Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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The Women's. Independent Political Party
of Victoria,. B, C, hu decided to put up
three women candidates for election to the
city council and board of education.
Nampcel, a Thtla commune In the war
devastated section of France, has chosen
Mme. d'Evry at lady mayoress, the first
woman in France to be thus honored.
1621 Farnam St
Winter Stocks
r 3 Must Go-
4 All winter stocks must be brought
down to the lowest level before new
5 spring; koous arrive.
So all prices have been drastically
j reduced and the following
Remarkable Bargains
are Now on Salel
Winter Coats
A great variety of the best fabrics,
weaves, designs and colors. Every
garment a 1918 model.
Kitto8 $39.50 Now, 1 7-5
j4 -MM
Great Values M PO u N'Jflh
to QDL.DV HOW Cit-S:
?f $69.50 Now $3475
That Sold
Great Values
That Sold
v a ii
1 ONE-
$3.95, $5.75, $8.95
de Chine
Our Prices Are Lower Than Ever
rus Bargains
Afford Many Chances of Saving Saturday
20c Sulphur and Cream Tartar
Tablets .10
30c Hill's Cascara Quinine, 19
,$1.00 1 Pt. Dioxogen 5Sc
jl.M . Woodbury's Clear Skin
Lotion 30c
30c Putman Dry Cleaner, .flfy
Kosine (for Epilepsy) . .2.00
50c Udor (for Perspiration)
$1.00 Pinaud's Lilas Vegetal
COc Sempre Giovine 34c
15c Liquid Court Plasters. . lOt
35c .2-oz. Bottle Fluid Cascara
Aromatic . . . . 23?
25c Scotch Tone Soap flc
17c Velvetone 12o
8c Life Buoy Soap ?
15c Palmolive Soan. ..... .122
25c Dewltt's Cold Tablets. .19c
25c Liquid Veneer 19c
50c Lantz Kidney Pills 29c
25c Hobson Roach and Rat
Paste 17C
25c Barkeeper's Friend, brass and
nickel polish 12?
20c 3-oz. Singer Machine Oil
$1.50 1-pt. Fitch Lilac Toilet
Water 98f-
50c Box Knox Tartar 29c
?1.00 -pt. Bottle Pure Norwe
gian Cod Liver Oil 59c
25c Beecham's Pills. .... .17 c
Eagle Brand Condensed Mik
25c Nature's Remedy Tablets
$1.25 Pint Imported Olive Oil
$1.00 Nuxated Iron.- 89c
Beaton's Stictite 25?
50c Kodol. Dyspepsia 39t?
35c Castoria, for. . a . . . . .240
25c Peroxide Hydrogen 7c
50c Orazin Tooth Paste. . . .34c
50c 3-P. Cansules 29c
50c Hay's Hair Health .... 23c
$2.50 Houbigant's Ideal Extract,
per ounce $1,69
$2.75 Mary Garden Extract, per
ounce $1.79
Films Developed Free When
Prints are Ordered.
80c Jelly Beans, per pound, 60c
We are exclusive agents in
Omaha for Huyler'a and Origin
al Allegretti Chocolates.
15c Preferencia Club, each, 10c
Box of 50 $4.25
15c Mozart Magic, each. . . . 10c
Box of 50 $4.20
10c Black Ripe, each 5
Box of 50 $2.30
10 to 50-Watt Mazda Lamps,
60-Watt Mazda Lamps.... 40c
We carry a stock of all Lamps
up to 500-Watt.
Mail Orders Receive Our Prompt Attention.
eaton Drug-Co.
15th and Farnam.
firs Yea felt!"
Tfa Greet Crisis?
If So, Do Not Allow the Tima to Past
With Nature Unaided.
Heroes All
The New Side Opening
Eddie was a freckled kid.
When at school he sat and wrig
gled, Homlier still when he made mouths
, At the little girls who giggled.
At his studies he did not ,
In one single instance shine,
But he's grown up now, and say
He is helping watch the Rhine.
Little Johnny was a freak,
Large of ear and large qf tooth,
And his manners, I declare,
Were decidedly uncouth;
He was chided all day long,
With an endless "Johnny stop!"
But he didn't and the Huns
Scooted when he cleared the top.
Little Jimmy was an imp
'Twas each school ma'am's dread
to Ret him: .
