSED CAR MARKET S51T I,eavnworth Tyler SS47. Get a Bulck used car. Neb. Buick Auto Co. $100 for magneto ws can't fix; patentee Affinity Spark Plug. O. Bsys- dorfer, 110 N. Hth. WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 191B Farnam. Harney 41 FOR SALE Cheap, only $50, Internationil truck, model A. Call Benson 14U. J. H. alar tig. AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALli Cheap, one Maxnull touring car, late 1917 model, almost new; going to California. Call or phone 2787 Cap itol Ave. Harney 1203 or Tyler 2462. H. P. Walker. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L SMITH. ON1U Chalmers l-ton truck for sale cheap, Harney St. Phine Douglas 1640. FORD MARKET New Ford to out of town customers. Tires and Supplies. TIRES ONE-HAIF PRICE. GUARANTEED 3 009 11ILKS. 30s$ ....$ 7 60!30x3 t Ml 32x3V, ........ 10.25132x4 11.7$ 32x4 11.60134x4 11.00 We furnish the old tires- v Agents wsnted. 3 IN 1 VULCAN12SINO COM PANT. 1516 Davenport Street WE do casing and tube repairing. We guarantee our work. New and second tires. URBAN TIRE A TTULCANIZINO CO.. 2233 Harney St. Phone Douglas 3413. NEW TIRES ON SALE. Firestone. Congress, Lee Pullman. Flsk Write for prices. Mention sizes. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 2016 FARNAM REDUCED RATE. 1$ CENTS PER Ml LB. Rent a Ford. Drive yourself. Ford Livery Co.. 1314 Howard St. Douglas 3622 BARGAINS, new No. 1 tires and tubes. Tires 45 per cent off. List tubes 35 per cert, write or phone Webster 1034. Day lM'i No. 24th. GAIN more miles; have your tires ra treaded by O & G. Tire Co. 2415 Leavenworth. Tyler 12S1-W. Repairing and Painting. RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt; large stock used radiator! New Ford honeycomb radiators. OMAHA RADIATOR at TIRE WORKS 1S19 Cuming 8064 Farnam EXPERT radlaturs. fenders and auto bodies; repairing at reasonable prices Prompt attention given to garage work, ship your radiator direct to us. NEBRASKA SERVICE! GARAGE, Doug 7390. 218 S. 19th St CENTRAL garage repair dept., night and day service. If In trouble call us. Tyler 714. All work guaranteed. F. P Barnum Co.'. Il22 Cummtt. D 8044. High grade Automobile Painting. Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Vlotor H. Roos, the Motorcycle Man. $7th and Leavenworth POULTRY AND PET STOCK. QUALITY CHICKS of egg-laying strains. In order to place a better grade of poul try on our middle west farms ana ranches we are offering at cost day-old chicks hatched from eggs selected from producing flocks of our Poultry Exten sion Department Export. Write today for particulars. M. C. Peters Mill Co.," Omaha, Nob. Makers of Peters Quality Feeds for Poultry. DAY-OLD CH IX, BOOKING NOW For spring; delivered alive, prepaid, S. C. white and brown leghorns, 18c. Rose and single comb reds, barred and white rocks, 20c. Black Mlnorcas, 21c. Left overs, loo. Edward Btelnhoff, Leon, Kan. IH'FF ORPINGTON eggs. One and two dollars setting. Thoroughbred. Bed 6475. WHEAT screenings $2.25 per hundred. A. W Wsgner, 801 N. ltn St.. uoug. mi. WHITE ROCK HATCHING EGGS from Omaha show winners. Benson 288. TWO new incubatory Colfax 1990. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. PERRY J. TUBBS' DUROC BRED SOW SALE North Bend, Neb., ' Tuesday, March 4, 1919. 