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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1919)
10 THE BEE: "OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5. 1919. Want Ad Hates Cah With Order.) 'o per word on Insertion le per word for '& consecutive insertions . c per word fur each additional insertion No adt taken (or less than total of '.Of, or less than 10c per day. CHARGE. IJe rr line (count e words to line) 1 time 'e per line each time, S consecutive times e per line each time, 7 consecutive tim-'S i'c per line each time, &d consecutive times CARDS OF THANKS AND FUNERAL NOTICES. 0e per line each insertion Minimum charge, 50 cents. Contract Ratea on Application. For convenience of advertisers, want ads will h accepted at the following offices: MAIN OUKE Bee Buildinit Ames Office 4410 North 20th tit. Lake Office 251 North 24th St. Vmfon Office 2407 South 16th St. Park Office .2615 Leavenworth St. Walnut Office. . . . outh Side Council Htaris. . . . IIIK BfcB will S19 North 40th St, 2S1 N St. 14 Main St. not be responsible for more than one incorrect insert'on of an ad vertisement ordered for more than one time. PHONE TYLER 1000. ' 'inline Edition 12:00 M, ."ruinc editions 10:00 P. M. Sunday Kditions 10 P. M. Saturday. D EATH & FUNE RAL NOTICES. Ill i Kit Vivian A.. agd 1. son of Mr5. jf. A. Pnrco, 32IU Harney street. Funer Hi Wednesday at 10::iO a, m. at Hoff man' mi ,l,Tt K i lis: room. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertaker and embiamera, Tel, 11. Office, 2611 Farnera. HULSE & RIEPEN " Pioneer Funeral Director. n. 16th St. Pho:io Doug. 1226. STACK &FALC0NER Independent Undertakers. SJd-Far. H. 40. Huffman funeral home. Hoffman quality service costs lesa. Jtthand Idge. Dougla 8101. E. L. DODDER CO.. Funeral Dlrectnra. T. L. Fro, Mgr.. 22d and Cumins; St. rnone rougla 677. Auto ambulance JOHN A GENTLEMAN. Undertaker and Embalmcr. K411 Farnam St. Harney S2 FLORISTS. ir,1.' LEE L. LARMON 1M4 Dourlas M. Douglaa 8241. ,lollNHATIJ.18ih and Farnam. f. Henderson. 1519 Farnam. SOW). TfihT MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. WEST LAWN CEMETERY. ' Family lota on easy payments thoughtful service; perpetual care; street .:rs to entrance. Phone Walnut 820 or Douglas 8:9, and our auto will call for ycu. iHK itiifst display or ntnument in the United States. FRANK 8WOBODA 12U 8. 1.1th Phone Douglaa 1872-5216. SPECIAL NOTICES. SPECIAL NOTICE At S p. m. on Wednesday afternoon and 7 p. in. Wed nesday evening-, February 6. the Henry Ford 4-rce! film . picture known by the title, ' "COAL IS KING," will be hown in the main dining room of the Chamber of Com , meree. TW1S picture comes to Omaha through the efforts of the National Association of Stationary Engineers and is highly recommended by the Manufacturers' association and ' the local association of Build- trig Owners and Managers, allowing as It doea the dif ferent methods of properly using- coal for power and heat lnp purposes. W J. Monaghan, president of the Manufacturers' associa tion, says: "It Is our desire to continue extending the les son of economical power plant operation, and, as we bellova American business In forelgrt v markets will be met with the keenest competition, we must proceed to exercise the strlrtest supervision over everything that goes Into pro ductlon. This, of course, ap plies to the coal pile and this picture will be of great value . In bringing .about tho necea , sary changes." The picture will also be shown at the Rlalto theater February at 10 a. m., no charge being made for admls ' sion and the public is Invited. B I RTHSAN D DEATHS Births Harry and Clara Naylon, 2C27 Rlnney St., girl; Joseph and. Anna Bing ham. 2711 Blnney lie., boy; Harry and May Henderson. 4316 South 20th St., girl- Roy nod Margarette Priest, 3410 Bedford Ave., boy; James and Terlsa Cuslck, 2008 North LSth St., boy; Chris and Christina Chrlsten en, 48th and Spring St., boy: William and Myrtle Sanders, 813 North 21st St., boy; Troy and Jessie dinger. 3914 North. 40th Ave., boy; Bernard and Mary Condon, 2336 South Slth St.. boy; Abelino and Refujio t'orter, 2315 Q St., girl; William and Eva isiavln, 1409 Park Wilde Ave., girl; Frank and Thiloema Paladlno, 100S South 22d St.. boy. Deaths Claude A. Hoppes, 30, hospital George H. Backman, 8. 4320 Seward St. lane M. Reeves, 79. 4303 Saratoga St.: At (rod Johnson, 44. 2405 South 13th St.; W. M. Cadweil. 64, hospital; Amelia Pickrell, 'HI, hospital; William Oldaker, 60, S5th and lifts., souto Side; Albert H. Brooker. 31 hospital; Harold Miller, 6. Fort Crook l.mnie, S. Mosher. 64. 60th and T 8ts. outh f!ide: William Rodak, 62,' 4505 South -tn naoy jprown, 2 days, 4m9'Bouta 2Sd St.; Joseph Bartlk, 63, 2824 South 16th Rt.; Martin H. Champ, 81, 2424 North 45th St.; Alma O. Schrup. 17 days, 602 South 3ist St.; Donald C. Spalsbury, 25, hospital, Tort Omaha: Lester Abbott. 1, hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Permits to wed were issued to the lowing persons: fol- .Name and Address. Reorge Klusaw,--Omaha Mary Kogey, Omaha will Schafer. Des Moines, la Agnes Maxwell, Traer. Ia Henry Janda. Clarkson. Neb Christie Podony, Clarkson, Neb. . . . !.ra W. I-arsen. Walthlll, Neb. .. Mia Junge, Omaha .., Benjamin W. Lee, Omaha Kianehe Jacobson, Omaha Robert L. Morgan, Omaha .Marion Lawrence, Omaha orta L. Allln. Omaha ... hrntine Keller, Belle Plalne, Minn. Wm. M. Larson, Omaha 'lortrud, A. Parsons, Omaha....... Age ...24 ...24 ...43 ...30 ...26 ...19 ...30 ...29 ...28 ...19 ...44 ...34 ...30 ...21 ...45 ...45 LOST. FOUND. REWARD. for ARTICLES LOST ea street cars, tele phono Tyler 800. We are anxious to re- . store lost articles to rightful owners. Vi AHA ft CO. BLUFF8 ST. RY. CO. Liis-T Between RlaKo theater and Castle hotel, a ring with a large black stone; only valuable to owner as keepsake. Di'IikIjis 1760. ;vsr Black leather pocketbook contain ing money, key and a fountain pen; Mon (inv morning; reward. 3325 South 22d Red 78131 i.'-T Sunday evening, bnck fox neck-I'U-i-e. valued as gift. Liberal reward. i'i!fx 1 S3,". '-'T Black leather purse, Monday night, containing $22.60 and telephone hill. Reward. Finder call Tyler 3089W. I'lvX Hi reward for pearl sunburst pin; I'iann'iid center. Jan. 9th. Wal. 2113. Lust .small purse. Monday morning, con iniimig $12. 10 Phone Douglas 4844. Pearl necklace in Empress theater; reward. Call I'ougias 6H82 after 6. I.i sr fi on Mst St. between Dodge and vtviesler. Can" -Walnut 3029. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furr.iture and Household Goods. vriTrTiTFU KNITCRK FOR YOUR HOME It is something always needed and ie have it always to please you. Now is the time to supply your spring needs, our February stock Reducing Sale should mean something to you. 2S per cent to 50 per cent under-priced on me dium and high-grade furniture. A high class kitchen cablnt. $45.00 value this fok, at $29.75. See us for complete outfits. We pay the freight. TATE FURNITURE CO.. Vf Corner Hlh & Dodge. Op. V. P. Bldg. H. DULGOFF Furniture, stoves, rugs, linoleum. Vie trti.. trunk, suitcases, bedding, linen B'ttei eoods for less money, credit tf v m ! Open evenings 1839-47 ft, $4th rbv'ic. Web. It')?, web. 4b2, . . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION! AUCTION! Extra High tirade Furniture. Rugs. Linens, and New ( ream Separator in My Auction House South East Cor. 18th and Web. Streets. Wednesday, Feb. 6th. ' Starts at 10 a. m. sharp. Thla is a Rig Sale consisting of ( com piete homes. Lot t Beautiful library table and massive rockers, 3 room aiied Aimln aier rugs, very expensive dining room set. 50 Inch waxed oak table, 6 leather chairs, bufret and beautiful china cub Inet; new Singer sewing machine, 2 mas He brass beds, springs and new mat tresses; sectional book case, maogan music cabinet, 3 good oak dressers an chiffoniers, aanitary couch and pad. coin blnatlon library table and dining table big tot of linens, bed spreads and sheets garden tools, gas range, und hundreds of articles too numerous to mention Lot 02 Beautiful golden oak dining table, 6 chairs and buffet, 1 new Axmin ster rug 9x12, new Hooslor kitchen cab Inet, high oven gaa range, new Vernt Martin bed. springs and matress. and 1 new single Vernis Martin bed. spring and malress: beautiful princess dr-?sser and cniironier cabinet sewing machine like new and many articles too nuin erous to mention. Lot 93 1 new porcellnrd Ice box. 1 hi oven gas range, like new; 1 new wringer :int stand. 2 hand worked pillows and lame cover. Lot 94 This Is wonderful furniture, massive fumed oak dining room set, 51 inoji table; 6 real leather chairs and massive buffet and china cabinet. Just like nw; 1 genuine leather duofold just like new; 2 fumed oak leather rockers, and 1 massive leather rocker, Ivory dresser and white enameled bed to match, beautiful fumed oak library table, 2 beautiful 9x12 rugs, several smnller rugs, 2 good Vernis Martin beds springs and mattresses, new coffee per colator and a lot of new cooking iiten alls, dresser and chiffonier, and hun dreds of articles too numerous to mention numerous to mention. Lot 95 This home came from Council Bluffs. Consists of 1 new cream separu tor, good heating stove and steel range 2 0x12 Colonial velvet rugs, several small rugs, 1 folding bed. 2 Vernis Mar tin beds, spring and mattresses; leather couch, writing desk, dining table, 6 chairs and china cabinet; kitchen cab inet, washing machine, nearly new; Wringer, tubs and boiler. 2 good oak dressers, electric fan, dishes, cooking utensils and hundreds of articles too numerous to mention. Lot 96 This Is a complete home of furniture sold by administrator. Consists of 1 new duofold. 6 nearly new 9x12 rugs, several- small rugs, 4 new Vernis Martin beds, best springs and new mat tresses, fumed oak dining table, 6 chairs and buffet; 5 good oak dressers. 1 now chiffonier, and 1 new chifferobe, big lot of staple and fancy linen, cut glass and staple and hand painted china, sil verware, drapes, beautiful library table and 4 largo rockers to match, sanitary couch and pad, beautiful pictures, 10x12 new linoleum, cooking and laundry uten sils, extra good gas range, and kitchen cabinet, and hundreds of articles too numerous to mention. Lots 97, 98, 99, 100. 101, 102 and 103 too numerous to mention. This Is a big sale of furniture consigned to me to be sold on commission on above date. JAMES L. DOWD Auctioneer. Phone Red 3285 or Harney 4486. ' I AUCTION! AUCTION! Sale high-class furniture, rugs, linens. In auction house, 18th and Webster Sts. Wednesday. Feb. 5, starts at 10 a. m. Consisting of 5 complete homes of beau tiful furniture. JAMES L. TOWD, Auctioneer. Phone Red 8286 or Harney 47i!8. WE buy, sell and make desks, safes, show cases, shelving, etc Omaha Fixture & Sunply Co.T 11th and Douglaa. r 2724 FOR sale $65 base burner, used two months ror 23. Call Colfax 4559. 7818 No. 28th street. . BRAND NEW Wilcox & Gibbs sewing machine, worth $65; will sell for $30. 45 So. 31at St, Pianos and Musical Instruments PHONOGRAPHS RECORDS Records In all languages. Columbia Grafonolaa. Rialto Music Shop, 1416 Douglas St. PIANOS for rent $4 per mo. A. Hospe Co. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parte MICHEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney Sts Doug. 1668. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES .- NEW AND REBUILT The most complete line of Typewriters and Adijlng Machines west of Chicago. Can furnish anv make at most any price you desire to pay. We rent and -jpalr all makea and will buy or trade for your old machine. Every machine guaranteed See us beforff vou buy. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. (Established over 15 years.) Douglas 4121. 1905 Farnam St, REBUILT, sold, rented, repaired. Carbon paper, ribbons and supplies. Service guaranteed. Try us. Phone Doug. 6031 OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., 106 North 15th St. WE buy, sell and exchange typewriters. aesas ana ontce rurn.ture. Midland of fice Supply Co., 1404 Dodge St. Tel. Douglas 2147. TYPEWRITERS all makes, sold, rented and repaired. THE W. N. LONO COMPANY. 1H8 Farnam. Tel. D. 3961 RENT an Oliver Typewriter, three months for $6.00.. Oliver Agency. 1905 Farnam Ktreet. ct:r. Billiard and Pocket Tables. FOR SALE 6 table pool hall, good Ne braska town 3,500; good business; stock and fixtures, $1,000. A snap. Reason for selling, other business hurry. Ad dressBox Y-323. Omaha Bee. Machinery and Engines. FACTORY DISMANTLING. Two.l50-H. P. Atlas water tube boil ers, lone 70-ton ice machine, several small, engines, large and small belted and steam pumps, belted and steam air compressors,, wooden, glass lined steel, and large and small pressure tanks; one 44.000 gallon capacity steel oil tank, one 8x20 ft. Vk Inch steel pressure tank, complete new Grlnnell fire sprink ler system, one malt mill. Quantity large bottling and brewery equipment. Also large quantity refrigerating and other large and small pipe. Hose, shaft ing, pulleys, etc. Printed description of all items furnished. The Royal Brew- Ing Co., Kansas City, Mo. Miscellaneous. LIBERTY BONDS, par value or cash for pianos. Edison diamond disc or cylinder phonographs, victrolas, Pathe phono graphs. Records for each make. New Home and Ruby sewing machines. Write nan wn, niair, r.eo.. Dept A. T)RTNK pure ,resh PPlo cider. De- 50c. per gallon. Put up In 16 gallon kegs. Call or write Porto Beverage Co., 2144 Burt St., Omaha. Douglas 3462. ALASKA BABY SEAL, lady'a coat in spienain condition. Size 46. Very reasonable. See at once. Address B-65. Omaha Bee. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over In new ticking at half the price of new ones. 1907 Cuming. Douglas 2467 . ,;,.. an "ock of focertes for sale. nainuc ZH2. AUCTION SALES. LET ME HAVE YOUR" ATTENTION. For the first time In the history of Omaha, real estate property will be sold from the block to the highest bidder. This property Is located at 715 N. 33d St., consisting of a six-room, modern, vraetically new home, large size lot: ex cellent site for apartment house. Must be sold QUICK. Owner is leaving Oma ha; $850 encumbrance, balance payable day of sale Don't forieti 715N. 33D ST. PLACE. 2 P. M. TIME. WED., FEB. 5-The Date. J. E. SILVERS, AUCTIONEER. 520-21 PAXTON BLOCK. PHONE RED 682 OR HARNEY 6787. WANTED TO BUY. WANTED Kerosmie trat tur 4-cyilmer preferred), and plow outfit. John T. Johnson. Columbus." S"h. WANTED Small cash register. t7Z, Call D. WANTED TO BUY. Your Liberty Bonds, War Savings Stamps, Partial Payment Receipts will Bring the highest , market with us. NATIONAL. BOND CO., 610 World-Herald Bldg, 15th and Farnam. Offices in four principal cities. LIBERTY BONDS. Spot cash for Liberty bonds and for partly paid up. See me if you need the money and must sell. 108 McCAGUE BUILDING, 15th and Dodge. LIBERTY BONDS WK BUY LTRKRTY BONDS and re ceipts for partly paid-up bonds; we pay cash; tio waiting; no red tape. 411 M'CAGUE BLD. 15th and Podge Sts. Highest Cash Prices Paid For LIBERTY BONDS Partly Paid Up Receipts and WAR SAVING STAMPS Don't Pell 1'nlll J'ou Get Our Prices 542 SECURITY BUILDING. JENKINS. 70S South 10th, will pay brat price for old clothes, shoes, job lots of all kinds. Residence, Douglaa 8032. Of- -flce. Douglas s92. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded. ,1. C. Reed. 1201 Farnam. D. 0146. ELITE FI'RNITITRK CO., We pay best prices for furniture, rugs, stoves, etc. All kinds of Job lots. Doug las 2451; WE buy waste paper and pay good prices, mono or write umana raper Stock Co. Dougla 16 ONE THOUSAND toils of country mixed Iron, also rubber and metals, t. Katel manxll25 So. th St. .Fhonca 650, 4491. WILL pay casts for a good used standard typewriter, Douglas 8345. BERTY loans bought. Ill South 15th. ANNOUNCEMENTS. LL WORKING people and especially members of organized labor are Invited to attend an open forum meeting which will be held In Workman's hall at Twenty-fifth and M streets every Thurs day evening, commencing February 6. Subject of first meeting will be re construction of the labor movements. We can make these meetlnga of great force for solidarity in the movement with your assistance. Local 602, A. M. C & B. W. of N. A. GEO. W. WRIGHT wishes to announce the retirement from the firm of Wright, "Mack & Schuchart. of Mr. Ed' ward H. Schuchart. The business will be continued by Wright & Mack Co. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all aizea and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, button hole, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 300-308 Brown Bldg. Phone, D. 1936. HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING. BUTTONS. O. V VanArnam Pleating Co.. $36-7 Paxton Block. Phone. Doug. !. Awnings, AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Ajilo touring tents and camping supplies. SCOTT-OMAHA TENT & AWNINO CO. Baggage and Express. "The Only Way",! Omaha Transfer Co. Bath and Massage. Miss Fisher, 379 Brandels Theater. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO.. J7tH and Martha Sta, Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. carpenters ana interior Decorators. I LESSARD & SON. 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1632 Costumes. I' FULL dress suits for rent, 109 N. 16tb St., opposite Postoffice. John Feldman. Chiropractors. Ethel Maltby, D.-fV313 Bee Biug. D. 3072. Dr. J. C. Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. D. 8461. SPINOGRAPH. Dr. Edwards 24th, Farnam Dancyig Academies. KEL-PINE DANCING ACADEMY, 2424 Farnam. Class and prlv. lessons. D. 7850. Delicatessen. SPECIAL SALAD for sale. Rlalto Delicatessen, Dentists. Dr.-Bradbury. No gain. 921 W, O. W. Bldg. Taft's Dental Rr :., 308 Rose Bldg. D. 2186. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. Ev. dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136 Electrical Devices ELECTRICAL devices: door bells repaired called for and delivered. Colfax 1998. Fixtures and Wiring. FiTTT?TrTJ1::lectrio washing machines, J UXVxVXlelectrlc Irons and reading amps. 2i23 fuming st. Douglas 2619. Film Tlevelnnino- FILMS developed, rolls 10c; packs, 16c; one-day service. Kase Studio, Neville Blk. you wouiu uae 10 learn photo finishing appiy ac once, me itopson Co., 209 S. ISth St. DEVELOPING and printing. One-day eerviee. rnoio crart snop. 1408 Farnam FILMS developed free! Mall orders so licited. THE ENSIGN CO.. 1607 Howard. Furriers. WE MAKE up your trappings Into coats, muffs, scarfs, mittens and caps. We pay best market price for your raw furs. ALASKA FUR CO., Northeast Corner 16th and Douglas. Historical Costumes. COSTUMES of all ages from Adam and t-ve to the world war; costumes for theatricals and masquerades; in a nut shell, costumes for everything can be leased, at Theo. Lleben & Son. 1516 Howard St. Omaha. Jewelry. DIAM0NDSS?hW'2; oaca at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 402 N. 16th. Red 6081. Osteonaths. DR. MABEL WESSON, 614 Brandels Bldg. T. 2960.. H. 4741. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. In. ternatlonal Patent Co.. 683 Brsndeia D. 6691. Restaurants. TRY our good meals at new Hungarian Kosher restaurant. 316 S. 16th, upstairs. Medical. PILES, fistula and otherrectal dis eases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for book on rectal diseases with testi monials. DR. E. R. TARRY,' - 240 Bee Bldg,. Omaha. Printing Supplies. Waters-Barnhart Ptg. Co.. 414" 8. 