Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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Hundred Retail Cothiers and
Apparel Salesmen from
All Parts of State in
Meeting Here.
- A decline in the price of clothing
s predicted by the members of the
Xebraska Retail Clothiers' associa
tion, who are holding their fourth
a initial convention at the Fontenelle
hotel for three days of this week.
The withdraw! of the huge gov
ernment clothing orders enable the
large eastern clothing manufactur
ers to return to the production of
clothes for civilians. This will stim
ulate competition and probably flood
the clothing market for a short
while. A distinct drop in prices is
therefore expected.
It is the purpose of the conven
tion, now meeting, to attempt to
stabilize the clothing industry and
uiake the expected drop in prices
gradual. This will give the retail
:iotliing '.csler an opportunity to
r.dapt himself to the changed con
ditions where otherwise his b"isinss
would be demoralized by the suddci
The convention meets here for
three days. Tuesday, Wednesday
am! Thursday. The Nebraska Ap
parel club is meeting in conjunc
tion with it.
One Hundred Retail Clothiers,
e Nebraska Ketail Clothiers' as
sociation is composed of about 100
ictail clothing dealers from all parts
of this state. These men represent
About a third of the clothing indus
try of the state.
The opening session of the retail
clothiers was held at 2 o'clock yes
terday afternoon. The invocation
was recited by Rev. Charles H. Mc
Knight, rector of the All Saints
I'Jpiscopal church.
Charles Beno, president of the
Iowa Clothiers' association and
member of the national association,
then extended the greetings of the
national association to the Nebraska
Rev. Harvey II. Harmon of Lin
coln, Neb. addressed the members
of the association. His subject was
"With Fcrshing's Men at the
Mr. Harmon has just returned
from the battle fields of France,
having spent one year with the Sec
ond division of marines as a Y. M.
C. A. divisional secretary. He went
through all the large battles of the
war and knows the accomplishments
of the American troops from first
hand observation.
Vaudeville Tonight.
A vaudeville show and a banquet
has been arranged by . the Men's
Apparel club to show their apprecia
tion for the retail clothing dealers
of this state. The show and banquet
will be at 8:30 p. in., Wednesday.
T. C. Terryman of Ord, Nib., is
president of the association, while
Schuyler M. Dufee of Pierce, Neb.,
is vice president and Emerson E.
Smith of Lincoln, Neb., is secretary.
The business of the convention,
was taken in consideration today as
the first day was set aside for enter
tainment and pleasure.
Ex-Ctfmmander of S. A. T. C.
at Oshkosh Visits Omaha
Capt. Lowell L. Walker, who has
recently received his honorable dis
charge as commandant of the S. A.
T. C. of the State Normal school at
Oshkosh, Wis., is in the city for. a
few davs visit with his mother. Mrs.
O. M. "Walker. 3840 Charles street,
and other relatives and friends.
Captain Walker received his com
mission as second lieutenant at the
first R. O. T. C, at Fort Snelling
and since that time ha3 risen to the
rank of captain. Although only 24
years old, his efforts have been
singularly successful. The authori
ties of the State Normal school at
Oshkosh recently commended his
work there as commandant of the
S. A. T. C. in very high terms.
Captain Walker contemplates re
suming his practice of law at Co
lumbus, Neb., at an early date. .
Council Denies Six Soft Drink
vand One Pool Room Licenses
The following soft drink parlor
permits were denied by city coun
cil: Stanley Zxgar, S001 Q itreet.
Ellaa Os:.ho, JJOJ South Twentieth
Tony Verdi, l"68 Poppteton avenue.
Fred Stroeh, 4914 South Twenty-fourth
Joe Fucarlnn, 321 North Fifteenth
Frank Ferltore, 1201 South Twentieth
Pool room licenses were denied
to Genho & "Peritore, and to Vin
cenzo Cuccia, 323 North Fifteenth
Doctor's Advice
in Influenza
The first question the doctor asks
is whether or not the bowels are
open and regular. If not he advises
the use of a thoro cathartic. That
is the first step in combating this
dreadful sickness.
