Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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The Omaha Bee
Tae inwl I'm, of wbica Tb. J)t li t Bwmtw. Ii tlnHTfl
a'HM k w win rraWicsllon. of all n.w, ditiatrnss endued
to It or not otbarwtie anriited In tills psner, "d l Uie to"-"'
m tmblufcJ herein, all ctftiui of cubilcitioa ( u spes'el
ili.MtcDM ate aio ttnl
OhlMlo Pwiplfl Hu Balldlm. nnh Ths Bm B!Ii.
h Tort ! nrut An. SouUl Onill-lSIl S .
Ft. N.w B'k of Cuauseree. Council BlufT H N. Usui M.
Waatusftea 1311 0 St Lincoln LittH Building.
Daily 65,219 Sunday 62,644
eltealttln ft the "onto, eubecrilwi and sworn 10 to
K. B. EQ. Cltrulstlon W mater.
Subsrrlbers leaving the city should have Tha Bea mailed
to them. Address changed aa olten aa requeetesl.
Alien agitators can be spared for all time.
, Some valentine was that old Boreas slipped
the Missouri valley.
Do not worry over the "flu," nov let your in
difference lead you into careless exposure.
Ole Hanson lacks the first requisite of a
bolshevik. He goes clean shaved and well
Construct your program for next week to
fit in with the program of the Reconstruction
congress. r
K little touch of blizzardy weather was ab
solutely necessary, if only to show up Mr.
Special privileges heretofore enjoyed by
storage eggs are withdrawn. Let us see what
supply and demand can do.
If the League of Nations goes through as
outlined,' treaties will be something more than
scraps of paper in the future.
Half a billion bales of cotton were used by
American factories in January. This staple
going into cloth and not high explosives.
Fixing boundaries between Poland and Slo
vakia would not be so very hard to accomplish,
if id were not for those Silesian coal mines.
What's the constitution between friends,
anyway, especially when it is expected so soon
to be patched up by a constitutional convention?
British coal miners are trying to push the
nationalization of their industry by means of a
strike. It will be worth while watching this
One more month is allowed in which to
make income tax returns, but that is not any
too long to puzzle out some of the new
provisions of the law.
Argentina also did a fair stroke of business
with England and France, selling them supplies
on two-years' credit. Our South American
friends are waking up.
Woodrow Wilson and retinue will leave
France today for a short stay in the United
States. He will make his headquarters at Wash
ington while in this country.'
Senator "Jirnham" Lewis wants a stronger
and more aggressive policy adopted toward
Mexico. He will probably change' his mind
when the president gets back.
The senate is going to put in overtime for
tha next two weeks in an effort to catch up
with the work it has neglected. It is too far
behind, though, to avoid the extra session.
Ilerr President Ebert says Germany will be
Rood and pay up, but asks that the conditions
be not too insistently urged at this time. He
ought to look up the record made in Belgium.
China is now paying the penalty of
millenium of pacifism. Its efforts to come back
ate costly and without outside help the nation
will have a hard time to revive its independence.
Allied troops will withdraw together from
Russia, but they ought not to come out till
order is restored. It looks, however, as if we
wern to add another notch just below those cut
at Vera Crui and in the "pursuit" of Villa.
Father Rigge calls attention to some points
that may have escaped attention when The Bee
first published its great picture of "The Heart
of Omaha" as seen from a balloon. It will
repay you to look it up4! again and view it as
Father Rigge suggests.
Federal Tax Burden
If congress cannot overcome the habit
formed in wartimes of lightly voting appropria
tions running into the hundreds of millions, the
richest country of the world will soon be on
the verge of bankruptcy. Several members of
the house and the senate have sounded the
alarm, without apparent results. But financial
institutions have begun to take up the questiqn,
presenting the facts in a way that will impress
the people. Not until the people take an in
terest in national expenditures need we expect
a halt in appropriations. The Mechanics and
Metal National bank of New York has been
gathering data on which it has based some
striking statements.
