THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1919. INVEST YOUR LIBERTY BONDS IN THE COMFORTS OF AN OMAHA HOME Look Qver the Listings in Today's Paper "REALTORS' OF OMAHA MEMBERS OF THE OMAHA REAL ESTATE BOARD: Adair, Helgren A Alwine American Security Co. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Charles D. Armstrong C. C. Beavers Bedford-Johnston Realty Co. Benson & Myers Benton Carmkhael K. H. Benner H. W. Binder C. D. Birkett 4 Co. Warren S. Blackwell John K Brandt C. G. Carlbersr Harry M. Christ! William Colfax Creigh, Som ft Co. N. P. Dodge ft Co. J. H. Dumont ft Co. FirsCSrust Co. John F. Flack J. A. Fike A mot Grant Garvin Bros. W. H. Gates George ft Co. Glover ft Spain Wilson T. Graham C. A. Grimmel Harrison ft Morton Hastings ft Heyden Investor! Realty Co. George F. Jones J. N. Kopietx Paul W. Kuhna Howard G. Loom! C. W. Martin ft Co. McCague Investment Co. McKitrick Real Estate Co. Nebraska & Wyoming Inv, J. J. Mulvihill Norris ft Norris Orin S. Morrill Co. O'Keefe Real Estate Co. O'Neils Real Estate ft Ins. Agency I. C. Patterson Payne Investment Co. Payne & Slater Co. Peters Trust Co. Porter ft Shotwcll Co. Rasp Bros. Harry D. Reed E. S. Redick Co. O. C. Redick Byron Keed Co. John W. Robbini J. B. Robinson Chaa. L. Saunders W. L. Selby ft Son H. A. Senn W. F. Shelton Co. 1). V. Sholes A Co. Shopen A Co, Shuler A Cary W. Farnam Smith & Co. Nathan Somberg L. D. Spalding Clinton D. Stuht Stull Bros. Ernest Sweet P. J. Tebbena W. H. Thomas A Son A. P. Tukey A Son F. D. Wead World Realty Co. Edward F. W'haau Co. Harry A. Wolf Henry F. Wyman Wilson A Warren Co. 14 Want-Ad Rates (Cash With Order.) Ve per word one insertion .40 per word for consecutive Insertions le per word for each additional insertion No ads taken for less than a total of SOc, or less than 10c per day. CHARGE. . is. .tm a wnrris to line) 1 time 9e per line each time, S consecutive times Ho per line eacn lime, i w""""'" -Te per line each time, 80 consecutive times CARDS OF THANKS AND FUNERAL NOTICES. JOe per line each insertion Minimum charge, 68 cents. Contract Rate on Application. For convenience of advertisers, want ads will be accepted at the following offices: MAIN OFFICE Upe Building . - " ii:t V"" " Nnrth 20th St. rtmn vnii:. ...... - :rr cr 1 ak Office .2oin iNonn ci. . . .2467 South 16th St. .2616 Leavenworth St. ...819 North 40th St. 281S N St. 14 Main St. Vinton Office.. Park Office.... Walnut Office. Knuth Side. ... Council Bluffs . . .'UIlllJ I14 IB ........ ' Tin., ul'v u.;n ,,, K reanonihle for more than one incorrect insertion of an ad vertisement ordered for more than ono time. PHONE TYLER 1000. Kvening Editions 12:00 M. Morning Editions 10:00 P. M. Sunday Editions 10 P. M. Saturday. "funeral DIRECTORS. " HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertaken and emblem;. Tel. H J6. Office. 2611 Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN Pioneer Funeral Director. 7ol sttth Phonj??UB' y8: STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertaker. 33d-Far. H. 400, Z HUFFMAN FUNERAL HOME. Hoffman quality aervlca costs lesa. 54th and Podge. Dougja jl01. E. L. DODDER CO., Funeral Director. r. L. Fero. Mgr., 2Sd and Cuming 3t. Phone Douglaa 677. Auto ambulance. JTftHM A ORNTI.EMAN Undertaker and Embalmer. S4tl Farnam St. Harney 892. FLORISTS; SlT LEE L LARMON 1SI4 Donrlna frt Dongla 8244. JOHN BATH. ISth and Farnam. D. SOOU. irTf7n?eraon76JFjirnam. P. Ij4 MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. WEST LAWN CEMETERY.. Family lot on easy payment: thoughtful ervlce; perpetual care; treet cars to entrance. Phone Walnut 820 or Dougla S2. and our auto will call for yea. TtTli larsMt display of nonument la the United State. FRANK SWOBORA. I A s lath Phona Dougla 1872-5216. "JrrIage licenses. The following marriage license have be'n issued: Kama and Residence. Ago. Olimu I. llacQueen, Silver Creek, Neb.. 28 D. Maria Johnson, Genoa, Nob 27 I.nurenoe C. Northrup, Platte City, Mo. 25 Agnra Krcal, Omaha 1 Carl H. Ohter, Wayne. Neb .' 27 Eleanor Cook, Wolbach, Neb 19 Orl M. Andersen. Omaha 47 Mary Kut, Omaha 49 Morton T. Roberts, Northboro, la 64 Gertrude Roberts. Grand Junction. Colo. 47 LOST, FOUND. REWARD. LOST Un Farnam St., or on Benson line, lady's small black purse, containing , one $10, ono $2, soma II bills and some eniall change. Purse contained about $20. Please return to 2424 North 60th I St., or phone Walnut 3011. Reasonable rt wfl rd. ; LOST Some Dursees-Nash stock certifi cate and other valuable papers Wed. In the vic'ntty.of 16th & Harnoy. Call Har n v 8975 lifter 7 p. m. Liberal reward. VOrl ARTICLES LOST on street ears, tele phone Tyler 800. Wo are anxious to re store lost articles to rightful owners. ( M A H A & CO, BLUFFS ST. RY. CO. n7v 'Between 28th and 15th St., a string of 7 Roman pearls. Finder will receive reward. Please telephone Har v.ov 3:;'46. LOST Twenty Collier Weekly suViacrip ; ion slips. Flndtr please return to 312 Haird Hid;, and obtain reward. LOST Wrist watch. In Empress theater. Nn me "nabe" on badi. Webster 4044. j.c r A sold Elgin bracelet wutch, Fri day, tteward. Harney 4144. ,F C R SALE MISCELLANEOUS. r -nos and Musical Instruments 59 VICTROLA. for 170. 00, with 18 rec ords ell latest music, New machine, a i nl snap. 302 Charles St., Phone Web- ater 5m. !'!. .XiniUAPHS RECORDS Records In -Ml Innguagea, Columbia Orafonola. Iin!t Music Shop, 1416 Douglas St. l ! KhiHT planoi Inquire at office of Gor i. Fireproof Van and Storage Co. 1 ...u for sale, price 1100. call Harney ii '11 BALE Good organ. Call Webster S for rent $4 per mo. A. Hospe Co. Typewriters and Supp'tes. Typewriter "From Factory to You." Thj wonderful New Improved 1919 Na tional Combination Typewriter weigh 9 lbs. furnished with 'nice traveling raw Equipped with all the latest at-tn- hments as found on large office type--u rite rs doe all the work they de bit haa the advantage of being com bination of an office and portable type writer that can be used anywhere, and In price, being lesa than one halt of large typewriter. Inscriptive catalog mailed on request. Will make very attractive arrangement for territory with dealer and agent to sal! t-hls king of typewriters. NATIONAL TYPEWRITER CO. J. C C ha peck, Director of Sale Fond du Lac. Wisconsin. U.S. A. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES ' NEW AND REBUILT The most complete line of Typewriter and Adflnc Machine west of Chicago. Can furnish any make at most any price you desire to pay. W rent and 'epalr atl nsakee antl will buy or trade for your Mil machine. Every machine guaranteed e us before you buy. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGB. t Established over 15 yeara) -n.n'glfts 4JI1. 1906 Farnam St. RK1 Ull-fTsold, rented, repaired. Carbon r;Mier, rittona and Bupplles. i Service U mranteed. Try Us. Phone Dong. 6031. OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO.. 106 North 16th St. TH buy. till and exchange typewriter, i -J . Us and office furn.ture. Midland of i: Supply Co., 1404 Dodge St. Tel. I'nuittss 2147. . ivi'twillTERS all make. old. rented un-i repaired. THE W. H. LONG COMPANY. ' 1513 Karnam. Tel. D. 3969. t an Oliver Typewriter, three month for J6-60. Oliver Agency. 190 Farnam Str-t. V.-.T. Sewing Machines. ' SEWING MACHINES vi s rent, repair, sell needle and part MICK EL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. ;H dm? Harney St Doug. 1662 rii'.mrd and Pocket Tables. 'Vjti '"SALE 6 tattle pool hall, good Ne braska town S.frOO; good business; tock id fitturea, 1,000. A snap. Reason ir-.r sailing, other business hurry. Ad- -i Box Y-3t3, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION! AUCTION! Extra high grade furniture, rugs, linens, Vlctrola and piano, at my auction house southeast corner 18lh and Webster streets, Saturday, February 1; starts at 10 a. m., sharp. This Is the biggest aala of good furni ture I have had in the auction house consisting as follows: Lot No. 76. Ono set of extra high grade of leather dining chairs and oil atove. Lot No. 79. This la a complete home of beautiful furniture: 3 large leather rock era and library table to match, leather Duofold like new, 2 good room-slsed rugs and a dining room set that can't ba beat in oak, &4-lnrh fumed oak din ing table, 6 leather chairs and buffet to match, brass bed, springs and mattress, 2 good Vernls Martin beds, springs and mattresses, 1 beautiful birds eo maple bed room eulte, massive oak dresser and chiffonier, and high oven gas range and hundreds of article too numerous to mention. Lot No. 81. This lot Is a miscellaneous lot of nearly every thing. Ono act scales, 1 large box of new underwear: in fact this Is the odd and ends of a mer chandlse stock. Lot No. 82. This is a complete fur nishlngs of a beautiful Dundee home, came from 6111 Capitol avenue, and consists of ona nearly brand new Vlc trola and about 36 latest records; this Vlctrola haa not a scratch, on it and fin ished in mahogany. -Beautuul ma hogany parlor chaira with blue sllli velour upholstering, and one new 6x12 Hartford Saxony rug, blue back ground to match chair, iolso a small rug to match; 1 very expensive mahogany 11 brary table, beautiful dining room fur niture. Circasslon walnut bed room fur niture like new, new high oven por celain gaa range and hundreds of ar ticles too numerous to mention. Lot No. 83. Consists of one upright grand piano 2 good oak dressers, sail I tary couch and pad, 2 commodes, a big lot of new linoleum, good gas range and numerous artlclea too numerous to men- V.tion. Lot No. 84. This 1 a complete Home of beautiful furniture from appartment 9 in Carlyle appartment and conslsU of one beautiful library electric- lamp, fumed oak library table and 3 large leather rockera to match, one New Ens land couch and pad, one massive over stuffed leather rocker, 1 Ivory rocker. 3 nearly new room-sized Axmlnster rugs, one wllton velvet rug 8-3 by 10-6. like new, and 6 smaller wllton velvet rugs; fumed oak book case, 2 pair hand crocheted curtains and several pairs of good curtains and drapes, very new beautiful fumed oak dining room set, 64-Inch dining table 6 full leather chairs, massive buffet and china cabinet all perfectly matched, beautiful circas aion walnut dresser and chiffonier, large wall mirror, new Singer sewing machine, sanitary rouch and pad, massive brass bed, springs and mattress, 100-piece Austrian dinner set, and a big lot of other good chinaware, cut glass and hand painted china, aluminum cooking utensils, lots of good linen and bedding, and hundreds of articles too numerous to mention. Lots 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90. 91, 92 and 93, consist of worlds of beautiful furni ture too numerous to mention. The above la furniture that has been con signed to me to sell on commission to .the highest bidder and will absolutely be sold on above date. JAMES I,. DOWD, Auctioneer. Phone. Red 3286 or Harney 4768. DON'T BUY until yc have inspected the many won. derful ba.-galna we are offering In our JANUARY .. CLEARANCE SALE of medium nd high grade FURNITURE, HOUSE FURNISHINGS, RUGS, STOVES and COMPLETE OUTFIT. Thla month finds u heavily overstocked--and big reductions are prevalent throughout our entire stock. In many Instance reduc tions as great a 40 per cent. Special attention and accommodation to pur chaser or complete outfit. See us and ave. Wc pay the freight. STATE FURNITURE CO. S. W. Cor. 14th and Dodge. Opp U.P.BIdg H. DOLGOFF. Furniture, atovea, rug, linoleum, Vic trolaa, trunk, suitcase, bedding, linen. Better goods for leas money Credit lf you wish. Open evening. 