Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1919, Page 8, Image 8
" ' ; I i PETTY STATES MAY GOME FROM DISSOLUTION Problems of ,Small Eastern European Nations Constitute Great Difficulties, Says Dr. Guernsey Jones. y That many separate petty states entirely surrounded by other small nations will result from the disso lution of Austria-Hungary is the opinion of Dr. Guernsey Jones, of the history department of the Uni versity of Nebraska, given in a lecture oil Austria-Hungary. Bo hemia and Jngo-Slavic states de 'Ivered in the Central High audi torium Tuesday afternoon. "The problems of these small east ern European nations constitute seme of the greatest difficulties t hat will arise at the peace con ference" said Doctor Jones. Ten Nationalties. Austria-Hungary was composed of 10 distinct and bitterly antagonistic nUionalties held together by a police system and a bureaucracy. Now these little nations are waging 11 different wars over boundary dis putes. "It is probable that several of these states will exist as independ ent nations after the peace confer ence, but will be shut off from the seacoast by other states. This question of harbors is ail important one for Bohemia." Italy Wants Recompense. A secret treaty made by Italy with the entente in V)5 gave her part of the seacoast of Austria-Hungary on the Adriatic. Italian public opin ion is now in favor of abrogating this treatv. Sistecn billion dollars worth of 'her $20,01)0.000.000 wealth was spent for the allies besides the vast number of Italian lives. Italy feels that she should be recompens ed." Dr. Jones also expressed his opin ion that several of the small states that would be formed might be given tree harbor rights at the peace con ference, lie also stated that he be lieved that Austria-Hungary, reduc ed in territory and cut off from the ea, would soon go through the process of democrization. Belfast Unions Postpone Strike Settlement Ballot I'.clfast, Feb. 11. The 'proposed br.liot by the Belfast strikers regard ing a settlement was postponed to night, pending a conference to as certain if the engineering firms would accept the agreement reached with the shipyards. The gas and electricity supplies were again stopped and the tram ways suspended service after a few hours. The strike committee lias is sued a warning circulator that an at tempt has been made to stampede the strike. ' "OH, IF I COULD BREAK THIS COLD!" Almost as soon as said with Dr. King's New Discovery Get a bottle today! The rapidity with which this fifty-year-old family remedy relieves coughs, colds and mild bronchial at tacks is what has kept its popularity on the increase year by year. This standard reliever of colds nnd coughing spells never loses friends. It does quickly and pleas antly what it is recommended to do. One trial puts it in your medicine cabinet as absolutely indispensable. Sold by all druggists. 60c andT.20. Bowels Usually Clogged? Regulate them with safe, sure, comfortable Dr. King's New Life Pills. Correct that biliousness, headache, sour stomach, tongue coat by eliminating the bowel-cloggi-ncss. 25c. Adv. t or Headach Rub tii forehead and tsmples with Yen r B ocl vif i) 'j vd " -S T NEW PPUCES 30c, 60c, $1.23 ) BIT w I 1- An b Nnuud boa". ys Former Health Com. VL'm H Krrr. of the City ol Chicago. . "From my own experience with Nuv . valuable blood and body build- rt--rj ing preparation i" N to be used in every hotpital i ana precnoea vj cvtij ician in the country." Xuxated Iron heloa o make healthier women and atronger. tur. btr men. Satijfaction guaranteed or mone refunded. At all good druggists. JE'PT RELIEF for the acid-distressed stomach try two or three after meals, dissolved on the tongue keep your stomach sweet try Ki-rccids the new aid to digestion. - MADE BY SCOTT BOWNE MAKERS OF SCOTTS EMULSION ,:'" Z7. ""rrT1;.--1 1 I'1JI-. rv tfci 5 mm it. i si Omaha Girl Served With U.S. 