THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1919. RUG SilLESLU SEEKS NEWS OF LOST KIMFOLKS Hagob Abajian Comes to the United States and Learns of Massacres at His Old Home Town. From a'humble rug salesman and repairer in one of Omaha's big fur nishing stores to the proprietor of a 2,000-acre estate, underlaid with rich coal fields, is the prospect fac ing Hagob Abajian, 2212 Farnam street. Abajian, known as "Jack" to his friends, is employed in the rug department of Orchard & Wil lielm's store. Twenty-two years ago when lie was 16 years old, Abajian bade farewell to his home near Sivas, Armenia, in Turkey. His father was one of the wealthiest and most influential men of the country. The Armenians at that time were liv ing at peace with their obnoxious neighbors, the Turks. Abajian tells vividly of the beautiful coun try about Sivas, the elaborate home m which lie dwelt and the happy cnuunooa days he remembers. Comes to America. tie went to Paris, a lad of 16, to study, preparatory to returning home to take his place with his father. In 1898 his allowance was suddenly cut off and he heard re ports of Turkish outrages back home. Without means, he came to America. Letters received during the next few years told of the Turks' oppressions. "My father was thrown into jail at least three times, the Turks taking this means to force him to give up money," says Abajian. "This letter told of the persecution heaped upon the people of my boyhood home. My brother, Dick, fled from Armenia to America and is now with our army in France. "Nearly four years ago the letters stopped. Since then I have read re peatedly of massacres about my home town, and that locality was included in the deportations. I have no doubt that my family, if any of them yet live, has been scattered over that land." Seeks News of Parents. When he learned Dr. and Mrs. Gannaway of Stuart, IVeb., were go ing to Armenia to do relief work, Abajiau went to them with the re quest that they seek to learn some thing of his parents, if they are alive. He also asked Dr. Gannaway to take occasion, if he visits that part of Armenia, to ascertain whether the Abajian homestead is still intact ' I have no doubt the Turks have taken it, and probably, under Ger man supervision, were mining the coal," said he, "but under the new order of peace, with provisions that are certain to come from the Dig congress at Paris, I hope our land will be returned. I will return just as soon as I can to look up my par ents myself." While playing about his father's home when a' child Abaj'an saw the Armenian rug-makers at work. He enjoyed playing with them, he said, and in that way learned the art of making rugs. Part of his du ties at the Orchard & Wilhelm store is to repair costly rugs that , are worn, Or torn, and he finds the craft learned during his boyhood play days of great value during his life in America. First Day's Business of the White Elephant Sale Netted $2,500 All bargain hunting and recrea tional roads lead to the White Elephant sale conducted at the Auditorium by the National League far Woman's Service, for the benefit of the near east war relief fund. Proceeds for the first day's busi ness Thursday total close to $2,500. If the stock holds out, the total pro ceeds for the sale which closes Sat urday night, will exceed last year's record of $6,000. "The Belgian and Duryea relief drives for clothing and the two Red Cross salvage department's activi ties for the past year have cleared everyone's garret of 'white ele phants.' That's why we have a iiard time keeping our stock re plenished," said Mrs. A. L. Reed. "The ban on raffling articles and additional expense for renting the building and music will cut into our proceeds." said Mrs. Arthur C. Smith, chairman. Dancing, fortune telling and an excellent chicken dinner are the special features for tonight, aside from the sale. Keeping an eye on lost children was the principal business of the women in charge during the rush hours of the sale Thursday. So en chanted were the women bargain hunters that their children wander ed away. Mrs. Arthur -Smith and Mrs. J. Clarke Coit held infants while their mothers made the rounds of the shopping stalls. Railway Mail Employes to Get Increase in Pay An increase in the salaries of the railway mail employes "has been an nounced in a telegram received by the department This increases the entrance salary from $900 to $1,200 and the maxi mum sa'ary from $1,800 to $2,100. Travel allowance was increased to $2 per day and the age limit for rail way postal service reduced to 60 years. This bill has just passed the sen ate. The retirement bill has been reported favorably to the house. Girl Swindler Bilks Stores, Jumps Bond Beatrice Littlejohn, 19-year-old octaroon, who secured more than J500 worth of wearing apparel from Omaha stores, having the goods charged to leading society women, jumped a $500 bond in police court and has left tlje city. She was ar rested January 9 by Special Officer Finn and was to have been tried to day. A continuance was taken until March in an attempt to locate her present whereabouts and return her to Omaha for trial W0U2IDZD E0LBE2 WILL BE HOME SOON. J ' ' . Sergt. Leo W. Gardner, reported wounded July 15, and whereabouts unknown, writes his sister. Miss Laura B. Garner of Florence, that he expects to return soon. Much to his regret his wounds will not per mit his returning within