Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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Lower House Has Passed
Twenty-Four Bills and the
Senate Passed More
Than Thirty.
From a Staff Correspondent.
Lincoln. Feb. 10 (Special) With
23 days in the house and 22 in the
senate completed, the , Nebraska
legislature is able to report splendid
The lower branch has paised 24
bills while the senate has passed 31.
Here is the record:
Passed both houses, signed by
. P. No. 1. Katlflei prohibition
N. K. No. 4. Joint resolution asking th
Tinted Ktatfs senate to approve of the
national suffrage amendment and request
lne Senator Hitchcock to vote, for It.
Tl. II. 9j. Emergency appropriation of
Cl.iiOO for state hoard of health.
II. n. 12. Appropriating 1108,000 for
payment of legislative salnrlen.
II. R. 65. Appropriating J'Jrt.OOO for In
rldental expenses of legislature.
H. K. r.o. Authorizing eherlffs to offer
ame reward for auto thief as horse
thieves, ,
11. R. M. tWinlns; and penalizing con
spiracy to committ felony.
II. K. 5. Correcting error of 1917 aea
sinn and appropriating $3,011 of state li
brary funds for purchase of new books.
Passed by House.
The following bills have been
passed by the house:
If. R, 83. Makes attempt to steal an
automobile the same offense as stealing It
snd fixes penalty at one to ten years In
the penitentiary.
ir. R. 35. Limits width of railway
right-of-way to 2U0 feet.
H R. No. 1 Ratifies ths national pro-
moition amendment.
H. R. 41. Good guaranty fund
taw (amended in the "senate.)
H. R. 60. Appropriated $2,800 for pur
chase of land for cemetery purposes and
old soldiers home at Burkett.
H. R. :. Repeals law requiring publi
cation of legal notices In foreign language
H. K. 4a. Providing that state psy cost
of commltttment to insane asylum tf
any Inmate of another state Institution.
H. R. 165. Amends law giving plaintiff
against Insurance company attorney's fees
at cost of company In case of final judg
ment. 11. R. 13S Extends double election law
ta Include precincts having mors than (0
II. R. 1!S. Requiring majority of voters
to create sanitary district In cities of less
than 1,000.
II. ft- HO. Limiting ths authority of
health boards to the corporate limits of
H. R. 169. Providing for the creation
of boards of health, of cities of the second
class and limiting Jurisdiction to the cor
porate limits.
11. R. 16. Limiting the jurisdiction of
health boards In cities of from 1,000 to
:;.00 teethe corporate limits thereof.
11. R. Ml. Continues terms of municipal
court judges In Omaha from two to four
H. R. 46. Authorlies mutual Insurance
indemnity associations for physician and
II. R. No. 40. Requiring that a certi
fied copy of all decrees In estate cases be
filed with county clerk or register of
deeds. (Indefinitely postponed In senate.!
II. R. .19 Relating to final reports In
estate rases, (Indefinitely postponed In
Passed by Senate.
The following bills have been
passed by the senate to date:
S. V. 6 Permitting county board to
provide jail physician and matron made
mandatory whero there are female in
mates. S. K. No.. Prohibiting an alien from
holding any public office,
S. F. 8. Prohibiting any publlo official
from appointing an alien to office
S. K IU Fixing pay of Judges acting
as condemnation board at $16 a day. Ap
plies to city of Omaha.
S. K. 14. Provides for the filing of all
corporation notices with the secretary of
8. F. 15. Repeals the publication In
foreign language newspapers of county
board proceedings.
S. F. IS. Authorizing counties to erect
memorials for returning soldiers.
8. F. 21. Raising the sKlarles of Doug
las county bailiffs to $1,40,0 aiyl $1,000 In
Lancaster county.
8. F. S3. Changing publication of fi
nancial statements In cities of from (00
to 1,000 population.
S. F. 26. Amends divorce law, requir
ing two years before decree becomes ef
fective. .
S. F. 3J. Raises minimum school levy
from 45 to 100 mills.
S. F. 43. Provides for publication of
delinquent tax lists In papers published in
English only..
8. F. 43. Kxtends term of supreme court
commission two years.
8. F. 49. Provides every citizen In
stead of every person of required age shall
vote at school elections.
8. F. 23. Prohibits remarriage of any
person divorced for cruelty, adultery or
nonsupport, after decree becomes final,
except to one getting divorce.
