THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1919. 11 i Y. I FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Nebraska Land. SPLKNDlij tT'H6posm5Sr" one thousand acre ranch. In Nebraska, timber and mater, all fenced, comfort able lmprovementa, so acres in cultlva linn, prlca 117.60 per acre, with terma Writ for , land list, Jiiatln T. Ar-'yJLT?i-?r""r Co Kansas, R MALE l.un acre ranch a milea northwest of Sutherland, Neb., im proved, J,00 per aora If taken at onre; acrea Uroke rorn, went 30 hushela thla year. For terma and particulars write owner. Lock Box I, Sutherland. Neb A IllTlS ma for ptcturea and pncea of rty farms and ranches In good old Da wo eounty, Arab L. Hungerford, Crawford. Neb. Si I-H HICK COUNT r. Improved corn and alfalfa farma at the right prlca. M. A. LARSON. Central City. Neb I.MPHOVED and unlmprovecf wheaTfarme," Kimball Co, Nebraeka. R. E, Holmea Htishnell. Neb South Dakota Lands. iUUni DAKOTA LAND FOR SALli. . i.-tHO acres .rompact body," well lm proverl. extra largo buildings, artesian w.-l, 700 acrea In cultivation, well grans el. a fine ranch; price J3.00 per acre, enwy terms, iio acres Hughes county, a good ranch well Improved, larue buildings, 400 acrci under plow, easy terms. 818 cre Fully county, fine large lm provements, lti'j acrea in cultivation. f'Nca .17.J0 per acre. A. A. Fatiman 3'H Karl fiich Block. e Oregon Lands. luHDAN VALLEY, Oregon. offer you a homo In tho land of sunshine, where J conditions ara right for raising alfalfa ana cattle Address, Jordan Valley Karma. I!olse, Idaho. Wyoming Lands. il i'ST eTl before M arch '"IT t SI. S5 ' per acre, part cash, balance two or five yenm, fine half section farm Goshen county, Wyoming; 1D0 acrea in cultlva tlon, shallow wuter, good lmprovo mcnta. K. C. Fortune, Owner, Stewart. Wvo, V H&TaTland Wyoming farms. XhO per a.. Including paid up water right. .leury '.evl A c M. Rylander. 814 Omaha Wisconsin Lands. wFFfclN'you buy land, buy tile" beat.- We have some of the very cholceat land in tha beat aeotion of Central Wis consin, for aala on eaiy terma. Oood clay loam soli- country thickly aettled; good water, schoola, roada and mar kets. Wrlta for book and map. John S. Owen Lumber Co., No, 60 Mill St.. Owen. Clark County, Wla Miscellaneous. BV OW.S1SR LEA Vl.NU 50 acrea improved Wei productive bottom land near Itluffs; M mile to school. Price, 13.600; one-third cash. Walnut 1395. Address MH2 I.efivenworth St. FARM LANDS FOR RENT. i'OFt HKSX 0 acres improved. 211 mllea from Chiil. o. It mllea to Omaha, Sarpy county; t.7 inns In high state of cultl vatlon. Act quick. HBUi LAND COMPANY. S4 Krantlela Mldg. I'hone 8I4. ' AUTOMOSILES. ALL GUARANTEED 1919 Huick 5, overwlse. cord tires, run less taun 1.000 miles, 81.450. 1!1S Lexington Peiffct. 800. 1917 WlllyM-Knight, 1450. 75-F1 Overland roadster, 250. 2 Ford sedans. 1 Ford coupelet. 10 other Fords a' d ".0 other cars. All ciutj sold o'i i r 3-day money hack guarantee If . ,u ar not satis fled. REMEMBER Wo carry tha clock and make the price. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE ; 1913-14 Farnam. JONES-UPPKR CO, 2i!,h-60 Farnam St. A BETTER PLACE TO BUV USED CARS. One 191.1 Reo Roadster. One Model N. Hupp. One 1:1 in Reo 5-pas.senger. , One Ford rellyry wagon, closed hody. wHOBATi i;siiD5UicTts? " 19U p,ui.-k 6 roadster, dandy, $1,100. 1917 Buick t tourlng orlg. tires. 1800. 9i Bulck touring, overhauled and rcflnlshed, 1675. ' TKAWVKB AUTO CO.. 1910 Farnam. ONE six cylinder Muster Six Cha'.mers; Just like new; will exchange for Omaha property and pay cash dlffwrence. . P. & R. K. JIONTGOMERT. -13 ctty Natl. Bank Bldg. Deuglaa ISIS MKKKS AUTO CO. Used cars bought, sold and exchanged Wa buy for cash, and sell on time. Full line (o select from. Middle State Oarage 2026-8 Farnam St. Douglas 4101. MEEKB AUTO CO. HEADQUARTERS for gasoline and oil pumpa of all kinds, tanks, air stands, etc. Phona Douglas 1388. Laubaeh. tiSS Brandels Bldg.. Omaha. HAVE on hund both new and second-hand cars; good ahop and garage; wish to sell business and rent garage. Box 418, Sidney. Neh. tjl-OBE VAN AND STORAGE CO.. Wll, store your auto. Rates for Ford cara, $3 month; larga cars. $5 a month. Im)glas 43S- LSEb CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO.. 2080 Farnam fit. Omaha. Neb. FORD MARKET. S230 Farnam. J2S9 Farnam. 25 new and used Ford bodlea. BARGAIN'S IN USED CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co., 15th and Jackson. Ford Agents. V. 3500. K.Xi'EKT Repairing Guaranteed service. SERVICE GARAGE. , tilth nnd Leavenworth. Doug. 7000. WU ARE THE USED CAR MEN. ' TRAWVER AUTO CO., 19l Farnam. Harney 414. FOR SALE Cheap International truck, model A. Call Benaon 140. J. H. Marttg. AUTOMOBILE electrical repalra; service station for Rayfleld carburetors and Columbia storage batteries Edwards. WANTED FUR fcPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co. luii Farnam St. D. 038. NEW and used Ford. Aruea oodies. Im mediate delivery. O'Rourka Goldstron) Auto Co.. 3701 So. 24th. So. 399. OAKLAND. Sensible Six . MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 5300 Farnam St QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 2563 FARNAM. - VRIVATELT owned used cars' for sale. OMAHA USED CAR MARKET. 