the r.r OMAHA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 25. 1913. THIRD LIEIaBER VICE GAI2G IS IN JAIL III OREGOII . Charles C. Woodworth, Alleged Member of Nation-Wide Or ganization, is Arrested; Butters at Liberty. Uiiited States Post Office Inspec tor Coble, has received report from Portland, Ore1., that Chas. C. Woodworth, another member of the alleged nationwide vice organization, of which Albert Butters, north Twenty-fourth street photographer, is said to be a part, has been placed under arrest. Woodworth is an electrician in the employ of the Portland Railway Light and Power company, "and is 49 years old. The report says he is being held in default of bond. This is the second arrest resulting from the discovery of a great quan tity of letters and. pictures of nude women and children captured at the time of Butter's arrest several weeks ago, Rufus F. MacComas having been arrested in Chicago a few days apo. When arrested MaComas claimed he was a salesman for the Pathescope company, 17 North Wa bash avenue, Chicago, also that he was a photographer and artist. Pastmaster of Vice. From a survey of the letters found in Butter's possession, MacComas seems to have been the grand past master of this amazing organization, whose sole purpose seemed to be the debauching of the morals of little pirls from 5 to 12 years old, and pos ,ng them in nude disqusting posi tions for pictures which they were exchanging between each other, ilong with obscene letters written in :ode, gloating over their conquests In perverting the morals of the little rirls, and securing the pictures. One of the letters written by MacComas o Butters and which is now in pos :ssion of the county officials here :xplained the process he used, say ing that when ' the child and her mother first came to the studio he look the picture in the regular way, flattering the mother on the child's ieauty. . He then askecT permission to take Mher pictures, until the child was nHwed to come to the studio atone. Then he said he suggested a "gypsie" pose bare-footed, or other semi-nude poses, then draped poses, and finally nude poses. The pic tures preceeded the moral debauch ing of the children. MacCombs ad vised "simlpy making a stall at tak ing "pictures" in order not to waste plate, until the desired nude pose was accomplished. Flatiron Played Big Part in the Clears' - Marital Difficulties "Alice, get me a flatiron!" ."Get it yourself!" "You are getting sso that you won't do anything for- your best friend." ' That is a sample of the testimony offered before Judge Day during the hearing of a divorce action be tween Walter and Alice Clear. The evidence indicated that Mr. Clear wis repairing an automobile lire in his back yard and that he Deeded a flatiron. Alice's dilatory demeanor did not have a cheerful effect. The atmos phere of the Clear household belied its . Mr, Clear filed a petition for di vorce and the wife filed a cross petition, but she did not appear to contest the case. The judge award ed a decree to the husband and al lowed the wife $300 alimony. Ure Asks That Auditorium , Basement Be Made Garage A resolution was introduced in city council by Commissioner Ure providing for equipping the base ment of the Auditorium for the stor age and repair of city automobiles, and placing the municipal garage under direction of Fire Commis sioner Zimman. Mr. Zimman asked that the vote on the resolution be postponed un til the commissioners can visit the Auditorium basement and determine finally whether it is really advisable to have the garage there. "We must consider carefully," he said, "what effect it will have on the thousands of people who go to the Auditorium if they know that there is a garage under the stage." Richard Thought Birthday Should Be a Holiday Too Little Richard Hansen, son of Chris Hansen, 1810 Martha street, celebrated his fifth birthday Wed nesday. "Dickie, will .you please go to the store and bring home a loaf of bread?" his mother asked during the course of the day. "Why, no, mother I can't!" "Can't go, Dickie? What do you mean? I need the bread for supper," mother exclaimed. "But the stores are closed, mother! 