Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1919, Page 5, Image 5
THE TEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1019. ) if! HO RATE RAISE . PLANNED, SAYS DIRECTOR IliriES Prospects for Coming Year's Action Depend on Volume of Business Says Rail Head. Washington, Jan. 20. Director General Hines said today there was ""no foundation for reports that the railroad administration was giving consideration "to any Increase in present basis of rates. "The results of operations for the year will be largely dependent upon the volume of traific,"e added. "As soon as any reasonably satfsfactory conclusion as to the probable volume - of traffic can be formed, the public and congress will be given the best possible estimate of the prospects , for 1919." Today's Calendar of Sports. llaelwr Winter meeting at New Or leans. Winter meeting at Havana, Cuba. tinir Annual January tournament at Krlleulr. t in. hhootln Midwinter Handicap Target tournament, at IMnehurst, N. ('. Hosing Hilly Mlk again Bill tlren nan, 10 nund at Milwaukee. DON'T NEGLECT A COMMON COD. M ENTHO-C AMPH WILL STOP IT. An ordinary cold If allowed to run may develop into influenza or pneu monia. Don't neglect it. Kill it in the first stages. Cold germs enter the body thru the note and throat. At the first sign of a cold use MENTHO-CAMPH. Heat it and inhale tha vapor every ten minutes or half an hour and also apply it locally to nostrils and throat, and tha cold will usually disappear. Money back if it falls at all drug stores. CRISWOLO MEDICAL CO., MFRS., ' Des Moines, la. Alkali Makes Soap Bad For Washing Hair - Most soaps and prepared sham poos contain too much alkali, which is very injurious, as it dries the scalp and makes the hair brittle. The best thing to use is just plain ' mulsifjed cocoanut oil, for this is pure and entirely greaseless. It's very cheap, and beats the most ex pensive soaps or anything else all to pieces. You can get this at any drug store, and a few ounces will last the whole family for months. Simply moisten the hair with wa ter and rub It in, about a teaspoon ful is all that is required.' It makes n abundance of rich, creamy lath r, cleanses thoroughly, and rinses mt easily. The hair dries quickly md evenly, and is soft, fresh look ing, bright, fluffy, wavy and easy to handle. Besides, it loosens ana akes out everyTparticle of dust, dirt nd dandruff. Adv. Ifrs. David Martin. 107 8. Front Street, Nashville, Tenn., Writes: I bad m very bad cold, soma, ihlna; ilk "GRIF," and alter using Juniper Tar I bave entirely recovered. i Buy It Today, aa Colds Lead to Grip 60 Doses. 30c ft? a) (s jumper lar Coughs, j vrr bote 4 li Ttii-nfit a. in wui, : UlIEil niEUMATlC ! PAC1S-KLT AARD Juit get out that bottle of Sloan's Liiiiment and . "knock it galley-west" Don't say "it will be all right to morrow." Rheumatic twinges won't relieve themselves. It takes the rounter-irritant of Sloan's Liniment to bring quick relief. Effective, too, " for nearly every external ache and ; pain that man's heir to. Put it, on and let it penetrate " without rubbing. Clean, sure, eco !, nomical. Once tried, it becomes a lifelong friend. Your druggist has ', it Get it today. ovsYnV lit: Dresher "Branch OfHees" Created For Your Benefit There's one at the Bran deis Stores. There's one at the Bur-geSs-Nash. Store. There's one at Dresher the Tailor, ISIS Farnam. Fhone Tyler 345 covers all. Dresher Bros., Dyers Dry Cleaners 2211-17 Farnam Omaha Omaha Women Are Stirred By the Disclosures' of Vice Conditions Existing in City Four Meetings Have Already Been Arranged to Dis cuss Questions Now Being Probed by the Police and Health Departments ; State Wide s Campaign Is Under Way. . Women of Omaha are stirred bv the disclosures of vice conditions in Omaha made by The Bee. ' They are marshalling forces to create a public sentiment which will stand behind city, state and government attempts to lessen the evil. Four meetings have already been arranged to discuss the matter within the next fortnight. They are : A private meeting social workers Monday night. An executive meeting of Douglas county W. C. T. JJ. Tuesday