Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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Charles Wilson Endeavors to
Obtain Release of Mate,
Whom He is Willing
to Forgive.
Charles Wilson returned from
.Military service to find his young
wife, l'earl, serving a 30-day sen
tence in the county jail on a charge
af vagrancy.
The husband is endeavoring to ob
tain the release of his wife whom he
s willing to forgive.
Mrs. Vilson does not believe that
the ends of justice are being serv.d
by keeping her in Slierift Clark's
boarding house for 30 days. She
was arrested on Monday night of
last wek at her rooms, northeast
corner of Twentieth and Dodge
streets. She stated tha a detective
named Brink-man, accompanied by
another detective, called at her
apartments ostensibly in quest of a
"big blonde." They told her they
were also after Hoy Slack and Carl
Rose, but she affirms that they were
only bluffing in their reference to
the men.
"They dil find anole on my table.
It was a message from Harry Saun
ders, a soldier friend of mine who
was going to take me to supper
that night," she added.
Mrs. Wilson further declared that
the wife of a city detective had
threatened to shoot her.
Two Woman Lecturers
Will Address Omaha
Audiences Today
Two woman lecturers will be
heard in Omaha today. Miss Anna
Ryan of New York, a member of the
first Smith colleg reconstruction
unit which worked in devastated
France, will speak at the University
club at noo!!. Dr. Stella Ruben
stein of the University of Paris, lec
tures before the Fine Arts society in
the Fontenelle ballroom at J:30
The University club lifts its ban
against woman speakers for the
third time in its history, in permit
ting Miss Ryan to speak at one of
its luncheons. Women will be ad
mitted in the main dining room. A
sister of Dr. Robert Leavens, pas
tor of the Unitarian church, Miss
Alice Leavens of Boston, was with
Miss Ryan in the Smith unit.
Dr. Ruhenstein, who is a French
woman, is a lecturer on medical art.
Her talk "Devastated Cathedrals of
Northern France," will be illustrated
with lantern slides made recently
under the direction of the high
French commission.
No other tale can compart with this it is making new Bargain His
tory in Omaha. Every article hat been reduced in price; cost and profit
absolutely disregarded to effect a quick closing out. Come tomorrow.
Kertey Tibbett,
fabric trim,
li MM,
tc, &pm no
price V 0
ow. . , I -
Velour, Plush, Kertey,
Melton, Fur Collar
Coatt, Fur
me d J
Fine Velour, Pluth, Bu
rette, Pom-
P o m Fur
trim mod
elt, tale pr.
Taffeta, Serge,
etc., all col-
ore and
styles, tome
(lightly toil
ed, tale price
Velour, Velvet,
Georgette and
d Chine,
party and
ttreet ttylet,
tale price. .
New tpring modelt in
Velour, Jertcy, Serge,
Taffeta, Satin, etc..
and beaded,
tale price
Beaverette, Fur Collar,
Velour Silvertone,
Broadcloth, Silk Pluth,
full lined,
fur and fur,
fabric trim,
tale price
Georgette, Satin, Ve
lour, Serge, Velvet, new
tpring ttylet, embroid
ered, beaded, etc., nar
row tkirtt, tnug should
ert, all tizet, dresses
for every
o ccation,- gy. nr
tale price I OaiJ
i. !
Serge, Velourt, Poplin.
About 32 in the lot,
mottly large
tiset, but
tome tmal
aizet. .
Ik i
$7 Silk Wsish
Georgette and Crepe
de Chine
Waists., All
a i x e a, and
light and
dark colort.
$3.50 SKIRTS
Serge and Poplin
Skirtt, navy and black,
t m a 1 1 and
large tizes,
all new
ttylet . .
Serge Drettet for Chil
dren, ages 6 to 14
years, in
.navy and
wine. Special
111 South 16th St Opposite Kayden's
Auxiliary Remount Depot No. 329, Camp Travis,
San Antonio, Texas.
An additional 1450 Horses and Mules
. To Be Sold to the Highest Bidder at 8:30 A. M. on
February 12 to 14, Inclusive.
754 Cavalry Horses x
350 Artillery Draft Hcrses(l,200 to 1,500 lbs.)
350 Draft Mules
The Government reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Cash
or certified checks necessary at time of sale.
Stock will be allowed to remain at Depot 24 hours after sale.
A halter will be furnished with each animal.
Arrangement can be made for shipping animals from the Depot.
