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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1919)
x 10 THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1919. The. spirit of all truth U goodness. Hi aubstanc o all faith U lev. Mr bark It wafted en k breath dlvlnai A hand li on the halm othar than mine. SOCIETY Silver! Silver! Silver! And Beautiful 6owns at Edwards-Porter Nuptials It't so interesting to be "among the first to arrive" at a wedding, for one can admire the flowers and likewise the gowns of one's neigh . bors. Many lovely evening gowns were worn at the wedding of Miss Gertrude Porter and Mr. Robert Edwards Monday evening, one of the loveliest weddings of the sea son, by the way. Black seemed to be the predomi nating note in the gowns, even the younger girls, many of them wore this smart color. Miss Helen Eastman wore a beautiful model in black, as did also Miss Helen lng wersen, her gown made with the round neck and flowing sleeves. Miss Mona Towle has a beautiful black evening gown of tulle, made simply and most becoming to this young woman. Mrs. Justin B. Porter, mother of the bride, wore a lovely gown of black, so becoming to this matron with her wealth of silvery hair. Mrs. Franklin Mann also wore black, and Mrs. Osgood T. Eastman and Mrs. G. J. Ingwersen wore beautiful gowns of this popular mode. In the sea of these filmy gowns of tulle and the soft, clinging satins we noticed a touch of turquoise blue. Mrs. H. O. Ld wards, mother of the bridegroom, wore such a wonder ful gown of blue georgette crepe, her silver hair beautifully dressed with diamond ornaments. Mrs. VV, H. Holmes wore an iridescent gown . . ' i i r l , .kj in ine snaucs 01 oiue aau green trimmed with crystals. May we digress a moment and chat about the wedding gifts? Such lovely ones, you never saw. A chest of silver was presented to this for tunate young couple, and silver dishes galore. With the prospects of a beautiful honeymoon trip to Australia many presents were given to the bride which she could use on her ocean trip. A traveling bag, lined with blue and fitted with sil ver, was among the gifts, and writ ing portfolio to match, and the girl friends of the bride have prospects of many long, chatty letters. Many, many beautiful things for the new home were sent to the bridal cou ple, for they will return to Omaha after their six months' stay abroad. Club Meetings. Original St. Tames Orphanage Sewing society will meet Wednes day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Andrevr Hogan, JoU North .twen ty fourth stret. Henry W. Lawton auxiliary will meet Wednesday at 8 p. m. in Me morial hall. Exercises commemorat ing President McKmley s birthday will be held. Personals Mr. Herbert Daniel arrived Mon day from Washington, D. C Lt. Warren Breckenridge is visit ing his mother, Mrs. R. VV. Breckenridge. Mrs. Frank J. Carey who was severely injured by a fall has re covered. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Eldridge, who are now in Florida, will re main until the first of May. Captain H. C Sumney returned Sunday from Fort Oglethorpe where he was in the medical service of the army for four months. Dr. and Mrs. Sumney will remain at the Fonte- nelle tor the rest of the winter, Isabella Club. Miss Blanche Wallweber has re cently been elected president of the Isabella club. The other officers include. Miss Katherine Heafey, vice president; Miss Winifred Waite, secretary; and Miss Theresa Heman, treasurer, lhe club has a member ship of 12 and the dances and other entertainments are given every Fri day evening at Fort Crook. A short time ago a farewell party tor the men was given when the K. C. hut was decorated with tiny balloons and flags. Mrs. James Burke is sponsor of the club. ft 0 I i Omaha's Popular Price Shoe Store yn viawarx - w --t is i Their W Wm1 Z' First S-W4m0n ZZfal lfjLOl x-hJ- Never was the possibility of savin" in the purchase of good, high grade ladies' footwear more exemplified to the people of Omaha and vicinity than in this sale. Never were greater values present ed than at this time when our on coming spring stocks make it imper ative for us to clear our shelves at once. We advise early shopping as the shoes, will not remain long at these prices. ( hoe arkei . 320 South 16th Street We are unable to present more than a few of the great variety of footwear that we have placed in this sale. v Ladies' All Brown Kid Leather Boots Leather Louis heel; sizes 2 to 9, widths AA to D; sale orice Ladies' Field Mouse Boots Cloth top to match, leather Louis heels; sizes 2 to 9, widths AAA to D; d7 QP sale price V ? Ladies' All Gray Kid Leather Boots 10-inch tops, leather Louis heels; same QC sites as above... PO50 Growing Girl's -English Shoes White Neolin soles, low heels just the, shoe for the small school girl. Sizes 2 to 7, widths A A to 50 QC D; sale price 40U We still have several hundred 'pairs of odds and ends, good clean merchandise, all sizes in some lines, sale price $1.45 and $1.95 (No refunds and no exchanges on $1.45 and $1.95 shoes.) i , Fancy Slippers White satin pumps with covered Louis heels, black kid beaded pumps with covered Louis heels, black satin pumps with beade-' and plain vamps and cov ered Louis heels, sale price $6.95 Ladies' Brown or Black Mili tary Street Boot- 9-inch top, wing tip; sizes 2 to 9, widths AA to D; sale 5JK- QC price vwwO Ladies' Kid Leather Boots Lace and button, leather Louis heel. Sizes 2 to 8, widths AA to D. Sale price , . $2.95 ft TTSr-v. lU t, I r . J, i- - - ' J t t It m I B s"- - . J ft 1 $2.95 A Scripps-Booth Sedan Six 1985 f F. o. B. r; Factory f ,y vh 1985 F. O. B. Factory 5-Pass. Sedan Thi i. unquetionbly the finest and moil terrice.ble Sedan aver built. Powerful six-cylinder, Im proved and enclosed valve in bead motor that is making the builder famous. Come in and tee this new model, about it. We want you to ride in it and tell you friends Tyler 1368 Hanson & Tyler Auto Go. 2512-14 Farnam Prices Guaranteed Until August 1, 1919. Joe Elfred, Mgr. Advice to the Lovelorn The human heart holds many( sorrows, the human mind many a different opinion, but the "Lovelorn" column has them all, with a few good laughs included. By BEATRICE FAIRFAX ' Walt a While. Dear Miss Fairfax: I have now come to you for advice. I am 17 years old and considered very (tool looking. I have blue eyes and am light oomplexloned. I have been -fwrlting to a soldier in France for about a year, but have not hear! from him now for about five month Since he left I have become ac quainted with another young man whom I love very dearly. Would it be all right to go with him as I have not heard from the soldier for so long a time? I like this young man best and feel like I could not give him up for the soldier if he did hap pen to return. My mother wishes me to wait for the soldier boy. Now If you were me would you take the ore you loved best or wait and take the one your mother wishes you to? They have both proposed to me. Fiom BLUB EVTES. You are only 17 so wait a while, before deciding which you will choose. I would wait until the sol dier returns. He may have changea his views. fi If S. B. of Bancroft will send me her name and address I shall endeavor to assist her. ITndignUlcd. Dear Miss Fairfax: I am a girl 19 years old and I am much in love with a boy of 21. For Christmas he gave me a wrist watch. Was it all right for me to accept it? Is lt all right for him to kiss me good bye? Is it all right '.o sit on a boy'a lap in a car if the car is loaded? If not, why not? There is another youw; man whom I care for lots more than the other one at 21, but he doesn't live in this town, but when he is here he treats me very nice. AJ1 the other girls like him, but he noa not 3eni to care much about them. Shall I stop going with this one that lives in my town or not? Please print your answers in The Omaha Daily Bee. BLUE EYES. 'P. S. How Is my writing? I would not accept such expensive gifts from a man unless an engage ment existed. Don't permit kissing and do not sit on a boy's lap at any time. It is very undignified to say the least. If you are engaged to neither I would enjoy the company of both. Take Parents' Advice. Dear Miss Fairfax: I saw in the paper where you give advice to the lovelorn and have come to you for advice. I am 15 years old and con sidered very beautiful. I am also vory popular among the young men. About a week ago 1 became engaged to a young man, whom I love vory dearly. He is very jealous of me and and does not want me to notice any otner young man. I think this is all right because we are engaged, but a few days ago he left to go back to work, and since he left another young man has shown a great in fatuation for me. Now the question is how can I prevent him from com ing to see me? I do not wish to tell him to stay away as I am afraid it will cause the loss of his friendship. Ho knows of my engagement to tho other young man. Also do you th:nk I am old enough to get married .' i i can cook, sew and keep house. Please do not think this is a Joke as it is not. Hoping to see an an swer in tho paper, I remain, ANXIOUS. Tell the second man very plainly that you are engaged and he will probably cease his attentions. I think you are far too young to marry, but I should abide by the ad vice of my parents. When In Doubt Don't. Dear Miss Fairfax: I am a young girl of 16, have dark hair and blue eyes, an'l have a light complexion. Am I good looking? Am I to young to go out riding with boys? Wh!tt a girl goes out with a boy. and hi asks her If she loves him, what should she tell him? If he asks her to kiss him, what should she tell him? How should a young girl of 16 wear her hair? What are the most popular ways for a girl of 16 to wear her dresses? How is my writ ing? P'eai,e p'int this in your col umn. Thanking you in advance. IREMK. At this distance how can E Judire your good looks? We have dis coursed at leng in this column on the subject of kissing, etc., and, if you ate a roider you will know my views on the subject. "When in dcubt, don't," is a very good motto. Wear your' hair simply,,d back from your face and arranged in a low knot in the back. If you mean the length of your drenses they will be much longer th!s prinqr and the skirts very narrow. Your writing is very legible. He Forged a Check. Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I am writing to ask if you can help me out of a great difficulty. I am 19 years old, and was engaged to a boy of 20, who enl'sted in the army last fall. He wrote to me once a week all during the winter, and along about the 2nd of December his last letter came, saying that he was about to sail.? I have not heard from him since, but was not worried because I reasoned that his letters had been lost. There has come out in the papers that he has forged checks or some thing", and they are now searching for him. I am so worried, and I can't believe it of him. My mother and friends all tell me that I should bresik off the engage ment as soon as I find 'where he Is. Of course he will be caught. The government always catches them. And yet I can't feel anything but pity for the poor kid. I know that he would have been true to me in like circumstances. I realize, as they all advise me, that lje shouldn't have done this. Do yolu think he will ever, write to me?! am afraid he won't, but if he should how shall I answer it? And if he should write and tell me I am free, what shall I an swer? I don't want to be. free. T am mm thnt even If the worst Tjlappened. even if he went to prison, I could help him to come out a oei ter man, but afterwards there would be our friends to face his and mine. Won't you please answer this in The gee without publishing my letter? PERPLEXED. There is no rule to cover a case of this kind. What kind of a boy is he under regular circumstances? I know that the general public be lieves in kicking a person if they begin to fall, but Jalk the matter over with your mother and decide whether he is good at heart. - Many a young man has gone wrong, or mlsstepped, through impulse. This is no sign of depravity and there are many ways for them to come back. If he writes to you answer lt Your letter may be the means of helping him "come back." Elopement. Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I am writing to you, as I am very much distressed over a matter which was left for me to decide. Now, it Is utterly Impossible for me to settle this alone, so I am writing for your advice. I am very much In love with a young man who is very much In love with me. We have planned to elope in ourFord car. How would you suggest our going about it? Should we call up from where we are married or wait until we return home, as we return at once after the wedding. Of course we understand we can not be married in Nebraska, since my fiance Is six years my junior and we cannot be married without his parents' permission, so we have de cided to go to a hearby state. We are determined to carry this out and would beg of you to give all the suggestions you may have that would lje of aid to use. Thanking you In advance, I am, MISS FLORENCE JOHNSON. Having never eloped lt is a little hard for me to give full directions. Are you sure that you wish to pur sue this course? I would notify my parents and friends immediately if I took such a step. In Love with Husband. Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I am a young wife of 17 years. I have been married since last February, and what I wish to know is: Is 'it possible to be in love at 16? So many people say it is impossible to be in love at my age, although I feel that I positively worship my hus band. During the three months in which he was a soldier I was very lonely and miserable. We are great pals and all our folks call us "the kids." I am sure if I always remain as happy and contented as I am now that I will have not a single worry. My father and I are great chums. but I have a stepmother, who is jealous of us. My fafher may die any time and I do not understand any of his financial affairs. Would it be wrong to ask for a little in formation regarding his property and the money which I have been told Is in my name? Thanking you in advance. M1LL1CKNT. Evidently lt is possible to be In love at 16. for you were very much In love and are still. I see no reason why you should not have a frank talk with your father concerning his affairs. Mar Tour Bcanty. Council Bluffs, la. Dear Miss Fairfax: I am a girl of 19. of the petite blonde type and am consid ered very beautiful. Now what 1 would like to know Is why I am so popular among the boys? I do not care for them, but somehow, no matter how much I turn them do-vn they keep calling on 'me. My girl friends shun me because I have so many admirers and the boys pay no attention to them when I am around. The gentleman my folks insist on me marrying ia past BO, very nifty,' and very wealthy now I do not care for him and what am I goln to do to keep peace in the family? After being introduced to a you.ig man what is th. proper thing to say when he says "tarn glad to have met you." Awaiting your answer, I am. PLUMP AND PRETTY. I would suggest that you blacktn your teeth or take some other ex treme measure to mar your beauty. You had better follow the dictates of vour own heart when choosing a mate, tjwould simply say, "Thar.K you." , its annual conference in Philadel phia in the early part of June. Chinese history records a womai general, Chin Muh Lau, more tha 1,000 years ago. The Philippine General hospital recently graduated the first Mor girl nurses. A Catholic sister who served as a nurse in the Crimean war died re cently at Sarzana- Italy, at the age of 95 years. s The National Women's Trade Union League of America will hold HELP WANTED Experienced pressers. No oth srs need apply. Hand and ma :hine workers on Ladies Gar ments. Girls, $65.00 per month to start; Men $100.00. Carey Cleaning Co., 2401 No. 24th St., near Lake. Web. 392. Ask for Mr. Boonstra or Mrs. Wallace. A Every Woman in Omaha We Place on Sale WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY 379 PAIR OF WOMEN'S E uw3 Please Cut Me Out and Save Me Jfanuaiy SHOES At F77 es 1: Per fXJ Pair vTy You will find a wide selection of styles in both brown, black and gray combinations. Many of these shoes worth up to $12 a pair. Something to Remember: V;:XhtiaT!as'''m'"t'eh'n'x WALK-OVER BOOT SHOP 317 South 16th Street. T BASKET STORES T Wednesday, January 29th, we will sell in all our Omaha and Council Bluffs Stores Cash Habit Brand Corn, per can . . . lSc Thi3 corn is extra standard packed in Iowa especially for us, better than ordinary. Sausage, 1-lb. Cartons :29c This sausage is Cudahy's finest Meadow Grove brand we believe there is none better made. Each store has a limited amount. T BASKET STORES T U. S. License G28403 Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. homo to warm Wd comeback fresh tomorrow morn I am one of the twelve cartoons that will appear onco a month in the Omaha dallies to call your attention to the importance of re turning empty bottles. i To every one of our customers who will return us at the end of twelve months, the, twelve dif ferent cartoons, we will give FREE one pound of Alamito Pas teurized Butter or one pint of XX Cream (excellent for whip ping.) The only restriction In this offer In only one pound of butter or ow pint of cream to a customer fnmlly tliat bns been a customer for four Huccexxive months during rear from duly, 191S, to June, 1019, Inclusive. AJamiio Dairy Co. Douglas 409. Council Bluffs, 205. 3 STOPPING THE LEAKS in the storage of household goods and merchandise, and giving attention to the small items as well as the large, has builded for our ware house a name well-known throughout the Central West When you think .of storage, think of the Omaha Van & Storage Co. Phone Douglas 4163 806 So. 16th St. "All changes in the location of the subscriber shall hereafter be treated as new 'service connections' and subject to service connection charges" is the order of the Postmaster General to all telephone companies. Carter's You Cannot be Constipated and Happy little Liver Fills A Remedy That Makes Life Worth Living Sni.1l pm Smull Dote Small Prlco A Carter's iittle IflVER Genuine bero alffmture AESrSLS ft f ARTERY IRON PILLS many colorless faces but will greatly help most pale-faced people u u FISTULA CURED Rectal Diaeaaes Cured Without a aevere surgical operation. No Chloroform or Ether used.' Cure guaranteed. PAY WHEN CURED. Write for illus trated book on Rectal Diseuei, with names and testimonials of more than 1,000 prominent people wno nave oeen permanently cured. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. MORE GOOD THAN EVERYTHING ELSE SAYSMMRVEY Tanlac Accomplishes Wonder ful Results in Case of Omaha Woman. . "My sister came to see me one day and said to me, 'Margaret, why don't you send to the drug store and get some Tanlac and take it. It is the finest medicine in the world to build a person up from a run-down condition like you are in.' She was right, for Tanlac has done more for me than all the other medicine I have taken put together." The above statement was made a few days ago by Mrs. Henry Harvey, who lives at 2623 Franklin street, Omaha. "I certainly have suffered for the last three years," she continued. "My nerves were so completely shattered that I hardly ever got a good night's rest, and I was so weak and worn out when I got out of bed every morning that I felt like I just couldn't drag through he day. My appetite was very poor and I didn't relish what little I did eat, but just had to force myself to eat enough to keep me going. I kept going down hijl until I had lost twenty-five nounds, and in spite of the fact that I had taken many different kinds ol medicine, I just kept getting wors all the time. "I finally decided to take my sis ter's advice and give Tanlac a trial, and I hadn't taken more than hall a bottle when I began to feel bettei in every way. My apnetite has im proved so much tat I can now eai iust anythine anybody else can and it agrees with me perfectly. My nerves seem to be about norma! acf'n, and I feel so refreshed and well every morning that I can eat a hearty breakfast and go about my housework with as much ease at ever. I am gaining in weight right along, and feel that it is only a question of t'me until I will get back every pound I have lost. I am glad to recommend Tanlac to others for it is certainly doing me more good than anything I have taken." Tanlac is sold in Omaha by all Sherman & McConnell Drug Com pany's stores, Harvard Pharmacj and West End Pharmacy under the personal direction of a special Ten iae representative. Also Forrest and Meany Drug Company in South Omaha and the leading druggist in each city and town throughout the state of Nebraska. Adv. To Quickly Remove Ugly Hairs From Face (Beauty Notes). ' Beauty-destroying hairs are soon banished from the skin with the aid of a dclatone paste, made by mix ing some water with" a little plain powdered delatone. This is spread upon the hairy surface for 2 or 3 minutes, then rubbed off and the skin washed to remove the remain ing delatone. This simple treatment banishes every trace of hair and leaves the skin without a blemish. Caution should be used to be certain that it is delatone you buy. Adv.