Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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f J
Approximate Expense Seventy
Million 'Dollars; No Ad
vertising Signs Along
Highways. .
The bill establishing a 5,000-mile
system of concrete state highways,
to be introduced in the legislature
this week, is the most constructive
piece of legislation ever to come
before a Nebraska general assembly,
according to Clarke G. Powell, sec
retary of the Omaha Automobile
Trade association, and one of the pi
oncer good roads advocates in the
state. ,
The bill, framed by committees
Three Specials
You Cannot
300 pairs Women's Slippers and Pumps in pak
ent leather, black and white satin and kid; all
extra good quality, but small sizes; 1 fffl
at, per pair , . V'"'
No refund, exchange, charge or delivery.
Growing Girls' Button Shoes, in patent leather
and black kid, broken sizes, but splendid shoes
for school wear.
$1.45 $1.95 $2.95
No charge, refund, delivery or exchange.
There is still a good assortment of styles and
sizes in women's shoes, at
$3.45, $4.45 and $5.45
in black kid, patent leather and some colored
shoes in lace and button.
1419, Farnam St
j, Vg:
! 5 - XOiP
from each branch of the legislature
and the state engineer provides, for
an expenditure of $70,000,000.
The cost and maintenance will be
met by the board of irrigation, high
ways and drainage, the state auto
mobile fund and the United States
government. It is probable, too,
that a small tax levy will be imposed
on property owners on the various
The roads have been arranged so
as to cover practically all of the
leading cities and towns in the state.
One provision of the bill forbids
placing of advertising sigm on the
The bill gives eight years as the
time in which the roads may be com
pleted. A Good Year's Work
"If the legislature passed this bill
only and then quit, it will have done
a good year's work," said Mr.
Powell, who is manager of Omaha's
fourteenth annual automobile show
March 10 to IS.
"It is particularly valuable to Ne
braska. Other states, where they
have extensive street car systems,
are not benefited one-half as much
9 .n T
for Tuesday That
Afford to Miss.
150 pairs Women's
White Washable
Kid and Nubuck
Lace shoes, high
Louis heels, turn
.. and. welt soles that
formerly sold at $10
and $12, for
If -T , I
Tuesday, a Remarkable One-Day Special Sale of .
as in this the greatest agricultural
"Further, it is the most compre
hensive good roads planever con
sidered. In the past better high
ways legislation has been purely
local by counties or townships
"There may be some changes be
fore the bill goes to the governor,
but the proposition should be sup
ported by everyone.
Aid to Farmer.
"It helps the farmer, because it
boosts the value of his land and can
bring hiin in touch with his nearest
towns easier and oftener. It helps
the business man, because it means
less mail order competition, and
more direct dealings with the con
sumer. And it helps the consumer,
because he can make his purchases
more quickly and directly. And it
helps solve the great freight trans
portation problem.
"This measure will mean more
prosperity to the state than any
other measure ever before the legis
lature. It will benefit not only this
generation, but Nebraskans for all
Walter M. Stillman,
Son of Omaha Lawyer,
Succumbs' in France
Walter S. Stillman, Omaha attor
ney, has just received word of the
death of his son, Lt. Walter M. Still
man, who died of pneumonia In
France January 7.
Lieutenant Stillman was born in
Council Bluffs November 13 1894,
and prepared for Columbia Univer
sity at the Omaha High school and
Creighton university. He received
his B. A. degree from Columbia in
1915, nad then took the law courses
at Creighton and the Iowa ' State
He went to Fort Snelling training
school where he received his degree
of second lieutenant in 1917. He
was then sent to Camp Logan at
Houston, where he was made a first
lieutenant on the staff of Major
Swain and went across in May 1918.
He went in with the British on the
Amiens front, and was in the Fouth
of July fighting. He entered the
school of the line at Langens and
completed the course when he was
made a staff officer of the college.
Here he contracted pneumonia from
which he died.
Ilady pihr toes I
1 HAS HER niniriGSi
I There is no excuse today for 1
women to have ugly, 1
painful corns- '
For a few cents you can get a
quarter ounce of the magic drug
freezone recently discovered by a
Cincinnati chemist.
Apply a few drops of this free
zone upon a tender, aching corn or
callus and instantly, yes, immediate
ly, all soreness disappears and short
ly you will find'the corn or callus so
loose that you lift it put, root and
all with the fingers, "i '!
Just thinkl Not; ope. bit of pain
before applying freezone-or after
wards. It doesn't even irritate the
surrounding skin. v -1 A "
Hard .corns soft corns or corns
between the toes', also hardened cal
luses on bottom of feet,, just seem
to shrivel up and fall off without
hurting a particle. It is almost mag
ical. Adv. .
