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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1919)
THE BEG: OMAHA. TUESDAY. JANUARY 21. 191?. Went Ad Hates (Cash With Order.) IVj t word -,..cli fnrtln. Jo per word far 1 consecutive Insertion . 1 pr word tor neh additional Inaertlon. fto ' taken fur lese than a total t r less than loo per day. C'HARfiK.' i to par Hn (count ( word to ltn) 1 ilm. 8 ptr Una aach tlm. S coitseoutiv time. TO par line etch thn, 10 ccnserutlv time. MTLATIO.NS WAMIU. 15 par line..., per rk. CARD OF THANKS AND HMKAL NOTICES. 10a par Inla ,. aach Insertion. . Contrary Ratal on Application. For convenience of Advertisers want ada vlll ba ccepted at tha following office: WAIN OFFICE Beo Building Ame Offlca 4410 North iuth St. I.aka Offir 2411 North 14th St. Vint, n Offlca 146T South llh St. Park Offira ........ 1615 Leavenworth St. Walnut Offlca (It North 40th St. (South Side 2311 N St. Council Bluff 14 Main St. TUB BEE will not be responilble for mora- than on Incorrect Inaertlon of an advancement ordered for mora than nna tiro. Uaa TUB TELEPHONE if you cannot conveniently bring or end your ada to any of, tha above offlcea. Ask for Want Ad Taker and you will receive tha aame food service, a when delivering your ad Id person, PHONE TYLER .1(100. Evening Editions . 12:00 M. Morning edition 10.00 P. M. Sunday Edition 10 P. M. Bsturdsy. death& funeraljiotices. J'RiNKkTi RESIDENT answer last call. .Mr. J'uul Borowlak, 78 years of age and one of the oldest pioneer Polish real denia of Omaha, passed away at hla home. 2521 South Twenty-sixth street, after a prolonged illness, lie had been resident of Omaha for the past 38 yearn. He I survived by a widow nd four children. Sir. Frank Borowlak, Mr, Vincent Borowlak and Mrs. Agnes Dnrnwlak and Mra. Frank Herck. The funeral service will be held from - the Immaculate Conception church on Wednesday morning at o'clock, with burial at St. Mary Magdalene cemetery. liVkSS .Mrs, "Catherine, January 20, aged J9 eara. Funeral services from the residence, 4527 Decatur street, t 8:20 a. m., Wed ntsday, to St. Mary Magdalenes church at 9 a. ni. Interment St. Mary Magda lene cemetery. Deceased Is survived by her husband. Mathias, and seven grand children. Sirs. Frank ' Peck and Miss Margaret Jamieson, Greeley, Neb.; John and Win. Jamieson, Spalding, Neb.; Miss Agnes Jamieson, Hartington, Neb., and Mrs. E, I, Johnson and Mrs. Guy Frleav JuifoNvlfiiam V., mranfaon of JlV. and Mrs. R. S. Johnson, at tha resi dence, 4908 California atreet, Sunday, January 19, 1919, aged 1 year days. Funeral from the residence Tuesday, . January 51, at 11 a, m. Interment West l.swn cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertaker and emblamsrs. Tel. H. 2tS. Office, 2611 s Farnam. HULSE &: RIEPEN-7 Pioneer Funeral Director. T0t SlBth St. Phone Doug. 1228. STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertaker. 33d-Far. H. 40. H0FFMAN"FUNERAL HOME. ' Ilcfftnan quality aervice cos lesa. 24th and Dodge. Douglaa 3901. U L. DODDER CO.. Funeral Director. F. I.. Fcro, Mgr.. 22d nd Cuming St. Phone Pouglss 677, Auto mbu!ance. JOHN A GENTLEMAN. Undertaker sad Embalmer. 3411 Farnam. St. Harney 93. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON Fontenell Fitrlata. 1SI4 Dourln M. Douglas 8244. JOHN BATH, 18th and Farnam. D. SOOU. 1. Henderson. 1519 Farnam. D. 124s. MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. ( WEST LAWN CEMETERY. Family lota on eaay payment; thoughtful service; perpetusl care; atreet cars to entrance. Phone Walnut 820 or Dougla 82), and our auto will call fur you. I II IS lnt . at display of 'nunument n the United Stales. FRANK 8WOBODA, till S 13th . Phon Douglaa 1872-6216. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Edwin and Aurora Ayotte, 8001 Davenport, girl; James and Louise Goctz, 2554 Pine, boy; R. E. and Clara Buchtel, "."02 Lincoln boulevard, girl; Otto and Kula Hartlett. 3222 California, hoy; Lor and and Ruth Mitchell. 2720 Saratoga, boy; James and Amanda Nielsen, R. F. D. 5. boy; Ole and Mary Olson. 3115 U, boy; Haril and Murgaret Ntynler, Forty-ninth unrt II, boy: Leslie and Helen Kinsel, 120 North Forty-second, girl. Deaths E. Burritt Branch, 70, 3317 llnmilton; Benajah Walter Warren, 46, 4913 California! Honace Freeman, 20, hos pital: Baby ttartlette, 7 hours, 3222 Cal ifornia ; Ronald F. Kernan, 8, 1519 South Twenty-fifth avenue; Harry Valien, 28, 5005 North Thirty-fourth; , James Clay, 35, 1918 Cuming; Chariotta W. Nielsen, :', Nazareth Home; Charie C. Kern, '12, IV 17 Willis averiue; Knud Rasmussen, 84, M22 North Thirty-third avenue; Julia Christian, 35, hospital; Robert L. Putman, t:. S913 Farnam. MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1'erniUe to wed have been issued to the following couples: Name and Residence; Itert I. Meyen, Omaha i.ucilo Mc.Munu, New Orleans, La. Albert J. Wheeler, Pcrclval, la.... Arminda E. Minlck, Omaha, Alexander Beck, Omaha, ......... . Moltie M. Sllllk, Omaha William B. Watson, Albion, Neb... Klsie M. Anderson. Albion Neb.... Age. . 24 . 21 u . 24 . 19 . 31 , 27 I.OSTFOUNa REWARD. OMAHA li COVNClL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some articles would do well to call ar. the office of thu Omaha at Council Bluff j Strut Rail way company to aacertain whether they left It In the street car. .Many article each day ar turned Li and the company I anxiou to restore them to the rightful own era. i.1 'ST Black Mil folder, containing money 'and furlough papers, January 20, at between 8 and 7 o'clock. Return to Fort 'inmha. Adam Jaraghe. bV HaTEd From M4 North 24th St", black cat,vwlth whit feet and white whisker binder please call Colfax r.i'fi. LOST doid wrist watch, at 17th and t'lnrk, Saturday evening. Call Walnut 4057. Reward. Web. 4057. LI.KT oil Fariiam car Wednesday evening, lady's blouse. Finder pleas call Doug la 6441. Li7sT Solid gold cuff link... Initial J. A. Reward. Hamey 6341. . Li t.sT Eastern Star pin; reward. Colfax .it? j FuUND Low. Inquire at 4120 Sv 88th. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION! AUCTION! ! 10 ROOMS OF FURNITURE, RUGS AND LINEN. AT 1419 DODGE STREET. MONDAY. JANUARY 20. STARTS AT 1 P. M. Thts I stapl rooming house furniture consisting of 10 beds, springs and mat tresses. 10 dresser nd 10 commode. 10 bowls and pitcher. . 