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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1919)
THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, 'FEBRUARY 5. 1919. 11 AUTOMOBILES. BRINGING UP FATHER Drawn for The Bee by George McManus Soldiers Claims for Pay to Be Settled Speedily Washington, Feb. 4. Thousands of claims for additional pay by dis charged soldiers whose records were complete at the time they were mustered ont may be settled speedi ly by the War department under a ruling; today by the comptroller ol the treasury to the effect that these claims are to be readjusted without passing through the usual compli cated auditing channels. The direc tor of finance of the War depart ment was authorized to adjust the claims when a construction of the law is not involved and the soldier's right is clearly defined. Copyright, 1917, ,, International New Service. For Sale. CENTRAL GARAGE TYLER 714 TYLER 714 INELLO-CUSNCT-YOU LOOK AN(?" I AM "YOUR WIFE. TOLD MY WIFE THAT I WUZ. A BONE 2-v HEAD' r DIDN'T YOOR. ; WIFE KNpw IT? W '" v; ILL NOT STAND AND I'M 0N R14HT OVER. fO "YOU NMtFE for SDN CALLED A ONE HEAD OVER, TO MR CLANCY'S AN" DEMAND HEfX TO HOUtEi: USED CAR MARKET - THE RIGHT PLACE TO BUT A CAR. 1 Bulck six roadster. food one. 1 Bulck four touring C 25, a real' bar gain. 1 Kord I.Han with ufna 7 Lee punctureproof tint. At a very . r i 1 DEMAND WELL U HER? J sir: 1 V J I " II- ' imMtr- I I I 14 M " tarv head I . JOfj c ". IY1 "b I js iuw price. 1 Fnrd sedan. 1817 model. A np. 1 Kord roadster, 1917, A food buy. 1 Ford touring. 1917. 1 Frnklln louring, 1811 model, at about half price, t 19U Image touring. 1 Kord town car, Just a good new. I Uudibaker eoven-passenger. 1S17 niod.-l. 1 Little Plx Palgo touring. Fine shape. -New lis Maxwell at a greatly raduocd price and many other bargalm. COME IN AND L)OK THESE OVER BEFORE YOU BUY. 1318 HARNEY ST. and 313 S. 14TH ST. PHOTOPLAYS LOTHROP Today and Thursday H. B. WARNER in 'COD'S MAN THE AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 1912-1446 FARNAM ST. See us at our new location; 70 cars to look over. We carry the stock and make the price. NEW LOCATION 1912-14-16 FARNAM ST. MIOtKS AUTO cck Used cara bought, told and exqhmfed W buy for cash and sell on time. Full line to select from. Middle State Oarage J02J-1 fc'arnam HL Dougle 4101. MEBK3 AUTO CO OXB 1814 Ford touring car for sale. Price, 1255. Mrs. John Wrede. Car can be eoon at- Holmes-Adklns Co. 4911-17 8n. 24th St., Ford Agency. Phone South 4;o. $100 for ny "'af'to wa inn't repair: aleo patentee and ole mfg. of the new Affinity spark plug. 0. BATSDORFER. :in North lsth St. SPKCIAI, Hodge roadBteu, new tlrn 1475; 15 Dodge touring. A-.P condition,' 460; 7IIB Overland roadeter, $1ft0. Come quick Trawver Auto Co., 18,1(1 Frnm. HKAUQUARTERS for gasoline and oil pumpe of all kinds, tanks, air stands. etc. Phone Douglas 1SS6. Laubaeh. " nranaeis mtiir , umsha OLOtiB VAN AND STORAGE CO.. will tore your auto. Rates for Ford care. , M a nionth; large cars, 8ia month Iouglae UU. liSED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICE8. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO., 30Zn Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. HAVE on hand both new and second-hand cars; good shot) and garave; wish to s'-ll business and rent garuge. Boa 416, Sidney, Neb. AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; service station for Rayfleld carburetors and Columbls sforaire batteries Kdwerds . WANTED FOR tPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS: quick actl. ' . no delay. Auto Exchange Co. Sd"'' ' imam St. D. sn5. NEW and used To.d. Ames bodies, Im mediate delivery. . O'Rourk Ooldstront Aulo Co., 37(11 So! "4th. So. 398. OAKLAND. Sensible SlI. . MARSH OAKLAND CO... . t:i(i( Farnam St . TH B'liSBD" flAR MART" SERVICE OARAGE Kith and Leavenworth Douglas 70nn OdOD USED CARS. OUT U SMITH. ?th and Fnrnam Sts. Douglas 18T0. FORD MARKET. 2230 Farnam. f2SD Farnam. 2n new and used Ford bodies. B ARliA tNiriNT7sEBCARSi Mi-Csffrey Motor Co., loth and .iHckon. Ford Agcntf, I. 35n0. EX 1'ERT, RppnTriiiK Guaranteed service. SERVICE C.ARAGK, , . lfith nnd Leavenworth. Doug. 7000.' W B"a RE" f II EUS ED CARMEN TRAWVER AUTO CO.. l!)ln Farnam. Harney 414. QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO.. FARNAM. riilVATKLY owned used cars for sale. OMAHA tJSED CAR MARKET. S.M7 Leavenworth. Tyler 5347. SMITH rvfon Form-A-Truck "with body and cab. 3873 Teavenworth St. Tires and Supplies. WK VIt,I, SHIP, subject to examination, upon receipt of $1 deposit, our guaran teed plain tread, rebuilt tire at the fol lowing very low prices: Six? t 7.2S 33x4 $12.75 ?Ox3H...4.. 