West Point City
Council Discusses
. Lighti
n 11
n2 rroDiem
West Point. Neb., Feb. 10. (Spe
cial.) The meeting of the West
Point city council, held this week,
was devoted almost entirely to a
consideration of a question of rates
and services- given by the Nebraska
Gas and Electric Light company. A
petition signed by 175 represents-
tivc Dusiuess men 01 me cuy was
filed with the council, setting forth
many grounds of complaint. The
petitio requested the council to call
a special election so that the citi
zens could vote upon the question
of municipal ownership of the light
aid power plant. Representatives
of the company were attempting to
persuade the council to allow things
to remain as they are, promising to
remedy the conditions complained
of. The petition was laid over
without action to see what proposi
tion would be made by the light
A marriage license was issued this
week to Henry J. Decker and Miss
A I. CI I--. I- r . 1
.MoiidM nuurii, duio 01 this county.
Prof.. J. L. Rich of Gothenburg,
formerly a hiprli school instructor at
West Point, has been appointed in
structor in physical eduaction and
athletics in the Columbus public
schools. 1
The "flu' is still claiming its toll
of , victims in Cuming county.
Among those who succumbed this
week was Joseph Bernacek, 24, a
farmer of the north side.
Farmers Said to Have
Violated Game Laws
. Grand Island, Feb. 10. (Special
Telegram.) In a wolf hunt by
about ISO men some eight miles
northwest of this city, some 30 or
40 prairie chickens were killed. A
Hall county farm owner will report
the case of alleged violation of the
state game law to authorities.
He declares that he saw the birds
and that he was with the hunters. A
territory of about five square miles
was covered with the hunt. No
wolves Xr coyotes were seen, but
about 40 rabbits, in addition to the
prairie chickens were killed.
ba!ton"to Have a $20,000
Commercial Club Hotel
Dalton, Neb., F.cb. 10. (Special.)
W. D. Fisher, secretary of the
Alliance Commercial club, spoke
here before the Dalton Community
club Friday night, at which time
plans were formulated and money
pWged for the erection of a mod
ern 25-room hotel building to cost
$20,0Uy. At the same meeting ar
rangements were made for the con
siruction ot state mgnways ironi
Lodgepole to Dalton, from Potter
to Dalton and from Sidney to
Bridgeport, via Dalton.
Winter wheat on the Dalton table
is in excellent condition and the
soil is thoroughly soaked with mois
ture from recent snows.
Sinrfs -Goodbye France
No one but our Nora could so touch
ingly voice the ggod-bye of our khaki
clad heroes. On the other side, in her
finest, richest brogue,"My Barney Lies
Over the Ocean." And note this it' a
Nora Bayes double record at 85 cents!
A-2678 85c
f 14 i-TT J r ...
1 4 jit" yr
r rSf " Ii Hear
.'Ky . V tobring
W L- Then as a
The Navv Will
Bring Them Back
how the Boys inx Blue are going
the Hun Hunters home again.
climax, listen to "Mother,
Here's Your Boy" on the other side
YerkesJazarittiba Orchestra
Jazzes the Marimbas
Pow! Biml Br-r-r-r-rrr!! Tom-tom,
machine gun music, this jazzing of the
marimbas 1 "Oui, Oui, Marie," one
step, on one side, and,-"Stick in the
Mud," fox-trot, on the other.
0 VHXJv"? ) -
A Fe i
Kit Me Az&&
s More Mid-Month Hits
Hilda Lathantkt
J S1.00
Kisses (The sweetest kisses of all) CampMl and Burr A-2S7&
I Found the End of the Rainbow Samatl Ah
Qu&nd Madeloa Fnmeh Army Band
Le Tram
Fnmeh Army Band J 8Sc
New Columbia Records on Sale the
10th and 20th of Every Month
iMlf :
t I
Columbia Grafonosi
"Standard Models up
tofJOO; Period Onign
up to moo
Tells Norfolk Women How
to Make Use of Ballot
Norfolk, Neb., Feb. 10. (Special
Telegram.) Two hundred Norfolk
women attended a meeting here
Monday, held under the auspices of
the social department of the woman's
club, and listened to a detailed ex
planation of the state voting laws by
O, S. Spilhnan, county attorney of
Pierce county, who urged the wo
men to use their enfranchisement
during the spring elections. The
womejj are .especially anxious to
participate in vthe caucuses which
will be held here to nominate candi
dates for city offices.
Deshler Delegates Attend
Omaha Church Convention
Deshler, Neb., Feb. 10. (Special.)
Mrs. H. Fv Wolf and Mrs. Henry
Sittler left this morning for Omaha
to attend the Presbyterian church
meetings. They went by way of
Table Rock, where they stopped to
look over a new hotel. Mrs. Wolf
is on the committee recently ap
pointed by the local commercial
club on hotels and buildings A hotel
opera house and sewer system are
among the .improvements contem
plated. ' -
Dozen Measures
Are Recommended
.1 T II
m tne Lower nouse
From a Staff Correspondent.
Lincoln, Feb. 10. An even dozen
of bills passed through the legisla
tive machinery of the lower house,
in committee of the whole, this
morning, all being recommended foV
third reading.
Senate files 6 and 8, by Senator
Cooper of Omaha, companion bills
designed to prevent r aliens from
holding public ofhee or position of
appointment, and Senate File IS, by
Robbius of Omaha, repealing the
law providing for publication of of
ficial notices in foreign language
newspapers were among those ap
proved. '
Senate File No. 43continuing the
supreme court commission. Senate
File 21, increasing the salaries of
bailffs of the district court. of Dour
las county from $1,200 to $1,400 a
year, and Senate File 5, providing
tor the appointment of a jail matron
physitan and elevator conductor in
the Douglas county jail were re
commended for passage and in the
ordinary course of events should be
signed by the governor and become
laws before the end of the present
Hardin's bill, which originally pro
vided for investment ot state school
funds in Liberty bonds at par, and
which was amended to investment
in bonds at the market price, and
not more than $500 worth from any
one owner, and then only from the
original purchaser, was recommend
ed for passage.
The house approved salary raises
for officers and employes of cities
from 5,000 to 25.01K) population:
treasurer. $600 to $700: councilmen
from $200 to $250; clerk from $1,200
to $1,300; chief of police from $1,200
to $1,800; policemen from $900 to
$1,500; street commissioner, $900 to
$1,020; city attorney. $900 to $1,000.
00L0L1DIA Records
as fast as released, can be had at our store. Grafonoia
owners find this store a particularly intersting one at
all times.
Our stock of Columbia Records, both Domestic
and Foreign, is complete and we invite you to visit our
sound-proof booths, listen to the latest records, open a
charge account, or take home a selection on approval.
Columbia Grafonolas
120 to $240
The phonograph supreme,
that is daily entertaining
hundreds of thoutanda of
music loving home folks.
It if sold on most conven
ient terms and there is no
reason why you should not
have one today. This beautiful model only $32.50.
Selmeller I
Farnam '
The Home of the Grafonoia
Doug. 1623
OGALLALA and Western
Nebraska People Buy
Qolumbias of
Ogallala - - Neb.
A demonstration convinces.
Our line of machines and records
is complete.
West Point, Neb.
Bring Joy
Ss Into the Home
With a Columbia
We carry a complete stock of
machines and records for your
immediate selection.
You are cordially invited to
.call and hear the latest hits.
You'll enjoy ths demonstrations of
songs and recitations bj ths world's
artists given by the Columbia Grafo
nolas in our store this month.
Place jrour order now.
Opera House Pharmacy
Schuyler, Nebraska.
Entertain Your Friends ,
with late selections on your Columbia Grafonoia. New records
received on the first, tenth and twentieth of each month.
Come in and hear them.
South Side Dealer. -: 2725 Q Street.
when it's so easy to own a Columbia Grafonoia then, too, the
Columbia Records produce any music you desire instru
mental, vocal, etc. We are always pleased to give demon-
py strations.
C. M. BABBIT, Bartley, Neb.
Musical History in the Making.
As a result of the World War there have been written most en-
iovable snnirs all with annMlinff nafrintle nnta as well as tnfinit hnm.
!-? appeal. The Columbia offers the very best that can be obtained. We
Qry invite you to hear a demonstration of our complete line.
