THE ONLY NEBRASKA PAPER WITH A ROTOGRAVURE PICTURE SECTION EACH SUNDAY j R I E F !. r T TT T THE WEATHER; Generally fair Tuesday; somewhat colder; Wednes day fair. ly REEZY , Hourly Ti'iii'rlirrai Jo Hour. lr(. Htmr. Omaha JO Dai Bee Ir. . . . ,3i .... , .. . . . .:! 10 .III .HI ;m S a. in. . . m.. 1 a. in.. a a. m.. a. m.. '.0 a. in.. II a. ni.. 13 tu. ii , I i. in. Xt ! i ii. ni.. t V S p. in.. 4 i. Hi,. 5 i. ni. . i. in. . T i. in., a p. in., BITS OF NEWS i i i ii MAY START CROSS ATLANTIC FLIGHT IN A WEEK OR TWO. Bayonne, N. J., Feb. 10. The first cross-Atlantic flight is to be tried in a week or so by Capt. Hugo Sund stedt, a Swedish aviator, providing the seaplane recently invented by liim and with which he is now ex ncrimenting, fulfills his expectations. I hts announcement was made to night by Captain Sundstedt who hopes to make the flight in 22 hours ittd w in a prize of $110,000. MAY HOLD CONVERSATION BY WIRELESS 12,000 MILES. New York, Feb 10. A person may he able to hold a wireless conversa tion over a distance of 12,000 miles as the result of an invention of an American engineer, Ernest F. W. Alcxanderson, of the General Elec tric company, according to a pdc diction made today by Dr. Lee De forest, wireless expert. The present radius of radio telephone conversa tion is 6,000 miles. STATE TROOPS ORDERED TO IRON MOUNTAIN, MICH. Iron Mountain, Mich., Feb. 10. A detachment of state troops has been ordered to Iron River where an out break of the American Anarchist so ciety was threatened. The organi zation has been in existence for years, but never became threatening until encouraged by the strikes on the coast and at Butte and by in "endiary talks by I. V. W. agents. The anarchists, are threatening to call a general strike and loot the town if their demands are not met. TELEGRAPHERS UNION ASKS DISMISSAL OF BURLESON. Washington, Feb. lO.-j-District council No. 24, Commercial Telegra phers union of America of Wash ington, yesterday adopted resolu tions asking President Wilson to dismiss Fostniaster General Burle son, In an open letter to the presi dent the council charges the teleg raphers' treatment has been "most extraordinary, outrageously unjust, unamerican and undemocratic," and asserts that more than 500,000 wir.e communication workers are "under the yoke of coercion." They protest against the appoint ment of Thodore N. Vail and espec ially against that of Newcomb Carl ton. ' MAY OPEN COFFEE HOUSES TO TAKE PLACE OF SALOONS New York, Feb. 10. Coffee hous es as a substitute for saloons -when prohibition goes into effect next July is a plan now being supported by a number of prominent ministers of New York. The coffee houses would take on an atmosphere of small working men's clubs, where groups of men could gather about tables and drink coffee or some other liquor substi tute while discussing topics of the day. The suggestion is advanced that the stores to be vacated by the saloons be taken over. ROCHESTER THREATENS TO CO ON BEER STRIKE. Rochester, N. Y., Feb. 10. This cily threatens to go dry tomorrow when beer at 10 cents a glass makes its appearance. General sentiment today was that a glass of the fav orite brew at that price is impossi ble. Brewers raised the wholesale price of beer to $4 t barrel last night and instructed the retailers to double the price to the customers tomor row. DAVID BELASCO TO BECOME MOVIE ACTOR FOR 2 DAYS., New York, Feb. 10. David Bel aco will become a movie actor for one two-reel feature. He will appear in "A Star Over Night," which will be one of the exhibits at a "carry on" benefit he announced tonight to be given in his theater February 23, the proceeds of which are to be de voted by the Stage Women's War Relief to the work of their debarka tion hospital No. S. Also appearing at the benefit will be a score or more of noted women stage luminaries, in-i eluding Hazel Dawn, Miss Julia Ar thur, Miss Frances Starr, Jane Cowl. Florence Reed, Marie Dress ier, George M. Cohan, William Col lier and otherl. LEMfIS LOVER MARRIED, GIRL KILLS HERSELF Miss " Mary' Alice Kennedy Blows Her Brains Out After Learning of Sweet heart's Marriage. Miss Mary Alice Kennedy. 19, killed herself at her home, 2518 G street. South Side, at 6:30 o'clock last night when her . 