Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1919, Page 10, Image 10
10 THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1919. ,'EGIiO OFFICER CHARGED WITH TAKING BRIBES Tom Dennison Produces Note in Detention Home Case; Black Says Money Was to Hire Lawyer. Jesse Black, negro police officer. charged with accepting bwbes tor .lowing inmates of the detention Imnie to escape, was bound over to tltstrict court in police court yes terday. His bond was fixed at 51,000. He entered a pea of not guilty. Black is charged specifically with having accepted 550 for aiding in the escapes of Emma Brown and Gladys Thompson, former inmates of the Detention hospital. They es caped during the latter part ot ho vember. 1918. The principal defense offered for Black was that the home was being operated in defiance of personal rights and liberties. Attorney Mc Farland stated that inasmuch as the hospital had no legal foundation. Black, even had he accepted money, was not criminally liable. The court room was packed to ca pacity with spectators, police offi ' cers and social welfare workers. Chief of Police Eberstein and As sistant Chief M. F. Dempscy were interested spectators. Womait is Witness. Mrs. Gladys Thompson, a former inmate of the home, was the chief witness for the state. Mrs. Thompson was the first witness ex amined. She testified Black told her he would assist her and others to escape for 550 each. She told the court that in response to in structions from Black a note was sent to her husband by Black to ob tain the money. George Thompson, a packing house employe and husband of Gladys Thompson, was called and testified tp receiving the note and giving $50 of the money to Black November 26, 1918. He said he was to pay the balance later. Got "Cold Feet." Questioned concerning their re lease, he said he went to the home that night accompanied by Frank Burns, a watchman for the Union Pacific. The 550 balance to be paid he said he offered Black, who got "cold feet" and refused to accept it. He testified that before poing to the home he and Burns .rked 'he money. The women were released two nights later, he testified. Ques tioned as to what became of the note, he said, "Tom Dennison had it" He told of a visit to Den-u- GIRLS! LOTS OF BEAUTIFUL HUH K small bottle of "Danderine" makes hair thick, glossy and wavy. Removes all dandruff, stops itching sc?lp and falling hair. To bo possessed of a head of heavy, beautiful hair; soft, lustrous, fluffy, wavy and free fmm dan druff is merely a matter of using a little Danderine. It is easy and inexpensive to have nice, soft hair and lots of it. Just pet a small' bottle of Knowlton's Danderine now it costs but a few cents all drug stores recommend it apply a Utile as directed and within ten minutes there will be an appearance of abundance, fresh ness, fluffiness and an incompar able gloss and lustre, and try as you will you can not find a trace of dandruff or falling hair; but your real surprise will be after about two weeks' use, when you will see new hair fine and downy at first yes but really new hair sproutinc out all over your scalp Danderine is, we believe, the only sure hair grower, destroyer of dandruff and nire for itchy scalp, and it never fails to stop falling hair at once. If you want to prove how pretty ?.nd soft your hair really is, moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair taking one small strand at a time. Vour hair will be soft, glossy and beautiful in just a few moments a delightful surprise awaits every one who tries this. Adv. ' is Head or cheat are best treated "externally" ( ' , ) 's ) I 1 Vf. J t - s f " j i .r.-v.f I v 1 Auto Thieves Have Trust Working in Connection With Officers of the Law Startling Fact Proven by Sioux City Investigation Now Under Way; Gang Said to be Operating in Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota and .Missouri. , Who is the king of the automobile theft trust? That such a trust really exists and includes the states of Iowa, South Dakota, Missouri and Nebraska, as auto dealers and owners have contended for many months, has been proven by the Sioux City investigation now under way and recent developments in Omaha. And that there is a head, real brains, running the theft despite the feeble efforts of nearby cities to put their hand In the Sioux City investigation, like in Omaha, it has been repeatedly charced that certain ooiice officers were in league with the thieves, bull as yet the real head and brains of the organizations remains a mystery. However, an underground current