Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1919, Page 16, Image 16

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Seldom Have Sucht Saving Opportunities Been Offered the Buying Public cf Omaha and Vicinity, Even jit This Big Cash Store, As You'll Find in Our
Beginning Saturday, IC1
February i &
Liberty Bonds Taken at Full Market Value in Exchange for Merchandise
Clearance Sale of Jewelry
75c to $1.50 Novelty Jewelry Consist
ing of la valliert, pendants, brooches,
bar pins, hat pins, cuff links, and many
other pieces. Hayden's Cash Price 39t
$5.00 to $7.50 Fin Gold and Silver
Plated Mesh Bag In the new narrow
frames and fancy shapes. Hayden's Cash
Price .. 83.49
I 11 M
i - 0
Beginning Saturday,
February 1
Liberty Bonds Taken at Full Market Value in Exchange for Merchandise
$3.50 and $3.95 Leather Hand Purse
and Hand Bags--Fine pin seal and mo
rocco leathers, silk linings and the new
est shapes. Cash Price S2.49
$1.50 and $2.00 Men' Gold Filled Guar
anteed Cuff Links Newest engravings
and designs. Engraved free 95c
Clearance Sale of French Ivory
$1.50 Ivory Manicure Set 6 pieces in
box; buffer, nail file, button hook, cuti
cle knife, salve jar and nail stick. Our
Special Cash Price 79
$3.95 to $5.00 French Ivory Mirror
Large size French Beveled Glass, oval
nd round shapes. Cash Price .$2.79
$2.50 French Ivory Clock Large va
riety of Shapes; good movements. Our
Special Cash Price SI. 49
$2.50 French Ivory Heir Brushe
Large sizes, real Russian bristles $1.49
$1.50 Large Size French Ivory Buffer
Removable chamois. Cash Price S9t
Big Price Reductions on All Winter Stocks, to Insure Quick Clearance-Many New' Spring Lines Shown at Attractively Low Cash Prices
Surprising Values in Stylish Apparel
'; Coupled with offerings of Winter garments at
prices inducive to quick clearance, we are show
ing many splendid lots of Spring Coats, Dresses,
Suits and Blouses at most attractive prices.
k MP
1.00 Winter Coats, $24.50
200 Ladies Winter Coats in the very finest
materials, including Velours, Tweeds, also
plushes; all sizes; Coats that sold to $60.00;
Saturday, one price $24.50
300 Serge Dresses In all sizes; colors, navy and
black; Special Cash Price Saturday . . . .$14.75
New Georgette Waists Beaded and embroid
ered; all colors and sizes; wonderful special val
ues at, Cash Price Saturday $3.95
The Biggest Sale of Children's
Furs Ever Held in Omaha
Children's and Misses' Furs all
new, actual values to $12.50; in
this sale .. .1 $3.95
See Our Sixteenth Street Window
Hosiery Values Extraordinary
Women' Pure Thread Silk
Hosiery "Fashioned and
seamless; all wanted colors.
Values up to $2. Special
Cash Price $1.50
Women's Fiber and Thread
Silk Hose Full fashioned,
double tops, heels and soles,
black and tolors. Regular
$1.25 alues. Special Cash
Price . . 89
Women's Cotton and Lisle
Hose In black, and split 1
soles; also a large assortment of colors; 50c values.
Cash Price 26
Clearance Sale of Stationery
3c to Sc High Grade Lead Pen
cil! Transit, Express, Sum and
Deograph brands. Cash Price,
per dozen ...... 27t
50c Hayden's Irish Linen Pound
Paper 60 sheets in pkg.;
white, azure, corn, pink and vio
let colors. Cash Price . . .33
20c Irith Linen Envelopes, to
match all the colors, 25 in pkg.
Cash Price 14
75c Old Mill Bond Paper 48
sheets paper and 24 envelopes.
High grade " paper. Hayden's
Special Cash Price ...;.38d
Winter Overcoats Greatly Reduced
chaffner ik
T n
Overcoats That ScM up to $50
Your Choice Now
Ladies' Underwear
Greatly Underpriced
Ladies' Outing Pajamas One and two-piece,
worth $3.50. Cash Price Saturday, . .1.98
Ladies' Silk Top Union Suits Fine mercer
ized suits; a heavy fleeced cotton, low neck,
no, sleeves, ankle length. Cash Price 1.50
Ladies' Medium Fleeced .Union Suits High
neck, long sleeves. Our Cash Price . . . 50
Ladies' Wool Union Suits Odd lots, worth to
$2.50. Our Cash Price S1.50
Ladies' Mercerized or AH Wool Tights and
Vests Flesh, gray or white; worth $4.00.