'Don't you know all the stores close on Christmas and birth days?" was the little fellow's re joinder. Food Administration Office. Furniture Has Eeen Sold II. M. Bushnell, executive secre tary to Food Administrator Wattles, has proved his ability as an auction eer. He sold at auction the admin istration property, consisting of typewriters, desks, chairs,- files and cases. The sale drew a large crowd avid the articles sold at pretty close to retail price. With the sale of the furniture, the Nebraska Food administration is shout ready to govout of business. 1 he offices will remain open during the balance of the week, after which they will be permanently closed. Red Neal, Arrested at Peru, to Be Brought Here "Red" Neal, charged with, aiding and abetting automobile thieves, is under arrest at Peru, Neb., under an Omaha warrant and will be brought hsre for trial. American Casualty List The following Nebraska men are named in the casualty list pent out by the government for Saturday morning, January 25: MISSING IN ACTION. Sam Rothenberg, 120 South Thirty-sixth street, Omaha, Neb. Th following lows. South Dakota and Wyomlna ma ara namvd ta tha eaiualty Hut tent out by tha gov-roimnt for Sat urday morning, January 15 1 DIED OF WOl'NDS. Corp, rd R. Romania, Roylia, S. D. MISSING IX ACTION. Leonard Tram bo. Beltane, 8, D. The following Nebraska men are named in the casualty list sent out by the government for Friday af ternoon, January 24: i MISSING IN ACTION. Streit, Red Cloud, Neb. ' Tha following Iowa, South Dakota and Wyoming men aro named in tha eaaualty lint aent out by the government for Fri day afternoon, January tt: KILLED IN ACTION, rrirate Jowph Smith Bohertaon, TCjo. DIED OF WOUNDS. Corporal Otto A. Pauben, Malrom, la. Private Thomai Selhr, Btakeeburg, la. -William R. Thompson," Alhla, la. Olof J. Bodeen, lieresford, 8. D. DIED OF DISEASE. Private Homer O. Rowland, Iowa City, la. Julius B. Tunlaon, Malvern, la. x Bee's Free Want Ads . to Yanks Already Have Placed Some 250 Men Omaha's returning; war veterans are encountering serine difficulty in finding employment. Many firms are taking advantage of the condi tions created by the war and are re taining women employes in positions formerly held by men. As a result many men are taking advantage of The Bee's offer of free ad to secure work. Over. 250 ads have been placed by The Bee at the request of these men in the last few days and the major ity of them have been placed. Letters have also reached The Bee office from employers located out in the state in answer to these re quests for work. In the morning's mail The Bee re ceived the folowing letter from a discharged soldier: To the Editor- In behalf of the discharged men and officers , who have recently ar rived in Omaha, I would like to ex press my thanks for the good work you have done, and are doing for us in your-columns. I would also like to say, when you speak of discharg ed sofdiers you are touching- every home in the city. Accept the renewed assurance of my higest consideration. A DISCHARGED SOLDIER. City Has Good Fire Horses It Wishes to Dispose Of Fire Commissioner Zimman has 18 fire horses for sale. They have lost their "jobs" by the installation of motor driven fire apparatus and must get into some less spectacular employment. Chiropractic gained its ' reputation by producing RESULTS Adjustments $1.00 of 12 for $10. en. m f. mm (Palmer School Chiropractpr) Suite 414-19 Securities Bldg., Cor. 16th and Farnam SU. Doug. 5347.. Lady Attendant. 6 Dell-ans Hot water SureRdssf -Jfor indigestion Li Flrat call a phyrfcUn. Immediately commence tha emergency Ueat meat Your TiLlvitp-jni v.r i NSW PRICES 30c, 60c, $1.20 ri 7 I WuM Me a new person sttce Resinol cleared your skin It is peculiar how skin affections produce a sense of desperation and despondency. The unfortunate ones are ready to do anything to obtain re lief even cover op the abrasions with cosmetics, in the hope that they will gradually disappear. Cease tampering with your skin. To regain skin health, that trouble must receive proper treatment. Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap for years have brought heartfelt relief to such sufferers. File upon file of testimonials bear evidence of this fact. Give this ointment and soap a fair trial You will not rejp-et it. Sold at ail druggists. Very Special!!'' Appenzell Hand Embroidery - Handkerchiefs From Switzerland come these most dainty Hand kerchiefs, close to a thou sand in the assortment. If you've seen them, you'll will be here-early. Worth 85c to 1.50 . JWEach . All -exquisitely hand embroid ered on the very finest, sheer, cure linen : some with f or-get-me nots and filet designs, others in ! the rose, tulips, lily, daisy, but terfly with floral effect, also with wreaths and lilies-of-the-valley; several of the designs pictured here. ! These dainty examples of Swiss workmanship (a few sketched here) are all very high class in quality, finith and design. And it would be well to supply a'variety of these beautiful handkerchiefs at this attractive price, for Saturday, tZfA Main Floor each " ft '"-7 i S ft J mms Tim pacs ; T. V i I III . 7 r l. ., . Ii ' tttu- ..rW iuiu.. '" PS II ta- These Sellings for Satukay Stori Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p. m. Prices Greatly Reduced on Winter Coats Unseasonable Weather Has Forced Big'Price Cuts .Hit' HmIi.A For Saturday selling, unusual values are offered for your participation. Special groups of particular interest follow ing v At 29.75 and 44.75 The groups comprise all Wool Velours, Bolivia, Burrelli, Silvertone and Broadcloth coats, wide range desirable shades Taupe, Burgundy Overseas and Navy Blue, Reindeer, Spruce, "Green and Black. -Fancy silk lining, Collars and Cuffs of Raccoon, Opossum, Near Seal, Nutria and Fancy Plushes. All late models, - Extremely Low Priced Coats And of wonderful value ia this group, including Pom-Pom, Velours, Kersey and Plushes, many lined throughout; fancy Plush and Fur trimmed collars. Novel styles including semi-fitted and belted ef fects, good colors, Spruce, Green, Bur gundy, Taupe, Brown, Navy and Black, two groups, 21.75 & 15.00 Second Floor. Sport Coats The Season's Favorites Short lengths, most favored in Plush, Beaver and Black, fancy lined, excellent values, $29 $35 39.75 Fine 'Lingerie , Special Groups for Saturday Wherever a woman's preference may lead, her selec tion be if crepe de chine or tub satin undergarments, American-made or Philippine lingerie, this section will prove to, her that her needs have been anticipated in every possible and the most thorough sort of way. v Crepe De Chine and Wash Satin Lingerie, in soft shade of flesh, trimmed with fine and dainty patterns of lace; and embroidered georgette and ribbon roseS and bows. Gown cut sleeveless, full and long. . Teddy Bears, properly sized and trimmed to suit the most fastidious, numerous styles to select from. Skirts with dainty, lacy flouncings, all grouped at . 5.98 Crepe De Chine Gowns neatly trimmed with val edging or plain tailored effects. Enve lopes,' trimmed with' georjrette, dainty laces, also plain tailored styles, a large variety of styles to select ' from, all grouped to ( sell at - 3.08 Camisoles of wash satin or crepe de chine. cut full, shoulder or strap effects, trimmed with rosebuds, ribbons and fine and effective laces,. elastic waist line and wonderful assortment of styles and sizes, at ir r n An " iVC l,VO 'V Third Floor III I S I 1 Sweater Coats , . Variou $7 to $9 Broken Lots at 4.95 They are in full sizes, good length and in a variety of fancy rope stitches, square or round shawl collars, but toned, have square pockets, some have belts; plain and combination colorings of beautiful shades; A Qpf sizes for women and misses; while they last t Second Floor Separate Skirts A Liberal Price Concession in a Spe cial Purchase Enables Us to Quote Cut Flowers x And BbomirufPlainis Large bunches of Violets, a bunch, 19c. Boston Ferns, each 59c, and 89c. Cyclomans, Cyndlerias, 69c Primroses and many other beautiful blooming, plants, priced 50c and up. Maia Floor ' stationery "Victory Notes" Seal of Allies' Flags, in center of paper. 24 Sheets. 24 Envelopes Formerly 75c. - Now 49c. Maia Floor Women's Silk Hose At 1.50 Pair In all the latest shades for street wear. These are all thread , silk, lisle tops," high spliced" heels, , toes and soles, extra value. - WOMEN'S Thread Silk and Fiber Hose, in all colors, including white and black, fashioned and seamless, lisle tops, spliced feet, good quality 79 MISSES' Black Silk Rib bed Hose, fine ribbed and fine quality, sizes 6 to SYi. Special value at 50tf Children's School Hose for boys and girls, all sizes, medium and fine ribbed, good black at 25? Maia Floor ' J If You Had the Pleasure of Hearing John McCormack Sing 4 T"la .Ta.a rnoay JNignt then you'll surelv want to hear him again. And you can whenever I Tirjir . I J youwisn. vvuna jVictrola I you can have a McCor I mack concert at any time ! right in your own home. You'll never miss the out l lay in our easy payment plan. y J Pompaian Room. - J - - . M X 4.50 6.50 to $8 Values About 200 Skirts in the Sale Athis remarkably low' pricing, it is a skirt .buying opportunity worth while.