'Phone System in France Great Grandfather in Revolutionary, Grandfather in Civil, Father in Indian and Herself in Present War, Is Miss Wilkens' Family Record. The first of "the girls who went away" and now to return to Omaha, is Miss Nell VVilkens, sister of Mrs. D. E. Trumbell, 1324 North Forty first street, who spent several hours in Omaha Monday, on her way to Norfolk, Neb., where she will be dismissed from the service. Since August 5, the bright red star in the service flas at the bcll home has represented the over seas service of Miss Wilkens, who gave up her position as assistant telephone traffic chief at Norfolk to enter the signal corps work of the telephone unit. Eighty Other Girls. With eighty other girls she was connected with the Palace exchange at Paris, and she is one of the four of these girls who have returned. "No one can appreciate America until they have seen the adoration of other countries and felt the en vironment of a foreign nation," said Miss Wilkens, while she awaited her train, in her sister's home on North Forty-first street, and the light that came into her brown eyes, proved it. ''The girls have done a wonder ful work, as well as the men," she continued, "but those girls know, that however brave and high spirited our boys are, there is not one whose greatest ambition and dream is not in this same United States." All Girls Lived Together. The 80 American girls, with whom Miss Wilkens was stationed in the Palace exchange at Paris, lived to gether at two of the Paris hotels. "It was an experience that no one could regret," said Miss Wilkens. "There were girls of every type among us, one woman had taught French in a New York High school for 10 years, and others had never thought of working before in their lives. Yet each and every one gave the best of their efforts through every day of eight hours, and often more, of exacting, tense service. . The American Phone System. The French people can scarcely comprehend the American telephone service, and indeed there is no doubt but that it will revolutionize the French system from now on. "At the opening of the war, there was not an exchange and when the armistice was sgned, in Paris alone, there were seven fully equipped, well conducted telephone exchanges, ready for their important work." Miss Wilkens attended the church on Rue dc Berry, on that memorable occassion when France did homage to President Wilson and the Amer ican nation and ideals for which he stood. Tells of Wilson's Visit. "Never was there anything to be compared with his reception," she said, "whert King George and the other allied leaders visited Faris, the ovation was generous, but everyone could distinctly hear the strains of 'God Save the King' that rose above it. "When Mr.-Wilson arrived the pa pers mentioned the bands that play ed 'The Sta'r Spangled Banner, but none of the crowds that thronged to see him, could hear a note above the tumult." Miss Wilkens came home under the care of a physician, for since an accident last fall in an elevator at Paris, which affected her nervous system, her health has been poor. In Paris Hospital. She was in a hospital in Paris for ten weeks. Besides this the air raids that she underwent at this time in creased her nervous trouble. While in England, the train that carried the party, was compelled to stop and wait in darkness for sev eral hours, during one of the nightly air raids, and in Paris, September 16, warning came of the air bombing. "The light in the sky was marvel ous," said Miss Wilkens, "the noise was like that of a thunder storm and it lasted with no intermission from 1:00 until 4:00 a. in. but though we all were sent to the basement, r.o one was hurt." From Omaha she goes to Norfolk, Neb., where she received the oath of service, and there will give up the military uniform of dark blue, arrd the tight fitting cap that marks the overseas costume of the signal corps girls, for the regular dress that goes with the every day life of America at home. The Revolutionary war called for the services of Miss Wilken's great grandfather; the Civil war took the life of her grandfather as its toll; her father enlisted for service in the Indian troubles throughout this western land in the early days and Miss Wilkens served her country during the recent struggle. 