'Twas his aim to rule the room,
And his teachers not to let him;
In this way he passed the grades,
Leaving teachers wan and weary.
Now they smile when they read how
. He worried the Huns at Chateau
B. N. T.
Military Reception.
One of the largest social functions
ever held at Camp tuns ton was the
dancing party and reception -given
by the enlisted men of th provost
guard and the First company, First
battalion, 164th depot brigade, on
Monday evening. The affair was
given in honor of the officers and
men of the organization soon 'to be
demobilized. Music was furnished
by the members of the 69th Infantry
orchestra, and a number of cabaret
acts were features of the evening.
The decorations were very elabor
ate, streamers of the tri-color being
used, and shaded lights. Over 800
guests came from the surrounding
towns and Kansas City, special cars
bringing them to the camp.
Wedding Plans.
The Blackstone hotel will be the
scene of a pretty mid-winter wed
ding February 17, when Miss Hen
riette Bergman, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Sol Bergman, will become the
bride of Mr. Charles Jerome Simon
of Chicago. The nuptials will be
very quiet, with only the immediate
relatives present, and the young cou
ple will be unattended. This wed
ding will take another of Omaha's
charming girls away, for Miss Berg
man's future home will be in Chi
cago. Fraternity Dinner.
Omaha Alumni association of the
Phi Gamma Delta fraternity will
hold the annual dinner at the Uni
versity club, Omaha, Neb., Saturday,
February 8. In addition to the
presence of the Omaha members
there will be several in attendance
from Lincoln and surrounding
towns,, as well as the entire ctive
chapter from the University of Ne
braska. The program will take the
form of a welcome to the large num
ber of members who have been in
the war and have now returned.
The committee in charge of the
affair include Messrs. Harley G.
Moorhead, Jesse M. Harding,
Dwight L. Cramer and H. M. Bush
nell, jr.
At The Prettiest Mile Club.
Mr. Reed Zimmerman will be
host at a dancing party at the club
Friday evening when IS couples
will attend the affair. Mrs. G. W.
Bedford entertained a party of
eight at luncheonat the club, Fri
day. Many parties will be given
at the club Saturday evening. Mr
and Mrs. G. A. Mickles will have
in their party:
- Messrs. and aeidamei
E. W. Halm P. H. Clarke
R. L. Reynolds G. C. Adwera .
J. C. Stubbs I. M. Meyera
H. Q. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hanford
will have 8 in their party.
International Party.
An "international party" was giv
en at the Y. W. L. A. Thursday
evening, when the members of all
the gymnasium classes joined to
gether for a grand good time
Booths representing different coun
tries were ranged around the hall,
some of them having humorous
toucnes. Among tne countries rep
resented were Africa, Holland,
France, Italy and Japan, Hawaii
and Scotland. Articles character
istic of the different countries were
sold for the benefit of this depart
ment. Many of the girls in charge
were in costume, which added a pic
turesque touch to the assemblage.
Miss Gertrude Smith sang several
songs, and violin and piano music,
games and folk dancing were in
dulged in.
This was purely a girls party
and about 200 were present. Licht
refreshments were served. Mrs. S.
S. Caldwell, chairman of the physi
cal education department; Mrs.
Conrad Young and Mrs. Charles H.
Brown assisted.
This is part of the recreational
work of the Y. W. C. A. which
joins the Y. M. C. A. next week in
a campaign for funds to support the
regular work of the two organizations.
- "Infinite variety" is
found in the wraps of
the hour. Certainly de
signers never seemed '
more inspired in their
creations from the ,
viewpoint of both
beauty and utility, A '
strikingly original
model is found in this
- cape coat of cashmere
velour in a shade or
reindeer. The new side
opening that fastens
with link loops and 1
buttons displays a pic- '
' turesque line of striped
foulard a buff ground
striped in Chinese blue. 1
This wrap will' develop I
well in navy, tricotine I
or serge, with a lining
of blue foulard figured
in white.
Mme. Lebaudy, Who Was
Freed by Long Island
Jury After Shootine:
Heart Beats
auspices of the Tuesday Musical
club, Thursday evening at the Bran
deis. Those entertaining will be A.
V. Kinsler, A. L. Reed, Miss Doro
thy Morton, J. E. Davidson, R.
Beecher Howell and S. S. Caldwell.
