Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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Clarke Powell, Returning from
Chicago, Says Many Cars of
Latest Designs Not
Yet Ready.
Clarke G. Powell has returned
from Chicago filled with enthusiasm
for a greater automobile show than
ever at the Omaha Auditorium,
March 10 to IS.
"There was a tremendous attend
ance at the Chicago show this week,"
said Mr. Powell. "The Chicago
dealers did themselves proud, this
being the first time thejr handled the
show 'themselves.
"With very few exceptions minor
exceptions every exhibit ' in the
Chicago exhibition will be in the
Omaha show. Every car of reputa
tion will be shown here, and fur
ther than that, more factory repre
sentatives will be here this year
than at any previous Omaha show.
Waiting For Omaha Show.
"I found that fewer dealers from
this territory attended the Chicago
show. This proves that they are
waiting for the Omaha show, which
will be just as complete as any given
in the country. The dealers have
found they can do better here than
"Prospective car owners will get
better service here than at any other
show. They can see just as many
cars in Omaha as they could have
seen at the Chicago show. And they
can see them without so much
tramping around.
"Our lighting system will be twice
as powerful per cubic foot as in the
Chicago show rooms.
"Also, one was impressed with the
lack of new designs, new models
any new stuff at the Chicago show.
The factories haven't had time to
perfect new ideas since the war end
ed. But Omaha will have the ad
vantage of getting the new things in
Owen Johnson's Sparkling Society Nora!,
which is making such a hit ia the movies.
(Copyright, 1918, bjr Little, Brown Co.)
"Double Triangle" Drive to
Be Staged Here Next Week
The Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C.
A. are joining forces this year to
raise their annual budgets as a
measure of economy in time and
energy. A large majority of the
friends and supporters of the two as
sociations are identical, and the mat
ter of financing them together seems
a'logical and propeMhing to do. The
amount desired is $40,000 to be di
vided equally between the two or
ganizations. The official dates of the campaign,
known as the "Double Triangle"
campaign are February 3, 4, and 5,
but all this week 20 teams from the
Y. M. C. A. alone have been quietly
forking in various parts of the city.
The regular work of the Y. M. C.
A. plays a vital work in the life of
the city. Founded in Omaha in
1868 by Robert Weidensall, it has
grown from modest beginnings to
its present! proportions, when as
many as 2,500 to 3,000 persons pass
through its doors every day.
Cold! Cum Grl and Infliunxa
LAXATIVK BROMO Ql'lNINE Tablet, remote the
ftUBft. Titer, is only one "Itromo Quinine." E.
W. (SROVE'8 denature on the boi. 3Uii. At.
' CHAPTER XI. Continued.
The situation amused him, nor
was it new. He looked at her with
a slanted, quizzical glance and be
gan slowly, with a mixture of im
pertinence and light good humor
with which he knew how to make
acceptable the most personal dis
quisition, "Because you are destined to be
come a professionally beautiful wo
man, like Mrs. Challoner over
there." He nodded toward the danc-
j ers, who flashed across the doorway
; and,' with an assumption of imper-
sonality, continued: "If I were seek
ing to compliment you, I would not
put it in the future. You are not
there yet. You are on the threshold.
There is a whole art to acquire or
a profession, as you wish. That's
what interests me about you what
is coming. To me, every beautiful
woman is a potential tragedy."
"In what way?" she said, too in
terested to be self-conscious.
"A tragedy to those she consumes
and exhausts." He drew back, study
ing her with more interest as he be
came interested in the subject. "You
see, a beautiful woman the profes
sionally beautiful kind quite a dis
tinction, you knew is a social ad
venturer. She arrives as self-made
men arrive; there is much in com
mon between them." He smiled,
adding more lightly: "I suppose at
the present moment you have made
all sorts of good resolutions and
you believe in them. Futility 1
Throw them awayl You are
doomed, my dear Mrs. Forrester.
Society needs you. You will rule it
and be its slave. You don't believe
"I should not let him be talking
to me this way," she thought, "and
yet it is quite impersonal." Her
curiosity was aroused at the half
serious, half-humorous way in which
he dissected her. Was he only amus
ing himself?
"Can't I have a will of my own?"
she said.
"A what?"
"A will of my 'own."