The above named animals are serviceable in every respect, but are
considered as SURPLUS in time of peace, and orders have been received
from the War Department to dispose of them.
Transportation will be furnished from Travis Park, southwest corner,
and from the end of the Alamo Heights car line to sale.
For additional information address
A. R. D. 329,
Camp Travis, Texas.
South Side
Would Tap Largest Hog Rais
ing Section of Iowa;
Stock Exchange to
Consider Project.
A project tor the construction of
a ferry line which will cross the
Missouri river at the foot of Mis
souri avenue, was presented to A.
F. Stryker, secretary of the Stock
exchange, by Edward Townsend,
who is at the Howard hotel.
Mr. Townsend, an experienced
ferry operator, proposes to con
struct a "cable ferry." which he says
is of the most practical type. He is
ready to begin work at once, and
promises that his ferry line will be
in operation in a short time.
It is pointed out that over 25 miles
in the transporation of live stock
to the South Side market will be
cut off by the proposed ferry line.
Crossing the river at Missouri av
enue, the line taps one of the great
est hog raising regions in the state
of Iowa. Stock from this section is
now brought to the South Side mar
ket by way of the Douglas street
bridge, a most roundabout route.
"We are awake to the possibilities
of the project," declared Mr. Stryk
er, "and it will be submitted to the
executive committee of the ex
change. I can't help but think, how
ever, of our last ferry project a
number of years ago. Almost every
one who was connected with the ex
change had shares in it. We even
bought a boat and were ready for
action. Due to . natural obstacles,
however, it proved a failure. The
last we saw of our ferry line the
boat was floating down the river
in the general direction of the Gulf
of Mexico."
Mr. Stryker calls attention to the
Missouri avenue hill, which is a
steep grade. The street is unpaved,
and is said to be unpractical for
heavy hauling during at least nine
months of the year. This is thought
to be one of the main obstacles to
the project.
Farmer is Killed by
Son Accidentally as
They Clean the Guns
John Janecek, living on a farm
near LaPlatte, was accidentally shot
and killed by his 11-year-old son,
Charles, Monday afternoon. The
father and son were preparing to
go hunting and were sitting in the
kitchen preparing their guns' when
the accident happened.
Charles was toying with a revol
ver which he says he did not know
was loaded and it was discharged.
The bullet lodged in his father's
'everybodys store
oj) (C
For Wednesday we feature a
cnnrinl gala of larcre size Cali
fornia Redland Navel Oranees.
Thin skin and very juicy at
3c each.
Burcesi-Nuh Co. Downatair Stars
iS :
For Constipation
Carter's Little
Liver Pills
will set you right
over night
Purely Vegetable
Small PHI, Small Dot Small Price
Carter's Iron Pills
Will restore color to tha facet of
tboM who lack Iron In tfaa Mood,
at most pale-faced people do.
back just above the hips and he died
a half hour later. He was sitting in
a chair when shot. The shooting
took place about 2 o'clock.
Mr. Janecek is survived by a wid
ow, Agnes: four sons, John, James,
Joseph and Charles, and three
daughters, Rose, Agnes and Emily.
Funeral services will he held in
the Korisco chapel Wednesday af
ternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment will
be held in the Laurel Hill cemetery.
South Side Brevities
Washing machine for sale. South 3-82.
Coal. South Omaha Delivery. Phone
South 99.
The first story hour of the season will
be held at tho South Side library nut
Tuppriay afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mini
Ki. oj Ulilia will tell the atorlea.
We wish to extend our thanks to our
friends and relatives for the contribution
of flowers and kindness shown to us In
the hour of our grrat sorrow. G. W.
Moahee and Daughters.
We have buyers for Improved three to
five-acre tracts; also customers for 4, fi
and 6 -room homes. If you have anything
ariHwering this description call or come
and see us. Jos. F. Murphy, 4811 South
Twenty-fourth street, Phone, South 71.
Wanted, homes, homes, homes. List
your property with Kratky 14 rot her.
4K23 South Twenty-fourth. We have a
demand for homes located between A
and X streets.
An Old Wish Gratified.
Coblenz, Monday, Feb. 3. (By
Associated Press.) A limited num
ber of olTicers and enlisted men of
the army of occupation will be giv
en an opportunity to visit Berlin by
the inauguration soon of a daily
courier service between this city
and the capital.
Brie) City News
Royal Swwpert, Burgm-Qrandon Co.
lluve Root Print It Beacon Tress.
