THE BEE : OMAHA, THURSDAY, JANUARY SO. 1919. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Acreage. FOU bALt; OR TUAUK llua-acre (win In Tennreaee; 99 to 40 lorfi under culti vation, balance In timber; one t-roora house; one 4-room house and large barn; ood (Martin apple orchard; three eprlngs and deep well on place; aig milea from railroad on Inatn county road; one-half mile from county aeat. For further partioulare addr owner, George L. Walter, C'oalmont, Tenn. Alabama Lands. Foil SALE improved farm, 656 acrea; , eight mile from market on two food roadai fenced tn; well watered paaturea; attested for rattle ralalng; rich bottom landa; large barna, food tenant houaea; j anvan room dwelling, modern equipment of water works; healthful locality; rllmate delightful; reaaon for selling, death In Franc of eon and former manager. Mr a. R. L. Summers, Ope llka. Ala. Arkansas Lands. FAH.MS Uij riih level drained bottom landa, $:'0; wheat corn, alfalfa, cotton, .row perfectly; no rocka; no overflow; no bllaiarda, mild, healthful climate; graaey outrange; well watered; plenty timber: tenants, tlmbermen wanted: ex changee; Mississippi Valley Farm Agency. 1013 Chestnut. St. l.ouH, Mn. F-UKUAHV 4th Our neat eicurslon to McOehee, Ark. W a. FRANK. 201 NKV1LLE BLK. Colorado Lands CHOICE Imp. or raw quarter, half aec. or larger, Lincoln Co., bargalna: eaay terms. J. I,. Maurer. Arriba, Colo. Kansas Lands. il-Acre home Bouthaaetern Kanaaa; well Improved; black land: will exchange for Omaha property. 8 .8 4 R. B. MONTQOMERT, II S City Nat l Bank Bid. Omaha, Neb. Iowa Lands. FOR SALE 191-acre farm In Pottawat tamie county Iowa; 2 mllea S.-W. of Ntola, Ia.;2lJllea K. of Council Bluffa, la. 35 acrea In pasture, 20 acrea wild hay: orchard; no overflow land; wind mUl; balance tinder cultivation. Good 7-room houae; corn criba wnd out bulid lnga in rood shape. All well fenced, partly hog-tight. Thla la known aa one of the beat producing farma in Pottawattamie county. Fine crop this dry year of '18, Also w have three brick bualneaa bulidlnga. all In good shape and rented; on brick, two-atory realdence property, containing 7 acrea, mile east of Council Bluffs, la, all In fruit. Thla la the estate of Polly B. and Wilson Duncan and to b aold without commlsalon by executora of same. Address, 215 Ro. Chestnut St.. North Platte, Nab.; 418 So. Flrat St., Council Bluffa, la.; Box 872, Neola, la. FOR SALE River Side stock farm, con slstlng of 111 acres; 7 miles from Suth erland, la., oil C, at N. W.; 6 mllea from Larrabee, on I. C. (00 acrea bottom land, balsnca upland; pasture, blue grass. Watered creek; wind mill. 23 acres alfalfa, some timber. 400 acrea hog-tight. Good 14-room house; large horse barn, cattle barn, 300 head. Ce ment floor corn crib, 12,000 bu. gran ary, 8,000 bi. Hog house. Machine shed. Hollow tile alio, 50x20; other buildings. Fairbanks scales; acetyline lights In houae and barn. Water In house, cattle barn and hog houae. Rented one year. Stock place. Price, $140 a, $5,000 cash: 135.000 March 1, $64,000 mortgage 6 per cent, balance 6 years, 6 per cent. Phone 164. Ad dress owner, Chaa. E. Warren, Suther land, la. FOR ItiO-acre valley, fine location; two aeta of Improvements; 30 acrea grow ing wheat; 8 acres alfalfa. Price $160 per acre Owner will -arry liberal mort gage back. Char .'. Davis, Pacific Junction, la. T5-A. COI'NCITTbLl'FFS on BennetTAve.', well Improved. Place known as Apple Blossom. Go look It over and make of fer. Might take In a clear house In Omaha as part payment. W. H. Becker, 8M9 No. 19th. Omaha. Missouri Lands. THE MODERN PROMISED LAND. Is southeast Missouri, where corn, wheat, clover, oata, rye, alfalfa and all staple crops grow aa NOWHERE EL8K in the V. 8. More mllea of railway than any aection: marketa not over Sty mllea of any farm. Great stock country; mild climate and aure rainfall. Ko failures Send for literature. Write, C. F. HRUTON, alKKSTON, MO. M A.I IMPROVED, plenty water, 214 mllea on auto road, by owner. Andrew Bur gma, .Mountain Prove, Mo. Missouri Lands. FOR H-ALl! 111 acres of good Missouri river bottom land. This Is as good a farm as there la In Holt county, Mla sourl, for Its soil all in cultivation; 80 acrea of wheat, rest for corn; no over flow; give possession this spring If de sired. Price $180 per acre. Allen Eld er, Forest city, Mo Nebraska Lands. Improved farm at auction If you want an improved farm of 820 acres for a moderate prlco and on easy payments, attend the publlo aale 8 milea southweat of Burwcll, Neb., on Friday, January 31, 1918, at 1 o'clock p. ra. The land to be aold la the east half ' of aection 21, Township 20. N., R. 18 west. Valley county, Nebraska. This la a good atock and grain farm; 90 acrea In cultivation. 