1839-47 N 24tb Phones: Web 1607 Web 4826 YOUNG couple breaking up housekeeping will sell 6 room of nearly new furniture very reasonable. Will not sell pieces separate. Tyler 2527-J. WE buy, sell and make desks, safes, show case, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co, 11th and Douglaa D 2724. A No. 1 Singer sewing machine, good as new; can be bought very cheap if taken at once. Call Web. 2257. COOK RANGE New; call for information. Tyler 1527. 3140 So. 17th Street. Miscellaneous LIBERTY BONDS, par value or cash for pianos, Edison diamond dise or cylinder phonographs, .victrolas, Pathe phono graphs. Records for each make. New Home and Ruby sewing machine. Write Box 486, Blair, Neb., Dept A. 'TlTlTVr'r'OLD RELIABLE PORT. It XXVllXXVhas the old spicy wine taste. Sold In 16-gallon kegs only by Porto Beverage Co., 2444V Burt St., Omaha. Neb., Douglas 3462. A full set of good butcher tools; good Ice box, and a 2-horse power electric meat cutter; for half price. Reply at once. Wm. Addis, Minden. Neb FOB SALE Piano box and second hand crating lumber cheap, or will trade for small rugs, draperies or other useful articles. 316 Park Ave. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over in new ticking at . half . the price of new ones. 1907 Cuming. Douglas 2467. FOR SALE White sewing machine, 9x12 Wilton rug and some canned fruit Tel. Harney 1967. 38-1N. FIBRE TRUNK' good' condition. L. Walker, 2213 Douglas. Phono, Red 6909. FOR SALE: 150-lb. capacity refrigerator, good condition; cheap; Walnut ,210, . ONE WIRE, almost new sniping chair, cheap. Webster 1302. COMPLETE college scholarship $20. Call Tyler 2278-W. TWIN go-cart for sale. Call Webster 192!. WANTED TO BUY. LIBERTY BONDS. Spot cash for Liberty bonds and for partly paid up. See me if you need the money and must sell. 108 McCAGUE BUILDING, 15th and Dodge. LIBERTY BONDS . WE BUY LIBERTY BONDS and re ceipt for partly paid-up bonds; we pay cash; no waiting: no red tape 411 M'CAGUE BLDG. 1 ISth and Dodge Sts. Highest Cash Price Paid For LIBERTY BONDS Partly Paid Up Receipt and . WAR SAVING STAMPS Don't Sell Until You Get Our Price. 542 SECURITY BUILDING, $75,000 Ranch for an apartment house. For particular see J. H. Carae, 782 Vt Bran dels Bldg. rnone nea 1874. JENKINS. 705 South 16th, will pay best price for old clothes, shoes, Job lot of all kinda Residence, Douglas 8032. Of fice, Douglas 8093. - DESKS DESKS DESKS New desk; used desk bought, sold and traded. J. C Reed. 1201 Farnam. D. 6146 ONE thousand tons of iron; country mixed Iron; also rubber and metals. J. Katel nuin. 1125 S. lth St., Council Bluffs, la. Phones 650 4491. WILL pay cash for a good used standard typewriter. Douglas 8345. LIBERTY loans bought. Ill South 16th. WANTED TO BUY. WANTED 11-Inch erew cutting lathe; give make, description, equipment and price. Weyrlch A Hadraba, Plattamouth, Neb. WANTED TO BUY A meat slicing ma chine; tat kind and price In tint letter. Gibson Grocer (tore, Fremont, Neb. CUTTMAN pay hlgheat price for furni ture, carpets, atoves, clothes, shoes, trunks. Douglns 8971 Res.. Web. 4204. WE buy waste paper and pay good price. Phone or write Omaha Paper cstocK to. uouglaa 16 ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered button, all sizes and style; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 300-308 Brown Bldg. Phone, P. 19S6. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING, BUTTONS. O. U VanArnavo Pleating Co., S36-7 Paxton Block. Phone Doug. 2109. Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Auto touring tent and camping supplies. SCOTT-OMAHA TENT A AWNINO CO. Baggage and Express. "The Only Way" Ticket 296, omafta Transfer Co. Bath and Massage. Miss Fisher, 379 Brandels Theater. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO.. 27th and Martha St., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze aluminum and machine gray Iron eastings. Carpenters and Interior Decorators. LESSARD & SON. 2021 'Cuming. Ty. 1632. Costumes. FULL dress suits for rent, 109 N. 16th St., onposlte Postoffice. John Feldman. Chiropractors. Ethel Maltby, D. C, 312 Bee Bldg. D. 3072. Dr. J. C. Lawrence, Balrd Bldg. P. 8461. SPINOGRAPH, Pr. Edward 24th. Farnam. Dancing Academies. KEL-PINE DANCING ACADEMY, 2424 Farnam. CIbbs and prlv. lessons. D. 760 Delicatessen. SPECIAL SALAD for sale. Rfalto Delicatessen. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury.. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Taft'a Dental R' i.. 808 Rose Bldg. D. 2186. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. Ev. denee secured In all case. Tyler 1136 Fixtures and Wiring. TTTT? iV"! 7JEIectrlc washing machine. lectrlc Iron and reading lamp. 2223 Cuming St. Douglaa 2619. Film Developing. FILMS developed. rolls 1 it ; pack, 16c; Kaa Studio, Neville one-day service. Blk. IF you would like to learn photo finishing apply at once. The Hopson Co., 209 S. 18th St. DEVELOPING and printing. One-day ervlce Photo Craft Shop. 1408 Farnam FILMS developed free. Mall orders so licited. THE ENSIGN CO.. 1607 Howard. Historical Costumes. COSTUMES of all ages from Adam and Eve to the world war; costume for theatricals and xnasquerades; In a nut shell, costumes for everything can be leased at Theo. Lleben & Son, 1516 Howard St. Omaha. Jewelry. A-'Al.lUViXyOwith privilege to btv back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO., 403 N. 16th. Red 6081. Osteopaths. DR. MABEL WESSON. 614 Brandels Bldg. T. 2960. H. 4741. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. In ternational Patent Co.,- 683 Brandels. D. 6691. Printing Supplies. Water-Barnhart Ptg. Co.. 414 8. ISth St. Medical. PILES, fistula and other rectal dis eases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for book on rectal diseases with testi monials. DR. E. R. TARRY, -240 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Restaurants. TRY our good meal at new Hungarian Kosher restaurant, 316 S. 15th, upstairs. Tailors. Dledrick, P L 216 8. 30th. Tailor. P. 2432. Safes. BARGAINS 1212 Farnam. J. J. Perigbt Safe Co. SAFES Towel Supplies. Omaha Tewel Sply 207 8. 