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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1919)
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, FEfcRUAltY 1, 1919. 13 REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. VuK SHB OR EXCHANGE $20 acres high class farm land in Brown county, near Aberdeen. South Dakota, alio 300 acres Wisconsin land fur general mer , 1'hnniiim, Implement or hardware stock. Will carry buck difference or pay caah. Block mint be A-l, no run down stocks considered, ulve nil particulars In ftrat letter. Write or call Russell 4s Llndgreo Company. Aberdeen, 8. I. Wil.l, trad HifaiiH land tn Wyumlng for uooit paying Karaite. For particulars write J. II, I'mbaugh. 3520 Lincoln Blvd. ioh tin. I 11 WI-; good farm laud to trade (or gen t' merchandise. . Send full description In first letter. SS 14 6th Ave.. Kearney. N-li. REAL ESTATE. UNIMPROVED. North. LOTS on iolh Ave. and l'lokn.-y St., toil) lo $. Will take Llherty bonda at par value. TUAVEK BROS., Doug. S19 First Not Bank KST Kai iium linllill off Iota aa low aa $395; flu down. Is per montb; all itu provemenls. rvviglns 6074. South. BIO GARDEN LOTS. II 00 DOWN, 11.00 A WEEK, buys fine Harden tract, 47x122 ; only t biocka from West Center car Una and one block to paved street; high and sightly; black anil; prices $295 and $345, THE It Y HON HEED CO., 1613 Ftirnam St. Douglas 297. FOR RENT SUBURBAN. Dundee. DUNDEE CORNER HOME, $6,300. FRAME AND STUCCO room, dlninir room, sun room and kit' hen, floor; three good bed rooms, nl.'ptntc porch and bath, second floor; good attic; laundry chute; beam calling; bookraafs; back atalrway; fln tnhed in oak and white enaim-l; owner leaving thi rtty; flrnt Urn offered. GLOVER & SPAIN, l H-?l City National. Douglas S!fi2. REAL ESTATE--OTHER CITIES REAL EHTATEkoR SALE, NEW YORK" Bargain, 12 caah, 12 monthly, buys five lota on Long Ialand, New York; full price 0; only $12 each. Valle, 14iH Broad w ay, New York City, y REAL ESTATE ACREAGE. IMPROVED ACRES One Acre, 5-Room Cottage West of Benson ' Tn Pen son Cardans addition, two blocks from jltnoy line. Good, sightly lo it'ition. Kat front ; aero slopes to the south and east. Price $2,760; $L!76 cash, balance 1-5 per month, including In terest. , West Benson Acre New 4-Room Cottage Plshtly location, fine garden land; just thu place for a suburban home for a man working In town and living In the country. 1'rice 12,400; 250 cash, bal ance 2. BO per month. Florence Acre New 4-Room Cottage Only 2 blocks to car line; south front. Ideal for raising poultry and fruit. Now in nlfalfa. 1'rlce 0; $250 cash, bal ance easy. Benson Acre Snap House unfinished, Ux.16. A dandy cor ner acre, not far from pavement; cement block foundation, ready for stucco out ' shit1 and t artly plaatcrcd. Ioors and window. nil In. Price $1,350; $133 cash, balance monthly. Hastings & Heyden 1 1:1 4 Harm- Phone Tyler so. ACRE SNAPS. Flna corner aero with good 7-r house, garase, fruit; 1 block from Miller Park, $4,000. $750 cash. Fine half acre near by, 6-r. all modern house, $4,000. About $7T)0 caah. Don't forget these won't last long. Rasp Bros., 212 Keellno Bldg., Tyler 721. REAL ESTATE WANTED. LIST your property for sale with J. B Robinson for quick sales. 442 Be a Bldg - Phne Hone. K097. 'Itl'XCALOWS WANTKD. We have caah buyers for well located bungalows and residences worth the money. For quick results list with us. O'NEItVS R. K4 & INS. AGENCY, 63-6 Brandois Theater Bldg. Tel. Tyler 1024. LIST iour bargains with us Ve want homes. Investment and acrea?. Phone Douglas 416. We will send our sales man for a personal Inspection. UcCaeue Investment Co. FINANCIAL. Wanted. WILL pay $31) for t lie use of $300 six months. Good security. Address, A-77, Omaha Bee. Private Money. SHOrEN COMPANY. Doug. 4228. Jio) to Jlii.OeO MADE promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bid:?.. I8th and Farnam. Rcnl Estate. Loans & 1tortgaes. CONVERT that installment loan on your . home l-to a atralght five-year mortgage and avoid those monthly pnymentn. , E. H LOUGKE. INC. 63 Keellne Blcjg. rAKM LOANS Unlimited Times-Amortl- siitlon plan if desired. No commission charged. A. J, Love. Jr., 20$ W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha. CITY AND FARM LOANS. t and ( per cent: loans for March 1. 54 per cent. Pumont Co.. Keellne Bd No Delay Closing Loans. W. T. GRAHAM. 804 Bee Bldg Doug. 1623. 051AH A HOM ES EAST. NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. H. Thomas & Son.. Keeline Bldg. WE BUY and sell Liberty Bonds Mack's Pond House. 1421 First Nat Bk. Bldg. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Acreage. FOR SALE OK TRADE 200-acre farm In Tennessee; SO to 40 acres under culti vation, balance in timber; one 6-room liouse; one 4-room house and large barn; good bearing apple . orchard; three springs and deep well on place; six miles from railroad on main county road: one-half mile from county seat. For further particulars addr owner, George L. Walter. Coolmont, Tenn. 0 ACRES near Fair Acres, good Improve menis; possession next March: priced to sell. Nilsson. 422 Securities Bldg. Alabama Lands. FOR SALE Improved farm, 556 acres; eight milea from market on two good roads; fenced In: well watered pastures; adapted for cattle raising; rich bottom lands; large barns, good tenant houses; seven room dwelling, modern equipment of water works; healthful locality: climate delightful: reason for selling, death in France of son and former manager. Mrs. R. L. Summers, Ope ilka. Ala. FEBRUARY 4th. Our next excursion to McGehee, Ark W S. FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLK. Colorado Lands CHOICE Imp. or raw quarter, half sec. or larger, Lincoln Co., bargains; easy terms. J. L. Maurer. Arriba. Colo. Florida Lands. CATTLE AND HOG LAND Real corn, hay. cattle and hog land In section lota and up st bargain price, Within 60 miles of Armour's biff new packing plant at Jacksonville Fla. I have owned and sold a quarter million acres in Nehruska that have advanced in the hands of the owners frora 1.000 per cent to 3,000 per cent I regard this offer the best I hare ever made either for Immediate use or to hold as Uiv-'stmenr. I have also one 2A0-acre tract of ex tra fine land for winter Irish potatoes arid general farming, exceptionally well located, at low price for quick sale, E. A. BENSON'. Owner. t4J Taxton Block, Omaha, Neb. BRINGING UP PIE WHILE LWA FARM ANR RANCH LANDS. Missouri Lands. TUB MODERN rilUlHSED LAND. Ia aoutheait Missouri, where corn, wheat, clover, oata, rye, alfalfa and all staple crops grow as NOWHERE KLSE In the u. S. More miles of railway than any section; markets not over SH miles of any farm. Great stock country; mild climate and sura rainfall. No failures. Send for literature. Write, C. F. BRUTON. SIKKSTON. MO. MODEL KO-hito farm. 1 mile to R. R. town, mile to school; fine Imp.; wov en wire fence: everlasting water; every foot plow land; fine roads; Immediate possession. $6,600, terms, caah. t ome quick: rare opportunity, J. O. Hodges, Vista. Mo. 1U0-ACKK farm; 40 acres under cultlva tion; 3-room house family orchard; 4 jnilea from railroad town, Howell county, Missouri. Owner will, consider small residence property In part payment. J. If. KOPIETZ. 33 A. IMPROVED, plenty water, mllea on auto road, by owner. Andrew Bur- gea, Mountain Grove, Mo. Iowa Lands. FOR SALE 191-acre farm In Pottawat tamla county Iowa; 8',4 mllea 8.-W. of Neola, la.;20 mllea E. of Council Bluffa, la. 35 acres in pasture, 20 acres wild hay; orchard; no overflow land; wind mill; balance under cultivation. Good 7-room house; corn cribs and out build ings In go.od shape. All well fenced, partly hog-tight. This Is known aa one of the beat producing farms In Pottawattamie county. Flna crop this dry year of '18. Also wa have three brick business buildings, all In good shape aind rented; one brick, two-story residence property, containing 7 acres, mile east of Council Bluffs, Ia, all In fruit. This Is the estate of Polly B. and Wilson Duncan and to ba sold without commission by executors of aame. Address, 215 So. Chestnut St., North Platte. Neb.; 413 So. Flrat St., Council Bluffs, la.: Box 372, Neola. Ia. FOR SALE Hiver .Side atock farm, con sisting of 811 acres; 7 miles from Suth erland, Ia on C. & N. W.; 6 miles from Larrabee, on 1 C. 600 acres bottom land, balance upland; pasture, blue grass. Watered creek: wind mill. 25 acres alfalfa, aome timber. 400 acrea hog-tight. Good 14-room house; targe .horse barn, cattle barn. 300 head. Ce ment floor corn crib, 12,000 bu. gran ary, 8,000 bu. Hog house. Machine shed. Hollow tile silo, fi0x20; other buildings. Fairbanks scales; acetyllne lights In house and barn. Water In house, cattle barn and hog house. Rented one year. Stock place. Price, $140 a., $5,006 cash: $35,000 March 1, $54,000 mortgage 614 per cent, balance 5 years, 6H per cent. Phone 164. Ad dress owner, Chaa. E. Warren. Suther land, Ia. Kansas Lands. SPECIAL BARGAIN 160 acres. Improved, handy town, 100 acres fine wheat, possession March 1st. Price $4,600, easy terms. Write for new land list. Justln-T-Avery, Traer, Decatur County, Kansas. go-Acre home Southeaatern Kansas; well Improved; black land; will exchange for Omaha property. 8. S A R. a MONTGOMERY. 213 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Omaha, Neb Nebraska Lands. FOR RALE AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. 