8.00 34x4 13 25 ?xl4j.i.... 11.60 35x4 13.60 31x4 11.70 36x4 15.90 S2x4 12.25 35x4H...... 15.40 ' Express charges prepaid when cash accompanies order, STANDARD TIRE CO., ' 410 No. 16th JSt. J TIRES ONK-H AIK PRICE. GUARANTEED 1.000 MILES. 30x1 1 7.e0i3x3tt I t it 3l'x3H 10 25 33x4 11.75 IL'x4 11.60134x4 11 00 We furnish the old tires. Agents wsnted. i 1 IN 1 VULCANIZING COMPANY. 1516 Davenport Street WE do casing and tube repairing. We guarantee our work. New and second tir URBAN TIRB A VULCANIZINO CO., 2223 Harney St. Phone Douglas 3413. NEW TIRES ON SALE. Firestone. Congress. Lee Pullmsn. Flsk. Write for prices. Mention sises. K AIM AN TIRE JOBBERS. 2016 FARNAM. REDUCED RATE. 13 CENTS PER MILE. Rent a Ford. Drive yourself. Ford l.lvery Co.. 1314 Howard St. Douglas 3623. GAIN more miles', have your Urea re trended by O. A O. Tire Co. S415 Leavenworth. Tyler I5S1-W. FORD (Iffht delivery, good running or der: will sell cheap. H. 6786. Repairing and Painting! RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiator repaired and rebuilt; large stock used radiator New Ford honeycomb radiators. OMAHA RADIATOR A TIRE WORKS. 1818 Cuming 2064 Farnam. l.XPKRT radiators, fenders and auto bodies: repairing at reasonable price. Prompt attention given to garage work, ship vour radiator direct to us. NEBRASKA SERVICE OARAGE. Doug. 7380. 111 8. 18th Bt CENTRAL garage repair dept., night and" day service. If In trouble call us. Tyler 714. All work guaranteed. F. p. Bar'num Co.. 21S1 Cum'.ng. D S044. ' High grsde Automobile Pslntlng. Motorcycles and Bicycles. H A RLE Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bsrgalns In used machine. Victor H. Roos. the Motorcycle Mao. 17th and Leavenworth Horses Live Stock Vehicles. For Sale. , NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Just think of this offer 100 set of well-made plain farm and Concord har ness of all kinds, at a saving of $35 on each and every set. Also 7 dozen curled hair leather collsrs. all sises, at less than cost to make. Reasons for low price we have no high downtown rent to pay. Come and se them at our residence, ?1?4 Lske St. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN, 1 REGISTERED STALLION3, ONE BLACK, ONE GREY. EACH T YEARS OLD. Each weighing 1.000 pounds. CIS HADVV1GKR, Columbus. Ne. Route 5. Telephone Duncan f-lUl. VaRNESS. SADDLk.S and TRAVELING GOODS. We mske them ourselves ' and sell them direct to consumer. Why pay two profits for Inferior goods when you can get high grade goods st first cost? ' ALFRED CORNISH & CO.. Thmir Doug. 5r.t4 11 't Farnam. jMU KAt.hi A ih-i-ter Vmih.. hog, iiiuiitm old. Hi. Coital Ziil, VIOLENT WORDS MARK SESSION OF SOCIALISTS s . 1 Former Military Commander of Berlin Defend,s German Position at International Labor Conference. Berne, Feb. 4. A violent rhetori cal duel between the French and German socialists marked the sec ond sitting last niijht of the interna tional labor and socialist conference. Otto Wcls, the former military commander of Berlin, defended the German position and said that the German socialists already had set tled the question of responsibility for the war in having taken ail power from the princes and kings Wels accused Great Britain of hav ing killed 700,000 German women, children and old men by the "hun ger blockade." lie said that the ex clusion of the German - socialists would inlpedc the reconstruction of the internationale. Kurt Eisner, the Bavarian pre mier, was the first sp?iker on the program for today. Lower California Governor Protests Annexation Move Calexico, Cal., Feb. 4. Gov. Estcban Cantu of Lower California today issued a statement to "the people and government of the United States" against a continua tion of the move to annex Lower California to the United States, and referring to it as "a conspiracy framed by some citizens of the United States to assail the integrity and freedom of a friendly nation." York Bonds. U. S. . reg.. U. S. 2s, coup, U. S. 3s reg. . IT. S. 3s. coup. 97HOt. N. 1st 4 '4s 8Ba 971,1. C. ref. 4s.... 831, 88 Int M. M. 6s.. 97 89 K. C. S. ref. 5s 84 i 99 U & N. un. 4s 84 04V4M K & 1 1st 4s 64 S, 04KMo. P. gen. 4s.. 6H4 984 Mont, Power 6s 92'i 83 N. Y. C. deb 6S 99 V. S. Lib. 3ki U. s. 4s, reg. .1 V. S. 4s, roup. 1 Am. f or. Mec. 6s Am T & T c 5s Anglo-French 5s Arm. & Co. 4 Atchison geu. 4s B. cv. 4 VI 9 i far. 4s 83 86 N. Par. 3s. . 60 14 3iO. S. L. ref. 4s 83 78 I'ac. T. & T. 5s 83 88 Penn. con. 4 Vis 86 8SVPenn. gen. 4 89 80 ijResding gen 4 V, 85 H 85T4iS Jj & S Fa 6s 64 95'4S. Pac. cv. 6s 102 76V.S. Ry 5s 94 Vi 74T. & P. 1st.... 90 77 ' Union Pacific 4s 87 60 V. S. Rubber 6s 86 'a 87iU. S. Steel 6s.. 100 63 Wabach 1st 96 98Vi ?rench gvt 5H 106V4 Bid. Beth Steel re 6s t'en. Leather 6s Cen. Pac. 1st.... C O. cv. 5s.. C B & Q joint 4s C M & S P c 4 V, i' R I & P ref 4s C. & S. ref. 4 s D & R O ref 5s D of C (1831).. Erie gen. 4s. . . . Gen. Electric 6s POULTRY AND PET STOCK. FOR SALE Pedigreed Belgian hares. Two does bred, four unbred; 1 males. Very reasonable. Too many on hand. Call Benson 739 J. FOR SALE Mandy Lee Incubator and brooder. Practically new. Used' only once. Call South 3118. PET female coyote for sale. Web. 6133. 