"You will have fashions of con
ducts, fashions of thinking, but will
that does not exist! A profes
sionally beautiful woman must al
ways be in style. She dresses, acts
and thinks as other beautiful women
do because her life is to compete
with them, and to compete with
them she must attack them on their
own territory. You are not con
vinced? Look at the dear things
tonight." He reassured himself with
a glance as to the modesty of his
companion's decollete and indicated,
with a wave of his hand, the daring
shoulders and throats of the dancers,
adding: "Women, women, you are
a perpetual delight! You are un
fathomable. If you had suggested
five years ago, to any woman presv
ent that she would come to dress
like this, how indignant she would
have beenl You may have the same
feeling tonight but next year you
will do what Irma and Mrs. Chal
loner do, because they do it."
Amy, thinking of her cerise gown
which Andrew had found too dar
ing, laughed guiltily.
"Well, yes; but that's only a ques
tion of dress."
"Pardon me question of style,
and everything else will be a ques
tion of style. The dear ladies who
tried to snub you tonight will be
come your inseparable friends the
moment they see they cannot down
you. And you, on your part, will
give more time to them, your dear
est rivals, than to your own family.
You will have a sort of collective
morality. You find Irma surround
ed by a collection of young fetch-and-carrys.
You'll establish your
own brigade or try to steal hers
from her. You'll flirt as Irma
flirts. You'll dare as Irma dares.
You'll beak the conventions as Irma
breaks them."
"Why always Irma?"
"Oh, Irma is the perfect type of a
society model. She has wit, she has
taste, and she has a thorough in
stinct for avoiding the ice where it
begins to grow thin. She is thorough
ly convinced of the innocence of all
her intentions in fact, she is quite
capable of founding a school of mod
ern social philosophy."
"Aren't you making us out very
immoral persons?"
"Immoral? Of course," he said
cheerfully. "You are all profound
ly immoral, but not in the sense you
attach. . You are immoral because
you ar irresponsible, because you
are not really necessary. Immoral
in another sense no! That's the
worst and the best of you. You
avoid great emotions. They are too
disturbing, and you can't take the
time in society. You seek safe little
emotions to be constantly amused.
The strongest emotion Irma has is
jealousy of Gladys Challoner. They
spend their lives attacking each oth
er, poaching on each other's pre
serves. They outrival each other in
display; they are indispensable to
each ther; they call each other up
on the telephone every morning and
tear each other to pieces every
night. Do you think any man can
compete with the strength of such
an attachment?" He stopped,
laughed as a man who verges on an
epigram, pleased at his discovery.
"Gladys is a moral lightning-rod to
Irma it's what keeps her moral, in
the ordinary sense of the word."
Womanlike, while Jistening to this
diatribe, delivered half playfully,
half seriously, she was seeking the
personal explanation. Was he still
in love with Irma Dellabarre? At
the thought that this might be the
reason of the satire, she felt a sharp
pinch of annoyance which caused
her to say acidly,
"And this is what I am to become?
Thank you. You have a very bad
opinion of me."
"I? Not al all! You'll see so
ciety needs you. You will be one of
its martyrs. You must be admired,
imitated, and torn to pieces regu
larly, or society would be a very dull
place. In a year or two, when I come
back again, I shall hope to be your
very good friend. Who knows, when
next we meet, I may be foolish
enugh to lose my head!"
She laughed at the casual way he
declared this impertinence, as
though offering her an atoning com
pliment. "Even with all your wisdom?
"Oh, the wisest is the most vul
"You know, I should be very
angry at you, but you have the most
amusing way of saying the most im
possible things. Tell me, why doyou
talk to me like this? Is it just to
amuse yourself?"
He looked at her and said sol
emnly, "I am prophesying, you know!"
' So, in your eyes I am doomed?"
"There will be compensations," he
said, with a smile.
She dropped her fan for a mom-
Few Hours
Midwinter liere means
Gold, and yet more cold;
Goal, and yet more coal.
Pile on tne coal, to keep
out tne cold!
All you get is a little
summer indoors.
WTiat you want is plenty
of cummer outdoors.
Summer is waiting for you in
winterless California, in Ari
- zona and Texas.