It shows that after the floating of the next
Liberty loan in April the annual interest bill of
tiie nation will be $1,000,000,000. This is 50
times our interest bill two years ago and $100,
0)0,000 more than the combined interest pay
ments of all the European powers in 1913. It
will surpass the total federal expenditures of
anv year before the war. Estimating these nor expenditures at $1,000,000,000 and the ex
tension of federal activities in shipbuilding,
rondmaking and agricultural development, in
addition to the great increases for the navy and
army and death and disability insurance, makes
it an obvious underestimate it will require S.2
per cent of the annual income of the people of
the United States, reckoned on a peace basis,
to meet federal expenditures. This means that
the average American worker will be compelled
to contribute IS days' labor each year to na
tional expenses. In addition to this the ex
penses of the states and municipalities must be
met. The fact that even heavier burdens must
be borne by all the other belligerents will affect
ir,e situation to some extent, but at best we
shall be handicapped in foreign trade in compe
te on with neutrals. France must devote 40
1 er cent of its annual income to federal ex--
--CS, while the United Kingdom must devote
per cent. The average for the belligerents
will be 21.4. St. Louis Globe Democrat.
The city commissioners are stepping all
around the real cause of trouble in the Omaha
police department. If the force is disorganized
and inefficiently directed, it is not because the
individual members are incompetent or dis
honest. What is needed is capable control.
In naming a new chief of detectives, the
commission announced that he was to "have a
free hand." What does that mean? Will he
be independent of the chief of police, who is
supposed to exercise authority over all sub
ordinates? Captain Dunn is a man of experi
ence and character, and his selection for his
present responsible position is undoubtedly
wise. But the appointment should have come
from the chief of police, and not from the city
If Chief Eberstein is not the man for the
place, if he can not properly control and direct
the operations of the police force in all its
branches, he should be superseded. But in all
fairness to him, he should be given an oppor
tunity he has not yet had, that of being chief of
So long as the responsibility and authority
is not centered in one individual, just that long
will we be troubled with factions, friction and
inefficiency in the police force. Discipline can
neither be established or maintained by giving
subordinates "a free hand," nor while the de
partment has several heads and these heads are
working at cross-purposes.
Make the chief of police the active head of
the department; hold him to account for its do
ings, and at least we will know where to put
the blame when things go wrong. ,
The League of Nations.
President Wilson's plan for a League of Na
tions, as outlined in the draft made public at
Paris yesterday, practically puts the affairs of
the world in the hands of five nations, the
United States, Great Britain,. France, Italy and
Japan. These, with four others to be selected
by them, are to be the final arbiters of any
cause that may tend to war in the future. As
may justly assume the responsibility of decid
ing for all the others, for against their wishes
no nation is likely to succeed at war.
The draft contains provision for elaborate
but easily regulated machinery to carry on the
business of the league. Its provision for dis
armament "keep the word of promise to the ear
and break it to the hope" of those who had
anticipated an end of armies and navies. "Re
duction of national armament to the lowest
point consistent with national safety" is rather
an elastic provision, especially when the final
decision is left to the dominant powers. This
makes certain that Great Britain will maintain
is navy, France its army, Japan both its mili
tary and naval establishments, and that Italy
and the United States must be ready to meet
any demand that may confront them.
Nations at present excluded from the league
may later'be admitted by a two-thirds affirma
tive vote of the signatories, on a sufficient
showing of good faith and sincere intention to
carry out the objects of the league. This covers
the German case very neatly.
The whole plan deserves careful study,
that Americans may be well informed as to just
how it involves them in the business of the
world. ' It has been suggested that for fifty
years to come the only league that will be truly
effective would be that of the United States and
Great Britain. Between these two we will
At best, the draft is but tentative, subject to
modification, and will not be presented to the
senate for ratification until after the treaty of
peace is disposed of. Plenty of time will be
given for its full consideration before its formal
"Code" Bill for Nebraska.
Governor McKelvie did a good job explain
ing his proposed "code" bill to the Rotarians.
In presenting to business men a proposition of
this nature, he set himself right at the start.
The measure may be discussed in greater de
tail at another time, but for the present The
Bee wants to call attention to the fact that the
governor offers it as a way of securing a more
businesslike administration for the affairs of
the state. -
The platform on which he was elected
pledged the candidate to certain definite re
forms, and among these a change in methods
of running the state government. A business
that has grown 300 per cent iiv the last ten
years, and now represents an annual expendi
ture of around six million dollars of the tax
payers' money, deserves the closest attention.
This, is what Governor McKelvie proposes it
shall have.
His administration measure does hot in any
way' interfere with the coming constitutional
convention, nor will its adoption make the work
of that gathering more complicated or difficult.
It will, though, give Nebraska a better govern
ment until "after the work of the convention
has been passed on by the people.