2T.17 Leavenworth. Tyler 8347. 'THE USED CAR MART" SERVICE! GARAGE Ifith and Leavenworth. Douglas 700(1. ilAA for magneto we can t fix; patentee FAW Affinitx Spark Plug. O. Bays- dorf-r. 2!0 N. lsth. 191S FORD touring body; exchange for Ford roadster body. Call Tyler S347. WARION touring car; good tires! good condition, H3o. Phone Doug. 4441. FORD MARKET ' New Ford to out of town customers. GOOD USED CARS, GUT L. SMITH. Tires and Supplies. TIRES ONE-HAIP PRICE. GUARANTEED 8.000 MILES, - S"l! I t 6HIS0X3H f :3 18.25132x4 11.78 12x4 11.80184x4 11.00 We furnish the old tlraa. Agents wanled. 3 IN 1 VULCANIZING COMPANT, 1H8 Davenport Btreet. vVE do casing and tuba repairing. W'a guarantee our work. New and second tires. URBAN TIRE A VULCANIZING CO.. ?--'3 Harney St. Phone Douglas 3413. NEW TIRES ON SALE. Firestone. Congress. La Pullman. Fie. Wrlta for prices. Mention eises. (CAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 2i18 FARNAM. REDUCED RATE. 13 CENTS PER MILE. Rent a Ford. Drive youraclf. Ford Co.. 1314 Howard St. Douglas. 362S. BARGAINS, new No. 1 tires and tubes. Tires 45 per cent off. List tubes 35 per cent, writ or phona Webster 1034. Day ,s"f.!'th. . CAIN more miles: have your tlrea mT treaded by Q A G. Tlrs Co. -416 Leavenworth ,rv,r lfil-W iv,"D llt delivery. ; -d running or" iler; will sell cheap. H. 6T4S. BRINGING UP WHAT.J. THr DOCTOR SENT THIS BASKET OF FRUIT TO YOU- HE SAID IT3 OOD FOR YOU - MY-THIS r -ft THAT? APPLE IS DELICIOUS- OCV SAVE A 4 OF PEARS AUTOMOBILES. Repairing and Painting. RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt; large atock used radiator new rora noneycomo raoiaiors. OMAHA RADIATOR A TIRE WARES. ' 181 Cuming 2044 Farnam CENTRAL garaga repair dept., night and day service. If in trouble cll us. Tyler 714. All work guaranteed. EXFKKT radlutuia. tenders and auto bodlea; repairing at reasonable prfcea. Prompt attention given to garage work, ship your radiator direct to ua. NEBRASKA SERVICE GARAGE. Doug. 7390. !18 S. 19th St F. V. Bafnum Co.. 2123 Cunv.m:. D 8044. High grade Automobile Painting. Motorcycles and Bicycles. "Jfk RLB7"-nA ii5fias'' motorc f cles. Bargalna In uaed machines. Victor H. Rooa. tha Motorcycle Han. t7tb and Leavenworth PERSONAL. NOTICE HERE IS A. FINE HOME for little girl about 4 or 6 yeara of age. wish to keep her temporarily as playmate with adop tion In view later. Communication strictly confidential. Addresa Box B-7?, Omaha Bee, THE SALVATION Army industrial Home solicits your old clothing," furniture, magazines. We collect. We dlatrlbute. Phona Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home 1110-1112-1114 Podge St. WOULD like to take In Japanese language n exchange for lessons in English, French, Spanish, German. Italian, Latin, ,or Tagalog. George Woenckhaus, How ard hotel. I will not be responsible for any bills run undpr my name by Mrs. Evelln M. Knapp. Mr. J. E. Knapp. Horses Lve Stock Vehicles. For Sale. AUCTION SALE of Surplus' . auv eminent Horses and Mules THERE WILL BE SOLD ON FEBRUARY 19, 1919, AT 9 A. M AT UHLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. AUX ILIARY REMOUNT DEPOT, CAMP CODY, DEMING. NEW MEXICO, ONE THOUSAND SURPLUS GOVERNMENT HORSES AND MULES. THESE ANIMALS -WERE BOUGHT BY THE GOVERN MENT FOR OVERSEAS SER VICE AND ARE NOW IN EX CESS OF THE PRESENT RE QUIREMENTS. FOUR HUN DRED THIRTY MULES AND FIVE HUNDRED SEVENTY HORSES WILL BE OFFERED. FOR SALE. THIS.STOCKISIN GOOD CONDITION. MULES RANGE IN WEIGHT FROM A'INE TO THIRTEEN HUN DRED POUNDS AND THE HORSES WILL WEIGH FROM ONE THOUSAND TO FOUR TEEN HUNDRED POUNDS. BOTH HORSES AND MULES WILL BE OFFERED SINGLE, IN PAIRS, FOURS, TENS AND CAR LOTS. BUYERS WILL BE PERMITTED TO SELECT AND CLASSIFY STOCK AND HAVE THEM PRESENTED IN AUCTION RING ACCORDING TO THEIR SELECTION. AR RANGEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE WITH RAILROAD TO HAVE CARS PLACED AT RE MOUNT DEPOT LOADING PEN SO THAT THERE WILL BE NO DELAY TO BUYERS IN SHIPPING STOCK. f A LEATHER HALTER WILL BE FURNISHED WITH EVERY ANIMAL SOLD. LUNCH WILL BE OBTAIN. ABLE ON THE GROUND. SALE WILL BE HELD RE gGARDLlJSS OF WEATHER. TERMS OF SALE, CASH OR CERTIFIED CHECK. DO NOT FORGET THE DATE, FEBRUARY 19, AND THE PLACE: AUXILIARY RE MOUNT DEPOT, CAMP CODY. THIS IS AN UNUSUAL OP PORTUNITY OF SECURING HORSES AND MULES AT YOUR OWN PRICE. FOR FURTHER INFORMA TION WIRE MAJOR F. G. BREWER, COMMANDING OF FICER REMOUNT DEPOT, CAMP CODY. HARNESS. SADDLES and TRAVELING GOODS. Wa maka them ourselves and sell them direct to consumer. Why pay two profits tor Inferior goods when you can get high grade goods at first costt ALFRED CORNISH A CO.. Phone Doug. 2314 1219 Farnam. DON'T FORGET tl e big horsa and mule auction at stock yards stablca next Wednesday. Expect a good run of choice farm mares, matched teams of farm chunks and one car load of farm mules. Sala starts at 10 o'clocfc. I. c. Gallup, Auctioneer. POULTRY AND PET STOCX. WHEAT screenings $J25 per hundred. A. W Wagner, iiOl N. 16th 'St., Doug. 1142. WHITE ROCK , HATCHING EGG S from Omaha show dinners. Benson 288. THREE thoroughbred l.tiior,i roosters for sele. u Red 4161. T!u Bcr Want Ails arc the Best Dusincss Boosters' FATHER COUHUC TO Market LIVE STOCK Omaha, February 11, 19! , Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, Official Monday 11,853 20,067 10.809 Estimate Tuesday ..lo.nOO 17,000 15.fl Two 'days this week.21,SB2 37,067 2.1,09 Same daya last week 10.685 40.779 10.5113 Same 2 wks. ago. . .16.910 27,116 10. 