18th St. Tailors. Dled'lck. P L. 216 S. 20th. Tailor. D. i'4$2. Safes. BARGAINS 1-12 Farnam. J. J. Deright Safe Co. SAFES Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply 307 a 11th. D. 682. Wedding Stationery. VEDi-iING- announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co; Tel. Douglas 614. BUSINESS CHANCES. COUNT RTNEWSPAPER WANTED Must v. uooie .n price, smuipiira, " tabllshed and without competition. Give lowest price for cash, or terms, popu lation, nationality of populltlon, etc., In first letter. Be sure to give equipment and condition of plant, rent, and pros pects of renting residence of about six rooms. Address.' B (0, Care of The Omaha Bee, Omaha. Neb. Broken Bow, Oklahoma oflera more op portunities for a business man to make money than any western town. Over 3,000 laborers now employed and 1.000 more needed. Monthly pay roll 6125.000. Addrcsa Garland Adair. Seo. Commercial club. FOR SALE Good blacksmith and wood workers ,shop and tools with plenty of room for auto repairing; Rood loca tion; plenty of work. Address Boi Y-325. Omaha Bee. ''OR SALK Hotel, modern, 18 rooms; county seat town In Elkhorn valley, Nebraska; capacity business; books open for inveetlgatlon. Boi Y-33S, Omaha Bee. RESTAURANT for Kale. Doing good busi ness. Tall Douglas S4S5. WIS buy and sell stores: to get In or out orpuslneaa.- see Hill. 542 Securities Bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. THE BEE will publish free a situation- wanted ad under thla classification for soldiers, sailors and marines who will show thai discharge papers at our office In the lobby of the Bee building. Seventeeenth and Farnam. j WORK FOR BOARIX lion, discharged soldier desires to work morning and evening for part of board while attend ing school. Answer Box No. A-92, Oma ha Bee. ftDIKCHARtflSD soldier wants office and yard job wllh lumber "and coal com- pany. In or out of Quia ha. Harney 40y PRINTKK Bandmaster, graduate Beeth oven Conservatory. St. Louis; cornetiat, vlnlinlat. For years successful collego ana conservatory teacher, composer. Wish to discontinue school work; will accept place In printing establishment wntn leadership of band. Not misrep resenting, neither must you. Married, age 4. Address Musician, 409 North Olive St., Pittsburgh. Kan. BANK clerh and assistant cashier before enlisting: now having recelvedSionorable discharge from army, desires position with bank in some good town; haI Burroughs posting machine experience; aged 20 years; best of references. Write now. Box Y-328. Omaha Bee. WANTED Position by young lawyer and typist with some experience; will buy partnersmp in law firm. C. II. Gllson. Mlnden, Neb. JAPANESE boy wants position at house work. Experienced. 1806 So. 37th St., So. Omaha. F. H. Minesawa. FARMER, experienced, past middle aged. single, wants place working manager on I rarm. omaha Bee. Box A-91. YOUNG colored mas wishes job as garage I helper, call Web. 2368. 2413 Burdette St. WORK wanted of any kind by colored man. an Webster D294. CARPENTERING and general repairing. wenstor 3flo. PAINTING, paper cleaning, odd jobs. Web ster 13U2. Female. COMPETENT dressmaking and remodel- ing. Red 6657. NURSE, maternity cases. Har. 1668. Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED colored lady wants bundle waBning ny flay or week Web. 1720. COLORED lady wants Web. 4419. cleaning by day. CURTAINS laundered. 614 Dodge. Harney J lOV. BUNDLE WASHING and day work. Tyler siiuz. HELP WANTED MALE. . Stores and Offices. SOLDIERS AND SAILORS ATTENTION! . The Bee will publish your situation wanted ads FREE of charge. Just bring your aiscnarge papers to our office In the lobby of the Bee building, 17th and Farnam. A star will be placed In each aa to indicate your service in the army. navy or marines. Bring- them In NOW. IfOUNO MEN, 16 and over, are eligible for government Railway Mall clerks. $92 month. For free particulars regarding examinations, write Raymond Terry, (former Civil Service Examiner.) 504 v.uimnemai DUIldlng. Washington. cash ier for large western bank. Must have extensive banking experience wnicn would justify consideration on posiMon paying $2,500 to $3 000 ner an. num. Western Reference & Bond Ass'n. SALES MANAGER, clean cut young man. Assistant shipping? clerk, $76, $85. . Office clerk. $50-$55. THE MARTI COMPANY, 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. Bookeeper, beginner, $50 to start. Collector, $100. Salesman, experienced. Sal. and Com. EMPLOYER'S REFERENCE CO. 605 Bee Building. BECOME, Railway- Mail Clerks. $92 month. Sample examination questions iree. iraiiKiin institute. Deft. 230 M., nocnenier, w. y. STENOGRAPHER executive ability, $125. snipping ciern. wholesale, $125. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First National Bank. STENOGRAPHER and clerk to .lirinrin. tendent of manufacturing firm. Young man beginner will be accepted. Western Kererence & Bond Ass'n. Professions and Trades. CHEMIST. Man familiar with water analysis lab- J oratory work. Apply Room 614 Farnam 1 Bldg.. or phone Tyler 2880. Mr. Hughes. WANTED Metal polishers on die casting and steel work; good wages; steady wont. Apply tne Brunswlck-Balke-Col-lender Co., Dubuque, Iowa. STORAGE buttery repair man. age under iv. Dime experience ana salary exnect- I. ea. Aaaress ox B-63, Omaha Bee. WANTEDS Upholsterer for efurnlture de partment. Box 41405, Bee. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Collector for Nebraska. Single -.,ilr--,.i ' - man aged 25 to 35. Salary $24.D0 per c(?XLPl!'1?',!;T willte cook- M,s- J week. Bonusjjid railroad fare. Refer- Ighen. 3.'7 S. 37th. Harney 2311 eitce required. Men who have sustained an Injury to either arm fully eligible. collier's Weekly, 312 Balrd Bldg. SALESA1EN who have ambition and pep to make records from real effort and who want real money for same will do well to see our General Sales Mgr., at 220 S. 15th St. Must be A -No. 1 pro ducers. RELIABLE Chicago house wants traveling salesmen. Men s tubular silk neckwear. Side line. 10 Der cent commission. Strong compact line. Lowenstern Bros.. 215 S. Market St., Chicago.' SALESMAN with machinery experience j wanted. Must be high grade and devoto entire time. Very remunerative con nection for party qualifying. Apply Room 321 Fontenelle Hotel &TOCK SALESMEN An opportunity on a fast moving industrial that appeals to all. 1012 First Nat. Bank Bldg., ask for Mr. Mills. Agents and Canvassers. THE ONLY COMPLETE AND AUTIIEN- .TIC'HISTORY OP THE WORLD WAR By Professor F. A. March with intro duction by his brother, General March, highest officer In army. Official photo graphs. Life of Roosevelt. Introduction by Es-Presldent Taft. Both books fully Illustrated. Demand enormous. Solicitors I making unprecedented profits. Special terms. Credit given, freight paid. Either outfit free. Universal House, Phila delphia, Pa. MARCH'S ''History of World War." Won derful agents' money-maker. Inaroduc tlon General March, highest officer United States army. Liberal commission. Outfit free. Bible Educational Society, St. Loulg. Mo. - AUTHENTIC "Life Theodore Roosevelt." Introduction by Ex-President Taft. Sells on sight. Liberal agents' ceSSimissions. Outfit free.