Doctors advise the use of a thoro
eathartic in influenza prevention,
too. A cathartic which will com
pletely empty the bowels of food
waste and stop fermentation and
the dangerous poisons thus created
and absorbed into the blood. This
is a vital part of the influenza pre
vention. Your druggist has a new, really
pleasant tasting salts, a thoro laxa
tive that will completely empty the
digestive tract, including the lower
bowel where most poisons are
formed. It is called SALINOS and
is effective even if taken in cold
water. Get a bottle for a Quarter
(larger sizes Fifty cents and a Dol
lar). Ba f! Take it tomorrow
morning. Adv.)
"Can this be Andrew?" Amy said
to herself in amazement. Had the
floor suddenly parted and Gregory
appeared on extended wings, she
could not have been more astonish
ed. For two years she had never
known her husband but as the most
complaisant and tractable of men,
unfailing in good humor, proud of
her social triumphs, an inexhaustible
bank to meet every caprice. Twenty
times she had said to Irma:
"Andrew is the most perfect of
husbands. He lets me do exactly
what I want. He has absolute faith
in me. Really, I think he adores it,
the more men are attentive to me."
And, all at qnce, without warning,
this outburst, this arbitrary and vio
lent climax of Dawson's banish
ment! She who had looked at other
wives in superior pride had suddenly
been overwhelmed with the ugly
reality. The first quarrel had come,
and with it the realization that here
was a new man very different from
the adoring Andrew of the past
a will and a temper to be reckoned
with in future, an anger that had
left her cold with physical fear!
She stooped and picked up Daw
son's card, now twisted into an un
recognizable shred, and the copy of
the Tattle-tale which he had flung
down. Then, noticing the telephone,
she swept it up hastily. But no
sooner had she replaced the receiver,
than the bell took up its shrill clam
oring. For the moment, she was seized
with the same violent desire to
sweep it aside which had possessed
her husband.
"Well, who is it?" she demanded
It was Tody Dawson.
She covered the receiver hastily
and glanced about with a frightened
"Mrs. 'Forrester is out!" she said
abruptly, and set the receiver down
with a bang. Of course, he had
telephoned to warn her of his break,
but the boyish imprudence of the
move increased her irritation.
"The worst is, I acted as though
I were guilty," she thought, as she
entered her boudoir. Her cheeks
were burning with a dry, feverish
anger. She repeated insistently.
"No; never I'll never forgive him!"
Her husband's room adjoined hers.
She marched directly to the door,
threw it open and said sharply,
"Andrew 1"
The room was empty. He had left
the house. She came back frowning
and uneasy, vaguely alarmed at this
disappearance, which her excited
imagination magnified. What could
she do? There must be some ex
planationmatters could not be left
like this. She dressed, glanced at
the clock, and hurried down to the
waiting car.
"Why did I act as though I were
guilty?" she repeated, frowning. "I
even told a lie, a foolish lie!"
Yet it was impossible to forgive
such a public humiliation quite im
possible! Then her anger veered to
Tody. What had possessed him to
tell such a stupid lie to call up on
the telephone, when her husband
might have been there? Perhaps
Andrew had overheat d there was
a connection in his room perhaps
that was why he had rushed away.
Of course, if he was jealous, it did
look terribly, with all those unfor-
FARMERS' union
State's Executive Tells Farm
ers of Distribution and
Urges Better Co
Operation. "Your co-operative and concen
trated efforts will result in control
of the agencies of distribution, so
that you will be fairly paid for your
products, and thos- who buy will
pay fair prices," was a message
brought by Governor Samuel R.
McKelvie to the attendants of the
sixth annual meeting of the Farm
ers' Educational and Co-operative
State Union of Nebraska.
The first session was called to
order in the auditorium by Presi
dent C. H. Gustafson. The session
will last three days.
"Better Rural Schools."