6c Same il wks. ago ..20.182 63,956 lf.719 Snme year ago 12.676 29.659 l9,S')t Receipts and disposition of live stock at tho Union stock yards for 24 houra ending at i o'clock yesterday: RECEIPTS CARS. C. M. A St. P 3 Wabash t 'J , .. 2 Missouri Pac , . 2 1 Union Pacific .... 1 . .. J . .. C. & N. W., east.. 22 66 I S C. & N. TV., west. 89 77 12 C, St. P., M. A O. 60 40 t .. C, B. & Q., esst. 35 t . . C, B. A Q. west. 65 34 14 C. R. I. A P., east 19 14 3 C..R. I. A P., west 1 1 Illinois Central... 10 1 1 Chi. Gt. West 8 Total receipts.. 425 254 37 ( DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. She-P Morrla & Co 9S2" 2.66X S91 Swift & Co. 1.992 3.SS2 2.613 Cudahy Pkg. Co. ...1,747 2,647 1.S12 Armour & Co 1,679 8.943 3.S04 Schwartx & Co 2.677 J. W. Murphy 4,496 Lincoln Pkg. Co.... H. Omaha Pkg. Co. St. Clair Pkg. Co.. Higglns Pkg. Co... J. Roth &, Bona.... P. O'Dea Wilson Co W.B. Van Sant & Co. Benton & Yn Sant. W. W. Hill ft Co.. V. P. Lewis Huntzinger & Oliver 42 17 16 3 47 20-- 52 17 20 123 429 69 185 60 12 131) 149 63 , 62 ' 113 7 143 68 243 44 ,r. B. Root & Co.... T. H. Bulla R. M. Burruss & Co. Roaenstock Bros. . . F. G. Kellogg.... Wertheimer & Degen Ellis & Co Sullivan Bros A. Rothschild -Mo.-Kan. C. & C. . . E. G. Christie Baker i r Bros John Harvey 890 ... Jensen & Lundgren. 35 . . tj ... Dennis & Francis.. 82 ... ... Cheek & Kreb , 3 ... Omaha Pkg. Co.... 17 Midwest Pkg. Co.. 6 ... Other Buyera 1,904 ... 1,190 Total 11,318, 20,311 13.319 Cattlt Supplies this morning wera 10, 000 head and the run for the two daya were 21,852, more than twice as many as wero received laat week. Trading. in all branchea was very slow and draggy, beo steers were 10&15c lower and packers had bought very sparingly by mlnfure noon. Butcher stock was also draggy and early business was a very small proportion of tha receipta. For the two days cows are around 25c lower; Eight cars of Ne vada feeders sold early at (16.15 and any thing desirabta Is steady and common grades ara lower. Quotations on cattle; Good to choice beeves. S17. 00 18.00; fair to good beeves, I16.0018.75; common to fair beeves, 813. 75 14.75; good to choice yearlings, 814.50 16.00; fair to good yearlings, 812.5014.25; common to fair yearlings. 38.6012:26; good to choice heifers. 112.50(3)14.00; prime cows. 812. 0013. 50; good to choice cows, $10.00(511.75; fair to good cows, 18.25 10.00; common to fair cows, I5.00S8.25; choice to prime feeders, $14.0015.25; good to choice feeders, S12.00rfiil3.T5: medium to good feeders, 810.5012.00; good to choice stockers. 810.00 12.00; fair to good stock era, 39.00tfi 10.06-; oommon to fair stock era, I8.009.00; atock heifers, J8.608.60; stock cows, 86.257.60; stock calves, 38.00 011.79; veal calves, 17.00013.75; bulls, staffs, etc., J9.:5(g 11.00. Hogs Receipts today amounted to 238 loads, estimated at 17,000 head. The market waa active and higher from the start. Shipper buyera were in the market for hogs of practically all weights, al though butcher weights seemed to ba favored. Packer buyers were equally as active and trading la probably 6W15c higher than yesterday, with too at 817.60 and bulk at 317.90(8)17.40. Sheep Tnero wera 58 loads of sheep here today, estimated at 18,600 head. MCNKY TO LOAN. Organized by tha Business Men of Omaha r i uBis, pianos and cotes ss secur ity, $40. mo., H. goods, total, $3.(0 PROVIDENT TOAM BOfllTTV 43$ Security Bldg.. 16th ft Farnam. Ty. 668 LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY AND LIBERTY BONDS. OCT 2 1 W. p. FLATAU, EST. 189!. " . 0 6THFLR. SECURITY BLDG.. TY. 150 Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Maleehock, 1514 Todge, D. 561 Est. 1891 DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Annabel M. . Coulter to Catherine E. Fenlon, 41 street, 100 ft. n. of Davenport street, a. s.. 46x110. . . 7 fini Fred Armbrust and wife to Bertha Bchlutter, 13 street. 87 feet n. of I street, w. s.. 40x120 1 n.1 Minnlo M. WUhelmy to Martin Mur- pny, 22 street, 65 feet a. of Lake, w. s.. 65x135 I 8.000 George Dunn to M. J. Corcoran, Camden avenue, 206.5 feet w. of 42 street, s. a.. 52x124 t .ba Raymond G. Young and wife to AI- vin P. Blckenbach, n. a. corner 49 and Maple street, 100x136. and other property 1 s 500 Mildred Alice M: Davis and husband to Hiram N. Way, Underwood av enue. 250 feet w.-iof 61 street, n. s 50x128 r f 1.S1) Claude A. Peterson and wlfa to Al- nert B. Curtis, s. e. corner 40 and Browne street. 62.6x120 8 1.700 Delia Reed Belden and husband to Jr.pnraim Nordstrom. Nlcholaa street, 60 feet w. of 60 street, n. s.. 60x136 t 1 esn Scott ft Hill Co. to Walter R. Zlnk. 26 street, 80 feet n. of Sprague street, w. s.. Slxl33 1 l.2sn John F. Wuerth and wife 'to Frank vv. Kranek, 20 street, 61 feet a. of Dorcas straet. w. s.. 33x90 8 1.T50 Louis J. Boock and wife to Louisa Arceri and wife. 17 street, 334 feet n. of Nicholas street. . s.. 30x140.1 1 William C. Norrls to Mary Gaughan, n atreet, 340 feet a. of Newport street, a. a.. 40x125 I 4 ai; T. Bryco Campbell and wlfa to Allca A. Home, 27 street, 41.76 feet s. of Saratoga street, w. s.. 41x106 I 1 30 Roy L. Harris and wlfa to Edwin D. Smails, Lafayette avenue, 894 feet e. of 34 street, n. s.. 45x120.8 3.100 Charles W. Martin and wife to Guy M. Park. s. w. corner 24 and Brown atreet, 61x102 $ B.JID Hilda Joe and wife to Ellen Acker, a. e. corner 27 and Patrick avenue, I 111x134 '. $10.