Dinner Parties.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Patterson
will entertain at dinner preceding
the supper dance at the Blackstone,
February 4. Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Wyman will also entertain at dinner
before the dance.
Miss Helen Howes of David City
has been the guest of Dr. and Mrs.
W. A. Wilcox for the past week.
Judge and Mrs. J. W. Woodrough
and Miss Marjorie Beckett leave
iriday evening for New York.
Mr. and Mrs. J
stopping at the El
celsior Springs.
L. Paxton are
lms hotel at Ex-
Chicken Jelly.
There is nothing more acceptable
to convalescents than this easily
prepared dish. An old fowl will do
admirably for this purpose. Clean,
wash and cut up into sections. Cover
with cold water, add a sliced onion,
a sprig of parsley, a teaspoonful of
salt, a dash of red pepper and a few
stalks of .soup celery. Cook slowly
until the meat falls from the bones
then strain through a very fine sieve
and let it stand in a bowl or crock
in a cool place. When the fat hard
ens on top remove it carefully, and
this may be used for frying pota-
toes. The jelly should be clear and
firm when ready for use next day
and will keep well in cold weather,
For variety heat a cupful and serve
to the invalid as chicken broth.
c'd wonders for me.
IV hy not try it yourself?
There are certain times during youth
when the skin is inclined to break out,
become pimply, red and rough.
Such blemishes are usually noticed
during the change from boyhood to
runliood, from girlhood to woman
.J. Great care should be taken lest
(his condition become chronic.
The continued use of Resinol Oint
ment and Resinol Soap during such
limes seldom fail to reduce the in
flamed spots, thus rendering the afflic
tion less conspicuous.
At all druggists.
Birthday Luncheon.
Mrs. O. A. Mitchell entertained
the Tri-Citv Birthday club at lunch-
' eon at her home in Bellevue Wednes
day. Covers were laid for the fol
lowing guests:
Women who Rive nature a helping hand
during the period of expectancy find that
when the time arrives for baby'a coming it
is approached and passed with infinitely
less pain and danger.
Thousands of women for over half a
j century have learned that in the time hon
i ored preparation. Mother's Kriend, they
nave a grateful, relaxing, penetrating rem-
edy. the use of which makes it possible for
them to go through childbirth without the
usual nausea, nervousness, bearing-down
and stretching pains, and that through its
use the hours at the crisis are fewer and
of much less pain and danger.
Mother's Friend penetrates the muscles,
rendering them pliant and easily governed
by the demands of nature. They relax
gently and bring happy days and calm,
restful nights. As the result the crisis is
passed with greater ease and in less time,
the breasts are kept in good condition and
the skin is mad and kept soft and free
from blemishes.
Write to the Bradfield Regulator Com
pany, Dept. P., Lamar Building, Atlanta,
Georgia, for their Motherhood Book, and
obtain a bottle of Mother's Friend from
your drufrtrit today and -thoroughly forti
tr yourself for the coming event. Adv.
W. A. Wilcox
J. H. Plckard
K. H. Lulkhart
J. 8. Wood
Miss Helen Howes.
B. B. Comb
Robert Beasley
Robert Person
E. A. Mason
Recital Tea.
Mrs. Henry Cox entertained pu
pils from her primary and inter
mediate classes, and their friends,
at a recital tea on Friday afternoon.
Some of Mr. Cox's younger stu
dents assisted. Those taking part in
the program were:
num jsemner
Giblet Gravy.
Boil the heart, liver and gizzard
until tender and chop finely. When
the chicken is sufficiently roasted
set it on another pan, turn off the
heat and leave the oven door open
Put the roasting pan on top of the
stove with the drippings it contains
and add to it the water in which
the giblets were boiled and one-half
a cupful of water in which was
blended a tablespoon of flour. Cook
this, stirring constantly until thick
and brown, season, add the chopped
giblets and serve in a gravy boat.
Creamed Chicken With Mushrooms.
Peel half a pound of fresh mush
rooms and fry them in butter in a
saucepan, tossing them to prevent
overcooking. Drain them into
bowl, keeping back the remaining
butter in which they were fried; to
this add two cupfuls of milk, heat
to the boiling point, then put in one-
half cupful of water in which two
tablespoonfujs of flour have been
blended" to a smooth paste. Season
with salt and pepper and boil until
sufficiently thick. Add to the sauce
the mushrooms and the cold boiled
chicken which has been previously
diced. Heat well and serve in pastry
shells or ramekins.