'sweetheart, Walter Moiers, 21,' 4208 South Twenty-sixth street, wrote her that (:e already was married. At a dance, which both young peo ple attended, Miss Kennedy was heard to complain of Moiers' friend ship with other women. It is under stood a quarrel followed between she two whcir'Moiers escorted the young woman home. Monday Mis Kennedy received a letter lor Moiers stating that he al ready was married. In the despond ent mood which the letter is thought to have caused, the young woman tnded her life by shooting. The bullet entered her brain. Mr. Moiers has not been arrested and no word had been received from hint by the police or the dead girl's familv at a late hour Mondav. Miss Kennedy has been employed j as a bookkeeper at the Union Pacific headquarters for a year. She is sur vived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William P. Kennedy, and two broth ers. Moiers is a timekeeper at' the Swisi plant on the South Side. VOL. 48. NO. 204. Suffrage EMGIN OF o ri r iffirr! UI1L V.UIL Women Leaders Issue State ments Criticising Action of Senate; Hitchcock Stays With the Opposition. Washington, Feb. 10. By a mar gin of one vote, equal suffrage met its fourth defeat today in the sen ate. No, further action at this ses sion is now possible but advocates announced that the now nearly half a century old campaign for submis sion of the Susan B. Anthony con stitutional amendment to the 'states would be renewed when the sixty si'xth congress convened. On the final roll call today, 55 senators oik less than the required two-thirds vote'd for adoption of the resolution and 29 senators cas't their ballots against it. Compara tively brief debate preceded the vote, which officially killed the resolution adopted by the house on January 10, 1918. by a vote of 274 to 136. Defeat of" the measure was witnessed by crowds of women in the gallerieh, but there were no demonstrations and dramatic incidents which have marked previous senate votes on the question were lacking. Up to the last ni omen t, managers of the reso lution expressed confidence of ss curing the one vote they needed, but the opposition held firm. Statements by leaders. Immediately after the vote was announced suffrage leaders issued statements, prepared in advance criticising the senate action and an nouncing that the fight would be re newed in the next congress. Sup porters of the resolution generally predicted that success wouia De atr tained then. 1 Twenty-four democrats and 31 re publicans voted for the resolution, while 18 democrats and 11 republic ans opposed it.' Of the senators ab sent and paired, eight were record ed in the affirmative and four in the negative, indicating that sentiment of the 96 members stood 63 to 33 in favor of the resolution. What Roll Call Shows. 1 The roll calls follows: Democrats Ashurst, Culberson, Gerry, Gore, Henderson, Johnson of South Dakota; Jones of New Mex ico: Kendrick, Kirby, Lewis, Mc Kellar, Myers, Nugent, Pittman. Pollock, Ransdell, Robinson, Shaf roth, Sheppard, Smith of Arizona, Thomas, Thompson, Vardaman and Walsh 24. Republicans Calder, Colt, Cum mins, Curtis. Fernald, France, Frel inghuysen, Gronna, Harding, John son of California; Jones of Wash ington; Kellogg, Kenyon, LaFol lette, Lenroot, McCumber, McNary, Nelson. New, Norris, Page, Poindex ter, Sherman, Smith of Michigan, Smoot, Spencer, Sterling, Suther land, Townsend, Warren and Wat son 31. Total for, SS. Voting against the resolution were: Democrats Bankhead, Beckman, Fletcher, Gay, Hardwick, Hitchcock Martin of Virginia; Overman, Pom erene, Saulsbury, Simmons, Smith of Georgia; Smith of South Carolina; Swanson, Trammel, Underwood, Williams and Wolcott 18. Republicans Baird, Borah.'Bran degee, Dillingham, Hale, Lodge, McLean, Moses, Penrose, Wads worth and Weeks 11. Total against. 29. The following were paired: Chamberlain of Oregon and Mar tiu of Kentucky, with Reed of Mis souri; Goff. of West Virginia, and Owen of Oklahoma, with Shields of Tennessee; Hollis of New Hamp shire, and King of Utah, with Knox of Pennsylvania, and Phelan of Cal ifornia and Fall of New Mexico, with Smith of Maryland. Because of the two-thirds required for adoption, two advocates of the resolution were paired against one opponent. Other Votes Taken. The senate voted on the Susan B. Anthony amendment in 1887, 16-senators being recorded for it and 34 against it. The next vote was in 1914. senators dividing 35 for and 34 against! On October 1, 1918, the vote was 54 to 30, or two less than the necessary majority. The one vote gained today was that of Semtator Pollock of South Caro lina, democrat, who spoke in vig orous support of the measure. Sen ator Pollock succeeded former Ccn Uor Bennett, who voted last Or. tober in opposition and will retire himself next mouth. In his address toda Mr. Pollock denied thi con tention that the amendment would affect white rule in the . declared that women had earned the right of suffrage by their work in the war. Slight Earthquake Felt in Southeastern Cuba Havana, Feb. 10. A slight earth quake shock was felt this morning at Santiago de Cuba, on the south eastern coast of the island. There are no reports of any damage having been caused J Entered wcM4-elu witlir May 28, 1 90S. it Om.hi P. 0. u.dir act at Mirclf 3. 