J. C. Travis announces the re
opening of his law offices at Suite
f23 Bee Building. I'hone Douglas
Relatives Opposed to Karli .Other
W. J. Connell and Herbert Con
nell, uncle and nephew, are opposing
attorneys in Judge Estelle's court,
where a street car. damage suit is
being heard.
Held for Scllliijr "Coke" Lulu
Graham, 309 North Thirteenth
street, was charged with selling co
caine and morphine, and Elmer
Graham, her husband, with aiding
and abetting her.
Charged with Bringing In Mquor
Information was filed against
Lewis K. Welch for bringing liquor
from Council Bluffs and against
Ignatz Bordco for violation of the
Reed amendment.
Montbrlnml Files Bankrupt Peti
tion Almond A. Montbriund of
Omaha has tiled a petition to take
advantage of the bankruptcy law In
the federal court. Mr. Montbrland
gave his liabilities as $27,669.64 and
his assets as $255.
Kelly Back from Kansas City
C S. Kelly, chief clerk of the rail
way mail service, returned Monday
frem a trip of Inspection to Kansas
City. Mr. Kelly went to compare
the various terminals of Kansas City
and vicinity with those- of Omaha
and territory.
Program for Hoosevelt Memorial
Charles P. Nolen has designed the
program which the Medlar Printing
company Is producing for the Roose
velt memorial Sunday afternoon at
the Auditorium. An eight-page
booklet, containing a photograph of
Mr. Koosevelt, together with a short
resume of his life, is tho form that
the program takes.
Charles Black Leaves for
Trip to Eastern Markets
Charles K. Black of the Pease
Black company left last night for
Chicago, New York and other east
ern markets on an extensive buying
Due to the war and the govern
ment restrictions imposed upon
clothing manufacturers the Pease
Black company has been unable to
carry into effect many plans in re
gard to men's clothing. With the
advent of peace some novel depar
tures are to be made by this com
pany in the buying, handling and
selling men's apparel. Mr. Black's
departure on a buying tour repre
sents the first step In carrying these
plans into effect.
Mr. Black intends to make large
purchases in the eastern markets.
Only the best and most up-to-date
apparel will be bought and handled
by this rapidly growing Omaha firm.
Omahans to Attend Meet of
Hotel Men at St. Paul
Harry Keen of the Keen hotel,
and vice president of thhc North
western Hotel Men's association,
and I. A. Medlar, the association's
secretary, have gone to St. Paul to
attend a meeting of the executive
committee. At this meeting the time
of the annual convention of the or
ganization is to be fixed.
Prevention Today
Protection Tomorrow
If you keep your digestive sys
tem free from food-waste, it will
keep your blood free from the dan
gerous poisons which it absorbs from
food-waste fermentation which
goes on while you are constipated.
If your blood is free from poisons it
will protect you from colds and the
dreadful after-effects, Influent
and Pneumonia.
When you call a doctor, his first
question is: "How are your bow
els?" Clogged bowels, he knows,
are the cause of nearly all sickness.
He knows the value of a thoro cath
artic, such as SAL1NOS, a cathartic
which will completely empty the di
gestive tract, including the lower
bowel where most poisons are
SALINOS is a new, really pleas
ant tasting salts which is fully ef
fective in cold water. Get a bottle
from your druggist for a Quarter
(larger sizes Fifty cents and a Dol
lar). Be safe! Get it today. Use
iLlglgllS-iPgrnjng. Adv.
Read the Bee Want Ad Pages
toaay lor tne Dest bargains.
A Wardrobe
Isn't bought like a hat or a
collar one will last a lifetime
if you buy the reliable kind
and it must embody comfort
and convenience along with its
good looks and strength.
A look here will convince you
that we handle the best pieces
of travel merchandise ever
sold in Omnha. See our line
before you buy.
1209 Farnara St. Doug. 480.
. . . IS
219 S. Nth St.
My Spring Line now ready
Order Early to Insure
Prompt Delivery
Tuesday, February 4, 1919-
-Phone Doug. 2100
Ground -Hog's
And we know the edict
of the calendar
Spring Is Coming.
How delightful it is,
when everybodyisgetting
tired of winter, to come
and find that the new
spring things are already
appearing, here and
there, throughout the
A bit of dainty neck
wear charming n e w
spring blouses the veils
that are quite different
new skirts, cut after the
latest slim lines and the
new millinery, earliest
models, you know.