2521 North 15th St. MONKY TO LOAN. Organized by the Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, pianos and notes a secui. Ity. 140. mo., H. goods, total, 11.50 PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, 433 Security Bldg.. 16th a Farnam. Ty. 6 LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY AND Alvn UBSRTr BONDS. O C iIi2SECUJRITYjBI.Db.. TY. 860. Lowest rate. Private loan booths. Harry Maleshock, 1614 Todge, D. 6619 Est. 1881 DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOAN8 LOW ratea without deiav C. fl. PATir.nirnrs 312 BrandeisThpater Blr. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Beulah I Schuli to Mrs. Caroline L Burke, William St., 250 ft e. of 10th St., s. ., 40x130 1 1 George W. Snyder and wf. to Charles B. Schleicher. Deer Park blvd., 76 ft. w. of 17th st, n. .. 48x48. ...1,400 Robt. W. Grlffls and wf. to W. O van vvycK, Farnam St., 258 ft. w. of 48th st, n. s., 60x138.... Independent Realty Co. to Herman Franklin, et al, 24th St., 85 ft ' s. of N st, . s., 35x160 John Krcal and wf. to Jonph 3. Ponec, et al, 22d st;, 160 ft. n. of S st. ., 50x130 Susio J. Brjggs and hbd. to Ben jamin R. Tlnkham, et al, 8 st. 100 ft e. of 41st st, s. a., 60x 163 Roy N. Towle andw t to Don Debo and wf., Archer st, 37 V, ft. e. of 15th st, n. a. 37Vjxl20 Orchard Investment Co. to Dora Klabunde and hbd., 43d St., 80 ft n. of O St. w. ., 80x120 Richard O. Hall and wf. to Harold W. Graham, Lake St., 122.6 ft e. of 46th st, n. s.. 50x120 C. H. Ballard and wf. to Sam Posta, 16th st., 40 ft s. ot Fowler ave., e. a, 40x143 Barker Co. to Arthur F. Blnemann, s. e. cor. 47th ave. and Miami st, 60x125 Frank S. Boruch and wf. to J. B. iKozol, 41st St., 130 ft n. of J St., w. a, 180x130 Psul K. Kuhns and wf. to Wilson "elso. Spencer at, 200 ft w. of 38th st, a. a, 40x116.9 Homestead Co. to Frances R. Jamas, Jefferson at, 120 ft a. ot Soth St., a ., 80x129 Hastings & Heyden to Andrew H. Calhoun, Grebe st, 150 ft. e. of 33d st, s. a., 60x123 Martin C. Goodrich to Paul Stupak and wf., n. . cor, 18th and Ames ave., 40x128 Josephine M. Vava and hbd. to Bernice K Wii.ynliewlcr, T st, 135 ft a. of 30th st, n. a, 60x130. Charles N. Dow and wf. to Maym B. Rich, Capitol ave., 64.25 ft e. ot 15th st, n. ., 64xll6.... Edith Bacon and hbd. to A. J. Wardman. 20th at. 200 ft n. of St.. w. a, 103x165 Albert E. Cooper and wf. to Herbert Win. Loraatch and wf., Ellison st, 250 ft . ot, 25th ave., n. a, 60x 133.T John P. Carlson, et al, to Mary Sak, 24th st, 14! H ft. s. ot Bancroft 7.000 3,100 2,700 2,200 1,500 704 COO 450 1,500 1,000 115 555 150 625 400 1,000 (,000 2,100 sr. e. .. 47l,xlx 3,n0 Bee Want Ads are the Best Busi ness Boosters. LIVE STOCK Omaha, Feb. 4. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 5.4S6 20.700 (.158 Receipts were Official Monday Estimates Tuesdsy . . 3 days this week .... Same days last wk. . . Same days t wks. ago. Same days i wks. ago. Same days yr. ago.., 4,700 10,186 16,816 20,183 22,425 20,888 18,000 4.870 38.700 8.(28 27,114 10,169 63:856 16,718 38,381 20,517 34.846 30,617 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, Omaha, Neb., for twentf-four hours ending at o'clock p. m., February 4, 1818. RECEIPTS CARS. Hrs. & Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Mules Wabash 2 2 .. .. Missouri Pacific , ... 2 1 Union Pacific 45 52 6 C. & N. W., east ... 23 13 2 C. & N.'W.. west 41 86 7 C. St. P., M. & O.. 12 43 C, B. & Q., east.... 18 8 C, B. & Q , west.... 43 5:! S C., R. I. & P., east.. 3 17 .. 1 C, R. I. & P., west.. 1 1 8 Illinois Central 1 7 Chi. Gt. West 2 2 Total receipts 193 290 24 1 DISPOSITION HEAD. Morris & Co 470 4,570 Swift & Co 827 8,536 Cudahy Packing Co. ..1,088 4.395 Armour & Co 640 6,000 Schwartz & Co 1. 688 J. W. Murphy 3,637 691 ,013 ,776 ,176 Lincoln Packing t'o 67 So. Omaha Packing Co. . 8 Higglns Vacklng Co. 4 Hoffman Bros 15 .... ..... John Roth & Sons 11 Mayerowtch A Vail .... 73 .... ..... (llaawberg 11 ,5 .... P. O'Dea 3 Wilson 185 W. B. Van Sant & Co. .. 13 Benlon & Van Sant .. 81 V. P. Lewis 245 Huntjslnger A Oliver ... 36 J. B. Root & Co 63 R. M. Burruss & Co. ..' 30 Rosenstock Bros 8 F. G. Kellogg 156 Vtertheimer & Degen .. 32 Ellis & Co 57 .... Sullivan Bros SO A. Rothschild a... 101 Mo.-Kan. C. & C. Co.... 69 E. G. Christie 1 Banner Bros 36 John Harvey 394 Jensen & Lundgren .... 30 Dennis & Francis 59 Cheek & Krebs 1 Mid-West Pack. Co. .... .1 Omaha Pack. Co 24 Other Buyers ........ ..1,341 452 .... Total 6,248 24,126 5407 Cattle Receipts were light again early estimates calling for 188 cars of cattle or 4,700 head. Quality was better than yes terday and packers were active in buying their steer orders at strong to 15 25c higher prices with the good to choice kinds selling from 116.50 17.75. medium to good kinds from 115.25ifc.16.60 or around 50c higher than the close of last week. Butcher stock ruled active and 15 25c higher and from 50c$1.00 higher than the close of last week. Best grades sell ing from U.00$12.60 medium lots from 9 75(S10. 60 and canners and cutter any where from 6.508.60. Feeders ruled steady to strong. Quotations on Cattle Good to choice, beeves, 11.60H.00; fair to good beeve, $14.B0(ff lfc6; common to fair beeve, 112.7514.00; Good to choice yearlings, 14.5O15.00; fair to good yearlings, 112.00 i-. toi common 10 iair yearlings, 18.50 11.75; good to choice heifers, 110.6013.00; prime cows, tll.5012.75; good to choice cows. $8.25(g11.25: fair to good cows, 17.25 (98.50: rnmmnn in tatr nnwm tc nn. ,n. choice to prime feeders 113.7515.00; good to choice feeders, 112.0013.75; medium to j good feeders, $10.60igil2.00; good to choice stockers, 110.0012.00; fair to good stockers, 18,t010.00; common to fair stockers, 17.608.60; stock heifers $6.50 8.50; stock cows, !6.257.60; atock calves,. 17.0010.00; veal calve 17.00 13.75; bulls, stake, $8.00010.00. ' Hogs Receipts today were not much different than yesterday, estimated at 19,000 head. The market was a little better than yesterday's mean close, but not qtlte as good as the best time, prob ably being quotably steady with yester day's average market: ISO to 250-pound hogs moved a little freer and there were some sales of light hogs made along through the day. II was generally a $17.00 market with prices not getting away very far from the minimum. Bulk Is 116.80 17.10, and top at $17.35. Sheep There were 18 loads of sheep here today estimated at 4 370 head. Trade was very slow in getting under way and It ws well along In the forenoon before any sales were made. There was fairly good Inquiry however, and the undertone to the fat lamb market looked fairly healthy with the trade fully 25c higher than yesterday. Fat lambs are selling from $16.10(816.30. Quotations on Sheep Lambs, good to choice, !16.1016.30; lambs, fair to -ood tlS.35ijj15.86: lamb feeders, 113.0016 r.n: yearlings, good to choice, !12.0012 50 yearlings, fair to good, 190.08.50; year ling feeders, 18.5010.00; wethers, fat $10.0011.26; wether feeders, 8..i0 10.60; ewes, good to choice, $8.5010 25 ewes, fair to good, $8.009.60; ewe t -J. ers, $6.00 8.90. Chicago Uv Stoc!'. ' Chicago, Feb. 4. (U. 8. Bureau of Mar ket.) Cattle Receipts, 13,000; killing classes of beef and other cattle mostly 25 cents higher; fat beeves, 120.15; canners, 10c to 15c higher: calves and bulls. 25c to 50o up; best feeders, higher; others slow. Beef cattle, good choice and prime. 116.65S 20.25; common and medium, $10.50 fl16.65; butcher stock, cows andh elfers, 7.0014.75; canners and outters, 16.00 7.00; stockers and feeders, good, choice and fancy, 110.7514.25; Inferior, common and medium, $8.2o10.76; veal calves, good and choice, $14.2514.76. Hogs Receipts, 44,000 head; market fully 10c higher than yesterday' average; pigs, mostly 60c higher; bulk of sales, $17.4017.85; butchers. $17.517.85: light, $16.7617.60; packing. $:8.6017.60; throwouts, $16.0016.50; pigs, good to choice, $13.2516.25. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 22,000 head; market opening strong on all classes; lambs, choice and prime, $I6.8517.00; medium and good, 115.6016.85; culls, !12.26$M4.25: ewes, choice and prime, I10.5010 75; medium and good, $9.35 10.50; culls, $5.0068.00. St. Louis Live Stock. St. Louis, Feb. 4. Cattle Receipts, 2.S00; market strong; native beef steers, $11.5018.60; yearltng steers and heifers. $9.6016.00; cows, $7.5012.60; stockers and feeders, $8.6012.00; fair to prime southern beef steers, $10.0018.00; beet cows and heifers, $7.5015.00; canners and cutter. $7.2588.00; native calve, (7.75 13.76. Hogs Receipts, 11,400; market higher; lights, 117.1017.65; pigs, $12.60 16.50; mixed and butchers, $17.3517.90; good, heavy, $17.75,'18.00; bulk, $17.40017.85. Sheep Receipts, 1,400; market strong; lambs, $16.00 16.50; ewes. $8.60910.60; canners and chopper, $6.0069.00. Kansas City Live Stock. Kansss City, Mo Feb. 4. Cattle Re ceipts, 8,000; no southerns; higher; prime fed (beers. 118.0020.00; dressed beef steers 8.12.00fflt8.0fl'. western steers. SIS (10 fr'17.50; southern steers, nominally, $7.00 I 13.00; caws. $7.0014.00; heifers, $.00 I 14.50; stockers and feeders, $7. 60S 16. 10: 1 bulls. $7.51I.S; calvi'S, $;.00t) 14 00. I llogs Receipts. 