1(71 Social Body of Woman's Club In Heated Discussion Calls for Apology From Rev. Leavens ;w Unitarian Pastor From Pulpit Attacked Stand Woman's Club . Took in Wilma Rice Case When Hearing Was Refused the Detention Home Inmate. Page Rev. Robert F. Leavens of the Unitarian church! The Omaha Woman's club political and social science ! department is after him! Its apology irom the reverend, gentleman who severely rebuked them at their last meeting two weeks ago. The dear ladies give him two weeks of grace in which to act. A few among them rather hoped the apology -would be forthcoming at the meeting held Monday afternoon in the Y. W. C. A. but some one explained Dr. Leavens had only re ceived notice Saturday morning that the Woman's club de partment expected such a thing from him and it was only fair to give him time until the next meeting to make some stand. Women Will Stay Watchful. So the members voted to wait two weeks that is, 10 women out of the 40 present did, on the second call to vote. The first time only three women voted to do anything about it. "Please take sonic stand, either for or against the action of your executive committee," requested the leader, Mrs. H. J. Bailey. In re sponse to this appeal 10 women stood. The rest declined to vote either way. "I don't believe you'll ever get an apology from Dr .Leavens, and I wouldn't want hiin to extend one," came ,back from Mrs. C. W. Hayes, former president of the Omaha Woman's club and the only one who voted against the action. "Get oyer these petty, personal fusses get into the spirit of good work. I am chagrined that you should take the time of this department for such a petty thing." Dr. Leavens put the thing where it belongs. I'm sorry you women GREAT STRIKE AT SEATTLE IS Gil OUGHT TO END Committee Passes Resolution Advising All Labor Unions to Return to Work; Members Thrown Into Confusion. Seattle, Wash., Feb. 10. Seattle's general strike, the first of its kind ever attempted in the United States, will end officially at noon tomorrow. Decision to call off the strike was reached at 1 o'clock today by the general strike committee, composed of delegates from all of the 130 locajs on strike, after a four-hour session. The committee meeting was adjourned after the decision was reached. The resolution by which the strike was declared off contained a state ment advising all labor union's which returned to work Sunday or today to go on strike again until tomorrow noon as a demonstration of the sol idarity of labor, so that all would return to work togetrysr. Members of the various unions were thrown' into confusion by thi s request and it was considered un certain whether it could be gen erally observed, due to the lack of time for calling meetings. Pass Resolutions. Following is the resolution by the general strike committee: "Whereas, This strike committee now assembles in the middle of the general understanding of the true understanding of the true status of the general strike; and, "Whereas, The executive commit tee is satisfied that, regardless of the ultimate action that the rank and file would take, the rank and file did stand pat and the stampede to return to work was not on the part of the rank and file, but rather on the part of their leaders. "However, be it understood that this committee does not question the honesty of any of the representatives of the general movement. "Therefore, be it, "Resolved, That the following ad tion become effective at once, Febru ary 10, 1919: Metal Workers Mum. "That this strike committee ad vises all affiliated unions that have taken action to return their men to work, that said unions shall again call their men to respond immedi atly to, the call of the rank and file 'until 12 noon, February 11, 1919, and to then declare this strike at a suc cessful determination, and if de velopments should then make it nec essary, that the strike be continued, that further action be referred to the rank and file exclusively." Officials of the metal trades coun cil,, 25,000 members of which still are on strike, refused to comment on the effect which the end of the sympathetic walkout would have on tjic status of their strike, beyond saying that jt "undoubtedly would have some bearing" on the shipyard workers' future movements. Theatrical managers were uncer tain whether they could commence business before tomorrow or not. It was stated that theaterical fede ration members, who voted last night to return to work, later re scinded their aetion and might not return until the general strike offi cially ends. OMAHA,. TUESDAY, n J members demand an abject Will Not Retract His Statements When notified by The Bee of the Social Science department's action the Rev. R. R Leavens authorized the following reply: "I shall reply to Mrs. Bailey's letter as courteously as I can within a ,few days. My reply will not indicate any change in position." cannot take it that way," she ex claimed in a voice of suppressed emotion. "I tell you frankly and truly, Dr. Leavens had no desire to offend you. He was thoroughly conscientious in what he said. Dr. Leavens has seen conditions in Omaha and know whereof he speaks. The trouble is to get oth er people to see how had they are." "Mrs. Hayes is speaking beside the point," interrupted Mrs. D. G. (Continued on Pag Two, Column Four.) HAD FOURTH BOY ACCUSED AS ONE OF AUTO GANG Police- Arrest W. J.: Hurst of Benson; Now Hold Quartet Charged With Whole- ' Sale Thefts. W. J. Hurst, 2727 North Sixtyj third street, suspected?' of being an accomplice of Hans Nelson, 3022 California street; Arthur Freeman, 2625 Caldwell street; and D. J. Dono hue, 1123 North Twenty-sixth street, was arrested Monday night by de tectives at his home in Benson. Hurst declines to speak of his ac tions with the three boys who were arrested for investigation in connec tion with;the theft of automobiles in Omaha and Sioux City. Nelson, Freeman and Donohue have confess ed to the theft of automobiles in Omaha and irt their confession named Hurst as a fourth member of' their ring. The youths', none of them yet 20, who apparently have been stealing care' in the boldest manner in Ne braska, Iowa and South Dakota for quite some time. Drove to Sioux City. According to the police, the 'boy's on January 14 stole a Dodge and a Buick car in Omaha and drove them to Sioux City, la., where they were disposed of through one of the numerous fences recently unearth ed there as working in conjunction with the police and insurance men. Owing to the fact that, the boys stole so many autos they are un able to remember where these cars were parked in Omaha. After disposing of the cars taken in Omaha, the boys went to'Elcas ter, S. D., where Donahue and the fourth member of the youthful band of auto bandits, not yet arrested by the polfce, stole a Mitchell automo bile belonging to Earl Harding, a farmer residing just outside of El caster. Breaks Down at Rosalie. Witli this oar they tried to reach Omaha, but broke down at Rosalie, where they left it in a garage for repairs. February 4 they stole a Stude baker car belonging to J. C. Mur phy, 2765 California street, and on their way to Sioux City, where they expected to dispose of their loot, the rear axle of the auto broke just as they reached the outskirts of Rosa lie. Towing the stolen auto into the town, the garage owner grew sus picious and notified the Omaha po lice, who arrested the youthful ban dits. Police officials believe that these boys, with the- aid of friends, were responsible for most of the many automobile ' thefts committed : in Omaha in .the last few weeks. China Must Work in Harmony at the Peace Conference London Feb. 10. Japan has noti fied China that China must work in harmony with Japan at the peace conference and must undertake not to reveal to the conference secret Chino-Japanese agreements accord ing to a Reuter dispatch from Pek ing, dated February 3. FEBRUARY 11, 1919. ? r hit J t.- i nii- E30TIVE III Police at Loss to Know Reason for Mysterious Killing of M. E. .Brink in Los Angeles. Los Angeles, Feb. 10. (Special Telegram.) M. E. Brink, rich resi dent of Homer, Neb., was instantly killed in his room at the Nebraska hotel, 704 East Fifth street, by a bullet fired from a revolver in the hands of E. G. Keyenchne, 37, who came to Los Angeles recently from Denver, Colo., where he is said to be a well-knnu'n hnsimc man The killing occurred early this morning when the proprietor of the hotel; R. A. Rustad, heard sev eral shots fired in Brink's room. ( Brink in Death Grip. Summoning other guests, he ran to the floor and saw Brink and Key enchne rolling in a death grip in the hallway. As Mr. Rustad reached the struggling men, Brink sudden ly released his hold and fell limp. Rustad and the guests then jump ed upon the alleged gunman and ad minister a severe beating, which closed both of his eyes, split his lip and tore both ears. When Police Sergeant Haellowel arrived, he had considerable difficulty in separating the men. Brink was rushed to the receiv ing hospital, where it was found that one of the bullets had pierced his heart. How he could have con tinued struggling after receiving a mortal wound is a puzzle to Dr. A. Zorb, who examined the body. Keyenchne was brought to the hospital later for medical treatment, but on arriving feigned deafness, re fusing to answer questions. Among his effects were found a 32-caliber revolver with three cambers empty, a flashlight and $50 in money. According to Rustad, the hotel pro prietor, Brink entered the hotel alone. No one can be found who saw Keyenchne enter. Believe Motive Revenge. It is believed the slayer went di rectly to Brink's room and there lay in wait for his victim. His motive is believed to have' been revenge and the police have begun a widespread investigation to determine if possible past relations of the two men. Left Year Ago. According to The Bee's core spondent at Emerson, Neb., Mr. Brink left Emerson about a year ago without telling where he was going. Mrs. Brink refused to give out any information regarding her husband's leaving. For many years Brink was the nigmV marshal of Emerson and pre viously was an employe of the Stand ard Oil Co. Some wealthy brothers of Mr. Brink reside on a farm near Ponca, Neb., and others not far from Homer. A son Millard Brink, 21, is em ployed by a construction company in a little town 50 miles north of Los Angeles. Millard Brink gave himself up in Omaha at the time the United States entered the war, after he had deserted the United States Coast artillery, with which he served in the Philippines. He was sentenced to serve a te.rm in the federal peni tentiary at Fort Leavenworth and was nardoned after 10 months. Since then he has been living in California. Save for the information from lhe Bee, Mrs. Bfink has no news or con firmation of , her husband's death. Brink was not a drinking man. Governor and "First Lady" to Be in Omaha Next Monday Gov. S. R. McKelvie and "the first lady of Nebraska," will make their first inint visit iii Omaha since the governor's election, next Monday, when they will be guest ot the Omaha Woman's club political and social science department at lunch eon at the Conant hotel. Atten dance is limited to 45 guests. After the luncheon at 2:30 p. m. the governor will address an open meeting of the Woman's club in the Y. W. CA. Nat Goodwin Left Estate of Six Thousand Dollars New York. Feb. 10. Nat Goodwin who died recently after a long and successful theatrical career, left .an estate of only $6,000, it was dis closed today .when letter of admin istration were applied for on behalf of the actor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel C. Goodwin of Roxbury, Mass. The comedian was interest ed in various mining and commercial enterprises. Pas3 Contract Appropriations. Washington, Feb. 10. The house bill providing for a reduction of $15,000,000,000 in war appropriations and contract authorizations, and make deficiency appropriations of $295,000,000 was passed today by the senate without a record vote, ft now goes to conference. By Mall (I year). Dally. 14,50: Sunday. 12.50: Dally and Sua., (9.M: eulilda Neb. agitata antra I mmm mi i h CITY DETECTIVE WHO IS DISMISSED. 1 h BENJAMIN DANBAUM SAYS GERMANY NOT CONTINUING TO DEMOBILIZE Think Troops Are Being Kept . on Pretext of Economic Ne cessity; Slow in Return ing Transports. London, Feb. 10. (British Ser vice.) British newspapers of all opinions are devoting serious atten tion to the attitude by the German government toward armistice condi' tions. The Daily News' Paris correspon dent sends aTlispatch from "author itative sources," in which he says his informant told him he had reason to believe Germany is not continuing to demobolize. "She has now concentrated more than 18 divisions under von Hin denburg on the western front," the correspondent says. "We also have the best reasons to believe Germany is keeping her troops under arms on pretext of economic necessity. Some military authorities think Germany has sought more material to : give necessary armament to 3,000,000 men. German demobilization is a condi tion to our demobilization and there fore disbandonment is impossible so long as Germany does not con tinue to demobilize. Time Has Arrived. Allied military authorities con sider the time has arrived for Ger many to give up her military strength that she be brought to such a condition she cannot resist the conditions of peace now being prepared. The allied theory always has been that we shall frame condi tions which Germany will have to accept, and that there is nothing to discuss except as regards details. "For this reason, Germany is try ing to keep up her military strength so that she can send a delegate to the peace congress for a thoroughly military discussion on the peace con ditions imposed. On this point the French national socialist party and its extreme left wing is strongly op posed to anything being done to save Germany from the consequenc es of defeat. In this . matter- the French government will be support ed by the entire nation." x Fdch Sees Danger. The correspondent says he has been informed by a, competent Brit ish authority that Marshal -,-Foch "made a declaration of a somewhat serious character at a meeting of the supreme war council." "He