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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1919)
. t Superior Vfi!as Hew Is Bally Iiakfaf Scores ct Haw Converts to ths Uruestisnsils Economy cf Cash Baying U : I! i i f 1 i 1 Neckwear and Veiling at One-Half and Less Organdy, Sotln nd IMtjue fol iar and t nffs Trimmed with good qualify Venice lace; worth up to J1.50; Spe cial Cash Trice Saturday 69c Georgette and Nqne Collars Trimmed with val and filet lace; worth up to $1.25; Special Cash Price Saturday, at 49f Fiiine Testeeg In high and low neck; reg ular value, 12.00; Special Cash Price Saturday at S1.00 Circular and Prape Teils In black and col ors, with Chenille borders and scroll effects; worth up to $1.25; Special Cash Price Saturday, at 50 Fancy Mesh Toiling With narrow borders and Chenille dots, In black and colors ; worth up to 50c; Spec'l Cash Price Sat'dy, yd. 29 Mm ft : 7 w - W Liberty Bonds Accepted at their full market value in exchange for any merchandise purchased in this store. Inquire at Main Office on Third Floor. -:- THE CASH STORE-:- We Buy Direct from the Producer whenever pos sible, and want your Fresh Eggs, Dressed Poultry, Butter, etc.; will pay Spot Cash and highest market price on day of delivery. We're Splendidly Ready for the Early Buyer of Spring Apparel 1 Spring's latest novelties are here in broad assortment for your selection and more are arriving everv day although entirely too early for a formal '; r opening it is not one whit too early for you to see some of the good things we have provided and the liberal buying indicates that thousands prefer to 3 Children's Apparel I C j A c 1 200 Wool Dresses Sizes 7 to 14, worth to $10.00; Saturday, extra special at. ...$5.95 500 Gingham Dresses Sizes 8 to 14, values $5.00;" Saturday at . 562.98 Our Children's For Sale Is Still One Fur Seta worth to $12.60 at 3.95 and S3.95 select from early offerings. The New Spring Suits, Here t Models that arc smart, refined and up-to-the-minute. The modes latest expressions made by New York's foremost designers and at most Attractively Low Cash Prices See Them Saturday The New Spring Dresses Here A wonderfully varied showing of latest models in Georgettes, Tricolettes, Satins, fine Taffetas, Crepe de Chines, etc., in all the sea son's wanted shades. All Marked at Surprisingly Low Cash Prices Hundreds of Handsome Winter Coats at Half and Less An unusual opportunity to secure a stylish Coat at a small price. Winter Coats That sold to $55; good assortment for selection; C1 O Kf Cash Price. .... .P i-VOU Winter Coats That sold at $25; nobby styles; good colors; fK3!.0.... $12.50 Winter Coats That sold at $35 and $40; choice lot for your selection; CI T Cash Price ?J OX) A DISCOUNT OF 25 FEE CENT ON ALL OUR PLUSH COATS r Special Hosiery Values in Our Sale For Saturday Women Silk Hosier)' In best makes, large assort ment of colors, also some em broidered and clocked Hos iery; regular $2.75 values; Cash Price, at $1.98 Zsssm Women's Silk Hosiery Fashioned and seamless, black and colors; $1.25 values; Cash Price SO?1 Women's Cotton and Lisle Hose Reg ular and outsizes, hemmed and ribbed tops; 50c values, Cash Price 26 Blouse Sale 200 Beaded and Embroidered Georgette Mouses Jj Including Blouses that gold to 119.50; Sat- g urday'B Special Cash Price $10.00 Too Can't Afford to Miss These Wonderful Talues. ' mMMmmmmmmaaam February Clean Up Sale Dependable Quality !JlOSS Saturday W Place on Sale Sereral Dozen Women's Shoes In Button and Tace Values up to $7.60; -Hayden's Caen Price $4.95 Hen's Gnnmetal and Colt English Lace and Blucher, Good year Welt Shoes That are guaranteed to give the best of aervlce and are worth on today's market, $6.50; Hayden'a Cash Price $3.95 Women's Patent Colt, Black Goth Top, Goodyear Welt Shoes With loir heels, made by the Merrlam Shoe Co., and the present factory price la $4-25; Hayden's Cash Price $2.45 Misses' and Child's Eld Button Shoes All sizes from 8 to size 2, together with some big girls' gunmetal button, sizes up to 6; all with suitable low heels for children and growing girls; Hayden's Cash Price $2.45 little Gents' Satin Calf Bluchers Sizes from 10 to 13tf; Hayden'a Cash Price $1.95 n Women's Black Canvas Juliets With leather tips and rub ber heels; all sizes from 4 to ; Cash Price ....... S1.35 One-Third Off on AD Warm Lined Shoes for Men and Women. Cash and Carry Specials on Toilet Goods and Drugs SOe Ferfomea Rose. Violet, Locust Blossom or Golf Queen, our Cash Price, perv oi. .294 0 Sempra Glorlne Our Cash Price 424 S5o Woodbury Dental Cream Our Cash Price 194 30e Hasiatta or Jap Rose Tnl eom Our Cash Price . ..124 Baldwin's Rouge Brunette Our Cash Price 354 35e Lather Kreem Our Cash Price 234 35e Williams' Shaving Powder or Cream Our Price ....194 SOe Mentholatnm Our Cash Price 394 15c Peroxide Our Price .94 15c Shlnola Our Price ...94 15e Jap Rose Soap Our Cash Price 104 S2.2S Combination Water Bot tle and Syringe Guaranteed 2 years. Our Cash Price 81.79 $1.50 Bet Water Bottle Guar anteed 1 years, our Cosh Price 1.19 EXTRA SPECIAL! 9 Large Rolls of Crepe Toilet Paper Our special Cash Price, S roll for 424 iV.-V Beautiful ! I I 1 i i Trimmed Hats, $5 Everything new in Millinery. A showing surpasHing any we have ever made at this price. New pokes in shiny straws, with flowers or big jaunty bows; rough straws, sailors, neatly tailored, in fact drooping brim hats, hats turned up from the face and numerous other attractive styles, trimmed with flowers, fancy feathers, wings, pompoms, etc. Jay blue, Dust, Victory, Brown, Navy, Henna with Black touches of colors. $3 Shiny Shapes $-j 95 wiiu wrepe xawmgo All tTio cTYi-r fifvlps nf flip snrinfr spflsnn. .- Alii V-US UlAilAA V WV wuv O - A fine color range. 1 ! n 1 I i I 1 B I i 8 1 I Final Clearance Youths' OVERCOATS Overcoats that sold up to $20; velvet or self collars, with plain or belted back; sizes 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36 only; good assortment of pat terns and styles; all at one low Cash Price, to close Sheep Lined Coats Our entire stock, values up to $18.00, in either Cordu roys or Moleskins, full lined; Our ft -4 ( Pjr Cash Price .plU.D Chamois Lined Vests In Corduroys or Moleskins, that sold to $12.00 ; all go at one low Cash Price; while they last at only . . $8.75 ir i m j. mnftTiMnriM mens oeparaie LJ&vusnRd About Half Manufacturer's 3 Surplus Stock of OVER 1,000 PAIRS OF TROUSERS Men's and Young Men's in worsteds and tweeds; good as sortment of patterns and all sizes 36 up to 52 waist; regular $4.00 values; Special JL'asii x'nee S2L65 Sale of the New Bead Necklaces f?.95 Tlt;er Rose Red Bead Xecklacos Long, fancy beads with 2 drops, fine enameled, beautiful designs; Cash Price, t SS.25 $1.75 Red Read Necklace In many styles and designs, some with fancy metal between beads; Cash Price SI. 00 $.1.0 Oto $5.00 French 1'earl Necklaces That are marked seconds, but In which Imperfections are very small; several sizes; while they last. Cash Price S1.25 The Kew National Bine Xecklnce A com bination of beautiful dark blue cut stones and silver metal, in many charm ing styles; Cash Price S3.C0 New Metal Raj? Frames In plain and stone set patterns; a great many new styles; very cheaply priced at. Cash Prices 55 and 95 New Shell Ras Frames Irge styles, heavy stock; in shell, amber and other combinations, priced S1.50 and S3.00 Specials in Corsets and Brassiers Corset Section Second Floor Rubber Girdles Splendid for house wear, in low bust, medium skirt, four support ers; values to $3.50; all sizes; at $2.25 Lace Front Corsets Flesh and white ; low bust, long skirt, free hip space, Bix sup porters; 24 to 30; regular values, $3.50; Cash Price ,$2.65 Brassiers, Brassiers Front or back fas tening lace, embroidered- nd plain ma terials; all sizes to 50; values to $1.50; Cash Price 75$ imiMIBlliSH Winter Underwear Underpriced Ladles' Onting Gowns Made of heavy Quality outing flannel, nade full and long; Cash Urice Saturday S1.98 and $2.50 Odd lots of ladles' Fleece lined Part wool or medium weight; Cash Price Saturday $1.50 p Ladles' Medium Cotton Union Suits All sizes at $1.00 Ladles' Fleece Tests and Pants Heavy fleece; regular and extra sizes; worth to $1.25; Cash Price Saturday 75d Ladles' Wool Skirts Big assortment to select from; worth to ?2.00; Cash. Price 98 jj Odd Lots of ladies' and Children's Vests and Pants All I sizes; Cash Price 25 Odd Lots of Children's Onting Snlts Cash Price Sat. ..98 Ladies' Silk and Wool All wool and silk tops; odd lots; worth to $4.00; Saturday Cash Price ;.$2.50 j riilMren'a Ttlack Sateen Bloomers All sizes: worth to $1.25; I ' 1 Saturday Cash Price 75 g Wall Paper Sale Wall Paper Specials in Onr "Daylight" Department. 30-Incli Non-Fadnhle Max Welton The only genuine Oatmeal papers; roll, 18 Printed Oatmeals With artistic cutout borders; special Cash Price, roll ..18 Gilt Papers With 18-Inch borders; Cash Price, per roll 12 New Bedroom Tapers With pretty cut out borders; per roll lOd Burlap All colors, very special, yd. 15? Best Floor and Interior Tarnish Cash Price, per gallon $2.98 Fullers' Wall Paper Cleaner Cash Price, per can . tOd Best Quality Meats Lowest Cash Prices IN OIR rOriLAft SAN IT A UY MARKET Four Interesting Specials for aturay Fancy Steer Pot Koast Pound.. Fancy eal icoast fouua Kreakfast Bacon Extra lean, pound I1g Spare P.ibs Pound Jil 11 Lit. ht.i., iuue, tii. Strictly Fresh Eggs Dozen 40 22 25 15 No. 1 Bulk Butter-Pound 38 American Cheese Full cream, pound 34 Snow Flako Oleo 5-pound pails, at.... $1.75 Atlas Brand Oleo Pound .....3 Fresh Peannt Butter Pound. 20 Large Dill Pickles Dozen 20 Sauerkraut Per quart 10 HED'Z 87 TABIETIES. Final Clearance of Boys' Overcoats Our entire line of Boys' JuveniL Over coats, in a splendid range of colors, in blue, brown and gray, in tweeds ; homespuns and chin chillas in snappy styles. " Formerly priced to $10. Sizes, 22 to 9 years. Saturday SjS3 A Clean Up of Boys' Sweaters 00. rkjh .05 S- In blue, gray and maroon colors rand all wool in quality; sizes 26 to 34; former price, $2.95, our cash price Saturday $1.45 About 10 dozen in blue and gray, all sizes; former price $1.00; our cash price Saturday 45 Boys Dept., 3d Floor ft 77 j Interesting Furnishing Specials $7.00 Men's Sweaters, $3.95. Heavy weight, rope stitch, with shawl collar, and medium weight V neck styles; all from our regular stock; come in plain or mixed colors; sizes 36 to 45; Our regular Low Cash Price, $7.00; Saturday, $3.95 23.50 Flannel Shirts, $1.95. Men's Flannel Shirts in heavy, wool mixed and light weight wool; come in light or dark colors; gray and khaki; on sale Saturday $1.95 $5.00 and $6.00 Flan nel Shirts, $3.45 Men's Flannel Shirts in .medium weights, all wool and heavy worsteds, flat or military collar; all full cut; all sizes 14 to 19; our regular $5.00 and $6.00 Saturday at S3.45 House Furnishing Specials A-l 4-Tle Broom Reg ular 75c quality; peci&I Cash Price ..' 494 Family Slxed Food Chop pers Cash Price 81.25 Lunch Kiln With Ther mos Bottle at .. .83.65 6-lb. Electric Iron-Complete with 6-ft. oord: Cash Price 83.25 Folding Wringer Bench Cash Price 82.25 Folding Ironlna; Board Cash Price ....81.50 S-(cal. Galvanlced Ciar barge Cana at... 81.50 Hand Vacuum Wanhera Cash Price 75 White Enamel Bird Cage at 81.75 Braaa Square Bird Cage Cash Price ....84.50 !HoIe Oil Stovea Cash Price 812.75 S-Hole OH Stovea Cash Price 816.50 Ball-Bear! a Boiler Skates at 82.00 Saturday , Read Saturday's Big Grocery Specials HIGH QUALITY AT A GREAT CASH SAVlMi. f best pure Cane Granuluti-ii Sugar for .89tf The best Kollett White Breakfast Oatmeal, per pound 5c The best No. 1 Hand-Picked Beans, per pound lOtf 6 Lbs. best White or Yellow Corn meal for - 25C 3 6-oz. cans Gibb'a Concentrated Tomato Paste for soups,. etc.lOc 10 bars Swift's Pride Laundry Soap for . SSf 6 bars Beat-'Em-All or Diamond i "C" Soap for 25C 6 bars Electric Spark Soap.. 331 48-Lb. sack best high-grade Dia mond "II" Flour for 82.75 24-Lb. sack best high-grad Dia mond "H" Flour for 81.40 L'5-Lb. sack pure Rye Flour lor 81.40 Corn Flakes, package 7ls-' Grape Nuts, package . . . . Fancy Japan Rice, lb 11 Tall cans fancy Pink Salmon, per can 21 Tall cans fancy Red Salmon. per can 2St 16-Oz. cans Condensed Milk. . 15c Per dozen cans 81.75 6-Oz. cans Condensed Milk. . 63C Largo Jars pure Apple Butter. per Jar 23C Large jars pure Fruit Preserves, per Jar 33 No. i cans fancy Sweet Corn. J4c No. 2 cans Early June Peas. . 14S No. 2 cans fancy Ripe Tomatoes. per can .12V4 No. I cans Pork and Beans. . lie HAT MOKE DRIED I III IT NolhinfC Finer for Pudding, I'Ick. Sauce nnd Cnkca Fancy Cal. Apricots. Hi 25c Fancy Evaporated'Applf-s, lb.20c Fancy Bartlctt Pears, lb. ..25tf Fancy Pitted Prunes, lb..l7'-j Fancy Pitted Prune, pkg...15c Shelled Popcorn, per lb.. . .lU'-iij No. 1 English Walnuts, lb..35c No. 1 Soft Shell Almonds. lb.35c Fresh Roasted Peanuts, lb...l5c 15 I.HI. ;OOD CQOKI(i POTATOES . 29f Fresh Holland Seed Cabbage, per pound 3 1-34 Md. Beets, Carrots. Turnips, Parsnips, Rutabagocs or Red Onions, per lb 3 1-34 Fresh Southern Beets, Carrots, Turnips or Shallots, bunch. 74 Fancy Head Lettuce, per head 104-12H4 Fancy Cal. Cauliflower, lb.12'44 Fancy Leaf Lettuce 6C EAT HIKHLAXD IfAVEI. ORAX.KS SPECIAL SALE SA1TRDAY. 126 size, extra fancy fruit, ' per dozen 50tt 100 size, extra fancy fruit, per dozen 404 ITS size, extra fancy fruit, per dozen ...354 'J 00 size, extra-fancy fruit. per dozen 304 Hotalna; Healthier Est Recommended by All Doctors. BIG SPECIM, COFFEE SALE SATIRIJAY. IT PAYS. TRY HAYDErfS FER3T. IT FAYS. fit(,;-iir"tri.intPi;ilr!'!lii"il!tf!im'!r ?'l('iirl;n(illtrmr'l!:l:'HI!n'!!!',tl'l'"','t!'!'l'!l;'!"i,'-;'l'!1;r; iin,w"t i'Mf'ptM:.!;!i!;ttitii''ivi!!'!,'!i,t!r,,4.!i('"il,''itv ,:.,t ft'nsi mhiij ;'',,.'ttr;."'':jr; H n it a I I 1 I u n f