10,0(10 , steady; bulk. Short Term Notes Quotations through the National City company. First National Bank building, Omaha: sBld. Asked. Am. Tel. & Tel. Co. 6s (1826).1024 102 Amer. Tobacco 7s (1921). ...102V, 102 Am. Tobacco 7 (1922) 103V, 103 Am. Tobscco 7s (1923) 104 104V, Arm. et Co. eon.- D. 6s (1919),100Vi 100 Arm. & Co. eon. D. 6s (1920). 100 101 Arm & Co. con. D. 6s (1923).100V, 101 Arm. & Co. con. D. 6s (1924). 100 101V, Beth. Steel Co. 7 (1919) ... .100 101 Beth. Steel Co. 7s (1922) ... .100 101V4 Beth. Steel Co. 7 (1923) ... .101 1015, British 6Vi (1818) 100 100V4 British 5V4 (1821)..' 98 n Central Argentine C. Us (1927) 87 9 C. B. ft Q. joint 4s (1921)... 95 95 cm. west. Ind lis (1919).. 87 ' City of Paris 6s (1821) 99 99T4 Cudahy Pack. Co. 7s 41933). 102. l'i!a, Delaware & Hudson 5s (1820). 88 99V, Fee. Farm Loan 4V4s (1937). .100 lvo Fed. Farm Loan 5s (1938). .102 n3Vi General Electric 6s (1818).. .100 100 Interboro R. T. 7 (1820).... 87V4 89 Liggett & Myers 6s 41921) . .100 V, 100 Vi Tlmken Det. Axle 7e (1920).. 100 101 Vi Union Pacific 6s (1928) 104'4 105 V. B. Liberty 3V4s 99.00 99.01 ir. S. Liberty 1st 4s 93.00 93.14 V. S. Liberty 2d 4s 93.80 83.04 U. S. Liberty 1st 4a 85.66 86.64 V. S. Liberty Sd 4a 94.40 84.50 U. S. Liberty 3d 4V4s 85.40 96.60 V. S. Liberty 4th 4V4 94.10 84.40 17.00r17.45; heavy, $17.35OT17.60; pack era and butchers, $17 S617.60; lights, $16.90fi17.30; pigs, 112.0018.00. Sheep Receipts, 3.600; strong; lambs., $15.6016.50; yearlings, 10.O0(S14.6O; wethers, $9,004? 1 2.26; ewes. 18.0010.60; stockers and feeders, 18. 00 16.00. Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City, la., Feb. 4. Settle Re ceipts, 2,500 head: market steady to strong; beef steers, 110.0016.60; fat cows and heifers, $7.0012.00; canners, $5,506.75: stockers and feeders, $8.00 14.50; feeding cows and heifers. $6,000 8.75. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 500 haed; market strong. St. Jjseph Live Stock. St. Joseph, Mo.. Feb. 4. Cattle Re. ceints. 2.600 head; market higher; steers, 112.0018.00; cows and heifers, $6.00 15.00; calves, $6.00913.00. Hogs Receipts, j.soo: head: market higher; top. $17.50; hulk, $16.86(8117.40. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2,000 head; market strong; lambs, 114.0016.40; ewes, $8.0010.60. Local Stocks and Bonds. Quotations furnished by Burns, Brinker and company, 449 Omaha National bank building: STOCKS Bid. Asked. Beatrice Cream., pfd 100 102 Burgess-Nash 7 p. c. pfd. ...100 101 V4 Common. Life Ins. Omaha !1 Con. Gas ft Elec. 6 pet pfd. .. 64 Cud. Pkg. Common, ; 10B 102'i Deere & Co. pfd. ..95V4 96 Doug. htl. Co. Om. Cd, prt. 72 Vi Gooch M. El. 1 pet. pfd. 100 101 G. Food Pro. pfd. Bon. ..99V4 100 Gooch Food Pro. Com 60 77 V4 Hard. Cream 7 pet pfd 100 101 V4 Neb. Pow. Co. 7 pet. pfd 100 Om. & C. B. St. Ry. pfd. .. 50 53 Or. 'A Wllhelm 7 pet pfd. ..8BV4 100 M. B. 8. ft Co. 7 pet pfd. ..100V4 Standard Ptah. Co 100 Union Stk. Yds., Om 100 100V4 Un. P. ft Lt. 7 pet. pfd. .. 88 100 BANK STOCKS Amer. St Bk. Lin .. . . .150 160 City Nat. Bk., Lincoln 20( 225 Live Stk. Bk.. Omaha 250 100 Omaha. Nat. Blc, Om 260 Stk. Yds. Nat, Om 250 100 BONDS Bruns. Balks-Col. 6s, 1920 ...8BV, 100 Brus.. Balke-Col. 6s, 1821 ... 98 88 Canadian 5V,s, 1833 99 89 Canadian 6 Vis. 1837 85 85 Cudahy Pkg., 5s, 1946 92 Vi 93 Vi Lincoln Trac. 6s, 1939 82 Omaha Athletic 6s. 1921-32 ... 100 Om. ft C. B. St Ry. 6s. 1921 7 80 Om. School 5s, 1948- 104 Stan. Gas & Elec. 7s, 1921 ..97 89 Swift ft Co. 6s, 1944 96 86 Wilson ft Co.. 6 1941 88 38 New York General. New York, Feb. 4. Wheat Spot, steady.; No. 2 red, 12.34 V, track New York. Corn Spot, steady: No. 2 yellow and No. 2 white, $1.52V, cost and freight New York. . Oats Spot, easier; standard, 67V,68c. Feed Easy; city bran, 100-pound sacks, $48.00. Lard Easier; middle west, $22.70 22.80. Other article unchanged. Chicago Produce. Chicago, Feb. 4. Butter Market higher; creamery, 38 46c. Egg Higher: receipt, 10,391 case; firsts, 37c; ordinary firsts, 3636c; at mark, cases Included, 3536V,c. , Potatoes Receipts, 60 cars; unchanged. Poultry Alive, higher; fowls, 28 Vie; springsa26Vic. New York Produce, New York, Feb. 4. Butter Firmer; creamery higher than extras, 48Vic49c; creamery 4748; firsts,' 4447c. Eggs Unsteady; unchanged. Cheese Unsettled; state current make specials, 3132c; do, average run, 20c. Dressed Poultry Quiet; unchanged. Kansas City Produce. Kansas City, Mo.. Feb. 4. Butter Pack ing, 2c higher, 27c; other grades, un changed. Eggs Two cent higher; first. 41e. Poultry Unchanged. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga., Feb. 4. Turpentine Firm, 66 Vic; sales, 74 bbls. ; receipts, 168 bbls.; shipments, 10 bbls.; stock, 30, 666. Rosin Inactive; sale, none; receipts 443 bbls.; shipments, none; stock, 78,415. Quote: B, 113.10; D, E, 113.16; F, $13.20; G $13.25; H. $13.30; I. $13.66; K, $16.75; M, 116.25; N. WG. 116.30; WW. $16.75. Dry Goods. New York, Feb. 4. Cotton goods today were generally quiet. Yarns were Inac tive and weak and knit goodss quiet. Dress goads demand was light New prices were named on demlns on a basis of 30 cents a yard for southern. Indigo 3.10 goods, the previous open prlc having been 35 cents. - Liberty Bond. New York. Feb. f. The final prices on Liberty bonds today were: 3 Vis, 99.00; first convertible 4s. 93.00; second 4s, 93.82; first convertible 4V4s, 85.68; second con vertible 4a 84.40; third 4 Vis, 85.40; fourth 4V4s 84.38. Evaporated Apple and Dried Fruits. New York, Feb. 4. Evaporated Apples Quiet and firm. Prunes Scarce. Apricots Good demand. Peaches Strong. Raisins Quiet New York Metals. New York Feb. 4. Copper, Iron and Lead Unchanged. Spelter Weak; East 8t. Louis delivery, spot offered at $6.50; February, $6.40. w York Sugar. New Ycrif, Feb, 4. Sugar Unchanged. GRAIN MARKET Receipts of grain today were generally light with 18 cars of wheat, 41' cars ot corn, 24 cara of oats, 4 oars ot rye and 3 cars of barley. There was a fair de mand only for the limited number of corn offerings which brought prices ranging from unchanged to 3 cents iower, the bulk going at a decline of about 1 to 2 cents. Oat demand was moderate at '4 to Vi cent off. Rye was 1 cents lower and barley about unchanged. Some good wheat brought about a cent more than yester day, while the rest of this kind and also other offerings were -unchanged. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Week Year Today. Ago. Ago. ....18 48 5 ....41 t;;i 133 24' :;i 28 ... 4 15 2 ....13 31 1 ....19 8 21 ....8.", 81 92 ....49 21 13 6 13 4 ....13 8 1 N OTHER MARKETS Wheat Corn Oats .162 112 79 .16 40 31 .52 ,91 32 .5 .38 ... Roceipts Wheat Corn Oats Rye .ii Barley I . Shipments-- Wheat Corn ......I..., Oats 1. . . . Rye ... Barley Chicago Kansas City St. Louis . . . Minneapolis Duluth Winnipeg . . ...431 . Subsequently, reports of big stocks of meats and lard at western packing points led to something of a reaction. Corn Uo. 3 white: 2 cars. $1.35. No. 4 white: 1 car, $1.31; 1 car, $1.28; 2 cars, $1.26. No. 3 yellow: 6 cars, $1.33. No. 4 yellow-: 2 cars, $1.28; 2 cars, $1.27. No. 5 yellow: 3 cars, $1.25; 4 cars, $1.23; 1 car, 11.22. No. 4 mixed: 2 cars, $1.26; 2 cars, $1.25; 5 cars, $1.24; 1 car, $1.23. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, $1.23; 9 cars, $1.22. Oats No. 2 white, 1 car, 59c; No. 3 white, 12 cars, 58c; 2 cars, 67 Vic; No. 4 white, 1 cars. 67c: 1 car, 67Vic; sample white, 1 car,'67c; No, 3 mixed, 1 car, 67c. Rye No. 2, 1 oar, $1.35; No. 3, 1 car, $1.34; sample, 2-5 car, $1.20. Barley No. 3, 3 car, 87c; No. 4, 2 car, S3c; rejected, 1 car, 80c; sample, 1 car, 80c. ? Wheat No. 1 hard. 1 car. $2.25; No. 3 hard, 1 car. $2.21. 1 car, $2.19; No. 3 spring, 1 car, $2.08 (smutty); 1 car, $2.03 (smut, ty); No. 1 mixed, 2 cars, $3.11; No. 2 mixed, 1 car, $2.11; No. 4 mixed, 3-6 car, $2.07. Chicago Grain and Provisions. . Chicago. Feb. 4. Announcement that a grain pact would be signed immediately by the Argentine government and tho Intents allies with no specification as to minimum price had a bearish Influence today on corn. The close was heavy, 2Vi to 3 Vic net lower. May. $1.17 to $1.17 and July $1.11 to $1.13. Oats lost to lV4c. In provisions the outcome ranged from 15c decline to an advanco ot 2 cents. Inasmuch as com had risen here yester day chiefly owing to assertions that Argen tina had forbidden export shipments of corn bought below a stated minimum, the new arrangement with the entente led to a good deal of Important selling pres sure, when the market opened this morn ing. Better weather to stimulate the do mestic crop movement was also a handi cap to the bulls. Rallies which ensued were not of a decided character, and later were more than offset by reports that feeding demand had fallen off to an un usual extent, especially In the west and southwest. Oat followed the trend of corn. There were some Inquiries from the seaboard, but no new export sales, and domestic de mand was slow. Provisions sympathised with higher quo tation on hogs, but afterward sagged in view of the weakness of corn and by reason of big stock shown at western packing points. Cash quotation: Corn No. yellow, nominal; No. 4 yellow $1.281.30Vi; No. 5 yellow, $1.25 1.27. Oats No. 2 white, 67 59c; standard, 6960e. . Rye No. 2, $1.461.47. Barley 8 5c 11.00. Seeds Timothy, $7.0010.00; clover, nominal. - Provisions Pork Nominal ; lard, $22.10; ribs, $21.60 22.60. Chicago closing price, fumlhed The Bee by Logan ft Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 315 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Art. I Open. High. Low. Close. Yest'y. Corn '. Feb. 1.26 1.26 1.22 1.23 1.26 Mar 1.21Vd 1.21V4 1.17 1.17 l.t0 May 1.16 1.16 1.13V 1.13 1.16 Oat Feb. ,68Vi .58Vi M .66 .58 Mar ,69 .69 .67 .67 .58 May .66 .66 .64 .65 ,66 Pork May 37.70 37.70 37.40 37.40 37.45 Lard. I May 22.50 22.(5 22.27 22.35 22.40 J'ly 21.95 22.20 21.85 21.35 21.92 Rib May 20.61 20.67 20.40 20.40 20.61 . Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Feb. 4. Barley 8090c. Rye No. 2. $1.40(61,44. Bran $42.00. Corn $1.301.32. Oats 55 Vi 56 Via. Flax $3.29 8.31. St. Louis Grain. St. Louis. Fb. 4. Corn March, I1.26V4; May, $1.21. Oats March. S7Vic; May, 68c. Kansas City Grain. Kansss City Mo., Feb. 4. Corn Feb ruary, $1.31 1.31 '. March, $1.28; May, $1.23; July, $1.18. New York Money. New York, Feb. 4. Mercantile Paper Unchanged. Sterling Sixty-day bill, unchanged; commercial 60-day bills on bank, $4.72; commercial 60-day bills, unchanged; de mand, $4.7575; cables, $4.7656. Francs Demand $5.45; cables, $5.46. Guilders Demand, 41c; cable, 41c. Lire Unchanged. Mexican Dollar Unchanged. Time Loan Steady; unchanged. Call Money Firm; high, 4 per cent; low 4 per cent; ruling rate, 4 per cent; closing bid. 4 per cent; offered at 4 par cent; last loan, 4V4 per cent. . New York Cotton Futures. New York, Feb. 4. Cotton futures opened steady; March, 23.94c May, 22.90c; July 23.03c; October, 20.40c; December, 20.19c. New York Cotton. New York, Feb. 4. Cotton closed steady at a net decline of 15 to 53 point. London Money. London, Feb. 4. Money and Discount Unchanged. Linseed. Duluth, Feb. 4. Linseed $3.33. LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notice 1 hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the Stockholders of the South Platte Land Company will be held at the office of said Company Room 701, First National Bank Building, Lincoln Ne braska, at 11 o'clock A. M., on the Fifth day of March A. D 1919. C. H. Morrill. President; W. w. Turner, Secretary and Treasurer. r-4 31t-m. FINANCIAL New York, Feb. 4. Technical condi tions were again the chief influence over today's professions! stock market, early gains scoring largely at the expense of an aggressive short interest being largely affected In the customary realizing ot the later session. Although leading the list at all times, trading In United States Steel up to 91, Its maximum price since last week's re duced dividend, was relatively lighter than usual, the stock reacting with the general market at tho close. Motor shares were again the object of bullish attention from various pools at ex treme advances of 1 to 1 points, oils registered gross gains of 1 to 2 points and equipments rallied 1 to 2 points. New York Airbrake gaining ' 6Vi points on rumors that the prevailing rate of divi dend is likely to be maintained. Coppers, tobaccos, leathers, sugar and a few high grade specialties. Including Scars-Roebuck, embraced the firm to strong shares of the early and interme diate periods, but shippings and secondary automobile issues reflected constant pres sure. There was a temporary spurt in dividend-paying rails, also some of the minor shares of that division, but the advance was largely impaired at the end, when profit taking became more effective, low grade transportations also sagging. More activity was reported In the for elgn exchange market, although rates on London and Pari wero unaltered. Remit tances to Spain were firmer and ruble currency rallied. ' New high records for French munclpals featured the irregular bond market Lib erly issues and other domestic bonds eas ing variably. Total sales, par value, ag groBated $10,675,000. Old United States coupon and registered 4s gained on call. Nuinb.-V of sales and quotations on leading stocks: Closing TTiirh l.nw rinma CIH Am. Beet Sugar .. 1,300 69 68 68 American Can 7,000 47 46 47 Am. C. and F. 1 fun is se ' Am. Locomotive go1 Am. Smelt, ft Ref. 6,400 71 70 70 Am. Sugar Ref... 1,800 114 113 ji4 Am. Tel. Tel ana mnu aa iaa, Anaconda Copper. 2.300 69 68 68 ivicnison 300 81 "A 81 91 97 46 18 23 159 58 55 37 23 33 35 47 , 63 23 53 A.O. ft W.I.8.S.L Baltimore & Ohio. 8(10 mu isa- ouue & up. Cop.. California Pet. . . Canadian Pacific. Central Leather . . 1.600 24 23 158 65" 36 22 33 47 53 21 53 16 600 1 8 Chespeake & Ohio. 1.500 3,500 600 200 55 37 23 33 48 63 23 64 c, m. a st. p.... C, R. I. ft p. ct Chino Copper Col. Fuel ft Iron. Corn Pro. Ref. . . Crucible Steel .. Cuba Cane Sitffnr 1,400 200 4,J Distiller's Sec 37O0 Erie coo 16 16Vs general Electric 600 149 146 148 "nerai Motors. . .13,200 130 128Vi 129V4 ..vtmiu piu Gt. Nor. Ore ctfs. 4,300 Illinois Central... 300 Inspiration Copper 1,400 Int. Mer. Mar. pfd.14,200 Inter. Nickel .... 2,700 Inter. Paper 2,600 Kennecott Copper. 