10 acrea alfalfa, balance In pasture and meadow. There is a full set of bulidlnga on thla farm; two wells and windmilla; soil black loam. Land Is gently rolling. Terms: $1,000 on day of aale, bal anoe of purchase price up. to SO per cent March 1, 1910, balance 8 years at 5 per cent. MRS. JOE DONEZAK PRUSS, Owner. Ord State Bank, Clerk. Ord, Neb. "KIMBALL COUNTY WHERE THE WHEAT IS FINE. Its If a aection of the beat land In Kimball county of deep rich soil cloae to narket, achoola and churches located on the main graded road, telephone line, rural route One hundred acrea winter wheat on the land Bowed on eod. One third goeg to the buyer. Terma, $3,000 cash, balance to suit at per Cent, It won't pay yoa to wait. J. R, CARTER, Bnshnell, Neb. FOR SALE BY OWNER Three acrea 10 blocka from the atats farm at Lincoln, Neb.: good alx-room house, barn and other outbuildings; electrto lights, city water, paved atreet and two blocka from atreet car line; 76 cherry trees, also apple trees, plum trees, peach treea, ' grapes, raspberries, atrawberriea and all klnda of small fruit. Must be disposed of before March 1. Would con sider good hereford cattle aa part pay ment Address Box .Y-322. Omaha Bee. 100 ACRES good farm land two and one half miles from Wann, Neb. Weil Im proved; $48,000 on easy terma. Ashland State bank, Ashland, Neb. 67 H acrea of good land adjoining City of Ashland, large modern house, fine bulidlnga. prlco $20,000 on easy terms. Address Ashland State bank, Ashland. Neb. FOR SALE A well Improved emooth lay ing farm of 200 acre close to school, S milea from town and 80 milea from Omaha close to the acadlmlaed road. I will aell for $217.50 per acre. Addreae J. H. Langhorat, 2568 St. Marya ave., Omaha. Phone Bougies 8436. FOR SALE ht aection of Platta ralley land. :4j milea of county aeat. Good improvementa. $100 per acre. Will carry back; half on farm. If Intereated address P. O Box No. 1. Plattsmoutb. Neb. QUICK SERVICE In laud-selling. If you wish cash by March 1 for your real ea rner, get our method. Nebraska Realty Auction Co.. Central City, Neb. Col. Mark Carraher, Auctioneer WRITS ma tor picturea and prtcea of rev farma and ranches In good old Dawn county. Arab L. Hungarford. Crawford. Neb. HO A. LAND. milea northwest Dlck lna. Neb. A bargain at $3,000 If taken at once. A. R. Thompaon, Ogallala. Neb. ' FOR RENT 20 acres; -room house; on mile west of Dundee. C. D. ARMSTRONG, 328 gecurltlea Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1280. GuOD Omaha Income property for clear waatern land or eaatern Nebraska farm Mr. Peaee. HI Brandela Theater Bldt, ilERRICK COUNTY, Improved corn and alfalfa farma at tha right price. IL A. LARSON. Central City. Neb. IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farma. Kimball Co., Nebraska. R- E. Holmea Buehnell, Neb. Ii ACRES, improved, Custer county. Neb,, eaah, time and trad. Box 38, Pen'son, Is, Wyoming Lands. WH2tLAND Wyoming farma. $i0 pel t, Including jMd up water right. :ienr W O. U, Zylnotu, t OiaaS f av. BRINGING UP YOUR SOCIEVf u MANNER TON1HT AE. SPLENDID- 1EAF0 PEftFFf iM PROOD OT YOU- FARM ANR RANCH LANDS. Wisconsin Lands. $11 AN ACRE 160 acrea, nearly level; 25 under cul tivation, 10 fine meadow, all tillable, fenced; good well, but bulidlnga burned; good,' productive, dark, aandy loam, no atone; on main road, near school and church; 6 mllea from, Danbury, Wla on new Soo line, midway between Twin Oltlea and Duluth. No help to work the land and will sacrifice at only $11 an arra; M, casR, balance to ault; 20 acres potatoes . thla year will easily pay for the land and put up a nice little set of buljdings. E. O. Fuller, 80 dlobe Bldg., Ht. Paul, Minn. WHEN you buy land, buy the beet. We hava soma of tha very choicest land In the best section of Central Wia consin, for aale on eaay terma. Good clay loam aoil country thickly aettled; good watar. achoola, roada and mar keta.' Write for book and map. John 8. Owen Lumber Co.,- No. 60 Mill St.. Owen, Clark County. Wla Oregon Land. IRRIGATION. "In tha Heart of tha Range." Tha Jordan Valley Project, Malheur County, Oregon; an empire in tha mak ing; tha land of opportunity; 10,000 acrea open for entry; fertile aoll; plenty of water; land with full water right; $71 00 an acre; terma;. homeatead antrlea nearby. Write for literature and detail to Jordan Valley Farma, 822 Flrat Na tional Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb Next excursion January 6th. Miscellaneous. FOR Nebraska, South Dakota and Iowa land see A. A. Fatzman, 301 'Carbach Block. . FARM LANDS WANTED. WANTED 80-acre farm with everything furnished. Nebraska preferred. Frank Moran. 2010 Davenport St. WANTED $li0,000 worth lands, wild or Improved. Robert Hunter, Sioux City, la. WANTED 6 to 40 A. adjoining beat part of good town, 200 or over. Will pay cash. Address Fred W. Horton, Eldora, Iowa. AUTOMOBILES. A LITTLE TIP TO TOU If yqu want to find out WHO IS THE USED CAR DEALER In Omaha, keep your eye on tha AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 2023 Farnam St. Doug. 6383. alEEKS AUTO CO. Used cars bought, aold and exchanged Wa buy for cash and aell on time. Full line to select from. Middle State Oarage 2028-8 Farnam St. Douglaa 4101. MKEKS AUTO CO. 18 Briscoe, $32.5. 17 Chevrolet, dandy, $325. 17 Ford touring, good, $360. Twenty others, all guaranteed. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam. CJ1AA for any magneto we can't repair; yAW also patentee and sole mfgs. of tha new Affinity spark plug. O. BAYSDORFER, ' 210 North lth St. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO.. will atore your auto. Ratea for Ford care. $3 a month; large cars, $5 a month. Douglaa 4338 USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO.. 2020 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. MUST aell at once Scripps-Booth chummy roadster; fine condition. Bargain. Tel. I Douglaa 800 or Douglas 2787, Mr. T. A. 'Grlswold. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co., 16th and Jackson. Ford Agenta. D. 1600. LIGHT DELIVERY Ford truck, firat clafa condition, bargain, $276. ' Phona Douglaa 7692. AUTOMOBILE electrical repaira; service station for Rayfield earburetora and Columbia atnrage batterlee Edwarda. EXPERT Repairing Guaranteed isrvica. SERVICE GARAGE, 16th and Leavenworth. Doug. (000. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co. 206$ Farnam St. P. (t35. NEW and used Ford, Ames bodies, Im mediate delivery. O'Rourke Ooldstrom Auto Co., 3701 So. 24th, So. 899. OAKLAND, Sensible Six. , MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 2300 Farnam St GOOD USED CARS. GUY U SMITH. 38th and Farnam Sts. Douglas 1970. FORD MARKET. S230 Farnam. 2230 Farnam. 26 new and used Ford bodies. WB ARE THE USED CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam. Harney 414. QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO., 2662 FARNAM. PRIVATELY owned used cars for aale. OMAHA USED CAR MARKET. 2617 Leavenworth. Tyler 2347. WILL trade 1918 Maxwell Sedan for Ford touring and pome cash. Doug. 8044. Tires and Supplies. WE WILL SHIP, eubject to examination, upon receipt of $1 deposit, our guaran teed plain tread, rebuilt tlra at the fol lowing very low prlcea: 80x3 $ 7.26 33x4 $12.76 30x3H 9.00 34x4 18.26 22x3Va 10.60 35x4 13.60 31x4 11.70 36x4 16.90 32x4 12.26 S5x4H 16.40 Express chargea prepaid when cash accompanies order. STANDARD TIRE CO., 410 No. lth St TIRES ONE-HAIF PRICE. GUARANTEED 1.000 MILES. toxi f 7.60l30x$Vs 12x3 10.26132x4 11.76 82x4 11.6034x4 11.00 Wa furnish tha old tiros. Agents wanted. 1 IN 1 VULCANIZING COMPANY. 1618 Davenport Street. WE do casing and tuba repairing. We guarantee our wark. New and second tires. URBAN TIRE A VTJLCANIIN(J CO.. !2! Harney St Phone Douglaa 841$. NEW TIRES ON SALE. Firestone. Congress. Lea Pullman, Flak Write for prlcea Mention alaea. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. $01$ FARNAM. RED1CED RATE. 11 CEN PER MIL-. Rent a Ford. Drive youraelf. Ford Livery Co.. 1314 Howard Bt. Douglas 8622. HEADQUARTERS for gasoline and oil pumps of all kinds, tanka. air stands, etc. Phona Douglas 1386. Laubach, 689 Brandels Bldg., Omaha. GAIN mors mllea; have your tlrea re treaded by O A O. Tire Co. $415 Leavenworth. Tyler 1261 -W. FORD light delivery, good running or der: will sell cheap. H. 78S Repairing and Painting. EXPERT radiatora. fendera and auto bod lea; repairing at reasonable prlcea Prompt attention given to garage work ahlp your radiator direct to us. NEBRASKA SERVICE GARAGE. Souk. 7390, lit 8. llth St. 1 ui m 1 k mv 1 rr-firNr, i w w i jc n"N i w v y, - "cri j m ,i fit v t mliuhcuk'.. rH. t i v a ivi i FATHER oh: after five or ten I'LL vje T! Repairing and Painting. RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt; large atock uaed radiators New Ford honeycomb radiators. OMAHA RADIATOR A TIRE WORKS. 181 Cuming 2064 Farnam. F. P. Barnum Co., 2122 Cum'.ng. D 8044. High grade Automobile Painting. Motorcycl eg and Bicyclns. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargalna In uaed machlnea. Victor H. Roos. ths Motorcycl Man. 17th and 7.eavenworth. PERSONAL Your Liberty Bonds, War Saij)g Stamps. Partial Payment Receipts, Will bring the hlghent market with us. National Bond Co.. 610 World-Herald Bidff. Itth and Farnam. Offices in Four Principal Cities. BETTY, I want you home. Let me know where you are. Tom. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. For Sale. 100 Per Cent Big Type POLAND-CHINA BREEDING In McEachen's Bred Show Sale In WAYNE, NEB., SATUR DAY, FEBRUARY 8 Forty-five head One tried sow five sows, thirty-nine spring gilts. Four richly bred boars In service Each one ia a big-type prospect of unusual promise. One Is a fnll boar by Big Bob. He Is a big smooth, high-backed kind with straight legs and good feet. An other is one of the best sons of Alouw's Special that we could find. Be looks good. Another is an outstanding good, stretchy sort by Nebraska Bob and the other Is the best pig out of a good litter that we have raised, aired by Wonder Buster. His dam la by Wallace's King Joe. Tha offering la aired by Col. Jack, Wonder Buster, Schug'a Tlmm, Mouw'a Fashion and Mouw'a Jumbo, the aire of Herring's noted aire, Mouw's Columbua. These gilts are In thrifty sales con dition. We have followed the leading strains In tha shows and top sales and can say that there will not be a more consistently well-bred offering sold this year. The catalog will be sent upon ap plication. Send for one. George A. M'Eachen, Wayne, Nebraska. Col. & Don Cunningham, Auct'a. FOR SALE Nice bay team of marea, weight about 2,600 lbs., chunky built, 1220. Nice black mare, 1,400 lba., 1166. 1037 So. 24th St. 2 blocka south of Leavenworth. HARNESS, SADDLES and TRAVELINO OOODS. Wa make them ourselves and sell them direct to consumer. Why pay two proflta for Inferior gooda when you can get high grade goods at first coat? ALFRED CORNISH & CO.. Phone Doug. 2314. 1210 Farnam. NOTICE to farmers, selling out harness atock at sacrifice. Owner In France. See them at residence, 2124 Lake St. FOR SALE Six horses. Apply at stables, American Express Co. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Angora cat. Mrs. Orson Maddox, Stapleton, Neb. MONEY TO LOAN. Organised by ths Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, pianos and notea as aecui Ity, (40. mo., H. goods, total, 11.50 PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 432 Security Bldg., 16th A Farnam. Ty. 6 LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY AND 11 VJ LIBERTY BONDS. O & ly2 1 W. C. FLATAU. EST. 1892. ,'C 6TH FLR. SECURITY BLDG., TY. 60 Lowest ratea. Private loan bootha. Harry Maleehock, 1614 Todge, O. 6619. Eat. 1891 DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, aa., Jan. 29. Turpentine Dull 69c; aalea none; receipts 34 bbls. ; shipments, 42 bblS ; stock, 30,256 bbls. Rosin Inactive; sales none; receipts, 104 bbls.; shipments, 141 bbls.; atock, 81, 287 bbls. Quote B, 13.1 0 ; D, E, $13.16; F, $13.20; O, $13.26; H, $13.30; I. $13.66; K, $15.76; M, $10.25; N WO $16.30; WW, $16.75. New York Sugar. JJevr York, Jan. 2S. Sugar Market, unchanged. . ' ' '' 4 ' LATER '- Blue Valley Poland-China Sale at Farm Near Alexandria. Neb., Wednesday, February 5. 