Chicken Maryland.
Take two small chcickens, cut off
their wings and legs and season
them with salt and oeoDer. Dip the
portions in beateen egg and roll in
finely sifted bread crumbs. .Tlace
them on a well creased pan. pour
over them some melted butter and
roast in the oven for 18 minutes.
Have ready half a pint of cream
sauce, pour it on a hot dish, arrange
the chicken on top and garnish with
six slices of broiled bacon and six
small corn fritters.
All states now admit women to
the practice of law.
Lady Rhondda. 'Britain's leading
business woman," is a director in
more than forty great corporations
engaged in mining, manufacturing,
transportations or other lines in in
Alma B rummer
Ethel Cressler
Maria Gorman
Winifred Hood
George Mlckel, Jr.
Harvey Pinto
8herman Pinto
Loretta Madison
Elizabeth Ryner
Eleanor Ryner
Cleda Strawn
liecella Strawn
Elizabeth Strawn
Mary Jane Bwett
Margaret Townsend
Ardlth Towns
Janet Wilcox
Box Parties.
Many parties will be given fhr the
concert by Lucy Gates, under the ,
r Amber Marmalade
1 small pineapple 1 grapefruit.
chopped tine. 1 orange.
All sliced thin, or run through the
Use three bowls of cold water
to one of mixed fruit and let stand
over night. The next mofhing
boil hard for 15 minutes. (It is
better to divide in several ket
tles.) Let stand 24 hours. Meas
ure . equal parts of sugar and
fruit. Boil from one to one and
one-half hours or until it jellies.
NTB. The: above can readily
be made as given, omitting the
pineapple when they are not ob
tainable. Editor.
By A. K.
I am painting a picture
A wonderful picture
With a mental brush
And my colors are
Drawn from
A deep fount of
From which the last
Color is never
Drawn because
They are always
Filling in
Where I take out.
This painting is
A wonderful picture of
My future and
Life hereafter
And the journey of
My soul and self
And in it is
A glimpse of Heaven
And also a little
Bit of hell
But the picture is
The only thing that
Makes life worth
The living
And yet I know
That the picture will
Never be complete
For that is life
To paint and paint
Upon the same old
Canvas .
And find at the end
Of each day
The same
Old canvas still
But greater than all
The marvelous
Stands out by itself
My own amateurish
Efforts because they
Speak of future
Days and hope and
Love and song and '
Happiness -
And success.
Crude and unfinished .
My picture stands
With each days'
Efforts added
My little glimpse
Of Heaven and
And yet I am not
So sure that
Old Omar didn't have
The right idea
For he lived in the
And let
Tomorrow go hang.
Omar never painted a
Picture -Of
his' future
And so he died,
After living long,
Without having to face
His canvas
And without knowing
A poor painter he
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JjJifeJ hy Irma H Gross
Mme. Marie Augustine Lebaudy,
who shot and killed her husband,
Jacques Labaudy, known as the
hmperor ot Sahara, in tneir nome
at Westbury, L. I., photographed
after she had been freed by the
grand jury at Mineola, L. I. "No
indictment," was the verdict of the
grand jury. Mme. Lebaudy and her
pretty daughter, Jacqueline, returned
to their home, Phoenix Lodge, im
mediately after the verdict. Mme.
Lebaudy has no plans for the imme
diate future, according to a- state
ment made by her lawyer.
The Heart of Woman
By Theodosia Garrison.
When down the mud-black Flanders
The ranks file by,
You know not that I walk with you,
But there am I.
You limp a little laugh, and do not
It is my feet that leave the blood
stains there.
Through all the fury and the flame,
The hate and wrath,
Through all the ways of dread and
I share your path.
You take it as the day's work un
dismayed, It is my flesh that shrinks and is
There is no burden on your strength
I do not bear,
There is no horror that you face
But I am there.
There is no wound that you may
ever know
But that my heart is shattered by
the blow.
A -f f Qvnnnn Too ?i
America has never appreciated the
afternoon tea habit as our English
cousins have for many generations.
If one ever realizes how delightful
it is to relax at five o'clock and
share a cup of tea with a friend, the
habit will surely grow. Or as a
simple method of entertain
ing, nothing is more agree
able than to have a group
of friends gathered over the
teacups. When more than a few
are assembled, the afternoon tea
loses some of its intimate charm, but
it still is a pleasant function.