at 2 p. m. in the Y. W. C. A. Omaha Woman's club, political and aocial science de partment program on "Social Hygiene," Monday, January 27, 2 :30 p. m. in the Y. W. C. A. Douglas county W. C. T. U. institute, February 1, in the Y. W. C. A. Social conditions will also form thebut chief topic of discussion at the Ne braska charities and corrections con ference to be held in Lincoln, Feb ruary 2-4, according to Mrs. Draper fcmith. Proposed , legislation wiHJ be discussed. Campaign State Wide. "A state-wide campaign against the social evil is now being outlined by the Nebraska W. C. T. U. now that prohibition is won," said Dr. Jennie Callfas. ' i - "We tan now get behind the movement to suppress vice and con centrate our energies on moral edu cation," said Mrs. H. G. Claggett, Douglas county chairman. "It is imperative that every mem ber of the executive committee and every departmental superintendent should be present at the meeting Tuesday," said Mrs, J. A. Dalzell. Mrs. W. T, Graham, Mrs. H. N. Craig, Mrs. William Berry, Mrs. Mattson and Mrs. M. D. Vienb. are other. welfare workers interested in Tuesday's meeting. "To close the city detention hos pital would certainly be a backward step," said Mrs. Claggett. "The best way to treat fallen women is on a custodial farm, away from city influences. Lacking that, we women shall stand behind any remedial work that can be done, even if the hospital inmates should be moved to the new jail addition," saiq Mrs. Claggett.' ; Must Take Treatment. "There will always be complaints from some of the patients where ever they are treated against their will, but treated they must be, even against their will, for they are men aces to the public health." "Something must be done. Right or wrong, we must act according .o our best judgment," said Mrs. Dra per Smith, leader of the program on social hygiene for thev Woman's club, one week from Monday. All angles of "the local situation, bills pending in tiic legislature, and government attempts to handle the situation, will be discussed. Dr, Robert Leavens of the Unitarian church, will talk on the local condi tion. Outside speakers, possibly from Lincoln, will discuss other phases. "We need action," said M:s. Smith. "We can't afford to waste a lot of time merely to discuss the matter. Those women must be cared for, and the state or city must take the necessary steps, or legis!--tion, to do it. Organization of wo men, without funds, can do nothing-" . 'Tt isn't surprising that we laymen don't, know what to do when medi cal men, themselves, do not agree any more than they did in the 'flu' situation," said Mrs. Smith. Charities Endorse Work. At a meeting of the advisory corrr mittcc of the Associaties Charities composed of representative Social workers of our city, held Thurs day noon at the Chamber of C6m merce, after an address by Dr. Pal mer Findlcy, medic! director of the Detention home, the following resolution was unanimously adopted. ' "Resolved that we, the social workers of Omaha, heartily endorse the work of the Detention home in the care ana cure 'of unfortuncle women who there receive treatment for diseases that arc not only harm, ful to themselves but of the gravest menace to Hie community and so ciety as a' whole. We, bespeak for this institution the fullest measure of public sympathy and moral sup port, not merely as a war measure, WAR. PUZZLES PRESIDENT WILSON Upset Senator Chamberlla's proposed War Cabinet of three to take war control away from the President, one year ago today, January 21, 1918. Find another Politician. 