- Skirts in plain taffeta, striped taffeta or satin, plaid taffeta or satin; in all the rich shades, as well as black and white; pleated models or gored; all the new smart pocket effects, narrow or wide sash belts, well-tailored, . perfect hanging, and the .very modes favored for immediate and spring wear. . Second Floor. Girls' Winter Coats The Balance of a Recent Purchase These are the styles that have been most popular this season. Some are shown with handsome fur collars, oth ers of self materials, fancy styles; others are in plain tailored effects. The materials are good quality Zibe lines, Cheviots and Silvertone, in all the wanted shades. The values are most remarkable. at 8.95 Little Tots' Coats Shown in the beautiful Broadcloth, Velours, Pom Pom and Bolivia, shown in the cute little styles for the small tots, aged 1 to 5. Broken lots, form er prices up to 16.50, now,"S7.50 Girls' Dresses For All OccasionsThree Group at Reduced Prices Exclusive, finest workmanship, perfect fit, latest materials, In cluding Silks and, Serges; some are made straight lines, regulation styles, high-waisted and normal waist line. Group 1, worth 8.9S, Group 2, worth 17.50, 1 Group 3, worth 20.00, now, 5.95. . 1 now, 10.00. aow, 12.50. Second Floor.. car "aT-t-SffVa ' 2 r A Clearance of Boots Former Prices Were 7.50 to $10 THROUGH this sale it is possible to buy Boots of the kind desired for immediate wear at a pricing which means unusual econo my. Sizes 2y2 to 8; widths A to D. In all there are about 520 pairs, as follows: - - 85 pairs all dark (ray calf boot, 1-inch leather heel, goodyear welted sole, stock tip, 110 pairs light gray kid vamp, 9-inch wavo top, welted sole, 2-inch leather concave heel, stock tip,- 58 pairs women's dark brown kid vamp, 9-inch cloth top, leather heel, welted sole. 175 pairs all gray kid, 9-inch lace, welt sole, 2-inch leather concave heel, long vamp, 92 pairs dark brown patent vamp, buck or cloth top, wing top, welted sole, low walk ing heel, 5i Per Pair Main Floor. 4.00 and 4.50 Silk '' Petticoats I At 21 200 splendid Petticoats taken from regular stock of 4.00 and 4.50 petticoats. Odd lots, a few of a style to close out plain taffeta silk, changeable taffeta, silk jersey and taffeta or messaline flounce, accordion pleated, tucked, folds, ruffles and hem stitching. Exceptional values. Second Floor. Toilet Requisites THE woman of refinement will appreciate our department, for its complete stock of toilet requisites and drugs, domestic and imported, from all the well-known makers. Aspirin Tablets, 100 in a bottle 39 Lavoris Antiseptic, 60c ' size, at 3J) Mentholatum, 25c size 1J) Epsom Salts, 1-pound package for g Laxative Cold Tablets 25c size 16 SSS for the blood, 1.10 size 89f Sal Hepatica, 30c size, 22 Hind's Honey and Al mond Cream, at 34 Forhan's Pyorrhoea Paste, 60c size 39 Hand Scrubs, 15c values, at 5d Lyons Tooth Powder, 25c size, at 19 Danderine Hair Tonic, 60c size, at 39 Jer gen's Violet Gylcer ine Soap, 10c bar for 5d Benzoin and Almond Cream, 35c size 19 Senreco Tooth Paste, 35c size, at , 25 Sanitol Liquid for the ' , Teeth, 50c size, at 29 Woodbury's Facial ' Soap, at 18 Coco Castile Soap, 13c bar, at g Locust Blossom Per fume, the ounce 29 2-qt. Maroon Hot Wat er Bags, special, at 59 2-qt. Maroon Fountain Syringe, 1.19 values 89J Abonita Vanishing Cream, 35c size, at 19 Floor Boys' 2-Pant Suits Regular Pricings, $ 15 and 1 7.50 J Very Special Saturday A,1022 Here is a sale that should de mand the attention of every thouehtful Tiarpnh. an neontinn. al opportunity to make a substantial sav ing on tne Kina oi suit the live boy likes and the kind that will give real service. Suits with 2 pairs double . seat and knee pants, dark colors, light colors, mix. . . tures and plain colors. All weights are represented, even to weights light enough for next aprinsr wear. Plenty of every sire, 6 to 17 years. In all probability you won't have the privilege soon of selecting such durable materials so reliably constructed, pure all wool suits at such a remarkable price reduction. Boy's Department, Second Floor. Man's Building