The present arrangement of boards and com
missions, with overlapping authority and inter
fering jurisdiction, is both cumbersome and ex
pensive. The McKelvie code bill proposes to
do away with this antiquated conglomeration
and substitute a co-ordinated scheme, under
which the business of the state can be carried
on as economically and effectively as that of a
well organized private concern. And that is
why the democratic politicians are so com
pletely opposed to it.
The World-Herald is inclined to agree that
a parent makes the mistake of his life when
he fails to send his child to the public school.
Fine I But why then don't the W.-H. aristo
crats set the example by sending their own
children to the public school?
Speculators are trying to inflate a corn boom
on the theory that most of the farmers are
going to plant wheat. Bless their innocent
lives, they overlook the fact that the winter
wheat crop was seeded last fall, and that the
corn does not grow in the spring wheat belt.
An Omaha school ma'am who lias been en
couraging personal cleanliness among her pu
pils is on the right track. A clean body ought
to go with a clean mind.
Council Bluffs complains that the Omaha
booze hounds are invading Iowa. Some of them
go as far as St. Joe, Mo.
Reconstruction of the Man
.i. .-j. .. ..,.., . s. a
me leaning powers or tne worm, pernaps, tney lat none o them was able t0 ive the fina,
Walter Camp in the Outlook,
Perhaps of all the serious problems our gov
ernment faces that o frepair is least understood
This war, indeed, differed from any other in
nast historv in the rapidity with which tn
weapons changed. Now if you change the
weapons fast enough you soon have no one, not
even the most experienced surgeon, wno Know
anything about what happens or is going to
happen to the men against whom these weapons
are used, wnat surgeon Knew in tne Dcgimng
even "the comnosition of some of the easei
much less the effect upon the men who breathed
them? In this war we grew from cavalry and
ord.nary gunfire to air machines capable ot go
ing ISO miles an hour and guns that would shoot
75 miles. We were suddenly confronted with
gases that would put out ot action tnousanu
of troocs. and toward the end we devised gase
for which there would have been almost no re
sistance. Troops that, according to all the rules
Of war as formerly laid down, were sure to
break went right on ud to the nests of machin
euns. and with their bare hands choked the gun
ners and took the guns. In fact, at the very
time when we had all concluded that, on account
of the wonderful progress made in devising new
death-dealing machines, there could never be
another war, the world faced the greatest war
in historv. But. no matter what he faced in th
way of still further man-killing devices, the sol
dier went straight on and met those device
with unwavering fortitude. There is some
thine in man. call it what vou will courage
pluck, will power that is beyond and superior
to any machines, inventions or devices. And
this war demonstrated as never before that
there is nothing that that human being is not
ready to face. ;
But when we eet men of such accomplish
mcnt and endurance, who will go forward until
thev achieve their objective, we get them from
the breed that has grown up in this country of
ours on the athletic fields, the sand lots of base
ball even the base ball and "scrapping" of
the streets. We got them as the best of that
American spirit which despises the "yellow
streak" and makes the word "ouitter" synony
mous with coward and disgrace. Now such
men go through with their job. But they are
not only human, thev are also highly strung.
and for that reason all sorts of sequelae come
trom this very abandonment of self and the su
nremeness of their courage. Hence, shell
shocked and gassed and broken, they presented
lot of new problems to the surgeon
But our surgeons did most noble work; they
came through with the same spirit as the
men; they learned fast, and they put science
against science, gas mask against gas, and every
new weapon was met with a new defense. And
now that the war is over we are 'getting our
opportunity to study more quietly these great
problems. We are to handle thousands of these
men who have been through this inferno of hell
and have come out with the marks upon them
borne of them will never be the same, but pa
tience and study and work wiU bring many of
them back to normal again. We have some
basis upon which to build, for we already have
. j i i. . ... i. j? . i
nan consiaeraDies experimental worK airecieu
alone these lines.