The governor indorsed an effort
to improve the educational oppor
tunities of the rural communities.
He stated that Nebraska may well
be proud of what has been accomp
lished generally through the schools,
but he did not believe that the
state can point with pride to the
rural schools, which have not kept
pace with the progress of education.
Consolidation of rural schools was
recommended and he expects legis
lative anactment that will encourage
the desired consolidation.
Problem of Distribution.
"He who has studied the agricul
tural problems of our state realizes
that the farmer's big program today
is distribution, that the products of
his labor may be brought to the con
sumer by the shortest possible route.
There is no one who has a right to
reap rewards that he does not earn.
I think I properly interpret the mind
of the farmer when I say that he
does not seek a subsidy, but that he
asks only for fair play in promoting
his enterprise. The elevators owned
by farmers throughout this state are
evidence of the manner in which
you are solving this problem of
The governor added: "It remains
for us to bring into fruition the
things for which we fought. That
we will solve these problems, there
is no doubt. We can solve these
problems if we are willing to bring
to them that same unselfishness that
prompted us to help win the war.
Now that the fighting days are over,
there comes to us problems of no
less importance than those of actual
military nature."
Governor McKelvie outlined his
civil administrative code, or cabinet
form of administrative state govern
ment. He explained that this propo
sition contemplated administrative
departments with competent heads
to preside oyer those departments.
Mayor E. P. Smith offered a few
words of welcome, at the opening.
" (Copyright, 1918, by Little. Brown Co.)"
tunate telephone calls. Suddenly
she sat upright.
"But Andrew himself told me to
play all I wanted to of course he
did! And now he reproaches mel"
Why hadn't she thought of that at
the time of their quarrel? There
was her answer to him and to all
the doubts which had troubled her
conscience. She had done only
what he had wished her to do. If
she had unwittingly offended
against appearances, he was respon
sible. Her innocence appeared to
her so radiantly clear that she set
tled back with a deep sigh of con
tent. When she saw him again, she
would confront him with this de
fence. What could he answer? Ab
solutely nothing! So relieved was
her conscience that by the time she
reached Lazare's, she was in the
mood to make excuses for what she
had sworn never to forgive.
It was almost two by the buhl
clock hid in the palms as she hurried
through the antechamber, where the
first person she ran into was Mrs.
Dellabarre, who had been telephon
ing frantically.
"Really. Amy when we are going
to a matinee this is exaggerating
"My dear, Andrew turned up un
expectedly," she began glibly. "I
just could not get away."
She was in the dining room, smil
ing to the right and to the left,
making for a corner table which was
always reserved for , their special
group. Gladys Challoner's eyes
were sharp and malicious; it would
never do to let her suspect the quar
rel. She was composing her ex
pression when, all at once, she was
thrown off her guard. At their ta
ble, where they had drawn up chairs
for a word of greeting, she saw her
cousin, Fili Nordstrum, and Monte
She had known that he was re
lumed from Europe. She had read
of his exploits lately at Palm Beach,
but in the long intervals since she
had last seen him, the impression
of their last intimate conversation
had remained so vivid in her
imagination that to happen upon
him now in this odd conjecture
startled her.
He arose at her approach. By
the look in his eyes she say that
he did not at once recognize her,
until, by Fifi's greeting, he could
place her.
"Sorry to be late husband turned
up," she said lightly. "Why Fifi
dear, thought you were in Florida.
"Just bobbed up," said Fifi. em
bracing her. "Go on, Monte. Monte
is too delightful," she added, in ex
planation. "He has just been wip
ing up the floor with us, and Gladys
and Kitty are furious."
"Monte is exceedingly personal,"
said Mrs. Challoner frigidly.
"Rats!" said Fifi. "There are thou
sands like you, Gladys."
"But what's he been saying?" said
Irma encouragingly.