7E8TERDAT8 ANSWER Left tide down note at right thoulder. till .,lllllJll,tf,.,U - J as one of the niosT beneficial and humanitarian as well as con structive agencies also in, time of peace. "We sincerely trust that ways and means may be found in our commu nity to continue the work so ef fectively begun." V. LasKanska's mm M &,,Wv f V.. ft. . ' -mite , record or L-ouises Famous Love Song There are people who go to hear " Louis" just for the joy of one wonderful song "Depuis le Tour." - In all the realm of opera there is no more beautiful lovesong than this unrestrained outpouring of a young . girl's first affection. Lashanska's ren- dering is perfect in -its sympathy, surpassing in its brilliance. , 49364 $1.50 The-Frencli Army Band Plays Two Victorious Marches France's victory .over her foe is -(unmistakably reflected in the happy faces of these French Army Bandsmen. And France's glorious triumph rings out, loud aiyl clear, in every note of these two pulse-quickening marches -"Marche Lorraine" and "Pere la Victoire." When you hear them, you'll swing yQur hat again for France! A60S3 $1.25 i . . , . COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE COMPANY, New , York K0UTSKY PAVLIKC0. South Side. COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA AND RECORD DEPARTMENT. Come in and see our large display ot Grafonolas and hear the lata -records. Sold on payment if de sired. . ' SCSiOQLGOIIDS PURCHASED BY ; EASTERN Flil Oldham & Co. of Boston Pay $1,031,890 for High v School of Commerce Bonds. The Board' of Education last night sold the $1,000,000 of bonds for the new High School of Commerce building to Merrill, Oldham & Co., Boston, represented in Omaha by Stull Brothers. The accepted bid was $1,031,890 plus accrued interest. Work on the new building will be pushed as rapidly as possible now, though there are many things to be done before actual work can be started. The plans must be -drawn and approved, bids advertised for, awarded, etc. Actual building will require at least a year. There were two other bids. One was $1,031,250, just $640 less than the successful bid. This' was from Hornblower & Weeks, New York, represented in Omaha by James T. Wachob. The other was $1,026,900 by the National City New York and Guarantee Trust company, New York, represented here by the Peters Trust company. The bonds bear 5 per cent inter est, payable semi-annually and run for 30 years. m- sV Vt a LoncLLohp Trail Stracciari's glorious voice; the haunting melody and messageof the "Long, Long Trail." Try to imagine the heart-appeal of this splendid record then hear it, and find how it surpasses even your keenest expectation. mi.. i 'fV 1 lovely 0 Into the Home With a Columbia We carry a complete stock of ma chines and records for your immediate selection. T5AUER DRUG STORE ScribJUr, Vleb. ifi;)iJl . t1 4i 4-' rm, 8 s Mm& American Casualty List The following Iowa, South Dakota and Wyoming rnen are named in the casualty list sent out by the govern ment for Tuesday morning, January 21: r WOUNDED SEVERELY. Corp. George R. Cody, Barnum, Wyo. The following Nebraska men are named in the casualty list sent out by the government for Monday aft ernoon, January 20: WOUNDED SEVERELY. Corp. Grover F. Cleveland, Lin coln, Neb. WOUNDED: DEGREE UNDETERMINED. Carl A. Waccheter, Manowi, Neb. The following Iowa, Nouth Dakota and Wyoming men are named In tha casualty list sent out by the goTernment (or Mon day afternoon January 20: WOIXDED SEVERELY. I.t. fieorge Heuelwood, Dee Moines, la. Hamilton . Miles, Waubeek, la. WOlNDEEDi DECREE VNDE-" TKRMINKI). Edward A. Beeker, Andorer. S. I. KH.I.KIt IN ACTION: l'KKVIOl SLY REPORTED WOI NDEI) NKVEKEI.T. liennle H. Hahn Cherokee, la. KILLED IX ACTION: PREVIOUSLY"' REPORTED MISSING. Harry W. Waddle, Lander, Wyo. WOUNDED SEVERELY: PREVIOUSLY REPORTED MISSING. Ingrald I. Ilorgan, Osage, la. acciari Sinds There's 49517 $1.5C Nw Colombia Rcard$ oa la It tht 10th and 20th of tvry month HART MAN'S 4 1 5-4 1 7 SOJJTH SIXTEENTH STREET WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF Columbia Grafonolas and Records Lowest weekly or monttyy payment Come in and hear the latest records. Midwinter Trap Shoot Opens at "inehurst; Nebraskan Breaks 192 . Pinehurst, N. CV Jan. 20. (Spe cial to the Bee.) The twelfth an nual .nidwfnter trap shooting tournament opened at Pinehurst to day and some great shooting as done injhe 200 target events of the day, Frank Swight of Buffalo win ning the first event, with a straight 100 and G. Vance of Tillsonburg doing exactly the same thing, the second hundred targets. Mark S. Hootniati of Hicksville O., and A. H. Aber of Dravosburg Pa., tied as high ruiis at 198, each missing