Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1919, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 17

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! tharo bo cmtucr ia earthly IhtafiT
Ne kppbiMi ta bat what Bull altar T
Ne Ufa withMt tha heavy load af fortune!
Baauiaaat ua Jletchar.
Truth ia a cavai ta him who only lUndt eut-
atda all la dark, but to him who bold? antara la
and look out Into tha twilight all la alaari
-v w mu-. - . ii mi. -n ii.ii i i i I I i. I I I I I Tl n II I i I I I HI I I II Bill II II I I I I I I TTI I II I I I I T I I I I I III I III II II m I I I I I I I I Tl T fc
Monday evening Miss Helen An
- 'erson's group had .ceremonial at
the guardian s home. Genevieve
Johnson took the rank of Wood
Gatherer. Several of the girls in
the group received honor beads.
Elinor McGilton's group met it
htt home on Wednesday afternoon
:o do sewing for the Child Saving
Mrs. Charles Hubbard's group
will go on a hike Saturday if weath
er permits. The girls have chosen
he road east of Council Bluffs for
heir hike.
Sue Molarity's group of girls
net Wednesday afternoon at the Y.
vV. C. A. Genevieve Swanson, Elva
mjompsett, Grace and Lillian Ander-
i jn were elected to membership.
Miss Alice Chambers' group held
i council fire on Wednesday at the
lonie of Ruth Barr. Mary Gorton,
Helen Blair, Louise Logan and
Ruth Barr received honor beads.
Bertha Vaughan's group met Fri
day afternoon at the Y. W. C. A.
to do sewing for the Visiting
A new Campfire group com
posed of girls from the Minne Lusa
addition was organized during the
past week by Mrs. W. T. Moore.
Mildred Foster is to$e guardian of
this group.
The Commercial High school
group met Tuesday at the Y. W. C.
A. Mrs. Charles Helsey is the guar
dian. Hereafter the meetings will be
every two weeks on Tuesday after
noons at the Y. W. C. A.
Mrs. N. A. Niswonger's group
met Saturday evening at her home.
Girls who wish to form Camp
fire croups are asked to call at or
telephone to the Campfire head-
I iiuarters, 23 Patterson block. Mrs.
V. T. Moore will be at the Y. W.
I C. A. every Tuesday afternoon to
i organize groups of girls who have
nude arrangements for their or-
ganization at the headquarters.
V The new group of which Mabel
Harris is guardian met at her home
Ihe Ahanakee group met at tne
uarUian s home juonaay aner-
-noon. The girls have started work
on their gowns and head bands.
Mrs. Alice Chantry's group post
poned their regular meeting on ac
count of the unsettled weather.
The group of which Mabel Work
man is guardian had no regular
meeting this week. They attended
thi Camptire sing on Saturday in
place of the meeting.
Iyopta group of which Herberta
Barker is guardian met Wednesday
afternoon at Eleanor Pickard's.
Marie Tomsen entertained at a
valentine party at her home Thurs
day afternoon. As this was her 13th
birthday and the 13th day of the
month, 13 was the lucky number
in all of the games. There were 13
guests, among them the girls of the
Abanakee group and their guard
ian, Margaret Woodward.
Zoe Shalek's group met Wednes
day at the home of Virgina Hayden
to do wood-blocking.
Lois Scott entertained at a val
entine partv at her home Friday
afternoon. The girls of the Aban
akee group and their guardian were
among the guests.
The Kaosu group with Mrs.
Howard Gates as guardian will give
the musical program at the social
settlement house this afternoon.
t nf the reeular meeting
I of the Assandawi group, Gladys
I Shamp and the girls of her group
I had a matinee party at the Strand.
Campfire girls are going to help
Hake packets for the soldiers
Massing through Omaha who are
t . in tr leave the train. Besides
( the chocolates, etc., that the league ,
i? fixing for these soldiers, mere
' will be books, short stones, etc.,
S made by the campfire girls.
Theater Parties.
Many theater parties will be given
t'urlng the engagement of James K.
l.ackett, at the Brandeis, beginning
Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed
f r Morsman will entertain a party
of 10 guests Monday evening, and
Mr. and Mr. Joseph Baldnge will
1 avr a party of eight, and Mrs. L.