Regularly Priced Up to $1 .75
Literally Hundreds of Them to Select From
Sizes 6 to 1 6 Years
BLOUSES for every type of boy, from the boy -who doesn't
give a "hang" jnst so it is comfortable .to the boy, who, is
very fastidious about his blouses, f - ' 1 r '
Never hare we offered such extraordinary .values never have we seen,
prettier patterns and never have we seen such careful workmanship -on
wash blouses as on these. You'll agree with us when you see them
) Tuesday. - . ,v
We solicit your comparison.
Anticipate your boy's mid-winter and
these wonderful savings. Fast colored
Ginghams '
Tuesday Only, 75
CHAPTER I. Continued. ,
The great neglected field of South
America stirred his imagination, and
he sought a means of making sure
of the contract without offense to
his conscience, which was built on
the letter of the law. At the same
time, he did not intend to overlook
the possibility of another competitor
acting with less scruple. He de
cided to employ that classic method
of conversion, by which great indus
tries assimilate the fearless federal
inquisitor. He decided to digest
"I need a representative for that
field, a very comfortable commission
he- can make of it, too," he said,
smiling. Instead of handling Argules
at this end, which was repugnant
to him, it should be a straight trans
action a retatning-fee and a liberal
commission. What was done at the
other end was not his affair. By
the time he had returned to the club,
he had passed upon a dozen bids
which he would be called upon to
offer or accept, appropriated $25,
000 for a test of a new Swedish sep
arating process, and planned a per
sonal visit to the Pennsylvania
foundiies, where a knotty question
with a labor union had to be met
with tact.
Back in his apartment, he passed
under the cold sting of the shower
and, glowing from a vigorous fric
tion, dressed rapidly while giving
his orders for the day.
"The blue suit, Gregory. Pack up
my things for over Sunday. Tell
Bingham the -car at 4. Better
slip in my riding togs; I might want
them." At this visit, the first of his
married life, represented to him a
social departure, he went to his bu
reau and carefully selected a hand
ful of cravats in dark; solid colors.
"A couple of silk shirts and, instead
of my riding clothes, put in my golt
suit and a brown cutaway that
ought to do " 1 He went into the hall
and returned to add, "And Gregory,
a pair of pumps, also." ;
. This week-end invitation to the
Dellabarrcs, at Chilton, was afn
event of such troubling importance
that he felt the need of superior
counsel. He passed into the great
tiled bathroom which separated his
room from his young wife's and, tip
toeing to the door, listened hope
fully. He had given orders that she
should not be wakened and yet hd
had hoped that just this one morn
ing she might-be up,' radiant and
girlish in ner 'pink panne-velvet
morning gown, giving a glow of
fragility and gentleness to the
breakfast table, to which 'for such
long years he had come with the
feeling of a lunch counter. He lis
tened, and then, concealing his dis
appointment, went into the green
dining room, where his eggs, which
had boiled three and a half minutes,
were waiting at his place, with three
newspapers and the morning mail.
He deviated again from his military
schedule and, approaching the white
marble fireplace, in which a gas fire
was licking imitation logs, turned to
survey with a feeling of still new
possession the heavy rococo walnut
furnishings, the massive candelabra,
the stout silver service, and the
flagrant red-and-white sporting
prints an assemblage which pleased
him enormously with its substantial
elegance. Standing thus, confident,
successful, and alone, before an imi
tation hearth in an imitation home,
he might have served as a symbol
of modern individualism. ' '
. But Forrester was conscious of
no lack. A -.decade - of ' boarding
houses, hotels,' and .bachelor lodg
ings had left-him with, the feeling
spring blouse needs and share
Cents Each
I 1 '
"(Copyrliht, 191S, by Little, Brown Co.)
that home was a sort of inner office.
Not that, in the background of his
imagination, he did not have a vis
ualization of another home, set un
der the shelter of whispering trees,
with memories of other hands on
olden sofas and reveries in the
depths of charred fireplaces. Only,
this was for the future. For the
present, he wished to enjoy, and to
enjoy in the richness of his youth.
He had the need of the self-made
man- to visualize his success, of be
ing seen, of parading the beauty and
charm of the young wife, whom he
had chosen, as he chosehis chef,
his chauffeur, and his tailor, with
the instinct to achieve the rarest.