160 ACRES located 64 milea from Cen tral City, nicely Improved as follows: 6-room story and half house, with nloe shade trees around It, water In kitchen. New barn for 10 horses and 10 cows, room for 40 to 60 tons of hay, brand new combined corn crib and granary with eight foot driveway. Brand new chicken house, good well and new wind mill, 100 acres under plow, 40 acres seeded to winter wheat looking great, balance very best of pasture. Soil good black loam, Ilea level. Price $126 per acre, one-half cash, balance five years at 6 per cent Interest. Possession March 1, 1919. If purchased within the next 16 days. i 160 acres located In Holt county, 8 miles from O'Neill, the county seat. This quar ter lies level, good black loam soil, 20 acres under plow, balance good hay land, every foot could be broken and profitably farmed. Price $40 per acre, one-half cash, balance $ or 10 years time at per cent Interest, payable semi-annually. Modern 20 room hotel In first class condi tion, located In east central Nebraska In good, live town of 700 population, the only hotel In town, doing a nice busi ness. This place rents for $50 per month. Price $7,600, will accept one third cash, balance five years time at 6 per cent Interest, payable semi-annually. For further lnformattion write or see M. A. LARSON, owner. Central City. Neb. . OWNER RETIRING 320 acres, well Improved level wheat or corn land, aa good aa can be found in eastern Colorado; 7 miles Haswell, Kiowa county; It cows with calf: alBO 6 yearlings, 6 horses, all good stock. All farm machinery, wagons, harness, etc., go with the place; 20 acres fall wheat, 55 acres under cultivation; fine, level roads; chocolate loam, with clay subsoil; abundant rainfall. This local ity took first prize on wheat and torn at Colorado state fair 1918. Possession March 1. Price $27.50 per acre: half cash. John B. Phippen. 82j First Na tional Bank Bldg, Omaha. WHEAT farm, possession March 1, 119; well Improved and 120 acres broken; half mile te town; 40 acr.s of wheat sown: 40 acres of alfalfa land. Price $9,000; cash down $3,000, balance 6 years at 6 per cent. Possession March 1, 1919; 640 acres: 160 acres of wheat land, rented for this year, but purchaser receives, rent, bal ance grass land which purchaser can get Immediate possession. Price $35 per acre. Will carry $10,000 for S years at 6 per cent, balance cash. POLLARD BROS.. Farnam, Neb. ONE OF NEBRASKA'S BEST RANCHER, $.250 acres; no sand, two seta of Im provements, nicely located. 700 acres Irrigated alfalfa and farm land; 400 good cattle, 26 head young horses and mules, farm machinery, five pastures, all newly fenced, 8 wells, new mills on; THE BEST BUY IN THE STATE; step right Into a big money maker; might consider some Omaha In Income: price and terms on application. Address. Box A-7S Omaha Bee. KIMBALL COUNTY WHERE THE WHEAT IS FINE. Half a section of the best land In Kimball county of deep rich soil close to market, schools and churches located on the main graded road, telephone line, rural route One hundred acres winter wheat on the land sowed on sod. One third goes to the buyer. Terms. $3,000 cash, balance to suit at ( per cent. It won't pay you t t wait. J. R. CARTER, Bushnell, Neb. FOR SALE BY OWN EH Three acres 10 blocks from the state farm at Lincoln. Neb.: good six-room house, barn and other outbuildings; electric lights, city water, paved street and two blocks from street car line; 75 cherry trees, also apple trees, plum trees, peach trees, grapes, raspberries, strawberries and all kinds of small frutt. Must be disposed of before March 1. Would con sider good herefnrd cattle as part pay ment. Add-ess BoxY-322. Omaha Bee. WRITE me for pictures end prices I r...' farms snd ranches in good old Dnw.r county. Arab U Hunter lord. Craw (o. a Neb. Ak 6A A HM?r w H r WrrWll f ScL FATHER FARM AND RANCH LANDS. NEBRASKA FARMS FOR SALE. 160 acres, level, 2 miles from Royal Antelope county; fair improvements; good orchard, $13,600; terms to suit .purchaser. 80 acres unimproved, all In cultiva tion, smooth, adjoins some of the high est-priced land In Madison county, 7 milea from Newman Urove. Price $11,- 200; terms to suit. A. A. PATZMAN, 301 Karbach Blk. 400 ACRES good farm land two and one half miles from Wann, Neb. Well Im proved; $48,000 on easy terms. Ashland State bank, Ashland, Neb. 67H acrea of good land adjoining City of Ashland, large modern house, fine buildings, price $20,000 on easy terms. Address Ashland State bank, Ashland, Neb. ItiO ACRES, fine dairy and atock (arm, miles from Central Clly; excellent buildings; 30 acres pasture, 40 acres al falfa, rest corn ground; one of the finest dairy hams In the state; well equipped, well fenced; good water; easy terms; possession March 1; a bargain; price, $130 per acre. Box 84, Route 3, Central City, Neb. FOR SALE A well Improved smooth lay ing farm of 200 acres close to school, 3 miles from town and 20 miles from Omaha close to the acadlmized road. I will aell for $217.60 per acre. Address J. H. Langhorst, 2568 St. Marys ave., Omaha. Phone Douglas 8436. FOB SALE "4 section of Platte valley land, 2H miles of county seat. Good improvements. $100 per acre. Will carry back half on farm. If Interested address P. U Box No. 1. Flattsmouth. Neb. QUICK SERVICE in land-selling. If you wish cash by March 1 for your real es tate, get our method, Nebraska Realty Auction Co., Central City, Neb. Col. Mark Carraher, Auctioneer. THIS la the greatest wheat country In the west. Land cheap and selling fast. WTrlte when coming. Ed Kuns, Kim bull, Neb. 100 A. LAND, 2i miles northwest Dlck 1ns, Neb. A bargain at $2,000 if taken at once, A. R. Thompson, Ogallala, Neb. FOR RENT 20 acres; 9-room house; one mile west of Dundee. C. D. ARMSTRONG, 825 Securities Bldg. Tel. Doug. ISStf GOOD Omaha Income property for clear western land or eastern Nebraska farm Mr. Pease, 211 Brandels Theater Bids FOR SALE 3 sections hay and grazing land, Brown county, Nebraska, $10 acre. O'Brien, 4746 Prnlrlo Ave., ChicnRo. MERRICK COUNTY. Improved corn ( alfalfa farms at the right price. M. A LARSON. Central City. Neb IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farms. Kimball Co., Nebraska. R. E. Holmes Bushnell, Neb. Oregon Land. JORDAN VALLEY, Oregon, offers you a homo In the land of sunshine, where conditions are right for raising alfalfa and cattle. Address, Jordan Valley Fftrms. Boise, Idziho. South Dakota Lands. For Sale In One Body or Tract. THE OLD FAIR GROUNDS In the city limits of Canton, S. D., being eighty residence lots 64 ft. by 132',4: laid out In blocks and lots. Only five blocks from the court house, city water and sewer accessible, on every street adjoining this plot. Buy this whole tract and sell It in lots and make big money. You can make terms If desired. Come and see or write the secretary. H. N. COOPER, Canton. S. D. 1 FOR South Dakota lands, raw and im proved, see A. A. Patzman, 30 Karbach Bldg. Phone Tyler 684. Wyoming Lands. FOR SALE 2,500 acre stock anch all fenced $18.00, acres under Irrigation and can cut 1,100 tons of hay. 900 head of stock cattle and 75 head of horses. Terms part cash, balance to suit. Write J. M. Mott, Kemmerer, Wyo. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms. $50 pel a., Including paid up water right. -letiry irfvt A C. M. Rylander. 854 Omaha ' Wisconsin Lands. WHEN you buy land, buy the beat. We have some of the very choicest land In the best section of Central Wis consin, for sale on easy terms. Good clay loam soil country thickly settled: good water, schools, roada and mar kets. Write for book and map. John S Owen Lumber Co.. No. 60 Mill St.. Owen. Clark County. Wis FARM LANDS FOR RENT. FOR RENT Some good farms in Kim ball and Banner counties; bank refer ences necessary. J. R. Carter, Bushnell, Neb. FARM LANDS WANTED. WANTED $160,000 worth lands, wild or improved. Robert Hunter. Sioux City, Ia. WANTED 5 to 40 A. adjoining best part of good town, 200 or over. Will pay cash. Address Fred W, Horton, Eldora, Iowa. AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. ECONOMY THATS THE IDEA. That Is why big companies and cor porations buy almost new used cars from us. They know some one has payed the depreciation on almost new used cars and they will get the good of It. They know It doesn't hurt a car to be run a few hundred miles and they know that when they buy a good used car, they save from $200 to $800 on It. 1918 Oldsmobile $1,100 1918 Chalmers Sedan, like new.. $1,600 1918 Ford Sedan $700 1918 Leton Sedan $1,500 1917 Wlnton S $550 1918 Chandlers ( $550 1916 Mitchell 6 $550 1918 Dodge truck, new $950 1917 B45 Bulck $760 1917 Dodge $550 1917 Liberty $750 1917 Chevrolet, like new $350 1917 Overland. Country Club ....$400 1918 Ford, like new $400 1918 Ford Roadster $425 1918 Ford Roadster $400 1917 Oakland 6 191$ Ford touring $250 REMEMBER All cars sold on a 3 day guarantee, money back It you are not satisfied. THE AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 2032 Farnam. We carry the atock and make the price. MEEKS AUTO CO. Used cars bought, sold and exchanged .We buy for r.;sh and sell on time. Full line to select In ni Middle Stale Garage 202C-8 Farnam M Douglas 4101. A1EEKS AUTO CO. CopyriRht, 1917, Internatlnnul NVw Service. P Mim AUTOMOBILES. BUY EARLY Buy your used car now. We predict a shortage of good used cars this spring and suggest that you buy early. 1917 -cyllnder Studebaker Touring $700 1917 4-cyllndcr Studebaker Touring $00 1915 Auburn Touring 500 191$ Ford Touring 276 1917 4-cyllnder Studebaker S-pas- songer Roadster 526 1918 6-cyllnder Steudebaker Road ster 775 1914 4-cyllnder Studebaker Touring 250 THE BONNEY-YAGER AUTO COMPANY. STUDEBAKER DEALERS, Phone Harney $76. 