rfstlcss, threatening, dangerous :s clamoring to reacs the surface. Echoes of the subterranean rumbl ings denote something big is ready to break and break soon. Thousands of automobile owners, who have been victimized during the last twelve months by this interstate syndicate of thieves, have their ears close to the ground. Owners of motor cars, automo bile clubs and insurance companies of Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota and Missouri, have been driven al most to a point of exasperation by the wholesale thefts. Particularly in Omaha the unrest has increased tenfold. "What is to be done?" is the Ques tion that is being asked on every hand. Business men. owners and deal ers 111 automobiles recognize the fact that for months the gigantic theft trust, unhampered, has been operating in the middle west and that Omaha furnishes one of the principal fields of activity for the agents of the, syndicate. Nearly Million Here. Here are the figures of the local thefts during the last year: total number of automobiles stolen, 1,039. aggregating an estimated value of $831,200. Of .this number 370 -cars were never recovered. This repre sents a total loss 6f $296,000. Dur ing December there were 18 cars stolen in t)maha and never recov ered. This represents a loss of $14,400 for a single month Detective Chief Briggs has charged some of the men working son's office, where the matter was discussed and the note shown. He said Dennison refused to give it back. Dennison is Subpoenaed. Dennison was subpoenaed and presented the note. It was written on the back of a hand bill. He knew none of the details, he said. The note read: "Lid, give George $100 and we will be out tonight and tomorrow I will go to the bank afid give it to you. You know, kid, I h five the money. I can't get at it while I am in here, but you shall get it tomorrow. "EMMA BROWN." Ringer's Secretary Testifies. Harry Silverman, secretary to Police Commissioner Ringer, testi fied Black was a regular, police of ficer. Chief of Police Eberstein cor roborated the testimony of Silver man and said that Black hadvbeen assigned as a special watchman a the detention home and was re sponsible for the upkeep of the grounds and the furnace. Bert Murphy Sells His Interest in the Murphy-O'Brien Co. Bert Murphy of the Murphv O'Brien company, automobile dealers, has sold his inter est in the firm to his two partners. T. J. O'Brien and R. A. Coad. Mr. Murphy says that while the Murphy-O'Brien jtompany has been having a fine business he finds it necessary to devote more time to his other interests. He wrll continue with the firm of Andrews Murphy & Son, distributors for Re public trucks. Lewis Would Start Fund to Help Returned Soldiers The idea of Jack Lewis, local business man and sports promotor, to create a fund for the benefit of returned soldiers who are unable to buy civilian clothes or pay for their daily expenses due to lack of money, has found the approval of most of the business men of the city. .Mr. Lewis' idea is, to hold an athletic carnival of which the receipts should be used as a start for the proposed fund. Among many other communications, Mr. Lewis is in receipt of a letter -from Mayor Ed. P. Smith in which the city's chiet executive endorses the move and urges Mr. Lewis to co-operate with the Omaha Chamber of Commerce to establish such a fund. N. Y. & P. Railroad Goes Out of Business Next Month Local railroad officials are ad vised that after February 28, the New York & Pennsylvania railroad will cease to exist. The road is op erated in 'Pennsylvania, is 57 miles long and prior to government op eration of railroads, is said to have been a paying piece of property. It was one of the short lines that the government did not take over. President Cobb announces that it will simply cease to operate trains and will go out of business. Commerce High Retains Place at Top of League LIST NIGHT'S BESCXTS. Commerce HI eh. IT; Nakens, . Omaha Nt'l B'ks, JS; Independents, SO. Beddeoa, 11; Central Furnitures, 14. COMMERCIAL STANDING PL W. I,. Pet. Commerce High 5 ken 5 Beddeos 5 Central Fnrnftnrea ... Omaha Nationals. .. .5 independent ....... S IOOO .8'H1 .400 .400 jm .400 or higher-up, a man with syndicate there is not a doubt, the police of this and . other on him. in his department are in cojlusion with the thieves to bleed owners of reward money. He has filed no specific charges with the city com missioners, however, although the men at whom suspicion has been di rected have defied him to start ac tion. Another investigation, without regard to the