F Vrofoot will also entertain a
party of eight, E. P. Boyer will have
.'even guests, Mrs. J. J. Brown, six;
FiTion Millard, five; and other par
tes will be given by Harley Conant,
Mrs. A. V. Kinsler. Roy T. Byrne,
S. S. Caldwell. A. B. Warren. M. C.
Voters, Jack Webster, Miss Eugenic
Whiunore Sam Burns, Miss Mary
Martin E. M. S'ater, Dan Butler,
A. S. Ritchie, H. S. Clark. Mrs. Vic
tor Caldwell, C. F. Crowly, J. E.
i Fitzgerald, R. H. Manley, . I'
i faster and J. T. Stewart. For Settlement House
A player piano is greatly needed
' 1 the South Side Social Settlement,
i t the one piano at the Settlement
House is in constant use. There are
14 children taking lessons at the
J-'e't'.ement, Misses Helen Jacobs,
S-:die Levy and Dorothy Morton,
piving their services to teach them
and there are more who are eager
to ' receive instruction. Dancing
parties are given for the children
and adults, Saturday afternoon and
evening and a player piano is great
ly needed to provide the music. It
there were two pianos the music
pupils could be given their lessons
without interference to the other
activities of the Settlement. Any
one who has a player piano which
they wish to give is requested to
-ail Harney 2811.
Dancing Parties.
A subscription dancing party will
l-.e -given by the Major Isaac Sadler
1 chapter of the Daughters of the
American Revolution Friday even
' ins at the Hotel Rome. This will
lea Washington birthday affair and
I f will be used as decoration.
I rs. E. E. Stanfield, regent, is in
iv :-.r;:e of the arrangements.
Isabella club will give a dancing
arty Thursday evening at Rush-
i "3's hall. Soldiers and sailors will
be honor guests.
fee Dance.
Employes of the business office
' -rM another of their dances Fri
day evening at Druid hall. On this
occasion it was a masquerade party,
and about 60 couples participated
In the grand march, after which
prizes were given fpr the best and
Inaugural Gown Worn By
Mrs. McKelvie at the
Ball Valentine Night
; - 7
if, '
ril'vf IIIillillpiillS::i. . H
The "first lady of Nebraska" was stunning in her inaugural gown,
a Henri Brodcls model of heavy gold and white satin brocade with a
unique double train, one of white satin lined with gold and the upper one
of brocade. The maline coatee is of white, hand-embroidered with gold.
The wrap Mrs. McKelvie wears is of silver and black brocade and white
fox, and the hat is fashioned, to match, wfth a black bird of Paradise.
Mrs. McKelvie's mother, Mrs. Fellers, who assists as hostess at all the
governor's mansion functions, wore a black lace robe with sequins in dull
blue, lavender and green, tjhe design worked out in natural colors, made
over sijver and lavender cloth.
The povcrnor and Mrs. McKelvie will be in Omaha most of next
week. 'They will be honor guests at luncheon at the Conant hotel, given
Monday by the political and social science department of the Omaha
Woman's club. In the eveting the governor will speak at the Rotary
club banquet in the Fonteneflle, when, Mrs. McKelvie will also be present.
most original costume. Plans are
under way for another dance to be
held early in April.
Press Club Luncheon.
Omaha Woman's Press club will
entertain Mme. Olga Samaroff and
Baroness Francis Huard at lunch
eon Thursday. Mme. Samaroff will
appear in concert Thursday even
ing at the Brandeis under theh au
spices of the Tuesday Musical club,
and Baroness Huard will speak at
the Fontenelle in the afternoon un
der the auspices of the Drama
Home service section of Civilian
Relief A. R. C are anxious to know
address of Mrs. Maude Teal. Call
at court house on telephone Tyler
Of the 21,600 pairs of socks which
were to have been completed No
vember 1, all but 72 pairs have been
Misery From Catarrh, Sore
Throat and Asthma Ends
Breathe HYOMEI.
Kill catarrh germs.
Get rid of catarrh.
Look- easy?
It's just as easy as It looks.
Then why not start today to get rid of
soreness and crusts in the nose; to banish
forever that hawking;, snuffing, spiting
and ofTensiva breath that loses you
friends ?
Get a HYOMEI outfit today. It only
eosts SI. IS. Open the box, take out the
little hard rubber pocket inhaler, unscrew
both ends.
Inside tha inhaler 70a will find some
antiaeptie gausa. Then take tha bottle of
HYOMEI from ha bos and pour a few
(tr"a into tha inhaler, saturating the
ttam you ra read ta brsatba HYO
V;aiiiililiii .1--; r
i:illliilllltf fx
returned to the knitting depart
ment. Old People's Home.