2,000 Reach Newport News. Newport News, Feb. 11. The transport Princess Matoika arrived here today from France with more than 2,000 troops, half of whom were reported as sick or wounded. Seattle Workers End Sympathetic Strike And Return to Jobs Seattle. Feb. 11. Seattle's gen eral strike of 30,000 workers, the first of its kind and scope in America, ended "officially" at noon today, though many of the strikers had returned to work earlier. At least two unions face less favor able conditions as its result - The International Longshore men's union members here losta "closed shop agreement, effected only two months ago after long effort, and union tailors when they ' returned to shops were told they must wait a few days before doing any work, as none had appeared for them. Seattle this afternoon again was normal. Large numbers of troops and extra policemen remain on duty, however. The 25,000 members of the Metal Trades Council, for whose benefit the general strike was call ed, remain out, although the coun cil is to meet and, it is stated, dis cuss a proposal to return to work until " April 1, when the Macy wage scale goes out of existence and the metal workers can bargain direct with employers concerning differences. THE I Douglas Corporation to Enlarge Its Omaha Automobile Factory With the sale of $25,000 additional stock to present stockholders of the Douglas Motors corporation at the annual meeting of the company Tuesday afternoon, it is predicted that the manufacture and output of Douglas trucks and touring cars will greatly exceed the expectations of the executive officers. The fol lowing stockholders were elected to the board of directors: George Christopher. William Nixon, William Lamed, liaiglcr Neb.; J. A. Person, Wauneta, Neb.; J. B. Bacon, J, M. Downey, Sumner, Neb; and Fred Miller, Chappell, Neb. More than 250 stockholders of the company attended the meeting and banquet held in the Paxton hotel. With the factory covering four acres of ground and cars being as sembled by a full force of employes, George Christopher, president and general manager of the plant, de clared the ensuing year will find the Omaha made car in every part of the globe. The number of employes in the factory wil be trebled within 30 days, according to the executive offi cers. Since January 10, bona fide con tracts for the Douglas cars amount to $600,000, as shown by the presi dent of the company at the meeting. Stockholders in the corporation visited the plant at Thirtieth and Sprague streets Tuesday morning. Hoover in Brussels. Brussels, Feb. 11. Herbert C. Hoover, head of the allied relief or ganization, has arrived here, having come principally because President W'ilson was unable to visit Brussels at this time. Mr. Hoover will rep resent the president in conferences with Belgian officials. Telephone Rate Cases Put Over by Agreement For Test Case Hearing Lincoln, Feb. 11. By agreement of counsel, hearing of injunction proceedings instituted by the state's attorney general against Nebraska telephone companies to prevent enforcement of Postmas ter General Burleson's schedule of telephone toll rates, was post poned indefinitely today, pending decision by the United States su preme court of a test suit of sim lar nature to be appealed from some other state where such liti gation has progressed further than in Nebraska. In the meantime the Burleson rates will not be effective in this state, temporary restrain ing orders having been secured by the attorney general. 9 Charles L. Gyger, for one year and a half with the United States army quartermaster's department in Bernd, Switzerland, landed Tues day in New. York from the steam ship Leviathan. The family in Oma ha has no information yet as to his further orders. A daughter,- Miss Martha Gyger, is in the Red Cross civilian relief department. Lt. Clifford H. Boyles or Camp Funston is in Omaha with his father, H. B. Boyles, of Boyles bus iness college. Mrs. Mabel Walker of the sol diers' employment bureau of the Chamber of Commerce, is seeking places for a number of discharged soldiers, to work as machinists. The boys on her list are all said to be skillful in their line of work, and must have work. Mrs. W7alker has been iable to get in touch with a numbers of Omaha manufacturing concerns that em ploy machinists, but not enough have filed applications so that she is able to place all the boys who are looking for jobs. She has been successful in placing men on farms and up to this time has sent out more than 100 of the Omaha and Douglas county boys. She still has a few applications for farm help, but the demand from the farmers until spring work opens up is pretty well supplied. London, Feb. 11. King George, in opening the new Parliament to day, after alluding briefly to events since the dissolution of the last Parliament, just after the armistice, urged quick and decisive action on BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1919 DAUBAUM CASE MAY BE DRAGGED BEFORECOUHTS City Will Be Exposed to