Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1919, Page 9, Image 9
THE' BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 81, 1919. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus rHOTOrtAYsl FARM AND RANCH LANDS. BRINGING UP FATHER Copyright, 1117, International News Service. Missouri Lands. THB MOI'tRN PROMIUEP LA.ND. la southeast Missouri, whr corn, whpst, elover, oatB, rye, alfalfa and all tapla erops (row aa NOWHERE ELBB In tna U. S. Mora miles of railway than any section; markets cot over tVi mil's of any farm. Ureal stock country; mild rltmate and aura rainfall. No failures. Send tor literature. Write, C. r. BRUTOM. B1KK8TON, MO. 3: A. IMPROVED, plenty water. IK miles on auto road, by owner. Andrew Bur teas, Mountain Prove. Mo. 'C ' F Iowa Lands. FOR BALE ll-acre farm In Pottawat tamie county Iowa: 1 mllea 8.-W. of Noola, la. i20 mllea E. of Council Bluffs, la. IS acrea In pasture, 20 acre! wild hay; orchard; no overflow land; wind mill; balance under cultivation. Good 7-roora houae; corn crlba and out build ings In rood ahapa. All well fenced, curtly hoa-tlitht. Thla la known ai one of the beat producing farma In Pottawattamie county. Elna crop this dry year of 'II. Alio wa have three brick business bulldlnia. all In good ahapa and rented; one brtrlc, two-atory residence properly, containing 7 acres. mile east of Council Bluffs, la, all In fruit. Thla la the eatate of Polly R and Wllion Duncan and to lie aold without commleslon by executora of same. Address, 21S So. Chestnut St., North Platte. Neb.; 411 Po. First ' St., Council Bluffa, la.: Box S7t, Neola. Ia. SfOK SALi: Hcver Side stock farm, con elating of 111 acrea; 7 miles from Suth erland, la., on C. A N. W.; I mllea from Larrabee, on X. C. 500 aorea bottom land, balance upland; pasture, blue grass. Watered croek; wind mill. 25 acrea alfalfa, some timber. 400 acres bog-tight Good 14-room houae; large horse barn, cattle barn, 200 head. Ce ment floor corn crib. 13.000 bu. gran ary, 1,000 bu. Hog house. Machine shed. Hollow tile alio, 60x20; other buildings. Fairbanks scales; acetyttne lights In house and barn. Water In house, cattle barn and hog house. Rented one year. Stock place. Price, 1140 a., 15,000 cash; 135.000 March 1, 154.000 mortgage 6Vi per cent, balance I yeara, m per cent. Phone 164. Ad dress owner, Chaa. E. Warren, Butaer hind. la. FOR SALE 160-acre valley, fine location; two Bets of Improvemente: 10 acres grow ing wheat; I acrea alfalfa. Price 1160 per acre. Owner will carry liberal mort gage back. Chaa. F. Davis, Pacific Junction, la. Kansas Lands. SPECIAL BAROAIM 10 acres, Improved, handy town, 100 acres fine wheat, possession March lat. Price $4,600, easy terms. Write for new land list. Juetln-T-Avery, Traer, Decatur County, Kanaaa. W-XcTiThome 8outEeaatern Kanaaa; well Improved; black land; will exchange for Omaha property. 8. 8 4 R. B. MONTGOMERY. 211 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Omaha. Neb, . Nebraska Lands. FOR SALE AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. 160 ACRES located 6 mllea from Cen tral City, nicely Improved aa followa: l-room story and half house, with nice shade trees around It, water In kitchen. New barn for 10 horses and 10 cows, room for 40 to 60 tone of hay, brand new combined corn crib and granary with eight foot driveway. Brand new chicken house, good well and new wind mill, 100 acres under plow, 40 acres seeded to winter wheat looking great, balance vory best of pasture. Soli good black loam, lies level. Price 1125 per acre, one-half cash, balance five years at per cent Interest. Possession March 1, 1919, If purchased within tba next It days. 160 acres located In Holt county. I miles from O'Neill, the county seat. Thla quar ter lies level, good black loam soli, 20 acres under plow, balance good hay ' land, every foot could be broken and profitably farmed. Price $40 per acre, one-half cash, balance t or 10 years time at per cent Interest, payable semi-annually. Modern 20 room hotel In first class condi tion, located In east central Nebraska In a good, live town of 100 population, the only hotel In town, doing a nice busi ness. This place renta for $50 per month. Price $7,600. will accept one third cash, balance five yeara time at per cent interest, payable semi-annually. For further informattlon write or see M. A. LARSON, owner. Central City. Nub. IMPROVED FARM . AT AUCTION If you want an Improved farm of S20 acres for a moderate price and on easy payments, attend the public sale 8 miles Southwest of Burwell, Neb., on Friday, January SI, 1919, at 1 