40 HEAD Of large, long bodied, big boned, healthy sows and gilts of the very best blood lines of the breed, such as Bill's Critic, Big Illustrator, Chief's Wonder, Grand Model 10th and Smooth Model. The ws ere bred to Wonder Gano, Grand Model 10th, Pal's Giant 2d and Joe Orion's Pal. They have been selected with great care and will please the pur chaser. The sows have had plenty of range for exercise and will produce big, healthy litters. All the sows in this sale have been vaccinated by the double treatment. For particulars and catalogue write to PERRY J. TUBBS, North Bend, Neb. Dwight Williams, Fieldman for the Journal-Stockman. MURRAY'S CHESTER WHITE BRED SOW SALE To ba held In tha Bonner bam, one block from tha hotel. , FRIEND, NEB, FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1919, Forty-fivo head Ten tried sows, thirty fall yearlings and five spring gilts, Ths herd boars In 'service ars Big Giant by Wlldwood Prince. Jr., and Ideal Chief by King Goods. No. 1 In ths catalog Is the making of one of the best big-type that ths breed affords. This gilt should go Into on of the best herds of the breed. Both herd boars will ba on exhibition sals day. Writs for catalog. Address, Chas H. Murray, Friend, Neb. HARNESS, SADDLES and TRAVELING OOODS. Ws maks tbem ourselves and sell thsm direct to consumer. Why pay two profits for Inferior goods when you can get high grade goods st first eostt ALFRED CORNISH CO., Phone Onus: $S14 111 Farnam. FOR SALE One good !002 Lake street. horse, $ii. Call FOR SALE One months-old colt horse, cheap, and Webster I7i0. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. DON'T FORGET ths big horse in; mule auctions at stock yards stables next Wednesday. Expect a good run of choice farm mares, matched teams of farm chunks and one carload of farm mules. Palo starts at 10 o'clock. I. C. Gallup, Auctioneer. Extra! Extra! Extra! Harpess, collars and harness accessories. No wsr prices, selling at a secrlfice as owner Is In France. Call at residence $124 Lake. Harness snd collars for salu at great re duction. 1406 No. S4th St. HORSE, buggy and harness for sale. Very cheap If taken at once 959 N 2Sth Ave. 4-year-old cow. Will soon be fresh. 201S Willis svenue. Webster 5219. PERSONAL THE SALVATION Army industrial Horns solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. Ws collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4136 and our waf;on will call. Call and Inspect our new home 1110-1118-1114 Dodge St. PARTY having Wizard fortune tolling ma chines, please call Mrs. Frank Varley. Douglas 5694. TOBACCO or snuff habit cured or no pay. $1 if cured. Remedy sent on trial. Su perha Co., Wd. 217. Baltimore, Md. MCNKY TO LOAN. Organized by ths Business Men of Omalia FURNITURE, pianos and notes as serui Ity. $40 6 mo., H goods, total, $3.(0 PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, 43$ Security Bldg., 16th A Farnam Ty 669 LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY ANl 11 VJ LIBERTY BONDS. O C' 72 1 W C. Fl.ATAU, EST 1892 .'0 6TH FLR. SECURITY BI.DG.. TY. 950 Lowest rates. Private loifn booths. Harry Maleshock, 1514 Todge. D. 5619 Est. 1891 DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS COMMERCIAL GUIDE. Auto Repairs. AMERICAN MACHINE WORKS, 110 8. 11th. D. 4881. Automlls work. cyl. bor ing, pistons fitted, auto parts mads to order. Automobiles. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., 10th and How ary. Doug 8500 ord cars and repairs Authorized agents for Ford cars. M'lNTYRE-HAYWARD MOTOR CO.. 2437 Farnam. Douglas 8406. Stearns-Knlght and Regal cars. AMERICAN STATE BANK, 18th and Far nam. Wead Block Phone Tyler 80. Auto PaintinR. ROESSIG. W F.. 144 S 40th. Har. 1448 We maks old autos look like new ones bertschT"mfo & engineerTng coTT 8 E. Cor. 20th and Harney Sts.. old psrts made new. new parts made, too. D. $559 Auto Tires. rWO-IN-ONE VULCANIZING CO.. 1518 Davenport St. Douglas 2914. Auto Tops and Trimmings. ENGLISH, THOS F, 2318 Harney. Doug las 8798 Satisfaction guaranteed. The best Is none too good. Baggage and Transfer. OMAHA TRANSFER COMPANY. "THE ONLY WAY." Telephone Doug 295 14th and Jackson Cement Products. OMAHA CONCRETE STONE COMPANY. 28th Ave. and Sahler St Colfax 8S6. Attorneys. FISHER, H, 1418 First Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1968 Attorney and counsellor at law GRAY & BRUMBAUGH, 813-14 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg Red 8157 General prac tice In state and federal courts. FORD TRANSFERCO. 817 Douglas St. Tyler $ "Always at your service." Butter (Wholesale). ALFALFA BUTTER CO, 120-24 N. 11th st. Doug. 3903 W W Richardson. Pres Biscuit Manufacturers. ITEN BISCUIT CO, Capitol Ave, 12tb to 13th St. Doug 2128 Snow White bakery Mfrs. of crackers, cakes and cookies. Boiler Manufacturers. DRAKE. WILLIAMS, MOUNT CO, 23d and Hickory D. 1043. Mfrs. of boilers, tarks, smokestacks: oxy-acetytena weld Cash Registers. MORRIL CASH AND CREDIT REGIS ISTER CO., 219-221 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglas 4408. E. W. Hart, Pres. CLEAN UP . . SALE . . VACANT LOTS Of the lots we advertised last Sunday 5 were quickly spld. See these today as they are priced to sell quickly. 23rd and Saratogacorner, 53x127 ... ......$ 750.60 Fowler Avenue at 28th, paving paid, 40x96 . . I 800.00 Crown Point Avenue, near 25th Avenue, 45x96 900.00 Browne Street near 28th, 40x122 700.00 Kansas Avenue, near 25th, facing park ..... 1,350.00 Florence Blvd. near Redick Ave. 44x200. . . . . 1,300.00 Evanston Add. In this beautiful restricted addition we have one lot on the Boulevard facing Elmwood Park, 50x150 for sale cheap. ' Sundays call M. O. Headley, Colfax 3482 or E. A. Hoisington, Colfax 3472. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO. REALTORS. 7.42 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Own Your Ho . le Safe As You know how safe Verdun was. The Kaiser's most vicious and powerful armies tried for months to get it and couldn't. Well, you and your money are just that safe if you buy a home in Omaha. If you're a home owner, you've got the choicest posses sion on earth, and you can't be kicked aroun' like Champ Clark's houn'. If your money is in a home, nobody's going to get it from you. Members of the Omaha Real Estate Board, many of whom have ad vertisements in this paper, will show you the kind of a home you'll like. " j Omaha Real Estate Board COMMERCIAL GUIDE. Electrolysis. Superfluous hair removed, electricity; needle work gusranteed. Miss Allender. 634 Bee Bldg, Hardware. I'EVEKSON 6i .MICHELSON liAKDWARK CO. THEt 4916-1S S. S4tn St.. South side Ph,me South 171 Ice Machines. BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. 19th and Nirhi las J 1. Baker, Pres. Chiropractors. 10TH YEAR IN OMAHA; fired out of Continental fclk.; new location. 494-49$ Brandels TlU Bldg. Dr. L. N. Carpen. ter D 68 81. Dry Goods (Wholesale). BYRNE & HAMMER DRY GOODS CO, 9th and Howard Sis Douglas 208, Cloaks, suits, ladies' and men's furnishings, art goods, millinery and drapertea; all kinds of fancy and staple Dry Goods. Electrical Goods. LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS. 318 8. 12th. Douglas 2176. Largest elec trical repair works snd con trading com pany In the middle west. Engineers, Consulting & Supervising IIICNNING luN ENGINEERING Company. 12th and Harney streets, Douglas 8359. Skilled municipal Improvem-nt en gineers, sewer, paving, cleclrlu light, waterworks, appraisals, reports. ANDERSON & BENNETT 14 Bee Bldg. Douglas 1430 power plnnts. Heating, itilatlng and Engineers and draftsmen. Foundries (Iron and Brass). PAXTON-.M ITCH ELL CO.n14 Martha St Harney 161. Machine, gray Iron, brass bronze and aluminum castings. OLSEN & SC11LINGER. 1407 Jackson. D. 7491. Brass, bronze and aluminum cast ings. Hospitals. FOHD HOSPITAL, 20th and Douglas Sts. Douglas 240. In charge of Dr. Michael J. Ford, aurgeon-tn-chtef. Tha most com plete hospital In ths west, Ice. OMAHA ICE AND COLD STORAGE CO, McCague Blk, 16th and Dodge. Doutlaa 654. Wholesale and retail Ice. Live Stock Commission. ROSENSTOCK BROS.. 126 Exchange Bldg., Omaha. Stockera A feeders our specialty. Mirrors and Resilvering. OMAHA MIRROR AND ART GLASS CO., Douglas 6525 1614 Cuming St. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought snd sold. Inter - nat'l Patent Co, 588 Brandels. D. 6691 Stationery and Supplies. OMAHA STATIONERY CO, THE 307-309 S. 17th. Douglas 808. Office, typewriter, architects' and engineers' supplies. Loose-leaf devices. Printers' Supplies. BARNil ART BROS & SPINDLER 1114 Howard St. Douglas 1078. Printers' -supplies Tank Manufacturers. NEBRASKA & IOWA STEEL TANK CO, 1301 Willlas Ave. Webster 278. Tin and Sheet Metal Works. CARTER SHEET METAL CO, 108-10-12 S. 10th St. Douglas 603 Skylights, (teel ceilings and galvanized sheets. Pleating and Buttons. VAN AP.NAM'S DRESS PLEATING. HEMSTITCHING AND BUTTON CO, D 3109 Rms 336-37 t'axton Blk, 3d floor CAMPBELL, DR 8 MTPhysfclan and" Surgeon, 1804 Farnam St. Douglas 1220 School Furniture and Supplies. OMAHA SCHOOL SUPPLY CO.. 1108-12 Nicholas St. Douglas 1912. "Everything for schools." DOUGLAS PRINTING CO, 109-11 N. 18th. Douglas 644. Fins commercial printing. EDDY PRINTING CO, 323 Bes Bldt Douglao 8647 Fine commercial printing. Packers. CUDAHY PACKING CO. South 2340 South Omaha. Pa'nts. Oils and Glass. BARKER BROS PAINT CO, Doug. 4750 1609 M, Farnam St Printers. OMAHA PRINTING CO, 13th and Far nam. Douglas 346 Printing, stationery and office furniture. Tyler 187 Verdun Own New Brick Home, , V2 Acre ?, -..Sf . ,. -.-.., 'v. --'4 .' -:-; '..t .-. r .4.-V- .W .' .' V- '.-v.- .'. ' ry-- s t . J , ' - ' ' 1;. , .... ...... .V .v..w.wMWWWWUUWMMWWm.MKfrMft.',.W. '. - -!,-.' ' - .."" i." - " ' " - - .:..& ... y. . .- . . : .. - 'K ; Located west and only one block from car line, 7 rooms and bath. Oak woodwork, oak floors. Sleeping porch and all other comforts and conven iences. Plenty of room for garden, chickens and cow. Double brick garage. You won't find a better buy in your lifetime or ours. Price, $7,500.00. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO. Tyler 1536 LET a home for you in MINNE LUSA The old HOME and the old LOCATION have serve I their purpose the timo has come for you to make a change. Do as your old neighbors have done get a new home in a new restricted district. Buy a lot in beautiful and progressive MINNE LUSA and we will dispose of your old home for you. If you are renting your rent has been raised or will be and WE ARE STILL SELLING HOMES ON EASY TERMS AT ONLY 6 PER CENT INTEREST AND THIS rate Jias prevailed right through the WAR with us. Think that over and let us show you the best built and BEST PLANNED homes. We invite inspection and comparison. Sundays call E. A. Hoisington, Colfax 3472, or M. O. Headley, Colfax 3482. Charles W. Martin & Co. REALTORS -742 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 187 CHOICE BUILDING LOTS IN Dundee and Happy Hollow can be purchased from us with a small amount down and balance on easy monthly payments. Lots are all large, properly graded and well located.. All public improvements are in and paid for except paving installments not delinquent. NO BETTER PLACE TO LIVE, NO SAFER PLACE TO MAKE A RESIDENCE IN VESTMENT. Plats, prices and full information furnished upon request. LIBERTY BONDS accepted at par. DESIRABLE DUNDEE HOMES. 17.600 buys a 2-story and attic, 10. room, modern house, located on Dodge R., finished in oak and quarter-sawed pine, having 4 rooms on 1st floor; 6 bed rooms and bath on 2nd and 1 room on 3rd floor. South front lot 50x129 ft. $7,600 buys a 2-story and attic, 8-room, modern house, located on beautiful Cor ner lot, 62x186 ft., convenient to Dundee school and ear line. Has reception room, livinjr room, dining, den and kitchen, 1st floor; 4 corner bedrooms and bath, 2nd. Finished in oak and white enamel. Garage for 2 cars. ' Beautiful shade trees. A good buy at this price. : $7,760 buys a well constructed, 2-story and attic, 8-room, modern house fin ished in oak and quarter sawed pine with oak floors, 1st floor, except kitchen, having, front vestibule, coat closet, large living room, attractive dining room, den, butler's pantry and convenient kitchen, 1st floor; 4 corner bed rooms, bath and outside porch, 2nd floor; stairway to floored attic; full cemented basement, hot water heat. South front lot 60x132 ft. Garage 12x18 ft., cement driveway. 1 block to car line. Some thing good. $9,000 buys an attractive, 2-stroy and attic, 8-room, modern house, located on large corner lot 76x135 ft. with fine shade trees. Finished in oak and birch through out, has hot water heat, rooms exceptionally large, tiled floor in bath room; maid's room in attic.,. All clear. Very desirable, CLOSE IN INVESTMENTS. $18,500 buys an exceptionally well constructed, 2-story and attic 14 -room house, finished in mahogany, white maple and white enamel with quarter sawed oak floors throughout, located on large South front lot, having over 144 ft. of frontage, within eaBy walking distance, near 24th St. Owner takes In over $200 per month from room rent About 90 ft. of frontage unimproved, suitable for an apartment or hos pital site. Garage for 2 cars. Reasonable terms. $60,000 buys a ? -story and basement brick building with stores below and living quarters above. Close in on 16th St. Gross yearly rental $5,100, encumbrance $22,000 at 6 per cent. ACRES WEST. 2 ACRES in Fairacres. 5 ACRES V, mile N, W. of Fairacres. 6 ACRES with about "4 mile frontage on Dodge St, paved road near Fairacres. 40 ACRES 4 mile west of Fairacres. 80 ACRES 8 miles west of Fairacres near Dodge paved road. 160 ACRES 6 miles West of Fairacres on Dodge St paved road. For price and terms, sea GEORGE & CO. 902 City National Bank Building. Members of Omaha Young Woman Townsite In the Lusk Oil Field The Illinois Pipe Line Co. is building a pipe line from the Lusk Oil Field to Lusk, Wyo. Thousands of men will be employed in the Lusk Oil Field. The Families of these men will mean Thousands more. Young Woman is the natural place for them to live. An abundance of good water, Telephone, U. S. Postoffice, on the main highway, and many other ad vantages, at Young Woman. All lots $100.00 each, 1,000 shares of the capital stock of the J. W. Oil & Dev. Co., with each Jot. Send for folder and particulars write Reliance Land Co. Room 545, Railway Exch. Bldg. Cor. 15th and Harney, Omaha, Neb. ;H;: 333 Securities Bldg. US BUILD Beal Estate Board. Douglas 75 ,1