Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1919, Image 1

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London, Jan. 31. The govern
ment hai alloted a squadron tf
military airplanes to convey food
stuffs to Belgium for the relief of
the population. The service, which
is to be daily, will begin immediate
ly between Folkestone and Ghent.
Amerongen, Jan. 31. .The former
German emperor's barber returned
today, his services being no longer
required as Count William Hohen
lollern has definitely decided to
wear a full beard always.
The barber. Otto Kruger, has been
for several years in close attendance j
uposi the former monarch, accom
panying him on every journey and
shaving him daily.
New York, Jan. 31. Capt. Archi
bald Roosevelt, son of the late Col.
Theodore Roosevelt, aided a police
man today In capturing an alleged
robber after a street chase in which
the patrolman shot Frank Marcello,
the fugitive.
Several armed men had held up
a Columbus avenue jeweler in his
store and were escaping with jewel
ry when the policeir-an commandeer
" ed a passing automobile and gave
chase. There was an exchange of
pistol shots and Marcello fell wound
ed, but fought when the officer came
up. Captain Roosevelt, who was
mailing a letter nearby, aided in
subduing him.
London, Tan. 31. (By Universal
Service.) The Belgian newspapers
are demanding the trial of General
vonv Manteuffel, who ordered the
burning of Louvain in 1914, according
to a dispatch to the Express from
Brussels. The German general is
now a prisoner. In the fire 1,400
houses were destroyed.
Atlantic City, N. J., Jan. 31. (By
Universal Service.) The American
male who wishes to be modish has
a choice between going into training
to reduce his' adipose tissue and
wearing corsets. This vs deter
mined when the National Associ
ation of Merchant Tailors in solemn
convention assembled decided to
day that men's clothes are to bt
skin tight and "high waisted"
whatever that means. Of course,
those young Americans whose
waists have grown lean while their
muscles grew nara in ineir cuuimy s
service will not have to worry. They
require neither reductionJnor cor
sets. But for the corpulent the
ordained tight fitting, snug waisted
garments may cause loss of sleep.
From evening clothes to sack busi
ness suits the ordained style is to
prevail. Overcoats are to frown up
on their owners possessing such a
thing as "tummy," for they, too,
are to be snug, ..especially, at the
Washington, Jan. 31. Senator
Overman, chairman of the senate
i committee investigating German
prcpaganda, tonight gave out. a copy
of an order issued at the War de
partment forbiding officers or em
ployes of the military intelligence
bureau from 'giving information in
their custody to senators, represent
atives or congressional committees
without the approval of the secre
tary of war.
New York, Jan. 31. (By Univer
sal Service.) A person will be able
after the middle of February to fly
by airplane, from New York to
Philadelphia for $15 and from New
York to Washington for $25, accord
ing to. .announcement made today
by Joseph M. Kahn, one of the
organizers of the aero development
The new company is organized
titid will be incorporated in a few
days, Kahn said, and already has
made arrangements , for landing
places in the three cities. Contracts
have been made, he declared, for
carrying light freight, and all the
tno.tey required for the venture has
been promised by responsible men
who are .backing the company.
Baltimore, Jan. 31. (By Universal
Service.) William Jennings. Bryan
is perfectly willing to trust the
American people to use the initiative
and referendum on the liquor ques
tion j-ist as soon as it becomes a
part of the constitution of every city
and state in the country and the na
tion, he said today. .
Mr. Bryan is firm in his opinion
that the American Jfeople will never
vote liquor back. While discussing
many phases of the prohibition
amendment and the initiative arid
referendum, he paid his respects to
the "wet" lawyers and charged that
they are now for the initiative and
referendum after having fought it
for 15 or 20 years because they
see in it a hope to revive the liquor
Strasbourg, Jan. 31. Two British
gunboats arrived here today. The
British flag now floats over the city.
aaB a
,Barcn Rothschild, Noted
Brussels Banker, is Dead
Paris, Jan. 31. Baron Lambert
Rothschild, a leading Brussels bank
er, who aided in the formation of
the Belgian relief commission, died
in Faris yesterday.
Aniline Plant Blown Up.
