THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY', - FEBRUARY 11, 1919. 10 Want Ad Rates ' (Cash With Order.) ?pr word .....on Insertion 4e per wmit for a consecutive insertions ' lc per word for each additional insertion No ads taken for loss than total of 10c, or Icis than 10c per day. CHARGE. 12c per line (count 6 word to line) 1 time i'c per line earn time, 3 consecutive time lie per line each time, 7 consecutive tims "c per line each time, :! consecutive times CAKUS Of IrtAnma AfMU FUNERAL NOTICES. 10 per line each insertion Minimum charge, 60 cents. Contract Rates on Application. For convenience of advertisers, want ads will he accepted at the following offices: MAIN OFFICE Mce Building Ames Office 4410 North 20th St. Lake Office 851 8 North 24th St. Vinton Office 2467 South liith St. Hark Olfire 2615 Leavenworth St. Walnut Office 819 North 40th St. South Side 2318 N St. Council llluff 14 Main St THK HEIS will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an ad vertisement ordered for more than one time. HHONE TYLER 1000. Fveninjr Kilitions 12:00 M. Morning Editions 10:00 P. M. Sunday Edition 10 I. M. Saturday. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES, teThYkit Louie i.., Jrtbruray , 1919, age 4tf years. Funt:ntl services from residence, ftfi2 Tuvker fist., Tuesday afternoon At 2:30. Interment Forest Lawn. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. IIEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertaker and emblamera, Tel, II. iU. Office, 211 Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN Pioneer Funeral Director. 701 8. Uth 81. Phone Doug. 1226. STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertaker. 3Sd-Far. H. 400. H OFF M A N FUNERAl7Hb.MB ' Hoffman quality service coat lea. !th and Dodge. Dougla 3901. E. U DODDER "CO., Funeral" Directors. V. L. Fero, Mgr., !2d and Cumins 3t. Phone Cougln 677. Auto ambulance. JOHN A GENTLEMAN, Undertaker and Embalmer. 8411 Farnam St. Harney S92. FLORISTS. fonteneil. T P17 T "X A PHTfVV Fu. rial, JUULI XJ, Ul,JAlJiV IS) 4 J'ouplos ft Dougla 8241. Uih and Farnam. D. 3000. 151 Farnam. D. Hu. t.. Henderson. MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. west Lawn cemetery. Family lot on easy payments; thoughtful service"; perpetual care; street car lo entrance. Phon Walnut $20 or Dougla 1129, and our auto will call fur you. tHE laicst display of nunument tn the United State. FRANK 8WOBODA, 121a 8. loth Phon Dougla 1872-6216. BIRTHS AND DEATHS BlrtTlft Andrew ami Frances Boris, 6333 South 33d St., boy; Walter and Edith Har ris, hospital, girl: Nick and Mary Popa, ol33 South 2Bth St., girl; Rips and Pallle Nathon. 3K24 North 24th St., boy; Walter and Salmii Larson. 429 Center St., girl; Miko and Mary Cimino, 6707 North 36th St., boy; ilulyeppe and Rnsaria Cerrano, Itos Williams St., girl; Carl and Marie Wells. 219 Lincoln Hlvd., girl; C. V. and Florence Williams, MM Maple .St., girl; John and (Jortrude Pedersen, 63d and Q Sis., girl; Roy and Nell Adkins, 4005 North 29th St., boy; William and Flora Foles. 3512 Fort St., girl: Ueorge and Luet a Marklln, 2417 Maple St., boy; Frank and Hnsle Swnboda, 1603 South 7th St., boy; Stephen and Velcra Krklor, 40th and Ohio St.. girl; John and Margaret Sexton, Itiv ervifw Homo, boy; James and Theda Uogue. 609 South 29th St., girl; William :i ml Elthel ('lift, Blackstone Hotel, boy; Preston and Dorothy MacAvoy, 4504 North -7th St., girl: William and Rose Katzen tein, 1615 Pratt St., girl: Victor and Moni ca Lavrynowlcz; 6405 South 33d Ave., boy; Partolett and Mable Yoder, hospital, girl; Ailoiuh and Rosalie Skybynsky, 4402 33d St., uirl; Joseph and Frances Igram, 4614 rlMUtll 34lh St., boy. Dratlis Nora Skahlll, 23, hospital; liintlie W Hnagland, 76, 610 North 48th St.; Mary 15. Gross, 4S, hospital; Mary D. u'NVat, 63, hospital; Bister Mary Helen, i4, hospital: Baby Karasek, -1 day, hospi tal; Puleshia Webb, 11, S021 Manderson St.:el1on Fries, 60. 6119 South 26th St.; , Laura N. Long, 2, 13th and B Sts., South Side; Edward Tnmasjewlcz, 11 moa., 4407 Smith 27th St.; Elsie Raymond, 22, hospi irtl. ' .. MARRIAGE LICENSES. lvriniis to wed were. Issued to the- fol lowing persons: Name and Address Age Inmes D, Earhart, Murray, Neb. ......25 .Mary 11. Rig he 1, Plattsmouth, Neb 21 Ward Triplett, Omaha .....23 Laura jollier, Omaha 19 lohn F. O'Neill, Omaha . 24 Ucrtrude Kennelly, Omaha ..24 Thomas Fox. Omaha 20 Frances Krimlofsky, Omaha 18 LOST, FOUND. REWARD. LOST Sunday afternoon, between 4106 Dodge street and 112 No. 40th street, string of graduate pearls, with platinum ' clasp, containing one diamond. Suitable reward If returned to 113 No. 40th St. Phone Harney 3616. FO rTarTICLES LOST oo street cars, tele phons Tyler 800. We are anxious to re store lost article to rightful owner. OMAHA & CO. BLUFFS ST. RY. CO. LOST tBlack brooch, shape of Ivy leaf, with diamond setting, between Port land Apts. and Masonic Temple. Finder call Apt. S, the Portland. Reward. LOST In Sherman & McConnel's or Mrandeis Stores bank small diamond ring; reward. Call Webster 1916. 5 'ILL person who picked up white georg ette crepe waist In Brandels rest room call Tyler 1746; liberal reward. LOST Black fox fun between Fontenelle anw Union Station; reward. Apply Bur- ysvHsn Aovertising uept. Cos' A small black purse containing key and small sum of money. Finder please call Harney 636. gfs.asn Advertising uept, LOST Canadian government papers; valu able to, owner only. Return to 215 South 1 th: reward. LOST A cameo ring, Sunday Reward. Call Harney 1858. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION! AUCTION! Unclaimed, refused freight that ' has been on hand 60 days or over at the Burlington freight station, near 8th and Farnam streets, Tuesday, February 11, Starts at 10 a. m. About 300 consign ment of freight In car lot and non-car lots will be sold at public auction above date, consisting of lota of farm Imple ments. 