one bird in each event. Al M. Koyen of Fremont was the only Nebraskan in today's shoot, but others are expected here tomor row. Koyen broke 96-96-192. Benny Leonard Outpoints Johnny Dundee in Newark Newark, N. J.,! Jan. V 20 Benny Leonard, lightweight champion, had no difficulty in outpointing Johnny Dundee of New York in an eight round bout at the First Regiment ALL FEBRUARY G0LUC!B!A- Oecords in the accompanying ad now on sale at our store. Our Record Department is "a favorite spot for Grafonola owners. We carry a complete stock of Columbia Records (Do mestic and Foreign) and cordially invite you to call and open a charge account or take a selection home on approval. - Columbia Grafonolas The one incomparable musical instrument that every music loving home should have priced at and sold on terms suit your purse. to dollar 1311-13 Farnam $29 to $249 Soli PIANO CO. The Home of the Grafonola Columb id Mb Great Western Novelty Company Wm. Bredohoeft, Sole Owner, Beemer, Nebraska. The Columbia Is Different. You will nd it onmistuksWy different visibly and audibly different from any phonograph you have ever known. A demonstration will convince you. See us today. - ' STEIN BROS CO. , Agent for Columbia Grafonola and Records Hastings, Neb. NO MACHINE , LIKE A COLUMBIA. A demonstration convinces. Our line of machines and records is complete. THOMPSON BROS. West Point, Neb. Musical History in the Making. As a result of the World War there have been written most en joyable songs all with appealing patriotic note as well as infinite home appeal. The Columbia offers the very best that can be obtained. We invite you to hear a demonstration of our complete line. NEILP. BRENNAN, O'Neill, Neb. XjVotjf HARRIS DRUG STORE david city. neb. armory here tonight. The contes tants weighed in at noon, Leonard tipping the scales at 1 3 4 J j pounds and Dundee at M Vith the exception of the first and second rounds which went to Dun- i dec on aggressiveness, the champion led throughout, landing the more effective blows. Dundee was willing at all times but Leonard was too fast. In the final round Dundee was turned completely around by a hard left to the head. Dundee's face was marked when the bout ended. . Corporal Crow, Who Died in France, is Buried Theredl News of the' death and burial of Corp. Arthur Jennings Crow was sent to the Hoifle Service section of the Red Cross from Washington. Corporal Crow died in the early summer and is buried at Sensnagen zal, France, and the Red Cross of ficials were requested to notify the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph CroNv, 5208 Davenport $treet. Corporal Crow was 28 years of age and had been at the front since June. He enlisted in the marines in Febru ary, 1918. He attended 'Omaha schools but was living in Colorado at the time of his enlistment.' This beautiful model only $32.50. Phone Doug. 1623 Grafonola and RECORDS s S Dueller We carry one of the largest stocks of " Grafonolas and records west of Omaha. We 'Make DeliTeriee the Dmf Order is Received. If you are in the market for a Grafonola or rec ords send your order to us. It will have our, prompt attention. If you can't come and see our immense stock of machines and records, write us for prices and particulars. We will be pleased to send a list of the latest records to your address. Music, g Supremacy - makes the world's best music possible for home enjoyment. You are cordially invited to visit our store for an inspection ef the very latest models in all woods and for review of the newest records. BRINK & CO. Hershey, Nek EVERY HOME SHOULD HAVE A ' COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA You'll enjoy the demonstrations' of Uongs and recitations by the world's artists given by the Columbia Grafo nolas in our store this month. I Place your order now. ' Opera'House Pharmacy Schuyler, Nebraska. VISIT OUR DAILY CONCERTS WITHOUT MUSIC ONE IS LOST AND WHY BE LOST when it's so easy to own a Columbia Grafonolas then, tee, the Columbia Records produce apy music you desire instru mental, vocal, etc. We are always pleased to give demon strations. v " ,Ti I M a -1 m 01 i