2550 Farnam St. See Exchangeed Cars at GUY L. SMITH'S HCDgON SLTER-SIX TOURING CARS, SEDANS, CABRIOLET. MAXWELL SEDAN. STUDEBAKER TOURING CAR. 2563 Farnam St. . , Douglas 1970. f 1 ()() for any magneto we can't repair; fluu also patentee and sole mfgs. of the new Affinity spark plug. O. BAYSDORFER, 210 North isth St. M'KCIAL. Dandy 1917 Ford coupe. $325; near new 1918 Studebaker sedan, $750; 18 others. Trnwver Auto Co., 1 : 1 0 Farnam. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO.. will store your auto. Rates for Ford cars. $3 a month; large cars, $5 a month Douglas 4338 BARGAIN 1816 Willis-Knight; good tires, fine condition. Come and see this car. Davenport Oarage, Douglas 3573. BARGAINS IN USED CARS." McLartrey Motor Co., 15th and .Tnckson. Ford Agents. D. S50O USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT HAHliAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO., rarnam-fit. umaha. Neb. EXPERT Repairing Guaranteed service. SERVICE GARAGE. 16th and Leavenworth. Doug. vooo. FOR SALE 1917 7-passenger Studebaker, enclosed top; fine condition. Davenport Garage. Douglas 3.'73. LIGHT DELIVERY Ford truck, first class condition, bargain, $275. Phone i-'OUglas AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; service station for Rayfield carburetors and Columbia storage batteries Edwards "THE USED CAR MART" SERVICE GARAGE 16th and Leavenworth. Douglas 7000. WANTED Edit JpllT riJill urn rrwi.-n CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto cucnange i,o. zona f arnam St. D. 6035. NEW and used Ford, Amea oodles, im mediate delivery. O'Rourke Goldstrom imo v. o., gun so. Z4tn, so. 399. OAKLAND. SenullilA SiV" MARSH OAKLAND CO., - 2300 Farnam St GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH. 26th and Farnam 8ts. Douglas 1970. WANTED Second hand Ford up to $150 cash, but no more. Duermyer, 218 South 19th St. FORD MARKET. 2230 Farnam. 2230 Farnam. 25 new and used Ford bodies. WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam. Harney 414 QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 2662 FARNAM. PRIVATELY owned used cars for aale OMAHA USED CAR MARKET. 2517 Leavenworth. Tyler 2347. WILL trade 1918 Maxwell Sedan for Ford touring and some cash. Doug. 8044. Tires and Supplies. WE a WILL SHIP, subject to examination, upon receipt of $1 deposit, our guaran teed plain tread, rebuilt tire at the fol lowing vory low prices:' 30x3 $ 7.25 33tJ . ... lit 7t 30x3 t.00 34x4 1,1.25 32x3ft 10.60 35x4 13.60 31x4 11.70 30x4 15.90 32x4 12.25 35x44 15.40 Express charges prepaid when cash accompanies order.- STANDARD TIRE CO., 410 No. 16th St. TIRES ONE-HAIF PRICE. GUARANTEED $.000 MILES 30x3 $ 7 SOISOxSH f 1.26 S2x3H 10.25132x4 11.76 $2x4 11.60134x4 12.00 We furnish the old tires. Agents wanted. J IN 1 VULCANIZING COMPANY, 1616 Davenport Street, WE do casing and tube repairing. We guarantee our work. New and second tires. URBAN TIRE & VULCANIZING CO., 2223 Harney St. Phone Douglas 8413. NEW TIRES ON SALE. Firestone, Congress. Lee Pullman, Fisk. Write for prices. Mention sizes. KA1MAN TIRE JOBBERS. 2016 FARNAM. REDUCED RATE. 12 CENTS PER MILE. Rent a Ford. Drive yourself. Ford Livery Co.. 1314 Howard St. Douglas 3622. HEADQUARTERS for gasoline and oil pumps of all kinds, tanks, air stands, etc. Phone Douglas 1386. Laubach, 688 Brandeia Bldg., Omaha. GAIN more miles; have your Urea re treaded by G. A G. Tire Co. 2415 Leavenworth. Tyler 1261-W. FORD light delivery, good running or- rler; will sell cheap. , H. 6785. Repairing and Painting. . RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt; large stock used radiators New Ford honeycomb radiator. OMAHA RADIATOR A TIRE WORKS. 1S19 Cumin. 2064 Farnam. EXPERT radiators, fenders and auto bodies; repairing at reasonable prices. Prompt attention given to garags work ship vour radiator direct to us. NEBRASKA SERVICE GARAGE. IVwr 73!0. 2U 8. 19th St CKNTRAL Earnce repair dept., night and day service. If in trouble call us. Tyler 714. Ail work punranteed. K. P Hun, ui, i'o.. 21. ;! Cum.nK. O 8044. High grade Automobile Fainting. Drawn AUTOMOBILES. Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Rargalna in used machines. Victor H. Roos, the Motorcycle Man, 37th and Leavenworth NKW Excelsior motorcycle, lots of extras. A real bargain If taken at once. Colfax 1523. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. FOR SALK Hufus red Belgium Hares; 4 does, 11 young ones 3 months old. Will sell cheap if all taken at once. All from registered Btoek eligible of being restiMtrpd. Phone. lnutslat 570::. FOR fcsALK Tiiuroughbred Angora rat. Sirs Orson Maddux, staple ton. Neb. Horses Live Stock VhicFes. For Sale. HARNESS, SADiHJ.S and TRAVELING GOODS. We make them ourselves and sell them direct to consumer. Why pay two profits for inferior goods when you can get high grade goods at first cost? ALFRKD CORNISH & CO., Phon Doug. 2314. 