And, finally, there is another phase of re
construction, or at least of the return oi men
from the service to civilian life, which seems to
have entirely escaped the attention of everyone,
and yet which should have a certain measure
of consideration. We all of us know that one
of the objections that has in the past been ad'
vanced against athletic sports in the colleges
has been that men indulging in them develop
themselves muscularly, increase the size and
power of the heart, and then, graduating from
college, suddenly drop all exercise and suffer
breakdowns in health accordingly. What shall
we ray of the man who comes out of a camp
cantonment after the pretty severe physical ex
ercises there practiced and goes back to his
work- on the bench in the factory or in the
counting room or office? Someone certainly
should advise him that, as it took him months
to build up that physique, he should look some
what after the manner in which he comes back
to the life which must be his normal one. The
men who come out of the naval stations will
have an easier time adjusting themselves, for
many of these stations had a more moderate
training, designed for suppleness and muscular
control rather than more violent and prolonged
muscular exertion. The men who come out and
adopt the plans suggested by the secretary of
the interior, Mr. Lane, which involve a vigorous
outdoor life, will have a far better chance of
continuing health than those who are almost
at once shut indoors to a confining, sedentary
occupation after months of exceedingly strenu
ous exercise in the open air. But some men
must nerforce co back to the sedentarv iobs.
and whether anything more than the advice to
let down slowly and to keep up some measure
of outdoor exercise can be given is a question,
I am merely dealing with the fact that for a man
who has had the regimen practiced at the
ramps the transition will be a very decided one
requiring consiaerapie enori at adjustment on
the part of nature; and it will need much aid
irom the man himself in accomplishing it.
Help! Or We Perish
"Every soldier who puts on a uniform of
the United States, who fought or trained to
fight, will have a job if he wants one.
Brave words, these.
Spoken by whom?
Bv Newton D. Baker, secretary of war:
Spoken, of course, before or when demob
ilization of the armed forces started?
Oh no; spoken on February 5, 1919, after
scores of thousands of soldiers and sailors had
been mustered out, sent to their homes and
given a chance to use their own wits to find
something to do.
The cheering promise held out by Mr. Baker
will be made good when?
Search us.
And how?
Search us again.
And through whom?
Search us a third time; but holdl he speaks
of American business men co-operating with the
Does the War department know how to
co-operate f
Oh, yes, indeed; presumably so; but it seems
to have been overtrained, or something. It
doesn't keep its eye on the) ball very well, but
it plays a great game in the rub-down shed.
Minneapolis Tribune.
The Day We Celebrate.
, William H. Gates, real estate, born 1858.
Kenneth S. Finlayson, attorney, born 1888.
G. A. Bennett, Henshaw hotel, born 1882.
Albert B. Cummins, senior United States
senator from Iowa, born at Carmichaels, Pa., 69
years ago.
Elihu Root, former United States senator
and one-time secretary of state, born at Clinton,
N. Y., 74 years ago. v
Mme. Marcella Sembrich, famous operatic
soprano, born at Lemberg, Galicia, 61 years ago.
In Omaha 30 Years Ago. v
A series of Greek tableaux was presented
at the First Congregational church by eight
charming young women, under the direction ot
Miss Jennie House, the others participatine be
ing Miss Ida Boyce, Miss Nina Marshall, Miss
Mildred House, Miss Dollie McMaster. Miss
Maud Staler. Miss Gundie Coburn. Miss Lillie
Some one took a pair of ladies slippers-
number twos from the dressing room of the
Switchman's ball. And, as it was evidently by
mistake, the person can find the owner
through H. J. Maury at the Republican office.
Judge Dundy is recovenne from his. recent
Rev. Sam Tones, the' Alabama revivalist, has
leased the Coliseum for May. - .
Friend of the Soldier
Replies will be given in this
column to questions relating
to the soldier and his prob
lems, in and out of the army.
Names will not be printed.
Ask TheBee to Answer.
Rome Special Information.
Bellwood, Neb., Feb. 10. To the
Editor of The Bee: 1 Is the 4th
Infantry part of the Third division?
Could you tell me where the 4th
infantry was engaged on October
12th, 1918? (Company D). 2
What states are mostly represented
in the 324th infantry of the 81st
division? When will this unit be
home? 3 To whom can I write
concerning $125 sent home through
the Y. M. C. A. from France on De
cember 28 and not yet received?
4 Where shall I write concerning
Liberty bonds of second issue
bought by our soldier and never re
ceived. 5 Where is the 26th di
vision located? Did this division
fight? 6 Where is the 32d division
located? Was it engaged in
battle? 7 Our soldier does not
receive his mall. He didn't get his
Christmas package, through beinej
transferred. What becomes of sucn
packages? He does not know we
even sent It.
Answer The 4th infantry vnu
part of the 5 th brigade of the 3d di
vision, in the First army. On Octo
ber 12 this division was in the third
line on the Argonne front, about 10
miles northeast of Exemont.
Can not tell you the make-up of
tne 324m inrantry. it is in the 162d
brigade or the 81st division, A. P. o.
781. .No orders have been issued
lor its return home.
Write to Dr. John It. Mott. cen-
erai secretary, r., m. C. A.. ,147
Madison avenue. New York, about
tne money sent you through the Y.
M. C. A.
Write to the deposits and allot
ment branch, central disbursfner Ai.
vision, office of thb quartermaster
general, Washington. D. C for in.
formation concerning Liberty
The 26th division was In thn flcrM.
ing at St. Jflhiel. The 32d division
was in the drive through Argcnne
wood. It is now In the armv of oc
Undelivered soldier mall is belnr
sent to the dead letter office, to be
returned to writer. The mail service
has been very bad, but is improv
ing some. In addressing letters or
packages be verv careful tn b-Iva tho
full name of the soldier, his rank,
number of his company, regiment
and division, and army postofflce.
with A. E. F. at end.
Soldiers' Insurance.
Omaha. Feb. 12. Tn th raitm- t
The Bee: What is the arrangement
for insurance by soldiers honorahlv
discharged from the service? Do
they continue to pay at the same
rate they did when in the service?
And for how long?
Answer Honorably disrharpori
soldiers may carry their insurance
by remitting to the bureau of war
risk insurance, division of allotments
and insurance, Washington, D. C,
the amount of the monthly premium.
This arrangement is temporary. A
plan is being worked out to continno
the insurance on the term basis. No
soiaier or sailor who has a govern
ment policy should allow it to lapse.
tie win never ne apie to get as good
insurance as so low a rate again.
Many Questions Answered.
Mrs. A. D. M.. Walnut. la. A. V.
O. 776 is stationary with the 90th di
vision, headquarters at Bettem-
bourg. Cannot tell you what the
initials stand for.
Mrs. L. C. T., Hebron. The 314th
ammunition train is part of the 88th
division, headquarters at Lagny.
France, A. P. O. 744.
Clara Dittmer See answer to Mrs.
Li. C. T. No orders for return of
this unit.
Otto F. Quass. A. P. O. 734 is
stationary with the 32d division, now
part or tne army of occupation. Can-
noB tell you just where any particular
company or regiment v-as on a cer
tain day, but the 32d division, of
which the 127 infantry is part, was
on tne iront line nea.r Bantheville
on the Argonne front, on October
i4, 16. 16, 17 and 18.
Dora Kugler, Plattsmouth. Head
quarters of the 84th division are
now at Camn Merrit. N. J. Not all
or tne division nas left France yet.
The 109th engineers' address is A. P.
O. 798, which is at Mesves-sur-Loir
(nlevere), southwest of Paris.
Mrs. Lola Craig Evacuation hos
pttal No. 4 is with headquarters of
tne 'irst army. A. P. O. 794: Ma
chine Gun company 114 is with the
30th division, which is part of the
second corps of the Third army, di
vision headquarters at Ballon. A. P,
O. 749; the 31st engineers is now the
sist transportation corps. A. P. O.
713, Gierves (Loir-et-Cher.)
Mrs. ii. jvi. B. w e regret we have
not the space for the article by Dr.
Mott on the Y. M. C. A. However.
we have published the gist of his de
fense of the organization. i
(Pcegy and Blllr Belgium, with Coun
teas Alice and the clrcua animals, ack to
ave Red Spot from being elaln In a bull
fight by putllnj on a show that dlitracti
tha attention ot the Mexican!.)
The Mexicans See a Fairy.
Tur. governor was usioiwsiieu
when the matador came flying
into his lap! Likewise he was
angry, for he had come to see the
matador kill the bull and not be
tossed about by the bull like a bun
dle of hay.
So the governor gave sharp
orders and soldiers promptly threw
the matador back Into the ring.
Senor Matador grabbed up his
sword and prepared to win back his
reputation as a bullfighter. But
when he started for Red Spot he
found Nanny Goat In his path.
"Goat fighter! Goat lighter!"
He raised Lis head proudly and
yelled the crowd, mocking the ma
tador. That made him very angry
and he lunged at Nanny Goat. Bos
ton Bull made a quick grab at his
leg as he did so and Senor Matador
did a funny dance trying to recover
his balance. He struck at Boston
Bull with his sword, but Boston Bull
quickly dodged. As Senor Matador
whirled around Nanny Goat got a
chance and, wham! she again butted
the bullfighter. Then Circus Mike
took a hand, grabing the neck of
the matador's coat In his month,
and rushing him around the ring.