Serving the Tea.
The the nicest method of
making tea if only two or three cups
are to be served; but when many
are to be made, some other way
must be employed. A tea service,
from which one may pour in the
serving room, is probably the most
attractive way to serve tea, but all
of us are not the happy owners of
such a service. If the tea is made
"behind the scenes," it is probably
best to brew a small quantity of
very strong tea, say use 2 table
spoons to the cup of water; then put
a small amount of this tea essence
in the cup as needed and fill the
cup with freshly boiling water. An
other way of serving a large num
ber with their varying tastes, is to
tie one teaspoon of tea loosely into
a small square of new thin white
material, and leave one end of the
ribbon, with which the cloth is tied,
long. Place this tiny bag of tea on
the saucer, and fill the cup with
freshly boiling water. Then each
guest brew a cup of tea to suit her
own fancy.
Dainties to Serve With Afternoon
A simple wafer or biscuit is always
satisfactory especially as the tea
hour is close to the dinner hour;
but for special one may like to in
clude a fancier titbit. A simple
sandwich is always good, especially
a sweet sandwich. A cooky or
small cake is served in preference
to a slice of a large cake. The usual
candies and nuts are often included
Marshmallow Wafers.
Dent a marshmallow by Dressing.
on it as hard as you can, with the
handle of a knife. Put in this dent
a piece of butter about the size of
half a pea, and place the marsh
mallows on a square cracker laid
on an unbuttered tin. Put it in the
oven until it puffs up and browns
Miss Gross will be very glad to
receive suggestions for the home
economics column or to answer,
as far as she is able, any ques
tions that her readers may ask.
slightly. Remove from the oven,
and, as it grows cold, place in the
dent a piece of a candied cfierry.
Raisin Cream Fingers. J
Spread raisin bread with the fill
ing below, make into sandwiches,
then cut into slender fingers.
Cream Filling.
V, e. butter or ole-1 eKg white, tin-
omargarlns. beaten,
1 c. powdered sugar. 1 t. vanilla.
Cream fat, add sugar and other
Cocanut Tea Cakes.
Roll pie crust to one-fourth inch
thickness. Shape with a cutter and
bake in a hot oven. When nearly
done remove from oven, cool
slightly, brush over with slightly
beaten egg white, sprinkle with
shredded cocanut and return to
oven to finish baking.
Raspberry Puffs.
Roll pie crust one-eighth inch
thick, and cut in pieces four by
three and one half inches. Put one
half tablespoon raspberry jam on
each square, fold over, and pinch
edges together. Bake in a hot
Cheese Wafers.
(To be served hot preferably.)
Put grated cheese on a square
wafer, sprinkle with paprika, and
toast in a moderate oven till cheese
Chinese Sandwiches.
Cream cheese, Thin slices of gin.
crystallised ginger, gerbread, (a day
shredded old).
Sweet oream.
Moisten the cheese with cream
till of the right consistency to
spread on the gingerbread. Cut
into tiny squares.
Nut Biscuit.
(To be served hot.
1 e. flour, s T. fat,
4 t. baking powder, 4 c. milk,
2 T. sugar, H o. chopped nut.
14 t. salt.
Sift dry ingredients, rub in fat,
then add nuts, and lastly milk, to
make a soft dough. More or less
may be used.) Make into biscuits
as usual and cut out with a tiny
cutter. Serve with jam or niarma
Child Runs Great Risk in Allowing
Itself Born Into Average Home
And if from out the Sower's hand
' Your life is thrown
A seed against the harvest there
I too am sown.
You will attain the Grail in the last
breath, t
But I shall only know the sting of
And if at last at last you come
To home to me, -Only
the woman that you left
i our eyes will see.
And you will never know I enter,
And share the rapture of return
with you.
Good Housekeeping.
For seventeen years Mrs. Mary
Demarest has been president of the
State bank in Pretty Prairie, Kas.,
and in all that time, she says, the
bank has never had a loss, has never
foreclosed a mortgage and has never
employed a lawyer.
Annual Report of Y. W.
The annual meeting of the Y. W.
C. A. was held in the association
auditorium at 8:15 Monday evening.
Mrs. G. F. Gilmore, president of the
association, presiding. Rev. Paul
Calhoun gave the invocation.