58 Head of the Best Sows We Have Ever Been Able to Offer. Ten tried sows, eighteen fall yearlings, thirty spring gilts. The offering includes three daughters of Blue Valley, two by Blue Valley A Wonder, one by Blue Valley Orange ; seven by Grand master Bob; twenty by Blue Valley Timm, eight by Blue Valley Big Bone, sixteen by Big Russell. Fifteen bred for February, thirty-six for March and seven for April farrow to the fol lowing boars: Blue Valley Big Bone, Blue Valley Timm, Jumbo Longfellow and Blue Valley Bob. Jumbo Longfellow is by Longfellow Price, from a Big Long Jumbo dam. Blue Valley Bob is a pig of our own raising, sired by Blue Valley Timm,' from a Big Bob dam. We sold this pig to Harry M. West of Odebolt, la., for $1,000, The other boars are well enough known that they need no comment. Only two sows in the offering are over 2 years of age. Four litter sisters of Blue Valley Bob sell. The offering is full of excel lent prospects and real sows. The catalog is highly illustrated, containing cuts of some twenty four of the sows; we will be pleased to mail you one upon application. T. F. Walker & Sons, Alexandria, Neb. Col. H. S. Duncan, Auctioneer. Copy riff tat, HIT. InternftttoiiRl New Service, Market LIVE STOCK Omaha, Receipts were: Official Monday Official Tuesday Estimate Wednesday 3 days this wk Same daya Mat wk. , Same 2 wks. ago... Same 3 wks. ago .. Same days year ago. January 29, 1919. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 8,174 13,801 3 8 742 6,800 13,315 7,601 28,600 11,000 23,216 60,616 27,638 32 667 21.619 25,396 30,424 69.773 27,60 30,874 49,697 61.2X7 21.999 43,263 40 771 Receipts ar.d disposition of live stock at the Union Stock yards, Omaha, Neb., for 24-hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m., yes terday: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H a. C, M. & St P 8 21 Wabash Missouri Pacific... 8 IS 2 Union Pacific 5J 84 9 C. & N. W., east.. 17 22 4 C. & N. W., west.. 67 105 11 t St. P. M. & O..86 46 C, B. & Q., east.. 18 10 1 C, B. & Q., west.. 31 69 11 C, R. 1. A P., east. .26 19 C. R. & P., west.. 1 Illinois Central ..9 13 1 1 Chi. Gt. West 8 2 Total receipts. 262 353 50 1 DISPOSITION CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris & Co 85 7,251 431 Swift & Co 1.137 2,994 1,728 Cudahy Packing Col, 831 8,486 2,169 Armour & Co 1029 4 ilis u Schwartz A Co 361 J. W. Murphy 159 Lincoln Packing Co 34 So. Om. Packing Co 2 Hoffman Bros 14 John Roth & Sons. . 14 Mnyerowlch & Vail 16 Glassherg 6 Wilson 14 W B Van Sant & Co 21 F. P. Lewis 310 Huntzlnger & Oliver 21 J. B. Root & Co 373 J. H. Bulla 22 Rosenstock Bros.... 27 F. G. Kellocrg 67 Werthel'er A Degen 84 Ellis A Co 27 Mo-Kan. C. & C. Co. , 62 E. G. Christie 21 Baker - 70 Banner Bros 80 John Harvey 5112 Jensen & Lundgren 19 Dennis A Francis.. 71 Morel Tack. Co 63 Other Buyers 1,860 Total 8,732 23,410 9,032 Cattle A moderate supply of cat tle was on hand today estimated a 16,300 head and trading on ateera waa about steady with yesterday but anywhere from 75c to $1,00 lower than a week ago, best grades selling from $16.2517.60, medium warmed up lots anywhere from $15.0016.25 and common to fair kinds on down. Butcher stock was uneven, early business waa steady with yesterday wtth an easier tendency. As compared with a week ago butcher stock waa fully $1.00 under last week. Bulls and calves were steady today but good beef bulls are $1.00(B1.50 lower than a week ago and bolognas 2525c lower. Stockera and feeders were ateadv. Quotatlona on Cattle Good to choice beeves. $l. 506 18.25; fair to good be. vca, $14. 00 191 16.00; common to fair beeves, $12.7514.00; good to choice yearlings, JtlS.fl'iti 16.26; fair to gond yearl v. s $13.0014.00; common to fair yearlings, $10.0013.00; choice to prima graaa beevea, $15.0016.00; fair to good graaa beeves, $13.00 15.00; common to fair grass beeves, $9.0012.60; Mexican beevea, $8.0010.00; good to choice heif ers, $11.0013.50; prime cows, $11.50 13.00; good to choice cows, $9.2111.00; fair to good cows, $7.509.00; common to fair cows. $fi.00W7.25; choice to prime feeders, $13.7516.00; good to choice feeders, $12.0013.60; medium to good feeders, $10. 50ft 12.00; good to choice stockera, $10.00(12.00; fair to good atock era, $8.60 10.00; common to fair gradea, t7.50f9 8.50; atock helfera. $6.508.50; atock cows, $6.257.50; stock calvea, $7.009.50; veal calvea, $7.0013.75; bulls, stags, etc., $8.00 10.00. Hogs Thare was . anotller heavy run of hogs here today, 331 loads, estimated at 23,600 head. There was a carry-over of over 9,000 head. Many believe that thla estimate of fresh receipts would be exceeded before the market closed. There was Httle change In prices, remaining at the minimum established for this mar ket. Heavy hogs were probably mr,re unevenly weaker than yeaterday morn ing and only a small proportion of re reeelpta changed hands, being variously estimated at close to 20,000 held over un sold. Bulk of aalea was $16.7517.20, with top at $17.40. Sheep Receipts today amounted to 47 loads, estimated at 11,000 head. Buyers seemed to be rather anxioua for fresh supplies this morning and trading began at an early hour, with most of the fat lambs selling at $15.7516.10, with tope quotable at $16.25, probably 15 25c higher than yesterday. A sizeable string of feedra sold at $14.86. Sheep were steady to stronger. Quotations on sheep: Lambs, good to Drawn and Industrial News of Short Term Notes Quotations through the National City company. First National Bank building. Omaha: Bid. Asked. Am. Tel. A Tel 6s 195) 102-4 103 Amer. Tobacco 7s (1921). ... 