43 bbte. oil and paint, house hold goods and new furniture, 400 lbs, corn sugar, extra good Kabo piano, large office safe, stock food and big "lot groceries, bath and electric fixtures, oil pump, trunks, big lot rock salt, new delivery wagon body. In fact nearly everything. SHIELDS GENERAL FREIGHT AGENT Powd, Auctioneer. BETTER FURNITURE FOR YOUR HOME It Is something always needed and we have it always to please you. Now is the time to supply your spring needs. Our February Stock Reducing Sale, should mean something to you. 25 per cut to 50 per cent under-priced on me dium and high-grade furniture. A-high-class kitchen cabinet, $46.00 value, this wfik, at 129.7s. See us for complete uuttits. We pay the freight. STATE FURNITURE CO., SW, Corner 14th & Dodge Op. U. P, Bldg. flJKSrrUBta. Runs, Household (joods. Best prices at all times. J. E. SILVERS, (Auctioneer.) 620-21 Paxton Block. Phone Red 62 or Harney 6787. AUCTION! AUCTION! Another Big Sale of High Grade Fur niture. Ruga and Dry Goods, in My Auction House at -South East Cor. ISth nd Web. Street. iWuesday. February 12. Start at 10 a. m. Watch the Papers. JAMES L. DOWD. Auctioneer. LklTlT oak dining room set consisting of bioie and chair, china cabinet and buffet, mahogany rocker and chair, also cbiUl's writing desk. Call morning and evenings. No second hand men. 128 3. 3th. Tel Harney 554. AUCTION! AUCTION! A Complete 6-room Home of Good Furni ture at 3008 Facific Street. Thursday. February 13. Starts at 1 p. tn. sled the paper for Details. JAMES I.. DOWD, Auctioneer. W i; M.y, sell and make desks, ear, show ' -, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture ;-p; Co., uto and Dougiaa, D. J7!4. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Furniture and Household' Goods. II. DOLOuFF. Furniture, ttovea, rugs, linoleum, Vic. trolas, trunk, suitcases, bedding, linen. Better goods for lew money. Credit It you wish. Open eveninga, 1S3J-4T N. .4th, Phone: Web. IKU7 .Web. 42. FOil SALE Cooking range. Estate make, used three months: t 'i 9 range for $39. 3140 S. 17th St. Tyle,r 1527; Bl'FFET and china closet for sale cheap, fall Harney (iSiO. Pianos and Musical Instruments v PHONOGRAPHS, RECORDS, RECORDS IN ALL LANGUAGES, CHEAP. RIALTO MUSIC SHOP, 1416, Douglas S;. PIANO& for rent $4 per mo. A. Hoape Co Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES NEW AND REBUILT The most complete line of Typewriter and Adding Machines west nf Chicago. Can furnish any make at most any price you desire to pay. We rent and 'epalr all makes and will buy or trade for your old machine. Every machine guaranteed See us before you buy. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. (Established over 15 years.) Dougiaa 4121. 1906 Farnam St. REBUILTsold, rented, repaired. Carbon paper, ribbon and supplies. tervlee guaranteed. Try us. Phone Doug. 6031. OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., 106 North 16th St. WE buy, sell and exchange typewriters, desks and office furn.ture. Midland of fice Supply Co., 1404 Dodge St. Tel. Douglas 2147. TYPEWRITERS all makes, sold, rented and repaired. THE W. N. LONG COMPANY. 11$ Farnam. Tel. D. 8969. KENT an Oliver Typewriter, three month for 86.00. Oliver Agency. 190S Farnam Street. Cltr. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needle and part MICHEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 15th nd Hhrney 8t Doug. 1663. Miscellaneous. BANKRUPTCY SALE I will sell at puilio auction In built for cash to the highest bidder, subject to confirmation or rejection by the referee In bankruptcy, the entire stock of merchandise and store fixtures be longing to the estate of Samuel Raphael, bankrupt (Raphael' Department store), of Wagner, S. D. 841,000 OF CLEAN, NEW MER. . CHAND1SE. ' ' The sale will be1 held at the bankrupt's tor building In Wagner, S. D., on FEBRUARY 18, 1919 AT TEN O'CLOCK A. M. The etock will Invoice about 841,000 and the fixture 13.600. The stock Is made up almost entirely of new and recently purchased merchandise, con sisting of about 87,000 of shoes, J3.000 of groceries, 83.000 of overalls and shirts, a heavy dry good stock, ladies' ready-to-wear stock, fur coats, sheep lined coats, men's suit and pants, notions . and miscellaneous articles us ually carried in a department store. I The fixtures are up to date cash regis ter, 12 show cases, computing scale, safe, mirrors, etc. JOHN H. RAUSCH, Trustee in Bankruptcy. BAILEY & VOORHEES, Trustee's Attorneys. SIOUX FALLS, S. D. riPTXTlV 0LL RELIABLE PORT UJA11N JV Non-Intoxicating. Has the old spicy wine taste. Put up in 16-gaI. kegs only. J1.25 per gallon to dealers. Pure apple cider 60 cent per gallon. In 16 gallon kegs. Good Old Romy for hot toddles 82 per gallon, - Apricot cider 81 per gallon, 10 .gal lon kegs. Above prices cash on delivery or for check or money order sent with order. Goods absolutely guaranteed first class. SOLD BY PORTO BEVERAGE CO. 244414 Burt. Tel. Doug. 3462, JVE accept Liberty bonds or cash, or give terms on Edison- Diamond Disc or Cylinder Phonographs, Vlctrolas and Paths Phonographs; also Records and New Home sewing machine. Write S. E. Kemp. Blair, Neb., Dept. A. FOR SALE. No. 1 early Ohio potatoes In 2-bushel sacks, delivered In 10-bushel lot or mors to dealer or residences In Omaha, 81 per bushel. "Wire or write Aran L. Hungerford, Crawford, Neb. BURROUGHS ADDING .MACHINE nine column visible. Wide carriage and stand; perfect condition. Price complete 8185. Tb W. N. Long Company, 1916 Farnam. FIVE THOUSAND tons country mixed iron; also rubber and metals. J. Katel man, 1126 S. 6th, Council Bluffs. PH. 650. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over In new ticking at halt the price of new ones. 1907 Cuming. Douglas 2407. FOR SALE Protectograph check writer, excellent condition. Bradford-Kennedy Co., 370 Brandels Theater Bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE 81,150 contract, discount for cash. Call Dougla 1088. Evenings, Walnut 3329. CABINET made oak counter, 12 ft.; 2 tailor tables office railing; 835. 2636 Dodge. Harney 6923. FOR SALE Reed baby cab tn good- con dition. Apt. No. 11, Ths Raleigh, 3011 Jackson street. SWAPPERS' COLUMN. FOR SALE OR TRADE Six cylinder Saxon roadster, fine running order, want team, harness and wagon. J. F. Turner. Soil Company, Council Bluffs. WANTED TO BUY. We tay cash for Liberty Bonds and Partly ' . Paid up Bonds. Room 108 McCague Bldg. N. W. Cor. 15th and Dodge. . LIBERTY BONDS WE BUY LIBERTY BONDS and re ceipts for partly paid-up bonds; we pay cash; no waiting; no red tape. 411 M'C AGUE BLDG. Kith and Dodge Sts. Highest prices paid for LIBERTY BONDS Partly paid up receipts and WAR SAVINGS STAMP'S Don't sell until you get our prices. 