10 rugs nd carpets, office dek nd chair, cigar ahow case. 10 bed comforter 38 sheets, 10 pil low, 82 pillowalipa, towels, small mir ror and many articles too numerous to mention, will be sold In the store build ing at 1419 Dodg St., Monday, January litth, at 1 p. m. JAJdES L. DO WD, Auctioneer. Phone, Red S2S5 or Harney 4416. .. DON'T BUY wntll yo have Inspected tha many won riHrfnl bft.-gaini w r offering In our JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE of medium and high g-nde FURNITURE". HOUSU FUHNISUINGS. RUGS. STOVES nd COMPLETE OUTFIT. Thia month fn.ds u heavily overstocked and big reduction ar prevalent throughout our enUr tock. In many Instance reduc tions a great a 40 per cent. Special attention and accommodations to pur chssera of complete outfit. Se tt nd save We pay-the freight. STATE FURNITURE CO. W. cor :4-ri and liorlge Opp U.P.Bldg ' H. f'OLGOFF, F'irnitura, stoves, ruga. Ilnolerm. Vle trolea, trunk, suitcase, bedding, linen, "deuer gooils for. le money. Credit If jou wlh. Open evenlnfa. 18J9-47 N. 84th. I coaes; Web. lStif. Weo, 452i, . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Good. fWKNm'RE. REPAIRING AND OVERHAULING. Satisfactorily guaranteed. Will repair or buy, also storage apace, B. W. Mills, phone, Webster 1664. DT-sksi Desks; Cbsks! pesks'i CHAIRS, FIL1NO CABINETS. SAFES. Omaha Printing Co., 13th and Frnam. S heating stoves, 4 ranges, must ba sacri ficed at once. Pon t wait, act quick. 609 N. 16th St. Pianos and Musical instruments FOR SALIC Brand new player piano, cab inet and music. Bargain If taken at one. Leaving city. 1 217 Park Ave. Urban Apt. No. ;6. Harney 4766. PIANOS for rent 64 ppf mo, A. Hap Co. Clothing and Furs. LADIES' slightly worn muskrat coat. Long, cheap. 2013 Vinton St. Store and Office Fixtures. FOR SALE Clothing atore futures; 6 Grand Rapids Puliout cablneta; 4 floor ahow cases, mirror hat case, wrapping counter, window fixtures, etc. A bar- , gain if taken at one. Duff 4k Moulton, Tecumseh, Neb. WK buy, sell and mak desk, safe, ahow cases, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture 41 Supply Co., Uth and Douglaa. D. 1724. Typewriters and Supplies. Typewriter "From Factory to You." Tha wonderful New Improved 111) Na tional Combination Typewriter weighs S'l lbs. furnished with nice traveling rase. Equipped with all the lateat at tachment aa found on large office type writers does all the work they do but ha the advantage of being a com bination of an office and rmrtahlA tvr... writer that can be uaed anywhere, and In price, belng-lcss than on halt of large typewriter. Descriptive catalog mailed on request. Will make very attractlv arrangements for territory with dealer and agent to ell this king of typewriter. NATIONAL TYPEWRITER CO. ,T. C. Chapeck, Director of Sales Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. U.S. A. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES NEW AND REBUILT The most complete line of Typewriters and Adding Machines weat of Chicago. Can furnish any make at moat ny price jou dealr to pay. W rent and 'ipalr all make and will buy or trade for your old machine. Every machine guaranteed See us before you buy. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. (Established over IS yeara) Douglaa 4121. 190a Farnam St REBUILT, sold, rented, repaired. Carbon paper, ribbon and supplies. Service guaranteed. Try us. Phon Doug. 6031. OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO.. 106 North Uth St. WE van save you 88 to 815 on your next typewriter. Writ for list. Midland Offlc Supply Co., I40t.Dodgo St., for merly Typ. Co. TYPEWRITERS 11 make, (old. rented and repaired. THE W. N. LONG COMPANY, 191S Farnam. Tel. D. 8969. RENT an Oliver Typewriter, three month for 86.00. Oliver Agency, 1908 Farnam Street, City. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES W rent, repair, sell needle a tad part . MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., ISth nd Harney St Doug. 16S! , Billiard and Pocket Tables. BILLIARD PARLOR; fine; 16 tables; best year-round resort town In United States; 30 miles from Kansas City, Missouri; big business can. prove It. Investigate now. , Address, Room 6, Shelton Apts. Excelsior Springs, Mo. Pool tables. T. F. Hall, 434 Ry. Ex. D. 7406. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE fill, cash A aet of abstract book, located In a town of 9,000 popu lation. The books ar up to date. Price 84,000. Good opening for an attorney. box it3, creston, la. NEW 8210 money weTgaW scale; .new cheese cutter; new vegetable apray and other grocery fixture. Want offer. C- , ' linn T ' ft ....... I. 1 T. i. v.. ... ... iuii villain. i.BiitiiiBI A full eet of good butcher toola; good lc box, and a 2-horse power electric meat cutter; for half price. Reply at once, wm. 'Addis, Mlnden Neb. SEVEN mounted elk heads, 7 deer heads, 10 antelon heads, 2 eagles, 2 mountain aheep heads. Address John Bohn, Colum bus, Mont. WE pay mors for Liberty bonds, partly paid up racelptaand war savings stamps. Get our prices first. Room 642, Securi ties Bldg. OMAHA PILLOW CO.-MaUresses made over In new ticking at half the price of new ones. 1907 Cuming. Douglas 2467, FOR SALE Flour, bran, shorts Inn straight or mixed cars. Write for prices. The Western Mills, Western, Neb. SPECIAL SALAD for sale. Rialto Delicatessen. SWAPPERS' COLUMN. MACHINISTS LATHE, with 16 Inch swing, to trsde for good, used car. Ad dress. B 70, Omaha Bee. WANTED TO BUY. LIBERTY v BONDS W pay pot cash for Liberty bonds, war saving stamp and partly paid-up receipt for bonds. Remember, our pri vate office are on the fourth floor. Tak elevator and our number is 411 M'CAGUE BLDG. Nortwest Corner 16th and Dodg St. LIBERTY BONDS WE PAY BEST PRICES ' SEE .US, FIRST, 602 SECURITIES BLDG. SIXTEENTH- AND" FARNAM. LIBERTY BONDS. Spot cash fr Liberty, bonds and for partly paid up. See me if you need the money and must sell. 108 McCAGUE BUILDING, ' 15th and Dodge. ' DESKS, DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1201 Farnm. D. 6148 JENKINS. 705 South 16th, will pay bet price for old clothe, shoes. Job lot, of ail kinds. Residence, Dougla 8088. Of fice. Dougla 8092. N LIBERTY BONDS. If necessity compels you to sell you are entitled to highest prices. Tyler 83. 422 Be Bldg. CUTTMAN pays highest price for furni ture, carpets, stoves, clothes, shoes, trunk. Douglas 3971. Res., VbA204. WE buy waata paper and pay good prices- Phon or wrltOmaha Paper Stock Co. Dougla 16 WANTED To BUY Tlmeclock yaUm Address Box 291. Kearney, Neb. LKSSARD & SON, 201 Cuming. Ty. 1632 Liberty loans" bef gut nrsouth Hii" ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, ail slse nd styles; hemstitching, picot edging, eye let cut work, button hole, pennant. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 800-308 Brown Bldg. Phon. D. 1928. HEMSTITCH 1 NO. PLEATING. BUTTONS. G U. VanArnam Pleating Co., 836-7 Paxton Block. Phon Doug. 3109, ANNOUNCEMENTS. Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Auto touring ten nd camping itipplle SCOTT-OMAHA " TENT AWNINO CO. Baggage and Express. 'The Only Way"; 1 K R. Ticket Office. D. 298. Omaha Transfer Co. Bath and Massaee. Ml Flaher. 379 Brafndei Theater. Brass and Iron Foundries. "PAX TON-MITCHELL CO ?th and Martha St., Omaha, Neb. 'Brass, bronze aluminum and machln gray iron casting. Chiropractors. E. T. Maltby. D. C, 312 Bee Bldg. D. J072. Dr. J. C. Lawrence, Balrd Bldg, D. 8461. SPINOGRAPH. Dr. Edwa rds 24th. Farrram. Costumes. FULL dreas suits for rent, 109 N. 16th 8L, opposite Postoffice. John Feldmn. Dancing- Academies, KEL-FINE Dancing academy, 1424 Far nam. Clasa and private lessons. Call D. T880. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Taft's Dental Rm.. 308 Rose Bldg. p. 2186. Detectives. JAME3 ALLAN. 318 Neville Blk. Evl- dene secured In all case Tyler 1186. Film Developin g. FILMS developed, roll 10c; packs, 15c; one-day aervice. Ease Studio, Neville Blk. s FILM ' DEVELOPING Films developed free. Mall order solicited. THE EN SIGN CO.. 1607 Howard. THE HOPSON CO. Try u for better quality kodak finishing. The Hopson Co., 20 8. 18th St. DEVELOPING and printing. One-day ervlc. Photo Craft Shop. 1408 Farnam. Fixtures and Wiring. TlTTRlVTTElectrlc waahlng machlnee. J AVA14il electrlo Irons and reading lamps: 1228 Cuming St. Dougla 2519. Furriers. ALASKAN FUR CO. Remodeling and rolit.lng. N. E. corner 16th and Dougla. Phone Dougla 7288. Historical Costumes. COSTUMES of all ages from Adam and Eve to the world war; costumes for theatricals and masquerade; in a nut hell, costume for everything can be leased at' Theo. Lieben & Son, 1516 Howard St. Omaha. Jewelry. J-'l.n.lUVrN.L'Dwttb privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 408 N. 16th. Red 6081. Osteopaths. DR. MABEL WESSON, 614 Brandei Bldg. ' T. 2960. H. 4741. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. In ternational Patent Co., 883 Brandei. D. 6691. Printing Supplies. Waters-Barnhart Ptg. Co.. 414 . 13th St. Medical. PILES, fistula and other rectal dis eases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure fjuaranteed. Write for book on rectal diseases with testi monials. , - DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Restaurants. TRY our good meals at new Hungarian Kosher restaurant, 316 S. 15th, upstairs. Tailors. Diedrlck. P L. 216 S. 20th. Tailor. D. 2432. Safes. BARGAINS 1212 Farnam. Q A PTPQ J. J. Derlght Safe Co. oAf CjO Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply 207 S. 11th. D. 682. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. Dougla Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa 644. BUSINESS CHANCES. . Restaurant Bargain. On a prominent transfer corner; rent only $36 a month; clears $40 week net; price $500 cash or Liberty bonds. See LEWIS & CO., successors to Williams, 411 McCague Btfg. WE BUY LIBERTY BpNDS. DAIRY farm for) Bale; 21 acres, 1 mile j from busins section of Kearney, Buffa lo county, Neb, ; all level rich, black soil; aome tn alfalfa; some hay meadow, balance under plow; a 6 -room house, all kinds of outbuildings, well and mill; price, $5,500; terms, $1,000 down, $2,000 March 1, balance on time. A. Nelson, Route No. 2, Kearney, Neb. A PROFITABLE, GOING BUSI NESS AT A SACRIFICE PRICE. Established business for past 16 years. Will pay for Itself in i a few months. Must bo sold at once. Martin Invest ment Co., 682 Brandei. Douglas. 6691. FOR SALE 820, ODD stocs. general mer chandise doing 175,000; practically all cash, to settle estate; double brick building. Established 40 years. Write for particulars. Box T 297. Omaha Bee. WANTKD A capable business man with capital to take Interest in Meriton's In vention.. A fortune for th manufac turer it qualified. Address, 2218 Chi cago St. FOR SALE for cash Pool hall and fix tures six tables. In a town of 9,000 popu lation. Doing better than 1100 per week. Cheap rent. Price (2,300. Box 168, Cres ton la. FOR further development of hydro-electric p proposition; w can use your liberty bonds ss collateraL Address Room 1, 2S5 Washington St., Buffalo, N. Y. WE'LL sell your store at profit to you; also buy liberty bonds.- Hill Investment Co., 842 Securities Bldg. - Rooming Houses. TEN ROOMS Oood"fu?iTiture full of roomers. Red 9136. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. TRAFFIC KXKCUTIVK possessing ex ceptional training, desires position with large Indnustrlal concern or shipper' organisation: 15 years' experience; thor ough, practical knowledge of railroad transportation, freight rates and claims; v extensivo experience In traffic matters; clean record of integrity, ability and in dividual capacity that will- merit fhe fullest consideration; married; Al ref erence. Address Box Y-313, Omaha Bee. THE BEK will publish free a situation wanted ad under this classification for soldiers, sailors and marine who will show their discharge papers at our offlc In the lobby of the Be building. Seventeeenth nd Farnam. i WILLING TO WORK at anything that FT has a future; am equipped with a high school diploma and an honorable dis charge from the army. -What have you got? Omaha Bee, Box A 46. EXPERIENCED o!l( ItoTand collector desire position. Outside work pre ferred. High school education. Call D. 72f9. Elmer Anderson. EXPERIENCED touring car, truck and tractor driver and repair man. Address Omsha. R. F. D. 5. Phone South 4145. . DISCHARGED' soldier wanTa position . aa salesman or ahlpping clerk. Would appreciate Interview. Call Webster 9991. LHONORABLY discharged soldier K wants position as chauffeur. Prlvat family preferred. A. Kane. H. 6365. DISCHARGED soldier want position on rsnch. ' Would consider mechanical work In city. Call Colfax 1938. DISCHARGED soldier dealres position ss chauffeur. Private family pre ferred.' T. 8. Cottschalck. Walnut 1692. SITUATION WANTED By a sober. In dustrious automobile repairman, sll around experience of 13 year. Ad dress Box Y 9o7, Omaha Bee. COLORED CHAUFFEUR want a Job driving a prlvat car. Can furnish good city referencea. Can keep up hla own car. Omaha Bee. Box A-35. WANTED Work by married man on farm, separate house, experienced. Ad ttress Box Y-812, Omaha Bee. PAINTINO, paper and carpet cleaning, odd job. Johnson Cleaning Co., Web. 1301 SITUATIONS WANTED. Laundry and Day Work. WOMAN Wauts any kind of day work. Call Harney 724 COLORED lady wattle cleaning by day. Web. 4419. CURTAINS lauWdered. 