o'clock p. m. The land to be sold la tho east half of section 21. Township 20, N, B. 1H west. Valley county, Nebraska. This Is a good stock and grain farm: SO acres In cultivation, 10 acrea alfalfa, balance In pasture and meadow. There la a full set of buildings on this farm; two wells and windmills; soil black loam. Land la gently rolling. Terms $1,000 on day of sale, bal ance of purchase price up to 60 per cent March 1, 1919, balance $ yeara at h per cent. MRS, JOE BON'EZAK PRITSS, Owner, Ord State Bank. Clerk. Ord, Neb. KIMBALL COUNTY WHERE THE WHEAT IS FINE. Half a section of the beat land In Kimball county of deep rich aoil close to market, achoola and churches located "on the main graded road, telephone line, rural route One hundred acres winter wheat on the land sowed on sod. One third goea to tha buyer. Terms. $3,000 rash, balance to suit at per cent. It won't pay you to wait. J. R. CARTER, Buehnell, Neb. FOR SALE BY OWNER Three acrea 10 blocks from the state farm at Lincoln, Neb.; good six-room house, barn and otter outbuildings; electrlo lights, city water, paved street and two blocks from street car Una; 76 cherry trees, also apple trees, plum trees, peach trees, grapes, raapberrles, atrawberrles and all kinds of small fruit. Must be disposed of before March 1. Would con aider good hereford rattle aa part pay ment. Address Box Y-321. Omaha Bee. NEBRASKA FARMS FOR SALE. 160 acres, level, 1 mllea from Royal, Antelope county; fair Improvements; good orchard, $13,600; tertna to suit purchaser. SO acres unimproved, all In cultiva tion, smooth, adjoins aome of tha hlgh ' st-prlced land in Madlaon county. 7 mllea from Newman Grove. Price $11, 200; terms to ault. A. A. PATZMAN. 301 Karbach Blk. 400 ACRES good farm land two and one half miles from Wann. Neb. Well Im proved; $48,000 on easy terms. Ashland State bank, Ashland, Neb. 67 acrea of good land adjoining City of Ashland, large modern house, fine buildings, prlca $50,000 on easy terms. Addreaa Ashland State bank, Ashland, Neb. FOR SALE A well Improved amooth lay ing farm of 100 acres close to school, 3 miles from town and 20 milea from Omaha closa to tha acadlnilaed road. I . will sell for $217.60 per acre. Address J H. Langhorst. 2568 St. Marys ave.. Omaha. rnone uousias . FOR SALE V, aectlonof Platte valley land. 2tt mllea of county seat Good Improvement. $100 per acre. Will carry back half on farm. If Interested address P. O Box No. L. Plattsrooutb, Neb. 5V1CK SERVICE In land-selling. If you wish cash by March 1 for your real es tate, get our method. Nebraska Realty Auction Co., Central City, Neb. Col. Mark Csrraher, Auctioneer WRITE me for picturea and prlcea ut icy farms and ranchea In good old Divni county. Arab. U Hungarford. Crawfora. Neb. liia A. LAND, m milea northwest Dick Ins, Neb. A bargain at $2,000 If taken at ones. A- R- Thompson, Ogallala. Neb. FOR RENT 10 acres; l-room houae; one mils west of Dundee. C. D. ARMSTRONG, iS (Securities Bldg. Tel. Doug. 12f0 GOOD Omaha Income property for clear western land or eastern Hebrasna rarm Mr Pease, 111 Brandela Theater B!d FOR SALE 3 aectiona bay and erasing land. Brown county, Nebraska, xio aero, O'Brien. 474 Prairie Ave., Chicago. UEKRICK COUNTY, Improved corn-sad alfalfa farma at the right price. U. A LARSON. Central City. Neb. IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farma Kimball Co., Nebraska. R. E. Holmes Bunnell. Neb. Oregon Lands. FOR South Dakoia lands, raw and 1m proved, ai-a A. A. Put small, 0l Karbach b,u. rhoae Tyler osi, FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Oregon Land. JKKl NATION "In tha Heart of tha Range." Tha Jordan Valley Project. Malheur County, Oregon; an empire m tba mak ing; tha land of opportunity; 20,000 acrea open for antry; fertile aoll: plenty of water: land with full water right; 171 00 an acre; terms, homestead entries nearby. Writs for literature and details to Jordan Valley Farms, 122 First Na tional Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Next excursion January 6th. South Dakota Lands. For Sale in One Body or Tract, THE OLD FAIR GROUNDS in the city limits of Canton, S. D., being eighty reBidenca lots 64 ft. by 132 tt; laid out In blocks and lots. Only five blocks from the court house, city water and sewer accessible, on every street adjoining this plot. Buy this whole tract and sell It In lota and make big money. You can make terms If desired. Coma and see or write the secretary. H. N. COOPER. Canton, 8. D. Wisconsin Lands. $11 AN ACRE 160 acres, nearly level; 26 under cul tivation, 111 fine meadow, all tillable, fenced; good