Nyack, N. Y., Jan. 31. During
explosions and fire which today
wrecked the Nyack plant of the
American Aniline Products company
of New York City one man was
killed and 13 other employes were
injured. Several persons have -not
leen accounted for. The property
loss is estimated at about $1,000,000.
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Republicans Voice Opposition
to Agreement Binding U. S.
to Help Maintain Order
in Old World.
Washington, Jan. 31. Vigorous
opposition was voiced in the senate
today by republican leaders to the
plan for dealing with captured Ger
man colonies and occupied termor
ies in Asiatic Turkey, which press
dispatches from trance yesterday
said had been presented to the
peace conference by President Wi!
Democratic spokesmen said they
could not believe reports that the
president had proposed permanent
internationalization of the terntor
ies and urged support of the Amer
ican peace delegates. Some repub
lican senators pointed out that the
official communication issued by the
conference said a plan for disposi
tion had been provisionally agreed
i Criticise Conference.
Tne debate continued for two hours
and during its course republican lead
ers renewed their criticism of the plan
for a league' of nations,, the delay
in concluding peace with Germany,
"secret diplomacy" and other ques
tions connected with the peace con
ference. Senator Lodge of Massa
chusetts, the republanc leader, de
clared that statements in dispatches
from special newspaper correspond
ents at Paris, that the United States
would be required to help maintain
order in the captured territories was
"absolutely unbelievable."
Senator Knox of Pennsylvania as
serted that the internationalization
plan proposed "a stupendous and
preposterous undertaking" while
Senator Johnson of California de
clared he would not vote for a treaty
requiring American troops to be
sent to , Asia or Africa. Senator
Vardaman of Mississippi, democrat,
suggested that the senate would re
ject such a treaty. ,
Doubts Paris Reports.
In reply to the republican attacks,
Senator Lewis of Illinois, the demo
cratic whip, said he doubted authen
ticity of the Paris reports and de
clared that disposition of the Ger
man colonies as suggested would
violate the fundamental principle of
self-determination of peoples. He
said he believed the actual agree
ment merely was for temporary ad
ministration of the German colonies
by the league of nations until their
permanent status could be fixed.
Senator Walsh of Montana, demo
crat, said he could not believe the
American commissioners would ob
ligate the United States as suggested"
in the press dispatches.
Wants Mayo Disciplined.
United support for the American
commissioners was urged by Sen
ator Kirby of Arkansas, demo
crat, referring to Admiral Mayo's
statement yesterday before the
house naval committee that the
league of nations was "rapidly Ret
ting down to a sewing circle," Sen
ator Kirby said if he were president,
he would reduce Admiral Mayo in
rank. ,
Would Stamp Out Bolshevism.
New York. Jan. 31. Asserting
that the time had come "for a re
assertion of the American spirit and
the calling of a halt to the doctrine
of internationalism." Senator Miles
Poindexter of Washington urged in
an address here tonight at a dinner
of the Republican club that the Unit
ed States extricate itself as quickly
as possible from European politics
The government, he-said, should
meet every obligation it owes the al
lies in the fixing of the peace terms
and should contribute its share of
such armed force as is necessary "to
stamp out, with fire and sword,
bolshevism in Europe."
These tasks completed, he de
clared, the nation should turn all its
energies to the interests of America,
which he said, lay wholly in the
western hemisphere.
Asserting that the Monroe doc
trine still is a vital and essential pol
icy, Senator Poindexter declared
that "viloation by use of Europe's
sphere of influence must necessarily
be followed by Europe's violation of
our sphere of influence."
Publishers Seek Reopening
. of Paper Price Agreement
Washington, Jan. 31. At the re
quest of the attorney general, the
federal trade commission has agreed
to reopen the news print paper price
agreement, reached last spring, and
has set February 11 as the date for
a preliminary hearing.
The commission said in a state
ment today the attorney general
had brought to its attention the
fact that newspaper publishers, in
accordance with the terms of the
agreement had presented a claim
that lowering costs of production,
beginning about August 1, 1918, en
titled them to reduction of prices
and had asked for a reconsideration.
P. 0. mxlar ut (I Minsk S. iV
Vast Naval Expansion
Policy Meets Approval
of Committee of House
Three-Year Building Program of Ten Great Battleships
and Ten Scout Cruisers Recommended Unless
World Disarmament Becomes Certainty Through
International Agreement at Paris.