efforts of the city hall officials, has been instituted. This is being conducted by repre sentative business men and automo bile dealers. It was declared that the identity of this committee would be with held for the reason that the object would be destroyed if the names were made public at this time. Some Have Confessed. Attention is directed to the re ports reaching Omaha daily from points in Iowa, South Dakota and Missouri, and even from Chicago, to the effect that members of the same gang operating in this city are being picked up in these places. Some of these prisoners, it is said, have ccn fessed to stealing many cars on the streets of this city. They have gone so far as to boast that "Omaha is easy." C. B. Mullen, sent to the Iowa penitentiary several months ago from Council Bluffs for stealing, au tomobiles, now is assisting the au thorities to recover cars he helped to dispose of while operating with the middle west trust. Mullen is alleged to have revealed many de tails to the Iowa authorities cover ing the syndicate's system. He referred to the gang which has been stealing cars in Omaha for the last two years as intimate acquaintances, and told of many thefts here with which he was con nected. In fact, Mullen admitted that he did not confine his efforts to "easy territory." However, he de clared he was picked to work else where, and he was compelled to bow to the authority of his organization. The prisoner declared after leaving Omaha he worked in the other states in the syndicate. Fences Located Here. The thieves' fences are located in St. Joseph, Joplin, Chicago, and many small towns in Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri and South Dakota, it is declared. It is said that few automobiles, however,-were disposed of in Chi cago, because already market could be found closer. The heads of the theft syndicate are said to be lo cated in. that city, and from their offices there direct in a general way the operations of the men in the field. With the arrest of C. J. Wool ridge, an automobile insurance .ad iustor of Sioux City, suspicion has been directed to other representa tives of insurance companies, who are alleged to be working with an understanding with the thieves and the police. Butler Favors Probe. City Commissioner Butler declares that city council should take up the police department scandals and sift them to the bottom. "Mr. Ringer says he is probing the detective scandal and I hope, he will get that done." he said. "But I am in favor of bringing Briggs and the detectives up here before the city council and questioning them. "The morale of the police depart ment' is suffering. The men are angry and distrustful of one an other in many cases and all this must be cleared up without any delay in order to get results from the de partment." "I was very glad to see that state ment in Wednesday's papers from Tom Dennison," said Mayor Smith, "because it showed distinctly who is running the Omaha police depart ment now. It showed that Ringer is running it. and Dennison is not and has no influence or pull of any kind. Yes, sir, I thank Dennison for that statement." WAR. PUZZLES FRENCH TOOK TWO GERMAN LINES And a number of prisoners In Alsace, two years ago today, January 3L 1917. Find a prisoner. JESTERDAT8 ANSWER Upside down at right shoulder CALLS LTKEI1HA STOOL-PIGEON OF DETECTIVES Officers Said to Be Afraid to Send Alleged Auto Thief to County Jail for Fear of Developments. An Omaha private detective, who has requested that his name shall not be used m this connection, makes the statement that William McKenna, alleged star automobile thief, has been a "stool-pigeon" for the detectives, and therein he finds the answer to the question why Mc Kenna is being held in the city jail instead of being sent to the county jail. It is customary to send prisoners from the city to county jail as soon as they have been bound over after their preliminary arraignment. In McKenna's case there has been more or less mystery on the outside as to why he should be , held so long in the city jail, an unusual pro cedure. Explanation Easy. "The explanation is easy to those who are on the inside of these af fairs," said this private detective. "You should know, if you do not know, that the police have a staff of stool-pigeons who tip their as sociates in crime. To be of real service it is obvious that the stool pigeon must be on the job himself. In the case of an automobile stool pigeon, he must get out and steal automohiles and be in league with other automobile thieves. He is al lowed to pull