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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1919)
10 A' THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 23, 1919. Oeo Want Ads DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. MORAN Edward, aged 69 sears. r Funeral Saturday morning from resi dence of hi daughter, Mrs. I. K. Dun bar, U hint avenue, 8.30 to St Ceelllas church o'clock. Interment Holy Sepulcher remetery. Mr. Mo.-an la sur vived by five daughters and two aoua. Mrs. Albert Wilier. Mra. r. H Dunbar, Mrs. L. A. Slmflnes, Margaret H. Moran and Agnes C. Moran, Kdwartl L, Mo ran, Foeatello, Idaho, and W. H Moran of Omaha- 1 11rTiP'eTter r.. February 21, aged 80 yeara, of Altnon.1, Wit., at a local honillai. , Funeral aervlcea Sunday t p. 01., .at Kountee Memorial church. Interment West Lawn cemetery. Deceased la sur vived by hla wife, Ma parents, Mr. and Mra. Fred Rhump, 2701 South Twentieth alreet, and three altera, Mra. C. I,. Coleman, Charleston. 8. C. : Miss Char lotte Khump and. Mra. A. 12. Watch of Omaha. THOKLCKE Mary L.. died Feb. 21, 19Tj, axed 61 yeara, 4 months, 9 daya. Fu neral Monday. Feb. 24, at Stack Fal coner parlora, at ! p. m. Interment West Lawn. Friends welcome. f7"l'PER Francia J., Uttd February 23, 1919. Funeral from Burket chapel at 8 p. 111., Hunday. Interment Falrvlew cemetery, I'ounell Bluffs, la. FUNERALDIlECTORS. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and emblamera. Tel. H. 18S. Office, SSI! Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN Pioneer Funeral Director!. 1W S. Ifith St. I'hotie Doug. 1226. STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertake. SSd-Far. H. 400. "1 toff ma m u nbr'aiThomei. Hoffman quality aervlca costs leaa. 14thand Dodge. Douglaa 3901. ST"L. DODDER CO.. "Funeral" Director r L. Fern, Mgr.. 22d and Cuming Sta Phone Douglaa 677. Auto ambulance. joiinagi5ntleman. Undertaker and Kmbalmer, 5411 Farnam St. Harney 303. FLORISTS. "LEE L. L ARM ON Fontenello Ficrtsta. 1SI4 I'auplse ft. Douglss 8244. JOHN HATH. 18th and Farnam. D. 3000, Trenderaon.-151 Farnam D. I24iT MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. THE larv-st display of ncnuments in the United 61a tea. FRANK 8WOBODA, 1215 B. l.'dh Phona Douglaa 1872-5216. CARD OR TH ANKS. We (ifslrfl to express our Hmctre thanks to our friends anil neighbors for tliefr kindness; alio for tho beautiful floral trihutoii, In our lato bereavement, the irkneHs and datti of our bMovoti fath JLTh!LJra "( 1 ly 'f A. W. Stanley. SPECIAL NOTICES. AVW want to tlink our many lot owners and friends, who have made this propo nitlon a suiresa. We have sold over 8,000 of th8 oil lots in the famous (Waysld oil Cool), Montgomery county, Kan. We will have our own drtllor in a few daya and then start drilling- at once on thege lots. Only a few morp will ha eotd At $15 a lot. The owner of any lot may examine the books at any time. Invest now. Write for informa tion to DON DK BOW, manager, Home office, 622 Paxton nitlff., Omaha, Neb. LOST, FOUND. REWARD. LOST A purse on 26th and Leavenworth on a mall box. Call Tyler 2S34-J. Ad dress Miss Radler, 2216 Poppleton Ave. Purse contained checks, cash, etc. Re ward. LIBERAL 'REWARD to findur'of large black pocket-book, lost In Hotel Edward, containing money and valuable papers. Kama on pocketbook, H. H. Flower, Cleveland, Minn., call Webster 1919. FOR ARTICLES LOST on street cars, tele phone Tyler 800. We are anxious to re store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA A CO. BLUFFS ST. RT. "(. LOST Gentleman's diamond ring between 16th and 18th on Victor ave. Call Red (709 between 8 a. m. and 6 p. m. Val ued AS gift. Reward. LOST Between Harney and Dodge, on Hth St.. navy blue deorgette beaded waist, Wednesday afternoon. Walnut WM. Reward. LOST lilue vest, small green pin atripe, between 20th and 40th and Cumins and Farnam Sts. Liberal reward. Call Har ney 670. LOST-GOLD BAR PIN, VALUABLE AS A GIFT ONLY. , PLEASE RETURN TO BEE OFFICE AND RECEIVE THE RIO WARD. LOST In ladies' parlor Fontenel'.e hotel Tuesday, ladies ring, large Baroque pearl. Leave at office, Omaha Bee. Re ward. , LOST Black leather bill fold, with cur rency and Masonic receipts. Reward. Harney 2966. LOST VVrlal watch, between .Strand and Henshaw, Friday niRht. Red OtiTO. Re wa rd. LOST A garnet necklace, between 28tn St., and World-Herald bide. Tel. Harney 1S3S. Liberal reward. LOST Sunday, lady's wrist watch. Khaki straps: reward. Red 7914. LOST A string of pearls. Reward. Ty ler 8S22. Lost One watch charm locket. Odd Fellow emblem. Call Walnut 2408. . FOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS Furniture and Household Goods. BETTER FURNITURE FOR YOUR HOME It Is something always needed and we have It always to please you. Now Is the time to supply your spring needs. Our February Stock Reducing Sale should mean something' to you. 25 per cent to 50 per cent under-priced on me dium and high-grade furniture. A high class kitchen cabinet, $15.00 value, this w, ek. at $21.75. See us for, complete outfits. We pav the freight STATU FURNITURE CO., S. W. Corner 14th & Dodge Op. U. P. Bldg. AUCTION I AUSTION! Another big sals of some of the best furniture, Wilton and Persian rugs, new player plane and vlctrola. cut glass and hand painted china, costly drapes and furnishings I have ever sold. In my Auction House. So. E. corner of 18th and Webster Sts., Wednesday, Feb. 26, starts at 10 a. m. Watch the papers for details. JAMES L. DOWD, AUCTIONEER, Phone Red 315 or Harney 4486. H. DOLClOFF. Furniture, atovea, rugs, linoleum, Vlc troias, trunks, sultcasea, bedding, linen. Better goods for less money. Credit If you wish. Open evenlnRS. 1839-47 N. 24th. Phones: Web 1607 Web. 4825. W buy. sell and make deaka, safes, show cases, ahelvlng, etc, Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.. 11th and Douglas. D. 2724. FOR SALE J10O Acorn combination gas and coal range; practically new. Want reasonable offer. Call Colfax SS70. FOR SALE By private party, furniture, 1706 Deer Park Blvd. UN& Banquet Steel range, good as new. 1, -....... . so-,: Pianos and Musical Instruments PHONOGRAPHS, . RECORDS, RECORDS IN ALL LANGUAGES, CHEAP. RIALTO MUSIC SHOP, 14H Douglas St. !'.) TAKES i:li phonograph, one Jewel loint and one saphire point needle and 20(1 steel needles and records. New, never used; will ship on approval, C. O. 1. National Storage Co., J50J N. Western ave.. Chicago. CLARINET Conn. B-Flat, low pitch; Boehm, Cheap, v? Leine, Grand Hotel. PIANOS for rent 14 pr mo. A. Hospe Co. Typewriters and Supplies. r.EfiUILT, sold, rented, repaired. Carbon paper, ribbons and supplies. Service guaranteed. Try us. Phone Doug, 6031. OFFICE KQUIPMENT CO.. 10S North 15th St. V K 4iuy. bell and exchange typewriters, deska and office furn.ture. Midland of fice t-upWy Co., 1404 Dodge St, Tel L'ouslas JUT, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Type writcr and Supplies. tvVkwkitEks and adding machinks new and rebuilt The moat complete line of Typewriters and Adding Machines west of Chlcag Can furnish any mslie at moat any price jou desire to pay. We rent and 4palr all makes and will buy or trade for your old machine. Every machine guaranteed See ua before you buy. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. (Established over 15 years.) Douglaa 41!I )"5 Farnam St. TTPKWKITEHd all makes, sold, rented and tepalred. THIS W. N. LONO COMPANY, 115 Farnam. TeL D. . RENT an Oliver Typewriter, three months for 16.00. Oliver Agency. 1905. Farnam Street, Cltr Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parts MICK EL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. Uth and Harney Sts Doug. 166!- Clothing and Furs. LADY'S purple suit. 80. 15th St. Never worn. Machinery and Engines. FOR SALK Four six ton united tractors, manufac tured by the United Motors company, Orand Rapids. Mlrhlgnn. Two of these trucks have not been used and two about three hundred mites. Reason for selling, staled upon In quiry. This equipment offers an ex ceptional bargain. These trucks are In Montana. Address Yellowstone Mining Corporation, Roan oke. Va. Hox 4"i. FOR SALK Storage, battery charging out fit. Wottou Vertical 4-clrcuited type. Been used. Guaranteed. I'rice reason able, llnx 1. Omaha Hee. Council Bluffs. Miscellaneous. T"l T? T T T GKM'l.NE POKTO JJ IV 1 IN IV A N I " HAVIi THAT HOOD OLD SPK'Y WINK TASTK. 16-gnl. kegs, I1RS gal. Pure cider, fresh dally. 16 -gal. k-iga. 5ft rents gal. Remittance with order r.r un delivery. Porto Beverage Co., 114 M'a Burt, Om- " ha. Tel. V. 3 463. U'K ueoept Llberiy bomla or cash, or give terms on Kdison Diamond Diso or Cylinder Phonographs,' Vlctrolas and 1'atho Phonographs; also Records and New Home sewing machine. Write S. K. Kemp, Blair. Neb., Dept. A. FIR lumber, direct to consumer at right prices; sent! us a list of your lumber needs and let us estimate cost at your elation. Jos. A. Robinson, 307 Burke Hldg., Seattle. SHAFTING, hangers, pulleys, friction clutches, coke burning forgo and blower for manufacturing office desks, combi nation card and letter file safe. Colfax 1U90. MANUFACTURERS of au article in great demand are putting out a limited amount of stocks. Apply to Box C-07. Omaha Bee, OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over In tiew ticking at half the price of new ones. 1907 Cuming. Douglas 2467. FOR SALE Wisconsin Peerless refriger ator, medium size, nearly new. Price 120. 2SS4 Cass St., Harney 5S23. FOR SALE Reed baby cab; price t0 when new; will sacrifice for $25; good condition. Phono Colfax 4290. IOR SALK Three-horse power Westing house motor. Sue Marsh & Marsh. 314 South 11th St. FOR SALE 3 nearly new White sewing machines; one Western electric. Phone Walnut 948. I COMPLKTK aet of hand painted dishes for sale cheap. Call Snuth 3163. NATIONAL cash register for sale reason able. Call Walnut 3861. FuliD kindling, i3.5o per load. Webster 459. SIX ft. marble soda fountain, good condi tion. Cheap. 506 South 10th St. POOL T ABLRS T. F. Hall. Doug. 7406. SWAPPERS' COLUMN. GOOD SIX-VOLT STOUAUB BATTERY, to trade for Ford tire or supplies. Bot C-66. Omaha Bee. WANTED TO BUY. 'We Will 'Pay Monday and Tuesday Highest Spot Cash . - For J Liberty Bonds Of $50 Denomination. Highest Cash Prices Paid. 542 Securities Bldg. ( Your Liberty Bonds, Partial Payment Receipts will bring the highest market with us. NATIONAL BOND CO., 610 World-Herald Bldg., 15th and Farnam. Offices in four principal cities. - We Pay Cash for Liberty Bonds and Partly Paid Up Bonds. Stamps. . ROOM 108, McCAGUE BLDG., N. W. Cor. 15th &JDodge. LIBERTY BONDS WE PAY SPOT cash for Liberty bonds. PARTLY paid up receplts for bonds. LEWIS & CO.. BROKERS. 411 M'CAGUE BLDG. WB WILL pay a good price for healthy, unvacclnated pigs weighing between 60 and (t lbs. Call Soutb S1. Corn-State Serum Co. DON'T SELL your Liberty bonds without good reason. It you cannot afford to carry them, get the market prlae. We will give the New York .Stock ex change price plus ticcrued interest for a nominal commission. Your 150 bond will receive the same consideration as a (1,000 bond. E. H. LOUOEE. Inc 53S-40 Keellne Bldg. HAVE a few thousand dollars to Invest In a good hotel or rooming house. Do not wite unless you mean business. Corp. Harry T. Hill, Gen. Del., Omaha, Neb. LIBERTY BONDS. Will pay above par for J 4 per cent coupon bond, with all coupons attached. ROWLAND Ct., 42! Bee Bldg JENKINS, 70s South 16th. will pay best . Price for old clothes, shoes. Job lots of all klnda Residence, Douglas 8032. Of fice. IfOUfflas U93 ELITE FURNITURE CO. We pay best prices for furniture, rugs, stoves, etc. All kinds of job lots. Doug las 2451. Web. 3045. W'B buy waste paper and pay aood prices. Phone or write Omaha Paper SlocK l-o. uaugiaa lit. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded. .1. C. Keed. 1201 Farnam. D. Hit WA N T K ij To" 11 U Y Vol I 7m, If sold reasonable: answer e.'ir'y. Box C-61. Omaha Bee; buyer leaving town Tues day. VK I'AY CASH for Council Bluffs houses, lots, contracts and equities. loa Realty Co. (L. Cherniacki. corner Pearl and Broadway, plume 3-39. 5 OUO ton country mixed Iron; also rub ' her and metals. J. Katelman, 1126 S. 6th Council Bluffs. P. 650. LIBERTY loans bought 111 South 15th. ANNOUNCEMENTS. BAKKES TOP-NOTCH BREAD. NEW. ON THE MARKET. ASK YOUR GROCERY MAN FOR IT. SOUTH 1-9-7 'WHAT'S WHAT IN TEXAS OIL" FREK. An Interesting pamphlet of plain facta, no advertising matter. JAMES A. BUIE, FT. WORTH, TKXAS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 300-308 Brown Bldg. Phone. D. 19J6. HEMSTITCHING, rLEATINti, BUTTONS. G U VanArnam Pleating Co., 412-17 Paxton Block. Phone, Doug. 8109. Bath and Massage. Mlsa Fisher. 379 Braudels Theater. Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Auto touring tents and camping supplies. SCOTT-OMAHA TENT & AWNINO CO. Baggage and Express. "The Only Way" gfV, Omaha Transfer Co. Brass and Irorr-Foundries. PAXTON-M1TCHELL CO., 27th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. Carpenters and Interior Decorators, LKSSARD Hi SON, 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1632. Butterine. Til E famous "Pure Gold" Margarine an Omaha product fresh daily, delivered at your door once a week. You save the middleman's profit. Also genuine pure buttermilk. Phone us your order, Tyler 2364. OMAHA TURK FOOD CO., Chiropractors. Ethel MaUby. D. C, 312 Bee Blag. D. 3072. Dr. J. C. Lawrence, BaTrd Bldg. D. 8461,. SPlNOGRAPH. 'Dr. Edwards 24th. Farnarm Costumes. FULL dress suits for rent. 109 N. Hth St., opposite Poslofflce. John Feidman. Dancing Academies. KEL-PINE DANCING ACADEMY, 2424 Farnam. Class and prlv. lessons. D. 7860. Delicatessen, SPECIAL SALAD for sale. Rialto Delicatessen. Den tists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Taft's Bental Rr ... SOS Rose Bldg. D. 2186. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Bill. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1138 Fixtures and Wiring. TAT TTJ TT'T XJHlectrlc washing machines, U U XVAwiXi.ipetric Irons and reading lamps 2223 Cuming St. Douglas 2519. Flags. SILK flags, all sises, to order for church es, clubs, etc. R. E. See. 119 No. 15th St. Film Developing. FILMS developed free with orders for , prints. Mall 'orders only. Work guar anteed. We take pictures at your home. Copying and enlarging. Phone So. 2608. Address McCullough, 5125 8. 39th Ave. FILMS developed, rolls 10c; packs, 16c; one-day service. Kase Studio. Neville Blk. IF you would like to learn photo finishing apply at once. The Hopson Co., 209 S. Hth St. DHVKLuPING anil printing. One-day service. Pholo Craft Shop. 1408 Farnam. FILMS developed free. Mail orders so licited. THE ENSIGN CO.. 1607 Howard. Historical Costumes. COSTUMES of all ages from Adam and Eve to the world war; costumes for theatricals and masquerades; In a nut shell, costumes for everything can be leased at Theo. Lleben & Son, 1516 Howard St. Omaha Jewelry ULMXIUKJIS AJOwth privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 408 N. 16th. Red 6081. Lawyers. T. J. M'GUIRE, Lawyer, 50 Om. Nat. Office, Tyler 759, Res. S. 3218 Medical. PILES, fistula and other rectal dis eases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for book on rectal diseases with testi monials. DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha. 1 Osteooaths. DR. MABEL WESSON, 614 BrarfHels Bldg. T. 2960. H. 4741. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. In ternational Patent Co., 5S2 Braadels D. 6691. Printing. WEDDING STATIONERY. U. S. Printing Co., Bee Bldg., Phone D. 117S. Waters-Barnhart Ptg. Co.. 414 S. 13th St. Restaurants. TRY our good meals at new Hungarian Kosher restaurant, 318 S. 15th, upstairs. Shoe Repairing. WE do all kinds of shoe repairing; all work guaranteed; give us a trial. Coal man & Dangerfield 1415 North 24th. Tailors. Dledrlck. P L. 216 S. 20th. Tailor. D. 2432. Safes. BARGAINS 1212 Farnam, - Q A PPC! J. J. Derlght Safe Co. OAC Hid Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply 207 S. 11th. D. (82. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. 'Cel. Douglas 644. BUSINESS CHANCES. MAKE me offer on this (50,000 mountain summer resort (establisned 30 years) consists of 17 furnished cottages (I to rooms), dining hall, general store, 38,000 biock, posioiuce, only lining siaiion in town, telephone station; has good all year round trade. No competition. Barn, horse, wagons, 8 cows, Ice house, 60 tons Ice; SO acres of land In heart of town, 60 acres of which la fine, large timber. Situated on railroad 55 miles from Denver, on finest trout stream near Denver. The finest 3-hour scenic automobile trip out of Denver. Eleva tion 7,533 feet; mild winters, finest climate in the world. Cleared $50,000 last season and can be made to do bet tr. Consider trade, good Income up to $20,000, ; balance cash. Siartj to earn money as soon as you take possession. Address A. R. McOraw, Bailey. Colo. $17)00 PER MONTH Is easy money An eastern corporation wants live man with sales and executive ability as manager for ten Iowa Coun ties marketing an automobile accessory of world-wide demand and absolutely without competition. Largest companies in the country have tried out and en dorsed It. An aggressive man desirous W establishing permanent and legitimate nusincss 01 ms own, wno can invest at least $3,000 (for Initial order of mer chandise, which should not last but thirty days) 31.H0O is easy money. $1,000 cash will handle this propoaititui. For appointment, write The Bee at once, giving telephone and addresa. Box Y-3j, The Bee. BUSINESF CHANCES. BUSINESS SNAPS. In a snappy, new. modern growing town, cement sidewalks, electrlo lights city water, hospitable thriving Ameri can people; located In one of the best grain, alfalfa and stock localities In the northwest; teeming with opportunities for the business man and Investor. Fine opening for a garage. Fully equipped shop awaiting a competent blacksmith. Dentist wanted. Excellent location for a physician. Opening for a drug store, other openings. Grasp these chances. Our paper six months freend other Interesting Information. Wlfliama-Man-son News. Dept. N-26, Williams, Teton County, Mont. DON'T buy or sell any oil stocks un til you read the Mid-Continent Oil Press. Impartial and Inside facts about different oil companies. Any oil ques tion answered. The truth about the oil business In general. Big semi monthly. Illustrated. Subscription, price $1.50 a year. Trial subscription, with map of Mid-Continent field sent free without obligation. Oil Press. 1400 Republic Building, Kansas City, Mo. DON'T buy or eell any oil stocks un til you read the Mld-Contlnent Oil Prers. Impartial and Inside facts about different oil companies. Any oil ques tion answered. The truth about the oil business In general. Big semi-monthly. Illustrated. Subscription, price $1.60 a year. Trial subscription, with map of Mld-Contlnent field sent free without obligation. Oil Press, 1400 Republic Building, Kansas City, Mo. PARTNER WANTED. For Into up-to-date restaurant with $2, 600-$3,000 d., to pay out a partner of the business; we guarantee doing; very good business; only reason, two part ners don't agree with each other ex perienced not necessary. Further infor mation given. F'rank Polgar 613 N. 32d St.. Omaha, Neb. Tel. Harney 1423 SUBSTANTIAL manufacturing corporation wants capable men to establish branch and manage salesmen; $200 to $1,000 necessary; you handle own money; will allow expenses to Baltimore If you will qualify. For particulars, address SEC RETARY, 416 N. HOWARD ST., BAL TIMORE. MD Bit. OPPORTUNITY Right man with a little mechanical ability can make $40 to $86 a day by secret method of re pairing scored cylinders, 99 per cent profit. Some exclusive territory still open, $500 up. Write now to Cylinder Works, 433 Golden Gate Ave., San Fran cisco. 9K INDEPENDENT Chlropractio doc tors earn $3,000 to $6,000 yearly; work for yourself; this good paying profes sion quickly earned 'by correspondence, low rate, easy terms; Illustrated Book and Charts Free. American University, 167 Mamerre Bldg., Chicago. JOIN syndicate to drill six wells. 