5 Washington, Jan. 31: The ad
ministration policy of vast naval ex
pansion unless world disarmament
becomes a certainty through interna
tional agreement at Paris was ap
proved today by the house naval
committee in unanimously recom
mending a three-year building pro
gram of 10 great battleships and 10
scout cruisers.
Four democrats and two repub
licans were understood to have op
posed the program as originally out
lined, but their approval was given
after an amendment was accepted
providing that work on the new
ships should not begin until after
February 1, 1920. Administration
leaders said the vote was an en
dorsement of the program announc
ed by Secretary Daniels for an
American navy second to none, un
less limitations are imposed on all
nations by the peace conference.
Should an agreement for such limi
tation be reached, the bill provides
that the' preseident may stop con
struction at his discretion:
While the program as recom
mended does not authorize the six
battle cruisers and and 130 other
small craft asked for by the de
partment, it was explained that it
had been decided to postpone con
struction of these vessels until the
naval experts could reach agree
. Ill VASillNGTOil
T. T. Wong, Chief of Educa
tional Mission to U. S., and
Two. Students Slain in -Their
Washington, Jan. 31. Washing
ton police tonight were engaged in
an attempt to solve the mystery of
the killing.of Dr. T. T. Wong.' chief
of the Chinese educational mission
to the United States, and C. H.
Hsie and Ben Sen Wu, students at
George Washington university,
whose bodies were found tonight in
their home in the fashionable Mount
Pleasant section. They were last
seen alive last Tuesday.
Absence of the two students from
the university led a fellow student,
.Kong Li, who lives nearby, to in
vestigate tonight. He entered 'the
house through a window and found
the body of Dr. Wong on the first
Police were , summoned and the
bodies of the two students, were
found in the basement. All three
men had been shot and physicians
who examined the bodies said they
probably had been killed Wednes
day. Evidence of Struggle.
The pistol with which the men
had been shot was found on a chair
near Dr. Wong's body. Traces of
a death struggle were in evidence.
A heavy brass table lamp lay on the
floor among the shattered remnants
of the shade and bulb. A chair in
the dining room adjoining was over
turned and a brown colored elastic
from a garter was on the floor.
The bodies of Hsie, who was sec
retary and treasurer of the mission,
and Wu, confidential secretary to
Dr. Wong, were found lying head
to head in the furnace room and evi
dently had been dragged there. A
gas water heater still was burning
when officers .entered the kitchen,
which also is in the basement. Blood
stains were on the kitchen floor and
the narrow stairs leading down to it.
Dr. Wong had a deen gash in the
back of his head and two bullet
(Continued on Pago Two, Column Six.)
Y. W. C. A. Home for Girls,
Gift of Masons, Opened Friday
With more than 10 girls already
registered for accommodation, the
Y. W. C. A. home for employed wo
men was formally opened Friday
Many visitors thronged the home
during the reception hours yester
day. Hostesses were: Mrs. George
F. Gilmore, president of the Y, W.
C. A.; Miss Etta Pickering, general
secretary; Mrs. W. E. Rhodes, chair
man of finance and members of the
house committee. Mrs. Alice y.
Mason is house manager of the in
The Y. w. C. A. home was for
merly the residence of one of the
Hayden brothers. It was presented
to the Y. W. C. A. by the Scottish
Rite Masons and the work of con
verting it to its present use begun
last fall.
The Sunday Bee
are the best treat you can give the children. All
"The Shenanigan Kids," "Bringing Up Father,"
Best Funnies to be Found
ment as their designs based on ex
perience gained in the war.
The agreement of the committee
was reached at a long executive ses
sion after which Chairman Padgett
smilingly announced that the deci
sion had been unanimous.
Mr. Padgett said the completed
naval bill would carry a total of
5750,000,000 of which sum $169,000,
000 would be for ship construction.
Work of cempleting the bil for in
troduction in the house was expect
ed to be finished by tomorrow and
Mr. Padgett said he hoped to get
the measure before the house next
Besides providing for the new
building program, the bill author
izes a temporary naval force of
225,000 men, exclusive of officers,
and carries an amendment by Rep
resentative Oliver of Alabama, di
recting that men who enlisted in the
navy during the war for the regular
term of four years shall be regard
ed as having enlisted for the period
of the war, if they apply for such
change of status before next July 1.