542 SECURITY I5LDG. JENKINS. 706 South Uth, will pay best price for old clothes, shoes, Job lot of all kinds. Residence, Dougiaa 8032. Of fice, Dougla S092. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1201 Farnam. D. 6146 I ELITE FURNITURE CO., W pay best prices for furniture, rugs, stoves, etc. All kinds of job lots. Doug- las 2461. ONE THOUSAND tons of country raised Iron, also rubber and metals. J. Katel man, 1125 So. ,th St. Phone 650, 4491. WTE buy waste paper and pay good ' prices. Phone or write Omaha Paper Stock Co. Dougla 16 WILL .nay cash for a good used standard typewriter. Douglas S34j. SECOND-HAND, fire-proof, safe. Address Y-S37. Omaha Bee.- L1BK.KTY losns bought. Ill South 15th. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Bath and Massage. Hi Flshet, 879 Brand! Theater, ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pieating. HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING. BUTTONS. O U. VanArnaio Pleating Co.. SJ6-7 Paston Block. Phone Doug. S109 ACCOHDEO.M, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all sties and tyles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 300-SOS Brown Bldg. Phone, D. I9S6. Awntngs. ' AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Autu touring lent and camping supplle. SCOTT-OMAHA TENT AWNING CO. Baggage and Express. Only Way" lT. Omaha Transfer Co. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-M1TCHELL CO., 7th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. Carpenters and Interior Decorators, LESSARD & SON. 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1632. Costumes. FULL dress suits for rent, 109 N. 16th St., onposlte Postoffice. John Feldman. Dancing Academies. KEL-PINE DANCING ACADEMY. , 2424 Fnrnam. Class and prlv. lessons. D. 70. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. Evl dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136 Chiropractors. Ethel Malthy, D. C 312 Bee Biag. D. 3072. Dr. J . C. La n Ton cBaTrd Bld g D.8 4 6 1. SP1 NOGRAPH, Dr7WwTraT5ith7Farnam: Delicatessen. SPECIAL SALAD for sale. - Rlalto Delicatessen. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Tart's Dental Rr 30S Rose Bldg. D. 2186" Fixtures and Wiring. Til TT? IV T 1 Electric washing machines. iuinviiUjiri,, ron, an( readlng tamps. 2223 Cuming St. Douglas 8519. Film rjeveloping. HI. MS developed, rolls 10c: pack. 16c; one-aay service. Blk. Ease Studio, Neville IF you would like to learn photo finishing apply at once. The Ilopson Co., 209 S. ISth St. DEVELOPING and printing. One-day service. Photo Craft Shop. 1408 Farnam. FILMS developed free. Mall orders so llclted. THE ENSIGN CO.. 1007 Howard. Flags. SILK flags, all, to order for church es, clubs, etc. E. E. See, 119 No. 15th St. Furriers. . WE MAKE up youy trappings into coals, muffs, scarfs, mittens and caps. We pay best market price for your raw furs. ALASKA FUR CO., Northeast Corner 16th and Dougla. Historical Costumes. COSTUMES of all ages from Adam and Eve to the world war; costumes for theatricals and masquerades; in a nut shell, costumes for everything can be leased at Thco. Lleben & Son, 1616 Howard St. Omaha. Jewelry. T)T AMONTV3We p"? ,he De,t Prl --..w., wlth privilege to buv back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 408 N. 16th. Red 6081. Medical. PILES, fistula and other rectal dis eases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for book on rectal diseases with testi monials. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Osteooaths. DR. MABEL WESSON, 614 Brandeis Bldg. T. 2960. H. 4741. Pdtcnt Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and old. In ternational Patent Co., 683 Brandel. D. 6691. Printing Supplies. Watera-Barnhart Ptg. Co,.jl4 S. 13th St Restaurants. TRY our good meals at new Hungarian Kosher restaurant. 316 S. 16th. upstairs. Repairing and Painting. PAPER HANGING, painting, plastering and carpentering. All work guaranteed. Walnut 2015. -Tailors. Dledrlcjt. P L. 216 S. 20th. Tailor. D. 2432. Safes. BARGAINS 1312 Farnam. Q A Tpl7C! J. J. Derlght Safe Co. Oar HiO Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply 207 S. lllh. D. 682. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. Dougiaa Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE THRIVING Implement business and sheet metal works, one or both. Average dally re ceipts $125. Amount Invested $15,000. Stock on consignment $7,000, City resi dence $2,000, unincumbered. Will take small farm near town as part payment, balance to suit. Reason for selling lack of help and a desire to retire. Lock Box 71, St. Paul, Neb. FOR SALE Prosperous electrical supply and wiring business In nearby town. Books may be Inspected by any bona fide prospective buyer. Present owner has other Interests, cannot give suf ficient time. This business will make an energetic owner a profit of $360 per month. For further information address Box Y-345, Omaha Bee. Broken Bow, Oklahoma offers more op portunities for a business man to make money than any western town. Over 3,000 laborers now employed and 1,000 more needed. Monthly pay roll $125,000. Address Garland Adair, Sec Commercial club. GENERAL store and filling station and other buildings and large lot; situated In the richest farming district of north ern Colorado, For particulars address A. L. McB -le,. Fort Collins, Colo., R. F. D. 1, Box 118. CANDY KITCHEN FOR SALE Stock and fixtures invoicing about $3,300. In town of 2,500. Next door to picture show. Write to Hamburg Candy Kitchen, Ham burg, la. BUSINESS FOR SALE Doing over. $2,000 monthly and growing: doubled last year $1,500 will handie. If you are a hustler and mean business write for particulars. A. D. Lee, Farmlngdale, S. D. PICTURE, SHOW AND DANCE HALL in best town In northern Nebraska. No opposition. Clearing $250 monthly. Best reason for selling. Address Box Y-341. Omaha Bee. TWO-CHAIR barber shop for sale, fine business; going west on account of poor health in family. Address Box Y-311, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Good paying grocery busi ness. Inquire 1242 So. 13th or call Doug. 1824. IF YOU WISH to buy or sell any business consult usi 542 SECURITIES BLDG. . SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. THbl BKK will publish free a situation wanted ad under this classification for soldiers, sailors and marines who will show their discharge papers at our office tn the lobby of tho Bee building. Hpventeeemh and Farnam. BUSINESS MAN with plenty of original ity, Initiative and personality, good at figures, good typist, A-l salesman with general business education, open for posi tion in western Nebraska, Colorado, Wy oming or Montana, bank, real estate, manufacturing or any good going busi ness with posibilitlrs considered. Ad dress Box B-?