Columbia Records
make the world's best music possible
for home enjoyment. You are cor
dially invited to call and inspect our
line of machines and hear the latest
J. L. OLSON, Stromiburs, Neb.
TV" .Vaf
Skin Tortured
Babies Sleep
After Cuticura1
mnj fit,,.. . m ,.n
Sunpi. earn fr. of "Gsttcsra, D.pft. 1, awta."
j i r
wool urowers wi
Hold Important Meet
at Beatrice Tuesday
Beatrice, Neb., Feb. 10. (Spe
cial.) A meeting of' the wool grow
ers of the county has been called for
Tuesday in this city to discuss
matters relative to the shipment of
wool to Philadelphia. The wool was
graded at this place by a govern
ment grader and packed and shipped
according to . instructions sent by
the War Industries board. After
the shipment reached Philadelphia
the total weights of the different
grades were changed, some grades
were cut out and new ones substi
tuted. The Gage county growers
at the meeting will take some action
in the matter.
Robert Harrington, 40. formerly a
resident of Beatrice, died at his
home at Emporia, Kan., and the re
mains were brought here for burial.
He was a nephew of the late R. B.
Harrington, one of the earliese pion
eers of Beatrice.
The Beatrice high school basket
ball team won from Grand Island at
the latter place Saturday,- IS to 9.
The boys have won two out of three
games played on the trip.
C. A. Roff. 61, for the last IS years
a resident of Beatrice, is dead here
of Bright's disease.
Burglaries Reported From
Thayer and Horse Falls
York, Nh Feb. 10. (Special
Telegram.) Hors Falls general
store and the farmers elevator office
at Tlijiyer were burglarized last
night. The thieves got four boxes
of cigars and about $225 from the
money drawer and $15 in money
from the elevator office.
Insane Man Runs Amuck
With Huge Carving Knife
Henry Weibcl, 405 North Nine
teenth street, whom police allege
to be insane, ran amuck with a
carving knife today shortly after
noon, shouting, "I've got to kill
somebody." He ran south on Six
teenth street from Cuming street.
An emergency load of police were
hurried to the scene and he was ar
rested near the postoffice.
Lincoln Men to Discuss
Work for Yanks Problem
Lincoln, Feb. 10. (Special.) Lin
coln business men have been called
to meet here next Thursday night
to work out plans for handling the
problem of the returning soldier.
The plans now under consider
ation call for the immediate re
sumption of a large number of pub
lic improvements in the city, aban
doned when the war broke out.
At Once I Stops Stomach Distress!
Indigestion pain, food souring, acidify, gas, and
heartburn go instantly! Pleasant relief !
Wonder what you ate Jo upset
your stomach?
Don't bother! Here is relief 1
The moment Pape's Diapepsin
reaches your unsettled stomach all
the lumps of indigest rm pain, sour
ness, gases, acidity, headache and
dyspepsia go.
Costs so little af drug stores.
PaDoVDiapepsih $Tr
CSUblisnea 1894.
I hiv succh(u1 treatment for Supturk with
out resorting to painful snd unesrUlo surgi
cal operation. I am tht only reputable physi
cian who will take such casta upon guarante
lo give aatisfactory results. I have devoted more
than 20 years to the exclusive treatment of Rup
ture and have perfected the best treatment in existence today. I do not inject paraf
fine or wax, as it is dangerous. The advantages of my treatment are: No loss of time.
No detention from business. No danger from chloroform, shock and blood poison, and
no laying up in a hospital. Call or write Dr. Wray. 30S Bee Bide Omaha.
- Style
JParis spring
Modes have been
received, and our ex
clusive designers
have brought forth
the loveliest of
Spring Fashions.
.'T'ltE number of colors used in
the New Spring Blouses is
more extensive than ever and gives
wonderful opportunities for artistic
and ingenious designing, not only
in the dainty materials employed,
but also in the rich Bonnaz em
broidery featured in the exclusive
THE Tabilier Blouse with apron
falling at front, or sides, and
coat backs and the Blouse with vest
innovations, to be worn with tie
new open front suit, are two of the
most popular models commanding
a great deal of attention.
UOR the woman who prefers the
suit buttoning close, there are
the round neck, collarless Blouses,
utilizing gay bands of hand em
broidery that are a revelation of
high colors and elaborate bead
Second Floor.
Many Women Are Buying
The New Pacif ic Embrdy.
