Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1919, Page 3, Image 3
THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1919. posTPoieeiT OF BILLS RILES STATESEIIATE Measure Authorizing County Attorneys to Call Witnesses and Ask Questions Given Chloroform. By a Staff Correspondent. Lincoln, Jan. 28. The dignity and calm of the Nebraska state senate was slightly roiled today when a bill, S. F. No. 72, introduced by Senators Ainlay, Neal and Chap pell, was killed upon the recommen dation of . indefinite postponement by the judiciary committee. The question came before, the senate upon motion of Senator Ain lay to reject the committee's report, but Ainlay and the other friends of the bill lost their tight by a vote of 16 to 10. The committee's report to indefinitely postpone the meas ure was then concurred in. Takes Away Rights. S. F. No. 72 authorized county at torneys in Nebraska counties to call witnesses before them, administer oaths and ask questions regarding criminal actions within the county. Chairman 1 F,' Cordeal, outlin ing the committee's reasons for killing the bill, said that if it passed i person charged with crime would Se denied the right given him by he constitution. Senator C. Petrus Peterson declared the bill conferred ipon the county attorney the power of grand jury, judge and prosecutor. Not for Lawyers. In defense of his own bill, Senator inlay said that in his estimation :he reason why the bill met with the rommittee's disfavor was because :he committee is comprised of law yers and the bill was not exactly Mie which lawyers defending rqen charged with law violations favored. Senator Peterson brought in the ecent troubles of the Nebraska State Council of Defense. He men tioned that the council had been given authority to call before it any person it desired without giving the accused any reasons for the sum mons to appear.' When he arrived at the council's rooms, Senatpr Peterson said, he was quizzed on any subject and through star cham ber methods. Senator Peterson said he did not believe such a system made for good government. Plenty of Chloroform. The senate had a liberal suppiy of chloroform. Another bill by Senator Ainlay, prohibiting counties and townships, to levy a general road or other tax upon incorporated cities and villages within such town ships, was killed upon the recom mendation of the judiciary commit tee for indefinite postponement. A communication was read before the senate from Charles Unitt, presi dent of the Pioneers of Douglas :ounty urging the passage of Rep resentative Porter's bill, H. R. 75, which provides for the repeal of the law requiring relatives of insane in mates at the state hospital to pay the cost of the care for the patient. The organization of which Unitt is president, claimed that the law divides the people into two classes the rich who can pay the charges and the "paupers," who are required to file affidavit that they are unable to do so. The law is un-American, the communication states and should be repealed. . Measures Rushed Through. On third reading this morning, the senate rushed several measures through the mill. They are: 8. 'V. 42 By Reed. Provides for pub lication of delinquent tax lists In English language newspapers. Vote, 26 yeas, no nays. 8. F. 49 By Chappell. Provides that every citizen Instead of every person of legal age or poseslng other qualifica tions shall be entitled to vote at school elections and district meetings. Vote, 26 ayes, no nays. 8. F. S7 By Good. Raises minimum school levy from 45 to 100 mills In dis tricts containing more than ISO pupils. Vote, 26 ayes, no nays. 8. F. 43 By Weaverllng. Extends term of supreme court commission two years. Vote, 25 ayes, 1 nay. Senator Moriarity of Douglas county, in Lincoln in connection with the content proceedings over the seat of Senator John M. Tan ner, addressed the senate briefly and congratulated it on its work. Sen ator Moriarity was a member of the 1917 session. 