1,10 Louis, ft Nash.- 91 38 99 44 97 26 36 33 38 98 44 95 25 34 32 38 99 43 96 26 34 32 114 30 Vi 167 22 24 17 73 28 104 90 34 44 46 Maxwell Motor Mexican Pet. .. Miami Conner . 1,400 31 30 .23,700' 168 1C7 200 23 24 22 Missouri Pacific . Nevada Copper . , N. Y. Central .. N.Y..N.H. ft II. . , Norfolk ft Wet . 2,800 400 1.200 1,300 23 17 78 28 17 78 28 Northern Pacfflo . 1,000 Ji'vi 80'4 Pacific Mail 74 Pennsylvania .... 600 Pittsburgh Coal .. 600 44 46 44 46 STEAMSHIP To all part of Sjji'--r-'1' V the world. LiT Tourg in Europe I and U. S. "rjj Winter Trip to C--W Cuba, Honolulu cr - " ' , Central America. f- " ."""i:.,'-J'-',3 wm.,1,1 nfcui Irf ,i tmt&itim 1022 FAR NAM 'ST. INVESTMENT SECURITIES LIBERTY BONDS Bought and Sold Mack's Bond House 1421 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 3644 LIBERTY BONDS AND W. S. STAMPS BOUGHT FOR CASH. Highest price paid. Check mailed immediately on receipt of bonds or W. S. S. Reference, Nassau Na tional Bank ot Brooklyn. EQUITABLE BOND COMPANY, 153 Remsen Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. SKINNER PACKING COMPANY Jw.7 . 0 ft MM j w W w w w wra mm CSV EGG III6-III8 -Doudlas St Tel-Douglas 7 DAYS r.lORE in which to buy Lone Star Oil at the low price of S CENTS A SHARE thru thi office, for at 6 P. M. Saturday, February 8th, we expect that Lone Star Oil will advance to 10 cent a share. Company has 10 producing wells sell ing its oil showing nearly 150,000 in 9 months. Now drilling Well No. 11. Company now hojds 1G3 acres in Humble Oil Field of Texas and ha paid 14 dividends in one year. Please bear in mind you have until t P. M. Saturday, February 8th, to bny Lone Star Oil at 8 CENTS A SHARE. Bet. ter get your order in now. Make checks, money orders payable to Unlisted Securities Exchange Member Denver Cons. Stock Exchange IS Exchange St., Boston. Ray Con. Copper.. 1.300 20 20 20 Reading 4.000 79 78 79 Rep. Irond ft Steel 400 73 73 73 Shat. Arls. -Cop.. 200 13 12 11 Southern Pacific . 6.000 88 38 86 Southern Railway. 1.600 17 26 16 Studebaker Cor. .14.600 51 60 50 Texas Co 8.100 181 189 189 Union Pacific 1,900 128 127 137 U. S. Ind. Alcohol 101 U. S. Steel 51,900 91 90 90 U. S. Steel pfd... 200 114 11 114 Utah Copper .... 1,300 70 69 69 Western Union .. 200 87 87 87 West. Electrio ... 800 41 41 41 Beth. B 2,100 60 69 58 Gen. Bates Dead. San Diego, Cal., Feb. 4. Lt. Gen. John Coalter Bates, U. S. A., re tired, died here early today, aged 79. His nearest relative, Mrs. E. B. Enos, a sister, resides here. AMUSEMENTS, PHONE DOUG. 4B4 SUPERIOR VAUDEVILLE Matisse Oslly, 2:15: Nliht. 9:11: Tnll Wwk. BerrI and Jonsnl: "Psttlooitr." CsWolf Olrli; Charlie Wllws; Lasdsr Bras.; KnisM and Sawtalls: Paul L Vsrrs si 4 Br.; Travel Wttkly. Mstinsti. 10.25.50c: Boxes an6 Stills, 50.754, Nlehtt, I0-25-50-76 Bs4 11.00. TWO SHOWS IN ONE. ELSIE WILLIAMS A CO. Ernest Hiatt, Camilla Birds, Sullivan ft Myers. Photoplay Attraction George Walsh In "Luck and Pluck. Charlie Chsolln Comedy. "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER." -fEvnf.. 2S-S0.7SC-S1 A REGULAR Shew All th Way Harry Hislinjs' Big S o .SKc Sl'ircfSSV. DAN COLEMAN Jau Jollity. Tlnklln Tunti, Dancing Dasrs. Hssr Dsn Slnj "Alter the First ol July." Bttuty Che rui ef Chaperoned Deu'ntee. LADIES' DIME MATINEE WEEK DAYS. Sat Mat. ft Wk: Dave Marion ft "America's Best'' RANDEIS THEATRE Thursday Evening, February B, 8:15 O'Clock. LUCY GATES America' Own Marvelou Coloratura Soprano. TRIS DE LUTECE George Barrere, Flute; Carlo Salzedo, Harp; Paul Kefer. 'Cello. Price SOc to $2.00. No War Tax. Auspices Tuesday Musical Club. a HXJ -AII Week- l IM II Mats. Daily Ladle Only. Gentlemen Admitted Sat. Mat. TiieOnosrried FJdther Mats. 25c-50c Nltes 50c-75c. NEXT WEEK-STARTING SUNDA' NIGHT WM. A. BRADY PRESENTS The Gripping, Red-Blooded Drama "the urn UHO CAPE BACK" . NIGHTS 80c to $2. SEATS popular MATS TOMORROW Wed. to Sat 60c to 1.00. Henshaw Cafe Special Attraction Carmen Hernandez, Spanish Nightingale Every Evening: 6 to 8 9:30 to 12:30 Also WRIGHT'S HARMONY SEXTETTE PHOTOPLAYS BRANDEIS THEATRE LAST DAY Show Start 1 P. M. 3 P. M. 7 P. M. By HAROLD (filL 25c 15c 7 HIT' we.o.g,. V " J It M I Bjm m No Peope-t4 50ROUNOCD 5V CROOKS 5H BATTLED HARD TO KEEP OUT OF THE UNDERWORLD. .lij TODAY "Heart of Wetoma" I It possible to snarry a maM wltkout lore and later learn to lore hlmf PRESENTS ELSIE FEilGOSO.I IN lis Parisian I7if 7 j!:!;iillllll!l!lllllllllll!!IHii!lllll!ll!lli:B!!lllil!!l!lS ... 7 A PLAY THAT REVTALJ 1HE MYSTUIM OT A BUTTE AfLY WOMAN. SOUL WHO ATONES FOR HER FRIVOLOUS YESTERDAYS rit.ienr",v WITH f MEAflT TUSS THBllU , 9REELS voriovg AOVCNTUBC . COMfOV P ATM OS i Osama INTRlur s 9 P. M. BELL WRIGHT 2Sc 15c 1 fl WITH 4 .- IS iis In rO TAITA W wrs BIT. I S 1 III