(i, Omaha Bee. CARABLK man, 45, experienced in office, ba n k, farm loans and securlt ies ; ac quainted throughout Nebraska and western Iowa; wants permanent con - nection with responsible house. Ad- dreMH, Box Y-3H, Omaha Bee. PISCRARORD SOl7ll ER wants position an auto driver or repair man. Phone, South 4H5. Fort Crook road, Soulh Side. J. H. Keenan. ( DISCHARGED soldier would like work of any kind; have had some electrical experience. Call Harney 213 or Writu Box B-ll, Omaha, Bee. FAINTING, paper gleaning, odd jobs, Web ster 132. JhlAN and wif would lik janitor work. Call Web. &S91 SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. CARPENTER work by day and jobs, prices reasonable: satisfaction guar anteed. Doulas 4379. VI . AST E kTn uTT'ATt ' I i TN I i, cement and mason work properly doge. Phone Wal nut 1041. STENlMS RAINIER, bookkeeper, aged ii; 5 years' experience. Room 634, Casrle Hotl. A JAPANESE wishes to get a job, for house . work. Experienced, Phone II. ;!S2; POSITION as lanltor, bv experienced fire man. CAM Webster1 123U. CARPENTERING and general repairing Webster S61R. Female. WIDOW Aged :15, unincumbered, wants position as housekeeper. with full chance, out of city. Address A-96, Oma ha lice. GOOD girl wishes housework whero laun rt ryJ sd o n e. Webster 2pni. COMPETENT dressmaking and remodel ing. Red 6657. STENOGRAPHER desires position. Fhono. Tyler 1979 -W. Dressmak'g, cteHiting, pressing, liar. 692S. Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED colored lady wants bundle washing by day or week. Wen. 1720. COLORED liuiy wants cleaning by day Well. 4419. Ilmlls. carefully laundered. Call & del. Web 42S3. CURTAsi laundered. 2614 Dodge. Harney 1180. w ' ' BUNDLE WASHING and day work. Tyler 4002. LAC.NDRESS wants Monday and Tuesday , work. Webster 6557. Rel. lady wts. Ironing, liny w'k. Web. 6!!X. HELP-WANTED MALE. Stored and Offices. WANT EI) An cxpt-ritmctd assistant ware huusfi foreman capable of handling men pud tiiking complete charge of a small general wholesale hardware warehouse. In reply adviso the hardware wholtwalo bouses thu t j nu have had experience, with the length of time you have been with each firm, the salary you received, your hkv education, give references, also state salary you would expert to begin with. Address Box Y-343. Oma ha Hee. SOLDIERS AND SAILORS ATTENTION1 The Bee will publish your situation wanted tula rHKE of charge. Just bring your discharge papers lo our office In the lobby of the Bee building, 17th and ' Farnam. A star will ba placed in each ad to Indicate your service in the army, navy or murines. Bring them In t NOW. GOVERNMENT will hold railway lntill clerk examinations In Omaha March 15; t!)2 month; experience unnecessary; nien IS or over desiring clerkships write for free particulars. J. I,. Leonard (former civil service examiner), 018 Kenols building. Washington. SALESMAN, with auto. Salesman, sal. and com, .Stenographer, bank. Office mgr. 11J6 W. O. W. Bldg. v THE MARTI COMPANY1, WANTED Two live, wide-awake sales men on the most up-to-date proposition. Quick returns and no investment on your part. Names furnished to steady workers. Apply, 312 Balrd Bldg., Mr. Becker. STENOGRAPHER, beginner, to act as clerk and assistant to superintendent of manufacturing plant; excellent oppor tunity for bright young man; salary $65 to 175, Western Reference & Bond' Ass'n. 1 BECOME Railway Mail Clorks. $92 month. Sample examination questions free. Franklin Institute. ' Dept. 230 M., Rochester. N. Y. WANTED An experienced grocery clerk. Apply Washington Market, 140JDouglas. TRAVELING salesman, grocery specialty, $150. Western Reference & Bond Ass'n. SHUTING clerk, wholesale, $136-1150. iv.vtin kkk ;o., 1138 1st Nat'l. Bank. Professions and Trades. YOUNG MAN STENOGRAPHER. MUST BE ACCURATE. SAL ARY TO START $85. CERTIFIED PUBLIC AC COUNTANT. GOOD OPENING WITH LARGE ACCOUNTING CONCERN. EMPLOYER'S REFERENCE COMPANY. 605 BEE BUILDING. JOB PRINTER APPRENTICE WANTED. Want to correspond with young man who has working knowledge of job printing and press work to go Into nearby coun try town. Good opportunity to learn the linotype machine and newspaper, busi ness in general. ; Address B 80, care Omaha Bee. MEN WANTED to learn the tire repair .and retreading trade in one of the most up-to-date repair .shops. Three weeks tuition $25. Clyde Eller, instructor, form erly with National Auto Training School, NATIONAL TIRE SHOP 17th and Capitol Ave. WANTED Bushelman to do ladles' and men's repairing, pressing and dry clean- m ing. We use Hoffman pressing machine. Good wages. Steady employment. The Model Clothes Shop, Hardin, Montana. WANTED Harness man to work in shop and hardware store. Steady job. State wages wanted. Don't write unless you can give good references In first letter. P. O. Beaulieu, Winner, S. D. BKAKEMEN, firemen, $150-J200 morthly; experience unnecessary; must study easy, necessary Instruction; send stamp for requirements. Railway Association. Address Box T-332, Omaha Bee. WANTED AT ONCE First-class watch maker for railroad and general watch work; good salary for able and com petent man. Geo. Gerner, Jeweler, 411 Broadway, Council Bluffs. BOOKBINDERS and stock cutter wanted, experienced on loose leef work. Will do well to communicate with us. Nelson Loose Leaf Corporation, 2425 Leaven worth St. WANTED First class barber, $20 guar antee; good over money; steady job. J. C. Morgan, Seward. Neb. WANTED Jeweler to work in shop; steady work and good wages. Chas. G. Grenzebaeh, Lincoln, Neb. TAILOR First class, all around man. Good pay, steady job. Heffley's Tailors, 138 North 11th street, Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Upholsterer for furniture de partment. Box 41406. Bee. WANTED A good coat maker at once. Henry Oteon. Aurora. Neb. WANTED Experienced soda man. Brown Drug Co., 'Sheridan, Wyo. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN Real moneyfor live men. Article has thousands of friends. Strictly commis sion. W. E. SHETTLEMORE, GENERAL SALES MANAGER. 220 South 13th St. WANTED SPECIALLY SALESMAN CHICAGO COMPANY WITH ESTAB LISH Kl) OMAHA BRANCH, PKSIRKS A HIGH CLASS SALESMAN. PRKKEK MAN WITH ADDING M ACH INK, CASH REGISTER OH OTHKll SPECIALTY EXPERIENCE FOR NEBRASKA TER RITORY. GROWING COMPANY; OP- I'ORTl'NITY FOR QUALIFIED MAN. STATU SALARY EXPECTED TO) START. ADDRESS BOX Y-342, OMA HA BEE. I GOVERNMENT railivajT mull ctorL ex- i aminntion (mains and females) March f 15. Sppclsl full, cotnplele preparation j only 111), by our expert former Kovern- i ment examiner. Knroll today or write forNfre particulars. "R. M. C. Pat terson Civil Service School, Rochester, N. Y. WANTE1J n Traveler, acquainted with school sup plies. Woks and stationery lines. Ad dress Mnx n-Kl, Omaha Ben. STOCK SALESMEN This Is a raws op portunity for a few Rood men to make blsr moii'-y. ItcfermicfH. 1012 First Nat. Bank lildg., ask for Mr. Mills. HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED 3 )r four first class salesmen fo plumbing and heating line for Ne braska and Iowa territory. Men who served their country during war pre ferred. Apply by letter, stating ex perience and salary wanted. Address ii-lu, iruiaim rtcc. SELL GENERAL PERSHING'S STORY of the American army in Franco, with color Illustrations; sells at sight; profit 60 to 100 per cent; send 25c for sample. Heraig & McLean, Inc., World Tower Bldg., New York. WANTED Boml salesmen, who are look ing for a change without loss of in come. AVe have just the proposition and no money required. Act quick. See Mr. Becker, S12 Uaird Hldg. WANTED Experienced salesmen to sell nursery stock. B. E. Fields & Son. Fremont, Neb. Phone 62. Agents and Canvassers. AGENTS WANTED Memorial Life of Roosevelt; America's War For Hu manity, each 12 00. 20 per cent com mission to agents. Ford automobile given free for 90 days' best record sales. Send 20 cents for each outfit. F. B. Dlckerson Co., Detroit, Mich. CM!i"OMlNTETE HISTORY OF THE WAR," contains Genenil Pershing's own story and peace supplement. Best terms with premiums, t'rmup shipment.. Out fit free. Nichols Co., Nuverville, III. To co-operate with us in selling our well Improved Southern Minnesota farm this season on easy terms. Write us for booklets and pat-ticiilsrs. The Sonncsyn Land Co., St. James, Minn. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Young ladies lo learn how to operate Comptometers and Burroughs calculating and bookkeeping machines. A good position absolutely guaranteed to every graduate. Time required to com plete course, 6 weeks to 3 months. Day and evening classes. Cull and see us or telephone Douglas 7415 for particulars. DWORAK SCHOOL OP ACCOUNTING. Second Floor Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sts. STENOGRAPH EK, splendid future, $100. Stenographer, small office. $50. Office clerk, $0. , , Discount clerk, $70-$75. THE MARTI COMPANY, 112C W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, insurance office, $H5; stenographer, beginner will do, $00; ledger clerk and tvpist, $5-$75. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N. 1307 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOG. and Diet, opr., $90; ateno., $N6; offleo clerk; $50; steno. and bkkpr., $80. WATTS REP. CO., 1138 1st Nat'l. Bank. WANTED Girl meat wrappers. Apply Washington Market, 1407 Douglas. STENOGRAPHER and billing clerk, $75. 4 Western Reference , Bond Ass'n. Professions and Trades. MORE GIRLS WANTED NOW FOR STEADY WORK In various departments of the Snow White Bakery. This is a modern, sani tary and fireproof building with plenty of good light and good air, where the conditions surrounding the work are made as pleasant as possible. Snow White cafeteria serves good, hot lunches every noon for as little as 12 cents. Good girls and women Vho are able and willing to work always make good money here. Beginners Btart at $10 per week and are ald more just as rapidly as they learn and earn more. Our week's work ends at 12:30 Sat urday noon. Apply to Mrs. Emory In employment office, second floor, middle Of block. ITEN BISCUIT CO. SNOW WHITE BAKERIES, i Capitol Avenue 12th to 13th Sts. AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Has a few vacancies for young ladles to learn Ions distance telephone, oper ating. 'Tho work Is Interesting, the sur roundings are pleasant. A gooL-4alary is paid while learning. If you are In terested In getting Into a real business where your prospects for advancement will not be affected by after-the-war conditions call and see MISS GRACE COX (Chief Operator) 1120 TELEPHONE BLD. 19th AND DOUGLAS. NEAT YOUNG WOMAN ABOUT 25 FOR BOOKKEEPER, STENOGRAPHER AND CASH IER. MUST BE EXPERIENC ED. GOOD SALARY. FINE OPENING. EMPLOYER'S REFERENCE - COMPANY. 60S BEE BUILDING. TELEPHONE OPERATORS PERMANENT A POSITIONS UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT Liberal pay while learning and fre quent Jncrease in salary. Work la clean, pleasant and Inter esting. MEALS AT COST YOUNG WOMEN 17 YEARS OF AGB OR OVER. APPLY TO C F. LAMBERT. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO., 613 New Telephone Bldg.' 19th and Douglas. SEWLN'G girls wanted. Apply at Lleben's, lul4 Howard St. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Woman cook at Soulh Side hotel.- Call South 07 Household and Domestic. EXPERIENCED white girl for general housework, family of two In six room Dundee home, satisfactory wages, ref erences required. A good home for the riitht girl, must apply at once. Walnut 1155. VANTHUt-A girl that is a good ceok and housekeeper, for the farm; good wages; must, send reference with first letter; farm cirl preferred. Mrs. J. M. Latimer, Loomis, Neb. WANTED Girl to assist with housework; small house; no laundry work or cook ng; very good wages. Phone Harney ..jii). 