11th. D. 682 Weddin g Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. Dnuula Prlntlne; Co Tel Ponging 644. BUSINESS CHANCES. OPPORTUNITY A well organized, established finan cial business having well equipped quarters In one of Omaha' best office buildings la for sale; or will dispose of part Interest to acceptable party capa ble of taking the active management. The books, which are regularly au dited by a certified public accountant, are evidence of the exceptional earning power of this concern. Anyone desiring an opportunity to connect with a high-class, paying busi ness will do well to Inquire for particu lars. Address Box A-72, Omaha Bee. A NEW FINANCIAL INSTITUTION now being organized, desire to secure a few atrong representative men In the states of Nebraska and Iowa. Home of fice Omaha, other offices to be es tablished at Denver, Lincoln, Sioux City and Des Moines. This Is an opportunity to get In on the ground floor of what will be the largest Institution of its kind In the west. For particulars, ad dress A 98 Omaha Bee. WILL BUILD for long lease tenant, garage or other building, on an 86-ft. frontage tract, located on Broadway, Council Bluffs. Call or write, , IOWA REALTY CO. (L. Cherniack.) Phone 3229. Council Bluff. Broken Bow, Oklahoma offer more op portunitiea for a business man to make money than any western town. Over 3,000 laborers now employed and 1,000 more needed. Monthly pay roll $126,000. Address Garland Adair, Sec Commercial club. FOR SALE Good blacksmith and wood worker's shop and tools with plenty of room for auto repairing; good loca tion: plenty of work. Address Box Y-825, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE 100 shares Harroun Motor stock, $350 and 3,000 Hoffman Oil Re fining. $330. A. L. DEIBEL. Boatmen' Bank Bldg., St. Louis Mo. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANT capable man with 63.000 to buy partner's half interest and manage of fice; worth double; Incorporated busi ness, well established. Clean work, good salary, besides nice profits; will ex plaln reason Box A-80. Omaha Bee. UNCLE SAM haa O. K'd. the manufacture of near beer; will sell my soft drink parlor and lunch room; established 16 years; one of the best locations In town; reason for selling, have bigger opportun- l ty. Call Webster 176. 3 S WE buy and sell stores; to get In or out of business, see Hill, 642 Securities Bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. PRINTER Bandmaster, graduate Beeth oven Conservatory, St. Louis; cornetlst, violinist. For yeara successful college and conservatory teacher, composer. Wish to discontinue school work; will accept place In, printing establishment with leadership' of band. Not misrep resenting, neither must you. Married, age 40. Address Musician, 409 North Olive St., Pittsburgh. Kan. BANK clerk and assistant cashier before enlisting; now having received honorable discharge from army, desire position with bank In some good town: had Burroughs posting machine experience; aged 20 years; best of references. Write now, Box Y-328, Omaha Bee. THE BEE will publish free a situation- wanted ad under thi classification for oldtera, Ballots and marines who will show their discharge paper at our office In the lobby of the Bee building, Seventeeenth and Farnam. WANTED Office position, married man 38 years old; 15 years' experience a bookkeeper and cashier large wholesale Implement; capable of managing office help and office details; good references. Box B-36, Omaha Bee. frpiSCHARGED soldier wants banking position, country oanu prererrea; nave had seven years' experience as assistant manager of mercantile business refer ences. Box 26, Newman Grove, Neb. MAN with family wants position In Small town. Experienced In grocery business. Best of references. Near Omaha pre ferred. If interested, write Room 41, Apt. 10. 624 So. 16th. DISCHARGED SOLDIER with six years' .experience in rates and claims and ledger work in railroad office, desires clerical position. References. Steffa. Har. 6B09. DISCHARGED OFFICER with four years' banking experience want position in bank. Would coonsider country bank. .Call Bandura, South 2218. DISCHARGED soldier, experienced truck driver or shop man, wants work in cither line, or what have you 7 Call Pattavlna, at Douglas 8020. Young married couple desire place on farm. State all particulars In first let ter. Address - Roy Parker, General De livery St Joseph. Mo. SITUATION WANTED by expert account ant to work evenings closing books and making' income tax report. Addre Omaha Bee Box A-71. WANTED-Positlon by young lawrer and typist with "some experience; will buy partnership In law firm. C. H. Gll.ion, Minden, Neb. Discharged soldier wants position as mechanical draughting or tracing. Ex perienced In both. Call W. Clarke at Harney 3651. EXPERIENCED colored chauffeur wants job driving car or truck: 15 years experience. Call Webster 5127 after ( p. m. DISCHARGED soldier, married, wishes clerical work In some store or office. Douglas 6215 or write A-76, Omaha Bee. Discharged soldier, married, wishes of fice work. Had sevesal years traffic work and claims work. Doug. 6751. BANKER CASHIERSHIP wanted by an experienced man. Hes A-l references. Address Box Y-330, Omaha Bee. ASSISTANT CASHIERSHIP wanted by experienced man. Excellent references. Address F"x Y-330, Omahe Hee. SITUATION WANTED by accountant and auditor, 16 years' experience. Address Omaha Bee, Box A-21, YOUNG colored man wishes Job a garage helper. Call Web. 2368. 2413 Burdette St. WORK wanted of any kind man. Call Webster 5294. by colored CARPENTERING and genera) repairing. Webster 3515; PAINTING, W. 1302. paper cleaning, odd jobs. Female. MIDDLE aged widow with a son, 17, wants a position on a farm; both have experience. Box A-sl, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED P. B. X. operator wishes position. Call Webster 2104. COMPETENT dressmaking and remodel ing. Red 6657. GOOD stenographer want position. Tyler 1979-W. Call Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED laundress, also house- cleaning by the day, satisfaction guar anteed. Web. 3580. EXPERIENCED colored lady wants bundle washing by day or week. Web. 1720. COLORED lady wants cleaning by day. Web. 4419. Laundry and Day Work. CURTAINS laundered. 