102 Vi 12 Amer. Tobacco 7s (1922) 103 10314 Amer. Tobacco 7s (1923) 103V4 14 Arm. A Co. con. D. 6s (19191.10IH4 im Arm. A Co. con. I. 6s (1920).100? 100 Arm A Co. con. D. 6s (1923). 100", lOHi Arm. A Co. con. D. 6s (1924). 100 101 Vj, Beth. Steel Co. 7s (1919) 100 101 Beth. Steel Co. 7a (1922) .... 1004, 10H, Beth. Steel Co. 7s (1923) .... 101 101 '4 British 6Hs (1919) 100 100 British 6"s (1921) SSI, Central Argen. c. 6s (1927).. 87 90 C. B. A Q. joint 4a (1921).... 95 95 Chi. A Weat. Ind. 6a (1919).. 97 98 City of Parla 6a (1921) 98 99 Cudahy Pack. Co. 7s (1923). .102 102 Delaware A Hud. 6a (1920). 98 99 Fed. Farm Loan 4a (1937). .100 100 Fed. Farm Loan 6s (1938). .102 103 Gen. Electric 6a (1920) 100 100 Interboro R. T. 7a (1921).... 87 89 Liggett A Myera 6a (1921) 100 100 Union Pacific 6a (1928) 103 104 Tlmken Det. Axle 7a (1920).. 100 101 U. S. Liberty 38 99.12 99.18 U. S. Liberty 1st 4s 93.30 93.40 U. S. Liberty 2d 4s 93.00 93.10 U. 8. Liberty 1st 48 95.50 95.60 U. S. Liberty 2d 48.. 94.60 94.66 U. S. Liberty 3d 4,8..? 95.36 95.46 U. S. Liberty 4th 48 94.46 94.52 choice, $16.2616.25: lambs, fair to good, $15.00(3)16.50; lamb feeders, $13.00015 76; yearlings, good to choice, $12.0012.50; yearlings, fair to good, $9.009.60; year ling feeders, $9.50 10.00; wethers, fat, $10.00(3111.00; wether feeders, $8. 50(g) 10.50;. ewes, good to choice, $9.6010.50; ewes, fair to good, $9.009.50; ewe feed ers, $6.008.90. Chicago LIto Stock. Chicago, Jan. 29. Cattle Receipts, 5,000; beef steers, butcher cattle and good feeders, Bteady; canners and me dium rows and light stock, alow to lower; veal calves, 26c higher. Day prices un changed except cows and heifers, $6.65 14.00; cannera and cutters, $5. 60 jj 6.65. Hogs Receipts, 26,000 head; market steady to strong at yesterday's average on better grades, othera alow; pigs, 60c to $1 higher than Monday; bulk of aales, $17.35(0 17.65; butchers, $17.6517.76; light, $16.60017.50; packing, $16.60 17.36; throwouts, $15.75$16.60; pigs, good to choice, $12.5015.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 7,000 head; fat lambs, 25c to 40c higher; sheep and yearlings, 15c to 25c higher; feeders, steady; lamba, choice and prime, $16.75(9 17.00; medium and good, $15.5016.75; culls, $12.0014.25; ewes, choice and prime, $10.76 11.00; medium and good, $9.50 10.75; culls, $6.00(8.00. St. Louis Live Stock. St. Louis, Jan. 29. Cattle Receipts, 6,000 head; market steady; native beef steers, $11. 60 18.60; yearling steers and heifers, $9. 60 16.00; cows, $7.6012.50; stockers and feeders. $8.60 12.00; fair to prime southern beef steers, $10.0018.00; beef ewea and heifers, $7.5016.00; can ners and cutters, $7.258.00; native calves, $7.7614.50. Hogs Receipts, 14,900 head! Imarket steady; lights, $16.90 17.40; pigs, $11.00 15.00; mixed and butchers, $17.2017.76; good heavy, $17.60(5 17.76; bulk of sales, $17.3017.70. Sheep and Lamba Receipts, 500 head; market ateady; lambs, $16.0016.25; ewes, $8.6010.60; cannera and choppers, $6.00 9.00. Kansas City Live Stock. Kanaaa City, Mo., Jan. 29. Cattle Re ceipts, 12,000 head; market ateady to 10c lower; no southerners; prime fed steers, $18.0019.00; dressed beef steers, $12.00$ 18.00; western steers, $12.0017.00; southern steers, nominally $7.00(g13.00; cows, $6.2514.00; heifers, $8.0014.00; stockers and feeders, $8.0016.00; bulls, $7.60fi 11.00; calves, $7.00 14.00. Hogs Receipts, 18,000 head; market steady; bulk of sales, $16.9017.36; heavy, $17.25 17.55 ; packers and butch ers, $17.25 17.60; lights, $16.7517.10; pigs, $12.00(3114.25. . Sheep snd Lambs Receipts, 8,000 head; market 10c and 15c higher; lambs, $16.00 16.50; yearlings, $10.0014.6t); wethers, $9.0011.60; ewes, $8.00 10.60; stockers and feeders, $8.00 16.00. Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City, la., Jan. 29. Hogs Re ceipts, 11,000 head; inarket, steady; light, $1.9017.00; mixed, $16.9017.10; heavy, $16.9017.10; bulk of aalea, $16.9517.05. Cattle Receipts. 3,000 head; market, ateady; beat steers, $9.0016.60; fat cows, and heifers, $6.7512.60; canners, $5.60 (.50; stockers and feeders, $8.001.50; feeding cows and heifers, $6.758.75 Sheep Receipts, 3,000 head; market, steady, St. Joseph Live Stock. . St. Joseph, Mo., Jan. 29. Cattle Re ceipts, 4,000 head; market strong; steera, $11.00018.00; cows and heifers, $6.00 16.50; calves, $6.O013.00. Hogs Receipts. 27,000 head; market slow; top, $17.36; bulk of sales, $16.60 17.25. Sheep and Lamba Receipts, 4,000 head; market strong; lambs, $13.00 16.60; ewes, $8.00(010.50. Sew York Coffee. New York. Jan. 29. There was a mod erate volume of business In the market for coffee futures today and a further Improvement In prices owing to reports of continued steadiness in Brazilian mar kets as a result of European buying. The opening hero was I to 13 points higher, with May contracts selling up to 13.65c and December to 13.20O during the day on scattered covering and a little buying for trade accounts. The market closed at about tho best point of tha day, show ing a net advance of 30 to 34 polnta May, 13.64c; July, 13.50c; September, 13.35c; October, 13.30c; December, 13.22c; January, 13.17c. Spot, steady; Rio 7a, 14 Vic; Santoa 4s 21 Vic. Few fresh offers were reported In the coat and freight and sales were reported of Santos 4s In a small way at 19.00c, London credits. The official cables reported an advance of 276 rels In tha Rio markets. Santoa spots were not' quoted and futures were unchanged to 7$ rela lower. Rio reported a clearance of 24,000 bags for New Or leans. New York Froduco. New Tork, Jan. 29. Butter Market, lower; creamery, higher than extras, 47 V 48c; creamery extras, 46 847c; firsts, 44 6 46c. Eggs Market, lower; fresh gathered packed, extra firsts, 6960e; do, flrata, ri 11 cm j a Cheese Market, lower; state current make, specials, 3435c; do, average run, 84c Dressed Poultry Market, dull; chickens, 2434 Vic; fowls, 2535c, Live Poultry Market, firm; chickens, 2S(g 29c; other prices unchanged. , Dry flood. New Tork, Jan. ,39. Cotton goods and yarns today were quiet; raw silk was lower. Dress gooda lines for the fall sea son will bo opened shortly. v Evaporated Apples and Dried fruits. New York, Jan. 29. Kvaporated apples, quiet. Prunes In good demand. Apricots scares. Peaches strong. Raisins firm. for The Bee by GRAIN MARKET Omaha. Jan. 29. 1919. Receipta of, grain were generally light with 36 cara of wheat, 64 care of corn, 49 cars of oata, 15 cars of rye, and 17 cara of barley. Last Thursday receipts were 20 cars of wheat, 98 cars of com. 42 cara of oats, 3 cars of rye and 18 care of barley. Corn prices generally ranged from un changed to 6c higher, the bulk bringing several eenta advance. Several cars of No. 5 yellow of Inferior grade aold l2o be low yesterday'a price, but tha bulk waa unchanged to higher. Corn ofterlnga aold very readily and tha tables were cleared up early. ' . ,, Oata were Ac up to lttc lower, the bulk going at about Wo decline. Rya prlcea were 2c higher. Hurley waa lc off to 2c up. Wheat market waa unchanged. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Today Week Year Ago Ago. Receipts Wheat 36 20 10 Corn 64 98 90 Oata 49 42 16 Rye 16 3 Barley 17 18 Shipments Wheat 84 26 IB Corn 89 98 173 Oata 60 24 19 Rye 0 18 6 Hurley 26 17 1 KKCEIVTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Wheat Corn Oats Chicago 71 44 !4 Kansas City 39 114 60 St. Louis 44 30 35 Minneapolis 105 , .. Duluth 120 Winnipeg 226 Corn No. 2 white: 1 car, $1.35. No. 3 white: 2 cars, $1.36, (loaded out). No. 4 white: S cars. $1.30; 1 car- $1.29; 1 car $1.27. No. 6 white: 1 car, $1.26. No. 3 yellow: 1 car, $1.36. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, $1.32; 4 cars, $1.31; 16 cars, $1.30; 8 cars, $1.29. No. 6 yellow: 1 car, $1,284: 3 cars, $1.28; 2 cars, $1.27; 8 cars, $1.26; 2 cars, $1.25; 2 cars, $1.24. No. 6 yellow: 2 cars, $1.20. No. 3 mixed: 2 cars, $1.33. No. 4 mixed: 2 cars $1.30; 4 cara $1.29; 1 car, $1.28; 7 cars, $1.27. No. 6 mixed: 2 cars, $1.27; 3 cars, $1.26; 4 cars. $1.23; 2 cars, $1.22. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, $1.17. Sample mixed: 1 car, $1.20. Oats No. 2 white: 1 car, 66c. Stand ard: 1 car, 69 Vic. No. 3 white: 3 cars, 59c; 1 car, 68V4c; 5 cars, 68c; 4 cars, 57V4c; 2 cars, 67c. No. 4 white: 1 car, 69c; 2 cars, 68c; 1 car, 67c: 6 cars, 6714c 'Sample white: 1 car, 67c. Rye No. 2: 2 cars, $1.34.. Barley No. 3: 1 car, 90c. No. 4: 3 cars, 89c; S cara, 8c. Rejected: 1 car, 85c. Wheat No. i hard: 1 car, $2.22. No. 3 hard: 1 car, $2.16; 1 car, $2.16, Na. 5 hard: 1 car, $2.05. No. 1 northern spring: . 2 cars, $2.18; 1 car, $2.06. No. 3 spring: 1 car, $2.11; 3-5 car, $2.00. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, $2.11; 1 car, $2.08. No. 3 mixed: 1 car, $2.08; 1 car, $2.06. No. 5 mixed: 1 car, $2.02. Sample mixed: 1 car, $2.00; 1 car, $1.94. Chicago Grain and Provisions. Chicago, Jan. 29. Reporta that vessel rates from Argentina to the United Statea had been aubjected to a aharp cut largely offset in the corn market today the bullish Influence of the decision not to reduce the February minimum cost of hogs. Corn closed nervous, 2V4c net low er to lVc advance, with May 117 Vi to 117V4 and July 114Vs to 114. Oats finished 1 cent to 2Vs cent down, and provisions unchanged to a raise of $1. Maintaining the hog minimum at $17.60 resulted in a general rush to buy corn at the opening, and made prtcea Jump In aome cases as much as 6 cents. On the bulge, however, selling broadened out, especially after attention had been turned to chances of increased Imports from Argentina. The bearish effect was chiefly on deferred deliveries. Nearer months were governed more . by the persistent holding tendency on the part of domestic producers. In this connection ths fact that request from Italy for a prompt shipment cargo from Canada or the United States could not be filled attracted wide spread notice. Heavy realizing aales caused Independent weakness In oats. Liberal shipping trans actions failed to check Bearish sentiment. Provision futures with the single ex ceptionof January ribs rose at once to the maximum limit and then held tight Cash Quotations Corn No. 3 yellow, nominal; No. 4 yellow, $1.231.25; No. 5 yellow, $l.Z0(g1.22. Qats No. 1 white, 5557v4c; a tan dnfd, 5768c. Rye No. $1.62. Barley 80c$l. 00. Timothy $7.0010.00. Clover Nominal. Pork Nominal. Lard $23.60. Rlba $21.6022.37. Chicago cloalng prices, furnished The Bee by Logan & Bryan, stock and grain brokera, 316 South Sixteenth street, Art. ( Open. High. Low. Cloee. Yeat'y. Corn ' 7 Feb. 1.27 1.29 1.22 1.2S 1.23 Mar. 1.27 1.27 1.21 1.21 1.22 May 1.22 1.22 1.17 1.17 1.19 July 1.19 1.19 1.14 1.14 1.16 Oata Feb. .58 .68 .65 .65 .67 Mar. .69 .59 .66 .66 .68 May .60 .60 .66 .66 .58 July .67 .67 .55 .65 .66 Pork Jan , 44.00 May 38.60 38.60 37,60 Lard. Jan. 23.47 23.47 22.9T May 23.47 23.47 22.97 Rlba Jan 22.40 22.40 May 21.45 21.45 20.95 Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 29. Corn Jan uary, $1.34; February, $1.29; March, $1.2; May, $1.23; July, $1.29. St. Louie Grain. St. Louis, Jan. 29. Corn January, $1.30; May, $1.21. Oats January, 58 c; May, 68o. Chicago Produce. Chicago, Jan. 29. Butter Market, low er; creamery. 40c45a Egga Market, nigner; receipts, 7,18$ cases: firsts, 49c49c; ordinary firsts, 48c48c; at mark, cases Included 48 49c. Potatoes Market, lower; receipts, 66 cara; Wisconsin. Michigan and Minnesota, bulk and sacks. $1.601.70. Poultry Alive, market higher; fowls, 29c; springs, 27c. New l'ork General. New York. Jan. 29. Wheat Spot, steady; No. 2 red, $2.34, track, New York. Corn Spot, ateady; No. 2 white and No. t yellow, $1.44, cost and freight, New York. Oats Spot, easier; standard, 677c. Lard Unsettled; middleweat. $23.50 24.00. Other artirlea unchanged. I.lnaeed. Duluth, Minn., Jan. 29. lned, $3.20. George McManus the Day FINANCIAL New York, Jan. 29. Complete domi nance of today'a stock market by United Statea Hteel waa the logical sequel to yesterday's cut In the steel common "extra" dividend from 2 to 1 per cent be cause of smaller earnings. Speculators and traders as a whole Interpreted the reduction as especially ap plicable to other industrials, Including former "war brides," whose futurs dis bursements are expected to bo guided by the conservative policy of tha ateel cor poration. United Statea Steel had a feverish open ing at an extreme setback of 2Va polnta, rallied a fraction and later broke to 88. closing at a loss of 8Vi points on a turn over aggregating about one-third of the day'a total operattona. Associated Industrials lost 1 to I polnta, Bethlehem, Crucible and Lackawanna Steela and Republic Iron yielding easily wtth American Car and Baldwin Loco motive. Motora, coppera and tobacooa dropped 1 to 2 points and specialties were heavy but dull. Ralls were affected by additional De cember statements of earnings, ayatema such aa Canadian Pacific, Baltimore and Ohio and Southern Railway showing net decreases of $900,000 to $1,600,000, partly offset, however, by tha mora favorable returns of Reading, Jersey Central and "Nickel Plate." Two stocks of different caliber, Marine preferred and hide and leather preferred, were conspicuoua for their relative strength, holding their substantial galna to the end. Aside from Anglo-French 6a, which roae a fraction to 97.78, their maximum eince 1917, the bond Hat, Including Llhertv tssuea. was Irregular, mostly at nominal recessions. Total sales (par value) ag gregated $11,875,000. Old United Statea bonda were unchanged on call. A fractional rally In United States Steel at midday waa succeeded by fresh Belling, forcing that stock down to a lower level. Other Industrials weakened, Baldwin 'Lo comotive losing 3V points, while oils can celed their gains and speclaltlea in gen eral made 'further concessions. Number sales and quotations on Ing stocks: Sales. High. Low. lead Close. 67 46 88 68 70 112 99 11 68 92 198 46 23 168 68 65 87 95 23 33 35 46 62 22 62 15 148 1?1 92 36 Amer. Beet Sugar.. 700 68 67 Vi Amer. can 6400 46 Vi Amer. Car and F..4300 89 Amer. Locomotive Amer. 8. A Ref. ..6300 70V4 Amer. Sugar Rcf Amer. Tel. & Tel.. 7500 100 Am. Zinc, L. and S Anaconda Copper. .6100 68 Atchison 400 92 Atl. G. & W.I.S.S.L.2300 98 Vj Baltimore A Ohio. 700 46 Cal. Petroleum . 46H 87 69 93 68 92 97 46 5 Canadian Pacific. Central Leather. . Chesapeake & o.. Chi., Mil. & St. P. 300 158 158 600 69 68Vi 600 tt 66V, 2-'U0 38 Vs 37V, 95 23 V4 um. a N. W 200 95 '4 C, R. I. Z P. ctfa. 600 23 Vi cnino copper 9nn 99 7i 19 i-oio. Fuel & Iron.. 300 36 35 Corn Prod. Ref. ...6900 47 V4 46 vi Crucible Steel ....8100 63 Vi 62 V4 Cuba Cane Sugar.. 3800 22 22 fioiuiBr s oecuri... 9(10 bs 61 Erie 800 IS 15 Oen. Electric . . Oeneral Motors Great Nor. nfrf. 600 149 .148 .1600 123 121 Ot. Nor. Ore ctfa.. 3800 37 Illinois Central Insplra. Copper 1400 44 Int. Mer. Mar. pfd.24000 98 Inter. Nickel 3200 96 Inter. Paper 700 34 36 96 26 34 95 44 96 26 84 $2 113 28 168 23 24 71 73 28 104 90 84 23 45 46 20 77 72 11 98 26 49 191 127 102 89 115 69 86 41 68 rwennecoil Copper , Louisville Z N .. . Maxwell Motors.... $00 28 28 Mexican Petrol... 61000 172 167V4 Miami Copper 300 23 23 Missouri Pacific... 2000 24 24 Montana Power 9fin ti in. r. Central 1000 73 N. Y., N. H. ft" H..1400 28 Norfolk & West... 1400 .. Northern Pacific... 600 90 Paclflo Mall 400 35 Pacific Tel. - Tel Pennsylvania 1300 45 Pittsburgh Coal 72 28 89 34 FRay Cona. Copper.. 400 20 20 't 78 77 Rep. Iron & Steel.. 2000 73 72 Shattuck Ariz. Cop. 200 11 11 Southern Pacific. .7000 98 97 Southern Railway.. 2200 27 26 Studebaker Corp.. .5100 49 48 Texas Co 8900 193 J90 Union Pacific 2100 127 126 U. 8. Ind. Alcohol. 1400 102 101 U. S. Steel .194700 -90 88 U. 8. Steel pfd.... 200 115 115 Utah Conner sfino 70 o,z . v-oiin union 4H0 87 Westingh. Electric. 700 41 Beth. B 22100 60 Bid. 86 40 68 New York Bonds. b reg'- ?,40t N' ,at W 8 3S' 89 Int- M- M- 97 c?up- 89 K. C. S. rcf. 6s 84 V a Lib, 3s 99L. A N. un. 4s.. 85 U. S. 4s, reg...l04M K & T 1st 4s 64 U. S. 4s, coup. 104 Mo. Pac. gen. 4a 60 Am For Sec 6s 99Mont. Power 6s 92 Am. T. & T. c 5s 93N. Y. C. deb 6a 99 Anglo-F'h 6a 97 11-16N. Pacific 4a.. 84 Arm. & Co. 4s 87 N. Pacific 3a... 60 Atchison gen 4s 83 0. S. L. ref 4a 86 R A O. cv. 4 Via 78 "Pac T. A T. 6a 94 Beth Steal ret 5s 87 Penn. eon. 4s 95 Cen. Leather 6a 96Penn. gen. 4s 88 Cen. Pac. 1st... 80Readlng gen. 4a 86 U & O. cv. 5a.. 85'S L 8 F a 6b 64 C B & Q joint 4s 96 S. Pac. cv. 5a.. 101 C M & S P c 4 77 S. Ry 6s J2 C R I & P r 4a 74.T. P. !