(()0 Lena J. Rlgby and husband to Rasp , Brothers, 28 street, 70 feet s. of Blondo street, o. s., 6"Hx60 $ 2.259 William B, Daly and wile to Rasp Brothers. 86 street, 80 feet n. of Pratt atros.' w. r.. 4xls $ 10') Emr H. Peckard ajid wife to Har. vy J. Grove, a. ei corner JS1 and Mormon street. C.I"2 $ 1 ll'fV'v .1 tirov- r niiivif- to deorg" W. I.mton. .; s'-e., 44 fe t s. of Wilt aUtcl,. w. i It'jailj $ 1 Gopyrlrht, m?. International News Service. OH! I MUST EAT ANOTHER. ORANCE-i'lL CtVE THE HALL BOY AN APPLE - r and Industrial News of .Short Term Notes Quotations through The National City company, First National Bank Building, Omaha: Bid. Ask. Am. Tel. A Tel. Co. s (1923). 102S 124 Amir. Tobacco 7s (1921) 102!i 103 Anier. Tobacco 7a (1922) 103 103',s Alinr. Tobacco 7s, (1923) 104 U4' Arm. Co. eon. 1). 6s (1919).1004 lOO1 Arm. a Co. con. D. 6s (1920). 10OV, inni Arm. V t o. con. D. a (1 923) . 100 101 Arm. Co. cob. D. 6a (1 924) . 100-'S1 101 V, Beth'hem Steel Co. 7a (1919).100',j lor Hrth'hem Steel Co. 7a (1922). 101 101 '4 Bolh'hem Steel Co. 7s (123) . 101 U lOHi British 514s enm 100 inoi, British 5l,4S (1921) 98 98 Cen. Argentine C. 6s (1927).. 88 91 C. B. & Q. Joint 4s (1921).... 98 Chi. West. Ind. 6s (1919).. .... 98 City of Paris 6s (1821) 9991 10(1 Cudahy Pack'g Co. 7s (1923). 102 Dels. A Hudson 6s (1920).... 98 . 994 Fed. Farm Loan 4Ha (1937).. 100 100; Fed. Farm Loan 6s (1938). . ..1024 103i Gen. Electric 6s (1919) 100'A 100 Interboro. R. T. 7s (1920).... 88 89 Liggett & Myers 6s (1921) ... .100 100H Tlm'n Detroit Axle 7s (1920). 1004, 101 14 Union Pacific 6s (1928).. ..10414 104 II S. Liberty 314s ... V. S. Liberty 1st 4s .. U. S. Liberty 2d 4s..., U. S. Liberty 1st 41is V S. Liberty 2d 4s U. S. Liberty 3d 44 s U. S. Liberty 4th 4 Vis .98.84 98.94 ...92.88 92 ...92.60 92.70 ...94.70 94 80 ...94.00 94.08 ...95.00 95.06 ...93.94 94.00 Trading lacked the activity of yesterday and buyerH were very slow taking on supplies. Fat lambs were selling largely at from 816.20 to 316.75, with quotable top of $17.00. Good ewes were selling largely at from $10.60 to $11.00, common grades selling on down. Tho entire market la steady to easier. Quotations on sheep; , Lambs, good to choice. $16.80(8117.15; lairttis, fair to good, $16.35l&16.80; lamb feeders, $1.1.0015.50; yearlings, good to choice, $1 3. 60 14. 60; yearlings, fair to good, f 900$ 9.50; year ling feeders, $9.5010.50; wethers, fat. $12.00tU3.00 wether feeders. $8.50(g10.6; ewes, good to choice. $ll.ooll,60; ewea, fair to good, $8.00(8)10.00; ewa feeders, $6.008.90. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago" Feb. 11. Cattle Receipts, 22,- 000 head; beef and butcher cattle, mostly 25c to B0c lower; canners and ' calvea steady; stockers and feedera, slow, 25c lower; beef cattle good, choice and prime, $16.25(rf 20.00; common and medium, $10.40 Si'16.25; butcher Rtock, cowa and helfera, $6,756)14.76; stockers and feeders, good, choice and fancy, $10. 60(3)14. 50; Inferior, common and medium, $s00(g)10.50; Teal calves, good and choice, $15.00(0)15.60. Hogs Receipts. 50,000 head; a few early sales ateady to 10c lower; closed strong with yesterday s -average; ' hulk of sales $17.7018.00; butchers $17.8518.05; light. $17.6(l17.90; packing, $16.75 17.70; throwouts. $16.25rS16.T6; pigs, good to choice $15.5017.40. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 25,000 head; market lambs, mostly 15c lower; aheep and yearlings about steady; lambs. choice and prime $17.2517.50; medium and good, I15.60fil7.25; culls, HS.OO 14.50; ewes, choice and prime, $11.25 11.50: medium and good, $9.75011.25; culls, $5.75(5 8.25. . Kansas City lite Stock. - , Kansas City, Feb. 11. Catt!e--Reeelpts 11,000 headt market steady to strong: no southern; prime fed steers. $18.0019.00; dressed beef steers, $12.00 fa 18.00: western steers, $12.0007)12.70; southern steers, nom inally, $7,006)13.00; cowa. $7.0014.0O; heifers. $7.0014.50; Btockers and feeders, $7.6fl16.00; bulls, $7.6011.60; calves, $7.00(9)14.60. Hogs Reoelpts 9,000 head; market strong; bulk, $17.10(847.50; heavy, $17.40 )17.80; packers and butchers $17.40(S 17.75; lights, $K.OO17.40; pigs, $U,00!gi 16.00. . Sheep and Lambs Receipts, .6,000 head; market strong; lambs, $1,0017.00; year ltnga, $10 0014.50; wethers, $9.00812.25: ewes, $9.O011.20; atockera and feedera. $8.00(8)16.00.. 1 1 St. Lonls Live Stock. St. Louis, Feb. 11. Cattle Recetnts, 5.400 head; market ateady; native beef steers $11.5018.60; yearling steers and heifers ' $9.6016.00; cowa, $7.60rjH2.5O; stockers and feeders, $8.60012.00; fair to prims eouttiern beer steers, $10.0018.90; beef cows and heifers. $7.60i3)15.00; can ners and cutters, $6.567.26; native calves. $7.761B.60. Hogs Receipts, 17.800 head: market steady; light, $17.40 17.80; pigs. $13.50(9 7.00; mixed and butchers. $17.40r18.20: good heavy $l8.00g 18.30; bulk, $17.40 18.15. . Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 2,300 head; market ateady; lambs, $16.25(g)17.35; ewas, $8.6011.25; canners and choppers .$5.00 9.00. . , , . Sioux City Live Stock. w Sioux City", la., Feb. IL Cattle Re ceipts, 3,000 head; market steady; beef steers, $10.00(5)16.60; fat cows and heifers. $7.2514.0O; canners, $6.00ig6.75: stock ers and feeders, $8.00(314.50; feeding cowa and heifers, 11.00 9.50. Hogs Receipts, 15.000 head; market steady; light, $16.6517.00; ' mixed, $17.00 17.20; heavy, $17.10017.25; bulk of aalea. $17.00, 1)17.20. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 700 head; market steady to strong. - t St. Joseph Liva Stock. St Joseph, 7fo., Feb. 11. Cattle Re ceipts, 2,600 head; market strong; steers, $12.00r318.25; cows and helfera, $5,609) 15.60; calves, $7.0014.OO. Hogs Receipts, 9,000 head: market higher; top, $17.75; bulk of sales, $17.00 17.25. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 5,000 head; market strong; lambs, $14.OO17.00; ewes, S8.00(3)1L65. Omaha Hay Market. Receipta good on both prairia and al falfa, while the demand is only fair, which has caused the market to go some lower on alfalfa. Prahrio hay la steady, with no change in prlcea. Oat and wheat straw la lower bn aocount of demand be ing quiet. Hay Choice upland prarie, $26.00; No. 1, $23. 00ft 24.00; No. 2, $19.00(gj21.00; No. 3. $14.0017.00. No 1 midland. $23.00 24.00; No. 3. $19.0020.00. No. 1 lowland. $17.00(819.00; No. 2, $14 .00 16.00; No. 3, $10. 00(912. 0C. Choice alfalfa, $30.00; No. 1, $27.50 28.60: standard, $25.00(927.00; No. 2, $31.00(924.00; No, 3, $19.0020.00. Straw Oat, $12.0013,00; wheat, $11.00 12.00. . Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah Ga., Feb. 11. Turpentine Firm. 66rB6Se: sales. 169 bbls.: re ceipts, 160 bbls.; shipments, 6 bbls.; stock, 30,031 bbls. Rosin Inactive: no Bales; receipta, 644 bbls.; no shipments; stork, 79,473 bbls. Quote: B, $13.10: DE, $13.15; F, $13.20; O. $13.25; H. $13.30: I, $13.65: K, $15.78; M $16.25; N. WG. $16.80; WW. $16.76. New York Cotton Futures. New York. Feb. 11. Cotton futures opened steady; March, 21.72c; May. 29.70c; July, 20.2&: October. l.12c; December, none. j New York t ot ton. Nw York, Feb. 11. Colton Closed Me;.dy, with old . r,.p m'fnihs 23 to 38 -..til hinh'T. uhii- tiiw pew crou tvaa i to 1 puiiua net lunar, Drawn BYOLLY-THEM CRAPES IS OO0-CEE THEY'RE ALLCONE JUST ONE APPLE LEFT-WEIL T I'LL EAT THAT GRAIN MARKET Omaha, February 11, 1919. Receipts of grain were light, with 20 cars of wheat, 49 cars of com, 36 cars of oats, 2 cars of rye and 10 cars of barley. Karly sales of orn were at 1 io 3 cents advance, but the inquiry slackened up later and sellers fuund difficulty in dis posing of their offerings, at" even yester day's prices. No. 3 white was 2 cents off. Taken generally, tho demand was very light. oals had a very slow sale. Prices ware '4 to cent higher. Barley was 1 to 4 cents up. No sales of rye were reported up to lfear tha close. There was a good Inquiry for hard wheat, but there were few offerings on, hand. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Receipta Today. Wk ago. Yr ago. Wheat 20 IS 12 Corn ..... 49 41 290 Oata 36 .24 48 Rye 3 v 4 2 Barley .10 , 13 .3 Sbipmenta Wheat 27 19 83 Corn 28 .95 400 Oats 13 ' 49 60 Rye 2 ' 6 it Barley 2 13 3 RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Wheat. ' Corn. Oats. Chicago 67 29 105 Kansas City 52 33 ,17 St. Loui 16 37 Ms Minneapolis 102 Duluth 16 Winnipeg 268 OMAHA FUTURES. Art. Open. I High. Low. Close. Yea'y. Corn I Feb. 1.29 1.261 1.2441 1.26tj 1.244 Mar. 1.19" 1.20 1.19 May 1.149, 1.15 1.14H Oats. Feb, .55 66 .55 May .66 65 .56 Oats Standard: 1 car 60c (seed) No. S white: 8 cars 67e. Barley No. 8: 4 ears, 81e. No. 4: 2 cars, 78c. Rejected: 1 car, 78c (musty); 1 car, 77c; 1 car, 74c. Sample: 1 car, 76c Wheat No. 1 northern spring: 1 car. $223 (smutty); 1 car, $2.22; 1 car, $2.20 (smutty). No. 2 spring: 1 car, $2.17 (smutty). No. 3 spring: 1 car, $2.18: 3-5 car, $2.10 (smutty). No. 4 spring: 2-6 car $2.20. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, $2.11. Corn No. 3 white, 2 cars. $1.26: No. 5 white, 1 car, 1.0; 3 cars, $1.18; No. 1 yeuow, z cars, 81.26; 8 cars. 81.25: 2 cars, $1.23; 4 cars, $1.23; No. S yellow, cars, 11. zo; No. 6 yeuow, 1 car, $1 14; No. 3 mixed, .1 car, $1.28: 1 car. $1.25: 2 cars, $1.24; No. 4 mixed, 1 car, $1.25; 1 car, $1.21; 1 car, $1.21 (shippers weights); 2 cars. $1.20; No. 5 mixed. 