- Bible Educational Society, Fullerton Bldg.. St. Louis. Mo. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Colored assistant head waiter, good salary and board. Apply to man ager Blackstone hotel. Boys. WAMt'D. Good office boy, good pay and fine i place to work; boy-qver 1$ years with some high school training preferred. - LOOSE WILES BISCUIT CO. 12th and Pavenpoit Sts, HELP WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. I A MAN succeeds In the work ho likes. you would like a responsible rallwa position, one that enables you to trave and to advance, starting at S110. month and expenses, ho age limit, write for booklet NI29. Standard Busl ness Training Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. BE a detective; excellent opportunity good pay; travel. Write C T. Ludwig, 875 Westovor Bids-.. Kansas City, Mo. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. yilL'NO WOMAN STENOGRAPHER, to fill a responsible position with manufa turlng ffirm. Must be able to handle atenographle work, typing, and thoroughly understand filing, and have the ability to rapidly develop Into exe cutlve capacity and take charge of de partment. This la an exceptional op portunity. Must be filled at once. .Salary to start, stia. EMPLOYER'S REFERENCE COMPANY 60S Bee Building. WANTED Young ladies to learn how to operate Comptometers and Burroughs calculating and bookkeeping machines. A good position absolutely guaranteed to every graduate. Time required to com plete course, 6 weeks to 3 months. Day and evening classes. Call anjl see us or leiepnone I'ougias ma ior particulars. DWORAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING, Second Floor Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sts, STENOGRAPHER to learn dlctaphono. J80. Stenographers, IS", $75, ICO and 155. . Ledger clerk, little typewriting, 175, BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN. J307 W. O. W. BI.IlG. STENOGRAPHER and dictaphone, 85-9i Stenographer and bookkeeper, auto. Office clerk, S40.- Office clerk, good beginner $35, " THE MARTI COMPANY, 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS. $100-l90-$8i-75-l65, Order clerk, $70; dictaphone operator, $75; file clerk. 143. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First National Bank. GENERAL office assistant to take charge of order department of manufacturing firm. Salary 65.- Western Reference & Bond Ass n. Professions and Trades. WANTED 100 EXPERIENCED OPERATORS ON MINA-TAYLOR DRESSES AND BEAU BRUMMEL DRESS SHIRTS Here Is your opportunity to connect vih a firm that will pay you lib irully for your services a place to work where promotion and advancement is certain to those who are deserving. The work Is not difficult or hard. The machines are power-driven, requiring no exert'in on your part to operate them. Working conditions here are id?al everything Is Immaculately clean lots of fresh air and plenty of warmth when needed.' A cafeteria is conducted where whole some, clean food Is served at a nominal cost, Tf you are an experienced dress or shirt maker, we want your services we will pay you well for your time. After you work here for a while or from the day you begin you will notice the high type of girls with whom you will asso elate refined, cheerful and ready to give you a helping hand. You will like your place of employment, you will lik your work and you will ba satisfied with your earnings. Come down tomorrow and talk 1t fiver with our employment Department. M. E. Smith & Co., Employment Department, 9th & -iloug las Street Entrance, TELEPHONE OPERATORS PERMANENT POSITIONS UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT Liberal pay while learning and frt quent Increase In salary. Work la clean, pleasant and Inter esting. MEALS AT COST YOUNG WOMEN 17 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER. APPLY TO C F. LAMBERT, NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. 613 New Telephone Bldg. 19th and Douglas. Household and Domestic. WANTED An elderly lady to help with the light work and care for children. A good home on a farm for the right party. Address, Box Y-334, Omaha Bee. WANTED Girl, to assist with housework small house; no laundry work or cook ing; very good wages. Phone Harney SSS9. ll) South 4Zd St. GOOD girl for general housework; refer ences required. Mrs. N. Wellman. 2110 South 33d. Harney 3289. WANTED Competent cook and general wora, wnere secona girl is Kept. Mrs. A. w. uordon, 3611 Jackson. - GIRL for cooking and house work where second girl Is kept. WANTED An experienced housekeeper at the Faxton Hotel. J, Han- a HELP WANTED. Male and Female. r. 7T, . w . WANTED Men. adtes and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1402 Dodge St. Trl-City Barber College. rnnne v. Z147. MOLER Barber College wants young men "u iui learn ioo oaroer iraae. Call or write for free catalogue. 110 s- "tn bt- Omaha. Neb. EDUCATIONAL DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE Students are admitted at any time. Complete courses In accountancy, ma- cnine oooKKeeping, comptometry, saliort nana ana typewriting, stenotypy, rail road and wireles1elegraphy, civil aerv Ice and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas lbbb ior large Illustrated catalogue, Address BOYLE'S COLLEGE. Boyles Building, Omaha, Neb. STOP work; learn a trade: fit yourself for the future: no cook work; quick and easy; free catalog. National Auto Training Aas'n. 2814 N. 20th. Omaha Neb. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg.' Douglas 5890 LEARN Mosher shorthand and typewrit ing. Day and night classes. Omaha Shorthand College. Bee Bldg.. D. 6620. Musical. MARINUS BOUR1CIUS, experienced piano teacher, will receive a few moni pupils between 9 a. m. and 3 p. m. trdrd floor Arlington block. Douglas 2471T FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms TWO nicely furnished rooms, good Ioca 4ion, fine neighborhood. Everything furnished 207 Dodge. ROOMS for sleeping or housekeeping. Call Web. 2210. Housekeeping Rooms. 