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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1919)
THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6. 1919. AUTOMOBILES. BARGAINS IN L'sEO CAR 3. McCaffrey Motor Co., IStn and Jackson, Ford Agents. D. 1800. i. XPERT Repairing Guaranteed service. SSRVICM GAHAUH!. Hth n4 Leavenworth. Doug. 7000. WE ARE THR 1KI CAR MEN. 1'RAWVER AOTO CO., t16 Fmam. ' Harney 414. QUALITY USED CAE& VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO, iHI FARNAM SMITH 1-Tou Form-A-Truck with body and cab. 1978 Leavenworth St. FORD delivery truck, In fin ordr7T360. 1726 Plnkney St Phon Wthitur 74g. Tires and Supplies. V?E WILL, SHIP, subject to xmintlon, upon racelpt o( $1 deposit, our guaran teed plain tread, rebuilt tlra at th fol lowing vary low prices: 1"1 t 7.25 lx $12.TS 10x1 t oo Mil U .25 i:xiii ia. uxt ii5o 1x4 1 1 TO 16x4 16.10 12x4 11.85 16x414 15.40 Express charge prepaid when casta aneompanlea order. STANDARD TIRE CO., 410 No. lth St. TIRE3 ONE-HA1F PRICE. GUARANTEED 1,00a MILES, 10x t 7 60,8013 f HI 33x1 10.16S2x 11. It 12x4 Il.i0l4x4 11.00 Wa furnish the old tire. Agent wanted. 1 IN 1 VULCANIZING COMPANT, 1110 Davenport Street. WE do casing and tuba repairing. We guarantee our work. New and aecond tire. URBAN TIRH VULCANIZING CO.. 5321 Harney St. Phone Dougla 1411. NEW TIRES ON SALE. Firestone, Congress. Lea Pullman, Flak. Writ for prices. Mention lte. KATMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 8010 FARNAM. REDUCED RATE. 11 CENTS PER MILS. Rant a Ford. Drive yourself. Ford Livery Co., 1814 Howard Bt. Dougla 3622. OA IN mora mile: bava your Urea re treaded by O. A O. Tiro Co. 1416 Leavenworth. Tyler 1S61-W. FORD 1 1 ttht delivery, food running or der; will aell cheap. 11. 6786. Repairing and Pointing:. RADIATORS Wraoked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt; large stock used radlatora. New Ford honeycomb radlatora OMAHA RADIATOR TIRE WORKS. 1811 Cuming. 1064 Farnam. EXPERT radiators, fendera anil auto bodies; repairing at reasonable prlcea. Prompt attention liven to garage work. , ship your radiator direct to us. NEBRASKA SERVICE GARAGB. Doug. 7390. i 118 S. 19th Bt CENTRAL garage repair dept., night and day service. If in trouble call us. Tyler 114. All work guaranteed. F. P. Barnum Co., 1121 Cura'.m:. D 1044. High grade Anthmoblla Painting. Motorcycles and Bicycles. liARLEY-DAVIDSON VOTOHC.YCLES. Rooa. the Motorcycle - Man, 17th and Leavenworth POULTRY AND PET STOCK. FOR BALE Pedigreed Belgian , hares. Two does bred, four unbred; 1 males. Very reasonable. Too many on hand. Call Benon 739 J. FOR SALE Mandy Lea inoubator and brooder Practically naw. Used only once. Call South PF.T female coyote f v sale. Web. (131 8621 North 15th P Horses Live StockVehicles. For Sale. MORENO GREAT OFFERING OF BIG TYPE DUROCS BELLING IN PAVILION AT AUBURN. NEB WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, i 10 HEAD 10. 10 head An offering that merit the attention of all good braedera and farmer. Ther will ba 10 tried sows, 10 fall yearlings and the balance spring gilts. They comprise the blood of the rI8TTTRBER3, SENSATIONS, GOLD EN MODELS and others of equal not. Thee well grown Individuals ere mated to KING PATHFINDER by the noted Pathfinder, KINO IDLEWILD by th great boar. Disturber of Idlewlld r a son of Oreat Sensation, a boar that I bought at the Dee sal last sea son, i Bveryrhlrs Vaa been vaccinated, and this' offering Is en of th best that will sell this season. Writ for eatalogu at one. T. P. Moren, Johnson, Neb. 60 HEAD Duroc Bred Sow Sale 60 HEAD At th Farm f Larne A Smoyer. It 1 located 1 miles northwest of Loretto, 4 mite aouth of Petersburg and 10 mile northwest of Albion. FEBRUARY 11. 