feels," this authority is quot ed as saying, "that the Gerrnans are beginning to forget they are beaten. They are apt to forget we are in a state of war. They have been slow in handing-over, transports, and we are demobilizing fast; they are not continuing to demobilize. ,Therc is danger of Germany saying, 'we do not care anything ab'out'yout league of nations and we have got our troops.' LTnless a change takes place, we might be faced with a situation in which Germany, as re gards the number of men in the field, will have three against the allies' two. "The question of -demobilization has been taken up by- the supreme war council. All the technical ad visers have certainly been in favor of taking what additional measures may be necessary to prevent anji danger to the allies or their posi tions or any danger, to their not -being able to dictate what peace terms they please." According to Marshal Foch's esti mate, the Germans are now capable of placing an army of 3,000,000 men in the field in two months' time. Edison Does High Kicking Stunts at 72 Years of Age New York, Feb.'' 10. Thomas A. Edison stretched an arm out in, front of him at right angles to, his body and kicked with each foot in , turn until his toes touched his finger tips. "Now I dare any one to say I am getting old," said the inventor who will be 72 years old tomorrow to men who had assembled here frdm all parts of the country to con gratulate him On his birthday. Mr. Edison said he never felt in better physical condition. Tomorrow he will be on his way to Florida for a six weeks' rest from ! war activities on behalf of the gov-: ernment. These have not been com-! flctcd, he said, i TWO CENTS. r 'iiin J COUNCIL VOTES TO DISMISS DETECTIVE , FROM POLICE FORCE i Commissioner Zimman in Heated Two and a Half-Hour Discussion Demands Complete Reorganization of Entire Police Department From Top to Bottom; Mayor Predicts Downfall of Council Reorganization of the entire police department from top to bottom was demanded by City Commissioner Zimman at the conclusion of the hearing of the charges of gross ne glect filed against Detective Danbaum before the city coun cil yesterday afternoon and which ended with a vote of the commission to dismiss the detective "for the good of the service." Commissioner Zimman's impassioned soeech was the signal for equally passionate missioner Ringer and Mayor Smith, who imputed motives of bad faith and self-interest to Mr. Zimman. The screaming oratory of these speeches was followetj by Attorney Ben Baker, who, before Mr. Zimman's surprise attack on the police department, thought his client, Detec tive Ben Danbaum, was sure of acquittal of the charge of gross neglect of duty, for which he was on trial. POLICE OF TWO STATES HUNT JIDNAPED G!RL Stepbrothers of Miss Sarah Hurst Take Her Away From Home of Mother in Omaha. Iowa and Nebraska police are searching for Miss Sarah Hurst, 16 years old, 2734 Burt street, who was kidnaped late Sunday afternoon by her two stepbrothers living in Des Moines. GeorRe Eniefy, Omaha policeman, stepbrother to Miss Hurst, went to Des Moines Monday afternoon in an effort to aid police there to find the kidnaped girl. The girl with hertwo abductors was last seen at 6 o'clock Sunday af ternoon at the Omaha Union Sta tion. It was first believed that they took the 6:10 p. m. train for Des Moines. Did Not Reach Des Moines. The kidnaping was1 due to do mestic fueds arising between the mother' of the girl, Mrs. John W. Hurst, who formerly was Mrs. Em ery, and the girl's stepbrothers liv ing in Des Moines, according to Po liceman Emery , Des Moines police failed to find the girl and her two stepbrothers on the train when it reached De Moines at midnight, Sunday. Ms. Hurst said that the two boys came to Omaha three days ago to visit the family. Sunday afternoon both boys took their sister for an automobile ride about the city. They failed to return to the home at 2734 Burt street. Ask Police Aid. The aid of Omaha police was sought and a description of the girj was sent to police of Iowa and Ne braska cities. Upon return informa tion from' Chief A. B. Day of Des Moines police, it was learned that the trio never reached that city and it is thought they stapped in some Iowa city. Mrs. John Hurst, mother of the girl, declines to speak of the affair, saying that "the boys merely wanted to kidnap the girl to have her live with them for awhile." At an early hour this morning no further information had been heard about the trio. 1 Nebraska Anti-Baker Resolution Brought Before the Congress Washington Bureau, Omaha Bee, Washington, D. C, Feb. 10. Rep resentative Sloan called, attention of the house this afternoon to the res olutions recently passed by the Ne braska legislature condemnatory