off jobs in return for the information he gives." Afraid of Consequences. "They are afraid," he continued, "that if McKenna goes to the county jail, outsiders will get to him and he will tell some things that the police would rather not have told. "My point is that in some in stances it may be all right to obtain the help of a stool-pigeon, but I con tend that is bad business to allow them to go into the business of stealing automobiles just for turning up a companion now and then. "If would be interesting to watch developments that would follow if they would send McKenna to the county jail where he should be sent." Waive Preliminary Hearing. Sensational disclosures against the police failed to materialize in the hearing of Red Neal and Maurice Katleman yesterday. Both waived preliminary hearing. They ivere charged with aiding McKenna and Lovell C. Jones, who are now -.vait-ing trial. It is understood that the evidence against Neal and Katleman is the result of an affidavit signed by McKenna, in which he and Chief of Detective Briggs are the central figures. Rumors that eleventh-hour arrests were to be made also proved unfounded. McKenna is still held in the city jail. When Black was called to the wit ness stand in his own defense he testified that he secured the money to hire a lawyer for the women. He denied all of the accusations ot other witnesses. Emma Brown testified for the de fense. She corroborated Blacks tes timony and asserted the money was to be paid to a lawyer and not as a bribe to permit them to escape. Council Bluffs Boy Finds Cousin With Hun Prisoners William J. Greulach, 'Council Bluffs, Company L boy and son of Mr. and Mrs. John N. Greulach, 302 West Pierce street, in the Bluffs, has I written to his parents detailing the unusual experience of finding his cousin among Hun prisoners he had helped to capture in the St. Mihic! drive. The cousin was in a squad of the Seventeenth Uhlans, and the Bluffs boy met him casually while looking over the prisoners. Speaking German fluently he talk ed with a iiumber of them in their native tongue. One young man was particularly interested and asked the Bluffs boy his name. The interest vis'bly increased when, the name, Greulach, was mentioned in connec tion with Council Bluffs. "Why, I've got an uncle, Andrew Greulach, living in Omaha," he re sponded. Further conversation dis closed that the boys were first cou sins. The cousin had risen above the ranks in the kaiser's service and in troduced himself as Capt. Philip Greulach. A cousin, Louis Greulach, was killed in the drive a few days before. The old world cousin ex pressed his intense desire to get to America and said he was coming at the first opportunity. Railway Police Will Hold Banquet in Omaha Feb. 22 Association of -Railway Special Agents and Police of the Central West will hold its annual banquet in Omaha the evening of February 22. Chief special agents, special agents and police of the roads op erating in the transmississippi and transmissouri territory, as well as state, county and city police offi cials, will be present. Prominent op erating officials of the road also have been asked to attend. ALBERT CAHN 219 S. 14th St. For SHIRTS My Spring Line now ready Order Early to Insure Prompt Delivery flTTlt TC HtAWXVt all 1VER FC2 EILIGUSKiU MM COUNCIL TALKS OVER PLANS FOR WAR MRIAL Ure Favors Remodeling Mu nicipal Auditorium; Want City Ownership of Public Utilities." Plans for a memorial to the men and women of Douglas county who entered war service were discussed informally yesterday afternoon by the city commissioners. . They all agreed that the memorial should not be a mere monument of stone. These ideas were presented: Mayor Smith A museum of war relics, posters, photographs of Oma ha war activities. This building to be in connection with an auditorium seating about 2,500 people. , Commissioner Butler An athletic field for all sorts of events and in cluding a mile track. Commissioner Falconer A small er athletic amphitheater, to be built on the park property between Har tley and Jackson streets, between Thirtieth and Thirty-third streets. Commissioner Ure Finishing and remodeling the Municipal auditor ium and equipping it with movable walls so that it can be divided into two or three smaller auditoriums, the whole to be called the "soldiers memorial hall." The other commissioner were not present. The commissioners agreed that a bill now in the legislature providing that the Omaha Gas company shall be operated by the Metropolitan Water District of Omaha after it h.s been acquired