Dam age Suit If Dismissal Is Illegal; Ringer "Carry On." to Attorney Ben Baker was asked yesterday whether he is going to appeal the case of Detective Ben Danbatim to the courts. "I may appeal it and I may not," he said. "I may take other action. "First, I must try to decide what sort of a proceeding was that wild orgy of the city council yesterday. "I must try to find out whether you could call that a case or a mere kangaroo performance. "At present it looks more like a kangaroo performance to me. "Th Danhanni case is not rlosed I yet." ; City Open to Damage? ! Did the city council lay the city open to a damage suit in dismissing i Detective Ben Danbaum from the police force? Ihis is a question that is worrying some members of the council. Commissioners Towl, I're and Butler in interviews said yesterday they did not believe the action of council was legal. Council, by a vote of 4to 3 Monday, decided not to dis miss Danbaum because of the charge of "neglect of duty," in which he had been found guilty by a vote of 4 to 3. Then council im mediately voted, 4 to 3, to dismiss him "for the good of the service." Commissioners say this can't be done without preferring charges specifically. Commissioner Ringer said "It was perfectly all right. We couldn't go back and go over all that evidence again." Mr. Ringer was asked whether he is going to bring charges against Detectives Van Deusen, Anderson and Rose, whose testimony at the Danbaum trial showed that they didn't report to the captain of de tectives when they were on the trail of a criminal, but merely told each other. No Quit in Ringer. "I am going right ahead and clean up the police department," said Mr. Ringer. "We are going to do the job and I am going to stay on the job, no matter what Mr. Zimman or others may think or say." Replying to a rumor about the city hall that Police Commissioner Ring er would resign his position, the commissioner said : "I can find abso lutely no foundation for the rumor. I'm going to stick to the job until the last dog is dead. There's no quit in me." ' Chief of Police Eberstein was in censed because of a statement in a morning paper to the effecct that "a dozen patrolmen were asked if they would arrest Slack and Rose (charg ed with burglary) if they were given the opportunity, but they said, 'No, because it would probably mean being called on the carpet to an swer questions about shake-downs or collusion.' " "If there are a dozen patrolmen who think that or one patrolman, 1 want their names," said the chief. "Are you going to discharge any more officers from the force?" the chief was asked. "Wait," was his only answer. Mayor Smith said: "Conditions in the police department are going to get better from now on. If there are any other abcesses in the police body we are going to cut them out. Whether this is the beginning or the ending depends on the men of the force. They can do their duty and remain. They can neglect their duty and jjfo." Commissioner Zimman, whose de mand for a complete reorganization of the police department came like a bomb dropped in the city council at the Danbaum hearing Monday, was in Lincoln yesterday on legis lative business. Machine Guns to Butte. Tacoma, Wash., Feb. 11. Twelve men and one officer left Camp Lewis last, night for Butte, Mont., where they will join forces -with the units of the 44th infantry, now on strike duty there. The men are all expert machine gun men and include four machine gun sergeants and eigh machine gunners, who are privates. The officer's name was not an nounced. reconstruction measures and asked Parliament "to spare no effort in healing the causes of the existing unrest." Four sons of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Buckingham, 1404 North Thirty-fifth street, are in the service of Uncle Sam. The youngest, Clinton, who is only 21, enlisted in the ma rines since the armistice was signed. "I was scheduled to leave for Camp Bowie the week the armistice was signed, but we were not sent. I didn't want to miss out in the service, not with three brothers in it," said the "kid brother." He is now stationed in the marine bar racks, Paris Island, S. C. Sergeant Joseph Buckingham, 30, the oldest and first to enlist (it will be two years in June), is now in Proven, Belgium, 20 miles from Dunkirk, with the 91st division, praised by Maj. Gen. William E. Johnston for distinguished brav ery. Sergeant