After the committee's decision, it
was learned that the navy general
board headed by Rear Admiral
Fletcher, is studying the question of
military characteristics of new ships
closely, but has not as yet reached
definite conclusions.
Visits Secretary Baker in In
terest of Soldiers; May
All Be Discharged by '
First of March.
By a Staff Correspondent.
Washington, Jan. 31. Gov. S. R.
McKelvie, who has been the recip
ient of hundreds - of letters from
Nebraska farmers, calling upon him
to do something to get their sons
discharged from the military serv
ice of the United States and permit
them to' get back to work on the
farms, came to Washington today
for a conference with Secretary
Baker of the -War department to
speed up the discharge of Nebraska
The governor, ' who is developing
into a first rate, all around hustler,
put in one of the most active days
of his short -career as state execu
tive when he began the program
he had outlined for himself today.
His interview witlt Secretary
Baker developed the fact that the
Nebraska soldiers remaining in the
camps would all be discharged about
March 1, except those needed for
guarding the camps. That the men
in overseas service would return in
units and would have to wait their
order for discharge.
Interview Satisfactory.
"The secretary intimated that 200,
000 men of the overseas forces will
have been discharged in January and
that 250,000 will be discharged in
February," said the governor, as he
was preparing to 'leave for Harris
burg. Pa.
"My interview with Secretary
Baker was satisfactory. He undtr
stood the interest we have in i?e
braska in getting the boys out of
the service, now that the war is
over, and getting them settled on
the farms and in the factories and
whatever I can do to aid in the re
construction movement will be
done." . ,
Governor MvKelvie called at the
Department of Justice in the interest
of further assistance in enforcing
the prohibition liquor law in Ne
braska, which the department agreed
to furnish him.
Upon the recommendation of the
governor, Capt. Walter L. Ander
son, who has been in charge of the
selective draft work under ex-Governor
Neville, has been appointed
chief draft officer and will report
direct to the provost general, there-
(Conttnntd on Pare Two, Column Two.)
Father Burns Hands
of His Children Vho
Played With Matches
Chicago, Jan. 31. Because he
held the hands of his three chil
dren on a hot cook stove until
they were severely burned, Joseph
Bessinger, a laborer, was fined
$200 by Judge Richardson in the
municipal court today. The man
took this means of punishing his
young children because they had
set fire to a curtain while play
ing with matches. I
FEBRUARY 1, 1919."
Secret Treaty With Rou
mania Revealed at Hearing
on Serbian Boundary
Dispute at Paris.
By Associated Press.
Paris, Jan. 31. The premiers of
Rumania and Seryia, M. Bratiano
and M. Pachitch, were heard by the
supreme council today on the boun
dary issues, the last question lying
between them. It developed that an
other secret treaty was signed in
August, 1916, as a condition of
Roumania's entry into the war, under
which Roumania was holding all the
territory within designated river
M. Pachitch, on behalf of the
Serbs, Croats and Slovens, declared
that the Rourmanian treaty was made
without knowledge of Serbia, which
was largely concerned with it. He
evoked the principle of the nation
ality which President Wilson has
enunciated in support of the claim
of the Serbians to the region, where
he asserted the Serbs largely ex
ceeded the Roumanians.
Agreement Expected.
Although the hearing showed a
sharp difference in views, there is
reason to believe that mutual con
cessions will lead to an agreement
between Serbia and Rumania, or, if
not, that a commission mil be ap
pointed to deal with the subject.
The hearing given to the Serbs
today is expected to be followed by
the early presentation of the Jugo
slav claims to the eastern Adriatic,
which involve delicate questions and
reader pTbbable a formidable issue
with Italy over the Adriatic.
In anticipation of this question
Prince Regent Alexander of Serbia
will arrive here tomorrow for the
special purpose of personally laying;
Serbia's case before President Wil- j
sop. Meantime reports from the re-1
gion in controversy show increasing
tension tnere.
Fiume Situation Critical.