"The most dastardly attack I could
make," said Bracken smiling. "If
I had accused you of being unedu
cated, parasites, or immoral, that
would be nothing! But I remarked
that the New York woman did not
know how to dress, and the row
But, Monte, every one admits
that we are the best dressed women
in the world 1" said Irma, in pro
test.. Hiss Harriet Long
Leaves for France
to Do Library Work
Miss Harriet Long, daughter of
Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Long of Madi
son, Neb., has been ordered to sail
on the La France for duty over
seas with the American Library as
sociation. It is believed she will
have charge of the distribution of
reading material among the soldiers
with the army of occupation in Ger
many. She has had charge of the distri
bution of books to soldiers on the
Mexican border for the past nine
months with headquarters in San
Antonio, Tex.. She reports that the
cosmopolitan personnel of the
troops has made the wants of the
soldiers hard to fill, the requests
being for every class of books from
fairy tales to the most highly scien
tific books. Her work on the bor
der covered the entire boundary line
from coast to coast. The work
kept her constantly moving, spend
54 nights on trains during her stay.
She visited at the home of her
uncle, A. E. Long, 2611 South
Thirty-first street, before leaving for
New York.
Attorney Dies; Malmstean
Will Case is Postponed
The case ef Elizabeth Malmstean
against the heirs of the Hall estate
was postpqned in Judge Leslie's
court Tuesday afternoon on ac
count of death in the family of one
of the attorneys.
The plaintiff was the adopted and
only child of Nancy J. and Ralph H.
Hall, who died in March and May,
respectively, 1916. An alleged common-law
martial relation' between
the decendents is a feature of the
case. The estate consists of farm
lands in Nebraska and Iowa.
Elizabeth Malmstean is contend
ing that she is entitled to one-half
of the estate. Her action in court
is against 16 heirs.
Cell el Shaiman-McCanwll 4 Drue Sum in boj
of King' Antiseptic Catarrh Cream. It
opens up the head and allow free
breathing. Wonderful remits Kills
a;erms Heal tore membranes.
Don't Catch Cold
and allow it lent mta rmneM At the ant
aniffle. aaaen, icea throat ot aetdadx take (one
tetsfett tetmtt preoresld 4ah hem Ne
dutetant Calomel end ae bad brad effeett II
wheaqwa'M it taken aicae. ALL wauuuiaTS
Sfctrmea HcCtmnfll'4 Pref Sit, (ViVt. fea.
For Cold. Carlo and
"There you go! What do you
mean by best dressed?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean dressed in perfect taste
for every occasion."
"Oh, go on and attack us!" said
"With pleasure. You dress for the
street car as you dress for a ball.
There is nothing progressive in your
art everything is thrown out at
once. A well-bred woman in Eu
rope who is well dressed is an
artist. When she goes shopping, she
goes shopping, and not to attract
the admiration of motormen, bell
boys and shop clerks. She would
be offended by such attention. So
she dresses not to be noticed. If
she lunches in a restaurant, she does
not offer herself to the vulgar stares
of a crowd as she would to her
friends in the shelter of her home."
"This hits me!" said Kitty."
"Certainly. But it does not dis
tinguish you, my dear Kitty," said
oracKen, lauglimg.
"Well, we overdress," said Gladys,
shrugging her shoulders.
"Ah, but it's more than that vou
don't comprehend that to be a wo
man is an art in itself!"
"Now you interest me." said Irma,
nodding in approval, while each in
turn, at this excursion into the only
field which completely absorbed
them, leaned forward expectantly.
"To charm always and unfailingly,
a woman must understand the value
of surprises. She would know how
to admit a man progressively to her
intimacy, and to make him feel that
each approaching step is a privilege."
"Blessed if I get that!" said Kitty
explosively, while Irma nodded
"Jf you meet a woman in the
morning, you do not wish to see
her as she is in the afternoon. If
you meet her in the afternoon in
public, you ought to feel that there
is a final intimacy that she reserves
for you solely in her own home. The
trouble here is, you mrke no distinc
tion between the admiration of the
crowd and the tribute from the priv
ileged friend. You are well dressed
always, but how shall I say? you
you are well dressed as"
"Say it Monte!" said Fifi, with her
elbows on the table. "As the demi
mondaines are well dressed."