1210 Farnam. ONE span of mares, weight 2.800 pounds; one pair of mares, 2,500 pounds; abso lutely sound and broke, single and double; will sell reasonable for cash; two sets of harness and wagon. 1914 Grace St. FOR SALE 5 single wagons, in good con dition. Must be sold at once. Call at purchasing department. Morris & Co., 2tith and Q Sts.. South Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN. Organized by the Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, pianos and notes as secui Ity, $40. 6 mo., H. goods, total, 13 60 PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, 432 Security Bldg., 16th & Farnam. Ty. 668 LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY AND 11 VI LIBERTY BONDS. Opt 172 O W. C. FLATAU. EST. 1892. .'C 6TH FLR. SECURITY BLDG.. TY. 150 Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Maleshock. 1614 Todge, D. 6619. Est. 1891 DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS LOW rates without ony delay. C. G. CARLBERG, 31! Brandels Theater Bldg. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. M'INTYRE'S BIG CLOSING OUT SALE On what Is known as the Henry Lewis farm, opposite the Iowa school for the deaf. Street cars stop at the door. TUESDAY, FEB. 4, 1919, 3 Commencing at 10 a. m., sharp. 130-Head of Live Stock-130 33 HEAD OF HORSES AND MARES. Consisting of eleven head of horses and twenty-two head of mares, ranging in age from 6 to 7 years and In weight from 1,200 to 1.700 pounds. These animals are all In splendid condition. We wish to say to prospective buyers we believe this the best string of horses sold at any sale In the country this season. 48 HEAD OF CATTLE 48 Eighteen head good milch cows., ail Shorthorns but two, all barn broke all giving milk and some with calves by side. Thirty head of good springers. 49 HEAD OF HOGS 49 One Burke's "Good Enuf" pure bred Duroc Jersey sow. Two thoroughbred White Belt sows. Forty-five head fall pigs. Four dozen chickens. SALE WILL BE HELD IN HEATED PAVILION. ALL STOCK TO BE SHIPPED WILL BE PUT ON CARS FREE OF CHARGE. HAY AND GRAIN Between 2.000 and 3,000 bushels of corn; 275 bushels of seed oats; fifteen tons timothy and al falfa hay; 150 bushels white and yellow seed corn, hung before frost; thirty bush els of potatoes. FULL LINE OF FARM MACHINERY AND" SIX WAGONS. FIVE SETS OF GOOD HARNESS; TWO SADDLES AND OTHER ARTICLES TOO NUM EROUS TO MENTION. TERMS OF SALE All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount six months time will be given on bankable notes bearing 8 per cent Interest from date. JESSE A. M'INTYRE, COUNCIL BLUFFS, Ia. McKenzle & McMurray and Lon Mar gason, Auctioneers, Roy MaxfJeld, clerk; Ladies Aid with lunch. 60 ACRES Suburban Property Situated about one-half mile west of Elmwood Park, right in the district that is fast develop ing. This tract of land commands a splendid view of the city. The owners of this property are desirous of selling at this time, and will make an in ducjve price to anyone who is in the market for a tract of this kind. Particulars at O'NeiPs Real Estate & Insurance Agency Tel. Tyler 1021 632-6 Brandeis Theatre. for The Bee by Horses Live Stock Vehicles. MILLER'S HEREFORD DISPERSION SALE At the Farmers' Feed Barn, Corning, Ia., Feb. 12, 191$. A dispersion sale of all the Hereford, owned by the late V. E. Miller, with an added draft from J. N. B. Miller & Sons' herd. . 50 HEAD HIGH-CLASS FEMALES. 12 cows with calves at foot by such sires as Beau Mischief, Anxiety Fairfax, Stephen Fairfax, Maple Leaf Beaur and other good sires. 20 bred two-year-old heifers sired by Gomez Perfection, Standard 20, Boat man and others. 6 open yearling heifers and balance of cows are well along in calf to Robert Real, Prince Fairfax and Beau Mischief, Jr. If you want good cows and heifers by all means attend this sale. 10 GOOD BULLS. Including Vernet Fairfax, a 4-year-old tried aire, and a great breeding bull. Al bert Fairfax, by Wing Fairfax. Ray Fairfax, by the $20,000 Royal Fairfax. If you want a real herd bull you can find him In this sale. 20 YOUNG BULL CALVES A choice lot of young bulls to be sold to suit the crowd. For catalog address J. N. B. Miller & Sons CORNING, IA. FRED REPPERT, Auctioneer. JOE SHAVER, Fieldman Journal-Stockman. PERSONAL BETTY, I want you home. Let me know where you are. Tom. Overland Tire People Let More Contracts in Plans for Large Plant Overland Tire and Rubber com pany has awarded a large contract for the construction of its main building, comprising the first unit of the big rubber works now build ing in Omaha and planned for early completion this spring. Considerable progress has al ready been made with the work, ex cavations are completed and the foundations are in. Yesterday the