One dispatch from Laibach says
the Italian troops have been with
drawn from Fiume, the central point
of the controversy, and that an iu-ter-allied
comnrssion has . taken
charge of the city. Another dis
patch, from Agram, announces that
Serbian battalions have entered
Fiume and that the Italians have re
tired to a point near Volosoa. These
dispatches are unofficial but they
are taken as indications of the grow
ing acuteness of this issue on the
Adriatic coast."
There will be no plenary session
of the peace conference tomorrow
according to an announcement made
Nine-Year-Old Lad
Injured by Speeding
; Auto; Driver Escapes
George Bachman, 9 years old, son
of G. H. Bachman, a plumber, 4220
Seward street, was struck and per
haps fatally injured by an automo
bile at Forty-third and Seward
streets. last night.
The motorist who struck the lad
fled. Police say he is known to
them and state they will arrest him
Dr. A. A. Holtman, the attend
ing physician said the boy would not
recover. He sustained a fractured
Everett Bachman, 7 years old, a
brother of the injured boy, found
the unconscious body lying in the
A passing automobilist, O. C.
Homan, 4121 Harney street, carried
the lad into the Bachman residence.
He had not recovered consciousness
at an early hour this morning.
Blood spots on the pavement
showed that the boy had been drag
ged by the car 100 feet. That the
driver of the car was traveling at
an excessive rate of speed is appar
ent from wheel marks, showing that
the car had skidded from a sudden
application f of the brakes. Police
deduce from this that the driver
must have seen the child and made
an effort to stop the machine.
Order Restored at Barracks.
Leavenworth, Kan., Jan. 31. Or
der has been completely restored at
the United States disciplinary bar
racks here, where more than 1,500
prisoners yesterday refused to per
form their' usual work as a protest
against alleged inequalities of mili
tary justice. Colonel Sedgwick Rice,
commandant, stated tonight.
Colored Comics"
the characters so well known to them such as
etc., appear each Sunday in the
in Any Paper Anywhere
B Mill ( mar). BM. S4.M: Suxtav. 12 5(1: TWO TENTS
Oallv nd Sun.. 15. JO: oullld, MM. twrn txtri i. V J Vl-iltiO.
V 1
Rickenbacher Describes
His Victories in the Air as
7 Simply 60 Per Cent Luck
Leading American Ace Announces on Arrival from
France His Readiness to Place His Skill and Talents
in Flying at Service of Government; Credited Offi
'cially With Bringing Down 26 Airplanes.
New York, Jan. 31. Four of America's aces, one" of
them tapt. hdward V. Rickenbacher, of Columbus, O., who
is officially credited with bringing down 26 enemy airplanes,
arrived here late today on the British steamship Adriatic.
The others were Major James A. Meiasner of Brooklyn.
officially credited with eight machines ; Lieut. Paul F. Baer of
Mobile, eight; and Capt. Douglas Campbell of Mount Hamil
ton, tal., six. All wore decorations awarded them by the
American and allied governments.
Captain Rickenbacher, prior to go
ing to France, was a well known
driver of racing automobiles. His
first experience abroad was as chauf
feur to General Pershing, but he
soon transferred to the air service,
because he found motoring in the
war zone "too slow." His rise into
the "ace" class was rapid, and soon
he led America's airmen in the num
ber of foes downed.
"There is no comparison between
the auto and the air," Captain Ric
kenbacher said today. "T am through
with the automobile and I stand
ready to place my skill and talents
in flying, if I have any, at the ser
vice of my government, commercial
ly or otherwise. Like all soldiers,
I come home resolved in the future
to take more of an interest in the
affairs of my country and if I have
the chance, I will gladly enter the
service again.
"In my flying I had no particular
system that I can describe, and my
Two Lieutenants Expected to
Die of Injuries Received
in Upsetting of Tour
ing . Cari v ; i: -
Three army lieutenants from Fort
Omaha were seriously injured at
midnight Friday when a large tour
ing car of the Aero Service, Number
469, carrying five persons, complete
ly turned over seven miles out on
the West Dodge road, on a curve
leading to the Alamito dairy farm.
Lieutenant Spaullsbury and an un
identified officer are expected to
die of their injuries. Lieutenant
Davis, the third man injured, suf
fered internal hurts. Two other
unidentified persons were hurled
from the car but escaped serious injury-
The three injured officers were
rushed to the Fort Omaha hospital
by civilian motorists who happened
Army officials at the local post re
fused to give out-any information of
the accident until daylight
Find Bunch of Hair.
Police Surgeon Edstrum and
emergency officers made a record
run to the scene of the accident and
found the army car turned over, ly
ing across the road. A bunch of
fine hair, similar to a woman's was
found under the rear seat. Two
hats belonging to army officers were
found inside a fence.
The sides of the car were spat
tered with blood and a pair of chauf
feur's gloves smeared with gore was
found several feet from the over
turned car. Two seat cushions were
lying in the ditch. The car was
damaged beyond repair.
Maj. A. B. Lindquist, army post
surgeon, went out to the scene of
the accident to meet the two unin
jured officers. When he arrived the
men were gone.
Deep tracks of the wheels of the
car on the curve of the road , show
that the car skidded 30 feet and
made a sudden turn before upsetting.
An unidentified person who in
formed the police ofthe accident and
who was a witness of the affair, said
the army car was traveling 45 miles
an hour on making the curve. He
said the driver applied .the brakes
and turned inroad to avoid hitting
another automobile going toward
Union' Heads Direct
Mill Workers to Force
Eight-Hour Day Issue
New York, Jan. 31. Orders di
recting 700,000 members of the
United Textile Workers of America
to establish an eight-hour day Mon
day regardless of objections of em
ployers, were issued today by the
union's executive committee, accord
ing to an announcement here - tonight.
victories were simply 60 per cent
luck. In all my work I used French
machines, as did most of the boys.
I want to say that the Americans I
was associated with were all that
could be asked and we were getting
better and better as the war went
He said he would go to Washing
ton at once to make the War depart
ment a detailed report of his ex
periences and observations.
Major Meissner, who paid special
tribute to the skill and - daring of
Captain Rickenbacher, with whom
he took part in several combats, also
sserted that air fighting was to a
considerable extent "a matter of
luck." ,
Paris, Jan. 31. Lieut. Rene Fonck,
the leading French ace, has been
granted permission by the French
government to represent France, at
the' annual banquet of the Aero club
of America on February 19 in re
sponse to av request by the foreign
service committee of the club.
AH Americans Probably Will
. Return from Europe
When General Peace
' .' .Treaty Is Signed. ,
.... A, , , . . w. r
Paris, Jan. 31. Whatever force
may be sent to Turkey for garrison
ing purposes, there will be no Amer
ican troops among them, it devel
oped today. It is pointed out that
their use tor this purpose would be
inappropriate,, as the United States
has never been at war with Turkey.
The military committe of the su
preme 'council expects within two
days to report a plan for t'.ie allot
ment among the various nations of
the troops to be retained on the
western front. It appears that by
April 1 there will be IS American
divisions remaining on the Hne9,
with five divisions ready for em
barkation homeward. A month lat
er it is expected this aggregate will
be reduced by five divisions, cf
which 10 will be on the lines and
five ready to return.
The length of the stay in France
of these 10 divisions depends upon
the time of the signing of the gen
eral peace treaty. It is said that a?
soon as that occurs all the American
troops probably will be withdrawn
The number of American, French
and British troops to be maintained
in the occupied regions along the
Rhine will be limited to 1.000,01)0
men, according to the Echo De
Snow and Really Cold ,
Weather by Sunday Night
Drag in your front porch furni
ture and fire up your furnace. Be
ginning tonight, frigid weather
will cover Nebraska and Iowa, ac
cording to the weather forecaster.
Temperature climatic conditions
that have prevailed over the middle
west, will take a decided change for
the regular February brand.
Increasing cloudiness in the cen
tral portions of the Missouri valley
win ne tne vanguard tor snow and
cold weather this afternoon or night.
Sunday will find all Omaha covered
with a blanket of snow with fur
ther increased coldness, according to
the weather man. Sunday night the
prediction it is will be considerably
Cause of Explosions.
Cleaning out a blast furnace last
night at the Smelter caused a series
of explosions that resulted in numer
ous inquiries at newspaper offices.