Badly scared the matador threw off
his coat and dodged into one of the
small openings in the wall.
While the crowd was still laugh
ing over the vanquishing of the ma
tador Countess Alice ran through the
arena gates and mounted Circus
Mike's back.' Around and around
the ring she went, giving a pretty
circus-riding act, while Billy Bel
gium acted as general clown.
The crowd liked the show Im
mensely, applauding loudly. But
they had come there to see a bull
fight and when Countess Alice had
done all the stunts she knew the
Mexicans began to yell for their fa
vorite sport.
"Kill the bull!" they shouted.
"Bring on more matadors! We want
to see a bullfight!"
Two new matadors rushed toward
Hed Spot. They waved red flags
tantalizingly in his face. This made
Ited Spot mad. He charged at the
matadors so quickly they had to
dodge without striking home with
their swords. But the matadors
were determined. They went after
him again.
Peggy was prepared for just this
moment. Suddenly there was a
shriek from near the governor's box
and a little girl in a ragged shawl
tumbled Into the arena, right In front
of the angry bull.
A shout of horror arose from the
crowd. The bull seemed about to
charge upon the little girl and tear
her to pieces. But the little girl
arose, threw off her shawl and stood
revealed to the astonished Mexicans
as a beautiful fairy. It was Peggy.
Red Spot, nearly blind with rage,
didn't recognize her. He was ready
to attack anything. Then Pegsy be
gan her song about the waiting herd
on the river bank. Red Spot grew
calm. He lowered his head. Peggy
went up to him confidently, grasped
him by the horns and swung herself
on top of his head. He raised his
head proudly and trotted around the
"A fairy! A fairy!" shouted the
amazed Mexicans.
The matadors, not to be cheated
of their prey, rushed forward. But
Nanny Goat and Boston Bull were on
guard and in an instant the mata
dors were In wild flight, with the
goat and dog behind them.,
Peggy saw that this was a moment
to escape, before the Mexicans recov
ered from their surprise. She drove
Red Spot to the gate, which Billy
Belgium swung open before them.
Off they dashed through the town
and out upon the plain. Behind
them came Circus Mike, with Billy
Belgium and Countess Alice on his
back. King Bird flew overhead and
Nanny Goat and Boston Bull trotted
"Welcome! Welcome, Father
Bull!" lowed the cattle and the
Loudly, loudly sang the birds, and
Daily Dot Puzzle
Advice As to Health.
Questions About People.
I'ricnd of the Soldier.
Free Legal Aid.
Friend of the Soldier.'
Questions About People.
Friend of the Soldier.
Ask Our Help-Watch for Replies
Tribute to "Dick" O'Keoffe.
Omaha, Feb. 13. To the Editor of
The Bee: Today all that was mortal
of the late Richard O'Keeffe was laid
in St. Mary's cemetery. May his soul
rest in peace.
The younger generation was not
as familiar with Mr. O Keeffe as
were the citizens of Omaha 30 years
ago, he having retired from active
life after the death of his beloved
He arrived in Omaha while In the
full bloom of his young and vigorous
manhood, and he used his splendid
attributes, with which nature had
richly endowed him, in the develop
ment and progress of his chosen city.
Under the blighting influence of
alien laws these attributes were of
little avail In his native land, and
hence he sought protection and en
couragement from the only country
In the world which guarantees "Hire.
liberty and the pursuit of happi
ness. He appreciated the hospital
ity or his adopted country, and loy
ally did he repay it for all that It
had given him. His fellow citizens
could show no greater proof of their
confidence in his ability and Integrity
than to elect him four successive
times to the responsible position of
county commissioner. It was while
he was commissioner that the court
house was blult, and at the same
time other public improvements ot
vast importance were carried out.
Tne writer, wno was himself a
county officer, bears cheerful testi
mony to the fact that every voucher
Minneapolis Tribune: Getting back
to peace is not so far from the
thing General Sherman called war.
St. Louis Globe Democrat: Find
ing Jobs for everybody is what the
socialists say Is the state's business.
It looks attractive, except that the
question remains to be asked. Will
the Jobs be compulsory?