(.... 0 C. 4 S. ref 4 77 Union Pacific 4a 87 D & R O ref 5a 48 U. 8. Rubber 5a 86 J & R O r 5a 49U. S. Steel 6s 100 Erie gen. 4s.... 63 "Wabaah 1st 96 Qen. Elec. 6s.... 97French. 6s 104 11-16 Bid. New York Metals. New York. Jan. 29. Copper Nominal; electrolytic, 1823c. Other metals! VcnSr,anBed- At London: Spot copper. 87f'10s; tin, 244 15s; lead, 34. New York Money. New York, Jan. 29. Mercantile Paper crnchanged. Sterling Unchanged. Franca Unchanged. Guilders Demand, 41 l-16c; cables, 41 6-1 6C. Lire Demand, $6.35; cables, $ $1. Mexican Dollars Unchanged. Time Loans Steady; unchanged. Call Money Firm; high, 4; low, 4 ruling rate 4; cloalng bid, 4; offered at 4; laat loan, 4 per cent. ' Liberty Bonds. New York; Jan. 29. The final prlcea on Liberty bonds today were: 3a, 99.18; flrat convertible 4a, 3 88 second 4s, 93.00; first convertible 4s 9o.60; second convertible 4ia 94 62- thirrt 4Via, 95.36; fourth 4., ,41; ' d New York Cotton. New Vnrlr t . . barely steady, with a general net loss of w isu poinia. Kansas City Produce. Kansas City. Mo.. Jan. 29 Butter Two cents lower; ireamerv. 49c; flrata 47; seconds, 45c; packing, $jo. SPORT DINNER AND TRILllflGS AT CLUB TONIGHT Lovers of Athletics Win Out Over Others and Will Stage Stag Event for Themselves. Lovers of sports amon$ the mem bership of the Athletic club have finally won a point over the Bean Brummels. A restricted stag party is the big event tonight, and positively no ladies will be allowed above the first floor of the club. Reason: A newly formed com mittee for the entertainment, com prising Gene Melady, Frank La tenser, Clarke Coit and W. E, Schall, has some interesting sur prises. The stags will be their own selve tonight. Even the fire escapes will be guarded to keep the members restricted in their jolly entertain ment from their wives or sweet hearts. While the men enjoy themselves at beef steak dinners artd poke one another in the ribs in accord with the special "secret" entertainment the ladies will be wall-flowers in the grill, probably enjoying tete-a-tetcs about the "horrid brutes" above. But, ladies, you are not forgotten, for you will be thoroughly enter tained with orchestra music. The program is as follows: -8 o'clock Beef ateak dinner. Feast ing will be enhanced by tha preaenca ol a Jazs orchestra, a colored Quartet and cabaret entertainment. 7:45 Swimming exhibition In tha pool J:16 Wrestling and athletic events In the gymnasium. Earl Pesek will glva an exhibition of various wrestling holds. There will be no reservation ol dinner plates, the committee having decided on a policy of first come, first served. Preparations are being made for 600 persons. Claimant of Title in the Light Heavyweight Class Plans Big Tour Mason City, la., Jan. 29. Helmer Myre, claimanto f the light heavy- ...!!.& , 1 ' , 1 ... wcigin wrcsiimg nonors OI tile world is planning on a trip through Nebraska this spring, according to an announcement which has just been made by Frank Ryan, his man ager here. He claims his title by reason of his victory over Clarence Eklund at Charles City a year ago. Myre has not appeared in a ring since last summer with one excep tion. The last time he entered the ring was at the Iowa state fair last year. He has met two defeats in the last four years. Eklund defeated him once but lost in a later match and Caddock threw him a couple of times in a match here one night just before Gene Melady's protege Courtney Again to Coach Cornell University Crew Ithica, N. Y. Jan. 29. Charles E. Courtney, who because of failing health retired as head of the Cornell crew in 1916, has reaccepted that po sition, it was announced here today. He will be assisted next season by John Collyer, assistant coach last var anrl Trtlin T-f -.,.! kn. K..;M-r Mr. t-ourtney, who is 09 years of age, had completed 33 years of ac tive coaching at Cornell, when he announced his retirement. Since then he has acted in an advisory capacity.. Hendricks Made Manager of Indianapolis Ball Club Indianapolis, Jan. 29. Jack Hen dricks, former manager of the St. Louis Cardinals, will manage the In dianapolis American association club this season, James C. McGill, owner of the club, announced tonight. Hendricks Said his salary would be more than when he managed the Indianapolis club heretofore. National Boxing Tournament to Be Held in Boston in April New York, Jan. 29. Secretary F. W. Rubien, of the Amateur Athletic union, announced here tonight that this year's national boxing cham pionship tournament would be held at Mechanics hall, Boston, under the auspices of the Boston Athletic as sociation, April 7 and 8. The Metropolitan boxing tourney has been awarded to the Brother hood of American Railway Express employes, who have arranged for the events in eight classes. They will be decided at Madison Square Garden here, March 27 and 29. Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Jan. 29. Barley 7! 89c. Bye No. 2. I1.491.50. Bran $45 00. Corn 91.26(91 5. Oata 5Hi54Hc. Flax 1 3.23 4 3.25!.. Opportunities in Long-term Bonds AT present prices high- grade bonds offer an unusually attractive yield over a long period. We have prepare, a spe cial list of such securities maturing from 1929 to 1952. The yields range from 5.45 to more than 6j47o. Circular describing theae issues will be furnished upon request for OB-202. The National City Company C0rrtitondtHt Offictt in JJ Cbitt Omaha 1138 Flrat Natl Bk. Telephone Tyier 3732