The West sisters orchestra fur
nished music for the evening. Com
munity singing was led by Mr. Pat
rick O'Neill with Miss Grace Stern
berg at the piano and the West sis
ters orchestra.
Mrs. Grace Ford Gholson,
the speaker of the even
ing, was then introduced. Mrs.
Gholson sooke of the sDlendor
of 1919, the splendid work done by
the Y. W. C. A. during the war per
iod and the great future for the
Instead of reports being given by
departmental chairmen, girls repre
enting the different departments
gave the reports.
Miss Ruth Paddock spoke for the
religious education department.
Miss Mae. Leach SDoke very en
thusiastically tor the gymnasium and
gave the enrollment for the year
as 525.
The extension and industrial de-l
partment was represented by one of
the club girls. Miss Anine Johnson
spoke of what the clubs meant to
the girls in the way of friendship,
ideals, service and good times, the
goal for another year to be 600 girls.
Miss Martha Helms gave an inter
esting account of the work of the
Gym Athletic club. This club has a
membership of 75 girls who have
won honors in the gym, their pur
pose is to boost the gym and the
summer camp, they spent over $725
on camp improvements last year,
this money was raised or given by
the girls themselves.
Miss Grace Hollen SDoke for the
free employment department, where
luya girls and women had been
placed in positions during the past
year. She spoke of what the de
partment had meant to her in the
way of friendship and kindly advice.
Miss Grace Vodicka told of the
value of the Y. W. C. A. camp, Camp
Brewster, to the employed girls in
the city. 1550 different girls used
the camp last summer.
Mis Beiilali Hall gave an inter
esting account of the work of the
Business Woman's club, with its 149
members, of their SDlendid . nro
grams, Red Cross, and other lines
ot social service worki
Miss Louise Matthews, represent
ing the High School Student clubs
spoke most enthusiastically of the
Y. W. C. A. and what it meant to
her coming to the city from a small
town. She said in conclusion that
without the Y. W. C. A. she would
feel like a ship without a rudder,
Other statistics of associated work
were given by Mrs. G. F. Gilmore,
The traveler's aid department enter.
ing upon its tenth year of service,
showed-during the past year 4,500
aided in some way at the Union sta
The following board members
were elected for a term of
three years: Mrs. G. F. Gil
more, Mrs. C. O. Rich, Mrs.
Edward Johnson, Mrs. C. K.
Smith, Mrs, Harry Tukey, Mrs,
Geo. H. Payne.
Two hundred were present
at the meeting.
The campaign for funds for the
regular work ot the x. W. c A. will
take place in conjunction with the
Y. M. C. A. and is called the "double
triangle campaign" from the em
blems of the two organizations. This
will be held February 3, 4 and 5.
Jellied Chicken.
A delicious supper dish. Boil a
young fowl until tender, having cut
it into sections, and cook with it one
onion, celery, parsley salt and a
dash of red pepper. Strain, cool and
remove the meat from the bones.
Throw all the skins and bones back
into the chicken stock and boil
slowly for another hour. Then strain
through a fine hair strainer, and set
to cool. Rtmove the fat when it has
hardened but before it jellies on
top and pour about two inches deep
into a large mould. When firm ar
range a layer of slices of breast and
pour on more stock, then chicken
and so on until the mould is full. It
is. of course, necessary too make
this Wish a' day in advance so as to
allow 'the jelly to harden well
Turn it out on a dish at the last
Have you ever thought what a
tremendous risk a child runs in al
lowing itself to be born and there
after become a member of an aver
age household?
Remember, that the child has no
way of knowing what it. is letting
itself in for.
The household may be one where
the child will be given plenty of
room to be himself in, to find a 24-hour-a-day
happiness. Or it may
be one where the grim people in au
thority were themselves born grown
up, and who therefore believe in
suppressing all infancy.
The new born baby may find it
self in the control of . parents who
regard children as a lower and tub
ject race. Or it may alight among
elders who believe that children are
human beings like themselves.
But it's all so uncertain that one
wonders that the little creatures
have the courage to be born at all.
Isn't it time that all parents had
an understanding as to the part chil
dren should play in the homer
We've all heard a great deal about
the old fashioned idea of "keeping
children in their place." This meant
speaking only when they were spok
en too, eating what was set before
them and being whipped if thpy
wandered into any interesting little
y-path of their own discovering.