1 car, 71.18; 1 car, $1.15; No. I mixed, 3 cars, $1.15. Chicago Grain and Provisions. Chicago. Feb. 11. Corn ran up in value today, largely as a result of trade ad justmenta to prepare for the holiday to morrow. Prlcea closed strong, 1 to 3c net higher, with May $1.15 to 1.16 and July $1.17 to $1.12; Oats galna 1 to lc and provisions 50c to $1. Notwlthstindlng that, commlsslona be came active sellers on tha advance, the highest prices of tho day In tho corn market were reached Just before the fin ish. Upward swings had started at tha opening, and at no time had received any severe check. The fact that farmera re fused to sell with freedom seemed to bo making more of an impression, especially as about March 1 they will be busy with field work, and there will be a break .up of country roads. The high price of hoga appeared likewise to be counting as a bull ish factor. Word that demobilization of troops had been stopped waa also an In centive. Besides, Improvement In cash, demand from the sfeaboard was noted, and from domeatic shippers as well. Gossip that some neutral governments were buying oata tended to strengthen the oats market. Provisions soared- to the maximum al lowed for a day. Packers were buyers, and there were bullish advices from Liv erpool notable so as to lard. Cash Qualationa: Corn No. 8 yellow, $124191.26; Ts'o. 4 yellow, fl.2091.22; No. 5 yellow, $1.161.18. Oats No. 3 white, 5657c; stand ard, 67 68 "4 c. Rye No. 2. fl.lSOl.lf. Barley 31 894c. Timothy f7.0010.00. , Clover Nominal. Pork Nomina). Lard $25. ' Ribs $23.00924.00. Lnicago closing prices, lurnisnea ine PBee by Logan ft Bryan, stock and grain brokera, 315 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Art. I Open. High. I Low. Close. I Satd'y. Corn Mar. 1.2$ 1 21 1.19 1.20 1.19 May 1.14 1.16 1.13 1.15 11? July 1.10 1.12 1.10 1.11 1.09 Oats Mar. .56 .57 .66 .57 .65 May .56 .57 .66 .67 .56 July .64 .55 64 .66 f.4 Pork May 39.50 39.85 39.50 39.8S t.8.85 39.60 Lard. May 24.10 24.80 24.10 24.S0 23.80 July 123.20 23.32 23.20 23.32 22 82 Riba I I May 22.10 22.32 2.210 22.32 21.8S Minneapolis Grain. ' Minneapolis, Feb. 11. Barley 71S4c. Rye No. 2, $1.2891.28. Bran $43.00. Corn f 1.20 91.21. Oats 54(S55c. Flax-l-$3.363.38. 8r. Louis Grain and Provisions. St. Louis, Feb. 11. Corn March, $1.25; May, $1.19. Oata March, 58c; May, ($o. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlts. New York, Feb. 11. Evaporated apples firm; state, 17iJ18c; rpunes scarce; California. 10j18c; Oregons, 1! 18 c; Apricots, firm; choice, 25c; extra choice, 25g26c; fancy, 26j)27c. Peaches, largely nominal; choice, 18 SP 18 c; fancy. 2021e. Raisins, few; loose ' Muscatels, 9911c; choice to fancy seeded, 11012c; seedless, 11 18c. ALBERTCAHN 219 S. 14th St. For SHIRTS My Spring Line now ready Order Early to Insure Prompt Delivery for The Be by OU ARE LOOKING 8ETJER-THAT FRUIT I SENT YOU IS DOINQ YOU I A WORLD OP - n the Day FINANCIAL New York, Fob. 11. Tradliy In stocks today waa of tho customary ante-holiday character In that dealings wera light and limited largely to specialties, notably those recently under sever selling pressure, Thero was hurried covering of shorts In oils, predicated presumably upon re ports of a more amicable understanding with Mexican Interests, while rallies in steel and related equipments probably re sulted from an over-extension of the bear account. In several Instances Improvement' was traceable to speclfio causes as, for ex ample, United Frutt, which advanced 6 points oa announcement of an Increase In the quarterly dividend from 2 to 3 per rent, together with an extra dis bursement of half of 1 per cent. Gains among equipments ranged from one to four points, Steel Foundries, Gen eral Electric, American Car and Pressed Steel Car leading tha advance. United States Steel managed to gain a larga fraction, most of which was forfeited later. , All call loans wera mad at t per cent against yesterday's maximum of 6 per cent, lime funds holding at tha 6 per cent rate. Ralls were In demand for a brief period but became listless and somewhat ir regular in tho final hour, Canadian Paclfla. rising 2 points while Soo, Its subsidiary, reacted as much. Liberty issues supplied tha only feature of the bond market, tha fourth 4a mak ing a new minimum at $93.76. Total sales (par value) aggregated $11,675,000. Old coupon and reglatered 4a gained 'A per cent on call. Number of saleg and quotations on leading stocks; Sales. High. Low. Close. 200 68 68 68 22,300 45 42 44 3.700 87 86 87 58 9,900 64 61 03 1,600 1HU 115 116 500 101 100 101 1,500 57 67 67 600 90. 9014 90 14 Am. Beet Sugar Am. Can Am. Car ft Fdry Am. Locomotive Am. Smlt. & Ref Am. Sugar Ref. Am. T. & T Anaconda Cop, , Atehlson A. O. & W.I.S.S.L. 1,400 96 94 96 46 46 Bait, ft Ohio 600 46.14 Butte ft Sup. Cop 16 California Pot 1,100 24 S8 34 Canadian Pacific. Cent. Leather... Ches. ft Ohio..-.. C, M. ft St. P. . . C. & N. W C R. I. ft P. ctfs 200 154) 169 1( 300 68 61 ' 6a 800 65 1,600 37 200 4 65 36 4 22 . 32 69 31 94 22 33 35 1,200 $3 Chlno Copper 600 33 Colo. F. ft I Corn Prod. Ref.. Crucible Steel . Cuba Cane Sugar. Distiller's Sec. .. Erie General Elec General Mot Gt. North, pfd... (It. No. Ore ctfs. III. Central...... Inspiration Cop. . 2.000 47 1,700 64 4.600 22 13,3p0 66 200 16 46 47 53 54 21 21 53 65 15 15 910 150 148 119 7.800 131 129 130 91'1 1.900 17 37 37 97 43 96 26 38 $0 113 700 43 97 26 38 30. 43 95 26 37 29 In. Mer. Mar. pfd. 16,600 Int. Nickel 1,200 Int.- Paper 3,600 Kennecott Cop... 13,700 L. ft N Maxwell Mot. . . 80 Mexican Pet 30,300 169 165 167 Miami Cop. 22 Missouri Pac Nevada Cop N. Y. Cent. 4 N. Y., N. H. & N. ft W Northern Pacific. Pennsylvania .... Pittsburg Coal 300 24 400 16 600 fl 600 28 23 16 71 28 23 lil 71 28 104 900 90' 89 89"i 1,300 44 44 44 41 20 77 73 98 26 Ray Cons Cop...'. 800 Reading 2,900 Rep. Iron ft Steal. 