1,700 acres, geologically approved, 700 of which adjoins producing property. -Want S20 members, $100 each. New field. Possibilities enormous. Not selling stock Write or wire for reservations. Cooley OH Co.. Louisville, Ky. Broken Bow, Oklahoma offers more op portunities for a business man to make money than any western town. Over 3,000 laborers now employed and 1,000 more needed. Monthly pay roll $125,000. Address Garland Adair, Sec Commercial club. STOCK ISSUES SOLD for enterprises of merit by Stock House with expert sales organization. Se curities Sales Co., National Life Bldg., Chicago. GROCERY In Omaha, new, five-passen ger light six automobile, one hundred acre highly Improved farm, ten miles south of Council Bluffs, a non-resident owner, and will sell. Worth money. Telephone 159, Kiel hotel, Council Bluffs. A CHANCE OF A LIFETIME Must sell this week factory mfg. stock foods and hog pow.der, best form ula known, established trade, big mall order business. Room 642 Securities Bldg. LARGE concern wishes to hear from men In local towns experienced In lumber or building lines, who want to take up a big money making propoa'.tlon. Energy and selling ability absolutely necessary. Address Box Y-366, Oraaitn Bee. WE OFFER stocks, bonds for corpora tions. Unlisted securities bought and sold. Send list of holdings. Companies incorporated. International Finance and Securities Company, SO North Dear born, Chicago. A $108 INVESTMENT will make you $72 a week, selling a guaranteed Ford self starter, retailing for $17.50. Exclusive territory. $10 brings sample outfit. - Warren-Wallace Syndicate, 30 Mo- Lachlen Bldg., Washington, D. C. MILLINERY STORE FOR SALE. Well located, established trade. Rent, $30 a month, a few hundred dollars will get you a good paying business. HILL INVESTMENT CO., Room 542 Securities Bldg. GRUB-STAKE wanted $100 cash or $5 monthly buys half Interest In a 20-acre oil claim; one acre for $10. Buy land, not stock. Play safe. Your blgv oppor tunity. Write or wire J. C. Fain; 33 N. 1st Ave., Phoenix, Arlz! $3 A MONTH PAYS FOR DEED to land and share In oil wells that should earn $100 for each $2 Invested. Write postal card for particulars. Texaa Gulf Co., 667 First Nat. Bank, Houston, fax. RESTAURANT BARGAIN Opposite car barn, dandy location, rent only $15 a month. Price only $300, LEWIS & CO. 411 McCague Bldg. WE BUY LIBERTY BONDS WANTED Reliable man; district mana ger; established business; best opening in Omaha. $5,000 year up, $1,500 cash capital required. Yearly repeat business. Banks and dealers. Rltter & Horney, 130 No. Wells. Chicago. IF YOU HAVE FOR SALE HOTEL OR LARGE ROOMING HOUSE WE WANT IT. PROSPECTIVE BUYERS. NOW WAITING. SEE US AT ONCE. HILL INVESTMENT CO., 642 SECURITIES BLDG. - FOR SALE for a few hundred dollars, fancy grocery or near-beer saloon and pool hall, both, earning over $50.00 week profit. Hill Investment Co., 642 Se curities Bldg. GARAGE REPAIR SHOP for sale, located in one of tho beat garages In Omaha. A few hundred dollars Investment will make you $100 week profit. Hill In ' vestment Co., 642 Securities Bldg. STOCKS, bonds, listed, unlisted; bought and sold, reported on. Defaulted bonds negotiated. A safe stock speculation plan free. Frank H. Everett, 35 Wall St., N. Y. - CASH FOR YOUR BUSINESS Invention, property, stocks of merchandise, any where, by co-operative plan, S to 80 days. Brennan, established 1896, 105 N. Clark, Chicago. $100 WILL'-buy $2,100 Interest In a chain stores company, having exceptionally bright future: rare opportunity. Ad dress, A. A. Harrison, Box 618, Pough- keepsle, N. Y. FOR SALE Largest business garage In Stanton county; reasons for selling, other business attentions. Blue Line Garage, Stanton. Neb. PAYING sheet metal, plumbing and heat ing business, It) a live town In Iowa, be tween Des Moines and Council Bluffs. Box 437. Anita, la. $5 monthly invested In Kentucky oil under new plan may bring riches. Free booc tells how. Shareholders Association, 510 Inter-Southern Bldg., Louisville, Ky. IF you want to get out of business eee us; we have buyers waiting. Hill Invest ment Co., 64S Securities Bldg. TO sell your business or real estate any where WRITE JIM WRAY, SIOUX CITY. FOR SALE A millinery stock, - cheap. Call Tyler I1B0. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. THE BEE will publish free a situation wanted ad under this classification for soldiers, sailors and marines who will show their discharge papera at our office In the lobby of the Bet building, Seventeeenth and Farnam. JtYOUNU man who has had Insurance ex perience wishes permanent connection with bank as cashier or assistant cashier where insurance experience may be put to use; high school and college educa tion. Tel. Harney 6246. DISCHARGED SOLDIER wants posl tlon as soda dispenser can take charge of large fountain, age 21, 8 months. Charles E. Rocbambeau, 2224 " Farnam street. Call D. 4456. DISCHARGED SOLDIER, experienced meat cutter, grocery clerk or Ford truck driver, wants position. References. Address Louis Danowskl, 1232 So. 13th street. DISCHARGED soldiers attending night school want position with chance for advancement: prefers clerical, but will ing to do anything, references. Call Har. M25. DISCHARGED sailor, formerly clerk In retail clothing store, wants position In store or office; references. Address Box 406, Lexlgton, Neb SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. DISCHARGED SOLDIER wants posi tion as cook or waller, experienced In both. In or out of town. Call Tyl',r 275. -DISCHARGED sailor wants clerical po sition experienced; references. Call Gerhard, at l. 3S55. WANTED Position as shipping or packing. Handy with wood machines. Call Tyler 1186. EMPLOYERS OMAHA SOLDIERS MAKE GOOD EMPLOYES" Help the Chamber of Commerce main tain Omaha's reputation for employing the returning Soldiers and Sailors. No charge whatever to the boys or employer. We now have on file CHAUFFEURS , TRUCK DRIVERS FRUIT INSPECTOR CIVIL ENGINEER OFFICE CLERKS SALESMEN . COLORED COOKS . AND PORTERS SOLDIERS' EMPLOYMENT BUREAU OF THE OMAHA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, Mrs. Walker, Mgr. TELEPHONE TYLER 1234. I7TH FLOOR W. O. Wr. BLDQ. 14TII AND FARNAM. MIDDLE-AGED man, kind, honest, de sires work picking corn. Will do little around work when bad weather or might do aome other work. P, Cotern, "Nellgh, Neb. POSITION WANTED On a farm, by ex perienced married man. Would prefer place where I can have a cow and gar den spot. V. II. Rlckman, Council Bluffs. Route 6. COLORED chauffeur; six years' experi ence; can do all repair work; wants position in private family; has best of references. Call Harney 4119. PLASTERING, PATCHING, cement and mason work properly done. Phone Wal nut 1041. YOUNG MAN wantssltuatlon, work of any kind, private family or restaurant. Phone Douglas 5193. . CUTTER and tailor wants position. Write A. Freberg, .207 W. Washington Ave., Council Bluffs, la. EXPERIENCED man, aged 50, wants Job on small farm. Call Webster 8842. CARPENTERING and general repairing. Webster 3515. PAINTING, paper cleaning, odd Jobs. Web ster 1303. STENOGRAPHIC office man, 13 years' ex perience, desires position. Colfax 3476. Female. WIDOW with baby girl wants work as housekeeper In modern home; no objec tion to one child. Phone, Webster 790. GRADUATE fjiarse will give plain or Swed Ish massage or do other nursing by . h'our. Harney 460. COLORED lady wants position as ladles' maid. Webster 1841. Call between I and 9 p. m. STENOGRAPHER with experience In legal work, real estate, loans and In surance. Reliable, honest. Harney 6993, WILL care for children at the home day or evening. Can give reference. Har ney 5656. FOR competent practical nurse, call Webster 6040. BY whit woman, good cook, in private family at once. Phone Doug. 6768. RELIABLE GIRL 13 years old, will take carei of children. 