Rev. E. B. Taft of Grace Baptist
church will have charge of the ser
vices Sunday afternoon at 3:30 at
the Old People's home, Fontenelle
Mr. Walter D. Williams left Wed
nesday for a several weeks' south
ern trip to Florida.
esh Colds
Rub some between the
eves, on forehead and on
cheeks for quick relief.
Ki-C'a Catarrh Craam -Fraa
at Sherman A McCanaell Druf Ca.
MEI. the most penetrating, pleasant and
antiseptic germ destroyer for all diseases
of the breathing organs.
Breathe it five minutes and stuffed up
head will vanish. Breathe it four or t. ve
times a day for a few days, and soreness,
crusts in the nose and that offensive dis
charge of mucus will disappear. Breathe
it regularly for two weeks, kill the germs
and restore the inflamed membrane to its
natural condition.
Remember that the inhaler too get with
an outfit will la-t a lifetime, and If you
need a bottle of HYOMEI after tha one
that comes with the outfit is gone, you
can get it for 60 cents.
For catarrh, eoughs, colds, asthma,
croup and catarrhal deafness, HYOMEI is
sold on money back plan by Sherman A
McConnell Drug Co., and druggists evsry
wbr Adv.
Gossip About People
You Know
Mr. and Mrs. II L. Beard have
returned from an extended southern
Miss Garice Riley left Wednesday
for a two months' visit in Chicago
and Detroit. .
Miss Catherine Hastings, accom
panied by Mrs. A. D. Peters, will at
tend the hop given at the Chi Psi
fraternity house at Cornell univer
sity February 22.
Miss Helen Cole will leave Wed
nesday for Los Angeles.
Mrs. Harry Tagg left Thursday
evening for Kansas City to meet
her son, Lowell, who has recently
returned from a year's service over
seas and is enroute to Fort Wor
den, Wash. Mr. Tagg wears a
wound stripe for an injury received
in Argonne Forest and is a mem
ber pf the 65th coast artillery.
Robert Storz has received his
discharge from the Great Lakes
naval training school at Chicago.
A baby daughter was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Adrian Brian last Friday
at Hastings, Neb. Mrs. Brian was
formerly Miss Ruth Beecher and is
now at the bishop's house. The lit
tle girl will be named Elizabeth
Mrs. Mabel Balcombe Leonhardf
of New York City came Tuesday to
be the house guest of Mrs. Warren,
411 South Fortieth street, for sev
eral weeks.
Lt. Sidney Howell, who received
his training at Fort Omaha, has re
turned from overseas service where
he iv . awarded the Croix de
ijuerre for distinguished service.
and is at his home in xew iorx.
Russell Peters, son of Mr. and
Mrs. A. D. Peters, was recently
elected managing editor of the Daily
Sun, the college paper of Cornell
university, which is also recognized
as the daily paper of Ithaca.
In recognition of his unusual lit
erary talents and executive "ability,
the honor of being one of the
youngest editor was recently giv
en Mr. Peters.
Mr. John W. Towle has resigned
as resident engineer of the Carolina
shipyard and will return to Omaha
next week. Mr. John Latanser, who
has been assisting Mr. Towle, is
expected soon.
Miss Mona Cowell who has
spent six months abroad in the Red
Cross canteen service and whose
time expires February 16, has de
cided to give three more months'
service. Miss Crowell is now at
Brest and recently made a most in
teresting trip through are ruins of
the cathedral Rheims.
, Mrs. David Baum entertained
14 guests at luncheon at the Omaha
club Wednesday.
Mrs. M. T. Barlow is acting chair
man of the Service league during the
absence of Mrs. William Archibald
Smith in California.
Rev. Frederick Evans, pastor of
the First Presbyterian church of
Council Bluffs, has accepted a call
to the Harlem Presbyterian church
of New York. He will leave about
the first of April.
Mr. and Mrs. George Cassels
Smith left Monday to spend several
weeks In California.
Mrs. Flora Stanton Kallc who
has been in the naval Y. M. C. A.
work at Brest, France, has been
transferred to headquarters at
Lt Milton Shaw Kimball of Bath,
Me., is expected the first of the
week to be the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. G. J. Ingwerson and his fian
cee, Miss Helen Ingwerson, for
several days.
Mrs. E. S. Westbrook has gone
to Excelsior Springs for two or
three weeks.