"But why not?" said Irma lightly;
for the topic had run to a favorite
pose of hers. "As for me, I say
frankly, I admire them! They are
the only real women today. What
they do they do well"
"Irma!" said Kitty, closing her
ears with a pretense of being scan
dalized. "But I mean it! Why not be
frank?' said Mrs. Delabarre. "We
do imitate them. Monte's right
You do and I do. Don't be foolish
of course we dol Don't we fall
over every little dancer or actress
who turns up?? Don't we fight to
have them at our tables, copy their
dress, their hair, their slang? We
do only, we do it badly."
The conversation rain into dis
tinctions which scandalized the ears
of an out-of-town couple at the I
next table. For, at this time, Irma's
pose was a cloak of bravado which
many women of society liked to as
sume in the effort to startle and!
Amy took no part in the discus
sion, hearing little that was said,
yet if her mind could not concen
trate on Monte Bracken's argument,
she had, as always, a feeling of his
mental superiority. Her own per
plexities, the sudden disturbance of
her equanimity, the new struggle
aliead which she foresaw must come
with her husband if she were to re
gain her threatened supremacy
obsessed her to the exclusion of all
other thoughts.
(To Be Continued Tomorrow.)
3 i
C. O. D. .
2 for 1 BLOUSE SAL
HUNDREDS of shrewd shoppers have taken advantage of this
extraordinary offer. If you fail to share in these wonder
ful bargains you will regret it, so come Wednesday.
Choose TWO $2.95
Blouses for only. . .
Choose TWO $3.95
Blouses for only . . .
Choose TWO $5.00
Blouses for only . . .
Choose TWO $5.95
Blouses for only. . .
Choose TWO $6.50
Blouses for only. . .
Choose TWO $7.50
Blouses for only . . .
Choose TWO $3.75
Blouses for only . . .
Blouses for onlv. ..
One Hundred Nebraska Over
land Dealers Hear Address
of Vice President of
Toledo House.
Plans for increasing the company's
output 33 1-3 per cent over their ca
pacity in 1917 were discussed with
dealers yesterday noon at the Fonte
nelle hotel by Edwin B. Jacksou of
Toledo, O., vice president, and
George H. Cox, midwestern division
manager, of Kansas City, represent
ing the Willys-Overland Automobile
One hundred Nebraska Overland
dealers attended the gathering.
Mr. Jackson has been making a
tour of the country, outlining his
company's plans to dealers, lie de
clared that the factory's output in
1917 was 150,000 automobiles. This
year, he said, the number would be
increased to 200,000.
Business is Promising.
Business in the east and south, as
well as on the coast, he declared,
promised to exceed the most enthu
siastic predictions. "The outlook
in Omaha and the middle west
could not be better," he asserted.
"We want our dealers to realize
the importance and magnitude con
templated in our plans to increase
our business," he continued. "We
have decided to do this only after
being thoroughly convinced that the
growing dejnands for our cars, as
well as automobiles of other firms,
warrants it. A wave of prosperity
is sweeping over the country and
business activity will go forward in
leaps and bounds on a sound and
safe basis. It is up to everyone to
keep pace in the onward march of
Mr. Jackson declared his company
Coughs and Colds Relieved
"About three years ago when I was suffering
from a severe cold on my lungs and coughed
most of the time night and day, I tried a bottle
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and was sur
prised at the promptness with which it gave me
relief' writes Mrs. Jas. Brown, Clark Mills,
N. Y.
To The Personal Tax Payers of Douglas
I shall very much regret to issue distress warrants
to the Sheriff for collection of the 1918 County and
1918 City delinquent personal taxes, as provided by
Chapter 6483, Section 195, of the Revised Statutes of
Nebraska.. This will only add additional expense and
cost to said taxes.
For the benefit of the taxpayers I will extend the
time for paying these taxes to February 20th. Please
pay them now and avoid further annoyance.