two months to his company. Sergeant Gardner was with the first on the firing line. Y.M.ANDYA7.T0 RAISE $40,000 111 NEXT WEEK Receipts of Double Triangle Campaign to Be Used for Educational and Ameri canization Work. "Few people realized the scope or importance of the work which is done by the Y. M. I. A. among boys, and along educational lines, said David Call, head of the double triangle drive. "In the course of a year about 850 different boys are members ot the association, joining in the various activities which help to . produce clean livinsr and strong character. "Approximately 250 high school boys this year alone are joined to gether in clubs which are designed to raise the morale and standard of living among the high school fel lows. Literally thousands of boys in the community are touched by the association program which is furnishing them a profitable way to spend their leisure time and con stantly pullinsr them toward better citizenship and higher ideals, just at a time in their lives when their ideals are being formed, and serv ing as a working basis for their fu ture lives. Hundreds Take "Gym" Work. "Many hundreds of young men are also lined up in the gymnasium and athletic classes in a program which will make them more fit to do their day's work and make them stronger and better leaders in the community. The educational department en rolls approximately 900 men each year, who are taking advantage ot their spare time to make them selves more efficient in their work and to increase their earning ca pacity. J. his department this year has conducted a large number of courses to help men to prepare themselves very definitely to give better service to the nation in its military activities. Now that the war is over this department is bending its energies to fit young men to re-establish themselves in civil life in a better and larger way than they could otherwise do. "The department has been active in teaching English to coming Americans and assisting large num bers of men to prepare and secure their citizenship papers. . "These are some of the activities in the regular work of the Y. M. C. A for which its share of the $40. 000 double triangle campaign will be spent.' This campaign is in co operation with the Y. W. C. A., do ing similar work for girls without regard to creed or race. "This campaign will take place February 3, 4 and 5, and many teams of both men and women are formed and ready to take part," Mr. Cole concluded. Amended Charter Will Make Street Car Folks Pay for More Paving The city commissioners decided unanimously yesterday to en dorse an amendment to the Omaha charter which shall make the street railway company pave the street be tween its tracks and for a distance of 13 inches on each side. At pres ent the company paves only be tween the rails of each track. Other amendments were agreed on. One is to create a "revolving fund" for paving and other street improvements. At present warrants are issued for payment of such work. Contractors in many cases have found these warrants useless as col :ateral. The amendment would pro vide issuance of 20-year bonds in payment for such work, together with an adequate sinking fund for retirement of the bonds. The city wants to have the power to initiate public improvements all over the city instead of only within a radius of a mile and a half of the city hall, and an amendment to this effect will be asked. Amendments will also be asked to provide better methods of receiving bids, designat ing materials, etc. Municipal Movie Machine ' Proves'a Great Success The municipal movie machine was used for the first time last night at the community center in the Mason school. Frank Elias, who operated it, says it was a great success. Com missioner Falconer will speak at the, West Side school tonight. Other community center meetings tonight will be at the Lincoln, Castelar, Ed ward Rosewater and Monmouth Park schools, pring Suits In Modes of the 1 New Tailleur Type There never was a season when style was so essential, and these suits are replete with all the charming style features that are exclu sive and different. 1, (QUITS possessing s m a r tness, without me seventy one usu ally associates vnth. the tailored suit. They are in line, fa bric and coloring a reflection of the Parisian designer's joyous spirit of Vic tory. Owing to the early, ad vance of the Spring Season, suits are being sold and worn right now, so eager Is every woman to secure for herself one of the fascinat ing new models, now on ex hibition in our department. rXtrii Second IV Floor. in -, : n Mm SETS THE PACC t. i -s. I 1 MM ii,' l lit M I MM"-J II VI If 11 VI Til i. A rv s-i i. nr i a VI Thise Sellings for Saturday pea cc;vij:c ohaha Store Hours 9 A M. to 6 P. M. CUT FLOWERS AND BLOOMING PLANTS Sweet Peas, largo bunches 494 Large bunches ot Violets, per bunch 194 Cyclomnns, Primroses and many other beautiful blooming plants, priced up from 504 Boston Ferns, ea. 594 and 694 Japanese Ferneries, for table decorations, up from 1.00 Main Floor Exceptional Advantages in Our Sale of 1 1 11 lrw (ULIL HU A most important opportunity for women who desire to purchase high quality furs at prices assuring a substantial money-saving Coats, Capes, Coatees, Muffs, Scarfs, etc. All Fur Pieces Included. Nothing Reserve A very large assortment to choose from qualities that are of the finest, styles the very best many women are buying