1919. Ther ara 2D tried sows, IS fall gilts and IS spring gilts. These are sired by Crltl B Again, Crimson Model, Wan dering Boy by Critlo Wonder, Critic's Protection, Grand Model 8th and other leading strains. Thea sows will be bred to Wandering Boy, Second Sensa tion, Critlo B Again and Supreme Orion. . W ar selling 1 of our Futurity lit ter that won first at the Stat Fair last fall; they also won first, second and third In th Futurity lngrlea and first, econd and fourth In th open class. They aleo won first for under six month litter.. Com to this sal and buy som of thl fin ihow stock. Writ for cata log to BARNES & SMOYER, LORETTO, NEB. B. Z. RUSSELL, Auctioneer. ., FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN, 1 REGISTERED STALLIONS. ONE BLACK. ONE GREY. ". EACH J YEARS OLD. Fach weighing 1,000 pounds. GUS HADWIGER, Columbus, Neh. Route 6. Telephon Duncan f-11?l. HARNESS, "sADDLl.tT and TRAVELING GOODS. . W make them ourselve and sell them direct to consumer. Why pay two profi'e for Inferior goods when you can at hifh prarte good at Jlrst cost? ALFRED CORNISH & CO., Phn. Doug. 14. l-'IO Farn.m. 7-'R SALE A Che 'mnnlh Oil 91 :'- 1Vlute -hog, I f.,x. ,',r;.3 AX" wt J va.i BRINGING UP P. HEAR "YOO-BUT I JIV "YOUR ) ILL RKHT ' WELL. YOO ARP kl I AND XOO'LL J DON'T INTEND TO FRIEND D1NTY THERE -MAlE.' t OPWm). M0T ET fcACK ;TUF-THAT-t VHY MOORE l? ON ' jj r f ( J a IN THAT ROOM- J I LOCKED f- g THE PHONE- Y . - 1 iJ"" TV I ' -rs-O vN. zzz U !v f ! ir. fvw) i v-iV" hao thb nerve If. m 'ji Horses Live Stock Vehicles. DUROC-JERSEY BRED SOWS . To be Bold in comfortable quarter at Osceola, Neb., Thursday, February 1ST nrHEAD go In this sale. Including r) nearly all the tried lows, herd boars, fall and spring gilts, I am reducing the herd to 4 or S sows and am selling many that I would not part with otherwise. Among th sires represented ar Golden Model Again, Dusty Crimson Again, King Cherry King by Brookwater Cherry and out of Jack's Jane by Jack's Friend. I bought this boar of Prof. Mum ford, Ann Arbor, Mich., at a long price, and he I not only a richly bred animal but a great Individual and breeder, fj p His Kilts are outstanding. Proud r) Cherry Wonder Is also represented. Writ for catalog at one to G. E. SAMUELSON, Osceola, Neb. A. W. THOMPSON, Auctioneer. R. A. McCARTNRY, Fleldman, Journal Stockman. MONEY TO LOAN. Organised by th Business Men ef Omaha FURNITURE, pianos and notes as aecut. tty, 140. mo., H. goods, total, 11.60 PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 411 Security Bldg., 16th & Farnam. Ty. 060 LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY AND ill 07 LIBERTY BONDS. OCT KlV2 1 W. C. FLATAU, EST. 1891." 0 6TH FLR. SECURITY BLDG., TY. ISO. Lowest rate. Private loan booths. Harry Maleabock. 1614 Todge, D. 6619. Est. 181 DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. LOW rale without delay. C. G. CARLBERG, 112 Brandfls Theater Pldg. Iimmlm New Xork Coffee, New York, Feb. 6. Th market for eoffe futures showed renewed flrmnee today on further covering and a moder ate demand from trad sources. Buyers were lnfuenced by the continued flrmneea of Braxil, and while there ha recently been an Increase In the amount of coffee afloat for thl country, bull claim th stock In th Interior have been drawn down to comparatively small proportions and ar predicting an tncreased demand tor consumption. The opening was 1 point higher and active months sold IS to 80 points above last night's closing during th day, with May touching 14.80c and December 13.81c. Th close was 10 to 28 point net higher; May, 14.75c; Jiily, 14.38c; September, 14.06c; October, IS. 95c; December, 13.78c; January, 13.70o. Spot, firm; Rio, No. 7, lSc; Saiftos 4s, 2 Hie. Firm offers In the cost and freight market Included Santos 4s at 10.25o to 20.75c, London credits. The official cables reported an advance of SO reiivat Rio. Santos spot were 100 rels higher' and futures 100 to 126 rels higher. Rio cleared 21,000 bags for New Orleans and Santos 233,000 for New York. Braxtllan port receipts. 