Package Goods
WE are now showing the new spring line of Pacific
Embroidery Package Goods. They are all made up,
tucks already sewed in, all you do is the embroidery de
sign. Materials are superior quality and
combined with perfect workmanship give
the most satisfactory results. Prominent
in this line are the Infants' and Children's
Dresses, at 1.50 to 3.85
And noteworthy also are the
Dainty Undergarments
the ladies, already made, Pajamas,
French slips, Envelope Combinations,
Camisoles, Kimonos and night gowns,
at each 1.25 to 3.90
Style No. 307 Pictured
Ready Made Pajamas, r
Stamped on pink "Excelsior" in
sizes, small, medium and large, as il
lustrated, priced 3.90
Third Floor. ,
is February 14th
The very dainty val
entines you want to
properly express your
sentiments or those of
comics; all are here:
priced from le to 8.50
Main Floor.
Sale of Hair Goods
Switches Featured as Follows:
24-Inch Real Human Hair Switches,
second quality, 5.00 values 3.98
20 inches long, 1 ounces,. the very
best quality hair, natural wavy, very
special, at 10.00
Gray Switches, 22 inches long, 2
ounces, the very best quality made,
in separate strands, $20 values, $18
Appointment solicited for Facial
Massage, Manicure, etc., in additioa
to superb Hair Dressing Service.
Marcel Wave and Shampooing.
Second Floor
Sales Features
For This Week:
Special selling events of the
first order that emphasize
our merchandising suprem
acy. Watch our windows and
advertisements for these com
ing sales
A sale of the first order; a.
sale no man will miss after he
has had the details.
A sale of the first order;
probably the greatest we
have announced in some
A Bale of the first order ; one
all women should bear in
mind and plan to attend.
A sale of the first order; &
February After Inventory
Clearance ; a three-day event.
The Selling of Domestics
Continues Offering Unprecedented Values
Mill Remuants, Dress Wrapper
and Shirting Percale, light and
dark colors, in long service
able lengths, at, yard. 22 t
(enoine Windsor Pllsse Crinkle
Crepe, new printings and color
combinations. Special values,
at, per yard 30
Mill Remnants, Wliile Swisses
and Lawns, 10 to 20-yard
lengths, suitable for curtains
and drapery. Very special val
ues, at, per yard 106
36-Inch Diamond HU1 Bleached
Cambric, desirable for fine
underwear, etc., 10 to 20-yard
lengths; regular value, 30c. At,
per yard 21c
Genuine American and Simpson
Dress Calicos, light and dark
colors; 'also plaid gingham ef
fects. At, per yard 12MsJ
32-Inch Shirting Madras, la a
splendid assortment of new
Spring styles, figures and jac
quard effects, yard, at 392
72-Inch Bleached Sheeting, in 10
to 20-yard lengths, positively
worth 70c. Special, yd., 49
06-Inch. Fancy Printed Cretonne,
extra heavy quality, long mill
lengths; values up to 60c.
While the lot lasts, at 29
Foil Bleached 36-Inch Muslin,
suitable for sheets and pillow
cases; regular 27c grade. Very
special, at, per yard 19
36-Inch Shirting Percales, light
gcounds, neat stripes and fig
ures, at, per yard 29
72x00 Bleached Bed Sheets,
French seam in center, good
quality, at 1.25. Special, each
only 70
0-4 Bleached Sheeting, roll 81
inches wide, linen finish; reg-
ular 75c quality. Special, at,
per yard 55,
Mill Remnants, 36-Inch Fancy
Printed Silkoline and Fancy
Printed Curtain Voiles and
Etamines, values to 25c, at,
per yard , 15
30-lnch Embroidered White Lace
Cloth, unusually sheer and
dainty; values to 39c. Special,
at, per yard 25
Special Sale of W all Paper
New Stocks at Very Reasonable Prices
l Beautiful Shorting of
new papers in all dc- ;
' signs and patterns i
suitable for any room, '
specially priced for I
Tuesday selling, roll ! ,
at 6H !
A Big Assortment of
the season's latest
bedroom papers in the
new color effects
shown with cut-out
decorations. Special,
roll 11
tiood, Heavy. Blank
' paper in stripes and
all-over effects, cut
out border for each,
priced, roll 124
YiirnMied Gilt Papers
in the newest tones
and colors, these pa
pers arc worth to 30c,
and are priced for
quick selling, at. per
roll 12
Papcrhangers Furnished and Estimates Given-Basement