Buckingham will have an infant daughter to greet him on his return. His bride and little Betty will come from Tacoma, Wrash., to meet him in Omaha when he returnns from abroad in the near future. He is with the 362nd am bulance company, 316th sanitary train. Marshall, 28, enlisted in' the med ical corps a year after his eldest brother. He is now stationed in Camp Bowie. Clarence, 23, fol lowed his brothers' example two weeks later. He was sent to the radio school of the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, from which place he recently received an honor able discharge, Presbyterians Place Great Reliance in Use of Printers' Ink Walter I. Clarke, formerly on the editorial staff of The Bee, has been an active figure in the work of the Presbyterian New Era conference here. He gives newspaper publicity full credit for a large part of the success of the conference and of the whole New Era movement. "Newspaper publicity," said Mr. Clarke in an interview, "is vital to any cause today. It is a splendid thing for America that the news papers are so ready to support any movement having the wcltare of the community at heart. "Printers' ink put over the Liberty bonds, the Red Cross and other war fund drives. The concerted, loyal devotion of the American press was a tremendous factor in winning the war. The Presbyterian church has long recognized "the value of print ers' ink and the general assembly decided that, so big an institution as the Presbyterian church, with its tremendous interests all over the world, to be fully efficient, required a publicity department as much as did Standard Oil. "The church is, after all, a big business, though its aims are not financial profit, but benevolent bet terment of mankind. "As a representative of the pub licity department H the Presbyterian church, I am deeply grateful to the press of this city for its splendid treatment of the Presbyterian New Era conference." Mr. Clarke's newspaper experi ence covers years of active service in various parts of the United States, including New York, Boston, Phila delphia, Omaha and Chicago. Hearing on Potash Bill Postponed Until Thursday Washington, Feb. 11. (Special.) The hearing on Senator Hender son's bill relating to the potash in terests of the United States, which was to have been held tomorrow, has been postponed until Thursday, when a number of Nebraskans, who are interested in extracting potash from the alkali lakes in northwest Nebraska, will, be heard in behalf of the measure. A delegation of Indians from the Rosebud agency, South Dakota, are in Washington on business before the Indian office. James Coffey, international reve nue collector of South Dakota, is in the capital on matters before the treasury department. W. f. Flynn, an attorney of North Platte, is in Washington on professional business. "Diamond T." Identified by Counsel for Packers Washington, Feb. 11. "Diamond T," the hitherto unnamed Washing ton representative of Swift & Co.. who furnished confidential informa tion forecasting government activi ties in connection with the meat in dustry, was identified as Thomas F. Logan, by Henry Veeder, counsel for Swift & Co., today before the senate interstate commerce commit tee. The witness", in response to a. question, said he was sure "T" re ferred to Logan and not to Secre tary Tumulty and denied that he ever had luncheon in Washington with Mr. Tumulty and Mr. Logan. Nine Troop Ships Sail. Washington, Feb. 11. Departure from France of seven transports and two warships carrying approximate ly 12,000 home-coming troops, was announced today by the War depart ment. They will arrive at New York and Newport News before February 16 and 20. The transports are the Ortega, Canopic, Rotterdam, Northland and West Durfee for New York, and the President Grant and Tiger for New port News. The battleship Georgia goes to Newport News and the cruiser St. Louis to New York. New York Sales Co, 608 West Broadway Opposite Post Office Special Sale Ladies' Percale and Gingham Dresses, worth up to $7.50 at $2.48. Girls' -esses, finest materials, worth up to $2.75, at 98c. Aprons, ginghams and different patterns, worth up to $4.00, at 98c to $2.19. All our dresses and aprons are strictly guar anteed fast colors. All our merchandise will be on sale at cut prices. Mail orders attended at once. Special! Any lady in our store will get 3 pairs worth up to 85c i per