Mr. William Sherman Ruxton, of
Chicago, 111., is expected Saturday
to spend several days as the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Osgood Eastman
Humphreys' "Seventy-seven
breaks up Coughs, Colds,
'Influenza, Cold In the Head
Catarrh, Sore Throat, Quinsy,
Tonsllitls and Grip At all Druggist
Thousands of others have gotten rid of theirs WITHOUT
DIETING OR EXERCISING often at the rate of over a pound
a day and WITHOUT PAYMENT until reduction has taken
J n
If you are overstout do not postpone but sit down right now and send
for my FREE TRIAL TREATMENT and my plan whereby I am to ba
DR. R. NEWMAN, Licenaed Physician State of New York
2S6 Fifth Avenue. New York. N. Y. Desk S-281.
DR. E. R. JARRY, 240
and his fiancee, Miss Helen East
man. Mrs. A. I. Root has returned
from an eastern trip and was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Livingston
Fairbanks of Chicago for a few
days. Mrs. Fairbanks was formerly
Miss Miriam Patterson Boyce.
Capt. and Mrs. Theodore Maen
ner, who have been in Arcadia, Cal.,
will leave soon for Akron, O.,
where Captain Maenner has been
ordered. Mrs. Maenner may spend
several days here with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Robertson.
Mrs. O. Smith has gone to Chi
cago for the week end to be with
her daughter, Izetta, who is attend
ing Ferry Hall,
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Holz
man will leave Sunday evening for
New York and French Lick Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gerin
leave Sunday for Excelsior Springs,
where Mr. Gerin goes to recuperate
from a serious illness.
The Fideles club of St. Cecilia
parish will entertain at cards Tues
day at 2:30 p. m. at the school audi
torium. Mr. E. C. Moore has received
word from his son, Stephen Moore,
that he has arrived safely at Fort
ress Monroe, Va., and expects his
discharge soon. Mr. Moore has been
stationed at Gibraltar on the U.
S. destroyer Lydonia.
Mr. J. Gifford Long, -who saw
active service on the battleship
Wisconsin, is visiting at the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Mrs. E. F. Strain and children of
Gregory, S. D., are visiting Mrs.
Strain's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Woolstencroft, at the Portland
apartments. -
Miss Eva Mahoney of the World
Herald will speak Thursday even
ing in Lincoln before the new
journalistic sorority which has been
formed in connection with the Ne
braska Press association.
Y. W. C. A. Notes.
A special invitation is extended to
girls away from home in the city
to spend their Sunday afternoons
at the Y. W. C. A. At 5 o'clock
there is a vesper service: the speak
er will be Miss Louella Carter of
Camp Wadsworth hostess house,
The Philathea class of the First
Christian church will act as hostess
It's Easy to Took Young and
Fascinating by Ute of
"La Creole"
NO woman should be handi
capped socially by gray or
faded hair. Every woman
owes it to herself t look her
best and avoid tha appearance
of coming age. Gray, streak
ed with gray, or faded hair
makes many a womaa look old
before her time, and gray hair
Is so very unnecessary.
LA CREOLE Hair Dressinz
la tha most popular Hair Color
Restorer in use among society
Men and Women af America
today. It ia a safe, delightful toilet
preparation which uniformly restores gray,
streaked with gray, or faded hair to its
youthful beauty and lustre,
LA CREOLE Hair Dressing will not
stain tha scalp, wash or rub off, or leave
tha hair with that greasy or dyed appear
ance. You apply it yourself by simply
combing or brushing it through tha hair
before retiring, and tha results will da
light you surprisingly.
LA CREOLE is sold by Sherman A
McConnell, and all good drug stores and
toilet counters everywhere. Price. .11.00
'La Creole has made me I
look 1$ years younger.' ,
I am a licensed practicing physician and personally
select the treatment for each individual ease, thus en
abling me to choose remedies that will produce not only
a loss of weight harmlessly, but which will also relieve
you of all the troublesome symptoms of overstoutnesi
such as shortness of heath, palpitation, indigestion,
rheumatism, gout, asthma, kidney trouble and various
other afflictions which often accompany overstout
ness. My treatment will relieve that depressed, tired.
sleepy feeling, giving you renewed energy and vigor,
a result of the loss of your superfluous fat.
You are not required to change in the slightest
from your regular mode of living. There is no dieting
or exercising. It is simple, easy and pleasant to take.
Rectal Diseases Cured without a severe surgical
operation. No Chloroform or Ether used. Cure
guaranteed. PAY WHEN CURED. Write for illus
trated book on Rectal Diseases, with names and
testimonials of more than 1,000 prominent people
nave oeen permanently cured.
Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
es. This class will furnish the pro
gram for the social hour following
the vesper service. Six hundred
girlj were present at our Sunday
afternoons during Januarv.