by the city shall be endorsed by the city commission ers. . They also agreed that eventually the other publicly owned utilities shall be operated by a "public ser vice commission" which shall be the outgrowth of the present water board and shall be elected by the people. R. B. Howell, general manager of the Metropolitan Water district, said the plan is a good one. "It is necessary to manage such public utilities separately from the other business of the city, he said. "If they are not managed separately there is danger that their earnings may be diverted to other uses than those to which they belong. "Earnings of publicly owned utilities should go to only three uses: First, to pay the running ex penses of the utility; second to cut down and eventually extinguish the debt of the utility, and third to re duce rates. In the water works we have paid our expenses, cut down ! our debt from year to year and re duced rate's 55 per cent." Mayor Smith declared that he be lieves when Omaha owns the gas plant it can supply the people with gas at "a great deal less than $1 a thousand feet." ' Commissioner Butler favored the creation of a "loop" by the street railway company in the downtown district. Zbyszko Throws Henderson. Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 30. Wladek Zbyszko won from Mort Henderson in a wrestling bout here tonight in two staright falls,; the first an arm-scissors, in 19 minutes and one second, and the secortd a head scissors in nine minutes and three seconds. stiliAsliAAittAiiatHAAAAlAitAlstAi TTTTTTTTTTTTttTtTTTTTTTTt . . - 11 he Quick Way to I Stop a Cough j This home-made gyron does the T work In si hurry. Easily pre T pared, and savea about f 2. .ti iti .ti tti ifc ill iti iti itr iti it. A. iL A A At A 1. oi might be surprised to know that the best thing you can use foi a severe cough, is a remedy which is easily prepared at home in just a few moments. It's cheap, but for prompt results it beats anything else you ever tried. Usually stops the ordi nary couph or chest cold in 24 hours. Tastes pleasant, too children like it and it is pure and good. Tour 2 ounces of Pinex in a pint bottle; then fill it up with plain granulated sugar syrup. Or use clari fied molasses, honey, or corn syrup, instead of sugar svrup, if desired. Thus you make a full pint a familv supply but costing no more than a small bottle of ready-made cough syrup. And as a cough medicine, there is really nothing better to be had at any price. It goes right to the spot and jrives quick, lasting relief. It promptly heals the inflamed membranes that line the throat and air passages, stops the annoying throat tickle, loosens the phlegm, and soon your cough stops en tirely. Splendid for bronchitis, croup, whooping cough and bronchial asthma. Pinex is a highly concentrated com pound of Norway pine extract, famous for its healing effect on the membranes. To avoid disappointment ask your druggist for "2 ounces of Pinex" with directions and don't accept .any thing else. Guaranteed to give abso lute satisfaction or money . refunded. The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. JEW There Was Nothing So Good for Congestion and Colds as Mustard But the old-fashioned mustard plaster burned and blistered while it acted. Get the relief and help that mustard plasters gave, without the plaster and without the blister. Musterole does it It is a clean, white ointment, made with oil of mus tard. It is scientifically prepared, so that it works wonders, and yet does cot blister the tenderest skin. Gently massage Musterole in with the finger-tips. See how quickly it brings re lief how speedily the pain 4isappeara, Use Musterole for sore throat, bron chitis, tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, conges tion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chil blains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). 