2614 Dodge. Harney 1130. BUNDLE WASHING and day work. Tyler 4002. RELIABLE woman want light day work. Call webster 3094. COLORED LADY Want day work. Har. 6016. DAY work wanted. Call Webster 1236. Bl NDLE washing. Red 6779. COL. woman wants day work. W. 2927. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. A YOUNG man Is wanted for clerical and statistical work in sales and advertis ing department of food product manu facturer. 'A new position Is being cre ated, which will be a training school for an ambitious man desirous of be coming a salesman first and eventually a sales correspondent, or sales promo tion man, or sales manager. The de mand for such trained men exceeds the supply. Hero is a splendid opportunity for the right young man, who must be clean-cut and straightforward, abso lutely reliable and dependable, with a high school education or Its equivalent. Small salary to begin, but unlimited op portunity for advancement, which de pends upon your capacity for learning and for doing. Answer by letter In your own hand writing, giving facts regarding your education, qualifications, business ex perience. If any, age, salary expected, etc, and state when you could start. In considering applications preference will be given honorably discharged soldiers, sailors and marines. Address Box A-79, care Omaha Bee. SOLDIERS AND SAILORS ATTENTION' The Bee will publish your situation wsnted ads FREE of charge. Just bring your discharge papers to our office in the lobby of the Bee building, 17th and Farnam. A star will be placed in each ad to indicate your service In the army, navy or marines. Bring them In NOW. Implement salesman, $150. Salesman, food products, $126. Lumber Yard mgr., $125. Bank Cashier, $150. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N. 1307 W. O. W. Bldg. Shipping Clerk, 4 or 6 years exp. 250-$300. Advertising man, $250-$275. Salesmanager, clean cut young man. THE MARTI COMPANY, 1128 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHER tsmall office), $75-$80; bookkeeper (small office), $25 wk. Co-Operative Ref. Co., 1015 City Nat. Bk. HELP WANTEDMALE. Stores and Offices. YOUNG man for posillSn with local mer cantile firm for salts position calling on city retail grocery trade to tart and eventually working out on the road. Mercantile experience either re tail or road required. Salary (100 and expense. Western Reference & Bond Ass'n. BOOKKEEPER to take charge, also handle some credit work. Exception ally good opportunity for future devel opment. Salary to start 1125 to 1136 Western Reference & Bond Ass'n. BANK cashier for large western bank. Must have previous cashier experience to Justify consideration. SalaTy 13.500 to 13,000 per annum. Western Reference & Bond Ass'n. STENOGRAPHER executive ability, $126. Office clerk, 287.60. Boy, J40 to $45. Watt Kef. Co., 1138 1st Natl. Bank. Professions and Trades. WANTED A man who can do storage Pattery repairing and tire vulcanizing. State experience; wages wanted: married or single. Write, W. E. Amos, Llpcolu nignway uarage, sneiton, jseD. WANTED atonce. first' class mechanic. Must be A-l man, good on bearing work and overhauling. Best of wages and eteady work. Slate experience, etc. Ad- ureas cox pie, jorrersn, la. mi i c.v computer or music and verse to conrer wttn me at once. Brilliant on portunity. Address Burrell Van Buren, 21 Grand Opera House Bldg., Chicago, in. WANTED Metal polishers on die casting and steel work; good wages; steady worn. Appiy me ttrunswtck-Balke-Col lender Co., Dubuque, Iowa. MEN 16 to 40 become railway mall clerki $92 month. List government position tree. rranKlin institute. Dept 230L, Rochester, N. Y, ATTORNEY to put In $300 to $400 and take over business In three to six months. Address Box Y-326, Omaha Bee. JEWELER who is a band man. Manager Band, Corning. Iowa. Add. WANTED Upholsterer for furniture de partment. Box 41405. Be WANTED Experienced storage battery man. Benson 211. WANTED Barber for hotel B-33, Omaha Bee. shop. Box Salesmen and Solicitors. STOCK SALESMEN, HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. A growing South Omaha packing plant, earning big money right now; will erect on present site the biggest independent packing plant In America. Site alone secures the Investment. Ex clusive territory and live leaders. Good co-operation, but no advance. Inquire , 1315 ,W. 0. W. Bldg. STOCK SALESMAN If you are looking ior a connection on a proposition that offers every avenue of success, one on which you will get the support of banks. commercial ciuos, 4ocai newspapers, etc.; one on which you can take your Dros- pecttve buyer Into a large factory fully equipped ready to manufacture a farm device that every farmer- wants, .with orders coming In unsolicited from every, where, see Mr. Montgomery, Hotel Fon tenelle, Room 629. He will be here un til Sunday night. STOCK SALESMAN. A few good men to sell stock for es tablished, dividend-paying tire com pany. Call or write 2518 Farnam St. WANTED Ten salesmen with . cars to sell to farmers In Iowa and Nebraska, a full line of groceries, hardware and automo bile accessories, oil and paints. Old es tablished mall order house. Average man is making at preseffl from $400 to $600 per month Must come well recommend ed. Box B-36, Omaha Bee. WE can use three more specialty sales men as dlstrjct managers; will- pay , $200 per month to the men who can produce results selling farm electric lighting and power plant and other high-grade domestic specialties. Give references In first