Then, it is so interest
ing to take frequent looks
among the new dres3
goods and silks, the new
cottons, and laces and
How much finer and
fresher they look now,
before they are really ex
pected and before any
body has yet worn them.
We invite you to come
in and make yourself at
home look around en
joy the new things,
whether you are ready to
buy or not we'll appre
ciate your visit just the
Travel and School
Information Service
Supplies complete and defi
nite information about travel
to all winter resorts. With of
fices in Florida, New Orleans,
and California, Mr. Foster is
fully informed about condi
tions. Full information about
No fees.
Burgesa-Naah Co.
Main Floor. Balcony
Have You Availed Yourself
Of the Sphndid Advantages of
mm 1 w mm
Li Mil
fill m i J
II avlor
A Time When We Take Occasion to Introduce the New Styles
For Spring and Summer in Dresses of This Make
U IN A TAYLOR" dresses are "practical enough for a picnic, pretty enough for a party." Yes, and you'll sav
same once you've known these fascinating frocks. For they areso smart and stylish that you feel
they re becoming, and so "roomy" and comfortable that there's never the slightest restraint.
And then, no matter how soiled, you
know they'll wash and do up nice as new.
"Mina Taylor" dresses are made in such a variety of models that you can have them for your eviry activity
from the more substantial little dresses for sweeping and house cleaning, to the dainty, frilly frocks so appropriate
for afternoon or street wear. Come and select vour "Mina Tavlor."
v v
f iky
V w v: ,; :
pirr O &
m Ml Cur
As an Introductory Feature We Offer a Special Selection of
TVT ADE of a superior quality of Amoskeag gingham, in a wide "variety of plaid
iJ- combinations; newest spring and summer styles and colorings. Dresses that
are most desirable for porch, out-of-doors, and house wear, at a price that repre
sents but a fraction of the real worth, $3.95.
Sizes for women, 34 to 46. Sizes for misses, 14 to 20-
Burgws-Nuh Co. Second Floor.
Columbia Medallions Free
Medallions That Wear
Like Old Friendship
Copied from Your
OWN Pictures
This is fair warning. If you
let this chance co bv vou will
have missed the opportunity
to secure one of these inde
structible copies. Mother
grows older every .day, but
ner new photograph hits her
to a "T." nnn'r uroif until
mother's picture has become broken or soiled. Bring it
in as early as possible and let us make a Columbia Me
dallion from same FREE, with every ten dollars' worth
of merchandise purchased here. You can have several
pictures copied if you wish.
Columbia Medallioni Arm Mounted on Enameled Metal
Specially Prepared and Will Laat for All Time.
Burge-Nath Co. DowntUir Store.
Size tVixi'i
A Sale of Notions to Acquaint You
With The New Location of This Section
WE'VE moved the Notion Department to the South Aisle at the Elevators, be
lieving it will prove advantageous to you. No comparative prices are quoted,
but shrewd shoppers will readily recognize the great savings offered by these low
Crochet cotton, "Silkine,"
mercerized, white and colors.
Ball, 7c.
Nickel-plated safety pins,
assorted sizes, dozen, 4c.
Stickerie edging, assorted
colors, 4-yard bolts, 9c.
Liberty red trimming but
tons, dozen, 10c.
Dress shields, guaranteed
quality, regular shape, No. 2
and 3 sizes. Pair, 19c and 33e.
Washable elastic, 4 and
-inch sizes, pink and blue.
Yard, 9c
Thimbles, triple plated, as
sorted, each, lc.
3-cord white sewing cot
ton, 28c dozen ; spool, 2te.
Dress, suit and coat buttons,
large assortment to choose
from. Wonderful values, card,
. White bias tape, assorted
sizes, 5-yard pieces, 5c.
Gold-plated imported safety
pins, assorted sizes, dozen,
7 He
Triple-plated sharp pins, 300
count, package, 3 He.
Adjustable k i r t gauges
eacn. isc.
Pearl buttons, Oriental quali
ty, card, Sc.
BurgMi-Nh Co. Main Floor South At Elevator'
Children's garters,
top, assorted, pair, 10c.
Dress belting, good quuli
ty, white or black, 2, 2V
or 3-inch. Yard. 10c.
Mercerized corset laces,
yards, white or pink, 128c.
Steel scissors. nickel-
lated, small, medium,
rpe. Special, 19c.
Bonnie B. slip-on veils. Each,
7 He.
Tape measures, nickel
plated, reel style, each, 19c.
Heavy tan, shoe laces.
Pair, 5c.