Tuesday night the Business
Woman's club will meet at 6:15 for
supper; after supper the following
program will be given: "The His
toric Land of Italy." Historic
places of Italy will be thrown on
the screen as Mr. E, P. Fitch gives
the lecture. The leader for the
evening will be Miss Harriet Frahm.
Devotionals will be led by Miss
Mattie Lanktree.
The regular party fo. soldiers and
sailors will be held Wednesday
evening at 8 o'clock.
There is still an opportunity for
those desiring to enter the expres
sion and story-telling classes to
join Thursday evening. These
classes meet at 7 and 8 o'clock with
Miss Edna Barnes as ' istructor.
A new French class will be or
ganized Friday evening at 8 o'clock,
with Miss Tearl Rockefeller as
The Student club will present a
Japanese play, "Abbu San of Old
Japan," in the Central High school
auditorium Friday evning, Febru
ary 21, at 8 o'clock. One-half of
the proceeds will be given to the
Central High scholarship and the
other half to the conference fund.
Seventh and eight grade Girl Re
serves will hold a patriotic rally at
the Y. W. C. A. building Saturday
afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Cass
school girls will dance the minuet,
kmMl Ladies'
F&m&A cloth top
mtk 1 regular
h i i ft r i
Will the Sands of Time Mark You
With the Ravages of Pyorrhea?
A clean, sweet, healthy mouth means a flashing smile, pearly
teeth, a vivacious spirit and a beautiful old age rather than a bro
ken body, sunken cheeks and a witch-like protruding chin, result
ing from the ravages of Pyorrhea.
J 1 "
f1". -- -
(The Million Dollar Secret Formula)
Will arrest this insidious beauty and health destroying affliction
regardless of how far advanced the disease may be.
The pecular and exclusive penetrating force of PYROS goes
right thru the tissues of the gums, teeth and teeth sockets of the jaw bone,
kills the trouble-causinsr germs, heals and makes firm the gums, purifies an.i
sweetens the breath. PYROS prevents decay of the teeth, stops the forma
tion of tartar and as a mouth cleanser it has no equal.
The more than sixteen years of scientific experimentation re
quired to perfect "PYROS, FOR PYORRHEA" has resulted in an antiseptic, -astringent,
deodorant and penetrant so miraculous in its effects that the
dental and chemical world stands amazed at the result.attained on the most
aggravating an. supposedly incurable cases of chronic pyorrhea.
Mot drn (trea liave Ptto. tar Pyorrhrti, a l bottlr. Accept bo anbufltnie. foi
there ln't anr. If yonr dragglat can't aapalr 7-a. fr will direct 7on to one Tvko can.
a group from Mason school will
present "My Man John," while the
Howard Kennedy will give the play
of the afternoon, Fashion Review
Down Petticoat Lane." Girls from
Comenius school will act as hos
tesses. Extension clubs will meet on their
regular evenings. The Many Cen
ters club will give a party in the
club room Monday evening.
Athletic club of the gymnasium
gave a beautiful Valentine party in
the club room Wednesday evening.
Fifty girls attended the dinner.
After dinner there were games and
Valentines for all their guests. This
club is the Booster club for the gym
and the summer camp and has a
membership of 75. The officers for
1019 are: President, Miss Jennie
Sharkey; vice president, Miss
Martha Irelms; secretary, Miss
Margaret Weyerman, and treasurer,
Miss May Leach.
Brown Calf with
and fancy heel,
$5 m m
"Shoes for the Entire Family"
it V
, w--,-v
The Rhea Chemical Company
Fifth Floor Foster Bldg.f Denver, Colo.'
Salad Jell
Lime Jiffy-Jell h fla
vored with lime-fruit es
sence in a vial. It makes
a tart, green salad j'clL
Jiffy Tell desserts art
flavored with fruit-juice
essences, highly coni
densed, sealed in glass.
Each dessert tastes likes
a fresh-fruit dainty t-and
it is.
Yoii will changes frorri
old-style gelatine dainties
when you once try Jiffy
Jell. Millions have
changed already.
Order from your grocei!
10 Flavor, at Your Crocer
2 Packagtt for 23 Cant
Bee Want Ads Art Business Gel
ten. Try One and See.
Ladies' Grey Kid, with
cloth top; Cuban heel,
regular $6.98 CK
Grey Kid, with cloth top
, . j
md Louis heel, regular QA RO
Suckk 31-93 10 3.53
Men's Very Styiish English Last,
in dark mahogany, 4-48
at ........ a
3t: rr-
iOt "
er i J
,e 1 1
Id s
if f t
m ! i
Dr :.
: '
s ;