letter. Address Box Y-324, Omaha Bee. MEN One man in each county as ex clusive representative to aell complete line of merchandise to consumer; ample, catalog and Instructions fiee; must furnish conveyance and have guod references; $40 to $90 weekly; experi ence not necessary. Write or call for salesmanager. Ryan Co., 1102 Harney St." SECURITY SALESMAN. I want live-wire salesmen on legitimate propositions with established dividend paying corporation. No fiscal agent to cash In on your sales. Advance man not wanted. See or write. HARRY E. RYAN. Ryan Co., 1102 Harney St. Omaha, Neb. SALESMAN Wanted, to travel Western section of Nebraska representing our full line of electrical supplies and auto accesory. Salary and commission; el ectrical knowledge and experience re quired also familiarity with auto ac cessories. The Korsmeyer Co., 1329 N. St., Lincoln, Neb. MANUFACTURING concern haa a few ex ceptional positions to offer salesmen and Bales managers. Must be alive and able to furnish best of references. Essential, good pay. We treat you right. Call at 220 S. 15th St., World-Herald Bldg.; ask for General Sales Manager. WANTED A live-wire salesman with electrical experience and knowledge to sell electrical appliances and Delco Light plants on commission; good terri tory; good money for the right man. Address Box Y 329, Omaha Bee. Agents and Canvassers. TITAN storage batteries are better; one year guarantee: agents wanted for Oma ha and vicinitv: also other territory. RANDALL 4 NOLL, Lincoln. Neb. Miscellaneous. DISCHARGED SOLDIER wanted as gen. eral manager lor our liberty design. Furnish references In first letter. Box 112. Armstrong. Ia. WANTED Colored man for scouring and wet cleaning, good wages. 2907 Leaven worth. REFINED elderly man only to attend Box 34. Omaha furnace for nice room. Bee. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER who Is desirous of get ting Into'a very good office, where abil ity and attention to work will be recog nised by advancement. Salary to start, $50-$55. EMPLOYERS' REFERENCE CO., 605 Bee Building. WANTED A stenographer and clerk with good education, must be bright and will ing; previous experience not absolutely necessary. Call Friday or Saturday morning. Room 101 National Bldg., 12th and Harney Sts. 1 BOOKKEEPER, broker office, must take complete charge. $85 to $100. Western Reference & Bond Ass'a HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Young ladies to learn how to operate Comptometer and Burroughs calculating and bookkeeping machines. A good position absolutely guaranteed to every graduate. Time require to com plete course, 6 weeks to 3 months. Day and evening classes. Call and see u or telephone Douglas 7416 for particulars. DWORAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING. Second Floor Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sts. STENOGRAPHER, executive ability, $100. Bkpr., 2100. Comp. Oper., 90. Sten ographer, $90. Burroughs Statement oper., $86. Steno., $85, Sten. & Diet oper., $75. Saleslady, good future, sal ary and cotnm. Food checker, $70 and 3 meals. Steno. & clerk, $55. Stenog rapher, $75. WATTS REFERENCE CO.. 1138 First National Bank Bldg. Stenographer, v. hi., $90-$9. Stenographer, up town, $65-$70. Dictaphone oper., $85-$90, Offico clerk. $75. f THE MARTI COMPANY, 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, insurance; some off! work; salary commensurate with ability, This is a splendid opportunity. EMPLOYERS' REFERENCE COMPANY, 605 Bee Bldg. CASHIER, experience necessary, $40-$45. Watt Ref. Co., 1138 1st Natl. Bank Professions and Trades. TELEPHONE OPERATORS PERMANENT POSITIONS UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT Liberal pay while learning and fre quent Increase In salary. Work 1 .clean, pleasant and Inter esting, i , MEALS AT COST YOUNG WOMEN 17 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER. APPLY TO C. F. LAMBERT. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO 613 New Telephone Bldg. 19th and Douglas. AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO. Has a few vacancies for young ladles to learn LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE operating. The work is Interesting, the surroundings are pleasant. A good sal ary is paid while learning. If you are Interested in getting Into a real business where your prospects for advancement will not be affected by after-the-war conditions, call and see MISS GRACE COX, CHIEF OPERATOR, 1120 TELEPHONE BUILDING, NINTH AND DOUGtAS. WANTED, EXPERIENCED FBEDER ON RULING MACHINE. CARPENTER PA PER CO., 9th & HARNEY. Household and Domestic. WANTED Exerienced girl for gen eral housework, best of wages; no washing; pre- ler Swedish girl. Call Harney 3688 or call at 3504 Woolworth Ave. WHlTki girl Tor general housework; no washing; family of three; Dundee nome; worth considering; wage satisfactory. jr interested call walnut 1765. WANTED Girl to assist with housework; small house; no laundry work or cook ,ng; very good wages. Phone Harney 4599. 109 South 42d St, WANTED Competent cook and general work, where econd girl Is kept Mr. a. w. ooraon, 2611 Jackson. EXPERIENCE iVwhlte girl, general house work, small house, two In family. Wal nut 2873, 527 No. 40th. WANTED A girl to do general house work. No cooking. Call at 122 North 35th St. Farnev 4S22. WANTED Experienced housekeeper for out-of-town. Family of three. Address, J. B. Cox, Jefferson. Ia. GIRL WANTED For general housew irk; small family; $12 a week. Call at 1607 Yates St. , GOOD girl for general housework; good wages. 3172 Dodge. Call Harney 1161. WANTED Girl for general housework: nice home; $8 week. Phone Walnut 1833. WANTED An elderly lady to help wilh housework. Phone evenings. Har. 2968. WANTED Schoolgirl to care for baby on Saturdays. 2212 California, Red 6644. WANTED A (rood girl for Reneral house work. . 