of the action of Secretary Baker i lib erating a number of pacifists,, who had been confined in the Leaven worth penitentiary, clothing them and giving them the pay they would be entitled to, had they served with the colors. He asked that the res olutions be printed in tJie Congres sional Record. This request was granted. All the members of the Nebraska delegation have received copies of the resolutions, which are strongly denunciatory of the secretary of war's - action in the matter of the Leavenworth conscientious object ors. Army Appropriation Bill. Washington, Feb. 10. A tempor ary military establishment of 28, 579 officers and 509,909 enlisted men. is provided for in the annual army appropriation bill reported to the house today by the military com mittee. The measure carries a total of $1,117,289,400. The committee said an army'of the size recommend ed would be necessary "during the period of demobilization." .. .80 . . .as .. u counter - assaults by Police Com Two and Half Hours. . The Hearing occupied two and " half hours and the speeches and counter speeches on conditions in the police department took more than an hour. When order had been restored to some degree a vote was finally tak en on the case of Danbaum, and this vote was as weird as the rest of the late afternoon proceedings. Mayor Smith, acting as presiding judge, called for a vote on the guilt of Danhatiin on the charges named in the complaint. Ringer, Towl, Ure and Smith voted guilty. Then on a vote whether or not to dismiss Danbaum, Ringer, Ure and Smith voted to dismiss; Zimman, Butler, Falconer and Towl voted not to dismiss. Towl Changes Vote. An attempt was then made to postpone further action for a week. This did not prevail. Finally Com missioner Ringer offered a resolu tion t.iat Danbaum be dismissed "for the good of the service," and this passed. Ringer, Towl, Smith and Ure voting for it. This action is said by "Attorney Baker and friends of Danbaum to be illegal and tlufc' promise that the city council will hear further from them before they are through.- Interesting though the Daiibaun. case was, it was overshadowed by the Zimman-Ringcr-Smith explosion at its conclusion. ' Little Evidence Brought Out. But little evidence had been brought out to prove Danbaum guilty of "neglect of duty" in failing to arrest Meyer Greenberg for the theft of an automobile belonging to George Richardson on November 11. In fact, Detectives Van Deu sen, Anderson and Rich all testified that it is frequently advisable to let one man go for a time if by so do ing the real thief can be caught. "Any of the council want to say anything?" Mayor Smith asked al the end of the hearing. Commis sioner Zimman arose and two miif utes later the commissioners knew that the council's skeleton had been taken from the closet and was being rattled in public. Complete Reorganization. "The time has come when there is-a loud call for a complete reor ganization of the police depart ment," said Mr. Zimman. "For a long time I have known that this would be necessary. There is ab solute lack of co-operation in the department. Men work at cross purposes. They have come to dis like and to distrust each other in many cases, and this extends also to the higher-ups. In running a po lice department it is necessary to use some common sense and sound judgment. Here is this boy, Green berg, who was held at the police station for 22 hours and no bond was allowed. That is only a sam ple of how wretchedly things are going in the police department. Just today a summons was sent to thL boy at the high school, carried up there and served by two police men in uniform in front of 500 chip dren. That was poor judgment. Talks of More Discharges. "It may be necessary to dischargt some of the men and - also to re move some of their superiors. Anr I believe that now is the time to dc it." . Commissioner Ringer was on hit feet as soon as Mr. Zimman sat down. f "I know that Mr. Zimman has felt for a long time as he has just now talked," he said. "And I am read to come to a showdown, to fight1 j" out to a finish right now and here The one question is whether the police department shall be run froir the city hall or from the private de tective office of Charles W. Pip kin, or some other place. Run From Budweiser Saloon. "It used to be run from the Bud weiser saloon and we went into the campaign last spring and told the people we were going to give the forces of decency a chance to clean up the police department. Now give us a chance. I intend to go ahead with this fight and I don't care who" is against me. .We can't clean thing up in a day. ' "The evidence here ,hows that an Omaha police detective took this hoy, Greenburg, into the office of K'ontlmiFd on Vmst 'tho, I vlumn j;-