Coal Price Control
Discontinued Today
by Garfield's Order
Washington, Jan. 31. All price
control exercised by the fuel ad
ministration over anthracite and
bituminous coal and coke will
cease tomorrow under a blanket
order signed by Fuel Administra
tor Garfield and made public to-
nignt, zoning regulations and
practically all rules for the distrib
ution of fuel, as well as most regu
lations concerning oil and natural
gas, promulgated under the Lever
act as war measures, also are rescinded.
Increasing cloudiness Satu
followed by snow and colder;
day anow and colder.
Hourly Temperature.
Hour, Prg-.IIIour.
. . ,4rt
, . .
. . .M
. ..4
, . t
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I -II - All
Packer and His Attorney '
Disclaim Knowledge , of
Source of Tips on
Food Plans.
Washington, Jan. 31. While un
successful efforts were being made
before the senate agricultural com
mittee today to develop the identity
of a person who ent Swift and com
pany advance information regarding
government activities affecting the
meat packing industry, the house in
terstate commerce committee was
informed by the federal trade com
mission that it would furnish the ,
names of witnesses upon whose tes
timony it had made charges of col
lusion among the five big packing
firms. .
Louis F. Swift, president of Swift
and company, and Henry Veeder,
counsel for the company, were ques
tioned before the senate committee
about what the writer referred to
during the hearing as "Diamond T."
One letter-from Thomas F. Logan
of Washington, and another letter
and- several memoranda unsigned,
but purporting to be from "Diamond
T," relating to plane of the federal
trade commission and the food ad
ministration, had been read by Fran
cis J. Heney, who was conducting
the cross-examination of the wit-
nesses for the committee. Both Mr.
Swift and Mr. Veeder said they
could not recall having previously
seen the "Diamond T" correspond
ence. Marked "Private."
This designation of the corre
spondence was given by reason of
the fact that one letter had a "T"
inside a diamond at the top of the
page. This letter was dated Wash
ington, June 18, -1917, and told of
plans for investigation of food prices.
It was. marked "private" and.bore
the stamp "Louis F. Swift," with a
date two days later. At the top was
the notation: "Information received
by Mr. Veeder this morning from
Diamond T." . Initials of six officials
of Swift and company at the top in
dicated that copies had been sent to
them, Mr. Swift said. ' "
The letter said:
"At a meeting of the commission
today Mr. Davies was placed in
charge of the meat packing end of
the food administration, Mr. Colver
in charge of wheat and wheat pro
ducts and the members allotted
other phases of the inquiry.,
"This is under the resolution and
appropriation recently passed by
. . Flans Disclosed.
"The work is to be done as plan
ned in conjunction with the Hoover
food administration. Mr. ' rJavies
will shortly wire for a conference in
Chicago. He will .outline the pro
cedure and ask for assistance. There
will be enough delay to give plenty
of time for readiness. It might be
suggested that you have in readiness
everything bearing on ' high prices
and their cause, even though it
should not be precisely what is
desired.- With your knowledge you
should be able to give some ,gor.j
leads and suggestions for further in
quiry. "Mr. McManus could be helpful
at this end if he could get back im
mediately. Exchange of telegrams
inadvisable. Please destroy this'
"Hurley" in Rough Square.
At the bottom of the letter written
in ink and inclosed in a rough square
was the name ."Hurley."
"Who wrote the name 'Hurley' on
there?" asked Mr. Heney.
"It looks a little like my hand
writing," Mr. Swift responded.
"When you got something of that
sort were you in the habit of con
sulting Mr. Hurley?" asked Sena
tor Kenyon of Iowa.
"No, I might have written 'Ar-
(Cootlnuwl ob rK Two, Column Four.)
Mandatory System
Welcomed as Solution
of Colonies ProbI cm
London, Jan. 31. The official an
nouncement issued bv the nn,.
council Thursday night is welcomed
by the Times in an editorial as an
indication that the controversy over
the future of the German colonies
is tendinir toward
"On the first canital nni'iit"
Times says, "the allies and the Unit
ed States are absolutely
They are unanimous that in no cir
cumstances can any colonies be re
stored to Germany.
"There is everything to be saio
for the conception of the mandator
system. The principles which it em-
Doaies are nothing more than the
principles on which our own imper
ial system are based and the wide
acceptance with which those princi
ples meet is really the highest pos
sible tribute to the fundamental :
trine of the British empire."