well, but buildings burned; good, productive, dark, sandy loam, no stone; on main road, near school and church; mllea from Danbury, Wis., on new Soo line, mtdwsy between Twin Cities and Duluth. No help to work tha land and will sacrifice at only $11 an acre; '4 cash, balance to suit; 20 acres potatoes this year will easily pay for the land and put up a nice little aet of buildings. E. O. Fuller, 806 Glob Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. WHEN you buy land, buy the beat. We hava soma of the very choiceat hind In tho best section of Central Wis consin, for sala on easy terms. Good clay loam soil- country thickly aettled;. good water, achoola, roads and mar kets. Write for book and map. John S. Owen Lumber Co., No. 60 Mill St., Owen. Clark County. Wis Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farma. $50 pel a.. Including paid up water right, -lenrj Levi a C. M. Rylander. 854 Omaha 'at FARM LANDS WANTED. WANTED $160,000 worth lands, wild or Improved. Robert Hunter, Sioux City, la. WANTED 5 to 40 A. adjoining best part of good town, 200 or over. Will pay cash. Address Fred W. Horton, Eldora, Iowa. AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. CADILLAC USED CAR DEPARTMENT A SAFE PLACE TO BUY. CADILLAC Type 65, Victoria. An enclosed four-passenger car. Good paint and tires. In fine mechanical condition. CADILLAC Typo 65 Touring. Thor oughly overhauled and ail worn parts replaced with new. , New top and newly repainted. Good upholstery and excep tionally good Urea. HAYNES 1917 Touring. In fine me chanical condition. Good paint and tires. SCRIPPS-BOOTH, 1918 roadster. Has been run only 400 miles. Practically a a new car In overy respect. REO 19H Touring. Good paint and tires. In good mechanical condition. HUPMOBILT3 1918 Sedan. Good paint and tlrea. Fine upholstery. In good condition throughout. Franklin 1917 Sedan. Mechanically perfect Just repainted. An excep tional value. Wo have available practically every make of car. If you do not flsd listed above the kind of a car you desire call at our office and tell us what you want. JONES-HANSEN-CADILLAC CO., FARNAM AT 26TH. HARNEY 710. THE AUTO CLEARING HOUSE A few of our bargains 1917 Butck Touring. $760. 1917 Dodge Touring. $560. 1918 Ford Touring, $426. 1918 Ford Roadster, $400. 1917 Oakland , $400. 1917 Chevrolet Touring, $350. 1917 Liberty , 1750. 1917 Overland Country Club,-$450. 1917 Bulck 6, $700. New Ford Sedan, $700. Four Touring, $250. and lota of others. All cars sold with a 1-day money-back-lf-not-satlsfled guarantee. Notice that these cars are all '17-'1 models and, ara in perfect shape. THE AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 2032 FARNAM. WE CARRY THE STOCK AND MAKE THE PRICE. MEEKS AUTO CO. Used ears bought, aold and exchanged Wa buy for cash and sell on time. Full line to select from. Middle State Garago $028-1 Farnam SL Douglaa 4101. MEEK8 AUTO CO. M AA for any magneto we can't repair; piUU aijo patentee and sola mfga. of . tha new Affinity spark plug. O. BAYSDORFER. 110 North isth St. MUST sell at once Scripps-Booth chummy roadster; fine condition. Bargain. Tel. Douglas 100 or Douglas 27s7. Mr. T. A. Orlswold. SPECIAL 17 Saxon roadster, starter and new tlrea. First $!' cash. 20 others. TRAWVER UTO CO., 1910 Farnam. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO. Will store your auto. Rates for Ford cara. $3 a month; large cars. $5 month Douglaa 433. BARGAIN IS 16 WilUs-Knlght; good tlrea, fine condition. Come and see this car. Davenport Garage. Douglas 3573. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co.. 16th and Jackson. Ford Agents. P. 8500 LSED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICEa STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO., 2020 Farnam 8t. Omaha. Neb. EXPERT Repairing' Guaranteed jemce. SERVICE OARAGE. 16Ui and Leavenworth. Doug. 1009. AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE 1917 7-paasenger Studebaker, enclosed top; fine condition, Davenport Garage. Douglas 3673. LIGHT DELIVERY Ford truck, first class condition, bargain, 3275. Phone Douglaa 7692. ' AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; aervlce atatlon for Rayfleld carburetors and Columbia storage batteries Edwards WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS: quick action: no delay. Auto Exchange Co. 2059 Farnam St. D Q36 NEW and used Ford, Amea oodles, Im mediate delivery. O'Rourke Ooldstrom Auto Co.. 8701 So. 24th, So. 399. AUTO STORAGE 24-HOUR SERVICE. SERVICE GARAGE. lth and Leavenworth. Doug. 7000 OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 2300 Farnam St GOOD USED CARS, GUY L. SMITH. 