1 Because of heavy committee work, the senate adjourned until 10 o'clock Wednesday morning. The judiciary, code administration, banking and highways committees met. Wood River Soldier Gets Discharge From Service Wood- River, .Neb., Jan. 28. (Spe cial.) Sergt. Edgar A. Hoppel ar rived here this morning from Dallas. Tex.; where he has been stationed for the last 14 months in the aero service, having' received his honor able discRarge. He will visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. A. Hoppel, for a few days when he will F,o to San Francisco to resume his duties as traveling representative for the Trans-Continental freight bu teau, at which he was employed when he enlisted for service. Beatrice Company May Build Plant in Plymouth Beatrice, Neb.. Jan. 28. (Special) A committee of business men from Plymouth, 14 miles west of this city, held a conference here yesterday with B. H. Conlee, -manager of the local lighting plant relative to secur ing electric current from Beatrice for lighting that town. The commit tee wants someone to build a plant there, and the local company will uhmit figures on the proposition within the next two weeks. The committee is also figuring on buy ing juice from Fairbury. Captain Jackson Detailed v to University of Nebraska Washington, D. C. Jan. 28. (Spe cial Telegram.) By direction of the president Capt. Clarense Jackson Frankforter, chemical warfare ser vice, is relieved from his present duties and is detailed as professor of military science and tactics at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Capt Frank J. Lane, engineer, is relieved from his present duties it Davenport, and will proceed to Camp Dodge, Iowa Suggests Thai All Committee Clerks Get Spelling Books 'From a Staff Correspondent. Lincoln, Jan. 28. Speaker of the House Dalbey in the morning session gave the clerks of the standing committee a severe jolt by accusing them of murdering the king's English, committing un pardonable blunders in spelling, and wasting the valuable time of the deliberate body in correcting glaring errors in the different important bills that came up. "The clerks of the house will not assume any responsibility for such errors in the future and the bills will be read with all the faults of ambigious words, phrases and mistakes of grammar and spelling uncorrected." "I move that each committee clerk furnisrP himself with a copy of 'Greenleaf's Elementary Spell ing book,' " said '.Representative Axtell, as the house members smiled broadly at the embarrass ment of some of the committee clerks, who were present. Ice Breaks Up in Platte River; Wheat Starting Fremont, Neb., Jan. 28. (Special.) Ice in the Platte river has broken up and the channel is being cleared of the crystal. It is something out of the ordinary for the river to break up during January. . There is some little concern in this vicinity over the prospects for dam age to the fruit crop. Winter wheat has began to grow and a hard freeze will result in much damage, it is feared. v Ice Destroys Portion of Yankton Platoon Bridge Yankton, Jan. 28. (Special.) The Missouri has established a new rec ord here for breaking ice going out Sunday, and finishing the job com pletely by Monday afternoon. The earliest previous record was Febru ary 17, 1907. The pontoon bridge had been for the most part removed but Monday afternoon a huge field of ice struck the balance, still in the river, and wrecked it. Senate Bills. (Introduced Tuesday.) ff. V. No. 106. by Soars Makes all deeds, mortgages or other Instruments for the conveyance of real estate ac knowledged by any Judge advocate or other military officers In this state or any foreign state legal. 8. F. No. 107, by Sears Requires the superintendents In all Institutions under the board of control, all sheriffs and chiefs of police to make monthly reports of commitments of any aliens under their custody. Penalty $200. S. F. No. 108, by lloagland Requires Judges of thrt supreme court in all cases to file a written opinion in every case de cided on its merits within 60 days after decision Is reached. 8. F. No. 10S, by Swanson Requires that salaries of officers of public service corporations shall be fixed by a majority vote of the stockholders. 8. F. No. 110, by Bushee Authorized board of regents of county high schools to employ a superintendent for a term of three years and assistant teachers for a term of two years, and to fix salary. Also gives them power to remove such em ployes by a majority vo of the beard. 8. F. No. Ill, by Uushec Gives the mayor and city council the right to de termine the census of a city in order to adopt the commission form of govern ment under the law requiring 6,000 popu lation. 8. F. No. 112, by Alnley and Bradstreet Provides for the acquiring of lands by the state for road material and for the disposition of the surplus thereof. 8. F. No. 113, by Good Requiring tru ant officers to report truants to fne su perintendent of the school In the district truant resides. Wednesday at 9 i ijwji III A M MS p i mm i y m a $A w a I i It ill mm feillf mm iMAmOT is m t & ic w mm- . ;! PLAN OF 0L1AHA BEE ENDORSED BY LEGISLATURE Resolution Urging Baker to Give Discharged Men Six Months' Pay Adopted by Houses (By Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Jan. 28. A resolution, indorsing the plan of The Omaha Bee to urge Newton D. Baker, sec retary of war, to pay the men dis charged from the military service of the country wages for six months, was introduced in the Nebraska leg islature by Representative J. A. Axtell, Fairbury. Jefferson county, today, and passed with practically a unanimous vote, only a few demo crats voting against the resolution, which reads as follows: "Whereas, It has been called to the attention of the members of the legislature of the state of Nebraska, that a formal application is being circulated among the citizens throughout the state memorializing the Hon. Newton D. Baker, secre tary of war of the United States, as follows The Petition. "To the .Hon. Newton D. Baker, Secretary of War: "The undersigned respectfully urge you to return to their homes as soon as possible the soldiers who have accomplished so bril liantly every object America, had in the war. "We urge, also, that you obtain the necessary authority to pay these men their military wages for six months, or for some suffi cient period after their discharge from the army until they can ob tain useful and remunerative em ployment. - "We urge this as an act of sim ple justice by a great nation to its heroes. "(Signed). "And, whereas, this petition has been circulated through the medium of The Omaha Bee throughout the state and by this organized effort has already received over 30,000 signatures of Nebraska citizens to its numerous petitions, be it re solved that the legislature of the state of Nebraska indorse such pe titions, -holding that such action will prove that the republic is not un grateful to, its citizen soldiers, who have made great sacrifices to uphold the national ideals, and that such an award of extra pay to discharged soldiers will enable the soldiers and employers to readjust labor and em ployment without shock or distress to the business and industrial con ditions of the country, and will be equitable to all concerted. -Resolution to Baker. "Be it further resolved, that ' a copy of these resolutions shall be sent to the Hon. Newton D. Baker, secretary of war, and to each of the representatives and to each senator of the state of Nebraska in con gress." Fremont Fire Denarcment Chief Will Not Be Candidate Fremont, Neb., Jan. 28. (Special) The Fremont fire department will be callled upon to elect a new chief. Harry 5. Morse having announced Blouses distinctively exquisite, so unique, so delightfully different and values so extraordinary, that buying is expected on a large scale and early attendance is advised. Tlilb is a fascinating sale indeed. It holds a charm of the unexpected, for the supply of these beautifully hPand em broidered blouses, imported from the Philippines, is limited and rarely seen in sales. An exceptional trade advan Fresh from their original, packing in . Philippine hand-woven wosk baskets. that he will not be a candidate for re-election. Mr. Morse has served for two years. ' Five Arrests on Booze Charges Made in State Lincoln, Jan. 28. (Special.) Five arrests for alleged violations of the state prohibitory law were reported to Gus Hyers, chief booze agent, Tuesday. Oscar ann Carl Kroeger. father and son, claiming Seward as their home, were taken from a train when it pulled into Lincoln early Tuesday morning. 'One had ten quarts of Mqaor and the other had six quarts, Hyers reported. Theodore Zervea was arrested at Sid ney on a charge of unlawful possession of liquor. Officers at Wymore arrested Samuel Abraham, of Edison, Neb. He Is alleged to have had two- quarts and two pints of whisky. J. A. John of Hendley, Neb., is accused of having one gallon and five pints of whisky. House Bills. (Introduced Tuesday.) H. R. 558 by Fulls Providing for the sale by Judicial process of all property on which there are three years of unpaid taxes, the sales to be In large lots. II. K. 259. by Staats To permit Bounties to erect memorial halls and purchase sites therefor and issue bonds for that purpose. II. R. 260. by Foster Making .it unlaw ful to appoint to lucrative public office any person bearing sucn relation 10 uie appointing power aa would permit the per son appointed to inherit. H. It. 261. by Hardin and Taylor pro vides for examination of the books and accounts of all county officers not less than once -every two years under the di rection of the state auditor. If. R. 262. by Christy Provides that where vehicles, autos or boats are used in the Illegal transportation of liquors, they need not be sold Immediately after seizure, but may be used by the state agents or the governor in halting other violators. It also provides that the state agents may put gates across roaas ana nang oui signal lights at night to stop machines and ve hicles. 11. R. 263, by Hostetler and Harris Ap propriates $31.48 for improvements on state property in city of Kearney. H. R. 264, by I.undgren Provides that where a person dies during the period when extended insurance clause is in op eration, the company, in making settle ment, shall not deduct any premiums that should havo been paid during such period. H. R. 26o, by Van Patten Provides that county boards shall appoint a county in spector of horticulture upon a petition of 25 or more residents and fruit-growers of said county. II. R. 266. by Porter. Providing for a system of proportional voting and repre sentation. H. R. 267, by Rodman Changing the law relating to the districting of Irrigation districts. H. R. 268, by Gerhart Appropriating $1,000 every two years to be expended for salary of special instructor in normal training subjects in high schools. H. R. 269, by Barton Green Provides for an emergency public works board and appropriates $1,000,000 as a revolving fund that may combine with municipalities and other bodies. H. R. 269, by Harte Increases member ship of board of county commissioners of Douglas1 county. Provides that county clerk, clerk of district court and county attorney shall divide county Into three dis tricts and appoint a county commissioner for each district, said appointees to hold office until election of successors, each for a six year term, one In 1920, one in 1922, and one In 1924. H. R. 270, by Smith County Judge to be paid 25 cents for each certificate sent state board of health -as required by ex isting law. H. R. 271, by Thompson Amends child labor law to permit employment of chil dren between 12 and 16 years of age when such children shall have been before the juvenile court and at the discretion and under the control of the court. H. R. 272. by Axtell County road tax may be divided equally among road dis tricts of county. Jlust now be apportioned where paid. H. R. 273. by Axtell Permits majority vote at school district meeting to move school site away from center, as well as toward center. H. R. 274, by Fuller Requires county board to establish road when majority of freeholders, legal voters, request it. II. R. 275, by JlcGrath Provides that there may be more than one county high school in a single county. H. R. 2V6, by Barton Green Provides for an emergency public works board to supervise the expenditure of $1,000,000 for roads and other public works in co-operation with municipalities and other bodies. A. Genuine tage consumated very recently accounts for this sale, which affords a most important opportunity for the purcliase ' of blouses for immediate and Spring and Summer wear. Six of B ; nna selection. ON SALE WEDNES FLOOR HITCHCOCK'S REPLY CALLED SCRAP OF PAPER Representative Tracewell 0b jects to. Disgracing House Journal by Incorporating ; Senator's Stand. By a Staff Correspondent. Lincoln, jan. :. inasmuch as the house journal .has not yet been disgraced, let us not disgrace it with recording this scrap of paper!" 1 his was the 1 oionate exclama tion of Representative Tracewell of Cherry county when a motion was made to incorporate the reply of Senator Hitchcock, refusing to ac cede to the demand of the house and senate joint resolution to vote m favor of a federal woman s stif frage amendment as instructed by the legislature, in the daily record as shown in the house journal. There was applause from mem bers on the floor and from the large audience in the gallery. ' Representative Good of Nemaha, in supporting the motion said: "Al though I do not agree with any thing Senator Hitchcock has said or done, he has been courteous enough to give us a reply and we should be courteous enough to put hiri on record." Birdsall of Thayer said: "By all means place his answer on the per manent records. It would be. an in justice to Senator Hitchcock and to the people if his stand on this ques tion, as outlined in his reply, was not perpetuated. Other speakers contended that the reply of the senator should be made a matter of record for future reference and for proof and spoke in favor of the motion. By a unanimous vote of the house the reply of Senator Hitchcock w: - ordered made a part of the per manent record of the state. Legislative Notes By a Staff Correspondent. Lincoln. Jan. 28. A picture - of the members of the house of representatives, taken by a photographer, stopped the house clock today. It was after the long debate on the capitol bill, and the clock ss well as the house members were weary, when the photographer set his camera. After the explosion of the flashlight It was found the face of the clock was shrouded in somber smoke and trie wheels refused to turn. The strain of long winded debate, with the burst of addi tional hot air when the flashlight picture was taken, was too much for the time piece. Chairman Tom Hail of the Nebraska Railway commission was in Columbus. Nqb., Tuesday presiding at a hearing of the Monroe Telephone company, with ex changes in Lindsay, Monroe, Newman Grove, St. Kdward and other towns In an application for an IneVease in telephone rates. State Food Commissioner Stuhr 1e holding a school of instruction for three or four new department Inspectors soon to be put in the field. Commissioner Stuhr indicated that no formal announce ment would be made of the appointment of these inspectors, who are named by the governor on recommendation of the food department. Names of the first 15 inspectors were made public. ' New signatures on the . officio f legisla tive lobby register in the office of Secre tHry of State D. M. Amsberry include X R. McDonald of Omaha and Frank I. Kinger of Lincoln, That Much Philippine Imported Blouses Made oi the sheerest of Voiles, Batistes and Lingeries, Hand Worked and Embroidered Under the Blue and Sunny Skies of the Philippines, $6 to $15 Vals. Hand Sewed Hand Drawnwork Hand Made Buttonholes Hand Fagotting Hand Laid Tucks Hand Felled . Hand Made . Crochet Buttons Hand Embroidery ( Hand Made Laces 1 Hand Hemstitched Hand English JZyeletwork the Many Models Sketched This is a sale that the keenest and most discriminating women will attend with Section on the Second Floor, these blouses will be arrflnffpd nn nnmArmw tnhlQ ' All sizes and values are conservatively stated as being from COO to lLaii!l s iiij L Il . 1 L Question of Foreign Language in Schools Stirs Up Senators From a Staff Correspondent. Lincoln, Jan. 28. The senate had its first brush today over the ques tion ol legislation dealing with the use of foreign language in the schools of Nebraska and although no definite action was taken there was a unanimous sentiment again-.t foreign language below the ninth grade. The issue came up when Senator Slman's bill. S. F. 24, making it a misdemeanor to give instruction in foreign tongue below the eighth grade in private, parochial or pub lic schools, was taken up in the committee of the whole. Senators Sears of Douglas point ed out that several educators had indicated it was advisable to give premliminary Latin - instruction in the eighth grade. Senator lloag land said it was his idea that in struction in foreign languages should be giveir in English and he did not believe the senate intended to restrict the study -of foreign lan guage if the study of the language was in Knglish. Sears proposed to allow instruc tion in Latin anf Greek but no other foreign language below the eighth grade. . j Senator Reed said he did not be Mother's Pet Needs a Cascaret Baby is mad! Doesn't want the favorite dolly, or the horn, or the picture books but don't scold ! Look atjhe tongue! Then hurry! Give candy Cascarets to work the nasty bile, souring food and constipation poison from the little liver and bowels.' s MOTHERS! Clean the clogged sour fermentations and constipation aoss, feverish and side. Children love Cascarets, because to them it is like eating candy. Cascarets act better than castor oil, calomel or pills on the tender stomach, liver and bowels. Cascarets never gripe, never injure, and do not disappoint the worried mother. Give harmless Cascarets tcTchildren one year old and upwards. Each ten cent box Contains full directions. Awaited J at the Left (J ""'"v v m (.uuitj, lieve there should be any exeinp tions. - The bill will come up in the sen ate committee of the whole Wednes day morning . Governor M'Kelvie Goes to Washington to Get Boys' Release Lincoln, Jan. 28. (Special.) The question of early release from mili tary service of Nebraska farm boys in time tor spring work will be tak en j with the War Department by uovernor McKelvie, who left late 1 uesday for ashington, D. C. The governc. says he has been snowed under with, appeals from Nebraska farmers Urging him to us. his influence toward the release of their sons, now tliPt the war is over. These letters indicated general shortage of farm labor as acute as ever, according to the gov ernor. The governor is informed that the need of men is also great in such institutions as banks and mer cantile establishments. Since Nebraska has about 40,000 men in military service, it can be assumed that close to 20,000 of these are farm boy. While in conference with the War department Governor McKelvie will inquire into the policy of the gov ernment as to state mihtia.and na tional guard. - up places. Do away with the bile, poison which is keeping your little one Sale of pleasure. In the Blouse trt -funilitaA avam. nation 13.00. vv -f lv iiiu ViUUiUiaiilUil ON SALE FLOOR The Best Cough Syrup It Home-made Hare's aa ey way to ear ft, and yet Bar in iwtt ran remedy jrou ever tried. You've probably heard of this well known plan of making conh avrup at home. But havo you ever used it' Vhtn you do, you will unrlgraUnri why thousands of families, t lift world over, feel that they could hardly keep houae without it. It's simple ana cheap, but tlio war it taken hold ol a couch will quickly earn it a per manent place in your homo. Into a pint bottle, pour 24 ouneel of Pinex; then add plain granulated sugar syrup to fill up the pint. Or, il desired, use clarilUxf molasses, honey, or corn syrup, instead of sugar syrup Kither way, it tastes good, never spoils, and gives you a full pint ol better cough remedy than you could buy ready-made for tthree times its cost. It Is really wonderful Low quickly this home-made remedy conquers cough usually in 24 hours or less. It seems to penetrate through every air passage, loosens a dry, hoarse or tight rough, lifts the phlegin, heals the mem branes, and gives almost immediate relief. Splendid for throat tickle, hoarseness, croup, bronchitis and bron chial asthma. I'iner is a highly concenftated com pound of genuine Norway pine extract, and has been used for generations foi throat and chest ailments. To avoid disappointment ask youi druggist for "ZVj ounces of Pinex' with directions, and don't accept any thing else. Guaranteed to give abao lute rfatisfartion or money refunded The Pinex Co., i t. Wayne, lnd. After each meal YOU eat one ATOMIC traiTOR YOUR STOMACH'S SAKE) and get full food value and real stonv ach comfort. Instantly relieves heart burn, bloated, gassy feeling, STOPS acidity food repeating and stomach misery. AIDS digestion; keeps the stomach sweet and pure EATONIC is tba but remedy and only mall a cent or two a day to use it You will be de lighted with result, batuf action guaranteed or money back. Fleas call and try it "Follow the Beaton" ISth and Famam Sts Omaha. SECRET OF DARK HAIR Look Young- and Be Popular. U "La Creole" and Have Dark, Luitroua Hair Yonr gray, faded, thin or streaked hair betrays you into looking old, no matter how young you feel. Most folks judge you by your looks. It is unnecessary to look old, as by ap plying "Lz. Creole" Hair Dressing to all your hair, as per simple direc tions on the bottle, all your gray oi faded hair gradually turns to a beautiful, soft, even dark shade. "Ls Creole" Hair Dressing is absolutely harmless and can be used in the pri vacy of your room. Try it yourself, you will enjoy the experience and the pleasure of having beautiful, soft, thick, evenly daric nair again. "LsrCreole" is making thousands happy by bringing back the beauti ful, dark color and luster to their gray or faded hair. "La Creole" Hair Dressing has been used by many ladies and gentlemen for past 30 years, and is sold by Sherman & McConnell Drug Store and all good drug stores everywhere. Mail orders promptly filled upon receipt of reg ular price, $1.00. "La Creole" Hair Dressing is guaranteed. Adv. FEEL MISERABLE FROM THAT COLD 1 Cold and coughs are quickly re . Sieved by Dr. King's New Discovery. Nobody should feel "perfectly miserable" from a cold, cough or bronchial attack for very long. Foi it takes only a little while to relieve it and get back on the road to recov ery when Dr. King's New Discovery is faithfully used. It soon loosens the phlegm, relieves irritation, soothes the parched, sore throat, brings comfort. Half a century old and more pop ular today than ever. At all drug gists. 60c and $1.20. V Make Your Bowels Behave Make them function with grati fying precision. If regulation of the diet does not relieve their tor pidity Dr. King's New Life Pills will. They are perfect bowel trainers, cleanse the system surely, comfort ably. 25c. Adv. Coticura Clears Dandruff la One Treatment On retiring, comb the hair out straight, then make a parting, gently rubbing in Cuticura Ointment with the end of the finger. Anoint additional partings until the whole scalp has been treated. Place a light covering orer the hair to protect the pillow from possible stain. The next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water, using plenty of soap, best applied with the hands. Rinse in tepid water. Repeat in two weeka if needed. Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum everywhere 26c each. Haad or chtt T are beat treat! v "xterneny"- rj' Your Pqv4vvj.--I W8r V NEW PRICES 30c, eOci $1X3