"Decidedly I shall refuse. I have
enough," he said to himself sudden
ly. "In five years.vl should be a
millionaire but what five years 1"
The offer which he had all at once
determined to refuse waS'this: The
day before, no less a personage than
T. P. Gunther himself, organizer of
colossal enterprises, one of the three
despots of the street, in whose
hands lay the gift of a hundred for
tunes, had personally offered him
the presidency of the Osaba Kenn
ing and Smelting a vast property
recently consolidated by his inter
ests in the mining districts of Ari
zona and northern Mexico. The of
fer had been peculiarly tempting in
financial opportunity, but the condi
tion was attached that he should not
relinquish office before five years.
"No; I have enough," he repeated,
with a smile. But this extraordinary
and . un-American expression in a
country where the rich grow pro
gressively poorer was not as limit
ing as it appeared. In his content
ment, he embraced not only his
present situation, but that future
success which he could count upon
as his reorganization of the Cam
bridge Structural Steel made itself
felt.. ..
He established himself at the ta
ble for that trinltf oroeess of break
fasting, to which he ordinarily al
lotted ten. minutes 'ot ms schedule,
and which consisted in devouring
three or four courses while he di
gested the news of the day in the
headlines of two papers propped up
before him and sorted' his corre
spondence. From his mail, he carer
fully selected a dozen bills for Miss
Burroughs, the social secretary he
had generously provided for his
wife, who, at the end of the month,
would give him the total required.
He. finished .'breakfast, glanced
voraciously through a third paper,
lit his morning cigar, and. as though
staggered by the grandeur of the re
nunciation, brought forth pencil and
A Guaranteed Treatment That Ha
Stood the Tet of Time.
Catarrh cures come and catarrh cures bo.
but Hyomei continues to heal catarrh and
abolish ita disgusting symptoms wherever
civilization exists. i
Every year the already enormous ' sales
of this really scientific treatment for. ca
tarrh grow greater, and the present year
should show all records broken. t
If you breath Hyomei daily as directed
it will end your catarrh, or it won't cost
you a cent.
If you have a hard rubber Hyomei in
baler somewhere around the house, get it
out and start it at one to forever rid
yourself- 61 catarrh. '
Sherman ft McConnell Drug company
or any other good druggist will sell yon
bottle of .Hyomei (liquid); start to
breathe it and notice how quickly it cL-ars
out the air passage and makes the entire
una xe.l t line.
Hyomei used regularly should end ca
tarrh coughs, colds, bronchitis or asthma.
A complete outfit,, including a hard rub
ber pocket inhaler and bottle of Hyomei,
costs but little. No stomach dosing; just
breathe it. Soothing and healing the in
flamed membrane.
Vice President.
:v ,
& if
Owen Johnson's Sparkling So
ciety Novel, which it making
such a hit in the movie.
paper in the need of visualizing his
situation. He drew a neat dividing
line, jotting down in parallel col
umns the figures of the decision he
intended to make.
''Let's see how we stand: I have
$40,000 in good securities at 4j per
cent plus 1,000 shares of Cambridge,
market value 55,000 will go to par
in three years. Adding my salary of
$25,000, which certainly will be in
creased on the publication of my
year's report, I can count on a cap
ital of at least $150,000 within three
years." He contemplated the fig
ures, which, to his imagination,
crowned 20 years of struggle as with
a monument and, to his vision of a
bachelor, they seemed grandiose.
"Now for the other side. Salary
$50,000, bonus 20,000 shares of the
new common stock, put out at $10 a
share." He stopped and, before his
eyes, the figures expanded with the
vision of the future. He multiplied
Phem. by 20, by 30, and by 50, in-
scribing, in glowing progression, the
sums which represented the mount
ing fortune his efforts could accom
plish. "Yes; in five years I'd be a
millionaire. But those five years
that's just the point!"
He rose and entered the brilliant
yellow salon for the morning sur
vey of what he had himself assem
bled for the coming of his bride. It
was heavy; it was massive, and it
was gorgeous. A dozen eras crowd
ed together, Louis XVI, Empire,
Colonial, and Heppelwhite, amid a
profusion of Japanese prints, mod
em porcelains, and imitation flow
ers. In this, herding of bric-a-brac,
his eye 'detected a vacant corner
which offended it, and he remember,
ed a bronze on a marble pedestal
which would filK in., exactly.
"I'll have if se"nt up as a surprise
to the missis," he said,1 delighted.
He loved the room with the whole
some joy of possession. "Well, An
drew B. ; Forrester, I guess we've
settled that," he said, but a little
doubtfully. "Years are more pre
cious than money, and I've earned a
right to take it easy. In four or five
years, when she's had a chance to
play, we can buy a country place
and settle down. Children yes; I
suppose that will be all right then.