M. L. ENDRES, Treasurer.
Jiif 11 fMe
1508-1510 Douglas St.
This most sensational Blouse offer eclipses all past performances. You
have the unrestricted choice of 6,400 Beautiful Blouses. Choose TWO
Blouses for the price of ONE. The Julius Orkin policy of not carrying over
merchandise from one season to another is our only reason for this wonder
ful offer.
Sheer Georgettes,
Crepe de Chines,
Wash Satins, Tub
Silks, Taffetas;
Beaded, Embroid
ered, Lace Trimmed
Tailored effects.
Wonderful style
creations, all the
most desired col
ors; sizes for everyone.
. V' ' 1
would put a car of a new design on
the market this year. It will be
called the Light Four, and is to be
built particularly with reference to
riding qualities, he said. The car
will be offered at a popular price
to meet a popular demand, he said.
Mr. Jackson will address the
Overland dealers in Des Moines to
day. ,
Many Iowa Cities to
Be Represented at the
Readjustment Meeting
Indications point to a large at
tendance at the Transmississippi Re
adjustment congress to be held in
Omaha February 18-20. Word comes
to Manager Thomas of the Cham
ber of Commerce publicity depart
ment that Des Moines will send a
delegation of 25, headed by Ashtou
Clemens, former president of the
Des Moines Chamber of Commerce.
It is expected that the city council
will send a delegation and that
Mayor Fairweathcr will be in at
tendance. South St. Paul's live stock ex
change has signified its intention of
sending a delegation, headed by
President Rogers.
The Commercial club of Water
loo, la., has chartered a car and
will send a large delegation of busi
ness men.
Salt Lake city has plans laid for
sending a large delegation, at the
head of which will probably be J.
E. Galigher, a leading mapufacturer.
The Commercial club of Fort
Dodge, la., is coming with a dele
gation of 25 and Boise, Idaho, has
the lines laid for the attendance of
a number of the prominent business
men of the city.
U. P. Yardmaster Loses His
Leg in Railroad Accident
Walter Howe, 2910 North Twenty-fourth
street, assistant yard
master for the Union Pacific rail
way, lost his left leg yesterday
when he was run down by a freight
train at Seventeenth and Jones
Choose TWO $9.75
Blouses for only ....
Choose TWO $10.75
Blouses for only ....
Choose TWO $12.50
Blouses for only. . . .
Choose TWO $14.75
Blouses for only. . . .
Choose TWO $16.75
Blouses for only. . . .
Choose TWO $19.75
Blouses for only.
Choose TWO $22.50
Blouses for only. . . .
I Rln,,.M fr
U. S. Government Has
Friend of Reptiles
Here is the opportunity for the
snake charmer, the seductive little
lady who wears little more than a
The United States civil service
commission announces an open
competitive examination for both
men and women to act as aides in
the division of reptiles. It also of
fers a salary of $1,200 year to suc
cessful candidates as a beginning.
Easy fa Make This
Pine Cough Remedy
TheauMidt of famUlea awaavr bt Its
prompt mulu, Inipnlie,
and tatei about i.
Vou know that pipe is used in
nearlw all prescriptions and; remedies
for cnj'hs. The reason is that pine
enntaius several peculiar elements that
have a remarkable effect in soothing
and healing the membranes of the
thrmt and ehest.
Pine cough syrups are combinations
of pine and syrup. The "syrup" part
is usually plain sugar syrup.
To make the best pine couch remedy
that money can buy, put 2Vi ouncea
of Pinex in a pint bottle, and fill up
with home-made sugar syrup. Or you
can use clarified molasses, boney, or
corn syrup, instead of sugar syrup.
Either way, you makca full pint -jore
than you can buy ready-made for three
times the money. It is pure, good
and very pleasant children like it.