1,000 bags. Dry Goods. ' New York, IJeb. S. Cotton goods and yarn today were generally quiet. Dress goods wer priced for fall aeaaon. Knit goods were quiet and silks lower. Print clothe declined H cent a yard. Linseed. Duluth, Minn., Feb. S. Linseed, 12.21 7 DAYS DOnE in which to buy Lone Star Oil at th low price of S CENTS A SHARE thru this office, for at P. M. Saturday, February 8th, we expect that Lone Star Oil will advance to 10 cent a share. Company has 10 producing wells sell ing its oil showing nearly 150,000 in 9 months. Now drilling Well No. 11. Company . now holds 1GS acres in Humble Oil Field of Texas and has paid 14 dividends in one year. Pleas bear in mind you have until 6 P. M. Saturday, February 8th, to buy Lone Star Oil at 5 CENTS A SHARE. Bet ter get your order in now. Make checks, money orders payable to Unlisted Securities Exchange Member Denver Con. Stock Exchange 15 Exchange St.. Boston. Free Map and Photograph Burkburnett, Texas. Showing world's wonder oil field, sent absolutely free upon request. Ask for it today. Brown-Worth Oil Co. No. 1015", Main St. Ft. Worth, Tex. A Wide Field For Investment In buying securities it is best to take a broad view of the investment field. Such a view is afforded by our monthly bond circulars, which present a list of from fifty to seventy-five issues of high-grade bonds and short-term notes. . Our February offering t wilt bt furniskrd ufon rtqutst far OB-203. The National City Company Correspondent 0 frees in, J5 Ciltf - Omaha 1133 First NatT Bk Telephons Tyler 2732 111 FATHER Market and Industrial News of LIVE STOCK Omaha, Neb., Feb. S. Receipts were Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday .... S.486 20,700 6,159 Official Tuesday 6,09 20.079 6,404 Estimate Wednesday. 6,000 3.300 10.000 Three days this week.15,685 44,071 20,663 Same last week 24,368 62,646 ' 21,389 Same two wks. ago. 27,638 82.567 25,895 Same three wks. ago. 31,426 59,773 27,801 Same year ago 27,600 54,929 30,248 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, Omaha, N'eb., for 24 hours ending at 3 o'clock p. nv, February S, 1919: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C, M. A St. V 18 7 1 Missouri Pacific .... S 1 ' 2 Union Pacific 42 . . 12 C. & N. W., east 20 2 C. A N. W.. west.... 40 1 C. St. P.. M. ft O 17 .. 2 C B. & Q., east 1,1 1 3 ('.. B. ft Q., west,... 23 18 13 C, R. I. ft P., east.. 12 .. 4 C. R. I. ft P., west... 1 .. 2 Illinois Central 7 1 Chicago Great West.. 11 Total receipts. ...201 32 ' 13 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morrl ft Co 672 704 Stwift ft Co 1,260 1,101 2.953 Cudahy Packing Co... 328 1.847 2.K36 Armour ft Co 1,108 1,684 1,522 Schwarta ft Co 876 .... 3. W. Murphy 611 ..... Lincoln Packing Co.... 11 .... .... So. Omaha Packing Co. 2 .... .... St Clair Packing Co.. 42 Hlggin Packing Co.... 18 Hoffman Bros 9 .... John Roth ft Sons.,,. 17 Mayerowlch ft Vail 2 Glassberg 7 P. O'Dea 9 Wilson 222 W. B. Van Sant ft Co.. 8 .... .... F. P. Lewis.... 216 Huntztnger ft Oliver.. 11 J. B. Root ft Co 64 .... .... J. H. Bulla 118 R. M. Burreea ft Co.... 45 Rosenstock Bros 270 .... .... F. O. Kellogg 89 Wrthelmer & Degan.. 130 .... .... Ellis ft Co 2 .... .... Sullivan Bros 45 A Rothschild 68 Mo., Kan. C. ft C. Ce. 12 E. G. Christie 30 .... . .... Banner Bros... 60 .... .... John Harvey 163 ...i .... Jensen ft Lundgren.... 5 .... .... Dennis Francis SI Cheek ft Krebs 6 .... .... Midwest Packing Co.. 10 .... .... Omaha Packing Co.... 4 .... .... Other buyer 1.184 .... 1.002 I Totals 6,641 6,118 11,107 Cattle Early estimate called for an other light run of 6,000 head of cattle er 110 car. Th market for beef steers was strong with outside buyer , filling good orders. Best corn fed sold up to 117. ko 17.66; medium lots from 116.60 16.60. There wa an active demand for all kinds of fat yearlings at strong prices, best kinds ranging from f t4.00il5.50; medium lots from 112.50 18.76. Although packers were not active on the early market on butcher stock trader and outsiders bouRht freely at stronger prices and packers got In later In th day, at prices some better than yes terday. Feeders wer strong for all de slrabl kinds. Quotations oh cattle: Good to choice beeves, S16.60(g!18.00; fair to good beeves. 114.6016.60; common to fair beeves, H2.75fji.14. 25; good to choice yearlings, H. 50(415. 00; fair to good yearlings, 112.0013.76; common to fair yearlings, 8.6011.75: good to choice heifers, 110 50 13.00; prim cows, 111.50)12.76; good to choice cows, 19. 60 11. SO; fair to good cows, 17.759.80; common to fair cows. 16.508.00; choir to prime feeders, 113.76 $16.00; god to choice feeders, 112.00 18.76; medium to good feeder, 110.60$ 12.00; good to choice stockers, 110.00 12.00; fair to good atockers, 18.50gil0.00; common to fair stockers,, 17.508.50; stock heifers, 16 60 8.60 : stock cows, 16.25 7.50; stock calves, 17. 