Also along tne Gulf Coast, at
tne Hot Springs of Arkansas,
and elsewnere West and South..
Ideal daya for motoring on ideal road.
Glorious afternoons on tie golf links.
Entertainment at great resort hotel.
For winter rort boolleti 1 for infonnttiom .
about exeurrion first sad train ssnrice apply to
an? railroad ticket agent; or to Consolidated
Ticket Office..' 14li Doif Street. Omsk.
' Neb. (Phone Douglas 1684); or to Bureau of
Serrice, National Parks and Monument, Room
646 Tranaportatioa Building, Chicago, I1L
Let the,
help plan your Trip
ent and raised her eyes, meditative,
solemn, disturbed, in a -long glance
of inquiry.
"I believe you are more than half
serious 1"
"Serious never! I never would be
so impertinent as to tell the truth m
a Serious manner."
"But if I permit you," she added,
after a slight hesitation.
"Very well, then, I warn you you
can't play the game like Irma. If
you have a spark of real emotion,
it is dangerous to feed on sensation,
even little sensations. They who
live by sensations shall perish by
sensations! A man with a con
science and a woman with a heart
have no place here! In the end"
He hesitated a moment; his eyes
met hers and looked down through
them into the secret caverns with an
impetuous boldness he had not
shown before "yes, and in the end,
there will be trouble. Ah, not just
now later, when you wake up."
"You don't think I am now, then,"
she said, avoiding his glance.
"No; I do not."
There was a long pause, during
which she brought the soft, undu
lating feathers of her fan back again
across her face.
"Are you really leaving soon?" she
said, presently.
"Yes; I am going to take up my
post in Madrid immediately."
"You are really a terrifying per
son to talk to," she said. "I don't
know whether I'd care to repeat
this experience."
"If I have told you the truth,'1 he
said quietly, "I have tried to keep
to generalities."
She nodded Andrew had not
been mentioned.
At this moment, Tody Dawson de
scended on them like a runaway
"Here, I say, Monte! Amy, we've
been sending out search parties for
She sprang up, genuinely glad for
the interruption, startled at the in
timacy which had grown over them.
She felt annoyed, angry at herself,
for the ease with which she had re
vealed herself, resenting also the im
personal quality of his curiosity, so
utterly devoid of any tribute to her.
No one had ever approached her in
that attitude.
"He thinks I am only a child," she
thought impatiently.
She determined, she did not know
exactly why, that she would give
him no further opportunity. When,
later in the evening, he came up to
ask her to dance, she refused.
(To Be Continued Tomorrow.)
Mrs. Walker Says More Jobs
Here Than She Can Fill
"A great many people in Omaha
believe that there is a scarcity of
positions for the returned soldiers
and sailors," said Mrs. Mabel Walk
er, head of the soldiers' employ
ment, bureau of the Omaha Chamber
of Cohimerce Thursday morning.
"This belief is absurd," Mrs. Tar
ker oontinued, "We have more jobs
open than we can fill and many de
mands for unskilled labor paying
from 45 to 50 cents an hour just
go begging. Inquiries for farm I
labor increases rapidly and we arc
filling positions as fast as we pos
sibly can. Of course our services
are gratis and nearly every soldier
or sailor recently discharged from
the service who really wants work,
can be placed through us."
As a safeguard against coughs and colds
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy should be kept
at hand. It is almost certain to be needed be
fore the winter is over. Buy it now and be
prepared. Price 35 cents. Large size 60 cents.
New styles and nobbier than ever before are these
new spring oxfords in brown and grey kid and la
patent leather, high covered Louis heels. 'Come in
and see them.
sro all hero just tho thing you will want in now spring
pumps. Wo invito your inspection.
Second Floor Paxton Blk.
16th and FarnamSts. Entrance on 16th St.
ii JJa slJa J liWl
Friday, Last Day
It One of Real Gladness!
of January. Last -Day of-Our Big Business Year
' . - Last Dav of Our G
Ltiraeini wA WMG;
We Have Weighed the Pig! figured up the Books, and find we
have had a wonderful yearThanhs to You. Now we are
ready to settle with Uncle Sam.