Our Special Cash Price Saturday $1.98
Ladies' Silk and Wool Union Suits All styles
regular and extra sizes. Cash Price $2.98
Children's Outing Gowns Sleepers, pajamas
and night shirts. Cash Price Saturday .f)8&
I "V- -
Specials in
C-W Sweaters
' V )N in Corset
3 Section
' 1 ' A Second Floor
Children's Sweaters In
gray and red ; roll collar and
belt; sizes 26 to 34; values
to $3.95. Cash Price $2.00
Ladies' - Sweaters In light
weight stitch, in rose, light
blue, coral and lavender,
with the brushed collars in
contrasting colors. Values to
$15. Our Cash Price $8.95
Children's Toques A large
assortment of colors and
styles for your selection ; reg
ular 85c values. Our Cash
Price 50
Housef urnishings
Specials Saturday-
10.1b. Family Scale 51.25
Fainily-SUed Food Choppers Our
Special Cash Price $1.25
Lunch Ki!, with Thermo Bottle
Our Special Cash Price. S3.65
6-lb. Electric Iron Complete with
6-ft cord. Cash Price . . . .$3.25
Larva Size Splint Clothe Hamp
er. Special Cash Price . .2.00
Medium Sixe Splint Clothe Hamp
er, Soecial Cash Price S1.75
SiAIl Sixe Splint Clothe Hamper
Special Cash Price ....1.50
10al. Galvanized Garbage Can
Special Cash Price $1.75
White Enamel Bird Cage $1.75
Bra Square Bird Cage $4.50
Bull-Bearing Roller Skate 2.25
Plain Roller Skate J)S
fei ! ' fL ir '
I; feK A u -Preliminary k
I j N and n
' J () Model and Pattern t&x u
" - Creations of the most famous mil- f y"-
fr ' X' vt-' linery designers. Just received. v & -
ry Four Big "!&VM'( Distinctive, smart, new styles. A 7" ,V
Ijk . I Finest and newest materials. The V -J ' ,
jA Spc 2ials 'ti season's most favored colbrs ar- ) :
2 , f tistically combined by the most , ?))r)m- '
.nOnr .J w E A " Sfe&SfyjP,',
f A"'S i v V
Includes choice of our entire, stock; fine
Meltons, Kerseys, Vicunas, Cheviots,
Scotches, Plaid Backs, etc., in the season's
most popular styles; classy new Ulster
ettes, double-breasted, belt back Coats,
dressy velvet collar Coats, etc.; all the
choice new models produced by these
style creators.
Every Coat Fully Guaranteed the Same
As If Sold at Regular Prices
Many Other Splendid Bargains at Less or
Greater Prices
I: ;?
Saturday Shoe Savings
lit' V!,i
Women's Shoes In lace and
button, made of best quality
kid, in turns and welts; worth
up to $1.75. Hayden's Special
Cash Price ,...3.95
Boys Blucher Lace Shoes In
sizes from 10 to 13; good
serviceable shoes. Hayden's
Saturday we place on sale
about 250 pairs of Men's Shoes,
sizes 6 to 11, values up to
$6.50. Made of calf and colt-
skin, in English, lace and
blucher styles. All Goodyear
welt soles and sewed with best
quality of thread. Hayden's
Cash Price $3.95
All sizes, up to 7, in women's
patent leather, button shoes,
Goodyear welt soles, with
black cloth tops; former price
$5.00. Hayden's Special Cash
Price $2.45
Infants' and Child's Turn Sole .
Shoes Sizes from 3 to 8. A
good $1.50 shoe. Hayden's Spe
cial Cash Price.". .... .$1.00
Special Cash Price . . . .$1.95
GROVER and QUEEN QUALITY Shoes for Women.
STETSON and CROSSETT Shoes for Men.
r Children's
Second Floor
& I
400 Children's. Winter Coats
Sizes 8 to 17, in the very
best materials and newest
styles. Saturday. JUST
300 Children's Serge Dresses
Sizes 6 to 14; navy, brown
and red; very special values.
Cash Price Saturday $3.98
300 Children's Wash Mid
dies All new white and col
ors, sizes 8 to 16; values to
$2. Our Cash Price Satur
day $1.00
We carry a complete line of
Middy Shirts for girls. Spe
cial prices $1.50 to $4.98
Winter Underwear
Greatly Reduced
Sizes 44 to 52.
Men's Heavy Weight Union Suits
In springneedle, worsted effect.
This is an opportunity seldom exper
ienced by large men to save instead
of paying more for extra large sizes.
Sizes 44 to 52. On Sale Saturday
at $1.85
Men's Heavy Wool Shirts and Drawers Odd
lots from our regular stock, made by the
American Knitting Mills, which means quality
and workmanship and fit. Sizes 44 to 50.
Our regular low cash price $3.00 ; on sale Sat
urday $1.85
Saturday Specials in Our
Sanitary Butter, Egg, Cheese
and Oleo Department.
Bett Bulk' Creamery Butter Per
lb., at our Special Cash Price 4.8
Strictly Freih E(ff Per dozen at
Our Special Cash Price 48
Full Cream Witcontin Cheese
Per lb 40
Fresh Bulk Peanut ButterPer
lb 20
5 lb. Pail Snowflake Olee Each
at ...81.75
Dill Fickle Per dozen 20
Fresh Bulk Hominy Qt
Sauer Kraut Bulk, qt ..12H
Sweet Pickle Per quart . .30
Read the Big February Grocery Opening Sale.
Cash Prices at a Big Cash Savings. We Make the Prices
For the People, Not the I rust.
( lbs. Best (Pure Granulated Sucnr, 89c
48-lb. Sack Best High Grade Diamond
H Flour $2.85
Z4-lb. Sack Best High Grade Diamond
H Flour .S1.4S
( lbs. Best White or Yellow Cornmeal,
at 25c
4 lbs. Best Boiled White Breakfast Oat
meal 25c
No. 1 Hand-Picked Navy Beans, lb.
at 10c
Fancy Japan Rice, per lb 11c
Corn Flakes, pkg , .7',c
Grape Nuts, pkK 12Vjc
16-ounce cans Condensed Milk ....15c
6-ounce cans Condensed Milk ....6c
The Best Domestic Macaroni. Spa
ghetti, Vermicelli, or Egg Noodles,
pkg. 7',c
Fancy Pickles, assorted kinds, bottle,
at 9c
22-ounc Jar Pure Apple Butter. ..23c
2 2 -ounce jar Pure Fruit Preserves, 33c
No. 2 cans Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn,
at ... i 14c
No. t cans Early June Peas 14c
No. 2 cans Solid Packed Tomatoes, 14c
Large cans Lye Hominy 9c
Large cans Golden Pumpkin or Kraut,
. t Ue
Large bottle Monarch Tomato Catsup,
at 23c
t bars Beat 'Em All Laundry Soap, 23c
6 bars Electric Spark Soap ,33c
10 bar Swift' Pride Laundry Soap,
at .. 38c
Tall cans Pink Salmon, can. ...... .21c
Tall cans Fancy Red Salmon, can. ,28c
011 Sardines, per can 7',c
16-ounce can High Grade Baking Pow.
der 21c
Kamo Assorted Soups, per can.... 10c
Choice California Prunes, per lb... 10c
Fancy California Prunes, per lb., 12l,c
and 15c
Fancy 8-Crown Muscatel Raisins, per
lb 15e
Fancy Seedless Muscatel Raisins, per
lb 15e
Fancy Pitted Prunes, per lb. . ...17y,c
Fancy Pitted Prunes,, pkg. 15e
Fancy Muir Peaches, pkg. ......20c
Fancy Evaporated Apples, pkg. . .ZOc
Hiram's Pure Apple Cider, gallon, 85c
23-ounce jar Pure Strained Honey, 65c
No. 1 Soft Shell Walnuts, lb 35c
Fresh Roasted Peanuts, lb. 15c
Shelled Popcorn, lb 12',c
The talk of Omaha, our famous Golden
Santos Coffee, lb. 28c
Ankola Blend, a fine drink, lb... 30c
H. B. C. Special, rich bodied, excellent
quality, lb 35c
Mocha and Java Blend, known the
world over for its high quality and
drink, lb 37Vic
The Beat Tea Sif tings, lb 25c
Breakfast Cocoa, per lb 25c
The finest, sweetest, and juiciest
fruit grown in California. The orange
of quality.
128 siie, regular price 60s dox., sale
price . BOc
ISO size, regular price 60c dot., sale
price 40c
200 site, regular price 40c dos., sale
price 30c
Fancy Florida Grapefruit, eseh...7',c
Limit, 2 Dosen Orange to a cus
Choice Meats
Always Lowest Cash Prices
Saturday Specials
in the Sanitary Market -
Fancy Roll Rib Roast 7ft
Special, lb......;...;.. )uC
Breakfast Bacon Squares, 01 .
per lb 01 C
Steer Pot Roast, ' 'lO
Special, Saturday, lb... IOC
Pig Pork Spare Ribs, 1 C
per lb. lJC
Salt White Fish. 1ft.
Special at, lb..;.. 1UC
See our New Salt, Smoked and
Pickled Fish Department
Lowest Cash Prices.
Annual February Sale of
Boys' Wash Suits
An enormous showing of Boys' Wash Suits, all new
merchandise. Styles are in Sailor, Tommy Tucker,
Oliver Twist, Middy, Junior Norfolk in fact exactly
seventeen different models to choose from. Mate
rials, the genuine imported London Parmer Linen, in
blue and white trimmed and plain colors. Every color
guaranteed by ourselves and the maker. All sizes
2 to 10. Suit3 made
to sell to $6.95 ,
Toilet Goods and Drugs
SOc Locust Blossom Psrfum Our Special
Cash Price 29c
65c Pinaud's Lilac Toilet Water Our Spe
cial Cash Price 69c
60c Walnutta Hair Dye Our Special Cash
Price 2c
SOc Pononi Face Powder Our Special Cash
Price 29e
25c Woodbury's Tooth Pasts Our Special
Cash Price 17e
20c Massatta Talcum Powder Our Special
Cash Price 12c
35c Jergea' Bensola and Almond Lotion
Our Special Cash Price 19c
25c Pear' Scented Soap Our Special Cash
Price 18c
ISc Pear's Unsc.nted Soap Our Special
Cash Price 10c
30c Williams' Shaving Creaaa or Powder
Our Special Cash Price 19c
10c Haskina' Hardwater Castile Soap Our
Special Cash Price, per cake ....7 Vic