00 10.00; veal calves, 17.003)11.76; bulls, stag etc., 18.00 010.60. Hog Receipt today wer very light amounted to 1.300 'head, with a carry ever of nearly 1,000 made about 6,000 on sale. The market was active and buyers were out early and most' of the supplies changed hands by 1 o'clock and price again' stay ing close to the minimum although good hogs sold better than yesterday and hogs weighing 200 and 226 pounds reached bet ter prices. The market wa generally steady to 10c higher with the bulk at 116.86 jf 17.14, and tops at 117.40. Sheep There were 43 loads of sheep scheduled to arrive today, estimated at 10,000 head. The quality of fat lambs on the whole wa probably th best It ha been In two weeks and buyer showed their appreciation for these lambs by early ac tivity. Th most of the lambs selling from 116.2516.60, with a top of 116.65, gen erally considered fully 1025o higher than Jilllllllllllllll!IMIllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIII!ll!ll!lllllllll!l.l f ' m 1 Rock Island f a - ! 6$ Secured I ? i j Notes 1922 C 98H I LIBERTY BONDS AND W. S. STAMPS BOUGHT FOR CASH. Highest prices paid. Check mailed immediately on receipt of bonds or W. S. S. Reference. Nassau Na tional Bank of Brooklyn. EQUITABLE BOND COMPANY, 153 Ramsan Street, Brooklyn. N. Y. ' LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING' Notlc I hereby given that th regular annual meeting of the Stockholder of the South Platte Land Company will b held at the offlc of said Company Room 701, First National Bank Building. Lincoln Ne braska, at 11 o'clock A. M .'on the Fifth day of March A. V . 1919. C. H. Morrill, President: W. W. Turner. Secretary and1 Treasurer. f-feH-ju, 1 Copyright. 1IT, Intrnntiontt. News 8rv1c. Short Term Notes Quotation through th National City company. First National Bank building, Omaha: Bid. Asked. Am. Tol ft Tel. Co. 6s. (1126). 103 102 Amer. Tobacco 7s (19SD....102H 102'i Am. Tobacco 7s (1932) 103ft 103?, Am. Tobacco 7s (1923) 104 104i Arm. ft Co. con. D. 6s (l!ll9),100Vi 1004k Arm. ft Co. con. 6s (1920).. .100 100 Arm ft Co. con. D. 6s (1923).100V 10Hi Arm. ft Co. con. 6s (1924). 10034 ton, Beth. Steel Co. 7s (1919) 100 101 Beth. Steel Co. 7s ( J 922) . . . . I00i 101U Beth. Steel Co. 7s (1923) 101 11114, British 6 Vis (1919) 100 100 'i British Siss (1921) !'S-,4 Central Argentine C. 6s (1927) 87 X9 C. B. ft Q., Joint, 4s (1921) 9i UG Chi. ft West. Ind. 6s (1119).. 97 ft City of Paris 6s (1921).... 99H; 100 Cudahy Pack. Co. 7s (1923) 102-, 102? Delaware ft Hudson 6s (1920). S 99 H Fee. Farm Loan 44a (1937). .100 W Fed. Farm Loan 5s (1838) . .102 K'3H General Electric 6s (1919) .. .100 100 Interboro R. T. 7s (1920) .. 88 89 Liggett ft Myers 6s (1921) .10014 100 Timken Det. Axle 7s (1920). .100 161 Union Pacific 6s (1938) 104 105 U. S. Liberty 3s 98.98 99.04 U. S. Liberty 2d 4s 92.88 93.00 U. S. Liberty 2nd 4s 92.88 93.00 U. S. Liberty 1st 4VtS 95.36 96.50 U. S. Liberty 2d 4Vis 94.26 94.36 U. S. Liberty 3d 4tts 95.16 95.28 U. 8. Liberty 4th 4 94.06 94.14 yesterday. Sheep were generally steady to 16o higher, ewes topping at 110.66. Quotations on sheep: ' Lambs, good to choice, 116.0016.35; lambs, fair to good, 15.7516.00; lamb feeders, 113.0015.50; yearlings, good to choice, fl 2.00 12.50; yearlings, fair to good, 19.00.60; year lings, feeders, 19.6010.00; wethers, fat, 10.00i12 26; wether feeders, 18.5010.65; ewes, good to choice, 19.5010.60; ewes, fair to good, 18.009.50; ewe feeders, 16.00 St 8. 90. Chicago Live Mock. Chicago. Feb. 6v Cattle Receipts, 7,000 head; beef and butcher cattle, strong to 15o higher; canners, steady; calves and feeders, 25o higher; beef cat tle, good, choice and prime, 116:75(5)20.25; common and medium, S10.66jjl6.76; butcher stock, cows and heifers, 17.10 14.85; canner and cutters. 