Vaughan Construc tion company was awarded the bal ance of the contract for the build ings, to be completed within 90 working days. Mr. Vaughan, the head of the construction company, had charge of the building of tue W. O. W. building, the First Na tional Bank building, the City Na tional Bank building, besides a num ber of other large buildings in Oma ha and vicinity. The buildings contracted for will cost approximately $150,000. In connection there will be equired for this immense plant's first unit machinery and equipment! otalihg $150,000, of which $75,000 has al ready been purchased and several carloads of the equipment have been received and are now on the com pany's property at Thirtieth street and the Belt Line railway. Graft Skin from Seven to Cure Des Moines Man Seven Omaha persons are suffer ing from skin graft wounds in Mer cy hospital at Des Moines. They liavo rnntrihntprl skin from their bodies to aid the leg of Des Moines City Light Inspector 'J. L. Walker, whose condition is said to have de manded the sacrifice. They are William Crouse, C. F. St. John, Wilma Crouse, M. L. Con npt. T. B. Blue. Mrs. Tess Walker and Miss Irene Walker. John Budd, member of the Des fninec ritv rnnnril. also ia a natient at Merev hnsnitnl as a result of skin grafted by physicians from his arm and used on Mr. walkers leg. George McManus BOT WAT vi UNTIL HE LOOKt OUT THE KITCHEN WINDOW- OFFICERS FIND STILL PLANTED Of! RIVER ISLE Booze Sleuths Get Men Said - to Have Confessed to Man- ufacture of Moonshine Whisky. One of the largest stills in this territory typical of the storied "stills way down south" was re vealed by Omaha internal revenue officers Wednesday on a little wil low-covered, pussy-willowed island, in the Missouri, 25 miles from Sioux City. A harmless hunters' hut. with rag- stuffed windows and an abandoned, "down-at-the-heel" look over the entire place, proved to shelter two huge washtubs, two bottles of mash fit for distillation equivalent to 30 gallons of. whisky and true dis tilling kettles of every type. About 100 yards distant from the hut the.' actual "still" and worm were uncovered. Find the Worm. Tangled moss, willows and un dergrowth of all kinds concealed the spot to ordinary observers. A hint tame to the internal rev enue office of Omaha and Internal Reveiioe Officers Lambert, Roggen, Flynn and Burns, who worked in co-operation with the sheriff of Woodbury county, went to Sioux City luesday. They rowed across the river in small boats by night, followed tan gled trails, and misleading paths, until they arrived at the hut. Here thev remained until late the next day, when two men, Bob Boyd and Charles 1 lpton, arrived. Thev arrested the men. who are now in the Woodbury county jail, and uncovered enough evidence to make it practically the first case in this territory that has sufficient proof to prosecute. The tw4 men confessed and are awaiting trial in the next term of court. U. P. War Service Club Gets Other Shipment of Relics Frank Roach of the Union Pacific Familv War Service club is in re ceipt of another shipment of Ger man helmets, canteens, shrapnel and other things from the war zone of Europe, sent by Union Pacific boys with the American expeditionary service. The shipment received by Mr. Roach has been added to that previ ously sent, and it is planned to m stall somewhere in the Union Pa cific building a museum of war relics. Kansas Farmer Loses $75 in Old Dollar Matching Game Clarence Skalla, a Kansas farmer, was robbed of $75 when two strang ers inveigled him into a game of matching dollars. "One of the men told me we would 'get' the other wan and then he would split with me," said Skal la, "but he didn't." OMAHA LIEUTENANT WHO ENTERS WEST POINT. Zt.JJios.Z).eaU Lt. Thomas D. Coll, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Coll, 2423 Evans street, has received his appointment to enter West Poirit military acad emy at the designation of Congress man C. O. Lohcck. He has passed the competitive examination and expects to enter the school this year. Lieutenant Coll wa9 in the infantry replacement division at Camp Pike. He enlisted as a pri vate in the fall of 1917 and has re signed his commission to accept the strenuous training of the mili tary academy. He is a graduate of Omaha High school class of 1917 and is 19 years o' ' " " ' ' f '- ,J V ' ' v' ) -r'A 1 I V I ! I WAR RISK BOARD HEW INSURANCE Men Who Served in Military or Naval Service May Ob tain New Policies Under' Plan. Washington, Jan. 31. Conditions under which soldiers or sailors now holding government life insurance! may convert these policies within five years into other forms which can be carried with the government during their lifetime were an nounced today by Col. Genry D. Lindsley of the war risk insurance bureau. Rates