Being a child in those days must
have been a state that one hurried
to grow out of with all one's might
and main.
Simple friendly New England
households used to say in regard to
a young girl who came to do the
housework that they made her
"one of the family."
It seems to me that this is al
most more than could be said of the
old-fashioned child, trained as he
was to believe himself the inferior
of all adults. They simply didn't
make him one of the family.
Juvenile Despotisms.
On the other hand we have seen
households where the children re
duced their elders to a most unbe
coming, grovelling sort of slavery,
and disagreeably held the position
of tyrants households where par
ents had to plead for a chance to
talk or think or pursue their affairs.
fheres not much happiness tor
anybody in such a state of things
as that.
But there's still another way of
handling the child question and I
think it is the only way that pro
duces a really happy household.
This means treating children as it
they could reason which they can.
It gives them their own tair share
of tne tamny responsioiiuies. n
means running the household, not
like a prison, but like a club.
Try it, and see how it works.
Shall I explain a little?
Parents who. believe in managing
their families on the club principle
resist the temptation of prolonging
the babyhood of their children. And
it is a temptation. When these boys
and girls are six years old they are
not treated as if they were three.
Their intelligence is respected.
Their queer, new little personalities
which probably aren t a bit like tneir
parents', are respected, too, and so
is their right to express themselves.
Another thing these parents 1 am
speaking of try n)t to do is to seize
the whole house for themselves and
keep it unnaturally orderly and oth
erwise impossible to p'.ay in, banish
ing the children to a few untidy
These people see that the only
infinite and live with you, is to di
vide up your home with them. Does
not that seem 'reasonable? They
give their youngsters just as much
space and sunshine as they have
themselves, and let them do as they
like in it so long as the club rules,
that is the family rules, are follow
ed. . ,
You will probably ask where th
rules come from. That's very im
portant. The parents and children
make, them together. The children
who are old enough, that is. Once
in a while they have a family coun
cil and talk things over and decide
what to do about everything. Some
of the best suggestions come from
the children.
Make Their Own Rules.
When boys and girls make the
household rules themselves, it's not
a great hardship to keep them. And
they're simple rules, anyway.
Then, finally, these parents seri
ously take their children into their
confidence, and I assure you . that
this is a magical thing to' do.
Do you remember how, in your
own childhood, father and mother
were jealqus custodians of all ;'ie
family secrets? and how you felt
that pretty nearly everything that
was interesting was kept from you,
as a matter of course?
Do you remember the blank cur
tain that your elders used to let fall
over their faces when you entered
the room, and the whispering that
went on behind these curtains, and
they used to spell to each other
So that if a little sister was com
ing or lather had lost his position
and was hard up these were mat
ters that they took any amount .of
time and trouble to keep from you,
and that you had to ferret out for
yourself and then act as if you were
as ignorant as they supposed you
to be?
And you see now, of course, that
that wasn't the most reasonable way
of conducting a home.
Of course, most children now-a-days
aFf told when little brothers
and sisters are on the way. It saves
unnecessary mystery; it gives them
the pleasure and excitement of an
ticipation, and it leads them to be
more tender and considerate of
mother than they might be other
wise, But why not tell them such othei
things as they are able to under
stand ? If, for instance, Cousin Mar
garet is lonely and you think you
ought to ask her to come live with
you, ask the children to talk this
over and cast their vote.
Let the Children Vote.
Then why not tell them frankly
what the family financial status is?
Let them know if you are hard up.
If you can either have a servant all
the year, or else go to the country
in the summer, get the children t
help you decide which is most im
You see, children have usually
ever so much more understanding
than their parents give them credit
for. So, if they are forced to pre
tend they are babies while they are
in the house, it's not surprising if
they turn their intelligence to mis
chievous ends when they get out
side. We have all heard parents won
der what they can do to keep their
fast growing boys and girls content
edly at home.
Well, make them feel it's their
home as well as yours. If thev r
at liberty to follow their own cur-
suns ircciy, wunoui oemg continual
ly repressed, and to invite thfir
mnment and carnih with CrisD
..... p . r . i f- j ..!. .i ,-,
white lettuce leaves and mayon- square way to oo, u you nave mvn- intnuj wuen mcy nue, tney wiU
liaise, ea nine peopie iu ionic uui ui uh.uinj iw siau iu bi inert.