now. We quote here a few of the offerings: - One Muskrat Coat, reversed I One Taupe Muskrat Box border, Australia Opossum Coat, hip length; regularly $i8, now ffll&fi 1L dVrk - " ''faun : $econd Floor V MA Collar and Cuffs, regularly $375, now $250 One Natural Raccoon Coat, fine silk lined; regularly $198, now 132.50 Select Hudson Seal Coat, regularly $600, now $400 One Select Muskrat Coat, regularly $322, now 214.67 One Mink Cape, Stole front; regularly $585, now $390 One Marten Stole, tail trimmed; regularly $125, now 83.34 One Jap Sable Cape, tail trimmed; regularly $275, now 183.34 One ' Taupe - Squirrel and Hudson Seal Cape; regu larly $185, now 123.34 One Mole Cape, for Scarf Collar; regularly 118.50, now $79 A Special Purchase and Sale Of 900 Girls' Tub Dresses at 1.39 Saturday THE important savings suggest liberal buying. Frock3 of cliambrays in attractive colors or of fine ginghams in a variety of colorful plaids and checks. Five chic styles are pictured. Ages 6 to 12 Years Values 2.09 to 3.09 Every foresightcd "parent reading this announcement will immediately realize the unusualness and importance of this offering. The price, 1.39, would scarcely pay . for the material used in the making of these dresses. Second Floor Thread Silk Hose at 1.50 A Very Special Offering Saturday Women's Thread Silk Hose, pure dye, In black,' white, fancy colors and shoe shades; full fashioned; some all silk, others have lisle tops. This is a special lot, worth 2.00 and 2.50; priced for Saturday only, pair at 1.50 Silk Boot Hose Women's Silk Boot Hose, In white, black and fancy shades, fashioned and seamless, regular and outsizes. These are thread silk and fiber; all sizes. A big lot of 1.00 values, pair 69V Children's Hose Children's Pure Dye Thread Silk Hose, in black only; sizes 6 to 8, fashioned and seamless, fine ribbed, good quality, worth 65c ; special Sat. pair at 390 Main Floor ( 51 Valentines A Large Variety A complete as sortment at prices to Butt svery purse. From the little "Comics" at le each, to tbe very elaborate "Cut out" designs; Ir beautiful color-logs. ll Prices lc and Up. Mala Floor Book Stored- Real Corset Service Essential to Style and Comfort WEAE, in corsets, is a matter of fit. If your corsej don't fit well,- if ,ie boning is not placed exactly right, so as to rest flat against the body, the cor net will soon tear and get out of shape. Vou buy a high-class corset when you buy Madam Lyra Corsets; your style wilj fit perfectly as though made for you. Madam Lyra Corsets Featured Saturday at These Prices at IB In handsome silk figured pink broche, very low top, long over hip, well boned, high class corset, popular price. For slender figures in popular topless model, wide ribbon band all around top of corset, long over hip, lightly boned. The fitting service of our trained corsetieres assures one of style, comfort and perfect fit the service is gratis. at 5 A low top, free hip model, in the Madam' Lyra cor sets, made of fancy , broche, a remark able value for Saturday. American Lady Corsets, 1.50 to 5.00 Third Floor The Boy's Section Noteworthy Values Await Parents The Importance of these offer ings are so unusual that we feel a great many will surely avail themselves of these excellent uargalna, for Saturday only. 2-Pant; Suits At Special Prices Saturday Smart, snappy suits of reliable fabrics, In dark and light mixtures. Some are all wooL Many have double seat and knee; specially reduced for Sat urday to these pricings: At $15 Choose from the 20.00 and 22.50 Suits I Iff i I u .Jr 2nd Floor, Af $10 Choose from the 15.00 and 17.50 Suits 2nd Floor, Men's Bldg. Boys' Knickers Exceptional quality corduroys and wool mixtures; well tailored. About one-half are odd suit pants. Plenty of every size, 6 to 17 years; values up to 3.50 pair, at 1.69 Boys' Flannel Blouses and Shirts Extra Special Unusually well made, with two breast pockets with flaps. In colors of gray, olive, drab and khaki. All sizes In the lot Former selling prices to 2.50; choice- " Zf Saturday, at l.Oy Sale of Family DRUGS First aid necessities for the home medicine cabi net at special prices in our large drug section. Main Floor. j Azurea or Le Trefle Face Powder, all colors. Special 1.39 Glover's Mange Core 60c J LIstcrlne Antiseptic 1.00 size bottle,' at 69 Stanlonlnd Liquid Paraffin Oil, 75c size, at 4Q Fozonnis Face Powder, COc size, at 38fr Java Bice Fowder, 50c size box, at 33 laxative Cold Tablets, f 25c size box, at 19 Packers Tar Liquid Sham poo, 60c size, at 39 Seareco Tooth Paste, 85c size, at 25d Lyon's Tooth Fowder, 25c size, at 19 FInaad's Ean De Quinine, 65c size bottle, at 49 k Hind's Honey and Almond Cream, at 33 Benzoin and Almond Lo tion, 35c size, at 19 Son Spl, special at 334 Ext. Witch Hazel, 8-os. bottle for 19, Epsom Salts, 1-pound pfeg. tor 84 Senipre Glovlne, COc slzo bottle at 494 Milkweed Cream, 50c she jar, at 39 Rubber Gloves, Heavy, spe cial, at G06 8-qL Maroon Fountain Syringe, 1.19 value, 79 1711 White Rose Gly. cerine Soap, at 104 Olovilo Soap, (or the toilet, bar, at 84 Essex Peroxide Soap, spe cial, bar, at 84 Jap Hose Toilet Soap, bar, t 84 Locust Blossom Perfntne, at, oz. 294 White Rose Perfume, spe cial, per oz. 294 Bed Rose Perfume, spe cial, per oz. 294 Victor Records The February List Ready Saturday , A snappy, np to the minute all bit list Come In and hear them In our sound proof booths. Main Floor Fompelan Boom, u