800 Southern Pac... 3,500 20 20 78 77 72 72 98 97 Southern Ry. . . Studebaker Corp. Texas Co Union Pacific... U. S. Ind. Al U. S. Steel U. S. Steel pfd.. 800 26 26 1,700 61 61 1 8,800 191 186 183 700 127 126 126 1.500 102 101 102 46,000 $0 89 89 114 2,000 67 66 67 200 41 41 41 Utah Copper Westlnghouse El. Bethlehem B 2,700 69 '69 69 Total salea for the day, 360,000 shares. w York Bonds. U. S. 2s, reg.. 7Gt. N. 1st 4s 85 U. S. 2s. ,coup.. 98 L C. ref. 4s 82 U. S. 3s, regJ. . 89 Int. M. M. 6s 97 U. S. 3s. coup. 89 K. C. S. ref. 6s 84 U. S. Lib. 3e 98.90'L. a is. un. es so1 U. S. 4s reg..l04M K ft T 1st 4s 64 U. S. 4s coup. 104 M. Tac. gen. 4s 60 Ant For Sec 5s 99Mont. Power 6a 91 Am T ft T c 6s 92 N. Y. C. deb. 6s Anglo-French 6s 97N. Pacific 4s.. 83 Arm. ft Co. 4a 86N. Pacific 3s.. 69 Atchison gen. 4s 82 0. S. L. ref. 4s 86 B. & O. cv. 6s 78'Pac. T. ft T. 6s 93 Beth Steel r, 6s 88 Penn. con. 4s 95 Cen. Leather 5 96 Penn. gen. 4s 88 Ceh. Paciflo 1st 79Reading gen. 4a 85 C. ft O. cv. 5s.. 85S L & S F a 6s 64 C B & Q Joint 4s 95S. P. cv. 5s 101 C M ft S P o 4 77Southsrn Ry 5s 94 C R 1 & P ref 4s 74T. ft P. 1st 91 C ft'S ref 4s 77Unlon Pacific 4s 86 D ft R O ref 6a 60 V. 8. Rubber 6s 86 D of C 6s (1931) 97U. S. Steel 6a 100 Erie gen. 4s 62Wabash 1st 97 Gen. Electric 6s 98 French 'gvt 6 106 Bid. , New York Money. New York, Feb. 11. Mercantile Paper Unchanged. Sterling- Demand, $4,7680: cables, $4.76. Francs Unchanged. Guilders Demand. 41e: cables. 41c. Lire Demand, $6.36; cablea, $6.35. Mexican Dollars Unchanged. Time Loans Firm: unchanged. Call MoneyFirmcr: high, 5; ruling rate, 6; closing bid, 4 at 6; laat loan, 5 per cent. low, S; offen-sj Liberty Bonds. New' York, Feb. 11. Final prices on Liberty bonds today wore: 3s, $98,80: first convertlblo 4s, $92,88; second 4s, $92.60; first convertible 4s, $94.80; sec ond convertible" 4s, $93.96; third 4s, $04.84; fourth 4 Us, $93.94. Free Map and Photograph Burkburnett, Texas. . Knowing world'a wonder oil field, sent absolutely free upon request. Ask for it today. ' Brown-Worth Oil Co. No. IOISVj Main St. Ft Worth, Tax. STEAMSHIP lyArT-!! P.rt. of ii-r C tK world. T S t r L tours in cur m and U. S. to ";jva Cuba, Honolulu and Central America L , a, V IO it- "'AR.(JAMS1., George McManus CooD - . Local Stocks and Bonds. Quotations furnished by Burns, Brtnker and company, 449 Omaha National bank building: ' STOCKS Bid. Asked. Beatrice Creamery pfd iurgea-&ash 7 pet. pfd. end. 101 Con. Gas. ft Elec, pfd 8 pet. . . Deere ft Co. pfd 95 Gooon M. ft E.,7 pet. pfd. ..100 Gooch Food Pro. Com . , 60 Harding Cream, Com Harding Cream 7 pet. pfd 104 nr. ft Wllhelm 7 pet pfd ..99 M. B. Smith.- pet pfd ...100 Union Stk. Yds. Om 99 Un. P. 4 U I pet. pfd ... 98 Bonds Bruns. Balke-Col. 6s, (1925) 9S Canada 5s, (1937) 95't 102 102 64 95 101. 77 101 100 i'n" 100 97 95 100 100 8 104 i 99 Iowa Port. Cement, 6s 98 U111. Atnletios, (19:1-1932) Om. C. B. Sj. Ry. 5s, (1928) 78 om. Schools, 5s, (1948) ... Swift & Co. 6s, (Aug. 1921) 104 .. 99 New York Coffee. New York, Fab. 11. The market for coffee futures was vary quiet today, but ruled generally ateady on a little Euro pean buying and In sympathy with stead iness in Brazil, The opening was 7 to I points higher and May sold at 14.25c, or It points above last night's close, while December ruled between 13.80918.35e. with the market eloalng at a net advance of I to It points. May, 14.24c; July, 13.82c; September, 13.65c; December, IS. 30c; January, 18.25c. Spot, dull; Rio 7a, 15c; Santos 4s, 14c. Cost and freight offers were unchanged to a shads lower,. Including Santoi ta and 4a, at 20.40c. . The official cables reported an advance of 75 reia at Rio. Santos spots were un changed and futurea 60 to 126 reia higher. Brazilian port receipts, 41,000 baga; Jun dlahy receipts, 10.000 baga. New York Produce. New York, Feb. 11. Butter Market higher; creamery higher than extras, t061c: creamery extras, 4960c; firsts, 4548c. Eggs Market? firm; unchanged. Cheeae Market easier; state current marke specials, tic; do, average run, 29 30c. Dressed Poultry Market firm; fowls. 2432c; others unchanged. Live Poultry Market firm; chickens, '272Jc: fowls, 35c; old roosters, 24c; tur keys, 30935c. g Chicago Produce. Chicago, Feb. 11. Butter Market higher; creamery, 3646c. Eggs Market higher; receipts, 18, $30 casea; firata, 39c; ordinary firsts, 37 33c; at mark, casea Included, $788c. Potatoes Market lower; receipts. 63 cara Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota, bulk, fl.6591.75; Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota, sacks, fl.701.75. ' Poultry Market, alive, higher; springs, 27c; fowls, $0c. New York General. York, Feb. 11. Wheat Spot, New steady York. No. 2 red, $2.34, track. New Corn Spot, barely ateady low and No. 2 white, $1.4! No. 1 yel coat and rrelght, New York. Oata Spot, firmer; atandard, 67c. Provisions Pork, unsettled; mess, $49.00; lard, strong; mlddlewest. $25,209 25.30. Tallow Firm; city special, loose, le. Other articles unchanged. New York Metals. New York, Feb. 11. Copper Easier; electrolytic, 1717c: no aalea reported. Iron and Spelter Unchanged. Lead Quiet; spot offered at $5.10; Feb ruary, $5. ' At London Spot copper, 59 10s; tin, 226 5s; others unchanged. 