26th and Farnam Sta. Douglaa 1970 FORD MARKET. . 2230 Farnam. 2230 Faffiam. 25 new and used Ford bodies. WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 1910 Farnam. Harney 414. QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 2662 FARNAM. PRIVATELY owned used cars for sale. OMAHA USED CAR MARKET. 2517 Leavenworth. Tyler 2347. WILL trade 1918 Maxwell Sedan for Ford touring and some cash. Doug. 8044. Tires and Supplies. WE WILL SHIP, subject to examination, upon receipt of $1 deposit, our guaran teed plain tread, rebuilt tire at tha fol lowing very low prices: 30x3 $ 7.25 33x4 $12.75 30x34 1.00 34x4 13.25 82x3 Vi 10.60 85x4 13.60 31x4 11.70 16x4 16.90 82x4 12.26 35x4 16.40 Express charges prepaid when cash accompanies order. STANDARD TIRE CO., 410 No. 16th St.. TIRES ONE-HAIF PRICE. GUARANTEED 3.000 MILES. 30x1 t 7.6030x3tt f t.25 32x34 10.25)32x4 11.75 12x4 11.60134x4 12.00 Wa furnish tha old tlrea. Agents wanted. $ IN 1 VULCANIZING COMPANY, 1616 Davenport Street. WE do casing and tube repairing. We guarantee our work. New and second tires. URBAN TIRE ft VULCANIZING CO., 2222 Harney St. Phone Douglaa 8413. NEW TIRES ON SALE. Firestone, Congress. Pullman, Flak. Write for prices. Mention sizes. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 2016 FARNAM. REDUCED RATE. , 12 CENTS PER MILE. Rent a Ford. Drive yourself, Ford Livery Co.. 1314 Howard St. Douglaa 3623. HEADQUARTERS for gasoline and oil pumpa of all kinds, tankB, air stands. etc. Phone Douglas 1386. Laubacb, 6S8 Brandels Bldg., Omaha. GAIN mora miles; have your Oreo ro- treaded by G. A Or. Tira Co. 2416 Leavenworth. Tyler 1S61-W FORD light delivery, good running or der: will sell cheap. H. 6786. Wanted. WANT to exchange carpenter work aa payment or part payment on light car. Address Box A-76, Omaha Bee. Repairing and Painting. RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt; large stock used radiators New Ford honeycomb radiators. OMAHA RADIATOR A TIRE WORKS. 1819 Cuming. 2064 Farnam. EXPERT radiators, fenders and auto bodlea; repairing at reasonable prices. Prompt attention given to garage work. ship your radiator direct to ua. NEBRASKA SERVICE OARAGE, Doug. 7890. 318 8. 19th 9t CENTRAL garage repair dept., night and day aervlce. If In trouble call us. Tyler 714. All work guaranteed. F. P. Barnum Co.. 8122 Cum:ng. D 1044. High grade Automobile Painting. Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Victor H Rons, the Motorcycle Man. 27th and Leavenworth- NEW Excelsior motorcycle, lota of extras. A real bargain IC taken at once. Colfax 1525. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. HARNESS, SADDLES and TRAVELING GOODS. We maka them ourselves and sell them direct to consumer. Why pay two profits for Inferior goods when you can get high grade goods at first cost 7 ALFRED CORNISH ft CO.. Phone Doug. 2314. 1210 Farnam. ONE span of mares, weight 2,800 pounds: one pair of mares, 2,500 pounds; abso lutely sound and broke, single and double: will sell reasonable for cash; two sets of harness and wagon. 1914 Grace St FOR SALE Nice bay team of mares, weight about 2.500 lbs., chunky built, $220. Nice black mare, 1.400 lbs.. $166. 1037 So. 24th St. t blocks south of Leavenworth. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Angora cat. Mrs. Orson Maddox, Stapleton, Neb. PERSONAL Your Liberty Bonds, War Savings Stamps, Partial Payment Receipts, Will bring the highest market with us. National Bond Co., 610 World-Herald Bldg. 13th and Farnam." Offices In Four Principal Cities. BETTY, I want you home. Let mo know where you are. Tom. MONEY TO LOAN. Organised by the Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, pianos and notes as secui lty. $40. mo., H. goods, total, $3.50 PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 433 Security Bldg., 16th Farnam. Ty. 881 LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY AND 11 CI LIBERTY BONDS. O cr 2 1 W C. FLATAD. EST. 1892.' 10 6TH FLR, SECURITY BLDG.. TY. I50 Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Maleshock, 1514 Todge, D. 5611. Eat. 1811 DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Jan. 30. Turpentine Inac tive, 69c; sales, none: receipts. 20S bbls. shipments. 100 bbls.; stock, 30,360 bbls. Rosin Inactive; sales, none; receipts, 713 bbls.; shipments, none; stock, 82,000 bbls. Quote B, $13.10; P and E, $13.16; F, $13.20: G. 313.25: H, $13.30; I. 813.65 K, $15.75; M, $16.25; N and WG, $16.30; WW, $18.50. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. New York, Jan. 30. Evaporated Apples -Strong. Prunes Firm. Apricots Wanted for export Peaches Scarce. Raisins Firm. Market and LIVE STOCK Omaha, Receipts were: January 30, 1919. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 1,174 13,801 3.068 8 742 13,315 7.601 7.443 25,430 10,720 8,800 5,800 9.000 Official Monday Official Tuesday .... Offical Wednesday.. Estimato Thursday.. m m .vi. i. i a c7 eta r our anya hub wn.o,iuo .ho.u Same two weeks ago.36,666 77,016 Home tnree wks. ago.js.iot i,ti Same days year ago. 25.674 52,236 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, Omaha, Neb., for 24 hours ending at 3 o clock p. m., January 30, 1919: RECEIPTS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C, M. ft P. Wabash Missouri Pacific 1 Union Pacific 35 C. ft N. W., east.... S C. ft N. W., west.... 40 C, St. P., M. & O... 26 C, B. & Q , east 19 C, B. & Q., west.... 18 C, R. I. & P., east.. Z C, R. I. P., west. . . . Illinois Central 8 Chicago Gt. West... 6 Total receipts. . .163 DISPOSITION. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris & Co. , Swift ft Co.. 402 2,857 721 707 2,993 2,060 Cudahy Packing Co.... 1,564 3,694 997 Armour ft Co 804 4,701 3,684 Schwartz ft Co 167 .... J. W. Murphy 826 .... Lincoln Packing Co 94 So. Omaha Pack. Co... 6 igglns Packing Co 7 Glassberg 7 Wilson Pack. Co 130 W. B. Van Sant ft Co.. 100 F. P. Lewis 194 Huntzinger ft Oliver.... 77 J. B. Root ft Co 119 Rosenstock Bros 24 F. G. Kellogg 7 Werthelmer ft Degen.. 63 ..... .... Ellis ft Co 7 Sullivan Bros 36 A. Rothschild 186 Mo., Kan. C. ft C. Co... 69 Baker 2 Banner Bros 13 John Harvey 399 Jensen ft Lundgren. . ... . 37 Dennis & Francis 67 Cheek ft Krebs 62 .; Midwest Packing 12 Omaha Packing 8 18 .... Other buyers 1,466 .... 706 Totals 6,639 15,048 8,057 Cattle On today's supply of 3,800 head of oattle, or 153 cara, trading on beef steers was steady to stronger In places, but 76 cents and $1.00 lower than the high time last week -an bulk of the plain to medium warmed;up steers and 25 40c lower on the good to choice cornfeds. Butcher stock was steady, with a little better feeling this morning, prices around $1.00 under last week's high time. Stock ers and feeders ruled steady and easier for the week. Quotations on Cattle Good to choice beef steers $16.50 18.26 ; fair to good beeves, $14.0016.00; common to fair beeves, $12.76 14.00: good to choice yearlings, $14.6016.00; fair to good year lings $12.50$14.00; common to fair yearlings, $9.0012.00; good to choice heifers, $10 6013.00; prime cows, $11.60iSj 12.50; good to choice cows, $9.2511.00; fair to good cows, $7.609.00; common to fair cows, $6.267.25; choice to prime feeders, $13.76 16.00; good to choice feeders, I12.00W13.50; medium to good feeders, $10.6012.00; good to choice stockers, $10.00 12.00; fair to good stock ers, $8.6010.00; common to fair stock ers, $7. 6068.50; stock heifers, $6.608.60; stock cows $6.257.60; stock calves. $7.00 9.50; veal calves, 7.0013.76; bulls, stints etc. $6.0010.00. Hogs Receipts today amounted to 78 loads estimated at (.300 head, which with a carry over of 12,000, makes close to 18,000 head on aale. Tha market was fair ly active and good hogs showing weight were steady to 10c higher than yesterday, thero being cases where good mixed hogs showed almost as much of an advance. Light mixed hogs were not much mora than ateady, while light weight hogs were unevenly lower at generally cttch-as-catch can prices, selling all the way from $16.00 to $17.00. Mora hogs sold above $17.26 today than have been reported for months. Tops reaching $17.60 and the bulk at $16.76 17.26. y Sheep Lamb receipts wars $1 loads es timated at 9,000 head. It was lata In the forenoon before any trading had been done. Buyers showing an apparent Indif ference towards taking on any supplies. Tha general market showed almost the opposite from yesterday when tha cloaa was at the best time of tha day, tops reaching $16.30 on fat lambs. Today's tradea were steady to unevenly lower. Quotations on sheep Lambs, good to choice, $15.7516.30; lambs, fair to good, $15.6016.00; lambs, feeders, $1$.0016.76; yearlings, good to choice, I12.0012.50; yearlings, fair to good, $9. 00 9. 60; year ling feeders, $9.50010.00; wethers, fat, $10.00011.00; wether feeders, $8.60010.60; ewes, good to choice, $9.6010.66; ewes, fair to good, $8.0009.60; ewo feeders, $6.00 08.90. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Jan. 30. Cattle Receipts, 9,000 head; desirable grades of beef und butcher cattle, mostly 10 to IS cents higher; low grade shs stock, weak to lower; stockers and feeders, ateady; calves, closing 26 to 60 cents lower; beef caltla, good, choice and prime, $16.10 20.00; common and medium, $9.76018.00; butcher stock, cowa and heifers, $6.50 10.00; canners and cutters, $5.606.50; atockera and feeders, good, choice and fancy, $10.50012.45; Inferior, common and medium, $7.75010.60; veal calves, good and choice, $14.26014.75. Hogs Receipts, 60,000 head; market generally steady; better grades with weight favored; bulk of sales, $17.35 17.65; butchers, $17.60017.76; light, $16.60 17.60: packing, $16.60017.40; throwouta, $15.75016.50; pigs, good to choice, $12.50 015.50. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 18,000 head; market ateady to 26 cents lower; fat lambs weakening moat; lambs, choice and prime, $16.60016.76; medium and good, $15.26016.60; culls, $12.00014.25; ewes, choice and prime, $10.76011.00; medium and good, $9.60010.76; culls, $5.0008.00. Sioux City Lire Stock. Sioux City, la.. Jan. 20. Cattle Re ceipts, 1,700 head; market ateady; beef steers, $9.00014.50; fat cows and heifers, $7.00010.25; canners, $5 2508.60; stockers and feeders, $8.00013.00; feeding cows ana nelfers, 35.75 01.00. Hogs Receipts, 6,500 head: market steady to 10 cents higher; light, $1(1.76 17.00; mixed, $16.90017.10; heavy, $17.00 017.25; bulk of aales, $18.95017.10. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2,000 bead; market steady. St Joseph Ut Stock. St. Joseph Mo., Jan. 20. Cattle Re celpts 1,600; market ateady; steers, $1.10 Wix.ou; cows and neirers, $5.60015.50; calves, $.0013.00. Hogs Receipts, 18,000; market steady; top, $17.40; bulk, $16 60017.25. Sheep Receipts, 3,000; market lower; jam us, ih.uihhs.jd; ewes $3. 00010.69, Industrial News of the Day GRAIN MARKET Omsha, January 80. J 91 9. Receipts of grain today were generally light, particularly those of corn, with 62 cars. Last Thursday arrivals of this gruln were 72 cars and a year ago 127 cars. Wheat receipta today were 68 cars, oats 84 cars, rye 6 cars and barley 25 cars. Trading in all grains was very slow. Corn ranged from unchunged to 3 cents higher, the bulk going at ane advance of about 2 cents. Some offerings were held until late in the session, traders failing to agree on prices, but everything was finally cleared up. Oats were V, to 1 cent higher, most sales being made at the extreme advance. Both rye and barley were draggy, the latter ranging from un changed to 2 cents lower, the bulk selling at a decline. Up to a late hour no rye had been sold. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Today Week Year 2 . . . . Ago Ago. 67 12 .. Receipts Wheat 58 40 7 5 11 2 Corn 62 71 127 I .. Oats ... 34 42 Hi .. .. Rye 6 3 li 8 .. Barley 25 9 6 " ' " Shlpments- Wheat 24 28 16 " Corn 88 49 127 1 Oats 45 26 11 "7 Rye " 4T 1 Barley 8 11 RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS Wheat Corn Oats Chicago 62 72 69 Kansas City 83 iss St. Louis 64 32 90 Minneapolis Ill Duluth 139 Winnipeg 280 Corn No t yellow. 4 cars, $1.38. No. 4 yellow, 1 car, $1.33; 2 cars, $1.82; 8 cars, $1.31. No. j yellow: 4 cara,; s cars, $1.29. No. 6 yellow: 1 c: -, $1.30,(old). No. 8 mixed: 2 cars, $1.36. No. 4 mixed: 5 cars $1.30; 3 cars, $1.29. No. 6 mixed: 3 cars, $1.26; 2 cars, $1.24. Oats No. I white, 1 car, 60c; 8 cars, 50c- a cara. 58Uc. No. 4 white oats: 1 car, 69ftc! 1 car, 69c (shippers weights); 4 cars, 68Ho; I cars, 68 Sample white, 1 car, 59c. Barley No. 8: I cars, 90c; I cars, 89c. No, 4: 9 cars, 87c. No. 1 feed: 3 cars, 85c; Rejected: 8 cars, 85c. Sample, 2 cars 86c. Wheat No. 1 hard: 1 car, $2.18, (smutty). No. 3 hard: 2 cara, $2.13, (smutty). No. 4 hard: 1 car, $2.10, (smut ty). No. 2 spring: 1 car, $2.10, (smutty). No, 4 northern spring: i car, !., isiuui- ty). No. 2 mixed: 2 cars, $2.11; 1 car, $2.06, (smutty). Chicago Grain and Provisions. Chicago, Jan. 80. Evidence that Ar gentine corn was difficult to purchase and rumors that the entente allies would aban don efforts for a cereal agreement with Argentina did a good deal today to lift the corn market here. Prices closed strong. 24o to 4He net higher, with May $1.20tt to $1.20H and July $1.17 to $1.1744. Oata gained 44 c to lc. In provisions the outcome was unohanged to 60c lower. Strength In the corn markets developed after an Initial setback due to misgivings which resulted from British import curbs on many new commodities. This depress ing Influence, however, was soon more than counterbalanced by the official de nial that the United States food admin istration contemplated any reselling of wheat at less than the guaranteed basis. Subsequently, word was received that high bids found no Argentine corn for sale and that acute labor troublea at Buenos Aires had decided the entente not to sign the proposed grain convention with Argentina. For the rest of the day bulls ruled the market, and were aided by urgent domeo tlo feeding requirements and by assertions tat four big Illinois distilleries would be converted Into plants to make corn sugar. Oats paralleled the action of corn. Support for provisions was absent except on declines. Cash Quotations Corn No. S yellow, nominal; No. 4 yellow, $1.2601.28; No. t yellow, $1.2201.35. Oate-s-No. t white, 5614 57 hie; stand ard, 57068c. Rye No. 2, $1.11. Barley 88 99c. Timothy $7.00010.00. Clover Nominal. Pork Nominal. Lard $22.97. Ribs $21.60022.21. Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan ft Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 116 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: . Art. Open. High. Low. Close. Yeat'y. Corn I Feb. 1.J1K 1.27 1.21 1.27 121 Mar. 1.20 1.26 1.19 1 26 1.31 May 1.17H 1.204 1.15 1.2044 1.17 July 1.11 1.1744 1-13 1" 1-" Oats Feb. .854i .67 .644 .6614 .SB Mar. .5544 .67 .5644 .6744 -56 May .66 .6844 .66 .58 .66 July .64 .5644 .53 .6644 .56 Pork Jan 44.00 44.00 May 39.10 39.10 37.60 38.55 38.60 Lard. Jan. 23.00 23.00 22.9T 22.97 23,47 May 23.60 23.80 22.97 23.30 23.47 Ribs Jan 22-22 22.40 May 21.20 20.95 21.36 21.46 Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Jan. 30. Flour Ten cents higher; In carload lots, standard flour quoted at $10.65 a barrel, In 98-pound cot ton sacks. Barley 76 0 91c. Rye No. 2. $1.53. , Bran $42.00045.00. Corn $1.2701.30. Oata 64056c. Flax $3.314403.3344. Kansas City Grain. Kansaa City, Jan. 30. Corn January, $1.39; February, $1.1244; March, $1.3044; May, $1.26; July, $1.2241. St. Louis Grain. St. Louis, Jan. 30. Corn January, $1.35 May, $1.2444. Oats January, 6944c; May, 59o. Unseed. Duluth, Minn., Jan. 80. Linseed, $3,300 3.83. SKSNNER PACKBNC 1 GUTTER fj EGGS 91 ft II 1116-1118 -Doudlas St: Tl-Dou!asl52l 3 FINANCIAL New York, Jan. SO. Pools snd other professional Interests resumed their bull ish activity In Blocks today, operating al most entirely In various speculative Issues, while rails and other representative shares were backward or altogether neglected. Analysis of the United States Steel quar terly statement waa productive of con siderable short covering In that and af filiated shares, steel making an extreme advance of 144 and holding its gain, with marked improvement in others of the same group. The lack of Interest In rails of which Texas ft Paclflo was the striking excep tion, was again ascribed to adverse state ments of earnings and another postpone ment of dividend action by the St. Paul directors. Oils and shippings contributed meas urably to the activity and firmness of the forenoon, but gave way later, Mexican Petroleum reacting over 3 points and Marine preferred almost as much. Motors and their subsidiaries featured the mldsesslon and final hour, gains in that division extending from 144 for Stude baker to 2 for General Motors and 8 44 for Kclly-Sprlngfleld Tire. Hide and Leather preferred note fur ther accumulation and tobaccos, coppers, distilling shares, sugars and local utilities were intermittently strong. Consolidated Gas rising 4 points on announcement of the regular dividend. The domestic bond list was steady on light trading, Liberty Issues shading nom inally. International bonds were devoid uf feature, Pari; 6s forfeiting their frac tional rise. Total sales, par value, ag gregated $11,225,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and quotations on lead ing atocks: Closing Sales. High. Low. Bid. Am. Beet Sugar.. 700 68 44 American Can... 1,800 46 44 46 44 46 44 Am. Car & Fdry 89 Am. Locomotive 69 44 Am. Smelt, ft Ref. 11,900 7244 704 7m Am. Sugar Ref... 200 112V4 112V4 11244 Am. -Tel. ft Tel. 900 9914 99 99 Anaconda Cop... 3.800 6944 5844 5944 Atchison 700 92 9244 92 AG&WISSI 700 99 98 98 Bait, ft Ohio.... 1,400 46 46 44 6 Butte & Sup. Cop. 200 17 17 17 Cel.; Petroleum.. 700 24 23 24 Canadian Pacific 16844 Central Leather 600 51 68 44 59 Ches. ft Ohio 500 55 66 65 C, M. ft St P... 4,100 37 36 37 C, R. I. ft P. C. 600 23 2344 23 Chlno Copper 600 34 83 33 Colo. Fuel ft Iron 36 Corn Prod. Ref. 2,200 4744 464 46 Crucible Steel... 2,800 53 62 6344 Cuba Cane Sugar 22 Distiller's Sec 10,200 54 6244 63 Erie 500 15 15 16 General Electric . ... 149 General Motors.. 900 12344 122 12344 Gt North, pfd... 500 91 91 91 G. North. Ore C. 3,300 37 36 36 Illinois Central.. ,r 95 Inspiration Cop. 1,800 4644 44 46 I. T. Marine pfd. 20.800 10044 97 98 Inetr. Nickel.... 9,400 26 44 25 44 25 Inter. Paper 600 34 34 84 K. C. Southern.. 400 17 16 17 Kennecott Copper 4,100 33 32 33 Louis, ft Nash... 112 Maxwell Motors.. 200 29 29 29 Mex. Petroleum.. 21,700 170 167 168 Miami Copper... 400 24 24 24 Missouri Pacific. 1,600 28 24 2444 Montana Power 71 Nevada Copper 16 N. Y. Central.. 1,200 73 73 73 44 N. Y., N. H. ft H. 400 29 2844 28 Norfolk ft West 10444 Northern Paclflo 90 Pennsylvania ... 1,600 45 44 44 45 Pittsburgh Coal.. 200 45 45 46 Ray Con. Copper 200 20 20 20 Reading 2,600 78 78 78 Rep. Iron ft Steel 1,700 73 72 72 Shat. Arts. Cop. 200 11 11 11 Southern Paclflo 4,000 98 97 98 Southern Railway 1,700 26 26 26 Studebaker Corp. 7,100 60 49 60 Texas Co 4,800 192 190 191 Union Pacific... 1,200 127 127 127 U. S. Ind. Alcohol 1,900 103 102 103 IT. S. Steel 73,200 90 89 90 U. S. Steel pfd... 700 115 114 115 Utah Copper .... 1,900 70 69 70 Westing. Electrlo SOO 41 41 41 Bethlehem B.... 4,800 59 68 59 New York Bonds. 0. S. 2s, reg.. 7Gt N. 1st 4s 85 U. 8. 2s, coupon 97 I. C. ref. 4s.... 83 U. S. 8s reg... 89 Int M. M. 6s.. 98 U. 8. Ss, coup. 89 K. C. 8. ret 5s 84 U. S. Lib. 3s 99.08 L. ft N. un. 4s.. 86 U. S. 4s. reg.. . 104 M K ft T 1st 4s 64 U. 8. 4s, coup.. 104 M. Pao. gen. 4s 60 Am For 8eo 6s 99 Mont Power 6s 92 Am. T. ft T. c. 6s 93 N. Y. C. deb. 6s 99 Anglo-F'h 6s 97 11-16N. Pac. 4s.... 83 Arm. ft Co. 4s 86 N. Paclflo 8s.... 60 Atchison gen. 4s 83 O. 8. L. ref. 4s 86 B. ft O. cv. 4s 78 Pac T. ft T. Is 93 Beth Steel ref 6s 86 Penn. con. 4s 95 Cen. Leather 6s 90 Penn. gen. 4s 88 Cen. Pao. 1st.. 81 Reading gen. 4b 86 C. ft O. cv. 6s.. 85 s L ft 3 F a 6s 63 C B ft Q Joint 4s 97 8. Pac. cv. Is 102 C M ft 8 P o 4 76S. Ry 6s 94 C R I ft P r 4s 76 T. ft P. 1st 90 C. ft S. ref. 4s 77Unlon Pacific 4a 87 D ft R G ref 6s 50 U. 8. Rubber 5s 86 D of C 6s (1931) 97 U. 8. Steel 6s 100 Erie gen. 4s.... 63 Wabash 1st.... 98 Gen. Electric 6s 97French gvt Cs 104 Bid. Liberty Bonds, New York, Jan. 30. Final prices on Liberty bonds today were: 8 44s, 19.06; first convertible 4s, 93.30; second 4s, $93.06; first convertible 4s, 95.50; sec ond convertible 444s. 94.62; third 4a, $95.40; fourth 444s, 94.40. Chicago Produce. Chicago, Jan. 80. Butter Market low er; creamery 36042c. Eggs Market lower receiptpap, 4,99$ cases; firsts, 4647c: ordinary firsts, 46 016c; at mark, cases included, 46 47c. Potatoes Receipts, II cars; market unchanged. Poultry Alive, market unchanged. AMC8EMENTS. TONIGHT TOMORROW MAT. SAT. "Ths Confessions of a War Eriib" (Not a Moving Picture) Mats, 25c-50c Nitea, 50c-75c-$1.00 Week Com. Sun. Mat. MATINEE DAILY FOR LADIES ONLY Splendid Cast! Gripping Story 1 The Much Discussed Play Mats 25c. 50c. Ev'n. SOc. 75c, $1 m AMUSEMENTS. Uia Moiyf. Francis & Nord THE CFEIGHTONS: STERLING MAR GUERITE TRIO. Photoplay Attraction. ETy Wehlen in "Sylvia on a Sorre." g7. .--fyEvngs, 25e-50e-75e-$l 543Cf Dally Mats, lS-25-SOc Ths Prstest Day Asaa Hsld III IHOLLIE WILLIAMS (HER VERY SELF) .,.., MS gr: atest Ha bEISe. llts Queen st Hssrti: Blua Dtvll Olrli; Ceney It land snd Beauty Chorus el Numbers. Llitea, Pdlnrd Peschti. Only Musical Snow Is Tows. IADIES' DIME MATINEE WEEK DAYS 8it. Mat Via,: Dan Colematt Baatlngs Know Phone Douglai 494. SUPERIOR VftUPEVIllt, Dally Matlses. 2:H. NUM. 3:1 This Weak HELEN TRIX. WALTER BROWER; Adaata a, Grit Dili; Lauflhlln t Waal: ' 'A Weddlni Day In Ood- EDDIE FOYl and the I ounget Foyd ana inm nnww , weekly Allied War Rayltw; Orsneaai Travel Prleea Matlaeee: 10a, 2Se an ids. Born and Stalls. Jit. Night: lOo. 23c SOe. 75c and 21.(10. PHOTOPLAYS USE VJ t)j MMOLD gtU VRIGHT j jf 4 DAYS STARTING SUNDAY Shows Dally 1, 3. 4 and 8 P. M. Prices, 25c and lBc At BRAN DEIS M I K ITTY ieiil I X in H !"ADELE" infra! 10:30, 2:30, 8:00, 8:30 LJ Lai L alfeW LJ La U O Four Performances of fqr mmmt I Ui: ; . - - r :r::.-.3xr.: ,. -i Necessary to Accommodate the Crowds 10:30 A. for School Children Children, 10c Tax, lc. Adults, 25c Tax, 3 Supper Show at S P. Regular Performances Matinees: 2:30, 25c and 35c. Today and Sat. Last Two Times C. P I Lj j !? 5 . M) JiUXrx, - 4 7 ry, n 1 ' ! I; ,J; . j THEDA BARA in "THE LIGHT" A story of tho regeneration of the life of woman of tin. loDAY and SATURDAY VL -If i. ihelOayron IN "Women,i Weapons" The wife got the vampire to come and stay with them, and then matched her k at cooking and house work right in front of the misled husband. Talk about a vic tory! The wedding ring certainly came out on top. Today and Tomorrow Erenings: 8:30, 25c, 35c and SOc Human S A H.Klnnk 13 j It 4 I Supremo