3 UNFURNISHED rooms, . all nimlern, newly papered, new hardwood floors. 1506 South 29th St. 3 OR 4-ROOM apartment for rent. South 22d St. Tyler 2248. 816 Hotels. HEATED rooms, $2 60 week Apartments with kitchenette. Ogde. buleL Couo. B. i j FOR RENT ROOMS. Unfurnished Rooms. If FOR RENT One or two rodms. unfu nlshed, $13 to $20 per mouth, steam hea gas. water and electric lights. 210 lavenworth. See Chambers O'Nell Tyler 1419. 3 UNFURNISHED, heated rooms. 913 North lth St. FOR RENT HOUSES. West. 10 room house, all modern, fine condition, 8622 Capitol svenue. Rod 6S2 North. room house, hot water, heat, $22.50, 201 (irace street. Red 62. South. r PETERS TRUST CO., specialists In Apartment management LIST your property for rent or sale wit FIRST TRUST COMTANY. Realtors. Tyler 7!. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. CRE1GH SONS t CO.. Bee- Rooming Houses For Rent. PAYNE & SKATER COMPANY. Omaha's Rental Agenta ! Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldk. D. 1016. Miscellaneous. 24H8 St. Mry8 Ave., 8 rooms, $35 00 1918 Capitol ave., 10 rooms, 60.00 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. Tyler 1536 333 Securities Bldg. BIRKETT & CO., Care of property and Insurance. Bee Bldg. Douglas 632. 250 FOR RENT APARTMENTS. West. TIZARD PLACE BLOCK, CENTRAL. ALL modrn 3-room apartment; tiled hal ana nam. Apply R. Tlzard, 220 23d St. - ' North. jvto FLATS, 5 and 6 rooms, water paid $18 each; good neighborhood; 13th and J astelar sts. Douglas - 6666. 7-RStm. Heated flat,- 70X N. Ifith St. T.95 South. FOR RENT One or two-room apartments, riectna limits, jas, water and steam roat. $13 to $20 per month. 2102 Leaven worth. See Chambers O'Neil. Thone Tyler 1419 Miscellaneous. FRONT ."-room apartment with 6-room accomodations at the Undine. Phone, Jiougiaa 6XS6. Traver Bros.,-819 First iNationai Hank. 7-ROOM, steam-heated apt., close-in, low rent, u. F. stebblns. 1610 Chicago. FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. FINE new storeroom and basement at tn and Leavenworth Sts.: steam heat: for particulars see Conrad Young. 822 Brandels Theater Bldg. Dour 1671. $115 per mo., 116 S. 15tb St.. 20x60 ft.. run casement, steam heat. p. 6342 WORLD REALTY CO. MODERN store. 16th St.. near Dostofflce. iow rem, u f ateppina. 1610 Chicago. 03 and 706 North 16th Street. Web. 3314. WANTED TO RENT. YOUNG MAN. with good references, wants large, single room. Good heat and ngnt. umana Bee. Box No. A-93. Miscellaneous. 5 OR 6-ROOM modern house a-ood looa. tion on or before March 1. Call Harney join. MOVING AND STORAGE STOR XTY FIDELITY STORAGE CO., 16TH AND JACKSON. DOUG. !88. STORAGE MOVNG, PACKING. REASONABLE RATE 9. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO. For real service In hauling or storage call Tyler 230 or D. 4338,. auto or wagon service. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for hour hold goods and pianos: moving, packl"; au ohlrplng. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. 806 S 16th. Douglas 4163. WE haul furniture, light and heavy hauling. Live stock hauling a specialty. CALDWELL TRANS. CO. Office Tyler 679. Res. Douglas 9131. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. PRACTICALLY NEW HOME. PRICE ONLY $5,000. SI rooms and sleeping porch, oak nnisn oak noors throughout, floored at tic, full press brick foundation; located on 31st St., just south of Harney. Call owner, riarney 3H68. NEW, 7-room, oak finish; large lot; dou- nie garage; price $6,750; terms. 6137 North 24th SU NORRI3 & NORRIS. Douglas 4270. MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer J he wvi'i'tmimjr iu luvest yuur money. Phone Tyler 187. North. BEAUTIFUL HOME NORTH. We have one of the best homes In Omaha, In tine condition, oak floors all over; also oak finish, elegant built In features: 7 very large rooms, kitchen and bath white enamel; large sleeping porch, two fine fireplaces; south front lot 60x186, modern, garage arranged to be heated; all lath and plastered with electric lights; large front and back 'yard; large shade treea;'one block from car line, close to large- school and churches. This is a real home and non resident owner being a widow will ex change for smaller home or acreage, or western land, priced right. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY. 213 City Natl. Bank Bldg. ( Omaha, Nebraska. Phone Douglas 1313 or Walnut 2136. NORTH SIDE SNAP. $200 DOWN AND $22 A MONTH , 6-room, strictly modern cottage, ex cept beat; 3 large rooms on first floor, 2 nice bjdrooms and bath on second: north front lot, on paved street, paving paid; close to car and school. Priced at $1,700. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, REALTORS 537 OMAHA NATL. BK. BLDG. D. 1781 ?5,000.00 For a good, all modern residence, near Clark on 19th street; house would cost $7,500 to build, Is almost new. All oak finish; hot water heat. Large loU Garage for two cars. Terms easy. H. A. Wolf Co., Electric Bldg. Tyler 85. NEW 5-RM. COTTAGE 2 LOTS-$2,250 New 6-room cottage and 2 lotn, few blocks north of Krug park; furnace heat; good wMI: 1 block to paved ro:id. J. L. HIATT CO., Qflfi FIRST NATIONAL PHONE Q vW rank nr.nn PRICE $1,700.00 CASH $250.00 Balance $U per month, for a good $ room cottage, modern except heat. Near 2$th and Seward Sts. H. A. Wolf Co., Electro Bldg. Tyler 85. IF you want a good well built, house In best of order, look at that property at 1613 Lothrop, full lot. Iron fence, with a garage. Key 1st door west. MY equity In new six-room bungalow. Oak floors, oak and enamel woodwork. 4815 Burl. Walnut 223. bill). Store building, 3 living rooms In rear: all modern. go"d location. C. A. Urlmiucl ,. jihono D, llilS, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. 7.16 No SUth St. (36th and Fowler); very neat 6-room cottage: modern except heat; in first class condition, 50x128 ft. E. front lot; $150 cash, balance monthly or lot or auto taken as first payment. 213 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. South. HANSCOM PARK BAR GAIN. PRICE ONLY $3,750. Eight rooms and bath, strictly mod ern, an. extra fine lot 60x140. with splendid shade trees, almost looking Into park. This properly Is not new, but certainly a bargain at the above figures. Key at our office. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 658 Omaha National Bank Bldg. East of Field Club, . $500 Down 1717 South 33d St., In dandy neigh borhood, on paved street; Inimedlat' possession given: has 7 rooms and sun room; oak floors downstairs; cement garage. Key next door, or call Tyler 50 and ask for Mr. Rocd. Frice only 4,?on. . Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney St. CI.A1RMONT BARGAIN. Almost new 6-room (possible 7 rooms) In Cluirmont: modern; east front; $4,400 on terms. Call Mr. Browne. INTER-STATE REALTY CO.. 1516 City Nat'l. Douglas 6236 FOR RENT AND BALK. HOUSES, COTTAGES A APARTMENTS. AMERICAN SECURITY ClV, $01 S. 17th St. Doufias 601$ , FOR SALE 907 Williams, St.. eleuant home, 60 ft. lot; bargain. Tel. daytime. Doug. 7024. evening, Doug; 6664. Miscellaneous. Near Depot and Wholesale ' District 5-Room Bungalow Practically new, all large rooms, east frontage: in good condition; 1242 Tark Wild Ave.; lot 61x154: very well built. Price $3,000; $650 cash. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Manvllle. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 HARNEY ST. FOR SALE B-room cottage not mndprn with two lots; a fine place for garden and chick ens; two blocks to car and chool; price for quirk sain, $1,900. 4-room bungalow on 15th and Ami, nearly new; a cozy little home; price l,;t50. A 7-room oM house at 4020 Brown St. Prl. $1,350. W. S. FRANK, 203 Neville Block. EJegant home of fifteen rooms, partly rurnistiea, in tine condition, a very large yard of a little over three acres with lots of shade trees and shrubbery mufct be seen to be appreciated. Owner will lease It for two years or longer at $100.00 per mdnth. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Pouglas 664. 1310 Farnam St CLOSE-IN, $4,500 Have just listed a very well built home, 8 rooms, full two-story; four bd rooms; oak and birch finish; complete in every way; $1,000 cash will haii'lie. GLOVER & SPAIN, Pouglas 3063. 91S-50 City Natlona I. Flv, room stucco, oak floors throughout oak and white enamel finish. Fin lo cation. Price 4,600 or terms. BENSON te CARMICHAEL Poug. 1723. 643 , Paxton Block WE SELL: rent. Insure and anko loan ou city property, north. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO.. 84th and Ames Ave. Col. ?J7 P. J. TEBBENS COMPANY. Real Estate, Insurance and Investments. 605 Omaha National Bank. Doug. 2182. AKCIAINS In homes, lnvestmciits. pror- ertles and acreage near Omaha. Harr' son A Morton. tH Omaha Nat. Bk. B'da. REAL ESTATE-Business Property BUSINESS property and Invesmenti. - A. P. TUKEY & SON, 430 First Nationnl Bank Hidv REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT DOUBLE brick flat, close-in; large lot. This property Is located where values are Increasing rapidly. GEORGE F. JONES, REALTOR, 926 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1946. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. ANTED An apartment house, for clear Nebraska land. J. H. Carse. 782 ?4 Brandels Bldg. Phone Red 7374. REAL ESTATE, UNIMPROVED North. LOTS on 25th Ave. and Pitikney St., $550 to S80O. IBAVSK BROS., Doug. 6886. 819 First National Bank WEST Farnam building lots as iow ai $395; $10 down, $5 per month: all ln provements. Douglas 6074. South. BIO GARDEN LOTS. $1.00 DOWN, $1,00 A WEEK, buys fine garden tract, 47x122; only two blocks from West Center car line and one block to paved street; high and sightly: black soil; prices $295 and $345. THE BYRON REED CO.. 1612 Farnam St. Douglas 297. LOT 15, Block 8, Thomasen & Goos Add. 32d and Valley St. Web. 3314. FOR RENT SUBURBAN. Benson. BENSON SNAP. Good five rooms and bath cottage; well located and good neighborhood; full lot; garage; $2,100 will buy It; $100 cash, balance $20 per month; see this today. Colfax 719. REAL ESTATE WANTED. I HAVE $250 to pay down on a five-room cottage or bungalow, modern or modern except heat. Wpnt fair sized lot; give best price, description and address first letter. Vox. itZ. BUNGALOWS WANTED. We have cash buyers for well located bungalows and residence! worth the money. For quick results list with us. O'NEIL'S R. E. & INS. AGENCY. 632-6 Brandels Theater Bldg. Tel. Tyler 1024. LIST your bargains with us We want homes. Investment and ac'reaee. Phone Douglas 41 a. we will send our sales man for a personal Inspection. McCagu investment co. WE have buyers for good homes. Llat your property with us. Call Douglas 46. D. V. Sholes Co., 916 City National. LIST your property for sale with J. B Robinson for quick sales. 442 Be Bldg Phone Doug. 8097. FINANCIAL. Wanted. Private Money. SHOPEN & COMPANY. Doug. 4228. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam Real Estate, Loans & Mortgages. CONVERT that installment loan on your home Into a straight five-year mortgage and avoid those monthly payments. E. H. LOUGEE. INC. 638 Keellne Bldg. FARM LOANS Unlimited Tlmes-A'mortl- zatlon plan if desired. No commission charged. A. J. Love, Jr., 20 W, O. W. Bldg., Omaha. CITY AND FARM LOANS. Hi and ( per cent: loans for March 1, tH per cent. Dumont & Co., Keellne Bd No Delay Closing Loans. W. T. GRAHAM. 604 Be Bldg. Dour. 1(21. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. H. Thomas & Son., Keeline Bldg. WE BUY and s.-ll Liberty Bonds Mack's Bond House. 1451 First Nst. Bk Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. FOR SALE Seven unarms William licrg Potash stork, $1,400, Immediate cash. Five shares National Polash Corpora tion, $876 cash. Act quickly. R. I. In liens Osceola. Neb. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Acreage. 40 ACRES near Fair Acres, good Improve mnis: possession next Msrch: priced to sell. Niissuu, 423 Securities Bldg, FARM. AND RANCH LANL)S. Arkansas Lands. FEBRUARY 18tll Our next excursion o McGehee, Ar. W ft. FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLK. Colorado Lands CHOICE Imp. or raw quarter, half ac. or larger, Lincoln Co., bargains: easy terms. J L. Maurer, Arriba. Colo Iowa Lands. 9 farms. 25 miles from Omaha. 160 acres Improved valley land. Pos session this spring. Fries $150. Owner will carry back. 240 acres; 2 sets Improvements, all valley land. Price $150. Liberal lornis. Possession at once. Chas. F. Davis. Pacific Junction. Ia. 16 A., Council "Bluffs, on lWiieViAv" well Improved. Place known as Applo Blossom. Go look It over and make offer. Might take In a clear house In Oman aa part payment. W. II, Hock er, 3610 No. lOth HI., Omaha Kansas Lands. SPECIAL BARGAIN 160 acres. Improved, handy town. litl acres fine wheat, rossesslon March 1st. Price $4,600, easy terms. Write for new land list. .1uslln-T-Avery, Traer. Oocatui County, Kansas. SO-Acre hnme Snuthesstern Kansas;" well Improved; black land: will eschange for Omaha property. 