2614 Dodge. Harney 11J8. DAY work wanted. Call Webster 1236. WANTED Rundl washing. Web. 442$'. lit NULE washing. Red 8779. MAN want job as watchman or aome clean inside work. 2012 Vinton St. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. SOLDIERS AND SAILORS ATTENTION! Tba Be will publiah your situation wanted ads FREE of charge. Just bring your discharge papers to our office in the lobby of ths Bee building, 17th and Farnam. A star will be placed in each ad to Indicate your servlc In the army, navy or marines. Bring them in NOW. WANTED man between age of 30 snd "86 years, who has had practical business training and thorough knowledge of the . present day employment methods, for position of employing superintendent, for factory employing 300 people, 75 y per cent women workers. State iuHlifl cations. experience and reference. Ad dress Box A-39. Omaha Bee. Salesman with auto, sal. & com. Office clerks, 880, 890. Assistant bkppr., 80, (100, Bookkeeper? 8160. ' TUB MARTI COMPANY - 1126 W. O. W. Bldg." YOUNG SIKN, 16 and over, are eligible for government railway mall clerks; ex aminations soon. For free particulars write Raymond Terry (former civil serv ice examiner), 783 Columbian Bldg., Washington, BOOKKEEPER, manufacturing firm. oood future. Salary 8125 to 8U5 to start. Western Reference & Bond Ass'n BOOKKEEPER, good future. (125 to 8140. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 1st Nat'l. Bk. Professions and Trades. WATCHMAKER - WANTED. We want aJman capable of repairing Swiss wrist watches. (Not cylinder movements). High-grade jewelry section. State experience, age and sal ary desired. MILLER & PAINE, Lincoln, Neb. COMPETENT BUSH ELM AN and ealeaman to conduct Merchant Tailoring atorain Council Bluffs. Manager's position. Local manpreferred and one well acquainted In tha city. Strictly union label gar ments. Omaha Bee, Box A-47. MEN 16 to 40 become railway mall clerk. 392 month.' List government positions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. . 230L, Rochester, N. Y. ' WANTED All round stamp maa who can make rubber stamps, seals & stencils. Paclfla Coast Stamp Works, Spokane, Wash. AUTO REPAIR MAN Must be first-class, all-round man, at once. Permanent for right man. Urch Auto Co., Ashland, Neb. WANTED Man to do auto trimming and painting; steady job for good man. F. P. Barnum Co., 2122 Cuming St. WANTED Upholsterer for furniture de" partment Box 41405. Bee, " - Salesmen and Solicitors. THE BORROM1TE WATER SOFTENER replace the. dangerous. Insanitary cis tern. Delivers fresh water, hot or cold, softer than rain from any faucet. Saves 60 per cent to 75 per cent of your soap. Makes water better for drinking, 'Con nected with water supply in basement. Can be Installed In any residence, old or new. Resident salesmen wanted for1 open Nebraska territory on commission basis only. Borromite Sales Co., (60 Little Building, Lincoln. WANTED. Salesmen, experienced, covering retail -grocery trade for two years or longer. Prefer men employed, looking for oppor tunity with large food produce manu facturer. Givo reference, salary, tele phone, full doutlhr in confidence. Box A-4 2, Omaha Be. WE CAN USE A FIRST-CLASS SPECIALTY SALESMAN. Must b a producer and furnish good reference. Apply Mr. Paul, MYLES STANDISH MFG. CO. 12th and Howard Sta, THK biggest selling proposition on the market; income tax records for busi ness men and farmers; meets the gov ernment requirements; harvest Is now on; big profits; write quick. Harry N. Banks. 710 Cooper Bldg., -Denver, Colo. "THEODORE ROOSEVELT'S LIFE AND WORKS." Now ready. Also our "New and Com pleta History of the War." Best terms and premiums. Outfits free. J. L. -Nichols Co., Napervilie, 111. SALESMAN We have a' vacancy, in our sales force for Nebraska and Iowa territory. Good pay for the right .man. See our Mr. Gray, Tuesday at Hotel Castle, room 631. i Boys. WANTED Two boys to carry The Omaha Bee morning routes. Apply at Park ata tion..2616 Leavenworth St. Miscellaneous. B P. A K E M E N, FIREMEN. (K.JM206 monthly, experience unnecessary. Write, send stamp for requirements. Railway, - address Box Y-291. Omaha Bee. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Young ladies to learn how to operate Comptometers and Burroughs calculating and bookkeeping machines. A good position absolutely guaranteed to - every graduate. Time required to com plete course, 6 weeks to 3 months. Day and evening classes. Call and aee us or telephone Douglas 7416 fer particulars. DWORAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING. Second Floor Wead Bldg., ' 18th end Farnam Sts. Typist and office clerk (65, (70. Typist, must be good on machine, (6i Stenographer and bkkpr. 865, (75, Stenographer whl. (75, 380. Temp, stenographer, (3.60 and (4.00. THE MARTI COMPANY 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHER (small office), good future, (SO; typistmd clerk, WO; book keeper, (90. . ' Co-operative Ref. Co.. 1015 city Nat. Bk. OFFICE assistant in credit department of wholesale house. Good future. Salary (75 to (SO to etart. Western Reference & Bond Ass'n. STENOGRAPHERS (85, (SO, $75, $65, $50. Steno. and diet. oper. $85. Typist $50. WATTS REF. CO.. 1138 1st Nat l. Bank. PRIVATE lessons given in bookkeeping, shorthand and penmanship. Harney 4692. . Household and Domestic. WANTED Experienced and reliable white girl for general housework. Must be good cook, two meals a day to prepare. Small house, small family, no laundry work. (12 per week. Call Walnut 49. WANTED Girl to assist with housework; amall house; no laundry work or cook ing; very good wages. Phon Harney 4599. 109 South 42d St. WHITE GIRL Wanted to assist with housework. No washing" or cooking. Call Webster 2123. COMPETENT general girl, nmst be good cook, two in family. Best wages. Har ney 611. 1 WANTED Competent girl for generaU housework; no washing. Mrs. Charles E. Smith, 3565 Howard St. WANTED A competent white girl for general housework In family of two. Harney 430. GIRL to assist -with housework; one who can go home nights preferred. Walnut 1062, WANTED A good cook; no washing. 606 Moutn .'stn wt. ijepnone unustBsitPM WANTED A contpetent cook and second - girl. Mrs. C. N. Diets. 