10c hour. Tyler 1166-J. Pressmak'g, cleaning, presaing, Har, 6928. Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED colored lady wants bundle washing by day or week Web. 1720. Bndls. carefully laundered. Call & del. Web 4288. CURTAINS laundered. 2614 Dodge. Harney 1130. EXPERIENCED colored woman wants day work. Call Webster 4963. BUNDLE washing, white lady. Walnut 3653. Call for and deliver. , EXPERIENCED colored lady wants day work. Webster 2161. Rel. lady wts Ironing, day w'k. Web. 698. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. TRAVELING salesman, manufacturing firm, $150; accountant and auditor, $1,800-12,000 per annum; traveling sales man, cigars, $125; city salesman, cigars, ' $100-$126; stenographer, young man, ex perience unnecessary), $75; stenographer and assistant to department manager, $76-$85; head bookkeeper, wholesale firm, $160. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASSN. Originators of the Reference Business. 736 First National Bank Building. YOUNG MAN, about 21, with ability to operate typewriter, to take charge of salesmanager's office. A splendid future in this proposition. Salary to start, $75. Experienced accountant of C. P. A. Liberal salary and a splendid oppor tunity for right man. Experienced shoe salesman for general store. Must have ability to take charge of shoe department. Age 26 to 40. Sal ary, $90 to start. Employer's Reference Company. 605 Bee Building. SALESMAN, Implements, $150 and com mission. Salesman, auto accessories, $150 and commission. Salesman, truck, drawing account and commission. Salesman, grocer's specialty, $130. Auditor, small office, $150. Stenographer and clerk, $90-$100. Stenographer, wholesale, $85. THE MARTI COMPANY, Employment Specialists. 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, private secretary, $126 $135. Bookkeeper, large office, $126. Bookkeeper and auditor, $150. Stock clerk. 2 or 8 yrs. experience, $100. Timekeeper, 3 years experience, $100, Office clerk, good penman, $110, Stenographer, good future, $90. Office boy, wholesale, $40. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY; 1138 First Rational Bank Building CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS FOR WOMEN In March and April. Hun dreds of vacancies. $92 a month. Ex perience unnecessary. Women desiring governmsnt positions write for free par ticulars, 3, C Leonard (former Civil Service Examiner), Kenols .Building, Washington. AN old established mall order house would like to hear from a man who Is capable of filling position as sales manager; must eome well recommended; must be able to Invest $5,000; salary $2,500 per year to start Address Box B-7, Omaha Bee. RAILWAY mail clerk examination March 16. Let our expert former government examiner prepare you for this and other fine positions. Write TODAY for free booklet. N. "81, PATTERSON CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL, ROCHESTER, N Y. WIDE-AWAKE MAN TO TAKE CHARC.1S of our local trade, $4.00 to $5.00 a day, steady No experience required; pay starts at once. Write today. American Products Co., 104 American Bldg., Cin cinnati, Ohio. DRAFTSMAN WANTED ilust be first class man, capable of completing work ing drawings from sketches. In writ ing state salary desired and give refer ences. Beuttler & Arnold, Archts., 610 Security Bldg., Sioux City, Iowa. YOUNG MEN, 18 and over, desiring rail way mall and pnstoffice clerkships, $92 month, write for free particulars of March examinations. J. C. Leonard (former civil service examiner), 118 Kenols Bldg, Washington STENOGRAPHER (fine future) $126; exp. cigar clerk, $100; Reg. drug elerk, $100, Many more. See us Monday. Co-Operative Reference Co., 1016 City Nat. lik. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. RELIABLE drug elvrk, competent to take full rhargo of a small drug store In a western Nebraska town, doing a large business, $125.00, EMPLOYERS REFERENCE CO, 605 Be Bldg. LARGE concern wishes to hear from men In local towns experienced In lumber or building lines, who want to take up a big money making proposition. Energy and selling ability absolutely necessary. Address Box B-28. Omaha Bee. WANTED Man who has had experience in the news business; good steady posi tion and good salary; references re quired. Address Keefe Bros., . Butte, Mont, SEVERAL office clerks for accounting de partment of mercantile concern. Sal ary, $18 to $20 per week. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN. 1307 W. O. W. Bldg. RAILWAY mail examinations March 15. Prepare with Intensive training method In 10 days; costs $5. Free Information quick. National Instruction! Bureau, 27 Arcade, Columbus, Ohio. WANTED Man who has had experience In the news business; good steady posi tion and good salary; references re quired. Address Keefe Bros., Butte, Mont, BECOME! Railway Mall Clerks. $92 month. Sample examination questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 230 M.. Rochester. N. Y. RAILWAY MAIL CLERK EXAM1NA tlous March 15. $1,100 a year. Sample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 230 M, Rochester, N. Y. Professions and Trades. COUNTRY PRINTER , FOR DES MOINES. IOWA. Wanted, a man thoroughly familiar with Composition, Stone Work, Make ready. No other need apply. Excellent conditions and wages for right man. In answering state age, experience, last ,three employers and how long at each place. C. E. ERICKSON COMPANY, (Incorporated) tH 3d St., Des Moines, Iowa. , LEARN AUTOS TRACTORS. Big demand at big pay for trained auto, truck, tractor, aeroplane men. Old est, most reliable schools In U. 8. A. Kndorsed by factories and garages everywhere. FREE: Big 1,5-page cata log. Come to Detroit, the heart of auto Industry. MICHIGAN STATE AUTO SCHOOL, 38 Auto Bldg., Detroit. Mich. WANTED Energetic and enterprising printer or newspaper man to come to a email, live city In northeast Nebraska, to establish and publish a live weekly newspaper; good opportunity to make money. Not much capital required. For full particulars, address Ch'as. Weiss, Hartlngton, Neb. WANTED Iron Moulders and Machinists; union and non-union; aay which, for work In Southern shops. Good wages for good men. No labor troubles. No em ployment fees charged. Writs, stating experience, wages expected, etc, to 1408 Candler Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. WANTED An experienced grocery man or meat man, with $4,000 or $5,000 to help manage either department with one of the best retail stores In the city of Oma ha; will stand the closest Investigation; salary $5,500 per year. Box B-8, Omaha Bee. MEN WANTED to learn the tire repair and retreading trade in one of tho most up-to-date repair shops. Three weeks tuition $25. Clyds Eller, instructor, form erly with National Auto 'Training School. NATIONAL TIRE SHOP 17th