will be made public soon and the new policies will not be available until then. There will be six different kinds of insurance ordinary life, 20-pay-ment life, 30-payment life, 20-year endowment, 30-year endowment and endowment payable at the age of 62. All policies will contain clauses providing that in case of permanent total disability of the insured man the government will make monthly payments to him and premium pay ments will cease. This amounts vir tually to old age pensioning and dis. ability insurance and insures that no man who has served in the army or navy need ever be destitute if he carries the government insurance. Share in Dividends. All policy holders will participate in dividends, and earnings of over Vi per cent from the insurance fund will go into dividends. Since the reserves will be invested in govern ment securities, it is certain that there w11 be large dividends to be returned periodically to policy hold ers. Collections of premiums will be made through postmasters in each community. Have Five Years. Any man now in military or naval service holding government term life insurance can obtain the new forms, but the amount will be lim-' ited to his present holdings. The government urges all men to con tinue to carry their present policies, but to convert these as soon as they are financially able within the next , five years. The war risk insurance bureau to day reported that 4,480,000 policies already have been issued to soldiers and sailors for insurance, aggregat ing $39,232,000,000, or a average of $8,756 on each man. Up to today, 34,969 awards had been made on deaths of insured sol diers or sailors for amounts aggre gating $247,720,000. Inspector Long Wants Vegetables and Fruits , Weighed, Not Measured Inspector of Weights and Meas ures Long is seeking to have city, council pass an ordinance providing that all vegetables and fruits be sold by weight instead of by measure or by the box or basket. "That's the only way to get just ice for the people," he says. "Take it in apples. A bushel of applies will weigh 48 pounds, but there are many apples on the market sold by the box, which contains only 42 pounds instead of 48. And in this way deal ers all the time are trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the con sumers. Some consumers are wise enough or particular enough to see that they get full measure, but a great number buy carelessly and are victimized by these methods." Mr. Long has responded to a num ber of complaints of short weight and measure and forced restitution in many cases. Close tab is being kept on cca! dealers also. The inspectors have the power, to stop a coal wagon at any time and take it to the city scales to find out whether it has the lull weight. McArdle Will is Filed After Lifting of Protest The will of John McArdle, pio neer farmer of Elkhorn precinct, has been admitted to probate, following the removal of a protest filed last August by John McArdle, one of the sons of the deceased. The will, dated November 12. 1908, specified that John McArdle, son, was to receive $3,000; that $2,000 should be divided between the children of Catherine Quinn, de. ceased daughter, and that the re mainder should be paid to Joseph McArdle, another son who was named as executor in the will. Three New "Flu" Cases; Forty-Seven in All in City Three new cases of "flu" were re ported to the city health commis-. sioner Thursday. It was the first day with any new "flu" cases for some time. There were no deaths from this cause. Forty-two houses in the city are quarantined for "flu." The Weather Comparative Local Record. Ills. 1918. 1817. 191)!. Highest yesterday.... 60 6 20 Lowest yesterday ....31 20 15 i Mean temperature ..40 11 2 1 Precipitation 00 .T .02 .'') Temperature and precipitation depart ures from the normal: Normal temperature VI Excess for the day V4 Total excess since March 1, 1918 13.'. I Normal precipitation . .02 Inch' I Deficiency for the day 09 Inches Total rainfall since Mar, 1 J 65 Inch Deficiency since March 1 ...... 10. OS Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1917 7.41 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1 HIS 13 60 IiicIks Ke porta From (stations at 7 P. M. Station and Stat Temp. High- Rain. of Weather. 7 p. ra. eat. fall. Cheyenne, clear SS (0 .nil Davenport, clear 34 43 Denver clear 4i 50 .oil Des Moines, clear 40 44 ."" Dodge City, clear 44 , 53 .00 Lander, part cloudy ., . 34 in North Platte, pt. cl'dy 3 4i .on Omaha, clear 44 60 ,t0 Puehlo, clear ..40 So .ti.i Rapid Cltq, pt, cloudy SO ia ,a Salt Lake City, cloudy : 64 . Santa Fe, cloudy 36 40 .tin Sheridan, clear 4 44 .in Sioux City, clear 3A 44 . Valentine, clear !0 42 T Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH Meteoroli.giJt. Bee Want Ads Produce Rc.' ;.