428 -8. S8th St. GIRL for housework, small family; good wages. Walnut 3686. 6008 Capitol Ave. WANTED A good cook: no washing. 506 South 26th St. Telephone Doug. 7644. " WANTEDA good cook. Mrs. W. v! Marsh. 8D6 Pine St.. Omaha. YOUNG GIRL to assist with housework. Apply at once. South 1154. GIRL for houaewo. V, cottage, 3 In family. Good wages. So. 4.16. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED A reliable colored- chamber maid for a colored hotel. Apply In per son at 817 No. 16th street. WANTED A girl for dining room work. The Woodruff, 114 No. 18th St, HELP WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trades. HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE MONEY There Is an opportunity with us for 'IS or 20 ambitious. Inexperienced girls to become skilled operators, who will r olv psy while learning. For work on men's shirt, women's house -dresses and aprons; w alto need some experienced workers. W have done everything poaslbl toN ncourag congenial, pleasant surround. Ings for our girls. . Th work I done by power-driven ma chines snd la not strenuous. Our old cafeteria will furnish you with not lunches at a moderate coat. Just th thing when th day I cold and disagreeable. WORKING HOURS FROM 8 A. M. to S P. M. Call at th employment department and talk It over. M. E. SMITH & CO., 9TII AND DOUGLAS ST. ENTRANCE. JL TELEPHONE . OPERATORS PERMANENT POSITIONS UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT Liberal pay while learning and fre quent Increaa In salary. Work I clean, pleasant and Inter esting. MEALS AT COST YOUNG WOMEN 17 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER. APPLY TO C. F. LAMBERT, NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO., 613 New Telephone Bldg. 19th and Douglas. - THE MARINELLO LICENSED SHOP at 566 Brandeis Theater building wants two mor GOOD OPERATORS Mari nello preferred. But will take good ex perienced help and teach them our method free of charge. NINA L. RICE. Experienced film Inspector; Apply In person. :il South 13th Street. Saleswomen and Solicitors. , CAPABLE ART SALESWOMAN A woman who thoroughly understands art and pictures, who has selling ability and a pleasing personality, will find an unusual opportunity In our beautiful ART and GIFT SHOP. Give all particulars and salary desired In first leMer. Apply at once. MILLER & PAINE, Lincoln, Neb. HOUSEWIVES, as well as expert sales ladies can make (4 aday and up dur ing spare time selling corset, under wear and complete ladies' accessories. Advancement according to ability. Per manent training class free. Wal. 2813 A. M. Archer, 6115 Burt St. Miscellaneous. WANTED Names women and girls, 18 to 48, wishing to become Omaha post office clerks. (1,000 first year. Ad dress, Box Y 294, Omaha Bee. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Man and wife or small family; farm. Twenty milch cows, horses, hogs, chickens furnished; shar proposition; need (300 to (500; reference required. Immediate deal. Lock Box 8, Halgler, Neb. WANTED Men, ladie and hoy to learn barber trade; big demand: wage while learning; strictly modern. Call or writ 1402 Dodg St. Trl-Clty Barber Colleg. Phon D. 2147. MOLER Barber College wants young men and ladle to learn the barber trade. Call or write for free catalogu. 110 S. 14th St.. Omaha, Neb. WANTED at once, strong capable man and wife without children for work on modern farm. References. AddresSj" Box 260 Beemer. Neb. ' EDUCATIONAL THE , MID-WINTER TERM OF BOY.LES COLLEGE 1 now open In both the DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL Yet It Is not too lata to enter. Begin now and get that mental train ing and discipline that will double your earning capacity. Complete course In Accountancy. Machln Bookkeeping, Comptometry, Shorthand and Typewriting, Stenotypy, Railroad ' and Wireless Talegrsphy, Civil Service and all English and. Com mercial Branches. Write, call or. phone (Dougla 1565) for large Illustrated catalogue. Address: BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Dalldlng. Omaha. Neb. STOP work;lcaru a trade; fit yourself for ths future; no book work; quick and easy: free catalog. National Auto Training Ass n. 2814 N. 20th. Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 20 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Dougla 6890. LEARN Mosher shorthand and typewrit ing. Day and night classes. Omaha Shorthand College. Be Bldg., D. 6528. FOR RENT-ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. WANTED Desirable young lady to shsre small apartment. The Helen, Apt. 37, 2464 Harney. STRICTLY modern furnished rooms suita ble for two: close to car line. 1101 S. 30th Ave. Harney 4579. THREE furnished rooms, in modern home, walking distance. 2645 Capitol Ave. DESIRABLE steam heated room, close In. Inquire 220 No. 23d. Housekeeping Rooms. TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms; water furnished. No children. Tyler 1808 W. TWO and 3 nice rooms, housekeeping. 1112 S. 11th. Hotels. HEATED rooms, (2.50 week. Apsrtments with kitchenette. Ogden hotel. Coun. B. Board and Rooms. VERY COMFORTABLE room with good board, reasonable to gentleman. W'alk Ing distance. 2601 St. Marjs Ave. FOR RENT HOUSES. North. 2S29 Parker St., 6 mo. (20. 2129 Wirt St., 8 mo.. $35 ARMSTRONG WALSH CO. Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. 3-ROOM cottage, (9, 2408 Seward; 8-room house all modarn, (25. 2013 Grace. Tel. Red 682 or Tyler 1812-J. South. PETERS TRUST CO., Specialist In Apartment management. LIST your property for rent or sal with FIRST TRUST COMPANY, Realtor. Tyler 72. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. CREIOH SONS A CO., Bee. 7-ROOM, strictly modern, (30 newly deco rated. 1504 South S9th. Red 682. Miscellaneous. PANE & SLATER COMPANY. Omaha's Rental Aenta 618 Omaha Nat'l Bk Bldk. D 1018 15 acre near Louisville, Neb $200 aois Koutgas Ht.. 9 rooms 8 33 JOHN N. FRENZER. -Douglaa 654. B1RKETT A CO. Cre of property and Inaursnc. 181 Bee Bldg. Douglas 632. ?OR RENT APARTMENTS. West. FOR RENT Large apt., completely mod ern. No. 9 Harts apt. 5001 Under wood Ave. S. 8. SwlUer. Walnut 1118, FOR RENT APARTMENTS. South. 8031) SOUTH 18TH, 3-room. 1-story fist, 812: choice place; no children. Red 49M. FOR RENT Business Property Stores. MODERN store. 