16.0O7.1O; stockers and feeders, good, choice and fancy, 111.00Q)14.60; Inferior, common and medium, $.S5U.00; veal calves, good to choice, 114.60 16.00. Hogs Receipts, 87.000 head; marftet opened strong to 10 cents higher; eaiy top, $18.00; closed weak, mostly 10 eetue lower on butcher grades; bulkof sales, 117.40 17.90; butchers, 17.65iS17.Sc; light. $16.7517.70; packing. $14.60 17.60; throwouts, 116.00e16.60; pigs, good to choice, $14.0016.60. Shep and Lambs Receipts, 1.000 head; lamb and yearling, mostly 25c higher; sheep and feeders, strong; lambs, cholc and prime, $17.1017.25; medium and good, 115.6017.10; culls, 112.50(3) 14.60; wes, choice and prime, 110.754j) 11.00; medium and good, 19.6010.75; culls, $5.2568.00. St. Louis Live Stock. Bt. Louis, Mo., Feb. 6. Cattle Re ceipts, 4,400 head; market steady; native beef steers, $11.6018.60; yearling steers and heifers, $9.6016.00; cows, 17.50) 12.50; stockers and feeders, !8.6012.00; fair to prime southern beef steers, $10.00 gl8.00; beef cows and heifers, 17.60 15.00; canner and cutters, $7.J68.00; natlv calves, $7.76 13.76. Hogs Receipts, 15,700 head; market lower; lights, $17.0017.60; pigs, 112.60 16.50; mixed and butchers, 117.25j17.80; good heavy, $17.65(817.0; bulk of sales, $17.3017.75. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 800 head; market steady; lambs, $16.00(916.60; ewes, $8. 50(8)10. 50; canners and choppers, 95.00 9.00. Kanaa City Live Stock. Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 5. Cattle Re ceipts, 0,000 head; market steady prime teed steers, 1S 0020.00: dressed beef steers, 112.00(g18.00; western steers, $12 0017.00; southern, steers, nominally $7.0013.00i cows, $7.0014.00; heifers, $8.00014.50. Hogs Receipt, 18,000 head; market steady; bulk of sales, $1700SH7.40; heavy. $17,36417.65; packers nd butchers. 117.25917.50; lights, $16.90$17.25; pigs, $12.0016.00. 1 Sheep and Lambs Receipt. 6,000 head; market steady: lambs, $15.60S)16.60; year lings, $10.00i814.60; wethers, $9.00 12.25: ewes. J'.OOrB 10.50; stockers and feeders, $8.0016.00. Sioux City Live Stock. ' Sioux City, la., Feb. 6. Cattle Re ceipts, S.OOO head; market strong; beef steers, J9.0016.60: fat cows Mil heifers. $7.0012.50; canners, $5.606.75; stock ers and feeders, $s 0014.60; feeding cow and heifers, $6.00 8.75. Hogs Receipt?, 13,000 head; market steady: light, $16.7517.00; mixed, $16.00 17.10: heavy, $17.0017.25; bulk of sales, 116.954tl7.15. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,000 head; market strong. ' St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph, Mo., Feb. 5. Cattle Re ceipts. 3.000; market strong; steers. $12.00 18.00; cows and heifers, $5.75015.60 calves. 16.O013.00. . Hogs Receipts, 10,000; top, 117.60; bulk, 116.8517.15. ) Sheep Receipts, 4,000; strong; lambs, $14.0016.75; ewes, l!.00g'l.75. Omaha Hay Market. . Receipt on both pralrl hay and al falfa, heavy; demand, fair to good; market, steady, with no change In prlcea Choice upland prairie hay.. 125.00 No. 1 upland prairie hay.... 23.00 0 24.00 No. 1 upland prairie hay.... 19.00 21.00 No. 1 upland prairie hay.... 14.00 17.00 No. 1 midland pratrle hay.'. 13.00 O 24,00 No. 2 midland pralrl hay.. li.OO 20.00 No. 1 lowland prairie hay.. 17.00 0 19.00 No. 1 lowland prairie hay.. 14.00 16.00 No. 3 lowland prairie hay.. 10.00 O 12.00 Cholc alfalfa 10.00 No. 1 alfalfa 28.00 0 29.00 Standard alfalfa 26.00 0 27.06 No. 1 alfalfa 13.00 0 24.00 No. 1 alfalfa 10.00 0 21.00 Oat straw 13.00 0 14.00 Wheat straw 12.00 0 13.0C Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga., Feb. 1. Turpentine, firm, 66c; sales, none; receipts, 13 bble.; shipments, 41 bbls.; stock, 30,616 bbls. Rosin Inactive; sales, none; receipt, 142 bbls.; shipment. SOS bbla; stock, 78.048 bbls. . Quote B, 113.10; ID, E, 113,16; F, 113.20: G, 113.25; H, 113.30: I, $18.65; K. UllS; M. 116.26; N. WO, 116.10; WW, $16.75. Evaporated Apple and Dried Fruit. New York, Feb.' 6. Evaporated Apples Firm. Prunes Few her. -, Apricots Scarce. Peaches Practically exhausted. Raisins Firm. ' New Tork Cotton. New York, Feb. 5. Cotton Closed at approximately the lowest of the day, al though the tone was steady, net un changed to Si point lower, Drawn GRAIN MARKET Omaha, February 5, 1919. Grain arrivals today were light, with 26 cars of wheat, 88 cars of corn, 21 cars of oats. 1 cars of rye and 1 cars of bar ley. Corn, oats, rye and barley were lower. Corn prices dropped from 2 to 1 cents, with the bulk 6 to 8 cents off. Chi cago corn future prices slumped approxi mately 8 to 6 cents, up to late trading, from yesterday's close, which was the main factor In the break In the cash mar ket here. Oats were 1 to 1 cents off, the bulk going at a' decline of 1 '4 cents. Rye dropped 13 cents. Chicago rye fu tures were off 7 to 10 cents, which was said to be due to the withdrawal of the government from the market. Barley was 1 to 2 cents lower. Only a few cars of wheat were eold, which were mainly of the lower grades. Mills were not In the market and 'very little Interest was shown by any buyers. ' OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Week Year Receipts Today. Ago. Ago. Wheat 25 36 19 Corn 3,1 64 N 15 Oats 11 49 32 Rye 9 15 3 Barley 9 17 4 Shipments Wheat 43 34 30 Corn 91 89 109 Oat 43 60 21 Rye 2 Barley 11 26 RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS Wheat Corn Oat Chicago 161 50 26 St. Louis 21 sg 40 Minneapolis 21 Duluth 10 Winnipeg m Corn No. 1 white, 1 car. tl.25 No. 4 white, 1 cars, 11.23: No. 4 yellow, 1 car, M.25; 1 car, 11.14; 6 cars, 11.22; cars, 81 90? 1 rn, tt IB. H, C , $1.11; 1 car, $1.20; 1 car, 11.19; 1 car, 11.18; iio. i nil xca, x car,; No. 0 mixed, 1 car, $1.18; 1 car, $1.15; No. 6 mixed, 1 car, $1.15; sample mixed. 1 car. $1.12. Oats No. 1 white, 1 car, 67 c (shippers weights); 1 car, 57c (shippers weights); 12 cars, 66o; No. 4 white, 2 cars, 56c; 1 car, 66 o; ampls white, 1 car, 65c. Rye No. 1, 1, car, $L22; No. 4, car. $1.15. 'Barley No. 1, 1 ear, 16c; No. 4, 3 cars, 82c. Wheat No. 1 hard, 1 car, 13.18; (smut ty); No. 1 northern spring, car, 11.05 (smutty); No. 6 soft white, 1 car, 15.02 (mixed smutty): No. 1 mixed, 1 car, 12.18; Dated March 1, Interest payable March 1 and September 1, in New York and Chicago. Redeemable in whole or in part at the option pf the Company at 101 and accrued interest upon sixty (60) days' ' published notice. Coupon notes in denominations of $1,000 each, which may be reg istered as to principal or exchanged for fully registered notes,, which will fee available in denominations of $1,000, $5,000 anli $10,000 ' CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK, CHICAGO, TRUSTEE. K These Notes PRICE All statements herein ara official, or based on Information which we regard as reliable, and while wa do not guarantee them they ar the data, upon which we have acted in th purchase of this security. Continental and Commercial Halsey, Stuart & Co., he. Trust and Savings Bank Chicago New York Chicago for The Bee by the Day No. 1 mixed, 1 car, 11.95 (smutty); No. 5 mixed, S-S car, $2.00; 1 car, $1.90 (smut ty); sample mixed, 1 car, $1.85. Chicago Grain and Provisions. Chicago, Feb. 6. Heavy selling of corn resulted today from shrinkage of de. mand from feeders and owing to en larged rural offerings. The market closed unsettled, 2 to 34,0 net lower, with May $1.13 to $1.14 and July $1.10 to $1.10. Oats finished lc to lc off. and provisions down 22c to 10c. Sentiment regarding corn became al most unanimously bearish, and there were but few traders who showed a disposition to accumulate holdings even at the sharp declines which were registered. As feed ing demand has of lale been the main stay of the bulls, evidence that buying had unmistakably waned at centers where feeders had recently been most Im portunate led to general pressure, especial ly from commission houses with eastern connections. Signs pointed aso to a heavier movement of the crop than has been the rulo of late, and weather con ditions for such a purpose were said to be Ideal. On the other hand, rallies due to a shipping lockout at Buenos Aires and to gossip that seaboard exporters were buying here did not attain much force. Provisions reflected the weakness of grain. On the breaks, however, packers and foreigners were said to have bought. Cash Quotations. Corn No. 8 yellow, nominal; No. 4 yel low, $1.1601.28; No. S yellow. $1,220 1.16. Oals No. 3 white, 6557c; stan dard. S70Ste. Rye No. 2, $1.3001.35. Barley 81 Hi 97c. Timothy $7.0010.00. Clover Nominal. Pork Nominal. Lard $22.06. Ribs $21.602J.51V Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan & Bryan, slock and grain brokers, 315 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Art. Open. High. Low. Close. Yesfy. Corn Mar. 1.2214 1.52'4 1.1814 1.19 1.23 May 1.17 1.17 1.12 1.14 1.17 July 1.13 1.11 1.09 1.10 1.11 Oat Mar. .66 .66 .64 .65 .56 May .67 .57 .54 .55 .6714 July .54 .54 .62 .53 .65 Pork May 37.20 37.10 36.50 36.50 37.40 Lard. May 22.25 22.25 21.87 21.15 22.25 July 21.82 21.90 21.50 21.67 21.96 Rib ' Mayl (20.40 120.45 (20.10 (20.17 20.40 $25,000,000 Southern Railway Company Three-Year 6 Secured Gold Notes 1919 Total authorized From a letter to us from Fairfax Harrison, Esq.,' President of the Southern Railway Com pany, we summarize the security of this issue as follows: These notes will be a direct obligation of the Southern Railway Company and are to be secured by deposit with the Continental and Commercial Trust and Savings Bank, Chi cago, as Trustee, of $43,500,000 par value Southern Railway Company Development and General Mortgage 4 bonds,' which are secured by a general mortgage on practically the entire property of the Company. The proceeds of this note issue will be applied toward the retirement of the $25,000, 000 Two-year 5 Gold Notes maturing March 2, 1919, and secured by the same collat eral, which will be pledged for this issue. In the ten and one-half years ended December 31, 1917, the surplus earnings of the Southern Railway Company over all charges for interest and rentals, aggregated $66,364,517.91. During this period the Company distributed $10,800,000 in cash divi dends, the remaining $55,564,517.91 being devoted to the improvement of the property and to strengthening the Company's financial position. - Under Federal control during the calendar year 1918, the railway operating income as reported by the United States Railroad Administration was $29,291,869.72. The basic standard return to the company under the Federal Control Act is $18,728,536.63, subject to the company's pending claims for allowances in excess of this figure. Other corporate income for last year is estimated at $2,200,000. After providing for estimated fixed charges and war taxes for the year 1918, aggregating $15,200,000, the company also re tired equipment trust obligations amounting to $3,296,999. t Under private ownership for five and a half years ended December 31, 1917, the bal ance after payment of all interest charges and rentals averaged $7,851,480.62. For the year ended December 31, 1917, the balance after payment of all interest charges and rentals amounted to $14,037,415. are Offered if, wlien, and as 'ssued, Strictly Subject to Prior Sale and Advance in Price 834 AND INTEREST, YIELDING SLIGHTLY OVER 6V4 George McManus Minneapolis Uraln. Minneapolis, Feb. 6. Barley 81092c. Rye No. 2, $1.4101.42. , Bran 112.00. Corn $1.2801.10. Oats 64 056c. Flax $3.24 01.26 c. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, ' Feb. 6. Corn February, $1.26; March, 21.24; May, $1.19; July, 11.16. St. Lout Grain. St. Louis, Feb. S. Corn March, $1.24; May. $1.18. Oats March, 66 c; May, 66 c. New York General. New York, Feb. 5. Wheat Siiot, steady; No. 2 red, $2.34, track. New York. Corn Spot, weak: No. 1 yellow and No. 1 white, $1.47, cost and freight. New York. Oats Spot, weak; stamlsrd, 661ic. Hay Week; No: 1, $1.36gil.40; No. 2, It. 2001.30; No. 8, $1.05(8)1.15. Lard Weak; midwest, $22.50022 60. Chicago rhoduce. Chicago, Feb. 5. Butler Unsettled; creamery. 38046c. i 88c; at mark, cases Included, 37039c. Potatoes Higher; receipts, ' 84 cars Wlsronaln, Michigan and Minnesota, bulk, $1.6U(I1.65; do, sucks, $1.6570c. Poultry Alive, higher; fowls, 29c; springs, 27c. EEgs Higher; receipts, 6.389 cases; firsts, 39039c; ordinary firsts, 170 New York Prooure. New York. Feb. 5. Butter Firmer; creamery higher than Extras, 4906Oc; creamery extras, 49c; firsts, 45048c. Eggs Firmer; fresh gathered extras, 44(s'45c; fresh gathered -regular packed extra firsts. 43 fa 44c; do, first. 42043c. Cheese Market weak; state current make, specials, 9O031c; do average run, 10c. New York Metals. New York, Feb. 6. Copper, Iron and lead, unchanged. Spelter Dull; East St. Louis delivery, spot, offered at 16.40; February, 16.30.. At London Spot copper, 186; electro lytic, (105; tin, 245; spelter, spot, 48. Liberty Bonds. New York, Feb. 6. The final prices on Liberty bonds today were: 8s, 89.00; first convertible 4s, 93.02; second 4s, 92.90; first convertible 41Js, 95.36; second convertible 44s, 94.30; third 414s, 95.12: fourth 4s, 94.10. Kansas City Produce. Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 6. Butter One cent higher; creamery, 42c; firsts, 40c; seconds, 38c; packing, 28c. Kggs Two cents higher; firsts, 37c. Poultry Unchanged. New York Sugar, New York, Feb. 6. Sugar Raw. un changed. issue $25,000,000 FINANCIAL New Tork, Feb. 8. Coppers wer lhj Issue around which today's dull and lr regular securities market revolved, Ameri can SmslUng uutklng a groa decline cC 6 point on announcement of a re ductlon In the quarterly dividend front I to 1 per crnt. This action of the smelting director) occasioned some surprise, although It had long been reported that ths com pany' earning were running clos to. If not under, the former rates of dlntiibu tion en common shares. Kindred stocks wer hevy, evidently In the belief that returns to hareholdt-r are likely to suffer similar revision, to gether with the widely recognised fact that prevailing condition In the mctnl Industry ar uncertain, at bort In the main, however, the market teemed disposed to throw off some of lu recent heaviness and short covering wh again Impelled In such leadors s Lnlt.'l States . Steel, shippings, tobaccos. dl tilling, food and utility Issues, at ex treme gains of 1 to 3 points. Oil snd motor offered belter ri tanc to pressure and rail wer firm when at all traded tn. hut ths usual shad ing of quoted value ensued towards thr close, General Motor moving counter t the general trend at an advance of al most 1 points. A firmer tone ruled for time and ca! funds, the latter rising to S per cent it the final hour and probably contributing to the realising movement of that period New maximums were scored by French municipal Issues. but domestic bonds. Including the Liberty group, eased. Total sales, par value, aggregated $14,850,000 Old United States coupon and register"' 4s gained per cent on call. Number of sales and quotations on lend lug stocks: Closing Sales. High. Low, Bid. Am. Beet Sugar. 400 6 68 68 American Can .. 600 47 48 47 Am. Car & F'dry 600 8 88 80 Am. Locomotive ..... 60 Am. Smelt ft Ref. (0.600 69 63 SS Am. T. ft T 1.700 106 in joo Anaconda Copper 5,800 68 57 f.S, Atchison 300 ! 9 AO&W1SSL 300 7 7 7 Baltimore ft Ohio 600 46 46 46 B. ft S. Capper. . 300 17 17 17'j t'al. Petroleum .. 1.4U0 14 23 23'. Canadian Pacific 5 Central Leather., 600 68 68 t- Chee. ft Ohio.... 206 55 66 5 C, M. & St. P.... 900 37 'i 37 37 C, R. I. & P. ctfs , 300 23 21U 23 Chlno Copper ... 1 800 12 83 3,1, Colo Fuel ft Iron 35 (-j Corn Prod. Ref.. 4,400 48 47 47 ', Crucible Klocl ... 800 Sa 63 8.1 Cuba Cane Sugar 4.300 12 21 UK DlHtlller's Sec... 3.900 S4 63 4 Erie lii- (Inneral Electric 48 (leneral Motors 10,200 112 128 131 lit. Northern pfd 200 12 92 92', Gt. N. . ctfs... 2.900 38 37 37. Illinois Central 98 Inspiration Cop.. 5.100 44', 43 4:1H Int., M. M. pfd... 9.300 7 95 87 Int. Nickel 1,400 S 85 36 Int. Papor 11,500 17 35 xV K. C, 8 ., , 17', Kennecott Copper 7,800 32 31 321, Louisville ft Naah 300 115 114 115'.. Maxwell Motors.. 600 11 14 31 31 ', Mex. Petroleum.. 10.000 168 K,6 167 Miami Copper.... 200 12 25 22 Mo. Pacific 800 14 24 24 Montana Power 71 Nevada Copper.. 500 17 18 16 N. Y. Central 1 600 73 73 72 N Y N H'ft H.. 300 18 28 28 Norfolk & West.. 200 105 105 105 Northern Pacific 200 11 91 91 Pennsylvania ... 1.600 44 44 44 Pittsburgh Coal .. 45 Ray Con. Copper. 2,400 10 20 20'i Heading 3.400 79 79 79 Rep. Iron ft Steel 200 73 73 73'. Xhat. Ariz. Cop 11 Southern Pacific. 4,600 19 98 98 Southern Railway 700 18 26 .26 Studebaker Corp 6.300 61 60 50 Texas Co 1,700 189 188 188 Union Pacific 800 128 127 128 U. S. Ind. Alcohol 102 U. S. Steel 65,000 0 89 90 U. 8. Steel pfd... 200 114 114 I14 Utah Copper 1,000 8 68 68 Western Union 87 VV'estln'ouse Elec 800 42 41 42 Beth B 2,800 60 f.4 83 1 London Money. London. Feb. 6. Money and discount- unchanged. Due March 1, 1922