You can feel this take hold of
cough or cold in a way that means
business. The cough may be dry,
hoarse and tichjt, cr may be persist
ently loose from the formation of
phlegm. The cause is the same in
flamed membranes and this Pinex
and Syrup combination will stop it
usually in 24 hours or lees. Splendidv
too, for bronchial asthma, hoarseness,
or any ordinary throat ailment.
Pinex is a hitshlv concentrated com
pound of genuine Norway pine extract,
and is famous the world over for its
prompt effect upon coughs.
Beware of substitutes. Ask your
druggist for "2 ounces of Pinex"
with directions, and don't accept any
thing else. Guaranteed to give abso
lute eatisfaetion on (money refunded.
The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind.
When your nerves are all
on edge and sleep seems
6ut of the question take
at bedtiiae one or two
Lanaat Sale of Any Medicine in Uia World.
Sold Tarywber. Ia box, 10c, 25c.
Have You a
Piano for
I will purchase it
if in good playing
condition. Must be
cheap for cash. Let
me know just what
you have and your
lowest price.' Box
B-25, Omaha Bee.
Man Run Down by Street
Car and Seriously Hurt
Tetro Tellez, 1015 South Seven
teenth street, was run down by
street car yesterday t Four
teenth street and Capitol avenue and
seriously injured.
v i -4,
You are in danger of catch
ing the grip if you are weak
and run-down.
The grip germ finds its ear
liest victims among those
whose resisting power is low
est. The pure food elements in
Father John's Medicine build
energy to resist grip germs.
The gentle laxative effect
of Father John's Medicine
helps to drive out impurities.
You are safe when you take
Father John's Medicine be
cause it is guaranteed free
from alcohol or dangerous
drugs in any form.
How To Get Relief When Bead
and Nose are Stuffed Up.
Count fifty! Your cold in head
or catarrh disappears. Your clogged
nostrils will open, the air passages
of your head will cjar and you can
breathe freely. No more snuffling,
hawking, mucous discharge, dryness
or headache; no struggling for
breath at night.
Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream
Balm from your druggist and apply
a little of this fragrant antiseptic
cream in your nostrils. It penetrates
through every air passage of the
head, soothing and healing the swol
len or inflamed mucous membrane,
giving you instant relief. Heafl colds
and catarrh yield like magic. Don't
stay stuffed-up and miserable. Re
lief is sure. Adv.
Combing Won't Rid
Hair Of Dandruff
The only sure way to get rid of
dandruff is to dissolve it, then you
destroy it entirely. To do this, get
about four ounces of ordinary liquid
arvon; apply it at night when retir
ing; use enough to moisten the scalp
and rub it in gently with the finger
Do this tonight, and by morning,
most if not all of your dandruff
will be gone, and three or four more
applications will completely dissolve
and entirely destroy every single
sign and trace of it, no matter how
much dandruff you may have.
You will find, too, that all itching
and digging of the scalp will stop at
once, and your hair will be fluffy,
lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and
look and feel a hundred times bet
ter. You can get liquid arvon at any
drug store. It is inexpensive and
never fails to do the work. Adv.
No Trouble to Remove
x Superfluous Hair
(Toilet Tips)
It is an eisy matter to rid the skin
of objectionable hair or fuzz, if you
proceed as follows: Mix a paste
with some water and a little pow
dered delatone, apply to hairy sur
face and in 2 or 3 minutes rub off,
wash the skin and the hairs are
gone. This method of banishing
hairy growths is painless and does
not mar the skin, but to avoid disap
pointment, be certain to get real del
atone. Adv.
After each meal YOU eft one
and get full food value and real stom
ach comfort. Instantly relieves heart,
burn, bloated, gassy feeling, STOPS
acidity, fotl repeating and stomach
misery. AIDS digestion; keeps the
Jtomach sweet and pure.
ATONIC i th bt mncdyand cm!yet
nt or two d to u. it. You will bada
'Whtad with rwultt. 6tiifaction STirntecJ
money Uck. flense Cail and try it.
"Follow tha Baaton Path," ISta r J
Faraana SU Omaha,