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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1919)
11 A j THE FOLLOWING LIST OF FIRMS AND INDIVIDUALS HAVE THE RIGHT TO USE THE NAME "REALTOR," ALL BEING MEMBERS OF THE OMAHA REAL ESTATE BOARD. nirn at aiwiim E. H. tfenner Creigh. Son A Co. W. H. Gitn Geonre P. Jonn .1. J Mulvihiil Pavna Slater Co. John W. Robblns 8huler A Cary W. H. Thomas ft Son A. P. Tukey A Son K. D. Wead World Realty Co. Edward F. W'timwn Co. Harry A. Wolf Henry F. Wyntsn Wilson A Warren . American Security Co. H. W. Hinder N. P. Dodge Co. George A Co. J. N. Kopteti Norris A Norri Peters Trust Co. J. It. Robinson W. Farnam Smith A Co. J. B, Robinson Chas. L. Saunders W. L. Selby A Sont H. A. Renn W. F. Phelton Co. I. V. Sholes A Co. Shopen A Co. V. Farnam Smith Nathan Somberg I.. D. Spalding Clinton D. Stuht Stutl Bros. Ernest Sweet P. J. Tebbcne jrm ,.nm. vo. I. u. Biraett Co. J. H. Dumont 4 Co. Glover A Spain Paul W. Kuhn Orin S. Merrill Co. Porter & Shotwoll Co, Charles D. Armstrong Warren 8. BleckwcII First Trust Co. . Wilson T. Graham Howard G. Loom l OKeefe Real Estate Co. Rasp Bros. f ?1m . Joln R Rndt John V. Klack. C. A. Grimmel C. W. Martin & Co. O'Neila Real Estate Harry D! Reed Bedford-Johnston Baalty Co. C. G. Carlherir J. A. Kike Harrison A Morton McCague Investment Co. ft Ins. Agency E. S. Ren-irk Co. Benson A Myers Harry M. Christie Amos Grant Hastings A Heyden McKitrick Real Estate Co. T). C. Patterson O. C. Redick Benson A Cannichael William Colfax; Garvin Bros. Investor Realty Co. Nebraska A Wyoming Inv. Co. Payne Investment Co. Byron Keed Co. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 23, 1919. HELP WANTED MALE. A gents and Canvassers. 120 00 DAILY distributing New Prise Peace Pictures. "Soldier's Return," "New From Home." "My Daddy," "Liberty and Peace," "Human Liberty Bell," Freedom," "Honor Holla," and fifty others. Knormoua demand Sample free, also Important portrait catalog. CONSOLIDATED PORTRAIT CO., 1034 W. Adiims St., t'hicsgo. MALE OR FEMALK Agents wanted to aell a meritorious preparation for diabetes. Ltberal commission. .Write for particu lars. J. flmmons, 3756 Broadway, New t orR. AUKNTS 140-1100 week. Free samples. Gold elgn letters. Anyone can put on store windows. Big demand. Liberal offer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co, 436 North Hnrk, Chicago. AGENTS New Helling plan, no canvasa ' Ing. 35 weekly. We ehoir you how Write for free details. Desk B-, 25$ Seventh St., Oskland. Cal. HEN OPEUATlNli SUGAR TUFF waffle machines earn $;I5 to $70 dally. Machines, pncee. 136 to $160 on trial. Tolbot Mfg. f a., at. Louis, Mo. Boys. WANTED Bright young fellow for office boy. One looking for advancement and wilt ing to work. Splendid opportunity for the right boy. I APPLY Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co. , 15th and Davenpert Sts. Miscellaneous. A MAN succeeds in the work he likea. If you would like a responsible railway po sition one that enable you to travel and to advance, starting at $110 a month and expenses, no age limit, write for booklet. N. 142, Standard Business Training Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED Returned soldier, 25 to 80, who understands Ford truck, for position as truck driver, with wholesale house. A fine future In the house for the right man. $20 per week to start. Must be In to see us early Monday morning. Employer's Reference Company, os Bee Building. WANTED Installment collector to travel. Hingis man aged 13 to 46, experience not necessary. Straight salary bonus and railroad fare. Splendid opportunity for steady worker. See Mr. Becker, 112 Balrd Ttldg. I7th and Douglas. WANTED Man and several boy for house to house delivery, following dem onstration crew. Must be thoroughly acquainted with streets In Omaha. Ap ply Room 388, Bee Building. WANTED Names of women 18 or over wishing permanent government positions. $1,100 year; vacations; answer Immedi ately. Address Bog T-360, Omaha Bee EARN $25 weekly, spare time, writing for newspapers, magazines. Exp. unnec. de talis free. Press Syndicate, 170 St Louis, Mo. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER, financial Institution, $S6; tenographer and clerk. Imple ment. $90; stenographer, uptown office, exceptionally good position, $85; stenog rapher with some experience -on compto meter, salary depends upon experience stenographer and clerk In credit depart ment, itia. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N. Originators of the Reference Business, Tin First Nat'l Bank Building. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, $100. Stenographer, small office, $75-$80. stenographer, wholesale, $85-$80. Stenographer, wholesale, $76-$80, Stenographer and billing clerk, $75-180 Typist and Invoice clerk, $70-$75. Office clerk, good penman, $60-$6B. NO FILING FEB but a deposit of FIFTY CENTS to Investigate your ref erences. THE MARTI COMPANY. Employment Specialists. 1121 W. O. W. Building. WANTED Young ladle to learn how to operate Comptometer an I Burroughs calculating and bookkeeping machines. A good position absolutely guaranteed to every graduate. Time required to com . plete course, ( week to I month. Day and evening classea. Call and see us or telephone Dougla 7415 for particular. DWOItAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING. Second Floor Wead Bldg., 11th and Farnsm Sta STENOGRAPHER and clerk. $100-$110. Stenographer, A-l, future, $90. Stenographer and dictaphone opr., $SS. Stenographer and clerk. $80. Assistant bookkeeper, $60-$S0. P. B. X. Opr., wholesale, $60. Cashier. A-l plsce, $45-$50. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First National Bank Building STENOGRAPHER and secretary, $85. Stenographer, automobile co.. $7t-$80. Stenographer and dictaphone opr., $80. stenographer, tome experience, $66. General office clerk, $14 wk. Typlat. $80, BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN. 1807 W. O. W. Bldg, Stenographer, Investment company, eplendid future, $65. Stenographer, small office. 170. Stei ographer, able t look after office. 816. Employer' Reference Company, 01 Bee Building. U, S. GOVERNMENT wanta women rail way mall clerka; $1,100 year; Omaha examination March 15; pleaaant work; sample question free. Write Immedi ately. Franklin Institute, Dept; 5J, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED. A bookkeeper, general Insurance of fice, familiar with detail and stenog raphy; one not afraid of work; salary commensurate. Answer In own hand writing. Box B-5, Omaha Bee. STENOGRAPHER (real estate) $90; aten ographer (auto) $85; bookkeeper and tenograpfcer, $S5; stenographer, $75. Co operative Reference Co., 1015 City Nat. Bk. vVANTER Bright girl for clerical work, need not have previous experience. Ap ply Rtgga' Optical Co., 760 Brandels Bldg. AT ONCE Young lady stenographer; be glnner will do; good salary to start. Goodrich Drug Co., 1.108-10 I larney St. Professions and Trades. TELEPHONE operators permanent positions unusual ; opportunities for advancement Literal pay while learning and frs- queni inoreaa in salary. Work I clean, pleaaant and Inter esting MEALS AT COST YOUNG WOMEN 17 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER. APPLY TO C F. LAMBERT. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO., 613 New Telephone Bldg. ' 19th and Douglas. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED TRIMMER FOR THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. MUST HAVE CREATIVE ABILITY. APPLY BENSON-THORNS COMPANY. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trades. WANTED WOMEN AND GIRLS TO WORK IN FACTORY GOOD PAY TO START GORDON-LAWLESS CO.. TH AND DODGE! POSITIONS to fill, teachers wanted In high schools and grades. We can lo cate you In a better position. Write Immediately. Northwestern Teachers' Agency, $01 Andrua Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED. SEVERAL APPRENTICES IN MILLINERY SECTION. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT BALCONY. BURGESS-NASH COMPANY. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED BY BURGESS-NASH COMPANY EXPERIENCED SALESWOMEN FOR MANY OOOD DEPARTMENTS THROUGHOUT THE STORE. INCLUDING LINENS MILLINERY NOTIONS, ETC., ETC. APPLY SUPT. BALCONY SALESLADY WANTED To sell Jobbers, specialty shops and retailers our "Ver Ver" Fibre Lustre ailk knitting yarns. Commission baals. "Makes anything woman knits." Excellent for crochet and embroidery work. Better, flrme and more lustrous than pure silk. Warm and durable as wool. State experience, Address Carver-Beaver Yarn Co., S66 Broadway, New York. WE WILL pay you $25 to $100 per month for all or spare time to represent ua 1 1 advertising and distributing our ex qulstte line of toilet preparations. Work fascinating and simple. No experience necessary. Answer quickly. Duchess Laboratories, Dept. 68, Minneapolis Minn. WE WILL FAY you $25 to 100 per month for all or spare time to represent us In advertising and distributing our qulstte line of toilet preparations. Work fascinating and simple. No experience necessary. Answer quickly. Duchess Laboratories, Dept 6. Minneapolis, Minn, SEVERAL energetic women, age 30 to 40, for local sales work. Introducing cereal products. Permanent work. $15 per ween ana street car rare. Employer's Reference Company, 605 Bee Building. WANTED bright, capable ladlee for 1910 to travel, demonstrate and sell deal ers. $26 to $50 per week; R. R. fare paid. Write at once. Goodrich Drug Co., Deft. 743, Omaha, Neb. Household and Domestic. WANTED Good girl for general house work; 2 In family; no washing; good wage. 140 South 39th. CAPABLE GIRL or woman for housework on farm; pleasant home, congenial peo pie. close to Omaha, good wages. Write Mrs. r , ja. Jungbluth, Washington, Neb. or phone same at 0-67, Arlington, Nebr. or phone Monday, Dougla 601. WANTED Girl going to chool or work ing, to assist with care of two small children mornings and evenings In ex change for board and room, references. mono Harney &28. WANTED a woman to cook on ranch western part of state, nice house and everything handy. Call at 4010 South Z3d st. fhone So. 4214, WJn. Dory. WANTED Girl to assist with housework; mall house; no laundry work or cook, ing; very good wage. Phone Harney 4i9. io south 48d St WANTED good, strong, pleasant, Protes tant, middle aged lady to take charge of rouse worn In the country. Address Mrs. J, P. Hughes, Red Oak, Ta. WANTED A housekeeper. for large. modern farm, near Omaha. Good wages. i-none Bennington, 622, or write P. O, Box 6S2. Bennington, Neb. FAIRLY competent woman for general housework; family of three; no laundry or neavy cleaning; best wage. Walnut 828. WANTED Competent maid. 3 In family: mall apt.; maid room downstairs, no washing; 813 per week. Harney 6fill COMPETENT girl for general housework references required. Mrs. E. M. Well man, 2110 South 33d. Harney S289. lAJ&irbi'ba r white girl or woman, gen eral housework; two In family. 627 North 40th. Walnut 2878. GIRL for general housework, no laundry, small family, good wages. M. I. Gor don, 810 Psrk Ave. WANTED A housekeeper In a motherless home; no objections to one child. Box c-71, Omaha Bee. COMPETENT white girl for general house worn; no washing, best wages. 6122 Burt street, phone Walnut 2SS. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Mr. Harry Tukey, Walnut 14i. WANTED Housekeeper f ir widower and on, located one-half mile from town. Address John G. Johnson, Bruno, Neb. WANTED Girl for general housework, three In family; wages $10; no wash ing Harney 1161. EXPERIENCED white girl for general housework, good wages, small family. Call Walnut 3638. WANTED Experienced maid, reference required, call Harnfy Z41, WANTED Competent cook. lira. C. met. 4Z8 s. ssth St. MAID for half a day, no Sunday work. 1513 capitoi Ave. WANTED A white maid for econd work. call Harney 5. WANTED Girl for general housework. No cooking. Walnut 847 WANTED An experienced child nurae; references required. Harney 8014. Trade School. WANTED Ladie to learn barber trade. Hpeciai rate and Inducement. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE, 1402 Douglas St. Miscellaneous. ATTRACTIVE traveling position, open within 10 days; experience unnecessary; rapid advancement; calling upon old customers and their friends; generous commissions; bonuses after first month, affording Income $50 weekly. Will pay at start SALARY AND R. R. FARE. Requiring refined woman, over $7, good address, at least high school grad uation or equivalent. C. C. Johnson, 813 Garland Bldg., Chicago. rYRITE PHOTOPLAYS $25 to $300 paid (anyone for suitable Idea. Experience unnecessary; complete outline free. Write. Producers League. 140, St. Louis. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. MAN and wife, without children, on suburban place. Chores, gardening, general housework; permanent place, good wagea; ambitious couple can get ahead rapidly. State where employed last two year and give reference for character and ability. Apply Box C-65, Omaha Bee. WANTED Men, ladle and boy to learn Barber trade; big demand; wagea while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 140J Dodge St. Trl-City Barber College. Thone D 3147. WANTED Men and uiimen canvassers; Victory Photo Frames sells ltelf; beau tiful war souvenir for soldier photo; call any time Sunday or after I p. m. during week. 1916 Chicago St. WOMEN OR MAN WANTED Salary, $24 iuii time, to cents an hour spare time, selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer. Experience unnecessary. International Mill, Norristown, Pa. MOLER Barber College wanta young men ana laaies to learn the barber trade. Call or write for free catalogue. 110 8. 14 th St.. Omaha. Neb. SELL OIL STOCK Men and women mak ing $200 to $400 weekly. Easy to aell. Address quickly, H. E. Wright company. Moors Building, Fort Worth, Tex. EDUCATIONAL Musical, ANNIE E. GLASGOW, vole and Dlano. 603 Karbacn. Block. Etudio phone. Bed EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLEB COLLEGE Studenta are admitted at 'any time. Complete courses in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, oomptometry, snort hand and typewriting, stenotypy, rail road and wireless telegraphy, civil aerv Ice and all English and commercial branches. Write, rail or phone Douglas 1666 for large Illustrated catalogue. Address BOYLE'S COLLEGE. Boyles Building, Omaha, Neb. BE AN OIL EXPERT Study during your spare time. Lubrication engineers In big demand. Only practical achool of oil Salesmanship and lubrication en gineering In existence. Write for free booklet. National Petroleum Schools, Dept. F., 14 E. Jackson Blvd., Chica go. III. STOP work; learn a trade; fit yourself for the future; no book work; quick and easy; free catalog. National Auto Training Aaa'n. 2314 N. 20th. Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of Bualneaa. Day and Evening School. 130 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglaa 6800 LEARN Mosher shorthand and typewrit Inc. Day and night classes. Omaha Shorthand College Bee Bldg.. D 6628 FO RK ENT ROOMS. Fun bed Rooms. COMFORTABLE room for two young men for company nights; close to car; very reasonable. Walnut 3934. A WELL furnished pleasant room for one or two girls employed. Harney 6664. 3915 Farnam. Modern south room for 2 gentlemen, In brick flat, walking distance. Call Red 8068. TWO FURNISHED rooms. In a- modern home, at 1041 Georgia avenue. Harney 2353. FURNISHED room for gentleman. Steam heated, private bath. Call Harney 1390 from 8 to 10 a, m. or 0 to $ p. m. ROOM for rent In strictly modern, new bungalow. Call 4325 Cass St. Nurses preferred. LARGE FURNISHED ROOM; private home; suitable for two or three. Reason able walking distance. Barney 4164. ROOMS AND BOARD Very reasonable. 2720 Rugglc Street. Colfax 8686. TWO desirable rooms; private family reasonable. 2510 Corby. Housekeeping Room;. ONE large modern front room with clothes closet; complete for housekeep ing. Webster 2471. Board and Rooms. LARGE ROOM, In private home, walking distance; breakfast end dinner. Priced reasonable. Harney 1297. Unfurnished Rooms. FOR RENT 3 unfurnished rooms, also 1 and 2 room suite, steam heat, electric lights, water and gas, $12 to $16 per month. 2102 Leavenworth. See Cham bera ft O'Neill, Tyler 1419. HEATED rooms. Crelghton Block, 15th and Douglas Sta. WORLD REALTY COMPANY, Phone, Dougla 6342. .1 Hotels. HEATER rooms, $2..r0 week; apartments with kitchenette, Odgen Hotel, Council Bluffs. la. FOR RENT HOUSES. West. FOR RENT. WEST FARNAM. 8-room. strictly modern home; douhle garage. 6o4 South 35th Ave; $50 per mo. . J. L. HIATT CO., Qflrt FIRST NATIONAL PHONE Q fw haw m.nrs Tvi.rjn V)0 TYLER 2668 DOUGLAS ST., 0 rooms $33.00 2305 Leavenworth, flat. 6 room $20.00 JOHN N. FRENZKR, DOUGLAS 654 2601 CAPITOL AVE. 10-room brick house. Modern; good furnace; keys on prem ises. Harney 65H4. South. STEAM-HEATED ' ROOMING HOUSE. 320-22 South 26th St.; do not mis thi cnance to secure a, place finely ar ranged and best location for a success ful and comfortable rooming house steam heat and hot water furnished by us. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. Tyler 1538. 333 Seruritles Bldg. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITT. CREIGH SONS & CO.. Bee. PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists In Apartment management. LIST your property for rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. Tyler 721. 407 SOUTH 25TH AVE., 9 rooms. $45.00. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO. 333 Securities Bldg. Tyler 1536 26H DOUGLAS ST., 0 rooms $33.00 2"05 Leavenworth, flat, 5 rooms $820.00 JOHN N. FRENZKR, DOUGLAS 664. TEN-ROOM HOUSE, modern, llmiscora Park, 1325 Sty 32d St., Special offer. Rooming Houses FoFRent. FINE ROOMING HOUSE OPPORTUNITY Centrally located, 405-7-0 S. 25th Ave., tnree modern brick flat, room each; good chance to engage In rqomlng house business on large scale. Can be rented separately. ' ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1636. 333 Securltle Bldg. Miscellaneous. HOUSES & COTTAGES, PARTLY MODERN. 4-R., 2846 Blnney St. (2d fl.). 6-R 710 N. 18th St I... ..$10.00 .. 15.00 MOD. EXCEPT HEAT. 7.R., 3115 N. 24th St. 7-R., 702 N. 18th St. .$25.00 .$32.60 STRICTLY MODERN. t-n., 1919 Chicago St ' $35.00 7-R., 703 N. 18th St 32.60 AMERICAN SECURITY CO., 203 S. 17th St. Doug. 601$. HOUSES ALL MODERN $40 1609 Dewey Ave 7 rail. HOUSES PARTLY MODERN 4 1113 S. 14th St.. 2d fir 2 rms. $13 817 N. 32d St .' 4 rms. 15 2123 Cass St., 2d fir. 5 rma. 16 813 N. S2d St rms. $20 4134 Hamilton St., nd store.. 4 rim 55 25 Pierce St.. and barn 9 rms $13 2907 Seward St., for colored. ..6 rm. FLATS MOD. AND PARTLY MOD. $13 1918 Emmet St., 4 mm. 0 1466 8. 16th St T rm. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO Tyler 1536 338 Securltle Bldg. 8425 Jackson St., 4 rm., mod. ex. heat and bath $12 J604 Chicago St., I rms., mod. ex. heat $16 2604 4 Chicago St., 4 rm., partly mod. io 844 S. 23d St., 4 rm., mod. eg. heat fit 8T5 S. 26th St.. 4 rmi, for colored.. $8 BIRKETT ft CO. 250 Bee Bldg. Doug. 838. 5 Rooms, 1106 South 29th Street, Part Modern $12.60 6 rooms. 1110 Farnam Street 16.00 B Rooms, 618 South 13th Street, Modern 17. !0 Room, 1407 North 17th Street, Modern 15.00 10 Rooms, 1029 South 30th Avenue, Modern 25.00 BENSON A MYERS CO., Douglas 746 424 Omaha National Bank Bldg. 2704 Farnam; 12 rooms; rooming h'ouse; all mod.; $60. Oil North 14th, econd floor, and 911 North 24th, third floor., 7 room each; mod. sx. heat, $16 each. 1520 North 24th. econd floor, 6 rooms; mod. ex. heat, $19.50. A. P. TUKEY A SON, REALTORS. s:0 First Natl Bank Bldg. Douglas 02. 3220 Emmet St., $r Fart Mod $12 On 4528 No. 40th St, 5r. City water.... 10.00 1909 Castellar SL, $r, Part mod 10.50 2418 So 5th St., 4r. City water 7.60 4S0J Charles St., 6r. Well ... 10.00 Crelgh, Sons A Company. Realtors. Douglas 200 608 Bee Bldg. 2002 WEBSTER, room, modern. .$22. 50 1301 a Slat, T rooms, modern.... 27.60 1808 Oracs, T rooms, modem 22.60 2002 N. 18th, I room, modern x- cept heat, 2d floor 18 00 W. FARNAM SMITH ft COMPANY, 1320 Farnam. Dougla $64. FOR RENT APARTMENTS. North. -R Stm. Heated fiat. 708 N. 18th St. T.54 South. t OR 4-ROOM apartment, ateam heat. $18 So. 22d Phone Tyler 2248. FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. BLDGS. AND STOKES FOR RENT. 4134 Hamilton St. and 4 living rms..$20 8106 Sherman Ave, 14x60 S. 10 713-15 8. 24th St., 20x60 20-25 613 N. 16th St., 2d fir 25 8103 Sherman Ave., cor. Wirt, gro cery location 40 415 S. nth, St., commission district.. 65 WHOLESALE. 1011 Farnam St., three floor and casement, 8,00 sq. ft. TRACKAGE. 35.000 q. ft. Thi Is only a few blocks from the heart of town, with fine level haul In; good office building and frame atore house and shed. Very ravoraDle long-term lease can be had Call us for further particulars. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 153ii. 833 Securities Bldg. FOR RENT. Two new storerooms with full basement. Just completed, at 2574 and 2576 Harney St., !ix65 each; furnace heat. For par ticulars see Nebraska A Wyoming In vestment Co., 822 Brandel Theater, Douglas 1571. STOREROOM This is a desirable close-in store room at 318 No. lfith Street. Can give posses sion March 1st . For rental call. CREIGII, SONS ft COMPANY. Realtors. Douglas 200 60S Bee Bldg. SMALL brick building, having 7.000 feet of space with trackage in rear, at 102a Douglas St, H. A. WOLF CO., Member of Omaha Real Estate Board Electric Bldg. Tyler 85. WAREHOUSE SPACE for rent, floors, 66x132 ft., on Union Pacific trackage, WORLD REALTY COMPANY. DouglHS 6343. ' STORES. 618 So. 13th St., 22x40, partly mod. $26 203 So. 13th St.. 22x44, all modern $30 BIRKETT & CO. 260 Bee Bldg. Doug. 633. IF you are looking fur a store room, call A. P. TUKEY ft SON, REALTORS. 620 First Natl. Bank Bldg. Dougla 502. $116 per mo., 116 S 15th St., 20x60 ft.. full basement, (team heat D. 6342. WORLD REALTY CO. 702 and 706 North 16th Street. Web. 8314. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apnrtmeiits and Houses WANTED Entirely modern small bunga low or apartment, good neighborhood, by retired couple. Permanent. Web. 6334. WANTED to rent, five or six-room, mod ern house,! close to car line. Call Web ater 2719. Furnished Apartments and Houses. WANTED Furnished apartment or house for a few months by family of three. Best references. Address Box B-6, Omaha Bee. 1 6-ROOM apt., steam heat, close-In. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago St. G. P. Miscellaneous. IMPROVED 80. 120, 160 Will pay crop or eaah. Must know at once. HELD LAND CO. 664 Brandels Theater Bldg. D. 9148. MOVJNQ AND 3 TOPAGE. FIDELITY STORAGE CO., 16TH AND JACKSON. DOUO. 288. STORAGE MOVING, PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACaNI HOUSES AND APARTMSNTS. . GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE C0.; For real service In hauling or storage call Tyler 230 or D. 433S, auto or wagon service. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for hour hold goods and piano; moving, packing aui" shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE! CO. $06 8 16th. Dougla 4I0J. WE haul furniture, light and heavy hauling. Live stock hauling a specialty CALDWELL TRANS. CO. Office Tyler 679. Res Douglas 91S1 MAN with one truck desires freight or otner naming. Douglas 8711. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. FINE MODERN HOME 3555 LEAVENWORTH, $5,250.00 This is a very attractive home, nearly new and strictly modern. Has vestibule entrance, living room, dining room and de'n, oak finish and floors; kitchen, pantry and ice box room on first floor; three good bedrooms; sleeping porch and bath on second floor; large floored attic, full basement and furnace heat; extra fine lot, size, 55x121 with 14 ft. alley at rear; garage, 12x20; cement chick en house, some young fruit trees and garden plot; beautiful trees and shrubbery; street paved and paid. If terms are desired, can be handled on $1,000 cash, balance $50 a month; will show by ap nointment. Call Mr. Shotwell, Douglas 50. 202 South 17th St. AMERICAN SECURITY CO. 4915 WEBSTER, $2,500. $300 CASH. And 30 per month buys 8-room, thor oughly modern residence att above num ber, now renting for $26.60 per month to two familiea; there are two heating plants and two sets of plumbing; full lot. 60x128. fronting on paved street; one block to Dundee carllne; this will surely sell during tte coming week; bet ter see us Monday. THE BYRON REED CO. 1612 Farnam St. Dougla 297. WEST FARNAM. $5,700 2-tory frame house; 8 rooms and bsth; floored attic; attractive recep tion hall, parlor, sitting room, dining room, kitchen and pantries on first floor; 4 bedrooms and bath on second floor; furnace heat; gas, electric light; good lighting fixtures; oak finish In first floor; pine and enamel finish jon aecond floor; lot, 45x119 with! alley jk one-half block from Farnam street car line; good neighborhood; paved streets; paving all paid; thi residence was built for pres ent owner for his home and Is now in splendid condition; don't fail to Invest!- S'tf'C. A. GRIMMEL, . (Kealtor), 84 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1616. 4416 Mayberry Ave., $5,250. New T-room modern home, with large living room, un room, dining room,, den and kitchen on first floor; first 4 men. tloned room finished in oak; floor throughout house of same materialt 3 bedrooms, hath and sleeping porch on aecond floor; tairway to attic; full basement; furnace heat, laundrv, etc. THE BYRON REED CO. 1613 Farnam St. Douglaa 207. 5-KOOM and sun room atucco bungalow; on one floor; practically new; three block west of Cathedral; one block to Farnam and Cuming car line; new gar age; corner lot; paved street;, price, $4,650; $500 cash will handle. SHULER & CARY, REALTORS. 104 Ktellne Bldg, Dougla (074. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. WALKING DISTANCE FARNAM CAR LINE 505 S. 31ST STREET Hlx rooma und leeplrtff porch, ok flr.tah, oak floors throughout, jifiiUy decorated and painted, new guaranteed furnace. Jjocatoa where values are in creasing rapidly. Price only f 5,000 Houne vacant; key at our office. OSBORNE REALTY CO 6S9 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldi?. Tyler 496, WEST FARNAM, $5,500 Nearly new 7,-room home all finished In fine oak; nice large garaire and drive way; one block from car; dandy heating plant and large lot; some terms can be arrsnefd, BEDFORD -JOHNSTON COMPANY, 613 World-Herald Bid. Doug 1734 DANDY ' SEMI-BUNGALOW Near 35th and Howard Six rooms and hath, oak finish French doors; big living room, full brick foundation, garage under house, east front, paving paid. Price only M.S00. Shown only by apnnlntment. Call OSBORNE REALTY CO. 651 Om. Nat'l Bk. Bids. Tyler 406 WEST FARNAM, $6,750. Living room, dining room, den and kKchen on first floor; four bed rooms and bath on second floor; floored attic; oak finish and floors, hot water heat, garage equipped with gas tank and pump, yard beautifully shrubbed. A bargain at the above figure. For further information call GLOVER & SPAIN, 010 City Natl. Bank D. 8962. 613 LINCOLN BLVD., $4,750. 8-Room h'ouse on boulevard, Just north of California and I blocks west of Xrelghton college; substantially built and attractively finished; a real bar gain at above price; $1,000 cash and $37.50 pr month. THE BYRON REED CO. 1612 Farnam St. Dousla 297. 4158 CASS ST. S rm. all modern. House need some repair. Coat owner $4,600. Wants oftor. Vvlll take clear vacant lot for equity. 0 KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., (Realtors) 1018 Omaha National Bonk Building. Douglas 2715. FINE BUNGALOW $3,500. West part of city, near Dundee, S rooms and bath, atrfrtly modern, oak finish, large lot to have your garden and chickens; near school and car line 3 blocks. P. J. TEBBENS CO., 605 Omaha Nat. Bank. Ph. D. 2182. HARNEY STREET BUNGALOW Six rooms, strictly modern: hot water heat, full basement, brick and cement; 60 ft. lot; living room running across front of house; three bedrooms; price, 14.750. GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY COMPANY, 827 Omaha National Bank Building. Phones. Rod 553. Sunday Walnut 1103. CLOSE-IN BARGAIN PRICE ONLY $3,600 Six rooms and bath, atrlctly modern; high and sightly location, near 26th and Chicago Sts; 000 down will handle. OSBORNE REALTY CO. B58 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496. FOR SALE In the cathedral district the south west corner lot at 42d and Burt Sts, paving paid Splendid location for home or an Investment Write or call Auditor, Hotel Fontenelle FOR SALE by owner, 3557 Jackson St. 7 rooms, stucco, 2 year old. Modern. Complete. Call Harney 4591. A SPLENDID 11-rooin residence. Nllsson. 422 Securities Bldg. Elot North. BIG BARGAIN NORTH 1920 Corby St. An excellent well built house, having reception hall with large coat closet, living room and dining room, all finished In best of oak with oak floors. Large pantry snd fine kitchen ref. room. Upstairs there are three very nice bedrooms and bath. good closets and linen closet, clothes chute, full basement with laundry sink and soft water. Large south front lot, 90x123 4. Paving all paid. This place is tne oest bargain evr for $4,750. ANOTHER GOOD BUY 1810 Manderson St. Square house of six rooms, nearly new. In first class con dition and well finished In oak down stairs with oak floors all through. South front, paving paid, $3,060 on reasonably easy terms. BRICK BUNGALOW, 2334 S. 33d St. One block from car. one from school and two from Hanscom park. East front, 6 rooms and bath on nr.n noor, oan riman and floors, beam ceiling, 3 bedrooms and .toilet and lava tory on second. Street paved and paid for. Open for Inspection today. Look at it at $4,500. D. V. SHOLES CO., 916 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Office Doug. 46. Res. Harney 146IT. OWN YOUR HOME 1617 EVANS ST. we offer a splendid home only a half block from Kountze Park. FJrst you step Into a very large living room with neameo ceilings and hunt-In bookcases; men into a good sued dining room with paneled walls; the kitchen has ail the built-in features that every woman wants. There is a splendid cemented basement, good hot air furnace and all necessary laundry conveniences. Up stair tnere are three dandy bed rooms, all good size, with plenty of windows and roomy closets. Thi house Is RIGHT from top to bottom. We have never offered a more attractive proposition for a home. It is an undeniable bargain at $4,500. Only $1,000 cssh required, easy monthl payments. The house Is situated on a beautiful south front lot 40130 ft., with all paving paid In FULL, Tou can't beat It. Owner is living on the premises. She will show you through. Payne & Slater Company, 616 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug'. 101H. NEAR MILLER PARK. A ljt-room, oak-finished house, with vestlbuled entrance, coat closet with mirror door; large living room extend ing across front of house, with bullt-ln bookcoses and paneled walls; sun room, with French doors, can be used as bed room, and a large enclosed back porch two largo bedrooms on second floor, one extending across front of house; full basement with hot air furnace, laundry tubs, floor drain and shower; large lot, being 44x529 feet. This home Is built on the bungalow type and is verf nicely arranged, close to Allller park and the Prettiest Mile club. A very fine lot for the raising of 'chickena or a garden. This house was built to order for the owner, but owing to some recent chang es have instructed us to sell, and a place like this is well worth considering. Lo cated at 6555 Florence blvd. Can ar range terms. NORRIS ft NORRIS, K.02 Dodge St. Phone Douglas 4370. 7-RUOM modern story and a half house; 6 rooms and bath and pantry on first floor; brick cement basement; American hot water heating plant; large lot (pav ing paid In full); house Is in first-class condition and Is priced so as to offer sufficient inducement for a quick ale. Price $2. son; $500 down. SHULER & CARY, REALTORS. 02-t Keellne Bldt, Cuug. iOii, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. PRETTIEST MILE HOME. t-room house, with large sleeping porch; hard wood finish, the lze of the closet show that It was built for a homo; lot 60 ft. front and something over 200 ft. deep; price, $7,600, posses sion this spring, Thi is on that part of the Florence boulevard known as the Prettiest Mile. HARRISON & MORTON, 918 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 314. NORTH SIDE BARGAINS. Wat four-room house in good neigh borhood; ha s bath, Raa and else, liht; on corner lot; two blocks from car; good neighborhood ; price, $1,200; only $(!00 cash' required. KOUNTZK FARK PIHTRICT. Well arranged five -room house; nil modern, with eood furnace and combina tion gas and ckc. ll?ht fixtures; this house Is In a good neighborhood and ii now rented for $27. BO per month; price, $2,500. MODERN" BUNGALOW. In Miller Park district; haa five rooms, and is well arranged and almost new; fares flout h on Camden avenue, near 34th; good garasn; price, $4,800. H. C. FREEMAN, 1622 Farnam St. Phono Tyler R44. Near 25th and Pinkney, 7-Room Bungalow, $3,900.00. We have a nlc houne, consisting of 5 rooms and bath on frlt floor oak floors and finish through principal rooms; 2 nice large bedrooms on sec ond, with plenty of store room. The house Is nicely decorated and finished throughout; It cost the owner $4,100 about four years aso. lie must have a larger house and he la offering a bargain today. Can make tfrms. A. P. TUKEY & SON, REALTORS. 620 First Nat'l. Hk. Bid. Th. Pouir. 60:. I'UllUO KALI') CITY rROPERTV. On the 6th day of March, 1919, I will offer for sale at the east door of the court houHe of Douglas county a nine room brick house and two lots, located at 418 No. 39th atreet, also lot IS In Florence, containing seven and a frac tion acres, last on top of the hill In the suburb of Florence. This Is a beautiful site for a home with a view of the river both north and south For further In. formation see ALFRED THOMAS, Heferee, 604 First National Bank Bldg. FINE HOME. 7-Rooms exclusive of sewing room and reception hall; fully modern; oak trim and white enamel; I large bed rooms; outside cellar entrance; full basement; pantry, with built-in china closets; house nicely decorated; 1 block from Omaha University on Evans St., near 2&th Ave.; large lot, south front; fine shade and fruit; surrounded by large homes; price $5,000; terms, $1,000 cash, balance $40 per month. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. Tel. DourIo 564. ) Thie Plnro Must. Go by Mach 1 2423 Spaulding St. The price I cut to make It sell. 7 rooms, all modern and sleeping porch. Double garage. Bath on 2d floor with extra toilet and lava tory on first floor. Price cut to $3,150 to sell. Must be cash. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Manvllle. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney St. MINNE LUSA SPECIAL, Elegant, almost new stucco ho rise and garage, 8 rooms and bath, oak fin Ish and strictly up to date, all built In features, with fireplace; paving all paid, near car lin and the park. Owner go- Injr to California and will take for quick sale $ti,2o0. Hera is an oppor tunity. P. J. TEBBENS CO., 606 Omaha Nat. Bank. Ph. P. 212. MILLER. PARK HOME PRICE ONLY $4,350 Dandy five rooms and bath, oak fin lah, fireplace, bookcasps, bullt-ln seats, etc., oak floors throughout, double clos ets off each bedroom. Full cement base ment. Choice lot with nice hedge fence. Can be handled with $000 down. Quick possession. OSBORNE REALTY CO. Tyler 496 or see today by calling Col. 2783 A GOOD HOME That nice properly at 1613 Lothrop St., in best of order; nicely decorated. highly polished woodwork; having large living room with a fireplace; four sleeping rooms; large basement, with good heating plant; lot, 50124, with garage; must be sold and can be bought for $5,600; house vacant, key first door west. W. H. GATES. 647 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 1?14 NEAR OMAHA UNI VERSITY, $4,400 7-room oak finished home with gar age; 3 bed rooms and sleeping porch; one block from car; $1,000 will handle. BEDFORD -JOHNSTON COMPANY, 612 World-Herald Dldg. Doug. 1734. FONTENELLE PARK. Two four-room houses two blocks outh of Fontenelle Park; have city wa ter, electric light, full cement base ment under entire house, east front; price. $2,100 and $1.S00. C. G. CARLBERG, Realtor, 313 Brandels Theater BMg. NORTH SIDE Six-room modern bungalow; lot, l"3x135 ft.; fruit, flowers, garden, shade trees, chicken pens, garage, chicken house, cistern with base ment pump. 5123 North 23d St. Colfax 651. H. W. Anderson. BEST COTTAGE - BARGAIN Owner goes on farm, will sacrifice equity for cash. 6-room all modern two story cottage, east front, full lot, paved street, Monmouth Park school district. $3,500 value for $2,500; $1,200 down will handle. For appointment today call Colfax 1243. PRETTIEST MILE HOME. Here Is a real home; 7 rooms; sleeping porch; bath'; mod. in every way; built for a home by the present owner; has a number of special features; nearly an acre of ground; lot, 73x000 ft., fronting on Florence Blvd; price for quick sale. $7,S50. RASP BROS., REALTORS. 810 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. $250 DOWN Klther In cash or Liberty bond starts you on this 6-room sti-lctly modern home: It Is all on on ioor; ha large attie partially floored. It has oak floor, full cemented basement, guaranteed fur nace. Is Just two years old and Is In excellent condition. Located north. Price $3,450. Term $250 cash, $32 per month. Phone Harney 3366 evenings from 6 to 8. $4,200 SNAP 7-room ouk finish with hot water heat and larpe paracr; very Rood loca tion and large lot; this Is a snap if you nd 7 rooms Terms run be srrantd. BEDFORD -JOHNSTON COMPANY, 61i World-Herald nidg. Doug. 1794. 