11)9 South 42d 8t WANTED Ilousekeaier for widower and son located one-half mile from town. Address John U. Johnson, Bruno, Neb. WANTED An elderly or middle-aged lady to do light housework, small fam ily, noy Finch, phone South 2178. NEAT girl for general housework; small family; plain cooking; no washing; good wages and nice room. Walnut 465. WANTED -A young white girl to assist wtlh hdusework and care of children-, good home. Walnut 1621. WANTED Competent cook and general work, where second girl is kept, Mrs A. . W, Gordon 3S11 Jackson. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Household and Domestic. WANTED A competent second maid. Ap ply Mrs. L. C. Nash. 380? Burt St. Phone Walnut SI 3. WANTED A reliable maid for second work. Apply at 106 South 32d Ave., Harney SOS. WANTED White woman to help Willi washing on Saturday morning at 810 Forest Ave. WANTED An experienced cook, $13 per week. Walnut Mrs. John L. Ken nedy. WANTED A white girl for general house work . Pbo nHa rJTSJSOJJJo Jt hAye; COMPETENT white cook; gooft wanes; references. Walnut 99. 3So Hurt St. WANTED, at once, an experienced whito cook. Call Harney 4"ti0. COM PET il N'lTvTi i IT E G 1 K L toft general bouse work. Mrs. If, Tukoy, TVal. 145. GOOD girl for general housework, good pay. Call Douglas HOW, Miscellaneous. GOOD home for girl from out of town attending school in family of three in 'Dundee. Call Walnut 1755. HELP WANTED. -r- Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladles and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning: strictly modern. Call or write 1103 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College. Phone D. 2147. MEN, women, boys and Kills can esrn from $3 to $5 per day during your lets tiro time; it can be done anywhere; fer. particulars write to Box B-37, Omaha Be. HOLER Barber College wants young men and ladles to learn ths barber trade. Call or wrlte(or free catalogue. 110 S. 14th St., Omaha. Ni-b. WANTBb couple without children io work on farm. For particulars wrilo to Arthur K. Graw, "Washington, NVr. EDUCATIONAL DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE: Students are admitted at any time. Complete courses in accountancy, 'ma chine bookkeeping, uomptomelry, short hand and typewriting, stenotypy, rail road and wireless telegraphy, civil serv ice and all Kngllsli and commercial branches. Write, call or phone DouR'as 1,165 for large Illustrated catalogue. Address BOYLE'S COLLEGE. Boyles Building, Omaha, Neb. STOP worhTTearn a trade; fit yourself for the future; no book work; quick and easy; fres catalog. National Auto Training Ass'n, 2814 N. 20th. Omaha, Neb. Van Sant School of Business. Pay and Evening Schools. 2:o Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890 LEARN Mosuer shorthand and typewrit ing. Day and night classes. Omaha Shorthand College Bee Bldg.. D 6528. FOR KENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT III private home, one to three nicely furnished rooms; tile bath on same floor; can accommodate one or more gentlemen; breakfast if desired. Harney 6954. Unfurnished Rooms. 3 UNFURNISHED, heated rooms. 813 North 19th St. 16. Hotels. HEATER rooms, J2.50 week; apartments with kitchenette. Odgen Hotel, Council Bluffs. Ia. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. A TWO room furnished cottage apartment. Rent reasonable. Inquire Sunday or evenings after 7. 2322 Harney St. FOR RENT HOUSES. West. EXCELLENT nine room modern house, 2835 Davenport. North. SIX-ROOM HOUSE, part modern, 180S Miami street SI 2 50 Five-room and bath, -cottage, 1803 Mi ami street 15.0l Phone Webster 6892. South. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OP THE CITT. UtEIUHSONS & CO.. Bee. PETERS TRUST CO., specialists m Apartment management. LIST your property for rent or sale with Realtors. Tyler 72. Rooming Houses For Rent. PAYNfcl & SLATER COMPANY, Omaha's Rental Agents. 61 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldk. D. 1016. Miscellaneous. 407 SO. 2"TH AVE., 9 rms.. J45. 1918 Capitol Ave., 10 rms., 150. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 153S. 833 Securities Bldg. 2305 Leavenworth, flat, 5 rooms $20 2568 Douglas street, 9 rooms 33 JOHN N. FRENZKR, Doug. 664. . BIRKETT & CO. Cars of property and Insurance 650 Bee Bldg. Douglas 632. FOR RENT APARTMENTS. West $15 Four rooms and bath.Bemls Dark: tenant looks after furnace heating four otner apartments. Webster 2342. North. S-ROOMS and sun room, semi-basement apt.; team heated, modern, $22.60. Maple Court, 1816 Maple Btreet. Bed 682. 7-R Stm. Heated flat, 708 N. 16th St. T.954 FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. DESIRABLE LOCATION AUTO SHOW ROOM OR SUPPLY HOUSE 2674-2576 Harney Street. New store building, space 44x6. One story with full basement. Will remodel front to make fine display room. Nebraska and Wyoming Invest ment Company, x 32! Brandeis Theater. Douglas 1571. Private office, reasonable. Sol Karbach Block, 16th & Douglas street A. A. Patz man, 301 Karbach Block. $115 per mo., 116 S. 15th St.. 20x60 ft., full basement, steam heat. D. 6342. WORLD REALTY CO. MODERN store, ICth St.. near postoffice. low rent. G P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago. 702 Rnd 706 North 16ih Street, Web. 3314. Garages and Barns. FOR RENT Auto repair shop, 102 South 10th St., this building can be rented with or with out partial equipment. Call Mr. Rlchen berg, Douglas 27. The Byron Reed Co. MOVING ANDSfOPAGE. FIDELITY STORAGE CO., 16TII AND JACKSON. DOIK1. 288. STORAGE MOVING. PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VaCaNI HOUSES AND APARTMEVTS. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO. For real service in hauling or storage caM Tyler 230 or D. 4338, auto or wagon service. FIREPR'OOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for houfehold goods and piano: moving, pack!" a of shining. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE) CO. 806 8 16'h. Pougl'l 161- WE haul furniture, light and heavy hauling. Live stock hauling a specialty. CALDWELL TRANS. CO. Office Tyler 679. Res. Douglas I31. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. CLOSE IN BARGAIN PRICE ONLY $3,6P0 Six rooms and bath, strictly modern; high and sightly location near 26th and Chicago streets. $T10 down will handle. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 658 Om. Natl. Bank Bldg. Tyler 496. A SPLENDID 11 -room residence. El Nilssun, 1S2 Securities Bids, REAL ESTATE IMPRO ED. West SPLENDID HOME, 8 ROOMS, CLOSE IN, $5,500 ntfiftly modern lioin on Turner hlvd., Just north of Far nam St., faohitr Turner prk. Oak throughout, Kood basement funiHoe heat. Owner is leaving t'ity ami lms put au exceptionally low prk'e for (juiik side. A f.n homo and tlio price is surely right. J. L. HIATT CO., QflA FIRST NATIONAL PHONB flO HANK liLDll. TYLKR UO WALKING DISTANCE FARNAM CAR LINE 505 SO. 31ST STREET Six rooms find s.pnpinjr porch, oal; finish, oak floors throughout, noatlye dfporated and painted, new guaranteed furnace, j. orated whero values am In creasing rapidly. Trice only $5,000, House vacant: kev at our offiv. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 658 Omaha Nat. Tik. iimr. Tyler 4 S5 NEAR DUNDEE, $3,500 Almost new b.ungalow, u rooms and bath, oak finish, strictly modern: lot f.Oxli'iO; laiffe chicken house; fruit trees. Hurry if you want this. P. J. TKHRKNS CO., 605 Omaha Nat. UK. North. MINNE LUSA BUNGALOW FIRST TIME ADVERTISED Just listed, the niftiest 5-room buntra low in Minne I-una, consisting of 0 rooms all on one flooti; Iiur living room with fire place; dining room with built in bookea.sea; 2 bedrooms and bath on first floor; house entirely finished with oak floors and whito enamel f iulhh ; built-in features la kitchen; full cement basement; furnace heat; larae floored altlc; south front on pawd street. Men hiph and Htphtly. tuilt for a home. I'rioed at $u,hUQ; could not bo duplicated today for less than $ti.f,na, PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, REALTORS S37 Omaha National Bunk Hldg. T). 1781. COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT - 5 acres, high and sightly, lies beau tifully, with 8-room, strictly modern hotixe; hot water heat; all In excellent Khnpe, including garage, rhleken house and all kinds of fruit and shrubs; close 1 to car; fine place fro bring up your chil dren, do your own gardening. Big op portunity tonake. some money on ad vance of land In this location. ' D. V. SHOLES CO., Pong. 46. 915 City National Bank. PRICETl700.00 CASH $250.00 Balance $16 per month, for a good 6 room cottage, modern except heat, near zfith and Seward Ms. H, A, Wolf Co., Eleetric Bids. Tyler S5. DANDY 5-room cottage modern except heat; In finest repair; 60xl38-ft. lot. near Ames Ave. car; $150 cash, or a lot or auto taken in exehange. Rasp Bros., 212 Keeline Bldg. Tyler 751. MEW. 7-rooin, oak finish; largo lot; dou ble garage; price $6,750; terms. 6137 North 24th St. NORRIS & NORRIS. Douglas 4270. FOR WALE By owner, 6-room cottage, all modern, good garden plot, small fruit rherry trees, good location. Price $2,750. 4707 Franklin St.. phone Walnut 3SB3. $2,600. Store building, 3 living rooms in rear-.nll modern, good location. C. A. Grimmel phone D. 1615. MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to In' est your money. Thone Tyler 187. YOUNG & DOHERTY. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. 322 BRANDEIS THEATER. D. 1571. FOR SALE by owner. 5 room, all modern buiiKSluw. JS00 cash, balance $20 month. Colfa'x 1377. South. 3566 Woolworth Just acrops the street from Field Club, 6 rooms, stone block and stucco, corner lot; 3 dandy bedrooms; fireplace; beau tifully finished. Price $6,000. Terms. Do not disturb tenants, but call Tyler 50 and asfc for Jdr. Reed. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 .Harney. FOR SALE Six-room modern house, fire place. Garage, trees. Field club district. $5,600. C. D. ARMSTRONG Douglas 1280. 325 Securities Bldg. FOR RENT AND SALli HOUSES, COTTAGES & APARTMENTS. AMERICAN SECURITY CO.. 101 S. 17th St Doueias 6(ll Miscellaneous. Elegant home of fifteen rooms. partly furnished, in fine condition, a very large yard of a little over three acres with lots of shade trees and shrubbery, must be seen to be appreciated. Owner will lease It for two year or longer at $100.00 per month. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Dougla 664. 1320 Farnam St. Flv room atucco, oak floors throughout oak and white enamel finish. Fine lo cation. Price 4,600 or terms. BENSON & CARMICHAEL Doug. 1722. 642 Paxtori Block. 6-ROOM house, 1 lots, fruit, etc., $2,800; on terms; nice location. Call Mr. Browne. INTER-STATE REALTY CO.. 1516 City National. Doug. 6236. WE SELL, rent, Insure and make loans on city property, north. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO.. 24th and Ames Ave. Col. 217 BARGAINS In homes. Investments. Dior ertle and acresge near Omaha. Han"-s-m & Morton. 816 Omaha Nat. UK. B'dg. REAL ESTATE-Business Property BUSINESS property and Investments. A. P. TUKEY & SON. 420 First National Bank Hldg REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT DOUBLE brick flat, close-in : large lot. This property is located where value are Increasing rapidly. GEORGE F. JONES, REALTOR, 926 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1946. REA-. ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. 1,20 ACRES IN BLAINE COUNTY, Ne braska. Good improvements. Owner will trade for 80 to 160 acre farm In eastern Nebraska. F. M. MICHAEL CO., 610 Electric Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. ON IS ACRH IN BKNSON, five blocks from ear. Young fruit. New 4-room house. Want 5 to 7 room house near car. Two acres adjoining. Reasonable. Benson 755-J. FOR SALE OR F.XCHANOK Good busi ness corner to trade for western land; will assume. , I'hone Colfax 8058. E. M. Morgan, 1S0S Sahler 8'. I WILL TRACK my eit.y property for .land to raise wheat for the boys who 'won the war. Call Colfax 3237. REAL EjSTAfE, UNIMPROVED. West. 16 SIGHTLY LOTS Between 30th and 3Slh, fronting south on Davenport, $1,050 to $4,000. Come In and get a selection. HARRISON & MORTON RICALTOKS. 