and Capitol Ave. WANTED hy BURGESS-NASH COMPANY Fitters for Wromen's Ready-to-wear. Apply Supt, Balcony. BlTAKKMON, firemen, $150-$200 monthly: experience unnecessary; must study easy, necessary instruction; send stamp for requirements. Railway Association. Address Box Y-332, Omaha Bee. MAN to work this city refinishlng chan deliers, brass beds, automobiles, by new method, $10 dally without capital of experience. Write Gunmetal Co., 143 Elm. Decatur. III. BAKER Steady position for good bread and pastry man; shop equipped with mixers and other necessary machinery. P. O. Box 13, Holdrege, Neb. WANTED A first-class tinner and sheet metal worker In a good shop; stesdy Job to the right man, John F, Helm, Hooper, Neb. WANTED Experienced box maker Apply superintendent Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co., Douglas 1930. EXPERIENCED Gordon-press feeder wanted at once. N. F. Vaffe, Printer, 612 Sonth I6th St. WANTED Regiatered druggist, out of city. Top salary to right man. Ad dress, Box Y-358, Omaha Bee. WANTED Cabinet maker and finisher. Sussman's Furniture shop, 2231 Leaven worth St. BE a detective; excellent opportunity; good pay; travel. Write C. T. Ludwlg, 875 Westover Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. WANTED, all around country printer. Position steady, good wages. Free Press, Mlnatare, Neb. WANTED Two automobile washers, col ored. The Electric Garage Co., Fortieth and Farnam Streets. WANTED Fireman and off bearer. Call at Thirteenth and Frederick. EXPERIENCED Ford mechanic. Apply to Fire Dept. Garage, 11th and Jackson. WANTED Upholsterer for furniture de partment. Box 41405. Bee. BARBER wanted at once. Apply 230 Ames Ave. AN experienced platen press feeder. Eddy Printing Co., 322 Bee Bldg. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMAN WE ARB SEEKING AN UNUSUAL SALESMAN A MAN WITH DIPLOM ACY, TACT AND RESOURCEFULNESS, CAPABLE OF EARNING $5,000 PER YEAR AND UP. HE SHOULD HAVE HAD EXPERIENCE IN EDUCATION AL PROPOSITIONS OR SPECIALTIES REQUIRING A SPIRITED AND IN SPIRATIONAL PRESENTATION. A STRAIGHT COMMISSION, EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY AND UN EXHAUSTIBLE TALKING POINTS THAT APPEAL TO THE COMMON SENSE AND GOOD JUDGMENT OF PROGRESSIVE BUSI NESS MEN. WRITE FULLY IF YOU HAVE A SUCCESSFUL RECORD IN THIS LINE OF WORK. BLACKSTONE INSTITUTE, 608 S. DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO, ILL. ESTABLISHED and prosperous Omaha mall order house wants live stock sales man to sell stock to Its customers. Have 25,000 customers on our list. All live prospects. Company earned 12 per cent dlvldent in 1918. Stock has man In ducements, Including discounts on all purchasese by stock holder. Applicants , must be reliable and well recommended. Address Box C-64, Omaha Bee. SALESMEN, agents and dealers, we want you to handle your own county or dis trict and maks big money. We manu facture the best values In phonographs. The CLASSIG, $100 phonograph, retails for $68,50. $125 phonograph retails for $74.93. Half profit to dealers. Other types, price from $17.60 upwards. Il lustrations and full particulars sent on request. Samples furnished on 30 days trial. 'Send references with first letter. Classic Phonograph Makers, 316 S. Wabash Ave, Chleago, 111. WANTED 100 brokers or saleswianageia to represent us In all parts of the coun. try. Five thousand dollars Income monthly possible handling our le. gltlmale nil stocks. Companies have proven oil leases famous Burkburnett, Tex. See Saturday Evening Post, Jan. 11. Lease lias selling value practically entire capllHlizaUon. Indorsed by stale and national banks. Wo furnish all literature. Splendid commission. Write for particulars. BIG SOUTHERN CO. Fort Worth, Tex. WK RECi-V''II 1,0 competition because of the unique nature and U. S. pro tecled article exclusively owned and con trolled by us. Our district managers report most satisfactory sales of this very essential government created de mand necessity. Large territories to salesmen able to handle crews. Jerome I .a silt. Pres., So. Dearborn St., Chi cago, 111 V HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Reliable, energetic salesman of good ability for permanent position. High class Una handled by aU classes of retail merchants. Established firm of ample means. Eight of our sales men earned ever $500 each, first four weeka of 1919. Two went over $1,000 each. We need 10 more men of unques tioned integrity In this class. Address ' Dept. A. K 60S Great Northern Bldg.. Chics go. SALESMEN Real money for real, live talesmen. Article has thousands of friends; ad vance men or men who are looking tor naps, don't eome near aa we can't use you; but men who are winnera; men who have mad good in fether lines, we want you. W. E. SHETTLEMORE, Manager, CITY NAT. BANK BLDO. SALESMEN Clean-cut, aggresalve, who can show successful record with lines handled and accustomed to earning real money. Advertiser, a leading manu facturer of specialties sold to Jobbers, dealers and coi.sumers. We quote a salary and bonus plan of compensa tlon that is a winner. State age, ex perlence and past average Income In Initial letter. Box Y-309, Omaha Bee. SOLICITORS to aell our hand-colored land scape photographs. Transparent water colors, oil finish. Most Ufa-llks pic tures produced.- Views In 26 states Over 1,1100 negatives, 5x7 to 11x14. Sum mer and autumn coloring, saleable any where; low prices; liberal discounts; exclusive agency In some cities. FRANK LIN JORDAN COLOR PHOTO CO., Yonkers, N. Y LACE and embroidery manufacturer's want energetic salesmen to carry strong and attractive line Imported goods, In cluding handkerchiefs and dreas goods: only first-class men with established connections need apply; liberal commis sion paid weekly and expense account. Address P. O. Box 161, Madison Square, New York City. HERE'S your opportunity to make big money; superior line advertising signs and novelties: exclusive territory; ex penses advanced; salary and liberal commissions. Reply Immediately, glv age age, height, weight, road or busi ness experience and three late business references. Standford-Crowell Co., Ith aca, N. Y. DOES $50 to $200 OR MORE A WEEK In terest you? Pocket sideline, marvelous kerosene gas burner, burns mostly free air In all stovea and furnaces. Experi ence unnecessary. Sells Itself. Write age, reference, present line territory covering , Free outfit comes. Get ahead of the crowd. New Century Supply, Enid, Okl. WANTED Self-sustaining stock salesmen. West ern Terminal Elevator company now or ganizing. High class proposition; only those successful need to consider this advertisement. Western Terminal Ele vator company, 424 Grain Exchange Bldg,, Sioux City, la. MEN One man In each county as exclu sive representative to hell complete Una of '-merchandise to consumer; samples, catalogs and instructions frco; must fur nish conveyance and have good refer ences; $40 to $90 weekly; experience not necessary. Write