8. S. A R. E. MONTGO.M KR T. t13 City Nafl Bank Blda Omshs. Neh. Missouri Lands. VALLEY FARM, 1J9 acres, 8 room liou. largo barn, other Improvements. 70 li. i cultivation, balance timber achool, :'i rods, on R. F. 11.. good roadu, aprlne water. Th one that Rets here flrl gets this $o,0oo. Will Arthur, Jloun- talnview. Missouri. MODEL 80-acre farui. 1 mile to iiTTl town. i mile to school: fine Imp.; wov. en wire fence; everlasting water; every foot .low land: fine roads; ImniedlaH possession. $6,600, terms, l, cash. Come ouick: rare opportunity. J. O. Hodges Vista. Mo. Montana Lands. FOR SALE 5 sections, situated on till upper Madison valley, This land hn been purchased on railroad contracts and must be disposed of at once. Al lance Three Forks, Mont. Nebraska Lands. DAIRY AMI TRUCK FA KM. For Sale 160 acres adjoining eltv 1 1 in 1 1 aa of Kearney, Buffalo county, Ne brnaka: all level valley land: (his Is a corn and wheat farm, and also suitable for truck farming: 40 acres now in win ter wheat: fine building, worth more Uian $6,000; the whole farm Is fenced hog-tight: two wells and wind mills; thij farm will rent for $1,600 cash per year, or half of crop delivered. The price for a short time Is $150 per acre. Tcrm, half cash, balance on 10 years time; possession March 1, 1919. If interet"d I advise to Investigate at once. A. Nelson, Kearney, Neb. Phone Red 80,-,4. KIMBALL COUNTY W HE R E iB WHEAT IS FINE. Half a section of the best land In Kimball county of deep rich soil close to market, schools and churches located on the main graded road, telephone line, rural route One hundred acres winter wheat on the land sowed on sod. One third goes to the buyer. Terms. $3,0"0 cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent It won't pay you to wait. J. R. CARTER, ' Btmhnell, Neb. 40 ACRES, Ideal home and location, very rich soil; $5,000 Improvements; 10 min utes' walk depot and center of tjwn: adjoins land held at $.mo to l.'OO i.t acre; rented Mch. 1 to Mch.. 1920, $45 In advance; rent applied on flrat pay ment. Price $9,00(i; $4,000 down, bal. 6 years 6 per cent. II. H. Stecna. Western (Saline Co.), Nb. 400 ACRES good farm land two and one half miles from Wann, Neb. Well Im proved; $48,000 on easy terms. Ashland . State bank, Ashland, Neb. 67 H acres of good land adjoining City of Ashland, large modern house, fine buildings, price $20,000 on easy terms. Address Ashland Slate bank. Ashland, Neb. - ONE-HALF section of good, level, black loam land. 2ft miles northeast of Mon roe; 120 hay land? 20 of pasture: 60 of wheat go with place; 20 of alfalfa and rye; fenced hog-tight and 100 acres of corn land; good farm Improvements: all modern; protected on north and west by grove; price, $240; terms right. Ji. C. Potter, Monroe, Neb. WELL improved section, 2V miles from Bushnell; good t five-pnm house; goo barns and sheds; ever ?.hing ready for man to move onto and start to farming this spring: 80 seres ready nr ..print; plow; 80 acre more that can be brok en; balance dandy pasture land: price, $25 per acre, $5,000 cash, balance easy terms. ""real bargain, act QUICK. 80-acre. improved; 10 miles to Ben son. 4 miles from Washington. 70 acres In high state of cultivation, 10 acre? pasture. Grove at buildings. Trice. $225 per acre. HELD LAND COMPANY. 624 BRANDEIS BLDG. D. 9184. FOR SALE Vi section of Platte valley land, 2ty miles of county seat: good Improvements; $100 per acre: will carry ' back half on farm. If Interested ad dress P. O. Box No. 1, Plattsmbuth. Neb.' QUICK SERVICE in land-aelllng. if you wish cash by March 1 for your real es tate, get our method. Nebraska Realty Auction Co.. Central City, Neb. Col. Mark Carraher. Auctioneer. WRITE me for pictures and price, of icy farms and ranches In good old Dawrs county. Arafe L. Hungerford. Crawfn.-a. Neb. 160 A. LAND, Vt miles northwest I)lk- Ins. Neb. at once. Neb. A bargain at $2,000 if taken A. R. Thompson, Ogallala, FOR RENT 20 acres: 9-room house; 01 mil west of Dundee. C. D. ARMSTRONG, 325 Securities Bldg. Tel. Doug. $280 GOOD Omaha Income property for vicar western land or. eastern Nebraska farm. Mr. Pease, all Brandeia Theater Btdt. MERRICK COUNTY, Improved corn and airana rarms at tne right price. M. A. LARSON, Central City. Neb. FOR RENT Eighty acres; well improved: near Bpringneld, Neb. Address J. 1. KraJIcek, Hi west -of Ralston. Neb. IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farms. Kimball Co., Nebraska. R, E. Holmes Bushnell, Neb. Oregon Land. JORDAN VALLEY, Oregon, offers you a home In the land of sunshine, where - conditions are right for raising alfalfa and cattle. Address, Jordan Valley Farms. Boise. Idaho. South Dakota Lands. For Sale in One Body or Tract. THE OLD FAIR GROUNDS In the elty limits of Canton. S. IX, being eighty residence lots 64 ft. by 132V: laid out In blocks and lots. Only five fclocks from the court house, city water and sewer accessible, on every street adjoining thi? plot. Buy this whole tract and sell II In lota and make big money. You car. make terms If "desired. Come and sea or write the secretary. H. N. COOPER, Canton, S. D. FOR South Dakota lands, raw and Im proved, see A. A. Patzman, 301 Karbach Bldg. Phone Tyler 684. Wisconsin Lands. WHEN you buy land, buy the best. We have some of the very choicest land In tb best section of Central Wis consin, for sale on easy terms. Good clay loam soil- country thickly settled: good water, schools, roads and mar kets. Write for book and map. John 8 Owen Lumber Co., No. (0 Mill Bt., Owen. Clark County. Wis Wyoming Lands. FOR SALE J.snO mcrm stock: ranch all ftwtl $18.00. teres under lrrtgatlon und can cut 1.100 tons of hay. 900 head of stock cattle and 75 head of horses. Terms part cash, balance to suit. Writ J. M, Mott, Krn merer, Wyo. MUST sell before March 1. $.11.25 per acre. part cash, balance two or five years; fine half section farm Gaslieu county, Wyoming; 100 acres in cultivation., shal low water, good Improvements. R. O. Fortune, Owner, Stewart Wyo. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms. $60 per a.. Including paid .up water right. Uenry Levi ACM. Rylander. 154 Omaha 'a "FARTDSFORENfT' FOR RENT Some good farms In Kim ball and Banner counties: bank ref-r-ences necessary. J. R. Carter, Bashiiell, Neb. AUTOMOBILES. i A BARGAIN. As I am going to leave Omaha T will sell my HIS Chevrolet; been run l.ioa miles; will let you tHke It to any gar.ic In town for inspection. 1611 eouih iv. .A' n, I i X