1 New York Sugar. New York, Feb. 11. Sugar Market un changed. Unseed. Duluth. Feb 11. Linseed. $3.37. Telephone Lineman Killed by Live Wire Near Fairbury Fairbury, Neb., Feb. 11. (Special Telegram.) Uriah Hawkins, 26 years old, a trouble man for the Lin coln Telephone company, came in contact with a live wire ihis orn :iiw at 10 o'clock, dyinp; an hour later. Besides the severe burns received ha fell a distance of 14 feet. He is survived b his widow and two children residing at 714 D street, this city.' He had been in the employ of the company for more than a year. Bear Admiral Dies. Annapolis, Md., Feb. 11. Rear Admiral John Hood, U. S. navy (re tired), died at the naval hospital here today of Bright's disease. Admiral Hood was in his 62d year. He was born in .Alabama and appointed from that state to the naval academv graduating in 1879 with second hon ors in his class. r INVESTMENT SECURITIES ' LIBERTY BONDS Bought and Sold " Mack's Bond House 1421 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 3644 LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notice Is hereby given that tha regular annual meeting of the Stockholders of the South Platte Land Company will be held at the office of said Company Room 701, First National Bank Building, Lincoln Ne braska, at 11 o'clock A. M., on the Fifth day of March A. D.. 1919. C. H. Morrill. Pree!dent;'W. W. Turner. Secretary and Treasurer. F-4 31t-m. Don't Sacrifice Your ' Liberty Bonds i r If you must sell them deliver or . mail regular mail and we will pay the full market value and accrued interest, less commsision. Burns, Brinker & Co. Peters Trust Co. 449-452 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Omaha, Neb. FINAL ACTION 01! SIX BILLION BILL EXPECTED TODAY Leaders on Both Sides Pre dict Overwhelming Vote of Approval on War Levies in Senate Today. Washington, Feb. 11. Final ac tion by congress tomorrow on the $6,000,(X0,000 war revenue appeared assured tonight after several houn of debate in the senate on the qon fcrees' agreement, which the Iioum adopted last Saturday. ' ' After some difficulties and deb) in taking up the bill today Chair man Simmons of the senate man agers, addressed the senate foi about two hours on the conference report, while Senator Thomas ol Colorado, democrat, sharply crit icised eliniination of his amendment to tax campaign contributions ol $500or more 100 per cent. Several senators plan to speak to morrow, but both democrats and re publican leaders predicted tonight that an overwhelming vote of ap proval would be given before ad journment tomorrow. Senator Sim mons said that if necessary a night session would be held. At the outset today, republicans delayed action on the bill, demand ing that the lengthy formal con ference report be read. Republican Leader Lodge and Senators Penrose of Pennsylvania and France oi Maryland insisted that this formal ity be followed. Its reading tooR more than an hour with the senate virtually deserted. Aji incident enlivening the pro cedure was the inadvertent adoption of the conference report, but upon objection by Senator Simmons the action was set aside. -Senator Mc Kellar of Tennessee, democrat, who was presiding, hastily put the ques tion on the report arid formally de clared the report adopted, but Sen ator Simmons, who had riot spoken, induced him to annul his decision. Bolsheviki Attack is . Repulsed by the Allies London, Feb. II. The bolsheviki launched an infantry attack on Sat urday against the allied positions near Sredmakrenga. southeast of Archangel, and were repulsed, ac cording to an official statement on activities in northern Russia, issued by the war office tonight In the operations Friday, .in which American, British and Rus sian troops improved their positions on the Petrograd road south of Kfdish, the bolsheviki sufferec" heavy losses. G. A. R. Commander-in-Chief and Adjutant Visit in East Albert M. Trimble, adjutant gen eral, and Miss Katherine R. A. Flood, national secretary of the Grand Army of the Republic, came to Omaha Monday from the national headquarters at Lincoln for consul tation with Commander-in-Chiet Clarenden E. Adams. The commander-in-chief and his adjutant general left the same day for Chi cago. Pittsburgh New York, Wash ington and Columbus in the inter ests of the organization. War Department Orders. Washington, Feb. 11. (Special Tele gram.) MaJ. Thomas W. Long, quarter master's corps. Is relieved from duty st Fort Dea Moines and will proceed to Fort Crockett, Texaa. Capt. Jacob Myers, medical corps, 's relieved from duty at Fort Des Jlolncs and will proceed to Fort Sheridan, Illinois. By direction of the president, Lt. Col. Walter 8. Graecen, Infantry, Is relieve! from his present dutiea at Camp Dodge, Iowa, and is detailed as professor of mili tary acience and tactics at Rutgera college, New Brunswick, N. J, Second Lt. W'alter J. Martin, Infantry, la relieved from his present duties and will proceed to Camp Dodge. Contract 8urgeon Arthur Stelnflte. United States army, will proceed to Fort Ies Moines, s:. PACEiSWO OMPANY sJl 1 Ls&w 1116 -1118 - Douglas St ' Money to Loan Improved City Prop erty at 6 Frank H. Binder ' 823 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Omaha 1622 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb.