Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1919, Image 9

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Wht U tht wont of oh tint wait en M e?
Wbat lUmpt th wrtnkl. itot mn tht brow?
To vlw (. lovtd oa blott4 from llft'i pat,
To k Jon CD earth at I am now. Byron.
Civ vry man thin tar, but lw thy vote;
Tak tach man' ctnturt, but rrv thy Juiljmtnt.
Who Wouldn t ? Would You ?
A Hint of Spring
in the Lovely Gowns
Seen at the Theaters
It teemed so nice to have all the
boxes filled Monday evening at
the Boyd, quite like the "so
ciety niRhts" which almost passed
Into oblivion during the joyless days
of war. The gowns were lovely,
too. They had a new springtime
l6ok that enhanced them greatly.
Mrs. Walter V. Head wore a
most becoming gown of turquoise
atin with trimmings of silver. One
of the new maline ruffs was worn,
too, a most attractive combination.
Mrs. M. C Peters' gown was al
most eclipsed by her stunning er
mine cape. We could get no far
i titer, for it was very smart. Mrs.
Ward Burgess looked particularly
well in her favorite shade of brown,
her dress of tulle over satin, and
bronze slippers to match.
A soft hunter's green was worn
by Mrs. Louis Nash, her velvet
dress falling in long straight lines
from the shoulders. Mrs. Herbert
Wheeler also favored blue, her satin
gown of the soft, pale - shade,
trimmed with silver lace.' Mrs. F.
A. Nash had .a very chic evening
coat, with such a "snuggly" collar
of fur.
We saw so many new spring hats,
bobbing up like the first blossoms
of the year. Mrs. Robert Burns
.wore a very (attractive little cha
pcau of black' straw, a dashing bit
of, red being supplied by tiny flow
ers at the front and back. Miss
I'orinne Elliott wore 'dne of the
close models with French flowers
iround the crown.
Dinner For Minister's Sons and
The dinner given Tuesday evening
lor the sons and daughters of min
isters, at the First Congregational
"thurch was largely attended. Mr.
John L. McCague is chairman of the
Committee on arrangements and
Mrs. J. B. Haynes has charge of the
reservations. Wives .of ministers'
sons and husbands of ministers'
4 (laughters will also be included in
the guest list.'
Free Dressmaking Class.
Miss Elizabeth Chamberlain,
home demonstration agent, will
conduct a free class in dressmaking
for the women of Omaha every
Thursday at the Farnam school at
3:.30. The district chairman is Mrs.
II. C. Read. . .., , .
Card Parties.
A card party will be given Friday
by the members of St. Michael's
church at Fourteenth and Ogden
streets. Valuable prizes will be
given and refreshments will be
' Ave Marie club of Holy Family
will give a Valentine card party and
rlance in their hall at Eighteenth and
Izard streets, Wednesday evening.
The women of the Holy Angels
rliurch are giving a card party
Wednesday afternoon at their hall
Twenty-eighth .and Fowler streets.
- - The Comus club will meet with
Mrs. W. A. Smith, Wednesday.
Wedding Plans.
Already we are looking forward to
the late summer and fall weddings
for it is probable that Miss Margaret
Gamble and Lt. Wayne C, Selby,
who announced their engagement on
Christmas day will be the principals
at a lovely autumn wedding. Miss
(amble, who has been at the Federal
Reserve bank for several months,
has resigned her position. .
Drive to Continue.
At a joint meeting of the men's
and women's committees for the
double triangle drive, Monday af
ternoon, it was voted to continue
the drive until Friday.
Corp. Seth E. Wood, with the
Twentieth infantry at Camp Funs
ton, is the father of little 4-month-old
Jean Ann Wood. He enlisted
just three months before Jean Ann
was born. Corp. Wood is with the
quartermaster's corps. In a recent
letter to his wife he says he wishes
to be discharged immediately if for
no other reason than to see his little
Little Jean and her mother are
with Mr. Wood's parents at 5028
5ni,th TWnrv-fifth street. '.
Princess Galiholi
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Princess Galiholi, or Anna Ross,
daughter of the Cherokees, is go
ing to France to work in the army
canteens for the Y. M. C. A.
Miss Mary E. Sturgeon returned
Sunday from Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Higgins left
Tuesday evening for New York.
Mrs. W. A. Truelsen is critically
ill at one of the local hospitals.
" i
Lt. and Mrs. Robert Reasoner
have just returned from a southern
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson B. Updike
are expected home Wednesday from
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henry have
gone to California to make their
future home.
Mr. and Mrs'. G. W. Megeath will
return Tuesday morning from Col
orado Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mezeath
left Sunday morning for ' Rock
Springs, Wyo., after spending sev
eral days here.
Lt. Alfred Millard, jr., who is con-
"fined to a hospital in New Jersey,
owing to injuries m the arm and
leg, is convalescing slowly.
Mr. and irs. V. P. Vernon left
Tuesday morning for Florida,
where thev exnect to snend the re
mainder of the Winter and spring.
In suffrage circles plans are al
ready under consideration for a
suitable observance next year of the
centennial of the birth of Susan B.
Anthony, the famous pioneer of the
woman's rights movement in Amer
ica, t
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Heart Beats
By A. K.
We have found out
That there isn't
Much fun in living for
Ourselves alone
And we agree with
Robert Stevens that:
"To labot with zest
And give of your best"
Is the only '
System that brings
Sweetness and joy
Into living and
We've found out
Too that there is
A certain something
Spirituelle kind
Of feeling that comes
With doing good and
Working hard at
Whatever occupation
You engage in.
And we know that
Only by helping the
Other folks along
The rough road of
Life can we live in
Peace, for every
Dagger we send out
In words or deeds
Comes right back
And stabs us in the
Face. '
And we're not pious
Or prudish
Or over-religious
Or very good
Or anything like that
But we just know '
From experience
That nothing pays
Which isn't right
And when we do a
Mean trick ,t".
Or say a mean thing - ,..
We are not surprised
When we "getsin dutch,"
For it's coming
To us and
WVre expecting
Bad luck and trouble
And we've found out that
We are
Disappointed. '
W mmmm
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.QJii gase'j;
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Forty Years of Seed Busine
It wiy firm belief that it a fellow starts with a good idea and keeps
everlastingly and honestly hammering' awav at it for 40 years, he's going to get some
where with it. If he doesn't, there's some'thing wrong with either the man or the idea.
It's been jus,t about forty years now since I first startedsel!ing seeds. A small start to be sure,
just aft 8-year-old. country -boy, with a basket of home-grown garden seeds in home-made envelopes.
., And the total sates out of that first attempt only 50c. But I kept nt it year after year, and out of
that modest start, has grown the biggest and best seed buliness in the west, with ove a million
dollar yearly sales, half a dozen big buildings, and hundreds of acres of seed gardens.
And all ef it right here in a country town in Southwest Iowa, and all the result of sticking to
the one idea ot good seeds, good sen ice. and your
"money's worth or your money back." In Ather words, the
"Golden Rule in Business." Our business succeeds because
We Help Our Customers to Succeed
And when they find that wc really deliver the goods,
they pass the good news along. Most of our growth has
cumc ironi cusionicr-io-cusiumcr uooMir;;. kjut records
show that we get ten times more new customers from
3flvrtKinjr V nri nil liL-4 nni hiir f.imiK, in t..r.tnl A4ryHw
in helping each cither. ' Henkvi ieldeeoco.
Note I ( yoa to bt one of tkt$ big family m ' ' "" ,,l""ni" 11 1 --
with nt. Nearlv every one in this part of tlie i ESv Elff m '22
country is planting Fiekrs Seed and reading !.. sh..flC
1? ield's Seed Seme and catalog already, but wc S c . , . ,
might just as well make it unanimous. Hyou j ,. 5nJ-yo-jr catalog and oipy nf Seed
are already one of the bunch, send in the name I hense- rc
of a friend. You" II be doine us both a favor. S yo
And if I can helo vou with anv advice or in- 1 ' '
formation on anything in the garden or farm, or
seed line, speak up and tell me yimrtroubles. Ad- I
vice, such as it is. y free, alio samples of anythini; j
you are interested in. Address me ))ersonallv.'
Henry Field Seed Company j
Shenandoah, Iowa
1"-' .. 'w .;
P 0 -,
Am interested in.,
Samples wanted .,
Advice to the Lovelorn
All Bets Are Off Beatrice Fairfax is a Woman. She is a
Regular, Honest-to-Goodness Woman, and No Man
Has a Word to Say to Hf r Lovelorn Friends.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: 1
am In troubla and need your advice,
I am very young and also very pret
ty. I was going with a handsome
man. who asked ma to marry him.
I refused, as I did not love him.
Since that I have met a boy who
lovea me and I love him; that Is, I
think I do. How can I test him
and myself? He has money and
has asked me to marry him. If 1
want to be happy I must marry for
money, as my parents give me every
thing I want. This boy kisses me
every night Why does this do any
harm we love each other so dear
ly. And tell me what do you feel
like when you are Jealous? I don't
know whether I have ever been so or
not ""GEO.
When you are Jealous you leel
like a wildcat and usually act liko
a fool.
Too Mm hi Too Much!
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee:
Do you think It's right for a girl to
go about with a married man who
has not a divorce from his wife, but
she is in a different state?
How may a girl be popular with
the boys?
Do you think about the parents
when they do not let their 16-year-
old daughter go with boys?
What should a girl do when she
refuses a boy to kiss her and he
does anyway?
What should one talk about with
girl and boy friends?
What is going to be the popular
color to wear this coming spring?
How is my writing?
Hoping to see this In the Daily
Bee. I thank you. wkuwjm isiiss.
It is not right for a girl to go
about with a married man who has
not a divorce from his wife. How
do I know? Parents who do not
permit their 16-year-old daughters
to run around with the boys have
the right idea. Give It back to him,
silly. Talk about the weather
that's a safe topic. Green will be
the popular color this spring. Tour
writing is terrible for a girl of 16.
A Sweet Young Girl.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I
am having all kinds' of trouble. I
am good looking, with great big
brown eyes. I am a god athlete,
like to dance, ride, skate, swim,
etc. All the older boys, as well as
the ones my age, seem to want to go
with me. I am 15, but do not go
Red Cross Notes
Mrs. Fred Larkin of the Dundee
Community Center auxiliary of the
Red Cross is in need of workers at
the Dundee Presbyterian church
Wednesday from 1 to -5 p. m.
An earnest appeal for workers is
made by Mrs. J. C. Wrath, acting
chairman of the hospital garments
department during the absence of
Mrs. Arthur Mullen. Although there
are accommodations for 200 women
at the Masonic temple, there are
only about 12 who report for work.
A large quota must be completed
before April 1, and women are
strongly urged to volunteer their
assistance, '
out often, as I think I should wait
another year. Do you? The other
girls dislike my having so many
boy friends. When we go out riding
in couples the other girls all let the
fellows love them. Is that right?
I don't! Also they use paint and
powder, and after the boys go with
them they go out and talk about
them to other boys. I don't want to
lose any of my friends. What shall
I do give up the boys or the girls?
wow, aon t ten me to DiacK my
teeth or shave my eyebrows, be
ccause I think it Is because I am a
good sport the fellows like me. I
liked quite well a fellow here, but
after vacation I didn t care much
about him. Then another fellow
came to town after we made up and
I met him and he came to tee me.
A got mad and so I told him it was
my cousin. Should I tell him the
truth, as I like, not love B, the best?
Thanking you in advance and hop
ing you can help me. If my letter
is too long please cut some of it out,
as I don't take up much space my
self. "BROWN EYES."
The boys like you better than they
do the "kissing bugs" because you
hold yourself above such common
place actions. You are too young
to go with any one boy as a sweet
heart. Your ideas of love will change
a dozen times between now and 21.
Yes, tell him the truth. Be frank
and sweet and you will always have
plenty of friends.
Lonely Soldier.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I
am a constant reader of The Omaha
Bee and have taken great interest
in the comforting answers contained
in the "Advice to the Lovelorn."
Your contribution in today's Bee
contains an answer to questions for
warded by "Two Lonesome Girls."
Your failure to answer favorably
their questions has led to me com
municating with you in this manner.
I am a returned soldier, have
youth and happiness In my posses
sion and would like to meet the
young ladles referred to. I am a
stranger in Omaha, but have met a
great number of Omaha families
who I know would vouch for my
worthiness of meeting any young
lady, lonesome or otherwise.
I like the tone of your letter ex
ceedingly and am sure that you ere
worthy of having a number of girl
friends. Address Miss Evelyn Mc
Caffrey, care of the Metropolitan
Hall, and she can probably tell you
how to obtain membership in the
Friendship club or other of the so
cial clubs- giving affairs at the ha 1.
An Old Love.
Dear Miss Fairfax: Having read
your columns for quite awhile, I
thought I would write to you ror a
little advice.
I am 34 years old, and at the age
of 19 I was deeply in love with a
young girl one year my junior. My
Remember This
Remember That
To get quality in cleaning, the.
same as anything else, you gotta
pay for it.
Carey Cleaning Co.
' Webster 392
parents were greatly opposed to this,
so our friendship ceased. Shortly
after this young girl was married. 1
was broken-hearted, but everyone
told me I would get over lt, but real
ly, Miss Fairfax, I've never loved
another girl. Everybody thinks me
cold and cruel, but it seems as
though my thoughts are always
with her.
I left the country shortly after
she married, and fortune smiled up
on me. I am now a very rich man.
Now, when I was going with Mils
young girl I told her one night if
she ever wants a friend should wo
never marry she could always de
pend on me. Now she has written
to me, asking to pay her daugh
ter's way through school. Now, her
husband Is a very cruel man and I
am afraid I will cause trouble by
doing this. Would you advise me
to pay her daughter's way through
school? Kindly answer through the
columns of The Bee. WORRIED.
I am sorry for you, but cannot ad
vise paying the . daughter's way
through school. It would, undoubt
edly,, cause complications. Is there
no other woman to whom you could
transfer your affections?. It seems
so hopeless to go on living with the
memory of dead love.
. ' ' Live Apart.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee:. I
am a dally reader of your columns
and have come to you for advice. I
am a woman over 40 years old and
have been married 26 years. My
children are grown up and left
home. My husband and I have no
more love for each other and our
lives are a misery, yet my people
are against us separating. I feel
better when I live alone, and he
does also. . Tell me what to do,
whether it wou,ld be better to
separate or livS in misery the rest
of our lives?
, Live apart, of course. Love Is the
only bond for wedlock. If there was
enough love we wouldn't need law.
Horseshoe Nail Ring.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee:
In your columns of February 4th I
read where "An Unpainted Doll"
would like a horseshoe nail ring. If
she will send me her size I will send
her one. MRS. J. O. B.
Nearly 65,000 women were en
gaged in engineering work in Eng
land during the war. )
.Watch the Tongue of your Young!
Your little Pets need Case rets
Children think Cascarets Just dandy
They are safe and mild cathartic candyi
Sell for a dime "work" avery time.
"Where Does Our
Furniture Go
From Here"
"Now that the house is sold
and we haven't found a place
in which to move," is a pon
derous question, yet it's one
often asked.
Our packing, movinpr and
storage facilities are all bne
could, ask. Let us relieve you
of all anxiety.
Omaha Van
and Storage Co.
Phone Douglas 4163.
806 South 16th St.
MOTHERS! Clean the domed-up places. Do away with the Me
sour fermentations fcnd constipation poison which is keeping your little'
sne cross, feverish and sick. Children love Cascarets because to there
:t is like eating candy. Cascarets act better than castor oil, calomel 01
pills on the tender stomach, liver and bowels. Cascarets never gripe,
.lever injure, and do not disappoint the worried mother. Give harmlea
Cascarets to children one year old and upwards. Each ten cent boi
-.ontains full directions.
Wednesday, Feb. 12th, at all our Omaha and
Council Bluffs Stores we will sell
Tall Iowa or Wilson Milk, per can . . 14c
12 cans .$1.65
. .
Round Steak lb . . . . ... . . 29c
This is cut from choice quality beef.
The above items are for Wednesday, Feb. 12th,
only, and the supply at each store is limited. '
U. S. License G28403 Headquarters, Ornaha,)Ne 5!
30 C
(Mi , m m me i
HE packers are frequently accused of being large. If bigness is
Jl a crime, Armour and Company are guilty of the charge, For,
from a small beginning this business has grown to a point where it
serves millions affording a constant, ever-open market to producers
bringing meats hundreds of miles to consumers. , -
Some one has wisely said that "Production
waits on distribution." In other words, there can
be no incentive to stock-growers to produce more
livestock unless adequate outlets are provided to
keep pace with the production. When greater
-yield is created on the farm, the outlet must be,
widened at the market to care for it
Armour and Company are large because the
livestock industry is large. Obviously the packing
industry must keep pace with the increase of live
stock and population-growth. As herds increased,
the Armour organization kept step with them.
New plants were erected in the centers of new
stock-raising regions; improved operating methods
were adopted; more refrigerator cars were built to
carry the food.
Then, with the outbreak of war, the wisdom of
this development had a chance to prove itself. In
spite of labor shortage, disrupted railway service,
and scores of other difficulties, Armour and Com
pany and other similiar concerns were equipped to
instantly meet the War Department's call for food.
In addition to shipping over a hundred carloads of
meat a day, or seventy-five million pounds a
month to the Army and Navy, we have taken care
of civilian requirements in the usual way.
With an increase in cattle production, encour
aged by the Food Administration's high prices,
had to come further increased facilities for pre
paring and marketing not only the meat, but the
hides, hoofs and all other parts of the animal. To
meet the influx of the hundreds of additional cattle
daily, we were compelled to erect a new building
in ninety days, build additional coolers, tanks to
handle the rendered products, dryers, buildings to
treat and handle casings, additional oleo kettles,
hide storage warehouses, etc
With the return to normal conditions, these
facilities expanded during the stress of war
tp provide stock-growers with necessary outlets,
and to furnish food in adequate quantities for
both Army and civilian needsare still at the
service of the public They represent a perma
nent investment, assuring a permanent outlet and
thus a permanent supply of best foods at true
value prices. x r
Today, with Europe looking to America as its
most certain source of supply, together with our
own country to be fed, Armour and Company's
size and ability to handle large volume most effi
ciently and economically becomes of greater im
portance than ever.
General Manager.
3 Cm