115 FoMth 37th. Harnoy 4502. WANTED Young girl to assist in house work. Tel. Bo. 436. ji Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED TWO EXPERIENCED WAIT RESSES; HIGH WAGES. PADDOCK HOTEL, BEATRICE. NEB. WANTED Food checker, good salary and board. Apply to manager Blackstone hotel. COOK and dining room girl wanted. 2420 O St. Call South 68. Trade School. WANTED Ladles to learn barber trade. Special rate and Inducements. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 1402 Douglas St. Miscellaneous. WANTED Names women and girls, 18 to 45. wishing to become Omaha post office clerks. $1,000 first year. Ad dress. Box Y 294, Omaha Bee. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. AGENTS Released soldiers, Men and Women, Here's Your Opportunity. Make Big Money. Experience Unnecessary. The Dumb, Deaf or Blind can make $35.00 a day. Come and Investigate. Also State Agents Wanted, A. M. BLUME New Millard Hotel, Room 342. WANTED Men, ladies and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1402 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College. Phone D 2147. MOI.ER Barber College want young men and ladle to learn the barber trade. Call or write for free catalogue. 110 8. 14th St.. Omaha. Neb. MOVING AND STORAGE. WE haul furniture, light and heavy hauling. Live stock hauling a specialty. CALDWELL TRANS. CO. Office Tyler 679.' - Re. OJougla 1131. EDUCATIONAL DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLE3 COLLEGE Students aro admitted at any time. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, atenotypy, rail road and wlreliisa telegraphy, civil serv ice and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1565 for large Illustrated catalogue. Address BOYLE'S COLLEGE. Boyles Building. Omaha, Neb. STOP work; learn a trade; fit yourself for the future; no book work; quick and easy; free catalog. National Auto Training Ass'n. 2814 N. 20th, Omaha. Neb. Van Sant Srbool of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 120 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6S90 LEARN Mosher shorthand and typewrit ing. Day and night classes. Omaha Shorthand College Bee Bldg., D 6628. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. WARM, well furnished room and alcove, atrictly modern, clean, .quiet place: t pectable gentleman only; must see to appreciate; plenty of hot water. 221 Burt. Oar one block. TWO nicely furnished rooms, good loca ,tlon, fine neighborhood. Everything furnished. 2071 Dodge. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In strictly modern private home; walking distance near car. Harney 1913. LARGE rooms, homelike; prefer gentle men: board If desired. Webster 3941 FURNISHED room for two. Beml Park district. Harney 4060. 4-ROOM S. 22d. apartment, steam Call Tyler 2248. heated. 616 Housekeeping Rooms. TWO rooms furnished complete. Miami. Webster 4606. 2103 Unfurnished Rooms. FOR RENT One or two rooms, unfur nlshed, $12 to $20 per month, steam heat, gas, water and electric lights. 210: Leavenworth Sea Chamber O'Nell, Tyler 1419. i UNFURNISHED heated rooms, $16, 913 North 19th St. Hotels. HEATED rooms, $2.50 week. Apartment: with kitchenette. Ogden hotel. Coun. B. FOR RENT HOUSES. West. 10 room house, all modern, fine condition, $32.60. 2622 Capitol avenue. Red 682. 10-ROOM brick house; modern; good fur nace. 35, ZfiOl Capitol Ave. North. 2129 Wirt St., 8 rooms, $35.00; 1918 Cap! toi ave., io rooms, $50.00. ARMSTRONG WALSH CO. Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. 8 room house, hot water, heat, $22.50, 2013 .race street. Kea 682. South. PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists In Apartment management. LIST your property for rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. Tyler 721 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. CREIGH SONS A CO.. Bee. 2309 SOUTH 30th, 4-room cottage, partly modern. Harney 4708. FOR RENT 6 room house, 1613 Dorcas street. y Rooming Houses For Rent. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, Omaha's Rental Agent 616 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldk D 1016 Miscellaneous. $201910 Burt St., 6 rooms, toilet. $152616 Seward, 6 rooms, toilet, $10109 S. 28th. 4 rooms. RINGWALT BROS., Brandels Thea. Bldg FOR RENT APARTMENTS. West. MAEWOOD 2511 Harney, large living room, dis appearing bed, kitchenette and bath south and east exposure. GLOVER & SPAIN, D. 3962. 918-20 City National. WANTED Desirable young lady to hare small apartment. The Helen, No. 87, 2464 Harney. South. FOR RENT One or two-room apartments, electric light, gas, water aim steam heat, $12 to $20 per month. 2102 Leaven worth. See Chamber O'Nell, Phone Tyler 1419- Miscellaneous. 7-ROOM, steam-heated apt., close-In, low rent. Q. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. FOR RENT Good building, 3 floor, about 10,000 square feet of space, located near In to retail section. Address B 67, Omaha Bee. $116 per mo., 116 S 15th St., 20x60 ft.. run basement, steam heat. D. 6342. WORLD REALTY CO. MODERN tore, 16th St., near postoffice low rent O P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago Office and Desk Room. CONSIDER the Bee building when choo. lng office. It Is time well spent. Key stone Investment Co., Tyler 131 WANTED TO RENT. ITnfuriiiMhed Apartments and Houses WANT TO RENT Strictly modern 6 6-room house or apartment. Call Mr. McAllister. Tyler 3060. Furnished Apartments and Houses RESPONSIBLE Omaha business man wants to rent a five or six-room modern cottage, either furnished or unfurnished If furnished will give bond fo. full v-.lue of furniture. Write full particular to Box A-73, Omaha Bee. Business Property.. WANTED To rent building or floored shed in Omaha, on track, of about 10,000 square feet of space. Address B 66, Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. FAIRACRES HOME Corner Lincoln Highway and Elmwood Blvd. Sightly location, extensive plant ing trees, flower and hrubbery. Brick house, ( rooms; 2 baths, 2d floor; hot water heat; garage for 2 cars. House shown only by appointment. GEORGE & CO. 002 Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Doug. 756. North. RAISE CHICKENS Start today to own YOUR HOME. See our new 4-room nouses; electric lighted; large chicken houses for 200 chickens; chicken. yard fenced with 8-foot -woven wire fence; other outbuild ings; ample garden space; close to Central Park school and Grand Ave. car. One at $1,550 and one at $1,650. Terms: $100 cash, bal ance only $17.50 per month, which includes interest. We accept Lib erty bonds at par. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 664. SEE THIS BARGAIN. T-r. house, near 43d and Grant. . Water, gas, bath, cistern and pave ment. $2,400; small payment, balance monthly. D. Hutchinson, 16!J Farnam. Df. 479. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED, i North. 2123 Spaulding , 7 . Rooms Modern A Big Bargain Full two-story; living room, dlnln room, aitcnen, rear entry and tor room nri noor; toilet on first floor four bedrooms and bath second tloon screened sleeping porch double garage! i-'" rent; 9J.DUO CSSn call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Manville evenings, Walnut 8124. 3162 Fowler Avenue 6 Large Rooms $37.50 Full two-story home, in fine ycomlH tlon; good 60-foot south front lot; gar age; oak finish In downstair rooms? near Monmouth Park school; $7(, down, balance monthly. Call Tyler 61 and ask for Mr. Mnnvllle. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney Ht. 5-R. BUNGALOW $3,250. t room bungalow, near 40th Sew4 ard streets, good basement, furnaca heat, large attic, 10 ft, lot, paving paid, 2 block to car line. $800 cash and $25.00 per mo. J. L. HIATT CO.. PHONB pn TYLER "J "VV BANK BLDG. FOR SALE Twelve-room mod em house, two bathrooms, walk ing distance. Suitable for board-, ing or rooming house or for in stitution. Sale necessary to settla estate. Apply 1919 Burt St. BUNGALOW BARGAIN. 6 rooms, very modern, oak finish, gar. age, facing Miller Park, close to "Pret. tlest Mile." A snap at $4,700. Call Mr. Browne, Douglas 6236; Wal. 5007 even ings. NLW. 7-room, oak finish; large lot; dou". bla garage; price $6,750; term. 613T North 24th St NORRIS & NORRIS. Dougla 4270. YOUNG A DOHERTYT REAL ESTATE INVESTMB.Vf $23 BRANDEIfr THEATER D. 1671. 6-KUOM modern cottage at 3406 North 28th Ave. for $2,600; birch finish; full eaBt front lot, for sale by owner. MINNJ3 LUSA homes and lots offer th iresi opportunity to invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. South. BUNGALOW FOR SALE BY OWNER Located at I90fJ South 29th St., on car line, 1 blocks to car line. Nearly new five-room bungalow, all modern and all on one floor. Full cement basement. Rogers fur nace. Attic large enough to fin ish two full sized rooms. Built-in bookcases and built-in buffets. French doors to sun room. Bed room all white enamel. Bathroom white tile and ceilings oil painted. Kitchen upper half oil painted; lower hald sanitas. Oak floors throughout, including kitchen. Lot' 50x100. Shade trees and shrubbery. Price $4,500. See owner Phono Tyler 496. 3072 S. 33D STREET 6 room two story house, finished In oak with bullt-ln buffet, bookcases, strictly modern, garage. Price $4,260, -Will sell furnished complete very rea. onable, easy terms. C. G. CARLBERG, j (REALTOR) S12 Brandeis Th. Bldg, MUST BE SOLD Brick bungalow, very good, well lo- eated, S. W. Hanscom Park. All mod ern, oak finish, 6 rooms, fine lot, a bar gain at $4,600. D. V. SHOLES CO., . Doug. 46. 915 City Natl. Bk. A BARGAIN Nine-room house near Hanscom Park) only $3,350; near church, store, achool, and ear line; $500 cash, balance monthly Call Doug. 7412 week day. FOR RENT AND SALB HOUSES, COTTAGES A APARTMENTS AMERICAN SECURITY CO, 102 8. 17th St. Dougia toit. FOR SALE 907 Williams. St.. elegant home, 60 ft lot; bargain. Tel. daytime, Doug. 7024, evening, Doug. 6664. Miscellaneous. Elegant home of fifteen rooms, partly furnished, In fine condition, a very large yard of a little over three acre with lota of shade tree and shrubbery, must be seen to be appreciated. Owner will lease It for two year or longer at $100.00 per month. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Dougla 664. 1320 Farnam St. 6-ROOM house, with sleeping porch. strictly modern; downstairs finished In oak; large plot of ground; paved street! close to car line. At bargain price. J. H. KOPIETZ, Realtor. WE SELL, rent. Insure and make loeu ou city property, north MITCHELL INVESTMENT XX. 24th and Ames Ave. Col. 2.1T J Flv room stucco, oak floor throughout oak and white enamel finish. Fine lo cation. Price 4,500 or term. . BFNSON & CARM1CHAEL Doug 1722. 642 Paxton Block. BARGAINS In home, In vest m nu pioi- ertle and acreage near Omaha. Hri" on A Morton. 916 Omaha Nt Ilk. H'dg. I. J TEBBENS CO., Real Estate, Insurance and Investments. 605 Omaha National. Dougla 2182. MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY STORAGE CO., 16TH AND JACKSON DOI'O. 2$8. STORAGE MOVINO. PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VaCANt HOUSES AND APARTMlSVTS. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. ' Separate locked room for houxhols goods and pianos; moving, packleg eof shln-lng. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGB CO.. 606 S .16th. Dougla 4161. REAL ESTATE-Business Property WE NEED small homes or small ILVeat cent property. H. A. WOLF CO., Electrlo Bldg. Tyler 16. BUSINESS property and Investments, A. P. TUKEY & SON. 420 First Natlonnl Bank rlidg REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT DOUBLE brick flat, close-in; large lot. This property Is located where value are 'Increasing rapidly. GEORGE F. JONKS. REALTOR, 626 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Doug. 194. CUMING Near 29th St, 22 or 44 fees must be sold to close estate, c. Grimmel, 849 Omaha Nat, Bk. Wdb