30c and 60c jars; hospital size $151 Police Say Youth Has Confessed to Robbing Fifteen Omaha Stores Henry Jackson. IS years old, who says his home is in St. Louis, but who police allege was recently pa roled from the Kearney reforma tory, was arrested for investigation in connection with the burglarizing of several stores. Police say Jark sot) has confessed to burglarizing 15 stores. Roy Carr, 1910 North Twenty seventh street, and Aaron Smith, 1142 North Twentieth street, were arrested as accomplices following Jackson's confession. Among the stores police assert Jackson entered are the Larson Jewelry store, Sixteenth street and Capitol avenue; Dacy Millinery store, south Sixteenth street; Central fur niture store, Miller Park Pharmacy and others. Police are continuing the investi gation of the burglaries. Detec tives say Jackson has agreed to lead them to the cache where the loot is stored. They expect to recover most of the stolen merchandise. Creighton Team Defeats Drake by Score, of 32 to 7 Creighton, 32; Drake, 7. Trouncing the Drake "bulldogs" 32 to 7, the Creigton basket ball team added another decisive victory to its long string last night at the Creighton gymnasium. The visitors played a defensive game, attempting to prevent the local cage artists from too speedily chalking up counters. Lineup and summaries: CREIGHTON. F.a. F.T. P.F. Haley, r.f 2 0 1 Wise. I.f. 5 0 1 Kearney, e 6 2 S Mullholland. r.. ..3 0 0 Vandlver, l.g 1 0 2 Condon, r.f., 2 0 0 Totala IS i 7 DRAKE COLLEGE. F.O. F T. P.F. T.F. rn. 4 1-1 4 T.F. Pts. II 2 Shawver, r.f 1 0 2 Payseur, I.f. 9 8 (I McKlnley, c 1 0 0 V. Payseur, i.g 0 0 1 Good, It 0 0 1 Lamar, r.f 0 0 2 Kbert, Ig ft 0 T. Fayseur, r.f. 9 0 0 Totala 2 S S Officials: Referee, Harold Mulligan (Central High); aeorer. Murphy tlmee- keeper. Shoevlln. Time of halves, 20 minutes. rJJoior Truck Desirable factory connection open for live business man not loaded with other business bur dens. Headquarters Omaha, and in cluding Nebraska and Western Iowa. Must be financially reliable and a proven success. Call Friday, January 31, 8 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. only. II. ti. Fowler, Hcnshav Hotel OfflQM .ILiiALS . Bothered two years. Skin at tips of fingers would peel off and fingers would get dry and brittle and crack and bleed. Wore gloves all the time and could not lace shoes. All disfigured. Finally wrote for sam ple Cuticura. Bought two cakes Soap and one bos Ointment and in less than two months was healed. From signed statement of Victor Kloti, 5832 Erna Ave , Rt 1, Sta. B., Omaha, Neb., August IS, 1918. Most akin troubles may be pre vented by using Cuticura Soap and Ointment for daily toilet purposes. Do not fall to teat the fascinating f rsffranc. of Cuticura Talcum, an exquisitely scented face and akin perfuming powder, 2& canta everywhere. The Postmaster General has instructed all tele phone companies as follows: "For purposes of economy in administration, and the convenience of the public, the - charge for moving a telephone set from one location to another, on the same premises, Ehall be $3." A , ml ATHLETIC CLUB SMOKER GIVES EVEFilHG OF FUN Pesek and Eklund Furnish Ex hibition of Mat Skill; Ath letic Bouts Round Out t Program of Sports. Goodfellowship, pep and enthusi asm abounded throughout last even ing's smoker at the Omaha Athletic club. The entertainment was for "stags.1 The announcement "Not for butter flies. This party is for he-men only," was literally obeved. The crowd exceeded the expectations of the committee in charge and late com ers were forced to dine in the grill. Shortly after 6 o'clock an exhibi tion of dives and swimming strokes was given in the natatorium by ex pert swimmers. This entertainment was followed by a beefsteak dinner. Witness Mat Work. An exceptional line of cabaret fea tures and a "jazz" band furnished entertainment. The glbom of a hard day's work rapidly disappeared and a jolly crowd attended the re mainder of the athletic program in the gymnasium. John Pesek of Shelton, contender for the heavyweight wrestling cham pionship of the world upon the re turn of Earl Caddock, furnished the mam event of the evening. He was onnoscd bv Clarence Eklund of Buffalo, Wyo., claimant of the light weight title. They wrestled 30 min utes before Pesek was able to pin the fast Eklund to the mat. Athletic Exercises. Following the wrestling bout Harry E. Reed, western representa tive of A. G. Spaulding & Bros., and F. P. Nusslock of , Milwaukee, a re presentative of the Parker Motor Truck Co., gave an athletic exhibi tion. John Rickie of Chicago and Earl Puryear of Denver also gave an exhibition of athletic exercises. The entertainment committee was headed by Frank K. Latenser. Others were Gene Melady, Wm. Schall and Clark Coit. Ed Creighton and Carl Marfisi referred the athletic bouts. COUGHS AND COLDS QUICKLY RELIEVED Dr. King's New Discovery used since Grant was President. Get a bottle today It did it for your grandma, for your father. For fifty years this well-known cough and cold remedy has kept an evergrowing army of friends, young and old. For half a century druggists ev erywhere have sold it. Put a bottle in your medicine cabinet. You may need it in a hurry. Sold by drug gists everywhere. 