or call for sales man ager. Ryan Co., 1102-4-6 Harney St, EVERY town has a business man who could rapresent an eastern manufacturer without Injuring his own business. To that man a good proposition Is offered. No investment required. Address F. W. Denning, 1923 Park Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. SIDE LINE SALESMAN WANTED to sell wall paper cleaner, paperhanger's paste and allied products. No bulky samples or literature to carry. Ready sales, good profits. Stat' the line you sell and give references. F. C. Flndley Co., Milwaukee, Wis. SALESMAN experienced any line for general trade in Nebraska, unexcelled specialty proposition. fjPLENDID com mission contract for 1919. $35.00 weekly to producers for expenses. Continental Jewelry Co. 1378 Continental building, Cleveland, O. , SALESMAN experienced any line for gen eral trade In Nebraska, unexcelled spe. clalty proposition. SPLENDID commis sion contract for 1919. $35.00 weekly to producers for expenses. Continental Jewolry Co. 1368 Continental building, Cleveland O. SALESMEN WANTED High grade travel, ing salesmen capable of earning $3,000 and expenses annually. Staple line to general merchandise trade. Attractive proposition to dealers. Address Sales Manager, 612 Hearst Bldg., Chicago. WANTED A few-good salesmen to travel and sell the blggeat money maker on the market; 200 per cent profit; Investi gate at once, this Is no fake; exolustve territory. J. SI. Baker, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. HARDWARE AND STOVE TRADE, Mica firm wants salesman selling hardware and house furnishing trade to handle mica as side line; soils easily; no heavy samples; good commission. Write fully. Box Y-360, Bee. CITY SALESMAN WANTED To work with Jobber's men. Must be straight, energetic. -with good references and sell ing record. One with knowledge of ean ned and preserved fruits preferred. So. California Products Co., Orange, Cal. SALESMEN WANTED Men employed In oil Industry to, do little extra work with out interfering with present occupation. $10 to $20 a week easily made. "Older Sales Manager," suite 1401 Lytton Bldg., Chicago, Dept. H. SALESMEN WANTED Men employed in oil Industry to do little extra work with out interfering with present occupation. $10 to $20 a week easily made. "Older Sales Manager," aulte 1401 Lytton Bldg., Chicago, Dept. H. WANTED Experienced salesman with established trade to sell a line of work and semt-dress shoea In Nebraska; com mission basis; give reference and expe rience In first letter. The E. B. Pleken brock Shoe Mfg. Co.. Dubuque, la. WANTED Electric farm plant salesmen; concern entering tMs business wants service of couple of men who under stand plants and batteries; this la good opportunity for right party; adviss ex perience. Y-3T7, Omaha Bee. AUTOMOBILE Tire Salesman Wanted 4.000-mile guaranteed tire. Commission basis. Will make wondertul side Ilnq. Closing up territory for 1919. Wills Tire & Rubber Co., 1108 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, Minnesota, SALESMEN eayi $200 a month taking orders for our handsome line of Men's Tailored Neckwear. Get our spring sam ples. E. L. Keiser Co., Palmer Bldg., Detroit, Mich. SALESMEN earn $200 a month taking orders for our handsome line of Men's Tailored Neckwear. Get our spring sam ples. E. It. Keiser Co., Palmer Bldg., Detroit, Mich. SALESMEN Catholic, exceptional oppor tunity for ambitious men. Permanent positions will pay $:l5-$45 weekly. Rapid advancement for producers. Call 8 to 10, Mr. Thomas, 301 Karbach BMg, WANTED Clean cut young man to sell an attractive proposition; selling ex perience unnecessary. Apply room 222, llonshaw hotel, Sunday between 11 a. 1:1 and 2 p. m. SI UK-LINE specialty, new. Sold all lines. Full explanation of easy selling plan and outfit free. Big commissions promptly paid. Responsible concern. Service Co., Dept. (i.. Pes Moines. la, "SIDK LINE, top notch specialty, respon sible bouse. Pays commissions prompt ly. Write today. Samples and sales talk free. No delays. Erlckson Com pany, Des Moines, la. SALESMEN Inexperienced or experienced. City or traveling. Write for list of op enings and full particulars. Address Nat'l. Salesmens Tr., Assn. Dept 439, Chicago, 111. SALESMEN If you own an automobile or buggy, you can get around and make $25 per day selling paints direct to consumer. Big Four l'aint & Varnish Co.. Cleveland. O. SaIIbsTuKN WANTED Experienced in newspaper or real estate. Extra good money maker for live men, capable of employing subsalesmen. Permanent work. Box 402, lown City. Ia. it E PRESKN T A T I VI ;S, Im;aTami I raveling, 1o organize Ford car owners. A big brotherhood: all want It. Exclusive ter lllory. FORD CAR OWSKBS PROTECT IVE ASS'N. C2.'1 Stewart Ave., Chicago. SIDE line, lop notch .specially, i,jpon.sib! houe. Pays commissions promptly Write today. S;iniples and sub's talks free. No delays. Lrlekson company, Des Moines. Ia. sTdE-LINE specialty, average commission $10 to $:!0. Pocket samples and sales talk free" Responsible house. Write to day. Simplicity Co., Des Moines. lft- sTlE line HpeciaHy, new, sold all lines. Full explanation of easy selling plan anil outfit ano. H1g commissions promptly paid, ".-siuii'-eible concern. Service Co., Dept. 1... !- Moines, lii. WANTED Live sTileMuen to soil auln specially to distributors tind Joblu rs. Choice territory and liberal commissions. Give experience ami reference, llox !,;!, L'lkhait, Indiana. HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen nd Solicitors. SEVERAL young salesmen, 21 to 11. fop large corporation, staple proposition alary to start. $100 and expense, Two good salesmen, hlgh-olasa prop ttlon, tor large corporation; $111 and expenses to start. Employer's Referenee Company. 605 Bee Building. SALESMEN WANTED Salesman reaching farm Implement. 9btA and accessory dealers. Send refer Y enrea In first letter, Andrew Motor Co. Milwaukee, Wis. SALESMEN Take orders from every busi ness and professional man. Largs com missions, settlements weekly. Pocket sample and full selling Information. Ap ply to Box 147, Denver, Coles SALESMAN For specialty every drug and randy store buys. Profttabla. Eaay. Sample, $2.16. Refunded If not satisfied. Service Comroodltles Mfg. Co., 10 K. Jackson, Chicago, SALESMEN Get our proposition to eell Standard Ball Gum Venders. Real win ner. Profitable either exqlustva or as sideline STANDARD GUM XI Nel son Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. SIDE-LINE specially, average commission $10 to $30. Pocket samples and sales talk free. Responsible house. Write to day. Simplicity Co., Des Molnas, la. SALESMEN $60 weekly and $5,000 yearly from reorders. We give merchants IS ohewlng gum vending machlno free. Mills rd, 4S6 Broadway N. Y. WANTED Retail shoe salesman. Without experience and best references, you need not apply. S. N. Wolbach & Bona, Grand Island, Neb. SALESMEN Energetic, to visit schoole. $100 salary and liberal commission. R. O. Evans