Kansas City Star: The threat of
fhe German government to break oft
negotiations with the allies Implies
some confusion in the German mind.
The allies have no negotiations on
with Germany.
Brooklyn Eagle: No patent med
icine manufacturer has uttered a
single peep against a march toward
Sahara. His is the rock that some
Moses will smite, when dryness
makes the multitude too faint and
Washington Post: Charley Schwab
gives the efficiency experts of the
government a tip by cable. He says
that efficiency and hard work mean
the same thing and the one cannot
be accomplished without the other.
Bal'timore American: The allies,
It is said, are agreed that Belgium
will come first in indemnity from
Germany. That country is now
looking forward to the pleasant
prospect of being comparatively
bled white, as a fitting punishment
for seeing red.
"Business Is Cood.ThankYoiT
LV. Nicholas Oil Company
IaJ)orof 1
When the folke we really lova hava left
us and we face the problem of eonductinK
the lest aad aervice before we relinquish
them entirely th undertaker who ha
charge of this occasion moit possesi tact,
discretion, honesty and ability. Upon such
an oecasion let us serve you.
Funeral Parlor (Established 1888)
17th and Cuming St. Douglas 1CS0
was carefully examined by the
Board of County Commissioners,
every warrant checked, every pro
posal for public work thoroughly
analyzed, and every contract
awarded to the lowest responsible
bidder. It was generally admitted
when the court house was built and
which we supposed would serve our
purposes for at least a hundred years
that not one extra dollar was used
in its construction, and that the
plans and specifications had been
carried out to the letter. The tax
payers gave unstinted ' praise to
Commissioners O'Keeffe, Corliss and
Mr. O'Keeffe died poor. He
spurned temptations. The bribe
giver, the traitor and the law
breaker were alike odious to his ex
alted Ideals. He left behind him an
imperishable name. He was a man
an honest man. He was "Honest
Dick O'Keeffe." JOHN RUSH.
15 ,A &
6," )' 24 'I
1 9 ?
27. 3a-.
57 '
5.:? ft
47 45
SI .j9 43
5fV a5 8
Tracing to fifty-eight
Brings my to the (rate.
Craw from on to two and so on to the
the cattle Joined In. They were
Hinging Peggy's song and the last
thing she heard as the airplane sped
toward home was:
"Fear not. Red Spot Is on, guard;
no harm can come."
f i
I only .dast
O, what a Valentine I'd rite
To you, sweetheart, to you,
'Cense your Jest out of site
fNM eweeter 'n honey, too.
'Nd that's what I'd say to you
'P I only dast
T I only dast
I'd aay your a brlte star;
The sun ain't half so brlte
Tho your a gal all rite.
(O, you jest bot you are!)
'Nd I'd say ml hart beets fast
For you from inorn till nlte,
'F I only dast '
P I only dast
I'd rite down words that erlde.
Tare secrlts from ml hart.
Call you DarllnRlst and Bride
'Nd aware we'd never part;
Nd lota of other things I vow
That I can't think of now
'P I only dast
Ta awl you say. Alas!
Tet though you won't be mine
I'd send this for my valentine
But I don't dast!
I lotKers. do -vrou,'
children? Do yoxx
make music an in
spiring part ofptir
everyday home lite?
"Sou skould do so,
tor the singing or
playing of gooa
music during tKe
early years mearvs
muc-kto your child's7
lxxuxre Happiness.
oraVictjraa.. C7A'
joy and pleasure &
Swim give will make
you orget ih cost:
ay ktrxM idle sire Ji
The finlbransen
A $700 Talue for $150
Cash or Monthly PnymenU
The Apollo Reproducing Piano, Is
creating an unprecedented demand
for Electrically produced high class
Demonstrations Daily.
Xne Art & Moslc Store of Omnia.
THE women have demonstrated ful'y
during the war their ability to deal
with business problems.
The First National Bank has carefully
provided for our women customers and
their friends, and we want you to know
the real meaning of THE SERVICE OP
THE FIRST, as applied to our Women's
In this department, which is entirely
separate from the rest of our Bank, is a
luxurious comfort station, telephone, writ
ing desks, big, comfortable chairs and dav
enports, and, in fact, everything that a wo
man finds pleasure in when waiting for
friends or when tired out from shopping.
We consider it a pleasure to have yon
make use of this department of our Bank,
whether you are a customer or not.
And remember, there is always a wel
come for you here.