60c and $1.20. Bowels Acting Properly? They ought to, for constipation makes the body retain waste matters and impurities that undermine the health and play havoc with the en tire system. Dr. King s New Life Pills are reliable, and mild in action. All druggists. 25c Adv. Bee Want Ads are the Best Busi ness Boosters. CATARRH Quickly Ended by Pleasant, Heallnf Antiseptic Tha llttls Hyomel Inhaler It mad of hard rubber and can easily ba carried' in pocket or purse. It will last a lifetime. Into this Inhaler you pour a few drops of magical Hyamel. This is absorbed by the antiseptic game within and now you are ready to breathe it in over the germ infenled mem brane where It will speedily begin its work of banishing catarrhal rcrms. Hyomei is mad of Australian euoslyptol combined with other antiseptics and is very pleasant to breathe. It ia guaranteed to banlxh catarrh, bron chitis, sore throat; croup, coughs and colds or money back. It often cleana out a stuffed-up head in two minutes. Sold by Sherman & McOonnell Dmg Co., and druggists everywhere. Complete outfit, including inhaler and one bottle of Hymoel, costs but little, while extra bottles, if afterward needed, may In obtained of any druggist. Adv. I( you ire not stront or well ivou owe it to yourself to make the following test: see how lone you can work or how fsr you can walk without becoming tired. '". Next take two five gram tablet o' NUXATED IRON three I 1 I . j .. t ..... .. . -i.. times per ivr iwo wki. Then test your strength again and set how much you have gained. Many people have made this test and have been aston ished at their increased strength, endurance and energy. Nuxated Iron is guaranteed to give satis faction or money refunded. At all good druggists, NERVES TREATED FREE Dr. Franklin Miles, the Great Specialist. Gives New Book and a 14.50 Neuro ' pathic Treatment Free as a Trial. Sick tieoule whose nerves are weak m deranged who have weak heart, stomach, bowels, bladder, kidneys or liver; blue headache, dizziness or dullness; nervous dyspepsia, irritability, cold hands and feel, xhtirtnrss of breath! palpitation or irregu lar heartbeat, drowsiness, nervousneits, uleeplessness, trembling, wanderins paini, backache, irritable spine, rheumntism. ca tarrh, constipation, hysteria would da well to accept Dr. .Miles' liberal offer. You may never have another opportunity. Write now. His Book contains man remarkshla cures after five to twenty physicians and specialists failed, and also endorsement from Bishops, Clergymen, Statesmen, Edi tors. Business Men, Farmers, etc. send for Astonishing Testimonials. His ifnnroved Snecinl IVntmiint. . these diseases arc the result of 80 years' experience and are thoroughly scientific! and remarkably successful, to much so that he does not hesitate to offer Free TriBl Treatments to the sick that they may test them free. Write at once. Describe your case, and ho will send you a two pound Free Treatment and Book Address Dr. Franklin Miles, Dept. NS162 to 172 Franklin St.. Elkhart, Ind Adv. It's Not Household Goods Alone we store, but everything you wish to place away safely for a given time. Here every detail for the better care of your goods or merchandise is given at tention. Omaha Van and Storage Co. Phone Douglas 4163. 80S So. 16th St. ifter each meal YOU eat oris p ATOMIC L.TSCtob vour stomach s sake) and get full food value and real stom ach comfort. Instantly relieves heart, barn, bloated.assy feeling, ST0i'3 acidity food repeating'and stomach misery. AIDS digestion; keeps the 3tomach sweet and pure EATONIG ia tha beat remedy and only eoati a cent or two a day to use it You will be de lighted with results. Satisfaction guamitcxwl or money back. Pleats call and try it Green'a Pharmacy, Cor. 16th and Howard Sta.. Omaha Neb. A Never Failing Way to Banish Ugly Hairs (Aids to Beauty) ' No woman is immune to super fluous growths, and because these are likely to appear at any time, it is advisable to always have some delatone powder handy to use when the occasion arises. A paste is made with some of the powder and water and spread upon the hairy surface; in about 2 minutes this is carefully removed and the skin washed. You will then find that your skin is en tirely free from hair or fuzz. Be sure, however, to get real delatone. Adv. LVKO seHliaafttlaaiaaelta agos Mly. una picturs abe, Ratuaa all aubsUtutea. Thos who are weak and reduced from an attack of Influenza or Pneumonia will experience wonderful recuperativa effects from the nse of The Great Genera! Tcric A.SR IfOOjR OROGCfisT N Y Ua ' ' jjl -J J