There ought to be some one to in
herit what I have to leave. I've got
enough as it is I'm satisfied. That's
settled. Everything's settled."
, He thought of his young wife
sU il&ii
THREE billion dollars are .to be , spent in l
building activities suspended during " the?
war. In the associated industries affected by ;
this activity, the truck is an essential instrument
No truck has made so good a record as Pierce-
Arrow in the building and contracting business. 1
The reason is its inbuilt dependability. It de
livers more work in a given time and always'
delivers it Where delays are fatal to profits,
Pierce-Arrows are indispensable, ,
Ask us to show you their records in actual
uses similar to yours.
with a sudden feeling of tenderness,
pride, and gratitude. His pride in
her possession was the pride of his
whole self-made existence in achiev
ing the impossible, and his gratitude
was deepest of all that at the crit
ical period of his life when emerging
from the struggle for power, at that
dangerous age when the self-made
man, in this first leisure, experiences
the temptation of a boy of 20, she
had brought to him contentment,
order, and security when other men
found themselves distracted and
torn by a life of dissipation. It is
at this point where, in his simple
faith, he saw an end, that the hu
man drama which awaits the shock
of opposite sexes, the action and
reaction of one mind on another,
the conflict of wills, of instincts,
and of temperaments, was preparing
its beginning.
(To Be Continued Tomorrow)
Huns Release Doves
as Peace Token When
Surrendering U-feoats
Edward Fehrs, son of Mr. and
Mrs. P. M. Fehrs, forty-fifth and
Seward streets, states that he never
will forget the marine spectacle
which he witnessed on the occasion
of President Wilson entering the
harbor of Brest, France, on the
George Washington.
Mr. Fehrs is a seaman on the U.
S. S. Utah, which was in the mighty
fleet which greeted President Wilson
at Brest.
This Omaha traveler of the high
seas witnessed the surrender of 17
German submarines in connection
with the surrender of the German
"The subs care up one by one and
lined up. When the fourth sub ap
peared two doves were released. Be
ing uncertain whether the release of
the birds was a sign of peace or a
signal for attack, we were all or
dered to general quarters. In a few
minutes, however, fears were al
layed, as we learned that the doves
were messengers of peace," Mr.
Fhers related.
Benson Presbyterians Call
Iowa Minister as Pastor
Benson Presbyterian church Sun
day night extended a call to Rev.
Earl Moneymaker, of Neola, la., to
the pastorate of the church. Rev.
A. J. McClung, who recently re
signed, had been pastor of the Ben
son church for six years.
Immediate Deliveries
Deliver more work ia ft given tirie;
Loses less time on the job and off the job ;
Costs less to operate and less to maintain ;
Lasts longer, depreciates less and commands
a higher resale price at all times.
T. Stewart Motor Co.
- 50 - 52 Farnam Street
If cross, feverish, constipated,
give "Calif orniav Syrup
of Figs."
Look back at your childhood days
Remember the "dose" mother in
sisted on castor oil, calomel, ca
thartics. How you hated them, ho
you fought against taWng them.
With our children it's different
Mothers who cling to the old form
of physic simply don't realize what
they do. The children's revolt it
well-founded. Their tender little
"insides" are injured by them.
If your child's stomach, liver and
bowels need cleansing, give only de
licious "California Syrup of Figs."
Its action is positive, but gentle
Millions of mothers keep this harm
less "fruit laxative" handy; they
know children love to take it; that it
never fails to clean the liver and
bowels and sweeten the stomach,
and that a teaspoonful given today
saves a sick child tomorrow.
Ask your druggist for a bottle ot
"California Syrup of Figs," which
has full directions for babies, chil
dren of all ages and for grown-ups
plainly on each bottle. Beware of
counterfeits sold here. See that it is
made by "California Fig Syrup
Company." Refuse any other kind
with contempt. Adv.
The Ideal Flock Treatment for Poultry, preventive
as well as remedialforRoup. Colds, Canker. Swell
ed or Sore Head. Diarrhoea, Bowel Troubles. Lim
ber Neck. etc. Tablet form per package, postpaic
75c (C. O. D if desired) Sold by most dealers io
both liquidand tablet form. Book on diseases, free,
GEO. H. LEE CO., 1113 Bins? St. Osisss.Nrh.
A Poultry Llbrarr I boost TSUI wits paossss 6RU
OZUNE. IfrequMUd.
li First esll phrslclsn. iZf
Immedlatslr commence ff!
the "emergency'' treat- t
NKW PRICES 30c, 60c, f 1.20
Omaha, Neb.