pair, 3 pain for $1.00. GREAT VJESTEHIi FUEL GO. Missouri and Iowa Lump, S7.75 Per Ton. PHONE 474. POLICE BATTLE WITH ROBBER; MAKES ESCAPE Detective Franks Has Three Bullet Holes in His Coat; Gets Away While Under Guard. Detective Fritz Franks has three bullet holes in the tails of his over coat and Marvin De Lor, 29 years old- ex-convict, gunman and high way robber, is at large, following a gun battle between police officers and Dc Lor, alias C. Meyers, at Seventieth and Charles streets early yesterday. An autonioU'e load of detectives was sent to the Meyers home, 1715 Charles street, when complaint was made at the Central police station that he had assaulted Dan D. Pugh. i mm muum h mm h is mImMih m m aiiiiu m M"lfHM m 'mm ! 'a in M ;a a i )m a :a i IS a sr. 3 a a , j a a a 'a a imm mi. jk 1 a I a a a 3 a a a a a a M a a a t n m m w wmw nm m wnm mm This Tire Service educes Truck Costs R 'By studying your hauling conditions, we de termine the type of Goodyear Truck Tire best suited to it solid, cushion or pneumatic. ,This is a regular part of our work as a Goodyear Truck Tire Service Station. Frequently we recommend Goodyear S-V Solid Tires for the heavy, slow work; Goodyear Cushion Tires for the moderate-speed deliveries over poorly paved districts, and Goodyear Pneumatic Cord Truck Tires for the fast, long-distance hauling. Then we help you to make trucking cost-reductions by applying tires with prompt ness and safety. Every de tail of the work is carried out , according to shop plan. Goodyear TRUCK & Auditorium Garage a returned soldier. Tugh was struck over the head with a revolver at the Woodrow cafe, Fourteenth and Douglas streets. He is now in the Lord Lister hospital. When the ollicers arrived at Meyers home he refused to accom pany them without a warrant. Two of them stood on guard while the remaining policemen went back for a warrant. They had been on guard but a moment or two when Meyers, his revolver blazing, flung open the front door and leaped from the porch to the ground. The ollicers say they emptied their guns at the gun-man but their bullets failed to find a mark. Detective Franks was exhibiting the holes in the back of his over coat. He said he stood his ground and returned bullet' for bullet with Meyers. The other detective left on guard at the house was Frank Murphy, recently discharged from the army. Meyers is said by police to be Marvin De Lor, highway robber who was shot in a battle with police in May, 1913, and who, after being wounded and confined in the county hospital to convalesce, escaped. Later he was re-captured and sen tenced to the penitentiary. Look at the Subject Any Way You Please The conclusion is invariably m)nN fiii j Horn Rtti'tertd-U. S. Pat. Officii Is the Most Economical Bread It is Made from the Best Materials It has Quality all the Way Through It is the Best Liked Bread When you buy BUTTER-NUT BREAD you know You got tho best and most economical Pread mada SCHULZE BAKING BAKERS OF The Dread Dealers Like to and Consumers Like to mm mmm m mm m w mrr m w m We save the time of drivers and trucks by rendering serv ice nights or Sundays by ap pointment. k After the application of tires, we inspect them regularly for signs of undue wear or for injuries. For all adverse con ditions, taken in time, we have an effective remedy. Precautionary treatment means getting the final miles out of your Goodyear Truck Tires. Let us furnish you proof of the cartage-cost savings which our service is effecting for others. Truck Tire Service Station TRACTOR CORPORATION Phone Doug. 6429 or Doug. 5460 SENATE BEGINS PROBE OF 1. 17. 17. TROUBLES 111 U.S. Judicial Subcommitee to In vestigate Propaganda; Jones Urged Deportation of Un desirables at Once. Washington. Feb. 11. Investiga Jon of lawless propaganda, I. W. V, activities and other sources of dis order in the United States began before the senate judiciary subconi mittee today with a description o the situation in Russia by Dr. WiU liam C. Huntington, former com mcrcial attache of the American em hassj' in Petrograd. Senator Jones of Washington, iri tht senate today, urged legislation to authorize deportation of unde sirable aliens, many of whom h said belonged to the I. W. W. mm mm mm mm MM it mm mm a . r; r r, t t t t El t r r; : K; l r r the same B i is r B K', r t ! r r?1 E CO. Sell Duy E E I E E E E E m m w m n n m m m m m m m w m mr 1310 Jackson Street ?? r