16th St.. near postoffice. low rent. O P. Stebhtns, 1810 Chicago "FOR RENT New bldg., 66x132, on liar" ney St., near 18th. suitable for auto sales or supplies. N. P. Dodg & Co., 15th and Harney St. (115 per mo., 116 S. 15th St., 10x60 ft., t full basement, ateam hest, D. 6343. WORLD REALTY CO, FOR small stores In Dundee on Dodg St. see N. P. Dodge A Co., I5th snd Harney. FOR RENT Business Property. Office and Desk Room. WHY experiment? Office In th Be Bldg. nd know you ar right, Keyston Inv. Co., Tyler I3l. WANTED TO RENT. Furnished Apartments and Houses WANTED At once! Four or five-room completely furnished flt, spsrtment or house; close in; about (50 per month rent. Call Lalley-Wllson Electric C. 2420 Farnam St., and ask for Mr. Stock- weij. ! WANTED For light housekeeping, five or six-room spartment. Il8 Paxton Hotel WANTED TO RENT A strictly modern, 6-room house. Phone Harney 6181. ivIOVING ANTTsTOkAOI FIDELITY STORAGE CO., 1GTH AND JACKSON. DOUG. 288. , STORAGE MOVING. PACKING. REASONABLE RATE1 FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VaCaNI HOUSES NDARTMKWni FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household good and piano: moving, picking uc shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 8. 16th. Douglas 4163. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. NEAR Blackstone, (5,000, my 6 room, hot water heated, east front house. Good Investment, (Income (540.) or bom. Al Bert Edholm. D. 1962. FOR SALE By - owner, 7-room house, partly modern. Also garage and barn. Call Walnut 3366 or 4418 Capitol Ave. North. MILLER PARK SEMI-BUNGALOW - Special bargain on North 24th St.; lot 40x125. Hons has good vestibule, with mirror door, fin reception room, with open stairway; beautiful living room with real fireplace, bookcases, pe destals, etc.; large dining room and a modern kitchen on 1st floor. There are two fine bedrooms upstairs, with four clothes closets and linen closet tn hall; modern bathroom. Too many nice features to enumerate. Call today for appointment. This exceptionally well constructed horn can be bought for (4, 350, with payment of (500 down and (40 per month. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 701 Om. Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Tyler 496 NEAR 22D AND LARIMORE 'AVE. $750 DOWN AND $18 A MONTH 6-room, strictly modern cottage; 3 large rooms on first floor; 2 nice bed room and bath on aecond; cemented basement; furnace heat; nice lot, on paved street, paving paid; not new, but a snap at (2,300. Payne Investment Co., 'REALTORS, 537 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. D. 1781. KOUNTZE PLACE RESIDENCE $1,000 Down, $50 a-Month - 6-room, full 2-story house located on th corner of 22d and Evans; largs liv ing room, dining room and kitchen on first floor; 3 elegant bedrooms and bath on second floor; oak finish and oak floors throughout; large corner lot; southeast corner on paved street. Payne Investment Co., REALTORS. 637 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1781. OWNER WANTS PROPOSITION Says get offer on his seven-rooin, south front modern home, located 1816 Locust St.; has garage and garden space; house Is now vacant. See today .or call us for appointment. Tyler 496. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 701 Om. Nat. BkBldg. 5-room house, with wff lots; full cemented basement, furnace heat; electric lights, screened-ln porch, good well, garage, chicken housei good place to garden and raise chickens. , Terms to right party. Colfax 2752. I have a new 7 room stucco home, all mod ern, up to the latest in every respect, lo cated near Miller Park, that I will sell or take a smaller home In as part pay ment. Box A-45, Omaha. FIVE-ROOM cottage, part mod., near now Cuming St. car barn. Owner moving on farm. Price, $1,100; about (300 cash, bal. (15 per month. RASP BROS., 210 Keellne Blk. Tyler 721. 6-ROOM, nice home place on Hawthorne Ave., in Bemls park, for (3,760; $300 cash and (36 per mo. v W. II. GATES, x 647 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1294. NEW, 7-room, oak finish; large lot; dou ble garage; price (6.760: terms. 6137 North 24th St. NORRIS & . NORRIS. Douglas 4270. YOUNG A DOHERTY. REAL ESTATE INVESTMEN ?. 122 BRANDEIS THEATER. D. 1671. MINNE LUSA homes and lota offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. ' South. 6 ROOMS; MODERN, 31ST AND MARCY. . $3,500. 6 roomsmodern, corner lot, paling paid, garage. 1 block to car line. Prop erty In good, repair. A good buy for (3,500, terms. J. Lt HI ATT CO., qn( FIRST NATIONAL PHONE fit BANK BLDG. TYLER " .3072 S. 33D ST. 5-Rooin, 2-story dwelling; oak finish; built-in buffet, bookmses; right up-to-te-minute; garage; price $4,260, or will sell furnished complete; very reasonably; easy team. C. G. CARLGERG, Realtor,, V 312 Brandeis Theater Bldg. 2801 W00LW0RTH 8-Room all modern house, (2,500; cor ner; both streets psved and paid for; cement garage; act quickly If Interested. HARRISON & MORTON x Realtors. 916 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. Douglas 114, i A BARGAIN Nine-room house near Hanscom Park; only (3,350; near church, stores, school, snd car line; (500 cash, bafanc monthly. Call Doug. 7413 week days. FOR SALE. Hanscom Psrk district, close to csr and school; fin neighborhood; look t 2334 South 33d St., and call Colfax 1119. H. Gakemeier. - " FOR RENT AND SALti. HOUSES, COTTAGES A APARTMKN'J'6. AMERICAN SECURITY CO, 181 8. 17th St. Dougia 6018 FOR SALE 907 Williams. St., elegant home, 60 ft. lot; bsrgaln. Tel. daytime, Doug. 7024. evening. Doug. 6664. Miscellaneous. STORtJAND COTTAGE, $2,350 Good location, corner lot, modern ex cept heat; also ham, paved street, (660 cash, balance $20 per month. P. J. TliiiBiiNS CO., Phon D. 1183. ESTATE IMPROVED. Miscellaneous. Hv. room stucco, oak floors throughout oak snd whit enamel finish. Fin lo cation. Prlc 4.609 or terms. BENSON A CARM1CHAEL Doug. 1722. 642 Paxton Block. Wal SELL, rent, Inaur and mikl loan u city property, north. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO., 24th and Ame Av. Cot. Hit BARGAINS In homes. Investment, pioi ertle and acreage near Omaha. Harr. in A Morton. 916 Omsha Nat. Ilk. B'd REAL ESTATE-Businesstio.eiy. WE NEED small home or (mail iLvrtit n tnt property. H. A. WOLF CO., Electrlo Bldg. Tyler . BUY Dodge atreet property before great rise varhea; 66 feet near business. (13.800. Red 6475. BUSINESS property and lnves'mente. A. P. TUKEY A SON. 420 First Nntlonnl Bank Htdg REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT Wonderful Opportunity Farnam St. & 24th St. 99-Year Leases On two well located properties; cwned GLOVER & SPAIN, Dougla '862. 918-20 City Ntionl. CUMING Near 29th St., 22 ,or 44 feet; must be sold to close estat. C. A. Grlmmel, 849 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. REAL ESTATE, UNIMPROVED North. WEST Farnam building lot low a 8395; 810 down, 86 per month; all Im provement Dougla 6074. South. BIG GARDEN LOTS. (1.00 DOWN, (1.00 A WEEK. buy fine garden tract, 47x132; only two block from West Center car line and on block to paved street, high and sightly: black soil; price (295 and (345. THE BYRON REED CO. 1613 Farnam St. Douglas 297. REAL ESTATE WANTED. WANTED REAL ESTATE. Wanter, a number of good 6, 6 and 7 room home In desirable locations. If your property Is for sale and prlc la right, call us. W have the buysrs. J. L. HIATT CO., qnn first national 'uv BANK BLDG. PHONE CO TYLER w BUNGALOWS WANTED. We have cash buyer for well located bungalow and residences worth th money. For quick result list with us. O'NEIL'S R. E. A INS. AGENCY, 632-6 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Tel. Tyler 1024. LIST your bargains with us We want home Investment and acreage. Phon Douglaa 415. We will (end our sales man for a personal Inspection. McCague Investment Co. WANT to hear from owner of good home up to $20,000, who wants to sell for cash. Dundee or West Farnam. Ad dress, B-71, Omaha Bee. Can .deal your acreage. Call Mr. Browne, acreage specialist. INTER-STATE REALTY CO., 1518 City Nat. Doug. 6236. LIST your property for sale with J. B. itooinsun lor qutcK sales. 4 njag. Phone Doug. 8097. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. A Splendid Suburban Home, 4 2 Acres Benson. Story and . a half house on cement foundation; garage; chicken house; out buildings; well; 100-barrel cistern with pump connections In house. Fins con' crete cave. Fruit Including cherries and grapes will bear this year. Asparagus bed. Rich black loam soil. Has pro duced exceptional crops. Location sightly. Price $4,600. Phone Tyler 60. HASTINGS i& HEYDEN, 1614 HARNEY. Dundee. HAPPY HOLLOW LOT CHEAP 72x138 ft. Desirable location; paving' paid In full: near good homes. J Price, 82.800; easy terms. GEORGE & CO., 902 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Doug. T56. Miscellaneous. (10,150 will buy 29 acres choice, culti vated land, close to Omaha and street car line. Liberty bonds ss good as cssh. B. Stevenson, 662 Brandeis Building. FINANCIAL,. $100 to (10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. Private Money. SHOPEN A COMPANY. Doug. 4228. Real Estate. Loans & Mortgages. (2.600, six per cent morUag secured by forty acre eastern Nebraska land, valued at (6,000. E. H. LOUGEE. Inc. 638 Keellne Bldg. CITY AND (FARM LOANS. t and ( per cent; loans for March 1. 15 V per cent. Dumont A Co., Keellne Bd No Delay Cloalng Loan W. T. GRAHAM. 804 Be Bldg. - Dou. 1623. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. H. Thomas & Son.. Keeline Eldg. Stocks and Bonds, WE BUY and sell Liberty Bonds. Mack's Bond House. 1421 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Acreage. 40 ACRES near Fair Acres, good Improve ments: possession nxt March: priced to ell. Nilsson. 422 Securities Bldg. Arkansas Lands. JANUARY 21at v Our next excursion to McGehee," Ark W. S. FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLK. California Lands. CALIFORNIA LAND. W'hy suffer from snow and cold when you can buy a farm In the Turlock Irri gation district, in San Joaquin valley, where It Is comfort to live In" winter and a pleasure In summer. I csn sell you unimproved land for (100 per acre and up; Improved and for (200 per acre up to (500, only 100 miles to Oakland and Frisco markets; this land will grow any thing tn grain, hay, orchard or vine yards you can grow melons or canta loupes' In quantity and quality unequaled anywhere. Writ when you can come pr send for list of farms and detailed Information. Chas. Dalqulst, R. A. 2, Turlock, California. Kansas Lands. 80-Acr horn Southeastern Kansss; wall Improved; black land: will axchang for Omaha property. 8. 9 A R. B. MONTGOMERY, 218 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Ornsh. Nett. FOR SALKSU-aiTre farm In McPberson county, Ksnsas. Extra well Improved, H mile to good town. Address Box A-24. Omaha Bee. Missouri Lands. IMPROVED MISSOURI FARM 193 acres close, to good town, Jasper county, good wheat farm, (15.00 an acre, terms. Write for our 1919 list of farm bargains. "Donahey A Kelly, Carth age, Missouri. ( . Nebraska Lands. (14.000 BUYS 360 acres, 64 miles from town 3,600 population, 200 acre tilled. 1' acre (pelndld pasture, 28 seres valuable timber, good 8-room house, concrete basement, barn. 40x128, spring and creek, abundance fruit; Including 49 head of cattle, 4 horses, all crops, sugnr tools, potato digger, potato planter, disk harrow, land rollers, grain drill, weeder, 2 sulky cultivators, sulky plow, horse rske, manur spreader, scales, cream separator, mowing ma chine, grain binder, corn harvester, hay tedder, disk harrow, wagons, alelgha, culler, . harnesses, hay racks, engine, ensilage cutter, many amall toola; 35.000 cash; free list; 3 per cent milk 33 87 per 100, eggs 87o doa. Ellis Bros. Springvllle. N. Y. CHEA? ranch, 88 acres, 8 mile from Callway, Neb.: gently roiling clay loam; 30 acres of alfalfa, S00 acres under cul tivation, 100 acres hay land, all fenced and good buildings; some timber; no and, no rocks, all rich, fertll land, only (35 an acre. For particulars d- . dress IU . Brega, Callaway, Neb. ' REAL FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Nebraska Lands. KIMBALL COUNTY; 1 WHEAT LANDS. What Is land worth that will preduc 19 to 40 bushel of wheat to th acre at th present prlc of (2.00 per bushel r An opportunity for you to rosk im mense profits. On man had over $(,. 000 bushels of wheat from 1,000 acres. Farm lands of th nitti quality can still b purchftsed her from (36.00 to (66.06 per acre. Present value can not last. No better Investment can be had for th speculator or farmer. Get Into ths wheat growing, bualnesa whll lands are cheap and prices high. I offer only my own land for sal. I buy absolutely th best to b had. pay th cash. Mil on term to suit th purchaser. BARGAIN NO. 1. If you want quick returns on your money buy this farm! 491.68 acre It mile du outh of Buihnell. on tele phone and mall route, near school, and In a good neighborhood. This place is all fenced and cross fenced, 160 acres In winter wheat, 136 acre la winter rye, 11 put In at the right tim and loka fin, covered with about a foot of snow at present, which absolutely Insure good crop. Improvements consist of good granary on cement foundation, good well and windmill, hous and barn fair. There Is not over 10 acre of this fsrm that is not A-l wheat land. Price, (40,00 per acre. Easy terms. BARGAIN NO. 2. ; I consider this th but section In Kimball county. Entire section lay prac tically level. 10 mile out. 400 ere In winter wheat on land broken last aprlng, eeded last week In August. This li th finest pier of wheat in Klmbsti county. No other Improvements Ons half of crop delivered In town goes with the land. Price, (60.00 per acre. (5,000 cash. (5,000 March 1. (10,000 Octobet 1, or will take the crop for this payment if purchaser desires. BARGAIN NO. 3. 320 acres 12 miles from Bushnell. On Rural Route and telephone line. Thli la almost a perfect half section, alt levei except a few acres, soil the very best heavily grassed, good hay land. Trill class of land will produce 38 to 40 bush si of whet to th cr If put In prop erly. It 1 the kind to buy and Improv to suit yourself. Prlc, $35.00 per cre Esy terms. BARGAIN NO. 4. Unimproved 640 acre nine mile out 600 cres of th ectlon lay level tc. rolling and can all be plowed In om flold, balanc of 40 cre rough but ex cellent pasture. This section of land it located in ona of th best fsrming com munltles fn th county. Improved farmi adjoining on very aid. A bargain fnt th speculator or the man with the largi tractor, I consider this section when it I brok out to be worth $60 per acre 1 offer this for quick sale at (30.00 per acre. 15,000.00 cash. Balanc easv terms. For further information, writ R. E. HOLMES, Owner, BUSHNELL, NEB. BUY THESE BARGAINS AND GET POSSESSION MARCH 1. 800 cre. only 2Vi mile from Cul bertson; 160 acres Republican valley land: no wast land; 260 acres culti vated; Si acres In alfalfa; 10 acrea ol tlmber 60 acre of fin winter wheat. Th balance of the cultivated lands sre In excellent shape for spring work. This ranch Is Improved with a nine-room house, roomy barn, silo, two wells and mills, "and grass Is fenced In two pas tures. " Pries only (36 per acre. Hslf cash, balance at ( per cent 720 acres, only 4Vi mile from Hayes Center; good five-room house, bsrn, sheds and 1 wells; all fenced and cross fenced; 170 acres cultivated, balance I" rolling to rough, but fin pasture and hay ground. Price (25 per acre; (5,000 cash, balanc at ( par cent. 160 acre, out I miles: wall Improved; 60 acres cultivated, balanc pasture. Prlc $40. 160 acres, 8 mile from town; well improved; level road. Prlc $40. 400 acres, nut 10 miles; $00 level, 110 cultivated; R, F. D. and telephone; poor house, larg barn and granary, Prlc $9,000. . ' ioo acres, out 12 miles; poor Improve, ments; lots of timber, some will rslse alfalfa; 260 acrea cultivated, 160 In wheat. Prlc (2S per acre, . Liberty bond accepted as cash. A, R. SMITH, CULBERTSON. NEB." BUSHNELL, western Klnfball county, Ne braska, a nicely Improved graiD and stock section closa to town: 100 acres cultivated, 200 acrea mor tillable land, laying level to rolling; good house, nice barn, well, windmill and tank, and nil fenced, immediate possession. Ask for the prlc If Interested. Terms: (1.0UO cash, balanc (1,000 each year at 9 per cent. This beat renting. J. R, garter, Bushnell, Neb. WILL TRADE wheat farm for merchan dise stock. One aectlon choice land, well Improved; 600 acrea level, 140 acrea In winter wheat, balance rolling pas ture land. (46 per acre. Must b first-class stock. Guy Forsllng, owner, Bushnell, Neb. FOR SALE Ssrpy county farm; ii sec tion well improved; H mile to chool; near 2 railroads; good place for feeding; soil In good condition. Been feeding several years. Address Owner, Box A-36. Omaha Bee. FOR SALE--tt section of Piatt vallev lsnd, 2'i mile of county (cat. Good Improvement. $100 per acr. Will carry back half on farm. If Interested address P. O. Box No. 1. Flattsmnuth, Neb. 440 ACRES improved stock ranch in west. rn Nebraska: 100 acre broken, bal ance In pasture and hay. 1710 North 34th St. WRITS m for picture and price of r.v farm and ranchca In good old Dawn county. Arab L. Hungerford, Crawford. Neb. WELL Improved 160 acres between Hoi dredg snd Elm Creek; $100 per cre. W.I,. T -All 1.. n. .- . nr.ij, in r .main nt mfim. GOOD Omaha Incom property for clear western land or eastern Nebraska, farm. ir. reaae. 21 1 Brandei Theter Bidt MERRICK COUNTY. Improved corn and alfalfa farm at th right prlc. M. A. LARSON. Central City, Neb. C D. ARMSTRONG. Realtor, peolaM?e in Nebraska farm laadaA 85-6 Securities Building. IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farms. Kimball Co., Nebraska. R. E. Holmes Bushnell. Neb Oregon Land. IRRIGATION. " "In th Heart of th Rang." Th Jordan Valley Project, Malheur County, Oregon; an mplr In th mak ing; th land of opportunity; 20,ooo acre open tor ntry; fertll soil; plenty of wter; land with full water rights 171.00 an acr: terms; homestead entries nearby. Writ for literature and details to Jordan Valley Farms, 822 Flrt Na tional Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Ksst excursion January Sth. South Dakota Lands. DO YOU want this? ,160 or 120 acre in Hand eoonty, South Dakota. So chesp thst I don't want to publish th prlc JOHN PUSEY. MILLER, 8 T. Wisconsin Lands. WHEN oibuy land, buy th best, w hav some of th very choicest lsnd in . th bet section of Northr" Central W Is. consln, for sale on easy terms. Gcv cly lom soil, country thickly settled! good water, schools, rosds and man kels. Writ for book snd mp. Joist S. Owen Lumber Co., No. 80 Mill Bt Owen Clark County, wis Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms. (50 pr a.. Including psld up wter right, Jet.ry t.rl A C. M. Rylander. 854 Omihi ".. Miscellaneous. FARMS FOR BALK POSSESSION TliTS SPRING IF BOUGHT AT ONCK, 160 acres, well Improved, close to town Trice (240 per acre. Good terms. 80 seres, four, miles of Creston, fait Improvements, good soil. Price 6140 per ere. Csn give good, long tlm at 6 per cent Interest on (7,000 of th purchast price. " 160 acres of land, thre mile of Cres ton, ons of the best Improved farms in th sure. Land ley good: well tll.-ii, Price (290 per acr. 80 acres, fairly well Improved, font miles of a good town. Price 8145 pnr acr. Good term on (8,000 of th chase price. These ar sll good bargains, tjj glv poss-ssion March first. ilox 168, Creston, lva.