Co., 1100 Wabash Aye., in lea go. SALESMEN OUR NEW PROPOSITION APPEAL! TO EVERYONE AND REPEATS F. P. Furlong, 711 S. Desrborn St., Chicago. WANTED Clothing and furnishing goods salesman: small town man preferred. A, W. Sterne, KIrand Island. Neb. Agents and Canvassera. "AMERICA'S War For Humanity." Com. plete history world's war, 80S pages, with nearly 100 magnificent ploturee. ..Retails $2, coats you $1. Boms agents making over $20 per day. Bell tho book the people want. Orders filled promptly. Credit It desired. Freight paid. Alse "Lire of Roosevelt," same terms. Both outfits free to workers. Go. Ck Clows Co., Philadelphia, Pa., or Denver, Colo. Address nearest postofflos. I WANT 40 men and woraea quick to take orders for Comer Ralnooata, Thousands of ardors watting for yon, $3 an hour for spar tlms. Mahsr mad $&!.! In one day. Cooper $88.71 la 4 hours. I will give you $1,60. a year for i average orders a day. No deliver. Ing or collecting. Stylish coat (res for you. (6 beautiful samples. No capital required. Biggest monsy maker In ) America. Writs quick for Information. Comer Mfg. Co., Dept. Q-141, Dayton, O. NEW WAR BOOK COLORED ILLLS. TRATION3. Soldiers, sailors, , others making unprecedented records, Antheja. tlo war history, Pershing's of flolal war re port, 138 Illustrations, magnificent color plates, maps, oolored fronttspleoa for soldier's picture and war record. Im mediate shipments. Freight paid. Credit given. Also Life of Roosevelt. S. C. Barnum Company, 101 No. LaSaUs, Cbt. cago, 111. AMAZING NEW INVENTION, marvelous adding machine. Retails $10. Adds, subtracts. multiplies, divides. Does work of $300 machine, rtvs year guar antee. Offices, stores, factories buy from ens to a dozen. Every demon stration sells. Writs for quick trial of fer and sxoluslvs territory. Dept. 817. Calculator Corporation, Orand Rapids. Mich. HALS' mIlLioW War b6oT2J " Most complete and authentlo war book. Introduction by General March. Unique patrlotlo insert for soldier's photograph and military record. Thous ands of books ready for immediate ship ment. Also Roosevelt book. Special terms. Freight paid. Credit given. Outfit free. H. L. Baldwin Co., Rocke feller Bldg., Cleveland, o. SELL HISTORY OF GREAT WORLD WAR, also Life of Theodora Roosevelt. Both complete official, authentlo, lllus- I trated $2.00 books. Your profit half, fnaTAMt antlera known. Greatest nhanna for men, women, reurned sodlers, sail ors. No experience or capital required. Maks $8 to $5 an hour. Outfit frss. Globs Association, Sit Co mo Bldg.. Chicago. 520.00 DAILY distributing New Prlss Peace Pictures. "Soldier's Return," "News From Home," My Daddy," "Liberty and Peace," "Human Liberty BeU,' "Free dom," "Honor Rolls" and fifty others. Enormous demand. Samples free also Important portrait catalog. CONSOLI DATED PORTRAIT CO., 1014 W. AD AMS ST., CHICAGO. NEW Pictorial History World War with beautifully colored detached copyrighted Honor Roll and Service Record. Gives exclusive territory protection. Special features by Pershing, Daniels, Admiral Sims. 867 striking Illustrations. Many In colors. Biggest money-maker. Largs commission. Send for outfit, Herts! Co. Publishers. Chicago. NEW Pictorial History World War wRa beautiful colored detached Copyrighted Honor Roll and Service Record. Gives exclusive territory protection. Bpeolal features by Pershing, Daniels, Admiral Sims. 857 striking Illustrations. Many In colors. Biggest money-maker. Large commission. Send tor outfit. Hertel Co Publishers, Chicago, AGENTS Soldiers and Sailors espeolallf Everybody wants a victory picture frame,' beautiful finished leatherette! sells on sight, hangs up or stands; can ter oval for photograph, takes postcard or cabinet size, retails $1, big profits and quick sales. Victory Novelty Co., Union Bank Bldg., Chicago, ill. AGENTS If you want to average IK dally; sell a hlghgrade Una of oomba, brushes, mirrors and other novelties is Ivoryware, direct from faotory to con sumer. Enormous demand, patloulara free. Yanoco Ivory Co., Leomlnetor, Mass. WoTrLT) WAR HISTORY. Pictorial. ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL BOOK. II. lustrated. Enormous sales. Best terms. Llvest house. Outfits free. R. J. PHILLIPS PUB. CO., Chicago, rtl.; Philadelphia, Pa; Atlanta, Ga. Ad dress nearest office. AGENTS Chateau Thierry, greatest wat picture. Sample free, 60 others, Russ ell's War History, best published. Con vex portraits, frames, pillow tops, low prices, crcjdit terms, prompt shipments. Peoples Portrait, Station D., Chicago. AGENTS 200 per cent profit. Wonder ful littls article. Something new; sells like wildfire. Carry right In pocket. Write at once for free sample. Albert Mills, Gen. Mgr., 10$ American Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. AGENTS Sell permanent, staple article of national demand. Proposition has never been offered agents. Exceptionally high commissions. No trlflers. Send for free particulars. Taber, 4 Howard St., New ark, N. J. 1 AGENTS Chateau Thierry Greatest War Picture. sample FREE. 60 others. Rus sell's War History best published. Con vex portraits, Frames, Pillow Tops, Low pricescredit terms prompt shipments. People's Portrait, Sta. !, Chicago. AGENTS BUI PAY AND FREE AUTO MOBILE Introducing wonderful gasoline saver, antifreeze, puncturs proof, five year spark plugs and other economical auto necessities. Outfit free. T. Ballwey. 504 Sta. F. . Louisville. Ky. HISTORY World War Introduction by General March. Biggest authentic book. Illustrated, service record, gilt photograph frame, prompt shipments, biggest terms, outfit free. Historical Jgook Co., Cbica so. WIDE AWAKE MAN TO TAKE CHARGH of our local trade. $4.00 to $5.00 a day ' steady. No experience required; pay starts at once. Write today. American Products Co., 113 American building, Cincinnati!. O. WE PAY $;.. a week and expenses Is men to Introduce poultry and stoti r.nnedlea in town and countrv. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 41, Parsons, Kan. vernal House. Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS $10 ilaiTy; three-Intone newly patented household hand tool; sella to alght 100 per cent profit. Write for free particulars. J. L. llahl, Box !, Haek-nsaek. ,V .1. Yt U "AR BWAiTIN3tTm'b If ou are not making. $10 lo $2:; dally; man or woman atari anywhere; materials cost you 7c; r. tiilu for $15. 1 madn $1,260 In 26 days.' r'rayeroff, Fresno, t'al. A HINTS Wonderful opportunity. ' $5 to $40 ,'i week easv selling Maide. Every vomalie hus. Brand pew proposition. Sample and all Information mailed free. Mai;ie t'o.. 22 Ib-ll.-vne Ave , Dayton, O. A-rl.N'iS Flat: of Pea,':. Evry patriot buys. HiB mor.oy maker agents. l'.eialls 50 cents each. Two aamples pre. I'nifl ,",0 cents. Flag of Peace Co.. Swiss- a!. Pa. SA !.f .M K.V and HKenls. Increase ycuraelu In!! power. Iteail ' Elixir of Pep," b "Rosey."' Sample copies. 25 cents peat paid. Thomas 11, Ruesel, 3 I'lyiMaWjl Court, Chiciigo. 'A