91 Omaha National. n. 814. Nortn. LOTS on SSIh Ave. and Plnkney St, $5o0 to $S0O. T RAVER BROS., Doug. CtSfi. Silt First National Bauk. WKST Farnam building lots as low as 8395: $10 down, $5 per month; all ini provemenls. Dougla 6074. Sotllh. Bl'i OAKI'KN LOTS. $1.00 IIOWN, $1 00 A WKEK buys fine garden trai:t, 41x132; only two blotks from West Center car line and one .blor k lo paved street; high and slghtlv; hlaili soli; prices $295 nnd $;I40. THK BYRON REEK CO., 1",12 Farnam. Douglas 297. LOT 15, Block 8, Thomasen & Uooa Add. 32d and Valley fU. Web. S314. Miscellaneous. FCRHALK New (i-rooni bungalow, good location. K. M. " Morgan, 1S08 Sahler t. i'li'iim Colfax 3ti.i, REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. IN DUNDlJli NEIOHBOBHOOD. ' Am building en ettractlve 6-rooro, home, wlih built-in oak buffet, book cases, etc. The rooms ere good ilinl and house Is etrlctly modern; peved street: full lot; oak finish end floor: Just one block to cr t'en be bought for $5,250; $500 cssh end bslsnee on monthly panient. rbon llarnoy sous, evenings DUNDEE HOME OR INVESTMENT, $2,500 1 rooms, modern one block from caf. Full lot: easy terms. GLOVER & SPAIN, 919 City National. I'oug. $96!. THREE up-to-date medium priced resi dences, also some choice vacant lot. K, Nilsson. 4'.': .securities Hing. REAL ESTATE WANTED. BUNGALOWS WANTED. W have cash buyers for well located bungalow and residence worth the tnonev. For quick result list with us, O'NEIL'S R. K. & INS. AGENCY. .632-B Brandels Theater Bldg. Tcl. Tyler 1024. LIST jour bargain with us V waul homes. Investment and acreage. Phone Dougla 415. We will send our sales man for a personal Inspection. McCague Investment .Cik LIST-your property for sale with J B. Robinson fur quick sales. 443 Be Bldg. Phone Doug. 8097. FINANCIAL. Wanted. Private Money. SHOPF.N COMPANY. Doug. 4228. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. l' D. Wead, Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. Real Estate. Loans & Mortgages. CONVERT giat Installment loan on your IIOIIIO J IIU tb DtlOIRIII llt.Viai vBn. and avoid those monthly payments. E. II. I.OUOKK, INC. Ml Keeline Hldg. FARM LOANS Unlimited Tlmea-Amortl- zatlon plan If desired. No commission charged. A. 3. Love, Jr., 209 W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha. CITY AND FARM LOANS. 64 and per cent; loan for March 1, t per cent. Dumont & Co., Keeline Bd No Delay Closing Loan. W. X. GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg. Doug. 16.1J. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE KICAL ESTATE CO LOANS" ONClTY PROPERTY." " VV. H, Thomas & Son., Keeline ldg. WE BUY and sell Liberty Bonds Mack' Bond House. -14:1 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. ASHLAND, WYOMING OIL CO. hn pro ducing wells on three aide of their property. In Big Horn Basin, Wyoming; good producing wells, as close as 2i'0 feet of their line, stock now selling $1(1 per share. Fer full information, writ Ashland, Wyoming Oil Co., Ashland, Neb. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. THIRTY DOLLARS Our new home seekers round-trip rat to tha Mississippi river valley In soulli eflst Arkansas. This inelurles sleeper, note! bills, etc. "We want only men who are interested In buying land nnd :ite able to pay one-fourth cash. Hulamei long time at fi per cent. We will enow you land when cleared will produce hm Kood crops as any of Nebraska's best. Our prfre is 40 an acre. They are clear ing It for about $!' an acre. There is no rock and very little sand. It Is well drained and nearly level. If interested, prepare to leave Omaha With us Tues day evening, February 18, but you must let mo know In advance so proper r rangements can bo made, W. S. FRANK, 205 Neville Tllk. FEBRUARY lMh Our neit excursion to McGehee, Arlc. W. 8. FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLK. Canadian Lands. ALBERTA LANDS. Grain, Mixed Farming. Ranching. Any Acreage. Values Right. Easy Terms. Write us for what you want.; We have It. THIJRBER & CAMERON, 46 Canada Life Building, Calgary, AU berta. Colorado Lands LAND BARGAINS! MUST BE SOLD BY MARCH FIRST, 1919. The Production of This Will Pay for It in One Season. No. 1 ISO acres, loo, acres broke, fenced, good well and small Improve ments at $r.5 per acre. Carry S2.u') f .r five years at 7 per(cent; h'i miles fron 'county seat, Ns. ! 320 acres 2 miles from mar ket, 165 acres under cultivation: fair Improvements. This Is a real bargain at $55 per acre. Will carry $10,000 at 6 per cent for five years. No. S Excellent quarter, 45 acn broke, no Improvements;' four milia from market; Ji5 per acre; carry $2,0("i. No. 4 Another fine fluarter. raw; five mile from county seat; $6S par acre; carry $1,500. No. ( 480 acres, raw; has a good hedge post fence; five miles from county seat; school acros the road. A real bargain at $5T.60; currle $10,200. No. t A nicely Improved 820-acrs farm, 4 miles from county seat: 2'n acres under cultivation. Price $75 per acre; carries $7,000. Look up the record of Phillips county, Colorado, and you will readily under stand why these are rare bargains. Thev are put on the market at a sacrifice In order to clean up by March firs!. To land any of these bargains, wire uj at once. HOLYOKE LAND COMPANY, HOLYOKE, COLORADO. CHOICE Imp. or raw quarter, half sec, or larger, Lincoln Co., bargains; essy terms. J L. Maurer. Arriba. Colo. Kansas Lands. FOR SALE THE GOLDEN BELT WHEAT RANCH, THOMAS COUNTY, KANSAS. 1,280 ACRES. Located I mile Colby, counly aeii, Rork Island, Union Pacific railways, perfect trait of land, smooth, level, rich, productive, finely located, ur rounded by fine wheat farms, well tm proved, In one solid body, reliable tractor proposition; house, barn, silo, granary, sheds, corrals, wells, windmills, excellent water; 1.000 a. cultivation, 750 a. fine wheat, 200 a. barley, 400 s. wheat. 100 a. barley goe with al. Price $42.50 per a. Terms, per cent .interest. What you doln' down ther, Sal? Kelln de bar. I sees you, John, Siraddled all out, cross stove Pipe El Bow. MOSES T. BANTA, Beloit, Kan., and Colby, Kan. O-Acre home Southeastern Kansai1, well Improved; black land; will exchange for Omaha property, 8. 8 R. E. MONTGOMKBT. 213 City Nsfl Bank Bldg. Omaha. Nefc. FoR BALE All kinds ofTsrms In north east Kansas, fiend Tor printed Hv Silas D. Warner, J27S4 Caimnorciai Atchison, Kan, 1 1 J I M 1 M ? o 1