2505 Fort street, 6-room modern 4HX12. corner lot. Paving paid, $310 cash, $20 month. Colfax 1153. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Nortk PRICE $1,700.00 CASH $250.00 Bnlsnc 116 per month, for a good room cottage, modern except he near 2iUh and Sewnrd Sts. H. A, Wolf Co., Eletrlo Hide. Tyler 5 23D AND AMES, $3,450 Nearly new thoroughly modern 6 -room home, finished in hardwood ; full base mcnt, cemented ; excellent furnace chicken houxe and fruit trues; eaat front lot. frOxlfrx; $!.imhi en!., balance monthly THE BYRON REED CO l!1S Farnnm St. T'ouglas 29 REAL HOME FOR SALE IN KOUNTZH PLAPK liY OWNER 6 rooms, bath. large hall, full men ted cellar, floored attic. Oak fin ish downstairs. Lot &0xU'5. Free from all encumbrances. Must be seen to be appreciated. JtuJIt by tho owner for home. Call any tlma. ltU9 Pinkney St SHERMAN AVE. HOME. Two-story square house; 6 rooms and hath; mofl. in every way; furnace h'at lot, 47x124 It.; fenced: located rinkney St.; price, ,3.9001 house would cost that to build. RASP BROS., REALTORS. 2111 Keellne llldtt. Tyler 721. lllli UARGA1N .MINNIE LUSA. MUST SELL, loavinn city next Mon day; six rooms, bath and full basement, fireplace, buffet, hardwood floors throughout; built three years; no clill dren; had excellent care; three block from car line. Wnnt J1.9U0. Call owne ColfliX 613. S1X-HOOM strictly modern house; 4 rooms down stairs; oak finish'; 2 bedrooms, bnth and rtore room up atntrs; full base. ment; (rood furnace; bk heater; hot and cold water, sewer connection; near Sfith, and Ames; half block to good car service for sale by owner. Call Webster 1R81 TWO good 6-room cottaKea, all modern, near car, In norm part or city, one $3,150.00 and one $3,2(0.00. Let us show them to you. S. P. BOSTWICK aV SON. 300 Bee Bldg. Tyler 1506 2 BIG BARGAINS -room modern, price $1,800; also room house, modern except heat, lot 75 150. Price $2,300. Very desirable homes, Melrher Lets Son. Phone Doug.' 3655 WK have a dandy seven-room bungalow at 2816 Franklin street, for $4,500 terms to suit. Douglas Washington In vestment company, 1413 North 24th St Webster 4206. BARGAIN, $4,500 Eight-room, modern. Oarage. Fin large room. O. P. Stobbln, 1(10 Chi cago. BhlAL'TIFUL 6-room Kountse Park home, with i bedrooms; strictly modern, paved street, 14.600. PAYNE & SLATER CO. POUO. 101. NEW, 7-room. oak finish; large lot: dou- ble garage; price $6,750; term. 6137 North 24th St. NOKKI3 & NORR1S. Douglas 4270. BARGAIN, $2,850 Seven rooms; not water, garage. Paved street, car line. Red 6476. LOT 80x260 ft., with nearly new 4-r. house near 84th and Camden Ave.. $1,750 about $150 cash; balance $15 per month. RASP BKOS., 212 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721 FOH SALE 7-Room modern up-to-date residence and garage, $7,000. 432$ Park' er St. Telephone Walnut 157. 6-KOOM modern house, fine shape, $3,400 small payment or Liberty bonds. 1518 North 28th. Tyler 1812-J. MIN.N'B LUSA home and Iota offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. ONE acre fine Boulevard Corner, 122x23, northeast corner 84th and Curtia Ave, See this. Colfax 1163. 2560 Brown street. 6-room modern; nice street, nice neighborhood. $350 cash, $20 month. Colfax 1163. 6-RGOlI modern cottage, garage, paved atreet. 4541 No. 28th St. Web. 4248 South. Will Sell AT PUBLIC AUCTION THE SOUTHEAST CORNER 2STH AND ST. MARYS AVE. AND 532 SOUTH 27TH ST. ON THE PREMISES MONDAY, FEB. 24, AT 10 A. M, TO CLOSE THE BERGERS ESTATE. The St. Mary avenue corner con sists of three lots, each Improved with a 7-room strictly modern rouse, renting for $:,0 per month. The two lots facing St. Marys avenue have a frontage of 66 ft. and the 25th Ave. lot s frontage of 31 ft. This piece of property I on of Oma ha's choice close-In corners and will double In value as soon aa fit. Mary is graded this summer. Will aell each house and lot separate or together If desired. The 27th St. property la future apartment house location with It 61 ft. of frontage. It 1 Improved, new, with a trlctly modern t-room cottage, renting for $25. Her 1 your oppor tunity for both a close-In home end dandy Investment. All of this property must be sold tomorrow morning; at 10 o'ciock. It you are looking for some thing good close In at a bargain be sure and attend. The J7th St. property will be sold first. J. L. DOWD, Auctioneer. BARGAIN HOMES CREIGHTON'S FIRST ADDITION On one of the fcegt street In Creighton' First Addition. We have just listed a splendid home, practically new, containing large living room with beamed celling and fireplace, dining room with paneled wall kitchen; three nice bed rooms; dandy sleeping porch' anil bath; tiled floor. House is practically new, brand new decorations, modern throughout with fine basement with laundry and extra fine heating plant Owner Is anxious to dispose of this prop. erty and has made a low price of $6,500; reasonable terms. If you are Interested let us take you down and show you through thi attractive residence. Payne & Slater Company. 616 Omaha Nat. Hank. Blrtg. Doug. 1016 3070 MASON, $4,150. Just listed thi week, and a aure sell er; an attraMve 8-room modern home; not new, but In perfect condition; the rooms are large and well arranged; an Ideal home in a pleasant location; close to Park car lines; hou e has new light ing fixtures: full basement; good fur nace; south' front on paved atreet; pav ing paid; lot, 45x126; large shade trees, $500 rash and $35 a month takes this brims in. THE BYRON REED CO. 1612 Farnam St. Douglas 297. STOUY AND HALF BUNGALOW. Close In, almost new, 6 room and sun room; strictly all modern house consisting of a lurge living room with colonnade opening to dining room and double French door to a aun room, a built-in buffet In dining room, all fin ished in oak; 3 nice bed rooms and bath on second floor; full cemented basement with laundry connection; a fine furnace; jiaved street and paved alley, locateeVat 153H S. 2ath 8t; price, $3,600, about $500 cash, balance like rent. Call owner, Red 683 or Tyler 1S12-.T. 1342 S. 25th St. 6 ROOMS, $2,500. 6-room all modern cottage only one block from HANSCOM PAKK and near west side car. Thi place I being sold to close an estate and the price has been reduced to $2,600 only. $260 cash snd $25 per month. BEDFORD -JOHNSTON COMPANY, 611 World -Herald Bldg. Doug. 1734. FOR BALK .Six-room modern house, flre- place. Garage, tree. Field club district $6,600. C. D, ARMSTRONG DouflM mo. 126 acurltlea Bldg. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. South. , $300.00 CASH, 2404 S. 12TH,ST. Buy this 4-room eottaaro on then tn payment; It la partially Ttioitrn and li j Kuod condition; we tt to Jay then cai our nffVe for thf ir!ce. v CREIGH, SONS & CO., i HKALTOHS. Dougla 200. 608Bee Tllilir WANT A BARGAIN? i Maka an offer on thla jiKcc; owner aaya It must bn aold; It la a -room pnr tlatly modern houae at "i'-l South aUtr street and la on a paved atrt'ft and car-4 line; lot. 4Sxl!i8; payment If you wiMi , CREIGH, SONS & CO., j REALTORS. f Douglas 2 10. 50 Bee Blilt- BRAND NEW HOMES. SOW S. 34th St., 5-room, two-atorv eml-bungnlnw; prlea, 14,250. 3025 H. ;uth St., 6 rooms, atrlctly mod-" em, corner lot; priw, $4.?&0. Khsv terms- C. G. CARLBERG, RKALTOIt. ! U Brsndels Theater Building. 21ST & ARBOR, $4,000 ; A Kod 7-room atrlctly modern home-: well-built and a great barjruin at abov prie ; 1 1 .000 ch sh, balance to unit. ' THE BYRON REED CO 1(112 Karnam St, Douglas 2S11. b-ruom modern house, eloclrlo Unlit, hard wood floors, hot water heat, garage foi two cars, cement drive. See owner, 13: S. 32d Street. Price $9,(100. Harney 3498. t liANHCOM PARK LOCATION FOR BALK At a bargain, comparatively new, well-built, strictly modern, seven room houso and garage Telephone Harney ri;h. $4,600.00 '(H a good 8-room dwelling In Hanscom Park district, the house aloue 1 worth the money. 8. P. BOSTWICK A BON. $00 Bee Bldg. Tyler 15"S FOR RENT AND 8ALE KOUSES. COTTAGES ft APARTMENTS, AMERICAN (SECURITY CI).. : tOl a 17th St. Dougiss (011 Miscellaneous. HERE ARE 14 ' REAL BARGAINS. $200 DOWN AND $20 PER MONTH. 5 B-room atrlctly modern bungalow; es-j cept heat, located near 29th and Amesii all on one floor; full basement; floored attic; dandy lot; block to car line; price, $2,600. i 2620 B ST. -room strictly modern cottage, 4 room on first floor, 2 rooms and bath on second; nice lot on paved streti, paving paid; owner out of town 1 of fering to sacrifice at $2.S00 cash. WALNUT HILL BRICK BUNGALOW. 5-room strictly modern bungalow, all on one floor; full basement; furnat heat; large floored attic; south from on paved street, paving paid; block to car line and close to school; priceii at $3,000. NEAR PRAIRIE PARK. B-room strictly modern bungalow, alJ on one floor; full cemented basement: furnace heat; larpa floored attic; lara lot on paved atreet, paving paid; new garage; priced at $3,7f0. NEAR 30TH AND LARIMORE AVE. 4-room trictly modern cottage, al on one floor; good basement, cemented : furnace heat; large lot 40 ft. frontasu and 226' ft. deep; lot df fruit trees; dandy chicken house; south front on paved atreet, paving paid; priced a 12.650. NEAR 22D & SPRAGUE. B-room atrlctly modern bungalow, al! on one floor; full cementfd basement : hot water heat; large floored attic; close to car and achool; price, $.1760. NEAR 22D & LOCUST. 7-room, full 2-atory. atrlctly modern house 4 rooms on firat floor, 3 rooms and bath on second floor; Inrga lot on paved atreet, paving paid; price, $3,000. KOUNTZE PLACE SEMI-BUNGALOW. 6-room atrlctly modern aeml-bunpri-low near 22d and Kvana; I large room on first floor with fireplace, bcamc ceilings In living room and dining room; S nioe bedrooma and bath on second, large lot; ffouth. front on paved street, paving paid for; nice garage. Thla is a snap at $5,f0O, NEAR MILLER PARK. -room atrlctly modern bungalow, al" on one floor; oak finish and oak f!nor throughout; genuine sun room; full bas -ment, cemented; furnace heat; Jarc floored attio; paved atreet, paving raw for; extra large lot, 60 ft. fronlac by. 65 ft deep. Priced at $4,800. Mus be aold at one and la a bargain at that figure. NEAR 24TH AND BAUMAN. l-room strictly modern bungalow, !I on one floor; oak finish and oak floors: full cemented basement; furnace heal : large floored attic; south front on paved treet; price. $4,600. s NEAR 25TH AND ; BAUMAN. S-room strictly modem bungalow, all on one floor; large living room, built in fireplace; dining room, kitchen. ' bedrooms and bath on first floor; n!c floored attic; full cement basement, furnace heat; south front on pavei atreet; priced at $5,600. NEAR 28TH AND NEWPORT AVE. 7-room strictly modern full 2-stO'v ; house, 3 large rooms on first floor with ; bullt-ln fireplace and bullt-ln bookcases: i S nice bedrooms and sleeping porch on ) acond floor; finished in oak all thn i way through; large lot; south front on S paved street; nice garage and drive; owner leaving the city ha offered to i sacrifice this place at $,900. Could not : be duplicated today short of $7.(100. PRAIRIE PARK ADD. T-room, full S-story strictly modem house, 3 largo rooms on first floor; 4 bedrooms and bath on second floor; oak finish and oak floors; large garage with electric lights and heat: cement dnv; ; dandy lot on paved etreet, paving paii for; price. $5,250. Most any of these place can b handled on fairly easy terms. V ill b lad to arrange appointment to show j any or all of these at any time. ( AYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Realtors. $$T Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. list. : SOME GOOD PROPERTIES Six-room house at Burdi'tte. south front lot, 44xm. for $1,600; $100 cash and balance monthly. Five-room modern cottage at mn N. 2Sth Ave., birch finish; extra well built; east front lot, 49x120, for $!,600. Six-room modern house; oak floors; beam ceilings; good basement with floor drain; corner lot, 64x100; block to car for $.1,250. Seven-room modern house at 595S M 24th St., five rooms and bath on first floor; two rooms on aecond floor; UU 44x127. for $3,600. Kight-room modern house at 170.1 Woolworth Ave., lot. 45x1(10; only $2.H):. Good six-room fine modern house at 26th and Evan St., up-to-date; oak finish; lceplng porch, for $4,260. W. If. GATES. $47 Om. Nst. Bk. Blrtg. Dong I?4 WB PELL, rent. Insure and make loaue on city property, north. MITCH Kl.L INVESTMENT C" , 14tb aad dn Ave, C4. t,l