To you, as partners in our business, we owe much of our success, and we desire to show our appreciation
on Friday by giving to you the greatest bargain opportunity, of. the winter, perhaps, indeed, all things con
sidered, '
The Biggest Value-Giving Opportunity of Our Career
We could tell you of market changesodd lots rooted out of corners and last ends of this, that and the
other, but'what's the use entering into a long dissertation as Will Shakespeare is credited with saying "Our
commission is not to reason of the deed, but to do it."
You have read about leather demand, leather shortage and
reasons for high prices, and most of what you read was true, nor
is there any indication of marked reduction in prices, but that's
neither here nor there. Frank Tuttle found on -taking his in
ventory about 300 pairs 318 pairs to be exact of women's high
shoes, leftovers from our regular stock. . Among the lot, shoes for
growing girls, in sizes 2 to 7. He rooted them out, lined them
up, and has placed them on the bargain tables to be sold on Friday
A Ja T f J J I iuiiiimiii.ii
Per Pair
This seems a foolish price to mate for there are shoes in the
lot priced up as high as $15.00. Shoemen know and we know that
it don't pay to take two bites of a cherry first loss is least loss
and the room of odds and ends in shoes is better than the com
pany. Sale starts at 9 a. m. We don't care how many shoes you
may have, if you can use another pair and have the price you
should not overlook this chance. Mostly "Baker" shoes.
And Now Some Last Words From Oar Very Biggest
Read the Once Was and the Now Is Prices
Wash cloths, were 15c,
, Friday .-10
Bath towels, were 35c,
Friday .29
Kitchen towels, were 25c,
Friday X9v
Bleached mere, damask,
were $1.50, Friday 98
Unbleached union da
mask, were $2.00, Fri
day 93
Crotchet : bed spreads,
were $2.50, Friday. .$1.29
Mercerized cloths, . were
$2.50, Friday S1.98
Linen napkins, 25 inch,
were $15.00, Friday
doz. S11.25
Mercerized breakfast sets,
were $5.00, Friday,
set ..-S4.25
4 cloths, 72x90, were
$10.00, Friday, each. 5.00
6 sets damask, were
$20.00, Friday, set. $12.50
4 sets damask, were
$23.75, Friday, set. 14.50
3 bed spreads, were
$15.00, Friday, each. 9-75
Gold Seal cases, 42x36,
were 35c, Friday 25
Pepperell, 45x36, were
40c, Friday 29d
Sheets, 81x99, were $2.00,
Friday.; 1.79
Emb. cases, 45x36, were
; $1.85, Friday ......1.49
Emb. cases, 45x36, were
$2.25, Friday 1.93
Emb. cases, 45x36, were
$3.50, Friday .2.29
Emb. cases, 45x36, were
$4.50, Friday 2.49
81 inch Lockwood, were
70c, Friday 50J
63 inch pequot, were 70c,
Friday 45
81 inch pequot, were 80c,
Friday 59
The Pequot Unbleached.
12 bath robes, were $5.00,
Friday .. .,$2.95
4 Beacon comforters, were
?8;50, Friday $5.95
10 blankets, were $7.50,
A Fnday 4.95
9 blankets, were $25.00,
Friday 14.75
There will be many, very many other items, which will be of great interest. We merely quote the foregoing as indicators,
sign posts as it were, to acquaint you with the great bargains in store for you Friday, please remember, at 9 a. m. at , '
I ft I
"'jtresj Bromut msjdHji k
jlm. 1 m-n ""sj moo wippv
C"fYF"S ei!Sf?KonpCoMi.tani
laaWftbivd ilwili Jowel "oir-lsl .
Linibernwk, Sorehmi etc. th best remedy h
slwa y G EK MUZON E At moat -tealert ot "5 cent
ww'pald with 5 hook poultry library (re
.EO. H. LEE CO. lltf Hum Sl Ouka. Rk
Bee Want Ads are the Best Busi
ness Boosters
J u iM.,.,12
Rwtal Diaeaaea Cored without a aevera aureiVfJ
operation. No Chloroform or -Ether uaed. Cura
guaranteed. PAY WHEN CURED. Writ, for illu!
trated book on Rectal Diie. ith nam.a and
testimonials of more than 1,00 prominent peiv's
nuw uavw uvea urrmmn.nitv iirn
- -, cuica.
DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb.